The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 03.29.18

Posted on | March 29, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.29.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: History Does Not Repeat Itself, But It Often Rhymes
Twitchy: Kyle Kashuv Drops Mic On David Hogg For Playing “Children” Card
Louder With Crowder: Parkland Activists – You Admit To Bullying The Shooter, But Have The Gall To Blame Guns And The NRA?
Reason: Young Anti-Gun Demagogues Copy Their Elders (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Enough With The Big Crying Act Already
American Power: “Trumpism” And The GOP
American Thinker: How Do You Really Feel About David Hogg & Emma Gonzalez?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Royal Failure News
BattleSwarm: Waco Biker Trials Update
Bring The HEAT: Here’s An Older Video Delta Force Used On Their Recruiting Drives
CDR Salamander: An NWTI For All My Friends
Da Tech Guy: A Pause For A Priority, also, The Roseanne Poll Is Bad News For The Democrat Media Left
Don Surber: Why Trump Called Kim Jong Un “Rocket Man”
Dustbury: Please Don’t Clap
Fred On Everything: In Which Embattled Manhood Rassles A Carburetor
The Geller Report: State Of Emergency Declared In Germany As Migrants Battle Police With Machetes, also, Thirteen Year Old UK Rape Victim Says Social Worker Laughed When She Was Told Teen Was Being Prostituted My Muslims
Hogewash: Justice Stevens vs. The Bill Of Rights, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Texas Showdown – Olmos Park Police Rebel Against State Open Carry Law, Arrest Citizens
JustOneMinute: Time’s Up On Wall Street
Legal Insurrection: March For Our Lives Narrative Continues To Unravel – Only 10% Teens, also, Laura Ingraham Advertisers Cave To Pressure After She Tweeted That David Hogg “Whines”
Power Line: The Democratic Party Collusion Story Gets Worse, also, Congress Defunds AFFH
Shark Tank: Nelson Insists VA Won’t Be Privatized
Shot In The Dark: Unexpected
STUMP: New Jersey’s Pension Non-Solution – Give Fund Management To The Unions
The Political Hat: Make Believe – LGBTQ Etc. Acronyms, Sexual Dimorphism, & Safe Spaces
This Ain’t Hell: Shulkin Out Jackson In, also, Today Is Vietnam Veterans Day
Victory Girls: Five Reasons Why Baseball Matters In America
Weasel Zippers: Donations Pour In For HS Rifle Team After School Board Rejects NRA “Blood Money”, also, 380 Sheriffs In 40 States Demand Congress Build Trump’s Wall, End Illegal Immigration
Megan McArdle: Repealing The Second Amendment Would Be Incredibly Difficult
Mark Steyn: Looting The Future, also, Stormwatch Update

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Keep an Eye on Hungary’s Election

Posted on | March 29, 2018 | 2 Comments


Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his nationalist Fidesz party have made opposition to unrestricted immigration the centerpiece of their policy and, in the campaign leading up to the April 8 election, Fidesz has targeted the sinister influence of George Soros.

Hungary’s population of 10 million has bitter historic memories of being dominated by foreigners. Immediately following World War I, after the nation gained its independence from Austria, Hungary suffered under the Soviet-backed Communist dictatorship of the notorious Bela Kun, who was determined to liquidate all opposition. One of Kun’s Bolshevik commissars, Tibor Szamuely, declared in a speech: “We will exterminate the entire bourgeoisie if we have to!” Instead, the Bolshevik regime lasted only five months. Kun was overthrown and ended up in Russia, where he eventually was executed in Stalin’s purge. During World War II, Hungary was allied with Germany, and subsequently conquered by the Red Army, which imposed a Communist regime that remained in power until 1989.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Hungary has struggled to recover from the economic, social and political legacy of Communist rule. The resurgence of Hungarian nationalism was aggravated by the 2015 refugee crisis, when Germany declared it would welcome those fleeing the war in Syria, producing a flood of immigrants whose route northward from Turkey and the Adriatic coast led them to the Hungarian border. What solution did Orban’s government find? “Build a wall!”

