The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved: White Self-Hatred as ‘Social Justice’

Posted on | June 16, 2018 | 1 Comment


The University of Pennsylvania is a member of the prestigious Ivy League and, of course, employs only degenerates like Professor Ali Michael:

A white Ivy League professor has taken to the pages of the Huffington Post to condemn her own race, declaring that she chose never to reproduce because her children would simply inherit white privilege. . . .
“There was a time in my 20s when everything I learned about the history of racism made me hate myself, my Whiteness, my ancestors… and my descendants. I remember deciding that I couldn’t have biological children because I didn’t want to propagate my privilege biologically.”

That was in June 2015, and if you want to know why Donald Trump is president, this is as good an example as any. Our “progressive” elite — in academia, in media, in politics — have become hopelessly decadent, corrupted by the “social justice” ideology of the Democrat Party. Given a chance to fight back against these depraved intellectual perverts, the American people rejected Hillary and elected Trump — an electoral middle finger brandished in the faces of people like Professor Michael.

Did I mention she’s a professor of education? That’s right — taxpayers in Pennsylvania employ Professor Michael to teach the teachers who will teach their children this deranged belief system. The day after the 2016 election, Professor Michael published another column:

What Do We Tell The Children?
“What should I say to my students after the election if Trump wins?” a principal asked me recently. Good question. What should we tell our children?
Tell them, first, that we will protect them. Tell them that we have democratic processes in the U.S. that make it impossible for one mean person to do too much damage. Tell them that we will protect those democratic processes ? and we will use them ? so that Trump is unable to act on many of the false promises he made during his campaign.
Tell them, second, that you will honor the outcome of the election, but that you will fight bigotry. Tell them bigotry is not a democratic value, and that it will not be tolerated at your school. Tell them you stand by your Muslim families. Your same-sex parent families. Your gay students. Your Black families. Your female students. Your Mexican families. Your disabled students. Your immigrant families. Your trans students. Your Native students. Tell them you won’t let anyone hurt them or deport them or threaten them without having to contend with you first. Say that you will stand united as a school community, and that you will protect one another.

In other words, according to Professor Michael, the public education system must indoctrinate children with political propaganda, teaching young people to hate Republicans, including their own parents.

Tonight at 7 p.m. ET, I’m sure this will be among the topics that John Hoge and I will discuss on The Other Podcast. And while we’re at it, we might even discuss how beautiful California girls used to be. Beau Albrecht called attention to this in a post Friday at Return of Kings, showing the lovely girls at a 1977 concert in Oakland.


Y’all might want to hit the tip jar.



The Freedom to Hate

Posted on | June 16, 2018 | 1 Comment

Phil Donahue debated Jared Taylor on MSNBC in 2003.

Jared Taylor won a court victory Thursday in California, when Judge Harold Kahn rejected Twitter’s motion to dismiss Taylor’s lawsuit claiming the social media giant acted illegally in banning the American Renaissance publisher, along with other “white nationalist” accounts:

Taylor claims Twitter permanently suspended accounts belonging to him and hundreds of other far-right users in December based solely on their political views and affiliations.
The judge described Taylor’s case as a “classic public interest lawsuit” and said it “goes to the heart of free speech principles that long precede our constitution,” according to a transcript of the hearing.
“Now, it may be speech that you and I don’t wish to enjoy, but that’s not germane to the determination of whether it’s public interest. Public interest doesn’t have a flavor of ideology to it; public interest is whether it benefits the public,” Kahn said. . . .
Taylor is a Yale-educated, self-described “race realist” who founded an Oakton, Virginia-based, tax-exempt nonprofit called the New Century Foundation. He operates American Renaissance, an online magazine that touts a philosophy that it’s “entirely normal” for whites to want to be a majority race.
Taylor’s lawyers argue access to Twitter is “essential for meaningful participation in modern-day American democracy.”
“At all times, Mr. Taylor has expressed his views with respect and civility,” they wrote in a court filing. “At no time did Mr. Taylor or American Renaissance engage in insults, threats, or harassment, nor did they ever encourage anyone else to engage in such activity.”

Permit me to vouch for Jared Taylor’s “respect and civility,” as I have known him for 20 years. He is remarkably well-mannered, which made an impression on me the first time I met him. He is fluent in multiple languages, having grown up in Japan, where his parents were Christian missionaries, and he engaged in postgraduate studies at the Sorbonne. He speaks with a noticeable formality, which at first struck me as stilted or artificial, but which I eventually realized was simply a matter of lifelong habit. As to Taylor’s “race realist” identification, he is not a David Duke-type personality. Taylor is not a conspiracy theorist or a hate-monger, but is instead devoted to calling attention to facts about race relations in America (and elsewhere) that the liberal media ignore.

