The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dutch Stabbing Attack Update

Posted on | November 30, 2019 | Comments Off on Dutch Stabbing Attack Update

Having updated readers earlier on the London stabbing attack, we now have more information about the attack in the Netherlands:

Police in the Dutch city of The Hague have arrested a man aged 35 over a stabbing attack on a shopping street on Friday, in which three teenagers were injured.
The suspect, who has no fixed abode, will be transferred to a police station for questioning, local police said.
Those hurt, two girls aged 15 and a boy of 13, did not know each other, and no motive has been reported.
Al three were released from hospital following treatment.
Police said earlier that they were investigating “several scenarios” and that it was “too early to speculate” about a possible terror motive.
The attack in The Hague came hours after a stabbing in London in which two people were killed and three injured before police shot dead the suspect.
British police say the London attack was a terrorist incident.

Notice how Europe’s police procedures (and press policies) are so different from those in the United States. In the U.S., police are more or less required to name any suspect arrested, and to release the mug shot of the suspect. While political correctness sometimes shapes press coverage of crime in America, most news organizations will not hesitate to pursue off-the-record sources to gather background information about cases. “Sources close to the investigation” will be cited to provide information about the motive, etc., and reporters will seek out witnesses, neighbors and family members in order to get a complete story about any major crime. Even if it’s one of those crimes that is strictly “local news” (because it reflects unfavorably on Democrat Party constituents), you can almost always get good stuff from local newspaper and TV reporters. Quality coverage of local crime — well, that sells newspapers, and American publishers are greedy capitalists, thank God.


Pakistani-Born Usman Khan Named as Killer in London Bridge Knife Attack

Posted on | November 30, 2019 | 2 Comments


He doesn’t look Belgian* to me, and now we know why:

A “serious jihadist” who had been jailed over a plot to blow up the London Stock Exchange and potentially kill Boris Johnson has carried out a deadly assault in the heart of the British capital, triggering a political storm over why the knife-wielding terrorist was set free just a year earlier.
Heavily armed police shot dead Usman Khan on London Bridge after the 28-year-old stabbed two people to death and injured three others at a nearby conference on prison rehabilitation.
Khan launched the rampage — the second on the bridge in less than three years — at a Cambridge University conference called ‘Learning Together’ at the historic Fishmonger’s Hall. He had been invited to share his prison experience with participants and was fitted with an electronic tag to monitor his movements.
Khan stabbed delegates inside the building before running to London Bridge, where he was tackled by half a dozen members of the public. He was shot dead by heavily armed tactical officers within five minutes of the first call for help, and later found to be wearing a hoax suicide vest.
A man and woman were killed and three others injured — one critically. . . .
The Pakistani-born man was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2012 over a plot to detonate a bomb inside the stock exchange, and target other locations including the US embassy and the home of Johnson, then mayor of London and now Prime Minister. The jihadist and other members of a UK terror cell also planed to build and train at a terrorist military training facility in Kashmir, and discussed launching a Mumbai-style assault on Parliament.
Praising the bravery of members of the public who chased Khan and pinned him to the ground before police arrived, Johnson also suggested the killer should not have been on the streets.
“I have long argued that it is a mistake to allow serious and violent criminals to come out of prison early and it is very important that we get out of that habit and that we reinforce the appropriate sentence for dangerous criminals, and especially terrorists,” he said.

Cambridge University geniuses: “Hey, let’s invite a violent Pakistani jihadist to our conference, because what could possibly go wrong?”

And the sweetest touch of irony here is that the conference was called “Learning Together.” You think maybe they learned something?

Meanwhile, at The Hague:

An assailant stabbed three people Friday night in a busy shopping district in the Netherlands, and police were searching for the suspect, authorities said. . . .
A Dutch police spokeswoman said it was too early to establish a motive for the attack in The Hague.

Oh, “too early to establish a motive.” Could be anything. Might even be one of those radical Lutherans, for all we know.

– – – – – – – –

* “Belgian” — In my post about the London Bridge attack Friday, I sarcastically suggested a Belgian must be responsible. To explain: Back in 2009, when Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs smeared me as a “white supremacist,” I had a great time making fun of CJ’s paranoid fears, including how he smeared Pamela Geller as a “neo-fascist” because of her association with Vlaams Belang. That was a right-wing party in Belgium, led by Geert Wilders, that was concerned with the impact of Muslim immigration on their country. Geller, a Jewish conservative who has focused relentlessly on the threat of Islamic terrorism for more than 15 years, had traveled to Belgium to meet with European activists concerned with the threat to their own countries. According to CJ’s paranoid worldview, Geller hanging around right-wing Belgians was a worse danger than Al-Qaeda. Because the word Vlaams is Dutch for “Flemish,” I made it a running joke, whenever there was a terrorist attack, that the suspects must be Belgians — part of The Flemish Menace.

