The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Posted on | November 23, 2017 | 1 Comment


Deborah Ellen Frisch (d.o.b. 11/2/1961) is a fugitive, wanted on two felony warrants in Weld County, Colorado. Frisch has a notorious history. Once a tenure-track professor of psychology at the University of Oregon, in July 2006 she was employed in a $32,861-a-year adjunct (part-time) position at the University of Arizona when she decided to post threatening comments against blogger Jeff Goldstein’s son:

An adjunct professor at the University of Arizona has resigned after her threatening comments about a Web logger’s two-year-old son created an online uproar.
Self-described left-wing psychology instructor Deborah Frisch escalated a foreign policy argument with blogger Jeff Goldstein last week, writing that if “someone shot you and your ‘tyke’ it wouldn’t slow me down one iota.” She also wrote that she hopes “no one Jon-Benets” the child — a reference to the brutal murder of a young Colorado girl ten years ago — and made disturbing sexual remarks about the boy.

Since then, Frisch has repeatedly run afoul of the law. In April 2015, she was released from jail and then re-arrested on a new charge a few hours after her release when she made a false police report. By September 2016, she had moved to Southern California, and was again engaged in online harassment. Felony warrants were issued and, after she was arrested Nov. 11, 2016, in Yreka, California, on a drunk and disorderly behavior charge, she was extradited to Colorado to face those charges. She was released from Weld County Jail in February 2017, and faced a sentencing hearing in April, but for some unknown reason was released. Now she has again violated the law and on Nov. 16, warrants for Frisch’s arrest were issued on two felony counts, bribery and intimidation.

Deborah Ellen Frisch has reportedly fled Colorado, and she is believed to be in either Oregon or California. It has also been reported that she is no longer taking the medications prescribed for her mental illness.

Frisch is 5-foot-7 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. She was last seen driving a blue Subaru Impreza. We are seeking the public’s help to bring this fugitive to justice. Please post this to your Facebook page or Twitter account, especially if you are in California or Oregon. It’s time this deranged criminal is locked up where she belongs. If you see Frisch, do not approach her. Call 911. You can also share information with Jeff Goldstein on Twitter at @proteinwisdom.

More background at Teh Daily Squeak and Deb Frisch Timeline.

UPDATE: Jeff Goldstein reports on Facebook:

I’m thrilled to announce that our serial stalker Deborah Frisch was arrested this Thanksgiving night in Bend, Oregon.
— And that it was I who found her hotel (after some help from dedicated friends in tracking down her IP address, for which my family is eternally grateful), then sent the Bend police out to pick her up on the nationwide warrant.
Hope YOU ALL had a great Thanksgiving, too!

What a beautiful gift for the holiday season!

UPDATE II: Teh Daily Squeak has the arrest report for Frisch. The arresting officer was Deschutes County Deputy Sheriff Caitlin Doshier, who is a real-life hero. In 2016, she saved the life of a man who was injured in a waterskiing accident. Deputy Doshier is also an athlete, 5-foot-8, who played basketball and ran track in high school. A grateful nation says thank you, Deputy Doshier!

UPDATE III: Previously, I had not understood why Frisch was turned loose after her April hearing. Wikipedia has clarifying details:

On April 26, 2017 — after having been arrested for violating the Colorado protection order in November 2016 and extradited from California to Weld County, Colorado — Frisch was sentenced in a plea deal wherein she pled guilty to felony stalking and harassment. She requested to be returned to California to live with her parents, adding an additional 45 days to her jail time to allow the interstate compact to take effect. Jail time for the November 16 incident totaled 7 1/2 months. She was sentenced to 10 years’ probation; a prohibition from posting online about private citizens (this includes all social media platforms); supervised Internet access and potential state review of her computer and phone; mandatory courses in victim empathy and moral decision making; and state supervision over compliance with prescribed medications for bi-polar disorder. On behalf of the victims, Jeff Goldstein read a prepared statement to the court before sentencing. Frisch’s free speech defense was dismissed as immaterial once she pled guilty to a felony in exchange for dismissal of four other felonies, including threatening a judge. After a fallout with her parents, Frisch was required to return to Colorado under the conditions of the interstate pact. Once back in Colorado, Frisch incurred new felony charges, including threatening and harassing her former parole officer and her family.