This put Hungary at odds with the pro-refugee European Union policy, and Orban’s government has targeted Soros’ influence on the EU:

The ruling Fidesz party’s vice chairman said Soros was engaged in a “frontal assault” against Hungary.
“What Soros writes about immigration, in general, is a pro-immigration stance that is open about its disdain for the nation state,” Gergely Gulyas told a news conference. “Decisions made in Brussels echo that in the field of immigration policy.”
“Days before a recent immigration decision in the European Parliament Soros was meeting with the rapporteur on the subject as well as five different EU commissioners. I am not a conspiracy theorist but this holds some clues.”


The anti-Soros billboards in Hungary, and the rhetoric of Orban and his party, have been criticized as veiled anti-Semitism — an ironic accusation, considering that Soros has admitted being a Nazi collaborator during World War II. It is important, however, to understand the separate factors operating in Hungarian politics.

Are there anti-Semites in Hungary? No doubt. Do some of these anti-Semites support Orban? Certainly. Does this mean that Orban’s re-election is dependent on anti-Semitism? Not at all. Whatever the percentage of Hungarian voters who are anti-Semites, such a faction is not enough to swing the election, whereas opposition to a demographic inundation by Muslim immigrants is the central appeal of the Fidesz Party’s campaign. Focusing attention on Soros is a way of giving a human face to the various international forces (including the EU bureaucracy in Brussels) which are promoting an open-borders regime in Europe.

Orban and his party have effectively presented Hungary’s electorate with a choice, as Orban said in a recent visit to the city of Miskolc:

If Miskolc is not to be a place of “ghettos and no-go zones”, said Orbán on a campaign visit to the city earlier this month, it is necessary to vote for his party, Fidesz.
“There are two paths ahead for Hungary to choose from,” said Orbán. “We will either have a national government, in which case we will not become an immigrant country, or the people of George Soros form a government and Hungary will become an immigrant country.”

This rhetoric about “the people of George Soros” may be troubling, but keep in mind that Orban has rivals even further right:

Jobbik, a far-right party that has recently moved its messaging further to the centre and is placed second in most polls, is campaigning on corruption but is also attacking Orbán for being not harsh enough on migrants.

It says something about the situation that the nationalist Orban’s greatest challenge is from ultra-nationalists. Like many other former Soviet satellite states (including Poland), Hungary is shaped by bitter memories of foreign domination, and still suffers after-effects of its Communist past.  In a remarkable interview, one of Hungary’s leading Protestant clergymen, Rev. Sándor Németh, explained the crisis:

I am confident that the system change, the failure of the eastern-type of communism, brought an end to the ideological state. But Marxism is again banging on our door. Cultural Marxism has become a replacement for religion. . . . This is what today’s misleading lores are based on, from gender ideology to the policies of putting migration on a pedestal. There is alternative reality, one that is referred to as the deep state. Even today, the elite which are above the nations see this as an ideology worth following. . . .
Especially since 2015, they do not want to accept that the people have a different worldview than their own. This is why Christianity has become the most singled-out and persecuted religion today. The trend started in America. At the turn of the millennium, the liberals were afraid that the election of the younger Bush would bring a conservative wave, so they started or strengthened the militant liberal movements that we see today. Under Obama’s presidency, it could clearly be felt that the Christians were being targeted. They often sought to destroy the representatives of Christianity morally and materially. This is what ended with the Trump presidency, but in Europe, for the time being, the old winds still blow.

Read the whole thing. Rev. Németh’s analysis is perceptive, and can help American conservatives understand why this election in far-off Hungary could have consequences here. We are fighting against the agenda of Cultural Marxism, “a replacement for religion” which has become the worldview of “the elite which are above the nations.”


‘Florida Woman,’ a Recurring Headline

Posted on | March 28, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘Florida Woman,’ a Recurring Headline


It seems that every weird story is datelined from Florida:

