The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

NY Times Admits Fake News

Posted on | March 27, 2017 | 2 Comments

A correction published Sunday by the New York Times:

An article on March 5 about the Department of Justice included outdated statistics. It is not the case that non-Muslim extremists have killed nearly twice as many Americans as radical Muslims since Sept. 11, 2001, according to the New America Foundation. That was true until the mass shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., and Orlando, Fla. Radical Muslims have now killed nearly twice as many Americans as non-Muslim extremists.

John Hinderaker at Powerline points out that the false statistic appeared in an article in which a “prominent theme is that Republicans don’t care about truth” — but the online version of the article has now been “airbrushed,” so that you can’t tell where the change was made.

Faking the fakery, and then fakely unfaking it, as it were.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


‘Fundamentally Unfair’: Legal Group Slams Campus Sexual Assault Policies

Posted on | March 27, 2017 | Comments Off on ‘Fundamentally Unfair’: Legal Group Slams Campus Sexual Assault Policies

If you have read K.C. Johnson and Stuart Taylor’s book The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universities, you understand what a nightmare of insane fear has taken hold in our higher education system. And this is confirmed by the latest news:

The American College of Trial Lawyers has released a new report criticizing the way claims of sexual misconduct are currently investigated and adjudicated on college campuses nationwide. They argue that the procedures used by these institutions lack basic fairness for the accused. . . .
“ACTL believes that in a well-intentioned effort to address the significant problem of campus sexual assault, OCR has established investigative and disciplinary procedures that, in application, are in many cases fundamentally unfair to students accused of sexual misconduct,” the group’s report states.
“Under the current system,” ACTL writes, “everyone loses.” That includes victims, whose “experiences are unintentionally eroded and undermined.”

Read the whole thing. Unlike the ACTL, I am unwilling to stipulate that these policies were motivated by good intentions. Feminists deliberately incited a climate of hysteria among students in which the definition of “sexual assault” was distorted beyond recognition. The resulting confusion was exploited in situations like the “Mattress Girl” case at Columbia and the notorious Rolling Stone rape hoax at UVA. The more you know about such cases, the less it looks like “a well-intentioned effort” and the more it looks like incipient totalitarianism.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Quote Of The Day

Posted on | March 26, 2017 | Comments Off on Quote Of The Day

by Smitty

Hayward at PowerLine nails it so hard that it’s going to move with a limp:

I think Trump is the first president since Lincoln who has received no “honeymoon” period in Washington as is typical for new presidents—and for the same reason as in 1861: Democrats have essentially seceded from the American people, and won’t accept the results of a national election.

I’d add that that secession happens in the broader context of the end of the an era. The old and busted Progressive toothpaste ship has squeezed her sails out of the horse barn tube, making way for the New Information Age Hotness. We no longer need seven bureaucrats chasing the work of three, cramming four days of (actual) work into a month, then balking at a FOIA request that would reveal their superfluousness.

I still can’t tell if Trump is actually going to reform much. ‘No’ is an exceedingly safe bet.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party can DIAF.

UPDATE: Scott Adams gets at my point in another way:

Social media is now the dominant force in politics. The people rule, but only when they have focus.

Dear White People: Lara Witt (@Femmefeministe) Hates You

Posted on | March 25, 2017 | 3 Comments


There is nothing surprising about feminist writer Lara Witt’s declaration: “Also white people are evil. Whiteness is evil.”

Democrats hate white people. Everybody knows this by now. The #BlackLivesMatter movement was funded by Democrat donors to incite hatred against white people and law enforcement officers, as a way to motivate black voters to turn out for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. The feminist movement is also now an anti-white movement.




The end of the Obama era, and the defeat of Hillary Clinton — in an election where exit polls showed 53% of white women voted for Donald Trump — has prompted the Left to cast aside its mask of progressive, egalitarian “social justice.” Now, their agenda is 100% hate.

Megan Fox analyzes a number of Lara Witt’s writings:

She presumes to tell white women to “shut the f*ck up” because she’s superior to them, and she came to this conclusion based on the color of her skin versus theirs. . . .
Imagine for a moment that a white woman had written all these same things about black women. Her Twitter account would be suspended, she would be fired and unable to get another job in no time, and would be labeled a “Nazi” for the rest of her life.

What’s important to understand is that Democrats encourage and endorse this kind of rhetoric — anti-white, anti-male, anti-Jew, anti-Christian, whatever — because hatred is their agenda. Hatred is the organizing principle and political philosophy of the Democrat Party.

(Hat-tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)


FMJRA 2.0: A Rare Saturday Off

Posted on | March 25, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Unusually, I’m not working this Saturday, so the FMJRA goes up at what used to be its regular time.

Rule 5 Sunday: The Original Dragon Lady
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Chuck Berry, R.I.P.
The Political Hat

FMJRA 2.0: Revelation
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 03.20.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Are Republicans the Patriarchy Party?

