The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Oregon Investigates Claim of $22,000 Missing from Portland Women’s March

Posted on | March 7, 2017 | 3 Comments

Margaret Jacobsen (left), Rebekah Brewis (right).

Officials in Oregon are reportedly investigating claims by a feminist organizer of the Jan. 21 Portland’s Women’s March that a transgender activist absconded with more than $20,000 raised for the event.

The accusations involve Rebekah Brewis, who was a male in 2000 when he was sentenced to more than five years in prison on robbery charges. In a Facebook post last month, Women’s March organizer Margaret Jacobsen said Brewis, executive director of PDX Trans Pride (PTP), had agreed to be a “fiscal sponsor” of the march.

“We raised approximately $22,000 from t-shirt sales,” Jacobsen wrote. “We do not know how much was raised from direct donations because we do not have access to those records. After the event was over we contacted Ms. Brewis to discuss the need for additional reimbursements and how to handle the remaining funds. At that time Ms. Brewis said it was her intention to keep all of the funds for PTP, which was never agreed to. She then stopped communicating with us about this issue.”

Jacobsen also raised questions about the legitimacy of PTP, saying that she learned that two of the group’s board member had resigned, so that it appears Brewis is running a one-person non-profit organization. The dispute casts doubt on whether contributions to the Women’s March were tax-deductible, as donors had been told.

“The Oregon Department of Justice confirmed this week that it is looking into a complaint but stopped short of saying it has launched an investigation,” Lizzy Acker of the Oregonian reported March 3. “And, due to complicated tax designations for nonprofits, it appears many of the Women’s March donations may not have been tax-deductible after all. . . . PDX Trans Pride is not itself a 501c3 and is fiscally sponsored by [California-based] Media Alliance, according to that group’s executive director Tracy Rosenberg.” Acker further reported:

The link for Women’s March donations went to a PDX Trans Pride PayPal account that was not associated with Media Alliance. The donation link had been shared on Facebook by both the Women’s March and PDX Trans Pride. It was also included in a Women’s March FAQ. . . .
In a phone message . . . Brewis said that other Portland leaders are “jealous of the success of the event,” adding that the march “was controlled and led by our organization.”
“We have an active legal investigation into certain matters” around the Women’s March, she added, referencing “transphobic events” and “interpersonal violence.”
Portland police say they are not involved. The state Justice Department said it is looking into one complaint related to funding the march.
Another Portland trans organization, Greater Portland Trans Unity, meanwhile, distanced itself from Brewis.
“Ms. Brewis has a long history of contentious and harmful interactions with individuals and organizations in our communities,” wrote Greater Portland Trans Unity on Facebook. “As connected individuals and organizational leaders, we have for several years held a quiet consensus that PDX Trans Pride, represented by Ms. Brewis, is not a safe advocate or representative of our communities.”
In 2000, Brewis, then known as Jorey Brewis, was sentenced to 70 months in prison for robbery in Ashland.

Brewis was 19 when police say he and two accomplices burglarized a woman’s home in 1999. When the woman unexpectedly returned during the burglary, Brewis threatened her with a knife.

In 2007, Brewis castrated himself while in prison and was then confined in the psychiatric ward at Oregon State Hospital. According to documents published by Gender Identity Watch, Brewis sued Oregon officials claiming they had failed to provide gender transition treatment. Brewis, who was released in 2011, also claimed to have been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder and borderline personality disorder.



‘Fake News’ Network CNN in Third Place? Did Russia Hack the TV Ratings?

Posted on | March 7, 2017 | Comments Off on ‘Fake News’ Network CNN in Third Place? Did Russia Hack the TV Ratings?

Primetime cable news ratings for Thursday, March 2:

8 p.m.
FOX The O’Reilly Factor …………………………….. 4,114,000
MSNBC All in With Chris Hayes ………………….. 1,744,000
CNN Anderson Cooper 360 …………………………. 1,381,000

9 p.m.
FOX Tucker Carlson Tonight ……………………….. 3,489,000
MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show ………………. 2,532,000
CNN Anderson Cooper 360 ………………………….. 1,327,000

10 p.m.
FOX Hannity ………………………………………………. 2,824,000
MSNBC Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell … 2,160,000
CNN Tonight With Don Lemon ……………………… 1,055,000

You that CNN, dubbed the “Clinton News Network” for its one-sided bias during the 2016 campaign, has slumped down to third place, with MSNBC pushing into second place. Liberal viewers trust MSNBC’s lineup of avowed leftist hosts more than they trust the phony “objective” personalities at CNN. The network that was in the tank for Hillary Clinton last year, and which has been excoriated by President Trump as a purveyor of “fake news,” has a credibility problem even with liberals.