A woman in Leesburg, Fla., was arrested on incest charges on Friday after genetic tests performed on her baby revealed that her brother was the father, deputies said.
According to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Pauline Martin, 33, gave birth to her baby on Nov. 21 and the child suffered severe medical complications hours after its birth.
The infant was transferred to another hospital and genetic testing was done, which showed that the child’s father was “a close relative,” the arrest report states.
Deputies and officials with the Florida Department of Children and Families started an investigation when neither parent filled out proper Medicaid paperwork for the child, filed for a birth certificate, or moved the baby into a home for “medically complex children,” the arrest report states.
Martin did not finish the paperwork until February, according to the report. She told deputies that she moved to Florida about three years ago with her brother and that they lived together as a couple. She also said she has a 12-year-old daughter with another man.
Deputies later interviewed Martin at a McDonald’s, where she worked. She told deputies that she had a “romantic and sexual relationship” with her brother for about five years but was going to end the relationship “because she knew it was wrong” and that she was seeing another man, the report states.
Martin also admitted to deputies that her brother was the father of the child, that she had “sexual relations” with him the night before, and that her brother knew he was the father, according to the report.
Once deputies found probable cause to arrest Martin, she tried to flee toward the back of the restaurant. Deputies contained Martin at the door and put her into the patrol vehicle, where she spit, cursed, and tried to kick detectives, according to the report.
Martin was taken to the Lake County Jail and released on March 24 after posting a $3,000 bond, according to court records. She has another court hearing scheduled for April 16.
According to the Orlando Sentinel, deputies are trying to contact the brother but have not found him.

The baby’s father and mother are also the baby’s uncle and aunt, and therefore the family tree doesn’t fork. Because, hey, it’s Florida.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


Have We Reached Peak SJW Yet?

Posted on | March 28, 2018 | 4 Comments

“Everybody with two eyes and a brain could see Zoe Quinn was crazy. Why did Eron Gjoni want to date that tattoo-covered, facial-pierced, mentally ill ex-stripper whose real name is Chelsea Van Valkenburg? I don’t know, but he did, and the consequences were world-historic.”
“Crazy Woman Who Caused #GamerGate Announces She’s No Longer Female,” Jan. 14, 2017

The term “social justice warrior” (SJW) was coined nearly 10 years ago by Will Shetterly. The son of civil-rights activists who were threatened by the Klan during his childhood, Shetterly became an award-winning science-fiction writer. It was in the context of his writing career that he encountered the indignant Internet mobs of virtue-signallers and identity-politics activists who inspired the epithet. By the time the #GamerGate controversy arose in August 2014, “SJW” was a popular label for this increasingly familiar type, and Shetterly’s coinage was made famous by Vox Day in the title of a 2015 book, SJWs Always Lie.

Like Shetterly, Vox Day is a science-fiction writer, and shares similar experiences of how Cultural Marxism (“political correctness”) has distorted the sci-fi world, particularly in terms of criticism and awards, influencing decisions of major publishing houses as to which authors to publish and promote. Publishers have become sensitive to online “fandom” mobs, in which the loudest voices tend to be militant SJWs. In his 2014 book How to Make a Social Justice Warrior, Shetterly traces the SJW worldview back to critical race theory — “a philosophical framework with roots in Marxist thought,” per the Wikipedia biography of Derrick Bell — and “intersectionality,” a feminist concept promoted by Bell’s protégé, Kimberle Williams Crenshaw. Shetterly remarks:

If you wonder why most of the people I mention are women, it’s because the most prominent social justice warriors are female. The men rarely add anything original to a conversation, perhaps because they don’t dare say anything that might jeopardize their male ally status.

Canadian SJW ‘Big Red’ (a/k/a Chanty Binx).

SJWs compete in what I’ve called the Victimhood Derby, as illustrated by the conflict between radical feminists and transgender activists:

By the time a feminist reaches the radical point at which normal sexual intercourse is regarded as inherently oppressive, she has already marched a good distance down the Crazyville Road. Sane, normal people become the Enemy and, in order to maintain her delusions, the feminist seeks out the company of her fellow radicals, who share and confirm these extreme beliefs.

Part of what has made the transgender cult so obnoxious to so many people is that postmodern gender theory promotes self-created victimhood, a counterfeit of genuine oppression which, as those familiar with Gresham’s Law understand, leads to a devaluation of victimhood. If a member of the most “privileged” group (white heterosexual males) can gain victim status merely by calling himself “her” (or “they” or “ze”), and identifying as a nonbinary genderqueer translesbian, what does this tell us about the validity of the “social justice” worldview?

Zachary Antolak, a/k/a ‘Zinnia Jones,’ a/k/a ‘Satana Kennedy.’