Do you see how profoundly antisocial her personality is? Frisch was turned loose on probation under condition that she live with her family in California, but she had “a fallout with her parents.” She is an adult, 56 years old, who cannot even get along with her own parents. That this deranged woman has a Ph.D., and was once a tenure-track university professor, tells you everything you need to know about modern academia.


Where Did Hillary Go Wrong?

Posted on | November 23, 2017 | 1 Comment

The lovely young Hillary Rodham, 1965.

This morning, the hosts of Fox & Friends were mocking the latest installment of Hillary Clinton’s “Excuse Tour,” as we might call her ongoing crusade to avoid responsibility for her own failures:

In an interview posted Wednesday with radio host Hugh Hewitt, Clinton bemoaned being seen as an extension of the Obama years.
“It is true that when you run to succeed a two-term president of your own party, you have a historical headwind blowing against you,” Clinton told Hewitt. “It’s not just this campaign can be set apart from everything that’s ever happened in our politics. It is a challenge.”
Clinton suggested her campaign suffered from mixed messaging.
“If you are both the candidate defending a lot of the areas of agreement, but also putting forth an agenda for change, which is what I tried to do, it is often difficult to get the second part of that message through.”
Not that she wanted to distance herself from Obama. “I was proud to serve in the Obama administration. I did not agree with everything that President Obama decided, but on balance, I really think he did what had to be done to rescue the economy, which as we all remember, was in desperate straits,” Clinton said.

This is not merely false, but delusional. In 1988, Vice President George H.W. Bush was running for Ronald Reagan’s “third term,” as it was commonly said at the time. The election that year was clearly a referendum on Reagan’s policies and, while Bush sought to distance himself somewhat from Reagan — famously promising a “kinder, gentler America” — the voters in 1988 had a clear choice: Continue the pro-business, pro-military, anti-Communist policies of Reaganism, or return to Jimmy Carterism, so to speak, in the person of Mike Dukakis.

Bush won in a landslide that year, 53% to 45%, with 426 Electoral College votes to 111 for Dukakis. This was not as impressive as Reagan’s historic landslide in 1984, yet it was still a solid victory — a wider margin than Obama won in his 2012 re-election, for example. What had happened during the 1980s was that Reagan had produced (or at least had capitalized on) a decisive shift in our nation’s’s politics. After the radical turmoil of the 1960s and the decade-long misery of the 1970s, a majority of the American electorate had rejected liberalism, and this was something that Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton recognized.

As he prepared to campaign for president in 1992, Bill Clinton knew that he would have to present himself as a different kind of Democrat (unfortunately for Ricky Ray Rector). Clinton was himself a radical at heart, but he was also “an unusually good liar,” as Bob Kerrey observed.

The Clinton campaign of 1992 was one of the most dishonest in American history, and we are still reckoning with the consequences to this day. The media went all-in for Clinton (89% of D.C. journalists voted for him) that year, and the blatant partisanship of their pro-Clinton coverage gave Democrats the idea that they were on the verge of returning to Camelot. During the 1993 inauguration festivities, Democrats danced jubilantly to the tune of Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow,” and had no idea of how soon a Republican tomorrow would arrive. In 1994, the GOP captured control of both houses of Congress for the first time in 40 years, a testimony both to the enduring strength of the Reagan coalition and to the failure of Clinton to understand why he had won in 1992. The voters had not rejected Reaganism, they had rejected Bushism, and these are two very different animals. Bush had been elected in 1988 in the expectation that he would “stay the course” of the Reagan years, yet in many ways he departed from that path. This opened the door for Clinton (assisted by the populist third-party challenge of Ross Perot), but the Democrats failed to understand what had happened in 1992, which set the stage for the “Republican Revolution” of 1994.

Before you plan for the future, you must first understand the past.

Our political leaders, in both parties, have failed to learn the lessons of history, and this is true of the American people in general. In a representative form of government, we get the kind of leaders we deserve, and when we behold the corrupt clown show in Washington, we must admit that it is a negative verdict on ourselves. “We the People” have failed, or else we would have better leaders, and it doesn’t matter whether you are a Republican or a Democrat. If you were a better citizen — if you were more respected, so that your opinions had more influence — you would be able to persuade your fellow citizens to vote for the candidates of your choice and, once they were in office, your elected representatives would pursue the policies you recommended.