What happened? Well, you might say, the Russians hacked the ratings.

Nothing has captured CNN’s attention more in recent months than the idea that the claim that the presidential election was somehow stolen as a result of computer hacking and other sinister activities by Russian agents in collusion with the Trump campaign. Over the weekend, however, this conspiracy theory was exploded to smithereens after Trump took to Twitter to suggest that the alleged “investigation” of this Russian scheme was, in fact, an illegal effort by the Obama administration to help Clinton win by spying on the Trump campaign.

This was Trump calling the media’s bluff. The media kept claiming anonymous “intelligence officials” and “law enforcement sources” were telling them about the supposed investigation of the Trump-Russia “scandal.” If it was true, as the media reported, that Obama administration officials had sought warrants to conduct surveillance about the suspected illegal contact between Russians and the Trump campaign, couldn’t this be construed as a Watergate-type abuse of power? Certainly it could, if the media’s reporting was accurate.

Andrew McCarthy at National Review:

Now that they’ve been called on it, the media and Democrats are gradually retreating from the investigation they’ve been touting for months as the glue for their conspiracy theory. It’s actually quite amusing to watch: How dare you suggest President Obama would ever order surveillance! Who said anything about FISA orders? What evidence do you lunatic conservatives have — uh, other than what we media professionals been reporting — that there was any investigation of the Trump campaign? . . .

Read the whole thing. It’s amusing to see the media walk into a trap like that. The “Russians hacked the election” story always looked suspiciously like the 2016 version of the 2000 Florida recount, i.e., whenever Democrats lose an election, they claim Republicans cheated.


In The Mailbox: 03.07.17

Posted on | March 7, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.07.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rick Bulow: WWE FastLane Live Blog
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Debbie Downer Tries To Blame Trump For JCC Threats – Turns Out She’s To Blame
EBL: Ace Gives Some Really Good Advice
Twitchy: Reporter Fooled By Sean Spicer Parody Account, Trashes Trump, THEN Deletes Her Account
Louder With Crowder: Latest Poll Shows Even Democrats Are Tired Of Media’s Anti-Trump Bias
Danger & Play: Over $35,000 Raised For Legal Defense Of Based Stick Man

Adam Piggott: The Fine Art Of Climate Trash Talking
American Power: Christina Hoff Summers – What Gender Wage Gap?
American Thinker: Obama’s Rasputin Moves Into The Bunker
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Crazy Norks News
BLACKFIVE: Susan Meissner, A Bridge Across The Ocean
Da Tech Guy: The #Unexpectedly Chronicles – Rest In Peace Bob Who?
Don Surber: How Trump Got The Media To Kill The Russian Meme
Dustbury: A TV Smarter Than Its Distributor
The Geller Report: Sweden – Muslims Gang-Rape Teenage Classmate, Remain Enrolled Because Principal Says “Rapists Are Victims Too”
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, A Great Disturbance In The Farce…
Jammie Wearing Fools: Why Democrats Will Regret A Probe Into Russian Election Hacking
Joe For America: Blackmail? Is This Why FBI Director Comey Let Hillary Off?
JustOneMinute: Increasing My Paranoia
Power Line: Are Republicans Blowing It On Health Care?
Shark Tank: Rubio Kicked Out Of Jacksonville Office
Shot In The Dark: Leftist Justice, Saint Paul Style
STUMP: When Multiemployer Pensions Fail – Teamsters Local 707
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Chivalry Is Dead, also, Things That Are Haram – Trnasgender
The Political Hat: What Do Tweens, Drugs, Rape, And Incoherent Tweets Have To Do With Each Other? A Middle School Teacher
This Ain’t Hell: California State Senator Janet Nguyen Demands Apology
War Is Boring: It’s Time To Stop This Dead-End, $17 Billion Nuke Project
Weasel Zippers: Secret Service Agent Says Obamagate Will Blow Open This Week, also, Trump Busts Planned Parenthood Narrative With Funding Offer
Megan McArdle: Attention, Student Protesters – Use Your Words
Mark Steyn: The Lameness of Labels, also, Something Is Rotten In The State Of Sweden

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U.S. and Allies Scramble to Confront North Korea Missile Threat

Posted on | March 7, 2017 | Comments Off on U.S. and Allies Scramble to Confront North Korea Missile Threat


Agence France-Press reports:

Nuclear-armed North Korea said Tuesday its missile launches were training for a strike on US bases in Japan, as global condemnation of the regime swelled.
Three of the four missiles fired Monday came down provocatively close to US ally Japan, in waters that are part of its exclusive economic zone, representing a challenge to US President Donald Trump.
In separate phone calls, Trump — whose rhetoric on the campaign trail had raised doubts about the issue — reaffirmed Washington’s “ironclad commitment” to Japan and South Korea.
The US will demonstrate to Pyongyang that there were “very dire consequences” for its actions, the White House said in a statement.
The UN Security Council scheduled an emergency meeting for Wednesday after a request by Washington and Tokyo to discuss additional measures following the launch.