Zachary Antolak was just a nerdy atheist when he started making YouTube videos in 2008, but has since become both a transgender “expert” (albeit with no known credentials) under the pseudonym “Zinnia Jones,” while also selling pornographic videos as “Satana Kennedy.” (Warning: Do not Google that; you can never unsee it). How could such a psychiatric basket case be regarded as anything except a laughingstock? Yet within postmodern 21st-century “intersectional” feminism, Antolak/“Jones” is taken seriously and applauded as a courageous crusader for “social justice.” It is impermissible to criticize or disagree with weirdos like Antolak/“Jones,” and radical feminists have found themselves “de-platformed” for daring to oppose the transgender cult.


Speaking of “science,” last month an anonymous question was posed in the “Evolution” section of the Internet site

“I got into an argument with my friend because
I reject evolution because it’s heteronormative.
Are scientists going to make evolution more inclusive
or will they replace it with something else?”


Permit me to speak on behalf of the Sane Community in declaring that the person asking this question is deranged, demented, delusional, bonkers, wacky, off her rocker, and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

In short, she is crazy, and it is a waste of time to offer rational arguments in reply to craziness. We do a disservice to the mentally ill when we act as if their delusions deserve to be taken seriously, except as symptoms of their psychiatric pathology, yet this questioner on Quora received a serious reply from Anna Hardin, who recently received her Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Minnesota:

Because science is just a set of methods we use to observe and report what is happening around us, scientists will not replace the theory of evolution unless another theory that better explains the change we observe in living things is better supported by the evidence. Evolution is well supported and has been for almost 200 years of scientific research, so it is unlikely that a better theory can be discovered.
To the point of heteronormativity, only the evolution of sexually reproducing organisms is heteronormative and only insofar as it requires sexual reproduction. On the other hand, the ways that scientists describe evolution is often very heteronormative, and some confuse sex and gender or ignore variation in sexual behaviors. Other scientists are working to change the ways that we talk about evolution so that it is less anthropocentric and less heteronormative. Heteronormativity is no reason to reject evolution, but it should motivate us to find better ways to discuss evolution and variation that are less biased.

Yeah, I guess so, but shouldn’t an anthropologist point out the basic problem with the jargon term “heteronormativity”? In point of fact, heterosexuality is not only normal, but necessary to reproduction of the species. The development of modern contraceptives and so-called assisted reproductive technology (e.g., in vitro fertilization) has given rise to a counterfactual belief system which ignores the reality that, even in 2018, the vast majority of human births (probably 99% or more) occur the old-fashioned way. It is only in the most affluent nations that even a single-digit minority of people avail themselves of IVF and other such methodologies, which are quite expensive and require the involvement of highly-trained medical technicians, whereas making babies with good old-fashioned heterosexual intercourse is free and so simple that untutored teenagers are capable of doing it.

This is why, for example, the total fertility rate (average lifetime births per woman) is 6.49 in Niger, compared to 1.54 in Rhode Island. The per capita income in Rhode Island is $30,830, more than 25 times the per capita income in Niger ($1,200). While wealthy Rhode Islander women have access to advanced fertility treatments, the poor women of Niger have four times as many actual children. Extrapolating this comparison on a worldwide basis, it is easy to see why the lives of future generations will almost certainly be as “heteronormative” as always. Decadent youth complaining about “heteronormativity” will likely have few if any children; meanwhile, the vast majority of the world’s children will be born to people who can’t afford the luxury of whining on Internet forums about how oppressed they are by abstract concepts.

SJWs may demand that scientists “make evolution more inclusive,” but without regard for scientific theory, the scientific fact is that the process of natural selection can never be “inclusive.” Human beings are in a competition for survival, not only as a species, but also as individuals. Any human who does not reproduce is a failure, from a Darwinian perspective, because the genes of such people will not be replicated in future generations. Non-reproductive humans — the Darwinian failures — are only useful to the species insofar as they can, during their lifetimes, contribute something to the overall survivability of the breeding population. Consideration of such scientific realities, when combined with the philosophical influences of Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oswald Spengler, et al., had catastrophic consequences for 20th-century Europe. The genocidal atrocities of totalitarian regimes (Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Menghistu) had their origins in atheistic ideologies that claimed to be “scientific,” but which wrought unprecedented suffering. We may say of these ideologues what the Apostle Paul said of the pagan Romans: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”

A sort of mass hysteria — an epidemic of insanity — seems to have taken hold among the college-educated elite in our society, and this SJW madness is, as Will Shetterly observes, most prevalent among women. This was evident at last weekend’s anti-gun march.