The “Never Trump” Republicans and the Bernie Sanders Democrats, who could not win their own party primaries, merely prove the old Persian adage, “The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on.”

So where did Hillary go wrong? I covered her on the campaign trail during the 2008 Democratic primaries, which she lost to Obama. When she spoke at Shepherdstown, West Virginia — where I had a pleasant conversation with her daughter Chelsea — I felt a certain sympathy for Mrs. Clinton. There I was, sitting on the grassy lawn of Shepherd College, scarcely 10 feet from the former First Lady, watching her being raked over the coals with hostile questions from the liberal D.C. press corps. After her defeat in the North Carolina primaries, the reporters kept asking, wasn’t it time for her to quit? Wasn’t it her duty as a Democrat to concede the race and urge her voters to support Obama?

Ah — live by the liberal media bias, die by the liberal media bias!

That’s one of the great ironies of American politics. Because the vast majority of journalists are liberals, Democrats live inside a “bubble” of favorable media propaganda, an echo chamber within which they never have to wonder if maybe their ideas are fundamentally wrong. It is quite difficult for any Republican to be as deluded by ideological hubris to such an extent as Democrats so often are. Every GOP politician is hounded by liberal reporters who are as much a part of the Democrat Party campaign operation as any paid DNC operative. To get elected as a Republican is to paint a target on your back, as far as the press corps is concerned, and there is always a swarm of penny-ante “progressive” bloggers who fancy themselves to be latter-day Woodards and Bernsteins, ready to expose the scandal that will destroy a GOP politician’s career.

Somehow, Donald Trump figured out a way to defeat the media. Whether you are pro-Trump or anti-Trump, you have to admit that the man is a master of jiu-jitsu tactics, defeating the liberal media elite by attacking them directly, taunting them and laughing at their impotence.

So, I ask again, where did Hillary go wrong? Responding to a comment on an earlier post, I offered this historic perspective:

It is important to remember that she came from a prosperous Republican family. Her father was a successful businessman and in 1964, young Hillary Rodham was a “Goldwater Girl.” Unfortunately, she was also a Methodist, and came under the influence of a church youth leader with a “social justice” outlook. She was swept along in the general leftward drift of the Methodist Church (like all WCC denominations) and also internalized the generational narcissism of the Baby Boomers.
Bright young people in the 1950s and ’60s were repeatedly told that their generation were the future leaders of America. Their heads were filled with a lot of slogans about “democracy,” “freedom” and “equality” and they weren’t taught much about skepticism and humility. It would have been better for them if they had been given more good old-fashioned Calvinism, but instead their education turned them into fools, ready to believe in a lot of utopian dreams. In a society where liberalism prevails among the academic elite, the more education you get, the more of a hopeless fool you become. By the time she went off to Wellesley, Hillary was already on the wrong path, and no one she encountered at college, or later at Yale Law, did anything to correct her path.

That’s the real problem. Hillary made a left turn in the late 1960s, and never thereafter reconsidered her devotion to the Democrat Party. At the time she drifted into student radicalism, of course, many other young people were doing the same. She followed the herd, with the ambition of becoming a leader of the herd, and failed to anticipate — even as a shadow of a doubt — that history might turn in the other direction.

“Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow,” but yesterday is never really gone. The past always offers lessons for the future. And young people who fail to study history will eventually regret neglecting these lessons.




