The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 07.02.18

Posted on | July 3, 2018 | Comments Off on Late Night With In The Mailbox: 07.02.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Oh Canada…
Twitchy: GQ Thinks Republicans Are “Terrified” Of Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Louder With Crowder: Violent Antifa Member Knocked Out After Picking Fight, also,William Shatner Perfectly Trolls Race-Baiters

Adam Piggott: Reflections On My First Year In The Netherlands, also, Sunday Cigar Thread – Macanudo Inspirado
American Power: Alissa Quart, Squeezed, also, Gaping Void For The Democrats
American Thinker: Is Trump The Most Fun President Ever? also, POTUS Is Winning Over Blacks, Hispanics, And Gays
Animal Magnetism: Saturday Evening Culture, also, Goodbye Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Colion Noir On Bill Maher, also, Slimy Scumbags Rip Off Richard Overton
CDR Salamander: A Fleet In A Parallel Universe, also, Marines In The Offensive Against ISIS On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Nomenklatura On The Rise, also, The Obama Cult
Don Surber: The Generic Editorial Against Trump’s Next Pick, also, She Won Because She Is Hispanic
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Time Enough To Cry
Fausta: Sunday Palate Cleanser – Hauser
First Street Journal: Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics, also, The Insanity Of Tesla
The Geller Report: 4th Of July Jihad – Cleveland Muslim Arrested, also, #WalkAway Movement To Abandon Democrats Goes Viral
Hogewash: Weaponized Pouncing, also, Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Back To School With BIG Tests Waiting, also, Heading To Court!
Legal Insurrection: Iranian General Accuses Israel Of Cloud & Snow Theft, also, ABC News Thinks Judge Willett Is WAY TOO FUNNY To Be A Supreme Court Justice
The PanAm Post: Mexico Condemned To Stagnation With AMLO’s Victory
Power Line: The Brennan Factor, also, The Collins Factor, also also, Chai Feldblum’s Term Expires, Yet She Lingers On
Shark Tank: Poll Shows Puerto Ricans Prefer Scott, also, Shaq Makes An Endorsement
Shot In The Dark: It’s Almost (But Not Quite) A Berg’s Law, also, July Daze
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere, also, Memory Monday – Fourth Week of June 1918
The Jawa Report: Where’s Dr. Rusty? Cat-astrophe Edition, also, Death Fatwa Issued Against Adelaide Imam Mohammed Tawhidi
The Political Hat: California Supremes Effectively Ban New Semi-Auto Handguns
This Ain’t Hell:  Andrea Mitchell Gunsplaining, also, The #WalkAway Movement
Victory Girls: Senator Dick Durbin And “The Group Of Incompetents”
Volokh Conspiracy: Qualified Immunity In State Constitutional Lawsuits
Weasel Zippers: Netherlands PM Stunned By Unruly Press, Asks Trump “Are They Always Like This?”, also, $4 Billion In SNAP Money Went To Improper Food Stamp Payments
Mark Steyn: Freedom And Soviet Operettas, also, La Vie En Rose

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Toxic Intersectionality Syndrome

Posted on | July 2, 2018 | 1 Comment

“Word salad is a ‘confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases’ . . . used to describe a symptom of a neurological or mental disorder.”

If you really want to know why Hillary lost in 2016, and why Democrats have descended into incoherent hysteria since Trump became president, look no further than EverydayFeminism-dot-com, a toxic stew of Third Wave “gender” madness that features headlines like this:

Asian Americans: 10 Warning Signs That
Show You’re Siding With Whiteness

— Sept. 22. 2017

Let’s Be Real, Mainstream LGBTQIA+
Organizations Aren’t Really Showing Up
For QTPOC. Here’s What They Need To Do Now

— April 3, 2018

Transgender People Are Not Included In Mainstream History. Here Are 5 Ways For Anyone to Combat Trans Erasure Everyday
— May 7, 2018

You probably never gave a second thought to whether you were “siding with whiteness,” or “showing up for QTPOC” (queer/trans people of color) and I doubt you noticed how transgender people were omitted from “mainstream history,” because you probably (a) have an actual life and (b) vote Republican. You’re a grown-up, with bills to pay and real problems of your own to deal with, which means you don’t have a lot of time to spend worrying about the LGBTQIA+ agenda and “whiteness,” with which EverydayFeminism-dot-com is so obsessed.