Feminist SJWs are eager to protect the mentally ill from criticism, because no entirely sane person is a feminist SJW. These demented women attack the marriage-based “nuclear family” because there are no men who would want to marry them or have children with them. They have completely isolated themselves from the functional mainstream of normal American society and yet, because the Democrat Party has embraced these lunatics as part of their core constituency, their delusional grievances are treated as legitimate by the liberal media.

We have probably not yet reached “peak SJW.” There is no ultimate limit to their insane depravity, but this tidal wave of SJW madness may eventually begin to recede, if the Democrats lose enough elections. If the healthy segments of our society — those whom Kurt Schlichter calls “Normal Americans” — can maintain a governing majority for another few years, SJWs will burn themselves out in despondency and rage.



In The Mailbox: 03.28.18

Posted on | March 28, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #208
EBL: NeverTrumper Ann Coulter?
Twitchy: Report About Why Omar Mateen Chose His Target Sinks Multiple Liberal Narratives
Louder With Crowder: We’re Coming To UI-Urbana Anyway! Time For Another “Change My Mind”
CBS Local: Microsoft To Ban “Offensive Language” & Monitor Your Private Account (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Podcast #78 – The Hardship Episode
American Power: Walmart Pulls Cosmopolitan From Checkout Lines, also, Orange County To Join Federal Suit Against California To Stop Sanctuary State Legislation
American Thinker: Why The Environmental Left Is Secretly Petrified By Truly Renewable Energy
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: The Mask Slips
CDR Salamander: The Turn of The Wheel In Syria
Da Tech Guy: Fisking John Paul Stevens’ Repeal The Second Amendment Op-Ed, also, Voices Of CPAC 2018 – Tyler From Florida After Trump’s Speech
Don Surber: Trump Effect Snags Baby Hitler, Lady Gamecocks
Dustbury: So That’s What It Looks Like
The Geller Report: Passover Shoppers Run Down As Car Mounts Pavement, Plows Into Shop, also, Daily Beast Columnist Raises Funds For Terror-Tied HAMAS-CAIR
Hogewash: Judicial Senility, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Pro-Life Women Cannot Be Feminist
JustOneMinute: Here To Help
Legal Insurrection: Over A Dozen States Join Administration’s Suit Against “Sanctuary State” California, also, Federal Court Rules YouTube Restrictions On Praer U Videos Don’t Violate 1st Amendment
Michelle Malkin: The Snitches In Your Kids’ Dental Office
Power Line: Fear And Loathing At The DoJ (Continued) also, Correction of The Month
Shark Tank: Rubio Says He Won’t Campaign Against Dem Senator Bill Nelson
Shot In The Dark: Yes, Virginia – They Are Coming For Your Guns, also, Persona Non Grata
STUMP: Mornings With Meep – Governments Do Go Out Of Business
The Jawa Report: Musa Abu Dawud Is Dead, Jim
The Political Hat: From Separation of Powers To Administrative Oligarchy
This Ain’t Hell: Florida Boy Meets Baker Act And Sheriff Grady Judd, also, We’re Extremists? What?? Seriously…?
Victory Girls: Totally Nuts – Planned Parenthood Wants A Disney Princess Who’s Had An Abortion
Weasel Zippers: Illegal Alien Who Laughed In Court After Killing Two Officers Gets Death Penalty, also, CNN’s Chris Cuomo Claims Nobody Is Calling For 2nd Amendment Repeal