In The Mailbox: 11.22.17

Posted on | November 23, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.22.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #83
EBL: Fusion GPS Paid Reporters To Do What?
Twitchy: Report About Health Crisis In LA Is “The Democratic Party In One Tweet”
Louder With Crowder: Undercover Video – Trannies Actively Targeting Children And Medicaid
Zerohedge: Big Brother Is Here – Twitter Will Monitors Users’ Off-Platform Behavior (h/t Associate Commentariat Member NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: SJW Assistant Professor Could Soon Be Living Out Of The Back Of His Car
American Power: NFL Owners Mull Keeping Players In Locker Room During National Anthem, also, Victor Sebestyen, Lenin
American Thinker: Obama Donor Judge – No Sanctuary For American Victims
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Dem Rep John Conyers – Two Sexual Harassment Charges And Counting
Bring The HEAT: USS Texas Restoration
CDR Salamander: Second Thoughts On The Third Offset
Da Tech Guy: Hollywood And DC – Never Our Betters And Often Far Worse, also, Giving Thanks For Capitalism And Market Basket Chicken
Don Surber: Liberals Used Al Franken To Discredit Roy Moore
Dustbury: The Coming Normalization
The Geller Report: 200 Christian Churches Damaged & Christian Symbols Destroyed In Just One German Region
Hogewash: Don’t Know Much About History, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: NYT “Star Reporter” Suspended Over Sexual Harassment Allegations
Joe For America: ISIS Calls For Barron Trump’s Murder, Gives Out Personal Details
JustOneMinute: Women For All!
Legal Insurrection: MS-13 Members Stabbed Maryland Man, Decapitated Him, And Cut Out Heart
Michelle Malkin: Dumb Sensors, Deadly Consequences
Power Line: Court Documents Raise Questions About Corfman’s Account, also, The Democrats’ Dilemma
Shot In The Dark: Toxic Eunuchism
STUMP: The Real Reason For States Dropping DB Plans – Ever-Increasing Expense
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – One Big Pile Is Better Than Two Little Piles
The Political Hat: An Example Of White Privilege
This Ain’t Hell: NCOs Fired From White House Detail
Weasel Zippers: Hillary Whines That No 2020 Candidates Have Sought Her Advice, also, “Non-White” Student Linked To Racist Graffiti In School, Officials Say
Megan McArdle: What To Serve Before Thanksgiving Dinner
Mark Steyn: The Fall Of Liberal Icons

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Two Charged in Transgender Attack

Posted on | November 22, 2017 | Comments Off on Two Charged in Transgender Attack


Who is perpetrating these awful hate crimes?

Two Detroit men were arraigned Monday on charges in connection with the shooting and robbery of a transgender woman on Woodward Avenue.
Charles Marion Brown, 21, was charged with assault with intent to commit murder, assault with intent to commit great bodily harm, armed robbery resulting in serious injury, armed robbery, fleeing and eluding felon in possession of a firearm, second offense habitual offender, and felony firearms violations.
Jujuan Alexon Williams, 19, was charged with armed robbery resulting in serious injury, armed robbery, felon in possession of a firearm, fourth offense habitual offender and felony firearms violations.
Authorities say Brown and Williams pulled up in a red GMC Yukon and pulled a gun on a transgender woman, telling her to drop everything and run. She dropped her purse and began to run.
The gunman fired five shots. The victim was struck three times.
One of the men picked up the purse and fled the scene.

The perpetrators must be a couple of Trump voters, right?


Jujuan Alexon Williams (left) and Charles Marion Brown (right).

Yeah, obviously two young Republicans.


Violence Against Women Update: Pimp Kidnapped, Raped Girls as Young as 12

Posted on | November 22, 2017 | Comments Off on Violence Against Women Update: Pimp Kidnapped, Raped Girls as Young as 12


News from California:

Fifteen years ago, Louis Ray Coleman took a 13-year-old off the streets and forced her to live in his basement for years, while she earned money for him through sexual servitude.
Even more shocking, Coleman, was caught red-handed in 2002 and charged with false imprisonment and pimping a minor less than 16 years old, yet only served 71 days on a probation violation, according to testimony in a kidnapping trial last month.
After jail, he found the young girl — known to the world only as Jane Doe — and she returned to his basement, where she lived out her teenage years. It wasn’t until this year and several victims later, that Doe would get the chance to face her exploiter in court. . . .
Before 2016, Coleman was caught at least four times sexually abusing or kidnapping minors as young as 12 for sex trafficking. His longest sentence was two years, and his most lenient was probation. Every time he was released, he found a new victim.
But now, Coleman is facing life in prison after being convicted of dozens of felonies related to two separate kidnappings in 2016. The victims were an adult and a 12-year-old girl . . .
In June 2016, Coleman kidnapped a woman who was new to the area, after she got lost near a BART station. After she eventually escaped from him, he kidnapped a 12-year-old who’d run away from a group home, and raped her repeatedly while forcing her to ingest meth.