Do you see what I mean about why Hillary lost? Her core supporters were the kind of young feminists who take seriously the bizarre craziness of 21st-century identity politics. Third-Wave “intersectionality” means that feminism is about everything — from “fat-shaming” and climate change to transgenderism and “queer” sexuality — and a feminism that is about everything is also ultimately a feminism about nothing.

Voting for Democrats means handing over the government to the kind of wackjobs who blabber on endlessly in postmodern academic jargon that sounds an awful lot like the “word salad” symptomatic of schizophrenia. It’s frightening to think that 68 million Americans actually voted for Hillary, given her lockstep loyalty to the feminist movement.

The three Everyday Feminist headlines cited above are all for articles by Ayesha Sharma, who attended Bates College — annual cost of attendance $66,720, including room and board — where she (or “they”) was/were “Co-Founder and President of the Bates Feminist Collective” and a member of such student organizations as Bates Democrats and OUTFront, “an advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and questioning (LGBTIQQ) individuals”). Ayesha is “non-binary,” which is a feminist synonym for crazy. Her latest column for Everyday Feminism is to craziness what Baskin-Robbins is to ice cream, and Ayesha is serving all 31 flavors here, folks.

5 Things I Learned About
Holding A Predominantly White
And Cisgender Feminist Space

Alright y’all, lemme cut straight to the point.
If your feminist — or really any justice-oriented — space is predominantly white and cisgender (cis), chances are that it’s got a lot of messy unchecked dynamics at play.
I’ll tell you my story of how I came to realize this seemingly obvious truth and what I’ve learned from it.
My freshman year of college, I founded a feminist organization with two cis women. One of these women was white and American and other who was Brown and Indian. I’m South Asian and trans, but at the time I hung out with mostly white people and identified as cis — or, at least, not trans.
So, needless to say, I was messy myself.
The feminist organization turned into a space where we, the three leaders, would host discussions to delve into what we decided were compelling feminist topics. With all of us having the same majority white and cis friends, our attendance reflected that demographic—and so did the people who applied to be on the club’s board.
I’m a senior now and after having done a lot of self-growth, I’ve understood what troubled me so much about the club as the years went on. Obviously, one reason was that it was majority white and cis and it wasn’t what I needed to come into my own identity.
But another was that I was really confused about why other people of color (POC) and trans people weren’t showing up like I was. . . .

You can read the rest of that, if you’re a connoisseur of insane gibberish, but among the things Ayesha is “really confused about,” maybe the shortage of “people of color” attending her feminist collective isn’t at the top of the list. My hunch is that most of the “POC” paying $66,720 a year to attend Bates College probably have better things to do with their spare time than hang out for discussions of “compelling feminist topics.”

By the way, what’s up with Ayesha Sharma and “y’all“? As a native Southerner, can I object to her cultural appropriation of my dialect? Bates College is in Maine, and was founded by abolitionists, so where does a senior at Bates get the idea she can use “y’all”? But there’s no point complaining, especially when this Third Wave craziness — which we may call “Toxic Intersectionality Syndrome” — is helping to drive every sane person in America out of the Democrat Party.


Oh, yes! If you vote Republican, it’s because your “whiteness” is “toxic,” according to Everyday Feminism, and they want to teach you how to eradicate the “deeply normalized white supremacy” of American society, which “is built on a foundation of systemic oppression.”

You can buy a lot of “systemic oppression” for $66,720 a year, honey.


Please Help My Brother Kirby: Strange and Savage Tales of ‘Backroads’ McCain

Posted on | July 2, 2018 | Comments Off on Please Help My Brother Kirby: Strange and Savage Tales of ‘Backroads’ McCain

Kirby as a senior at Douglas County (Ga.) High School, 1975.

My older brother Kirby is a legend to those who know him. Did I ever mention, for example, that he once dated Miss Teen Georgia?

Kirby was working at Six Flags Over Georgia, operating one of the trams that conveyed guests from the parking lot to the park entrance. In those days, there was a spiel that the operators delivered over the loudspeakers on the trams (“Welcome to Six Flags, ladies and gentlemen …”) and there must have been something about Kirby’s delivery, or perhaps it was his ice-blue eyes, that captured the attention of the beauty queen who was visiting Atlanta that day and the rest is, as they say, history.

Click here to donate to Kirby’s medical emergency fund.

Kirby is a proud man, a hard-working long-haul truck driver, and it has been difficult for him the past few weeks as he’s been caught in a nightmare of medical bureaucracy, a Catch-22 situation.