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In The Mailbox: 03.27.18

Posted on | March 27, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.27.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: A Review – AMC’s The Terror
Twitchy: Chef Who Confronted Vegan Protesters With “Recently Murdered Deer” Being Hailed As Hero
Louder With Crowder: Parkland Survivor Admits To Bullying The Shooter, And She’s Not Sorry
BBC: Claudette Colvin, The Teenager Who Came Before Rosa Parks (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Do You Need To be Poor To Succeed?
American Power: Rep. Steve King’s Campaign Ties Gun Control Activist Emma Gonzalez To Communist Cuba
American Thinker: Leftists Are The Attackers, Not The Victims
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Predictable Mess News
BattleSwarm: Real Reform In Saudi Arabia?
BLACKFIVE: Lynn Blackburn, Beneath The Surface
CDR Salamander: Making Sense Of Natsec’s Madness With Phil Ewing
Da Tech Guy: The Church And Illegal Aliens, also, Justice Stevens Keeps It Real
Don Surber: Wrong About The Election, Wrong About Tariffs, also, Why Should Any Trump Supporter Write For USA Today?
Dustbury: Delete Your Browser
The Geller Report: Europe Told To Prepare For Another Wave Of Refugees, also, 10-Year-Old Muslim Migrant “Child Asylum Seeker” Threatens Classmates With Mass Murder
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Census Citizenship Question Sends California Over The Edge
JustOneMinute: Gun Control Made Simple
Legal Insurrection: Blumenthal, Wasserman-Schultz Draft Bullet Control Legislation, also, Pennsylvania Planned Parenthood Suggests Disney Create A Pro-Abortion, Trans, Illegal, Union Member Princess
Power Line: Study Shows Chicago Homicides Spiked Thanks To ACLU Police Decree, also, Microsoft Joins The Censors
Shot In The Dark: The Resistance
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – What if Trump Doesn’t Spend All The Money? Also, State Income Taxes
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler BOLO – Brittanya Fairman And Jeffery Lathrop
This Ain’t Hell: Drug Mule Veteran Deported, also, Seattle Man Arrested For Mailing Suspicious Packages To DC Military Institutions
Victory Girls: Yes, They Really Do Want To Take All Your Guns
Weasel Zippers: Informant Provided Info to FBI That Russia Was Helping Iran’s Nuke Program, also, Did Facebook’s “Favors” For The Obama Campaign Violate Federal Law?
Megan McArdle: The Left’s “Denmark Envy”
Mark Steyn: Stormy Weathered, also, The Federally Regulated Family Man

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Nickelodeon’s #MeToo Moment: Producer Dan Schneider Fired Amid Rumors

Posted on | March 27, 2018 | 2 Comments

Dan Schneider, alleged pervert.

Monday afternoon, Nickelodeon children’s TV network dumped producer Dan Schneider and, as Deadline’s Nellie Andreeva writes, “for years Schneider had been under a cloud of suspicion over the treatment of some younger stars of his shows”:

Among the things that have raised eyebrows are his tweeted photos of the toes of his young female stars. Additionally, there have been issues with bloated budgets and long production days on Schneider’s shows.
Schneider has had well documented temper issues for years. . . .

Schneider’s “temper issues” may be the least of his problems:

For 20 years, Dan Schneider was Nickelodeon’s golden goose. Their top showrunner and creator, Schneider launched the careers of Amanda Bynes, Ariana Grande, Jamie Lynn Spears, and many others. Despite his involvement in their early careers these young women seem to remain curiously silent on Mr. Schneider. When accepting his 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award from Nickelodeon, the stage was devoid of any of his former female stars, save for Victoria Justice who was still under contract at the time. . . .
[I]t was alleged by an anonymous source that Dan Schneider was known for hosting pool parties at his home. The guest lists for these parties frequently featured his young stars, who would attend without their parents according to the source. . . . Stories and rumors about regarding Dan Schneider and his lack of boundaries with his young stars, particularly Amanda Bynes and Jamie Lynn Spears. His foot fetish was also well-documented, with tons of feet references in his show and sexualizing of teens. He was also caught at one point using the official “Sam & Cat” Twitter account to solicit foot pictures from child fans. . . .
While covering Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon, ROTC Media was contacted by Gabe Hoffman, producer of Hollywood pedophile documentary “An Open Secret” with an on-the-record statement on Schneider.

“Schneider was choice number 2 to base “An Open Secret” on. Investigations had many named people who wanted to be off record….who were on sets for years and saw big changes in kid’s demeanor & body language.”
— Gabe Hoffman, Producer of An Open Secret

Amanda Bynes, during the heyday of her Nickelodeon career.