This is the latest entry in our Violence Against Women series, highlighting crimes that feminists never mention, for some reason.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)





Sex, Power, Weakness and Evil

Posted on | November 22, 2017 | 3 Comments

“I would be happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”
Nina Burleigh, 1998

“Feminists keep trying to explain Weinstein in terms of power — he is the ‘patriarchy’ or whatever — but what this sordid scandal reveals is his weakness.”
Robert Stacy McCain, Nov. 21, 2017

When did the shift happen? Reading about the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse now destroying so many powerful men — Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) is the latest big name to be exposed — I keep returning to the question: “How did we get here?” The most obvious catalyst for this bonfire of feminist rage is the election of Donald Trump. So many feminists had gone “all-in” for Hillary Clinton last year, and believed that the Access Hollywood tape would prove fatal to Trump’s campaign, that the results of Nov. 8 inflicted an emotional trauma. As they worked through their feelings, they realized that a major cause of their defeat was the compromises they had made for the sake of Democrat Party coalition politics. One obvious reason Hillary lost was that her defense of Bill’s predatory sexual behavior exposed her as an untrustworthy hypocrite.

Yet the roots of this problem go back farther than the Lewinsky scandal. In 1969, Ted Kennedy left a woman to die in the back of a submerged Oldsmobile, but because he was a powerful Democrat, he was able to avoid vehicular manslaughter charges, retain his Senate seat and was even celebrated with a heroic defender of “women’s rights.” Guy Benson pointed out that a video tribute to Kennedy was shown at the 2012 Democratic National Convention and when Katie Pavlich objected to this during a CNN panel discussion, she was scolded for having the bad taste to mention that Ted Kennedy once killed a woman.

Ted Kennedy was a weakling, a specimen of moral cowardice. An alcoholic and a womanizer, Kennedy and his Senate colleague Chris Dodd once infamously made a “waitress sandwich” at a D.C. restaurant.

Likewise, Bill Clinton is an infamous weakling, unable to control his sexual appetites, and too foolish to avoid temptation. When Monica Lewinsky flashed her thong underwear at him, what did Bill do? If you’re the President of the United States, you have the power to enforce decorum in the workplace, to require the White House staff to comport themselves respectfully. Rather than to suppress Lewinsky’s lewd behavior, instead Clinton began pursuing sexual encounters with this emotionally unstable woman less than half his age. His misconduct (and hers) eventually came to light because one of his previous victims, Paula Jones, filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Clinton. Jones’s lawyers learned of the Lewinsky affair, questioned Clinton about it during a sworn deposition, and he perjured himself by denying it. Clinton furthermore arguably obstructed justice by arranging to get Lewinsky out of Washington (getting her a job with Revlon, whose CEO was a major Democrat donor) and having his attorney Vernon Jordan get Lewinsky to sign a false affidavit denying her affair with Clinton.

In other words, Clinton used his political power to conceal his personal weakness and, in doing so, committed impeachable offenses.

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” Jesus taught His disciples to pray. Knowing our own weakness — “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” — Christians ought to be humble, and to fear any situation that might tempt us to sin. Are you a stronger or more virtuous man than Bill Clinton? You ought to hesitate before answering “yes,” lest the Devil decide to prove you wrong.

Mike Pence has been derided by liberals for his “open door” rule, refusing ever to meet alone with a woman other than his wife, but the wisdom of his policy is revealed every time we see a new headline about the wicked behavior of men like Harvey Weinstein, Brett Rattner, Al Franken, Glenn Thrush, Louis C.K., James Toback, Kevin Spacey, Charlie Rose, Michael Oreskes, John Lasseter, Mark Halperin, on and on and on.

There is no doubt that the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse will also destroy some Republicans — new allegations against Roy Moore seem to emerge every day — but on balance, these exposures mainly involve liberal men in politics, journalism and Hollywood. This is deeply ironic, of course, because Democrats campaigned in 2012 on the claim that there was a Republican “War on Women,” Hillary Clinton made feminist “empowerment” a major theme of her campaign in 2016, and it was only because Hillary lost that we have now entered this climate where feminists are willing to pour gasoline all over the machinery of male Democrat power, strike a match and burn it to the ground.