Bloomberg News reports:

Japan moved to the highest possible alert level after North Korea fired four ballistic missiles simultaneously into nearby waters, the latest provocation from Kim Jong Un’s regime.
Three of the missiles fell into Japan’s exclusive economic zone, with one dropping about 350 kilometers west of the nation’s northern Akita prefecture, government spokesman Yoshihide Suga told reporters after a meeting of Japan’s National Security Council. Authorities were still analyzing the type of missile launched, he said.
The launches “clearly show that this is a new level of threat” from North Korea, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told lawmakers in Tokyo. American officials held phone calls afterward with counterparts in Japan and South Korea, which rely on the U.S. for security.

CNN reports:

The first pieces of a US-built missile defense system designed to mitigate the threat of North Korean missiles arrived at the Osan Air Base in South Korea Monday night, according to the US military.
The announcement comes just a day after North Korea test-fired four ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan, also known as the East Sea.
China has voiced opposition to the proposed placement of the military hardware known as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system, which it sees as a threat to its own security.
“We will firmly take necessary measures to preserve our own security interest, and the US and South Korea must bear the potential consequences,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Geng Shuang said Tuesday.

Associated Press reports:

North Korea’s latest volley of missile tests put new pressure on a preoccupied Trump administration Monday to identify how it will counter leader Kim Jong Un’s weapons development.
North Korea’s march toward having a nuclear-tipped missile that could reach the U.S. mainland is among the pressing national security priorities President Donald Trump faces. He has vowed it “won’t happen” but has yet to articulate a strategy to stop it. . . .
An administration official told The Associated Press Monday that tougher sanctions, military action and resumption of long-stalled negotiations with North Korea are all under consideration as part of a policy review to provide options for the president within weeks.

The North Korean people are starving, but the communist dictatorship under Kim Jong Un has got money for a ballistic missile program.


In The Mailbox: 03.06.17

Posted on | March 6, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

A double scoop from the bloglist this morning. Thanks to everyone for their kind words and prayers this past week.

Proof Positive: Logan – A Movie Review (Of Sorts)
EBL: Mark Steyn Needs Our Help
Michelle Malkin: A Lesson For Planned Parenthood’s Pinup Girls
Twitchy: Flawless Victory! Katie Pavlich Nukes Hillary Fanboy Peter Daou In Gun Conversation
Louder With Crowder: Back To Berkeley – “Antifascists” Brutally Attack Trump Supporters
Blazing Cat Fur: Food Racism Is The Latest Front For High-Pitched Whining

Adam Piggott: 457 Visas – The Trump Effect, also, Two Podcast Episodes For You To Disagree With
American Power: President Trump To Unveil New Travel Ban Today, also, Bernard DeVoto’s Across The Wide Missouri
American Thinker: A Master Tactician Serves Filet After The Russian Souffle Collapses, also, Ask James Rosen And Angela Merkel About Obama Spying
Animal Magnetism: I’m A Lumberjack, also, Goodbye Blue Monday
Bring The HEAT: Sweden Brings Back Conscription, also, Five Years On – RIP Neptunus Lex
Da Tech Guy: JD Rucker – The Useless Idiots Of Mainstream Media And Why They’ll Lose To Trump, also, 10 Thoughts Under My Fedora
Don Surber: Over 36,000 Dead Lose Their Voting Rights In WV, also, Washington Post Accidentally Tells The Truth
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, It Puts The Grunt In Disgruntled
Fred On Everything: What To Do With Latinos? Get Used To Them
The Geller Report: Obama AG Loretta Lynch Says We Need More “March, Blood, Death On Streets”, also, Robert Spencer – It’s Been A Big Week For Fake Hate
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Are You Pondering What I’m Pondering?
Jammie Wearing Fools: Suspect In JCC Bomb Threats Arrested – He’s A Left-Wing Fake News Reporter, also, Russian Hackers Allegedly In Possession of Damaging Info Seeking Hush Money From Liberal Groups
Joe For America: Obama DOJ Funneled Billions To Communist Front Groups, also, Obama Abandoned CIA Officer For Seven Years; Trump Freed Her In Six Weeks
JustOneMinute: Sessions Recuses
Power Line: The AP Springs To Obama’s Defense, also, What We Know And What We Don’t
Shark Tank: Nelson Leads Scott In New Senate Poll, also, Corcoran Says He’s Ready To Gut EFI, Visit Florida
Shot In The Dark: Why I Ignore The Journalistic “Fact Check” Racket, also, The Delicious Dish
STUMP: Mortality Monday – How Young Is “Too Young To Die”?, also, Friday Trumpery – DOL Pick Take Two
The Jawa Report: The Lurid Tabloids On Biden’s Hookers And Blow, also, Star Wars Stormtroopers Are Nazis (Or Something)
The Political Hat: #BlackLivesMatter vs. Yakub’s Soulless Albino Mutants, also, The English Language Is Liberating; The Left Wants To Corrupt And Silence It
This Ain’t Hell: Washington Post Tries To Smear McMasters, Fails Miserably, also, Marines United – A Photo Scandal
War Is Boring: Wojtek The War Bear Was Fond Of Hauling Artillery, also, American Troops In Armored Vehicles Roll Into Syrian Flashpoint
Weasel Zippers: Illegal Alien Escapes After Attacking Border Agent, Tucson Police Refuse To Help, NYT Columnist Solicits Felony, Asks IRS Employees To Leak Trump’s Tax Returns
Megan McArdle: Lenten-Fast Recipes That Don’t Sacrifice Taste
Mark Steyn: Doing Things By Half, also, Announcing The Mark Steyn Show Bag!