Before there was Twitter or Facebook, before there was a blogosphere, before there was Breitbart or InfoWars or any other online venue for reporting facts about immigration and crime that the liberal media wanted to suppress, there was American Renaissance (AR), a small monthly magazine that was usually just 16 to 24 pages, but wow! AR was covering the problems related to immigration in Europe 15 years ago, before most Americans imagined how bad the situation had become. Indeed, it may be said, liberals might not have been so dumbfounded by the rise of Donald Trump and the so-called “alt-right” is they had paid attention to what Jared Taylor was publishing 15 or 20 years ago.

As I’ve told Taylor more than once, I disagree with some of his opinions and ideas about policy, but his mastery of facts is beyond dispute. Liberals are so eager to suppress Taylor by smearing him as a proponent of “hate” because they cannot stand the truth. One of his legendary exploits was in 2003, when Taylor was invited onto Phil Donahue’s MSNBC program and absolutely ran circles around Donahue. It was the biggest blowout since Georgia Tech crushed Cumberland 222-0. Taylor had spent more than a decade accumulating facts, and was thoroughly prepared to rebut Donahue’s arguments. This clearly flustered the liberal host, which caused Donahue to invite Taylor back for a rematch, and again Donahue suffered an embarrassing defeat.

What are the consequences of ignoring unpleasant facts, and basing public policy on wishful thinking? If some facts are deemed “racist,” and therefore excluded from discussions about issues like immigration, welfare, crime, education, etc., what will be the result? What problems will be caused by policies based on childish make-believe?

You can disagree with Jared Taylor’s opinions about race and public policy, but it is foolish to ignore the facts to which he calls attention.

“Truth is great, and will prevail if left to herself . . . [Truth] is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons free argument and debate, errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them.”
Thomas Jefferson

There is no one with whom I agree 100% about everything. There are regular commenters here whom I consider friends and allies — people who’ve hit my tip jar to keep me going — who disagree strongly with me about all kinds of subjects. I have Catholic friends, but I’m against Catholicism, and I have gay friends, but I’m against homosexuality. Believe it or not, I even have friends who are Democrats!

Long before I ever imagined my career as a journalist, my teachers taught me that journalism is about facts — who, what, when, where, why and how. It was in defense of an unpopular cause — British soldiers accused of murdering innocent civilians in Boston — that John Adams famously said: “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” As I argued in the case of Tommy Robinson (“Why Freedom of Speech Matters (And Why ‘Hate Speech’ Is Protected, Too),” May 31), the dangers of suppressing free speech are certainly not limited to issues of race:

What has happened . . . is that our institutions of higher education have been taken over by soi-disant “progressives” who have taught a generation of young Americans to believe that certain facts are “hate speech.” This problem has concerned me ever since I began researching radical feminism four years ago, and discovered how far academia has gone to enshrine Third Wave feminist “gender theory” as an Official Truth which no one on campus is permitted to criticize. . . .
The suppression of disagreement and criticism as “hate speech” on university campuses has had consequences far beyond academia.

The fact that radical feminist Julie Bindel was writing more than a decade ago about the same issues that got Tommy Robinson arrested, and that Bindel is banned from British university campuses because she is a critic of “gender theory,” should make intelligent people pause to think. What results from suppressing unpopular facts as “hate speech” is that the people who make the rules (on university campuses, on Twitter or Facebook, in newspaper offices or TV news studios) thereby create a bubble of unreality, an echo chamber of ideological conformity that excludes dissent and thereby gives rise to a cult mentality.

Once you stop drinking the liberal Kool-Aid, there is a danger that you might become a “far-right” extremist, and I’ve seen a few sad cases of people who got sucked into the gravitational vortex of the lunatic fringe. What I have tried to do is to protect the right flank, so to speak, of the larger conservative movement. There is an unfortunate “urge to purge” tendency on the Right, where respectable conservative intellectuals begin to care more about their respectability than they do about actually conserving anything. William F. Buckley Jr.’s purge of the John Birch Society in the 1960s has become an inspiration for some of Buckley’s would-be heirs (looking at you, Bill Kristol) who seem to believe that a successful political coalition can be built by a process of subtraction.

Welcome to the Trump Age, my friends. Say what you will about our President, he doesn’t care about “respectability.” He’s about winning.

My friend John Hoge has the transcript of the Taylor v. Twitter hearing, and I’m sure we’ll discuss this tonight on The Other Podcast.