You can thank the 63 million Trump voters for this “empowerment.”

Power is beneficial when used to protect the weak and helpless, but wicked people who seek power for selfish reasons will often use dishonest claims of humanitarian intentions to mask their selfishness. Only a fool could be deceived by an argument like “Vote Democrat, Because Social Justice,” yet millions of Americans are such fools. (Hillary could have called her book It Takes a Village of Idiots to Elect a Clinton.) What liberals do, in making these pseudo-humanitarian appeals, is to drape themselves in a costume of secondhand victimhood: “Elect me,” the powerful multimillionaire Hillary Clinton essentially said, “because these other women are raped and discriminated against.”

This identity-politics argument is always false: Did Stalin’s power benefit the peasants of Russia? Did Hitler’s power benefit the average German? Did the typical citizen of Arkansas benefit from Bill Clinton’s presidency? Are black people better off because John Conyers is in Congress?

Identity politics dishonestly tells us that we are “empowered” if the person in the White House is a member of own own particular tribe. There are still millions of Irish Catholics who still vote Democrat because their Irish ancestors were Democrats and John Kennedy was a Catholic. And I was a partisan Democrat, maintaining that allegiance until I was in my mid-30s, for quite similar reasons of ancestral loyalty. There used to be fewer Republicans in the South than there are in Detroit today, and if black people ever figure out that they’re being scammed (the same way white Southerners were scammed by Democrats), this might bring about a cataclysmic political shift in American politics.

What about women? For many decades, Democrats have been the party of abortion, claiming that abortion is a synonym for “women’s rights.” And guess what? Wicked men eagerly agree with that claim.

Never forget: The Clintons and Harvey Weinstein are pro-abortion, and this was all that was necessary to make them acceptable to feminists who support the Democrat Party for that reason, and that reason only. Feminists will tolerate anything, so long as you’re pro-abortion:

Feminism is a movement devoted to destroying the family. Feminist theory condemns marriage and motherhood as institutions of “male domination,” which is why taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood is sacred to feminists: The road to “equality” is paved with dead babies.

Abortion is wrong, and its supporters are evil. Bad people do bad things, and it is not really surprising that Harvey Weinstein is a monster.

Now these monsters are being hunted down by their former feminist “allies,” and all the power and money in the world cannot save them.

Karma is a bitch, they say. And what a deeply ironic bitch she is.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!



In The Mailbox: 11.21.2017

Posted on | November 21, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.21.2017

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: John Lasseter And Rashida Jones
Twitchy: Bette Midler Takes Her Turn Sliming Leeann Tweeden
Louder With Crowder: Trump Supporter’s MAGA Hat Stolen By Angry Leftist, But He Gets The Last Laugh
Of Two Minds: The Demise Of Dissent (h/t Loyal Reader NeoWayland)
Victor Davis Hanson: Never Mind “Trumpism”, What Is Deplorablism?
Kurt Schlichter: Let’s All Savor The Democrats’ Pervgate Pain