And who can ever forget Charles Johnson: Race Detective?


You ought to hit my tip jar if you appreciate quality sarcasm, even if you don’t know who the heck Charles Johnson is. He’s faded into complete obscurity, and really, that’s where he always belonged.

CORRECTION: Geert Wilders is Dutch, not Belgian. His leads the Partij voor de Vrijheid (Party for Freedom). Apologies for the error.


UPDATE: Sources Say Suspect in London Knife Attack Is NOT From Belgium UPDATE II: Male Violence in Netherlands

Posted on | November 29, 2019 | 2 Comments

All day long, Fox News was reporting the knife attack on London Bridge in which a man reportedly stabbed five people, two of them fatally. And yet authorities in England will say nothing about the identity of the suspect or the motive behind what is plainly an act of terrorism.

Probably another Belgian extremist, I’d guess . . .

UPDATE: What? You’re telling me the suspect is not Belgian?

The knife attacker shot dead on London Bridge was known to police and had connections to terror groups, a security source said.
The attacker had links to Islamist terror groups, the security source added.
The knife-wielding terrorist, who was wearing a fake suicide vest and has not been named, was killed on London Bridge on Friday afternoon in full view of horrified onlookers.
The attacker was a convicted terrorist who had served time in prison and was wearing an electronic tag, according to The Times newspaper. The paper added he was attending a Cambridge University conference on prisoner rehabilitation being held at Fishmongers’ Hall and ‘threatened to blow up’ the building. . . .
[The Times quoted] unnamed Whitehall sources as saying the attacker had been released from prison around a year ago after serving time for a ‘terrorism-related offence’, and had agreed to wear an electronic tag.

My apologies to our Belgian readers for the earlier mistake.

UPDATE II: Further violence of mysterious motives:

Hours after London Bridge was shut down due to a stabbing attack, another stabbing incident was reported out of The Hague in the Netherlands.
Multiple media outlets report that a number of people were wounded during an attack that took place on the main shopping street in The Hague’s Grote Markt district. The attacker is believed to be male and is being pursued by the Dutch police as emergency services attend to the victims.

Oh, “the attacker is believed to be male“? Probably another “incel” misogynist from #GamerGate who’s angry at SJW remakes of his favorite movies like Ghostbusters. I mean, what else could it be? Feminists have assured us that white male terrorism is an “emergency,” right?


Why Do Democrats Hate Jesus?

Posted on | November 28, 2019 | 3 Comments


It’s Thanksgiving Day. Our two youngest sons, Jefferson and Emerson, are home from college, while my wife is roasting a turkey and preparing all the other delicious food for our afternoon feast. Meanwhile, Democrats are mad because a popular rapper is praising God:

An atheist group has gone on the attack against rapper Kanye West for performing his Sunday Service at a Texas prison claiming that the event was an “egregious” violation of the U.S. Constitution.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) blasted Texas Sheriff Ed Gonzalez for allowing the “Jesus Walks” rapper to appear at the Harris County Jail in Houston, Texas, on November 17 in a four-page letter.
Kanye West performed his weekly Sunday Service before more than 500 inmates, both male and female, in two different services at the county jail facilities. The performance was given high praise by Texas Governor Greg Abbott who tweeted out his compliments saying, “If he moves just one person closer to God the world will be a more peaceful place.”
But the FFRF was far less pleased with the rapper’s church service.
In its letter, the atheist group demanded that the county cease any other efforts to “organize or promote worship services in the future.”
However, a representative of the First Liberty Institute told Fox News that there is no reason that Kanye West should be barred from conducting a service in a county jail.
“Kanye West visited the Harris County Jail to offer hope and encouragement,” said Mike Berry, First Liberty chief of staff. “The last time I checked, you can do that in this country. If every sheriff in America invited Kanye West to visit their jails, we might have less need for jails.”

Let’s not pretend that we don’t know what who these atheists are, or what they’re really about. They are Democrats, who hate God for the same reason Democrats hate motherhood and patriotism — because they hate America, and anything that is good for America, Democrats are against.


Murder Charge Expected; Authorities Confirm Aniah Blanchard’s Remains

Posted on | November 27, 2019 | Comments Off on Murder Charge Expected; Authorities Confirm Aniah Blanchard’s Remains

Ibraheem Yazeed, 29 (left) is suspected of murdering Aniah Blanchard, 19 (right).