Fire Bogus Idiots
Fomenting Blatant, Irredeemable,
Flagrant Betrayals–Immediately!

Posted on | June 15, 2018 | Comments Off on Fire Bogus Idiots
Fomenting Blatant, Irredeemable,
Flagrant Betrayals–Immediately!

by Smitty

Have we had enough rectal sunsine yet? Mollie Hemingway offers a relatively calm depiction of the kidney-load down the back that the Deep State would have us believe is merely a summer drizzle.

Oh, did I say “Deep State”? We’ve still got those who are incapable of seeing the forest for the trees:

Erickson summarizes precisely the sort of obedient gaze-averting that the IG desires. Andrew McCarthy helpfully breaks this down for us:

In every criminal trial, the defense lawyer tries to sow reasonable doubt by depicting every allegation, every factual transaction, as if it stood alone. In a drug case, if the defendant was photographed delivering a brown paper bag on Wednesday, the lawyer argues, “Well, we don’t have X-ray vision, how do we really know there was heroin in the bag?” The jurors are urged that when they consider what happened Wednesday, there is only Wednesday; they must put out of their minds that text from Tuesday, when the defendant told his girlfriend, “I always deliver the ‘product’ in paper bags.”

Fortunately, the judge ends up explaining to the jury that, down here on Planet Earth, common sense applies. In our everyday lives, we don’t look at related events in isolation; we view them in conjunction because they read on each other.

We are to adjured to conspire with Michael Horowitz that 568 pages of sentences detailing deep-seated bias against Trump did not amount to a conspiracy against Trump. In much the same way we, back at Faber College, pounded beer all night without ever getting legally drunk.Didn’t we? I mean, if we were drunk, such news would be as shocking as the discovery that Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin got married in July, 2010.

Andrew Klavan summarizes the FBI response well:

Current Director Christopher Wray responded to the IG’s report at a press conference and promised there’d be consequences for bad behavior. But he also said, “nothing in this report impugns the integrity of our workforce as a whole or the FBI as an institution.” Like hell it doesn’t. What the report describes is a morally bankrupt clown show, and the fact that Wray won’t admit that means the show goes on.

I’m ready for a full purge of all of these senior FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS, TLA, AFU, KMA, ETC pencil necks who think themselves some sort of petty arisocratic clique that calls the shots in this country (i.e. the Deep State whose shoes Erickson apparently prefers to shine).

This is not even about Trump, other than his incidental proximity in exposing this cancerous. This is about “Democracy Dies in Deep State Darkness”. This is Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy pointing Checkov’s Gun at our heads. I certainly hope all of these malevolent Clinton boot-lickers repent, but such a change of heart is irrelevant to the point that they cannot ever be wielding U.S. Government power again, ever, if we care about our liberties.

In The Mailbox: 06.15.18

Posted on | June 15, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.15.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: In China, It’s Raining Octopus & Shrimp! Has Anyone Told Kurt Eichenwald?
Twitchy: Wil Wheaton Under Fire After Asking for Time To Process Sexual Abuse Allegations Against His Friend Chris Hardwick
Louder With Crowder: CNN Celebrates Father’s Day By Spotlighting Self-Absorbed Trans Douche
According To Hoyt: Being Human
Monster Hunter Nation: Gritty Cop Show Test Game Episode #3 – NY Confidential
Vox Popoli: Delusion Creates Illusion

American Power: California Judge Finds For Jared Taylor & American Renaissance, also, Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes Charged With Wire Fraud
American Thinker: Taste The Despair – Democrats Losing It Over Trump
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Fleecing The Rubes Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For June 15
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Curse? What Curse?
Don Surber: Trump Ends EPA Harassment Of Farmers
Dustbury: Greece Is The Way We Are Feeling
First Street Journal: Historically Speaking…
Fred On Everything: Trump Tells Europoodles “Roll Over. Bark. Beg. Crawl.” With A Korean Preface
The Geller Report: Sharia UK – Non-Muslim Police Officers Take Part In 18-Hour Ramadan Fast, also, Merkel’s Government Facing Collapse Over Her Immigration Stance
Hogewash: Blogsmoke, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: Something For Everyone From The IG
Legal Insurrection: Mueller To Provide Manafort With Free Room & Board Until September, also, WH Official Now Says Trump Will Support Moderate Immigration Bill
Power Line: About That Salute, also, Trump Stands Tall Against Bad Amnesty Legislation (Update: He Changed His Mind)
Shark Tank: Unemployment Rate Drops In Florida
Shot In The Dark: Yes, In Your Back Yard
The Jawa Report: Interview With Former Jihadi Jason Walter, also, Mullah Fazlullah Is Dead, Jim
The Political Hat: Outlawing Politically Correct Speech In South Africa
This Ain’t Hell: Howard Clewell Resigns Due To His Stolen Valor, also, Germans Foil Ricin Attack
Victory Girls: Rene Boucher Gets 30 Days For Crippling Rand Paul
Volokh Conspiracy: Short Circuit – A Roundup Of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Weasel Zippers: New Study – No Evidence Of Systemic Racism In Police Use Of Deadly Force, also, Internet Responds To Hillary’s Three Word Fit At Comey
Mark Steyn: Strictly By The Book