Adam Piggott: COTW – Sinterklaas
American Power: Eight Women Accuse Charlie Rose Of Sexual Harassment, also, Rana Mitter, A Bitter Revolution
American Thinker: Hillary – Corrupt, Clueless, Coddled
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Dead Nutbar News
BattleSwarm: Merkel Unable To Form German Government
Bring The HEAT: The Development & Production Of The B61 Thermonuclear Bomb
CDR Salamander: The Dangers Of Going Half-Brained And Whole Hog On STEM
Da Tech Guy: Manson And Me, also, Charlie Rose, Glenn Thrush, Etc. – My Liberal Over/Under Is Six
Don Surber: Republicans Need To Learn The Lessons Of Clinton & Kennedy
Dustbury: Box Whatever
The Geller Report: Miss Iraq Apologizes For Selfie With Miss Israel, also, Kerry Praises “Palestinians” For “Nonviolence”
Hogewash: Cowardly Cowards Gotta Cower, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Liberal Media Claims Charles Manson Is So Much Like Trump And The “Far Right”
Joe For America: Pelosi And Soros Caught Colluding In “Left’s Biggest Dark Money” Donor Gathering
JustOneMinute: This Is How We Keep Trump, also, Revolting At State
Legal Insurrection: Dem Rep Conyers Settled Sexual Harassment Complaint In 2015, also, Mugabe Resigns A Week After Army Coup
Power Line: Tweet of The Day, also, Al Franken – The Movie
Shark Tank: Rubio, Cruz Praise Trump’s Declaration That Norks Are Terrorist State
Shot In The Dark: A Point Of Unity
STUMP: Public DB Pension Managers – Why Don’t You Split Out Cash Flows?
The Political Hat: California Legislature To Go Full Soviet Commune
This Ain’t Hell: Phony Squaw Derides “Racist” Comments, also, New Gun Control Legislation – Old Propaganda In A New Wrapper
Weasel Zippers: Maxine Waters Tells Women Alleged Sexual Harasser John Conyers Has “Impeccable Integrity On Our Issues”, also, 36 SNL Women “Offer Solidarity In Support” Of Al Franken, Downplay Actions As “Stupid And Foolish”
Megan McArdle: Jobless Benefits If You Quit? There’s Some Logic
Mark Steyn: The Lateness Of Democrats, also, Mariachi Bagpipers

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In The Mailbox: 11.20.17

Posted on | November 21, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Proof Positive: Democrat Talking Points Explained
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode 81
EBL: Is Senator Al “Gropey” Franklin Barred From The State Fair?
Twitchy: WaPo Says Eight Women Accuse Charlie Rose Of VILE Sexual Misconduct (Updated)
Louder With Crowder: Tariq Nasheed Embarrasses Himself With Charles Manson Tweet

Adam Piggott: Getting Engaged Two Weeks After You Meet Someone
American Power: The Fall Of Robert Mugabe, also, Robert Kaplan, Hog Pilots, Blue Water Grunts
American Thinker: Mall Never Banned Moore And Other Lies, also, The Perfumed Princes Of The Pentagon
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: News Flash For Clueless Millenials – Communism Sucks
BLACKFIVE: T.R. Ragan, Her Last Day
Bring The HEAT: Argentine Submarine San Juan Confirmed Lost
CDR Salamander: Making A Better War College, On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: No Republican Should Stall Tax Cuts To Save The Individual Mandate, also, Sky Penises And What They Mean
Don Surber: North Korea – Too Hungry To Fight A War? also, What Do Liberals Gain From Crime In The Cities?
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, T’Ain’t Funny, McD
The Geller Report: UK Politician Jayda Fransen Arrested For Offending Islam, also, The End of Merkel?
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Why Is The Cabin Boy Hiding?, also also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Top California Democrat To Resign Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations, also, Lois Lerner Terrified Her Testimony On Targeting Conservatives Could Be Made Public
Joe For America: Liberals Now Claim Body Cameras They Demanded Are Racist, also, Clinton Nightmare – Uranium One Informant Has Video Of “Briefcases Full Of Cash”
JustOneMinute: One Too Many Blows To The Head For NFL Commissioner, also, Expanding The SDI
Legal Insurrection: Obama Concealed Al-Qaeda Strength Before 2012 Elections, also, Weather Channel’s Attempt To Film Georgia Dome’s Implosion Goes Hilariously Awry
Power Line: “Out Of Control” Violent Crime In Baltimore Takes Life Of Police Officer, also, The Koch Brothers (Finally) Take Glenn Reynolds’ Advice
Shark Tank: The Party Of Bill Clinton & Anthony Weiner Scrambles To Pick Up The Pieces
Shot In The Dark: Politics of Convenience
STUMP: Public DB Pension Fund Managers – Don’t Close The Plans Just Because They’re Ever More Expensive!
The Jawa Report: RIP Malcolm, also, Resistance, It’s Futile
The Political Hat: Totalitarian Pronouns
This Ain’t Hell: RIP Mel Tillis, also, Worse And Worse In Norkiland
Weasel Zippers: Bill Clinton Facing New Allegations of Sexual Assault, also, Trump Brought Back A Great Deal From China, But Nobody’s Talking About It
Mark Steyn: Great (And Not So Great) Scott, also, Degrees Of Separation

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