She disappeared Oct. 23:

Authorities have positively identified the remains found in rural Macon County as those of Aniah Blanchard.
“It is with heavy hearts that we announce that the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences has positively identified the remains as those of Aniah Haley Blanchard,’’ according to an Auburn Police press release.
“At this point, the case will move forward as a homicide investigation, and additional charges are forthcoming.” . . .
Human remains were found Monday during a search in the 38,000 block of County Road 2 in Shorter, Alabama. . . .
“That would have been the worst scenario, is that we were not be able to find and give the answers to this family,” said Auburn Police Chief Paul Register Wednesday afternoon. “We have spoken to the family. Obviously, they are heartbroken but at least they can now begin to deal with this and move forward.”
Officials are still waiting to learn the cause and manner of her death, said District Attorney Brandon Hughes.
Once that happens, Hughes said he and Register would discuss what additional charges might be filed in the case. Hughes said he will not comment on a possible time frame in which upgraded charges could be filed.
The announcement of the identification came exactly five weeks after Blanchard was last seen alive. Her disappearance sparked an outpouring of concern and support.
“I am heartbroken for the family of Aniah Blanchard,” Governor Kay Ivey said after Blanchard’s body was identified. . . .
Three people have been arrested in connection with Blanchard’s disappearance.
Ibraheem Yazeed, 29, and Antwain “Squirmy” Fisher, 35, are charged with first-degree kidnapping. Yazeed is being held in the Lee County Jail without bond. Fisher remains held on $50,000 bond. Authorities said Fisher “provided material assistance to Yazeed by providing transportation to Yazeed, and disposing of evidence,’’ according to court records.
David Lee Johnson Sr., 63, is charged with hindering prosecution. Authorities say he knew his son allegedly drove Yazeed to Florida, but instead told investigators Yazeed left his home with an unidentified woman. Johnson has been released on bond.
The Southern Union College student from Homewood was officially reported missing Thursday, Oct. 24. She last communicated with a friend late on the night of Oct. 23. Police said her vehicle was seen in the early-morning hours of Oct. 24 along South College Street.
Police recovered the teen’s black 2017 Honda CRV from an apartment complex on the 6100 block of Boardwalk Boulevard in Montgomery around 6:15 p.m. the following evening, which was Friday. A citizen reported the vehicle to police.
Charging documents against Yazeed state that blood evidence was discovered in the passenger’s compartment of the vehicle and was “indicative of someone suffering a life-threatening injury.” The evidence was submitted to the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences and confirmed to be that of Blanchard.
Video evidence from the convenience store at 1599 South College Street placed both Blanchard and Yazeed at the store during the same time. “This was the last time she was seen,” Mixon wrote. A witness later identified Yazeed as the individual.
Yazeed has a history of arrests for violent crimes.

So far, not a single prominent feminist has commented on this case of “violence against women.” Their silence is so . . . mysterious.




Posted on | November 27, 2019 | 1 Comment

— by Wombat-socho

As referenced in the wretchedly delayed Rule 5 post, supra, I was laid low by some vile virus for most of the week, and am only today well enough to get out and Do Stuff, but otherwise things are moving along toward the ultimate goal of getting me out of transitional housing and into a place of my own again, preferably a place that has the intertubes so I don’t have to head down to the local library or *shudder* Starbucks to get the necessary blogging done. I turned in my paperwork for VA disability pay today, and should hear back on that in 120 days – probably less, since I’m currently homeless according to the VA and I had copies of my active duty medical records. As for Social Security, all I know is that they haven’t rejected my claim based on what the state adjudicator had to say, so all I can do is work on preseason training for tax season, check in at various classes I need to attend at the transitional housing, and cultivate patience.

All this is by way of saying that blogging and/or linkagery is likely to be sporadic for the next few months, but I shall do the best I can. Your patience is appreciated.

I appreciate the donations people have made and the things they’ve bought through my Amazon links, to which we must now add Bob’s book, which Stacy has reviewed elsewhere. Buy two, so you can inflict the spare copy on your children, or a likely-looking neighborhood urchin, or your local library. If you prefer some lighter reading for the holidays, I have some SF short stories, or perhaps a droll account of my military misadventures. Thanks to everyone for their support.

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 11.27.19

Posted on | November 27, 2019 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

OVER THE TRANSOM Thanksgiving: The Forgotten History of America’s Thanksgiving and What It Commemorates
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #817
EBL: A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood, also, Elizabeth Warren’s Support Is Collapsing
Twitchy: The Atlantic Suggests Meeting Your Imperfect Trump-Supporting Relatives At Their Level This Thanksgiving
Louder With Crowder: Some Liberals Now Saying Santa Claus Should Be Female Or Gender-Neutral. We Need A New Plague.
Vox Popoli: Don’t Support Those Who Hate You