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Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | June 15, 2018 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

They walked down the path toward her favorite spot.

Roger could not understand why, the closer they got, the slower dad walked, the more heavy his sighs became, the more freely his tears flowed. Somehow he felt guilty.
“I’m so sorry, daddy.”
Daddy was sobbing by the time they got to the tree where she awaited them, marked by the simple cross that bore her name: Janet Green 1987-2011.
“Oh Roger, you must never blame yourself. You’re the least *sob* guilty person of all.”
Daddy was on his knees. Instinctively Roger hugged him fiercly.
“I’m just glad you survived the crash.”

via Darleen

In The Mailbox: 06.14.18

Posted on | June 14, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Is Democrat Senator “Air Claire” McCaskill Leaving On A Jet Plane?
Twitchy: “Scandal-Free” President Had Name Scrubbed From Comey’s Report On Hillary
Louder With Crowder: Congress Bans Importation Of Child Sex Dolls

Adam Piggott: Podcast #5 – The No Chicks Allowed Episode
American Thinker: Virtue-Signaling Run Amok In America
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Gun Ban Averted News
BattleSwarm: The Amnesty That Refused To Die
Da Tech Guy: On North Korea, Watch The Generals & The Chinese
Don Surber: Barack is The Next Pelosi
Dustbury: Where Things Stand
First Street Journal: The Success of Socialism Part XVII – Polio Returns To Venezuela!
The Geller Report: Terror-Tied CAIR Attacks Southern IL School Board Member, also, Iranian Human Rights Lawyer Arrested, Taken To “Hell On Earth” Prison After Defending Anti-Hijab Protesters
Hogewash: An Unlikely Ally, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: Waiting For The Inspector General
Legal Insurrection: NY AG Sues Trump, His Kids, & The Trump Foundation, also, Pompeo Says Sanctions On North Korea Will Remain Until Complete Denuclearization
Power Line: Food Justice? also, Notes On The IG Report
Shark Tank: Rubio & Warren Introduce Student Loan Bill
Shot In The Dark: The Plantationmasters
The Jawa Report: People Of Walmart – Good Gun Control Edition
The Political Hat: Happy Flag Day, 2018
This Ain’t Hell:  Happy 243rd Birthday, U.S. Army, also, U.S.S. Hue City Saving The World
Victory Girls: Establishment Types Fear GOP Has Become The Party Of Trump
Volokh Conspiracy: MN Ban On “Political” Clothing In Polling Places Unconstitutionally “Unreasonable”
Weasel Zippers: Pelosi Wonders Why There Aren’t Nationwide Uprisings Against The Government, also, San Juan Mayor Who Attacked Trump Under Investigation For Corruption
Mark Steyn: The Eyebrow Of The Storm

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Yes, CNN Hates America

Posted on | June 14, 2018 | Comments Off on Yes, CNN Hates America


CNN became notorious as the “Clinton News Network” during the 2016 presidential campaign, when the third-place cable news channel was so completely in the tank for the Democrat nominee that their programming was like a 24/7 contribution-in-kind to the DNC.

Since CNN’s candidate lost the election, they have spent the past 18 months attempting to delegitimize and subvert President Trump’s administration by promoting the phony “Russian collusion” narrative.

The liberal media should be ashamed of themselves, but if they had any sense of shame, they wouldn’t be liberals, would they?

CNN covered itself with disgrace when President Trump traveled to Singapore for his historic summit meeting with North Korea’s dictator. The network aired 100% negative coverage of the summit, completely reversing its usual bias in favor of Communist dictatorships. CNN praised Obama for traveling to meet with Cuba’s Communist dictator in 2016, but when Trump met with Kim, CNN presented this as a catastrophic blunder. The Free Beacon reports:

CNN host Wolf Blitzer said on behalf of the media “we love the American people” on Wednesday in response to President Donald Trump’s latest broadside against the profession.
Apparently angered by the media’s coverage of his nuclear summit with North Korea, Trump tweeted Wednesday that the “fake news” press was “our country’s biggest enemy.”
CNN analyst David Gregory attacked Trump for being unoriginal, saying all politicians don’t like the press.
“Everybody’s always criticizing us and not happy with our coverage, whether it was President Clinton or President Bush or President—they’re all criticized,” Blitzer said.
Blitzer went on to say a lot of Trump’s supporters believed the charge, which was “a really, really awful situation.”
“We are not the enemy of the American people. We love the American people,” he said.