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MURRAY-MANIA! Why Are College Kids Going Wild for the Latest Sensation?

Posted on | March 6, 2017 | Comments Off on MURRAY-MANIA! Why Are College Kids Going Wild for the Latest Sensation?




Not since The Beatles played Shea Stadium, perhaps, have mindless mobs of hysterical youth made news by going wild the way Middlebury College kids did last week. It’s not a pounding backbeat or lovable moptops singing four-part harmony that’s driving them crazy these days, however. No, it’s a 74-year-old policy analyst named Charles Murray:

When Murray is introduced before an audience of some 400, a patter of boos and catcalls disrupt the introduction. When he rises to speak, most of the audience rises en masse and turns its back on Murray. For the next 20 minutes, as Murray stands calmly at the podium, the mob cycles through a sequence of obviously rehearsed chants: “Who is the enemy? White Supremacy,” “Hey hey, ho ho, Charles Murray has to go,” “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Charles Murray go away,” “Your message is hatred we will not tolerate it,” “Charles Murray go away Middlebury says no way,” etc. . . .
College officials, apparently anticipating a disruption, announce, to renewed boos, that Middlebury Professor Allison Stanger will conduct an interview with Murray from another location and stream the proceedings back to Wilson Hall. . . .
Once the interview began in the second room, protesters swarmed into the hallway, chanting and pulling fire alarms. Still, the interview was completed and officials, including Ms. Stanger, escorted Mr. Murray out the back of the building.
There, several masked protesters, who were believed to be outside agitators, began pushing and shoving Mr. Murray and Ms. Stanger, Mr. Burger [a spokesman for the college] said. “Someone grabbed Allison’s hair and twisted her neck…”
After the two got into a car, Mr. Burger said, protesters pounded on it, rocked it back and forth, and jumped onto the hood. Ms. Stanger later went to a hospital, where she was put in a neck brace.
Note that the violence occurred as Murray and Stanger attempted to leave. As Andrew Stuttaford of National Review observes, “The ‘justification’ for disrupting his speech was that opinions such as Murray’s should not be given a hearing on campus, but this was something else. Murray was not about to speak, he was about to depart, and yet he and Ms. Stanger were attacked.” . . .

Yes, the crowd went wild at Middlebury — like Beatlemania, but not in a fun way — and Murray explains the mob’s rationalization:

A few months ago, AEI’s student group at Middlebury College invited me to speak on the themes in Coming Apart and how they relate to the recent presidential election. Professor Allison Stanger of the Political Science Department agreed to serve as moderator of the Q&A and to ask the first three questions herself.
About a week before the event, plans for protests began to emerge, encouraged by several faculty members. Their logic was that since I am a racist, a white supremacist, a white nationalist, a pseudoscientist whose work has been discredited, a sexist, a eugenicist, and (this is a new one) anti-gay, I did not deserve a platform for my hate speech, and hence it was appropriate to keep me from speaking. . . .