Ten years after he underwent bypass surgery, he was diagnosed with another problem and the doctor refused to certify him to keep driving. Kirby had to undergo some very expensive tests and treatment, and still the doctors wouldn’t sign off on letting him get back on the road. When this first happened in April, Kirby hoped he’d be back to driving — he routinely earned $800-$900 a week — within a couple of weeks, and he feels fully capable of doing it, but the doctors said no. Well, OK, so Kirby had insurance that included short-term medical disability coverage, and he asked the doctors to approve him for that. They said no!

This is insane — a total Catch-22. The same doctors who say Kirby is not healthy enough to return to work nevertheless won’t approve him for disability under an insurance plan he paid for?

Click here to donate to Kirby’s medical emergency fund.

Me (left) and Kirby as crew-cut boys in 1963.

Y’know, I hate the heck out of blegging. Rattling the tip-jar for my blog is just a necessary part of the business, but I regard that as honest capitalism, a fee-for-service arrangement with readers who enjoy the work I do. Rather than poor-mouthing hard-luck tales of self-pity — which I instinctively despise — my occasional direct appeals to the tip-jar hitters are always delivered with a Gonzo sensibility. So let me tell you about Kirby’s nickname, “Backroads” McCain . . .

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Germany Silencing the Jews?

Posted on | July 1, 2018 | 1 Comment


The Merkel government is desperate to defend its policy of mass Muslim immigrations, and is apparently suppressing free speech to do it:

A number of my readers in Germany have emailed me in distress. The Geller Report has been banned in Germany. I do not know if this is a national ban or regional. I ask my German readers to advise me if they are experiencing the same difficulties. Here is what my German readers get when they try to access Geller Report.
This is Chancellor Merkel’s response to the catastrophic consequences of her mass Muslim migration policies? Ban truth. Ban freedom of free speech and freedom of the press. It is evocative of another Chancellor of Germany (from 1933 to 1945) who also imposed bans on elemental freedoms. How long before the book burnings begin? Don’t kid yourself, this is exactly how it begins.

This seems incredible, and we may hope it’s a misunderstanding, but just think about this fact: Pamela Geller has readers in Germany. That is to say, the facts are so completely suppressed in the German media establishment that readers in Germany must turn to a Jewish woman in New York to tell them what’s happening in their own country.

What is happening in Germany is that the government is classifying truth as “hate speech.” You’re accused of Islamophobia if you tell the people about the problems caused by Merkel’s immigration policy.


Unexpectedly: ‘Get Woke, Go Broke’ Meets ‘The Higher Education Bubble’ at Mizzou

Posted on | July 1, 2018 | 1 Comment


Remember when left-wing students at the University of Missouri threw a massive temper tantrum on campus? Remember how the #BlackLivesMatter mobs were egged on by radical faculty members like Melissa Click? “Social justice” can be quite expensive:

The University of Missouri recently announced major budget and staffing cuts, the latest move the university has made in response to financial and political crises following racial protests that rocked the public system’s flagship campus in fall 2015.
The school has suffered from a negative public image and reduced funding in the wake of the protests. State funding cuts and continuing depressed enrollment resulted in a $49 million budget shortfall. To cope, the administration laid off 30 employees and permanently eliminated 155 vacant positions.
A Missouri state representative told The College Fix that the university is “more concerned about the money, and image, than the student.” College students who decided not to attend University of Missouri said that the environment created by the protests, as well as high costs and unfavorable funding options, caused them to turn to other schools.

This is the “Get Woke, Go Broke” phenomenon (e.g., plummeting attendance and shrinking TV audiences for the NFL) demonstrated in the context of Glenn Reynolds’ warning about The Higher Education Bubble.

“Unexpectedly,” you might say.

Exit question: What does this portend for Claire McCaskill’s re-election?


Good-Bye, #NeverTrump!

Posted on | July 1, 2018 | Comments Off on Good-Bye, #NeverTrump!