No you don’t, Mr. Blitzer. Your network relentlessly insults and degrades the American people. You have done everything in your power to undermine the constitutional government of this country, to smear and silence voices critical of the Democrat Party’s left-wing agenda.

CNN has never apologized for promoting the #BlackLivesMatter terrorist movement, ignoring the reality of crime and race in America.  Heather Mac Donald exposed this reality in her book The War on Cops, pointing out that a police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black man than the other way around (see “Putting Homicide in Perspective vs. the Media’s ‘Atrocity Narrative’ Propaganda,” Oct. 3, 2017).  CNN’s 24/7 propaganda for #BlackLivesMatter incited riots in Ferguson, Baltimore and Charlotte, and the network never reported about George Soros’s sponsorship of this movement, which was calculated to demonize law enforcement and incite anti-white hatred. If CNN didn’t hate the American people, why did they devote so many resources to promoting this dishonest and divisive racial propaganda?

The American people have not forgotten what you did, Mr. Blitzer, and you should ask yourself: Why is Donald Trump president? Isn’t it because he gave millions of Americans an opportunity to wave their extended middle fingers in the faces of “fake news” hacks like you?


Tyler O’Neil Strives To Paint Corey Stewart As A White *YAWN* Supremacist

Posted on | June 13, 2018 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

Another primary, another strident nominee, another round of Seals & Crofts fans rushing to denounce the Terrifying Specter of a Republican Candidate with a Backbone.

1. “The candidate took an uncompromisingly positive position about symbols of the Confederacy during last year’s campaign.”
The statues had been there for generations. While communities should certainly be able to decide what they’re doing with their public spaces, come on. You got roped in by a left-wing propaganda play, Tyler.

I’ve only lived in Virginia for ~20 years. I lack any romantic connection to the Confederacy.

But I smelled rat, and it was coming from the Left, not the miniscule self-pity-party that is White Supremacy (which would wither completely if the media would give it a thorough ignoring.)

2. “When running for governor last year, Stewart hosted rallies in front of Confederate flags. At many of these rallies, activist Jason Kessler spoke. Kessler later became infamous as an organizer of the “Unite the Right” rally which sparked the white nationalist violence in Charlottesville.”
We need to get to three points and hit the target word count, so lets zoom in on the first charge and go for some guilt by association.

So what if few know who this guy is (I’ve never heard of him, and I flatter myself that I represent “reasonably” informed) if it’s important that Kessler be important so that important writers can make this point important–well, that’s important. Because its importance has been established.

3. “Also during his campaign for governor, Stewart paid Paul Nehlen $759 to rent his email list for fundraising. Video later surfaced showing Stewart praising Nehlen as one of his “personal heroes” and declaring that he was “inspired” by Nehlen’s challenge to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.).”
Nehlen I have heard of. I was unaware of Nehlen’s high social- and social media crimes and misdemeanors:

Nehlen has associated himself with former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, and has engaged white supremacist figures like Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer and “Crying Nazi” Christopher Cantwell.
Nehlen got himself banned from Twitter in February for using anti-Semitic language and for posting a photoshopped image of biracial actress Meghan Markle (now wife of Prince Harry). The tweet superimposed the face of Cheddar Man, a dark-skinned Mesolithic man believed to be one of the earliest humans in Britain, on Markle’s face. “Honey does this tie make my face look pale?” Nehlen disgustingly tweeted, with the image.

These are as impressive as people attacking BHO over his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, daming America. Sure, Wright deserves to be laughed at in public for laughable opinions, but this business of policing peoples’ associations, and insinuating that, welp, A was at event B, and so was C, and C knows D, and by the Transitive Power of Alinsky, Corey Stewart is some kind of Foaming H8-Monger. This is a good time to cut that nonsense out.

So, sorry, Tyler. Your post is worthwhile in the sense of raising something worth keeping an eye on. But the other 99% of it is pure concern trolling of a sort that has got to please Tim “Tiny Dancer”  Kaine, and for that you get no thanks.

Vote Corey Stewart

Stick a fork in politcal correctness


Update: The Virginia GOP’s Death March

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