So, there was a “blind item” about Schneider at the blog Crazy Days and Nights that included an email that the blogger had received from “an actress ALL of you know who knows the producer as well as anyone”:

thank you for all of your ongoing support. i Don’t know how Any of these meN sleep at night, but if there’s one thing that i Do know Is that what’s Done In the dark, always comes to lighT! xoxo
Sorry, I thought it was clever 😀 unfortch I will obviously not be making any comment whatsoever (for obvious reasons) and unfortch I feel as though the only way that legitimate stories can make the headlines regarding ____ is if others publicly speak on his behavior. _____ was truly like a 2nd father to me. But things changed. After the 2nd incident, i don’t know if I will ever be able to have children or have the family of my dreams.

I’ve bolded the unusual capitalizations which spell out “DAN DID IT.”

The commenters immediately guessed that this is from Amanda Bynes, and they’ve got a pretty good track record at Crazy Days and Nights. Some commenters speculated that the “incident” which allegedly impaired the actress’s reproductive system was an abortion. In 2013, when she was 27, Amanda Bynes had a mental breakdown, and a judge ordered her committed to a psychiatric ward. A gossip site at the time quoted a source: “There are no drug problems involved, it’s all mental. She has deep anger and PTSD, which tripped a psychotic episode.”

PTSD — post-traumatic stress disorder. Hmmm.

@JohnDoe78359022 has compiled a series of items about Schneider from Crazy Days and Nights going back as far as 2008, and it’s devastating. In one 2012 comment, the sometime contributor known as “Himmmm” describes a “predator PoS who ruined the [teenage actress], knocked her up, paid for her abortion, and turned her into a disaster.”

That was before Amanda Bynes’ mental illness became a public scandal, and it’s taken more than five years for Nickelodeon to cut Schneider loose, for a very simple reason: Money. Schneider’s shows were among the most successful programming at Nickelodeon and, it has been alleged, Schneider was protected by Sumner Redstone, the elderly billionaire who controls the network’s parent company Viacom.

If we are to believe everything at Crazy Days and Nights — and I repeat, he’s got an impressive record of accuracy — we’re talking about pool parties for underage kids where a teenage Amanda Bynes was allegedly snorting coke. We’re talking about persistent rumors that Schneider is the father of Jamie Lynn Spears’ baby, millions of dollars for lawyers and hush money to keep it quiet, decadence and depravity to rival ancient Rome during the reign of the Emperor Commodus!

So far, however, these are merely allegations, rumors and speculation which mainstream journalists say they can’t report because sources in Hollywood are afraid to go on the record. This is reminiscent of the way rumors had dogged Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey for years before the #MeToo tsunami finally came crashing down on them. Now that Nickelodeon has parted ways with Schneider, however, it’s possible that some of these sources will start talking openly and, we might guess, fear of forthcoming revelations might have been the most significant factor in Nickelodeon’s decision to cut Schneider loose.

Permit me to quote myself:

Years ago, when I’d complain to Andrew Breitbart about the corruption in Washington, he’d always say, “No, Stacy — Hollywood is worse.” The people who produce America’s entertainment, Andrew would assure me, are very bad people. Obviously, Andrew was right.

Andrew had a habit of being right. Damn, I miss him.



Violence Against Women Update

Posted on | March 27, 2018 | Comments Off on Violence Against Women Update


DeKalb County, Georgia:

The suspect accused of fatally stabbing a 14-year-old girl and a man Sunday morning in a Decatur apartment has been arrested, DeKalb County authorities said Monday afternoon.
Authorities say Royce Stewart stabbed Shykia Ward-Reese and an unidentified male at the Trinity Walk Apartments, then stole a silver 2014 Ford Mustang convertible, Decatur police Sgt. John Bender confirmed in a statement.
The 36-year-old was arrested in downtown Decatur, not long after dumping the car during a chase with DeKalb sheriff’s deputies, spokeswoman Cynthia Williams said.
He faces multiple charges, including two counts of murder and one count of theft by taking a motor vehicle.
The search for Stewart prompted a lockdown at nearby Bethune Middle School, a DeKalb Schools spokesman confirmed.
This isn’t the first time Stewart has been wanted on murder charges, court records show.
In 2003, DeKalb police charged Stewart with murder in connection with the death of an 18-year-old at a birthday party, according to Channel 2 Action News.
Details about the incident were not immediately available Monday, but records indicate Stewart pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter in 2004 and served five years in prison.

Feminists are ignoring this crime, for some reason.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


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