Honestly, I’ve found it easy to ignore the #NeverTrump Republican crybabies most days, but reading their epitaph was enjoyable:

The Never Trump intellectual crowd has no momentum and no popular following these days. Consider the trajectory of their would-be leader [Bill] Kristol, who appears to be indulging in a personal fantasy by putting himself forward as a candidate, as his rapport with GOP voters includes trying to run Evan McMullin in Utah to throw the 2016 election to Hillary Clinton. When that stunt failed, Kristol personally insulted the pro-Trump writer Michael Anton for his influential essay “The Flight 93 election.” Then Kristol’s commentator gig with Fox was not renewed, and he was soon accusing Tucker Carlson of “ethno-nationalism” and “racism.” Overshadowing all of these breaks was Kristol’s personal history of being the conservative’s answer to Bob Shrum, a political “pro” who was always very wrong about politics.
Of course, Kristol was not alone in his contempt for Trump — he was only the most vocal and unhinged. Alongside him were other conservatives like Jennifer Rubin and George Will and Michael Gerson at the Washington PostBret Stephens at the Wall Street Journal; David Brooks and Ross Douthat at the New York Times; Jonah Goldberg and David French at National Review; Ramesh Ponnuru at Bloomberg; and Erick Erickson at RedState. A number of others, people like David Frum and Ana Navarro, committed political seppuku early and endorsed Hillary Clinton. Needless to say, the careers of most of these people have been curtailed dramatically. . . .

You can read the whole thing. There is no substitute for victory. The inability of self-declared True Conservative™ types to organize a winning GOP primary campaign, or to persuade voters to support the candidate of their choice, was their own damned fault. Rather than accept responsibility for their failures and incompetence, the #NeverTrump crowd demonized the guy who beat them and also smeared the character of anyone who refused to join their sour-grapes coalition.

It’s not that I don’t share some of the concerns expressed by, e.g., Erick Erickson, about Trump’s rhetorical crudeness or his offensive behavior toward women, and I have always been an advocate of free trade. When Trump gave his first CPAC speech in 2011, I walked out after he started in on a China-bashing protectionist tirade. When he announced his candidacy in June 2015, I dismissed this as an ego-driven publicity stunt until, in September 2015, I got a call from Pete Da Tech Guy, who was covering a Trump rally in New Hampshire. “Stacy, this Trump thing is for real,” Pete told me. “You wouldn’t believe the size of this crowd.”

Hmmm. Not long thereafter, the anti-Trump Republicans began to emerge as a distinct and coherent bloc among conservative pundits.

Who was their candidate? That was the real problem. You can’t beat somebody with nobody, and there was no consensus among the future #NeverTrump crowd as to which of the other GOP candidates to support. Whoever got the Republican nomination would eventually have to share the debate stage with Hillary Clinton. How would those candidates fare against her? As much as I admire Ted Cruz, the visual image of him against Hillary just didn’t look like a winning match-up. Marco Rubio? A much better visual image — the handsome young Cuban-American against the septuagenarian liberal — but Rubio had ruined his hopes of winning the GOP primary by supporting the 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty plan. And then there was . . . Jeb Bush.

This was my personal nightmare, that somehow, in the effort to stop Trump from getting the nomination, Team #NeverTrump might clear the way for the Bushies to ram Jeb down our throats. Hell, no, I wouldn’t stand for that, and there was yet another nightmare scenario: What if the #NeverTrump crowd succeeded in keeping Trump from the nomination, and he decided to go the third-party route — 1992 all over again?

Pundits who think of themselves as The Deciders, with the ability to dictate political outcomes according to their own preferences, were unprepared to cope with the effect of Trump’s populist charisma. There had always been conservatives (among them the late Sam Francis) who argued that an “America First” nationalism could appeal to alienated working-class white voters who might not otherwise bother to vote at all. And when Trump won — a shocking upset, decided by blue-collar votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — I could imagine Sam’s ghost chortling in glee, not only at the discomfiture of liberals, but also the embarrassment of neoconservative elites who tried to stop Trump.

We do not yet know how this will turn out in the long run. It is too early for conservative self-congratulation over Trump’s remarkable success although, as I kept asking my colleague John Hoge on Saturday night’s podcast: “Are you tired of all this winning yet?” Trump has forced Democrats to remove the mask and reveal their true character.

A political suicide march’: Trump aims
to inflict political pain on Democrats over calls
to abolish immigration enforcement agency

That’s a headline we never would have seen, had the #NeverTrump crowd prevailed. While all the GOP Smart Guys keep telling us Trump is an ignorant dimwit, he nevertheless was cunning enough to maneuver Democrats into declaring their anti-enforcement open-borders position, an issue where two-thirds of American voters are on Trump’s side.