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Secret Source Edition, also, Podcast #126 – The Maserati Episode
American Greatness: Federal Judge Blocks Trump Rule Requiring Immigrants To Pay For Their Own Healthcare, also, The Indispensable Tucker Carlson
American Power: How Republicans Won Phase One Of Impeachment, also, Rain & Snow For Thanksgiving
American Thinker: The Climate Con, also, President Trump Is Scoring With Black Voters, And Democrats Are Terrified
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday, also, Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Thanksgiving, 20 Years Ago – A Little Cuban Boy Floating Alone In The Florida Straits Is Rescued, also, Chile’s Pinochet Ranks Rather High Compared To His Contemporaries
Baldilocks: California Transformed, Part I
BattleSwarm: Dispatches From A Non-Genocide, also, How Boeing Lost Its Bearings
Cafe Hayek: And I Can Fly By Twirling My Tongue, also, Busting The Myth Of Libertarian Atomism
Camp of the Saints: Bring Me The Head Of Donald Trump & The Killer Elite
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, Where Would We Bury All The Bodies?
Da Tech Guy: Welcome To The Age Of Criminals, also, The Pentagon’s Vast All-Wing Conspiracy – Plunder
Don Surber: Schwab Inc. Leaving San Fran For Texas, also, NYT Says 7% Of Hillary Voters Now Support Trump
First Street Journal: Wasn’t Much of A Sacrifice
Fred On Everything: A User’s Guide To The Supervision Of Morning
The Geller Report: Shocking UK CCTV Footage Of Muslim Terrorist Stabbing Train Commuters, also, Over 100,000 DCA Applicants Arrested For Murder, Rape, & DUI
Hogewash: Shameless Commerce, also, Slow Blogging
Hollywood In Toto: Reality Is Proving No Safe Spaces Point, And It’s Frightening, also, Everything Wrong With Borat’s Fake News Screed
Joe For America: Shocking Court Testimony Accuses Rep. Omar Of Selling Intel To Qatar, also, Obama Throws Biden Under The Bus
JustOneMinute: Not The Bombshell I Was Waiting For, also, Trench Warfare
Legal Insurrection: Elizabeth Warren – Peaked Too Soon, Or Just A Bad Candidate? also, The Reported Violent Racist Physical Assault You Probably Never Heard About
Michelle Malkin: Fight For The Freedom To Question Vaccines
The PanAm Post: Bolivia’s Five Lessons For Mexico & Latin America, also, Corruption Ideology Threatens To Infiltrate OAS
Power Line: Has Nuclear’s Time Come? also, Are House Democrats Getting Cold Feet?
Shot In The Dark: Tear Down This Wall, also, It Could Happen Is Happening Here
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – Resolved That Government Is Not The Solution, It Is The Problem, also, All Your Data Are Belong To Us (Us Being Google)
This Ain’t Hell: Fake SEAL Charged With Defrauding VA Of Over $300K, also, Schlitt For Brains
Victory Girls: Daily Show Stunt Shows Black Community Divide, also, Minor League Baseball Doesn’t Need Bernie Sanders
Volokh Conspiracy: Hamilton On Impeachment, also, The Bolton Subpoena
Weasel Zippers: Man Finds Out It’s A Bad Idea To Punch A Cop, also, Bloomberg Flashback – Taxing The Poor Is A Good Thing
Megan McArdle: How Can Republicans Defend Trump? Because Of The Clintons, also, My Uber Driver Reminded Me Of how Thanksgiving Brings Us Together. So I’m Tabling The Politics.
Mark Steyn: Grapefruit Of Wrath, also, Good Sports

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Black Friday Countdown

Rule 5 Wednesday: Busy In The Kitchen

Posted on | November 27, 2019 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Oh, the embarrassment. Laid low for most of this past week by a strain of flu that this season’s shot didn’t block. Well, better late than never, and since most of us have our minds on cooking (or eating, at least) it seemed appropriate to introduce a playful chef from the mobile game Fate/Grand Order, Tamamo Cat. Here we see her wielding her chosen weapons in the kitchen.

A saucy catgirl; quite a cutup!

Ninety Miles From Tyranny opens up with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Boxes #810 & #811, and Morning Mistress. At Animal Magnetism, it’s Rule Five On The Other Foot Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL brings us Car Models, Michelle Malkin, Kathy Scruggs, Hunter Biden’s Baby Mama, Vintage Women & Race Cars, Dolly Parton, Vintage Thanksgiving, and Fibonacci Day.

A View From The Beach has From Jolly Old England, Camilla Luddington,  Like They Don’t Have Bigger ProblemsWhat, No More Red Apples?Another Water Bottle WednesdayGet Woke, Go BrokeMonday Morning RussiagateSome Warm Milk for Monday MorningPerhaps She Should Try Venezuela, and Scooter Won’t Let Me Sing, Sang Taylor Hatefully.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe of the Week is Brigitte Bardot, Bacon Time has Rule 5 Impeachment Exit Strategy, and at Nitzakhon (The Redpilled Jew) it’s Women Waiting In The Hotel Room.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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