In The Mailbox: 3.21.17
Proof Positive

Pimp City, U.S.A.

In The Mailbox: 03.22.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 03.23.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 03.24.17
Proof Positive

Manhunt for Beauty and the Beast

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Top linkers this week:

  1.  EBL (10)
  2.  Proof Positive (6)
  3.  A View From The Beach (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

Today’s Digital Deals

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | March 24, 2017 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

“Sometimes you’re the dog; sometimes you’re the fire hydrant,” mused R.

“Yep. Shifting elements, sometimes you’re on fire; sometimes the hydrant doesn’t put out,” replied B.
They sat in the dim bar so far out in Georgetown that it was more like Bethesda.
“I have literally no idea what to do next. It’s like asking: how would you fix some bombed-out variation of Venezuela,” moaned R.
“I’m reminded of that Jack Kirkpatrick line in Airplane! ‘. . .they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let ’em crash.'” snarled B.
The Russian timed his selection beautifully.

Thanks, Darleen!

Manhunt for Beauty and the Beast

Posted on | March 24, 2017 | 1 Comment

Police say Elizabeth Thomas (left) ran away with her teacher Tad Cummins (right).

Tad Cummins, 50, is the object of a nationwide manhunt. The Tennessee high school teacher disappeared March 13, along with his 15-year-old student, Elizabeth Thomas. Before she disappeared, Elizabeth changed her Instagram profile to include a ring and the word “wife”:

Her page is also full of romance quotations stereotypical of a teenage girl, though they take on a dark and creepy tone in light of her disappearance.
“Every Beauty needs her Beast to protect her from everything but him.”

Police say Cummins’s silver Nissan Rogue with license plate 976ZPT may have been spotted Thursday afternoon in Corpus Christi, Texas:

A warrant was issued for Cummins’ arrest after a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation suggested he “may have been abusing his role as a teacher to groom this vulnerable young girl for some time in an effort to lure and potentially sexually exploit her.”

The girl’s family today released a statement through their lawyer that concludes: “Elizabeth must be found. Time is of the essence.”

A few thoughts on this tragic situation:

How does a predator like Tad Cummins manage to convince his prey that they can share “romance” together? . . .
While a 15-year-old victim is not responsible for the criminal actions of someone like Tad Cummins, the evidence seems to suggest that Elizabeth Thomas saw herself in the role of Beauty, and that her teacher convinced her he was the Beast who needed her to rescue him from his curse. . . .
Everyone must be praying that Elizabeth Thomas is soon returned safely home, and her abduction should also cause us to consider how we can better protect children and prevent them from becoming victims. . . .

Read the whole thing at The Patriarch Tree.



In The Mailbox: 03.24.17

Posted on | March 24, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.24.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Just What The Doctor Ordered
Twitchy: LA Times Op-Ed Takes “Make Chelsea Clinton Happen” To Next Mock-Worthy Level
Louder With Crowder: Biological Boy Humiliated By “Transboy” In School Locker Room Suing The School
According To Hoyt: Cross-Culture
Monster Hunter Nation: Charity Gaming Event Next Week With Larry & Tracy Hickman
Vox Popoli: The Bounty Of Kek

Adam Piggott: Podcast #41 – The Religion Episode, also, Friday Links & Hawtness Time
American Power: CUNY To Revamp Remedial Programs
American Thinker: Benghazi Liar Adam Schiff Slimes Devin Nunes
Animal Magnetism: Rule 5 Polygamy Friday
BLACKFIVE: Chevy Stevens’ Never Let You Go
Da Tech Guy: How Nice Of Democrats To Kill Two Birds With One Stone For Trump
Don Surber: How Do We Screen Muslim Immigrant Sons?
Dustbury: Lawyer Entangled By Laws
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: London Attack – American Kurt Cochran Killed While Celebrating 25th Wedding Anniversary, Wife Hospitalized
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: MS-13 Gangbanger Deported Four Times Returns, Rapes Two-Year-Old Baby
Joe For America: Canada’s People Have Had Enough, PM Trudeau’s Plan Backfiring
Power Line: Will Smoking Gun Documents Vindicate Trump?
Shark Tank: Corrine Brown Before Court – It’s Bullsh*t
Shot In The Dark: Lie First, Lie Always – Delusions Of Adequacy
The Political Hat: Legislating Party Tonight!
This Ain’t Hell: Friday Morning Feel Good Stories
War Is Boring: Norks Pretend To Shoot Down US Bomber
Weasel Zippers: Left-Wing Heroine, Convicted Terrorist To Lose Citizenship, Be Deported, also, Canadian Parliament Passes “Anti-Islamophobia” Measure, Could Make Criticising Islam Illegal
Mark Steyn: Human Sacrifices On The Altar Of Diversity, also, Immigration And “Values”

Today’s Digital Deals

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