Mobs of deranged Democrats are demonstrating their craziness coast-to-coast — insulting Pam Bondi in Florida and attacking reporters in Oregon — while the streets of San Francisco are crowded with smelly drug-addled bums, showing what America would look like if Democrats regain power.

Will voters hand Nancy Pelosi a congressional majority in November? That will be the real test of whether Trumpism succeeds. If the GOP can turn back the liberal “blue wave” this fall, depriving Democrats of what by all historical precedent should have been an easy win, the paroxysms of despair and rage on the Left may be enough to lead Democrats into the kind of long exile in powerlessness they deserve. It would be foolish, of course, to let our hopes run ahead of us, to imagine the fruits of a victory that we have not yet won.

All that can be said at this point is, so far, so good. Keep praying.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


FMJRA 2.0: Station To Station

Posted on | June 30, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Girls In The Desert
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Trump Titanium
Testicle Territory
Treads Triumphantly


Media Publishes SJW Lies About Violent Transgender Psycho’s Public Suicide
The Pirate’s Cove

FMJRA 2.0: Desert Plains
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

No Republicans Allowed: Restaurant Owner Ejects WH Spokeswoman
A View From The Beach

Immigration Facts the Media Ignore

Adolphology for the Godwin-Win

News That @CNN Is Ignoring
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 06.25.18
Proof Positive

Summer Reading List

Fear and Loathing in a Highgate Mansion: Johnny Depp Is Decadent and Depraved

In The Mailbox: 06.26.18
Proof Positive

Heterosexual White Male Democrat Loses Primary to Socialist Puerto Rican Woman
Proof Positive
Pushing Rubber Downhill

The Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 06.27.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

UPDATED: At Least Five Dead in Shooting at Annapolis, Md., Newspaper Office, Suspect Is a Young White Male

The Worst People in the World Are in Charge of Our Public Education System

In The Mailbox: 06.28.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Jarrod Ramos Identified as Shooter in Maryland Newspaper Mass Murder
A View From The Beach

Friday Fiction: ‘Ozzysandersous’

They Told Me If I Voted for Trump, Gay Men Would Be Tortured to Death …

In The Mailbox: 06.29.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending June 29

  1. EBL (22)
  2. Proof Positive (8)
  3. A View From The Beach (6)

Thanks to everyone for the links!

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Radical Feminists: Right and Wrong

Posted on | June 30, 2018 | 1 Comment

“I am a mother of sons and the thought of them growing up within a culture of rampant male sexual entitlement terrifies me. Right now they are six and seven — still innocent, still able to see their female peers as fellow humans — but as adolescence approaches, I fear that a deluge of misogyny will engulf them as they encounter the adult world and so-called ‘normal’ attitudes to sex.”
Victoria Smith, New Statesman, July 17, 2015

Victoria Smith (@glosswitch on Twitter) is raising three children with her “partner” and, while I’m sure my American readers are concerned about the cost of psychiatric therapy her children will eventually need, don’t worry: She’s British, so the NHS will take care of that problem.

As a pro-life conservative Christian, of course, I’m against abortion, and also a creationist, but if you’re willing to examine the subject from a Darwinian perspective, you cannot really doubt that the world would be a much worse place if, by government policy, millions more children were being raised by the kind of women who believe in “choice.” When it was reported that Lena Dunham got a hysterectomy, perhaps I wasn’t the only person who thought, “Well, that is certainly good news.”

Do I feel guilty about such thoughts? Yes, but then I consider what hell on earth life would have been like for any child raised by Lena Dunham, and remember that God moves in mysterious ways. Selah.

There are so many blessings for which to be grateful, even amid the torments and travails of the 21st century, that the sincere Christian should never doubt God’s gracious mercy toward us.

Researching feminism as an ideology — a belief system, a political philosophy, a comprehensive weltanschauung — has been both a horrifying and instructive experience, requiring me to question my own core assumptions. Many aspects of human behavior that I had never previously bothered to examine were made the daily subject of my journalistic inquiry and, as I contemplated the possibility of the feminist movement’s “success” (i.e., gaining absolute cultural and political hegemony, as is the case on our university campuses), I found myself staring into the abyss — the desolation of all hope for humanity.



If “The Future Is Female,” as feminists so insistently tell us, what sort of females will inhabit this allegedly inevitable future? Let any parent contemplate this — your own daughters and granddaughters being indoctrinated into this radical ideology, and your own sons and grandsons forced to live under a totalitarian regime governed by such women — and it’s difficult to avoid a feeling of existential horror.