The Bell Curve was published more than 20 years ago. It does not advocate eugenics, it is not racist in any meaningful sense of that word, and the facts examined in the book have not been “discredited” — a fact is always a fact. What the ignorant Middlebury mob has done is to recycle a controversy from two decades ago, basing their false claims on what critics wrote about Murray, rather than what Murray wrote himself.

Such idiots claim to know what Murray “believes” (i.e., that he is a “white nationalist” or whatever), as if they were clairvoyant mind-readers, capable of knowing Murray’s hidden intentions despite everything he has done to contradict this decades-old “white supremacist” smear. This nonsensical way of approaching The Bell Curve is the result of the Left’s propaganda tactics, which involve labeling a critic or opponent as an Enemy of the People, demonizing them in such a way as to prevent anyone from seriously examining their arguments. While I do not wholly agree with every interpretation Murray (and his late co-author, Richard Herrnstein) made of the various data they examined in The Bell Curve, it is nevertheless important to look at the actual data — the facts as they exist — rather than to base our arguments on myths or prejudice. Effective public policy cannot be based on the mere emotional appeal of some sentimental slogan we learned in grade school. Clearly, facts and logic are not being taught in America’s schools today:

The goons who attacked Charles Murray at Middlebury College probably think of themselves as rebels, defending “diversity” against a fascist enemy, but the truth is the complete opposite. Murray is the real rebel, and the mob who attacked him are the real enemies of diversity. Being a left-winger on an elite campus like Middlebury is the most conformist thing imaginable. The anti-Murray protesters were defending a failed status quo against a genuinely radical critic of the system. Murray is a man who creates controversy because he asks tough questions and follows wherever the facts lead. Does this sound familiar?
“I always asked why people did things and why society was like it was,” John Lennon told an interviewer from Playboy magazine. “I didn’t just accept it for what it was apparently doing. I always looked below the surface.” . . .

Read the whole thing at The American Spectator. The Middlebury madness is symptomatic of serious problems. If young people don’t wake up to this danger, America could collapse quite suddenly, and soon.




Rule 5 Sunday: Massachusetts Girl

Posted on | March 6, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Without further ado, I present probably the best-known person from Watertown, Massachusetts: Eliza Dushku, perhaps best known for her role as Faith on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. As usual, many of the following links lead to pics generally considered NSFW, and the management is not responsible for any ill effects arising from your mistimed, misplaced clicking.

Venus on furs?

Ninety Miles from Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls And Girls And Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism chipped in with Rule Five Dissolving EU Friday and the Saturday Vikamageddon.

EBL offers Mandi Gosling, Kellyanne Conway – Kneegate, Janet Nguyen, Alexandra Turshen, Maria Zakharova, Brianna Keilar, Janelle Monae, and Chrissy Teigen.

A View From The Beach has Forward with Myla DalbesioCan Lizard Blood Save Our Lives?Actress Shocks Hollywood with Display of GraciousnessBut Was It Like Rape Rape?But In His Defense, His Eyebrows are Perfect!Getting Clean for TuesdayMonday Morning in Curacao, and Reason #5458 Trump Was Elected.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Emmanuelle Vaugier, his Vintage Babe is Cristina Ferrare, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Victoria’s Secret Dream Angels. At Dustbury, it’s Cush Jumbo and Vimala Raman.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!
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FMJRA 2.0: Home Again

Posted on | March 5, 2017 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Home Again

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: In Like A Lioness
The Pirate’s Cove
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Second Amendment and @LogCabinGOP: Because Survival Is the First Natural Right

#CPAC2017: @SaveTheStorks Offers Free Services to Help Pregnant Women

#CPAC 2017: Witches vs. Trump
The Political Hat

#CPAC2017: Draft Sheriff Clarke

FMJRA 2.0: And Now A Word From The Evolution Control Committee
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

‘Aggressive Heterosexuality’

In The Mailbox: 02.27.17
Proof Positive

Trigger Warning: @SkyJordan4 Says You Can’t Tell Her She Has ‘Daddy Issues’

In The Mailbox: 02.28.17
Proof Positive

Trump: ‘A New Chapter of American Greatness Is Now Beginning’

Pelosi Explained

Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism and the Ultimate Failure of All Feminism

#BlackLivesMatter Activist Missed the Memo From Democrat Party HQ

Violence Against Women

Feminism: The Demonization of Males

Don’t Cry for Me Argentina

Police Say Illegal Alien Raped Girl, 3
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

Language Alert: “Conservative Opposition To #Obamacare Repeal”
A View From The Beach

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery! Remember, to qualify for the FMJRA, your links must be for the week preceding the FMJRA. So, next week I’ll be looking for links to posts from 3/4 through 3/10.

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