Is anyone surprised that Victoria Smith, Ph.D., spent 22 years on antidepressants? If you were an atheist, you might be gobbling SSRIs on a daily basis, too, but there’s also a Darwinian aspect to Dr. Smith’s mental health issues: Her brother is a paranoid schizophrenic, so either (a) crazy runs in the family, or (b) they are victims of some sort of curse.

Far be it from me, having spent four years researching feminism, to deny the power of diabolical evil to warp the human mind.

Two days before the 2016 election — a coincidence? — Dr. Smith opined:

Leftwing men are worse than right. There’s something almost respectful about honest sexism – “I think you’re inferior and will exploit you”

While I obviously disagree that men on the “right” believe women are “inferior” and “exploit” them, I wholeheartedly endorse Dr. Smith’s assertion about the general awfulness of left-wing men. Indeed, I would theorize that a cause-and-effect relationship may be involved:

  • A. Because feminists only associate with left-wing men;
  • B. Because left-wing men are always dishonest scumbags;
  • C. Feminists believe all men are dishonest scumbags.

Perhaps this syllogism is a bit too obvious in its oversimplification, but that doesn’t mean my theory is entirely wrong. The Left generally is hostile to the rule of law and property rights, and why would anyone expect such men to behave respectfully toward women?

Months after Dr. Smith’s tweet, her sentiments were echoed by Jess Phillips, a Labour member of the British parliament:

Jess Phillips, the Labour MP, has claimed left-wing men are the “actual worst” sexists.
The MP for Birmingham Yardley was speaking at the Edinburgh International Book Festival when she said many on the left don’t think of women “on the same level”. . . .
When asked if the “out and out sexists of the right” were worse than the “well-meaning” of the left she claimed: “They [the left-wing men] are the worst, the actual worst.
“Men said they supported better female representation but, when it came to losing their own jobs, they would say, ‘Oh, you mean me? But I am so clever. I’ve got so much to offer the world’.
“They are literally the worst.”

You see that, in the zero-sum-game calculus of the Left, “better female representation” translates to men in the Labour Party “losing their own jobs,” and these men resisted this redistribution of political power, even while advocating the redistribution of other people’s money, which is and always has been the Labour Party’s economic agenda.

No intelligent Christan could vote Labour — what part of “Thou shalt not steal” do I have to explain? — and so the squabbles over power within the party are really just a quarrel among a band of thieves. Say what you will about men of the Right, if a conservative robs you, cheats you or molests you, at least he doesn’t claim this is “social justice.”

Feminists aren’t very good at either examining their premises or following their arguments to their logical conclusion, or else they’d all be living in Marxist lesbian commune by now. Why don’t British feminists dump Labour and start their own party? A radical feminist party could not possibly be more absurdly futile than Labour’s been lately, and yet there are some British feminists who still refuse to accept this reality. Among them is a young woman named Megan Nolan:

Of course, I understand why the belief exists that left-wing sexists are worse. The idea is that it’s better for your enemy to declare that he’s your enemy and attack you, than to weedily undermine you from within your own side. That way you know what you’re dealing with instead of having to second guess motives and deal with internal opposition constantly. It’s the hypocrisy, the duplicity, the abandonment of supposedly core egalitarian ideals. I empathise with this, I truly do. I’m not going to deny that sexism on the left is hard to stomach. . . .
Sexists on the left are not worse than sexists on the right. This is not only because it’s childish and impossible to rank the worst sexists hierarchically, especially through the limited prisms of parliamentary politics. It’s also because sexism on the right is absolutely not a safer proposition. . . .

Well, you can read the rest of that, if you wish, although there’s not much of an actual argument to it beyond the assertion that Tories have a sexist agenda that is “implemented systemically throughout Britain.”

Let’s cut through this baloney with a machete:

Most of what feminists call “sexism” or “misogyny” nowadays seems to be synonymous with “guys trying to get laid.” If left-wing politics is considered to be the sine qua non of sexual access to young women? Hello, “male feminist”!
Can the left-wing politics of the “male feminist” ever be entirely sincere? Shouldn’t we suspect the progressive guy is running a three-card monte hustle? He conceals his selfishness behind ostentatious “social justice” gestures.
What? You say progressive men abuse women while giving lip service to “choice” and “social justice”? I’m shocked — shocked, I tell you! . . .

You can and should read the rest of that. And when you’re done, please remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:



Thanks in advance.


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