The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Transgender Influencer’ Arrested After Getting Naked, Causing Disturbance at Miami Hotel

Posted on | November 12, 2022 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Transgender Influencer’ Arrested After Getting Naked, Causing Disturbance at Miami Hotel

Nicholas Nguyen, a/k/a “Nikita Dragun,” was arrested Monday and charged with felony battery on a police officer after causing a disturbance at a Miami hotel. According to reports, Nguyen/“Dragun” was naked in the pool area and had been engaging in disorderly conduct before police were called. When they arrived, police went to the room where Nguyen/“Dragun” was staying, and were spat on by the defendant. This was first reported by TMZ with the usual let’s-play-along-with-the-delusions female pronouns, and Time magazine is upset because Nguyen/“Dragun” was “misgendered” in the arrest affidavit.

Permit me to suggest that if you get naked at the hotel pool and thereby display your penis to the general public, the police who arrest you can be expected to presume you are male. Because, in fact, you are male.

Chances are that you have never heard of this person before, but we are living in an age when it is possible to become a “celebrity” even though the vast majority of people have no idea who you are. And so that you may be fully informed, here’s the boilerplate paragraph from Time:

The 26-year-old content creator, who is transgender, became popular in the beauty YouTube space in 2015. Since then, her candor about her transition and popular makeup videos have helped her to amass a following of more than 29 million combined followers on social platforms including TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. Last year, Dragun revealed her struggles with her mental health to her followers on social media. The beauty influencer uploaded a post to Instagram in which she said that she was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility for eight days following a manic episode on Thanksgiving Day. She then uploaded a YouTube video—which has since been deleted—in May, where she revealed she had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Oh, “her candor about her transition” attracted “a mass following” and Nguyen/“Dragun” is now a “beauty influencer” with 29 million followers.

The fact that this person is a dangerous psychotic? Like the man said, when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro, and you’ve got to admit that weirdness is everywhere nowadays.

Nicholas Nguyen is a “woman” and Joe Biden is “president,” and it’s a hate crime to express skepticism about either of these assertions.

See? The before-and-after passport photos, helpfully posted to Instagram by the “transgender influencer,” demonstrate that the federal government is now playing along with these delusions. If you believe you’re a woman, you are a woman, as far as the U.S. State Department is concerned, and they’ll issue you a passport that declares this to be the case.

But a delusion is still a delusion, even if government agencies are willing to pretend otherwise, and then one day the cops show up because you’ve been parading around naked at the hotel pool — the unmistakable reality flopping around for all to see — and you end up in handcuffs at the county jail, pleading with a judge not to put you in a cell with other men.

Just so you know, Miami-Dade Corrections officials say that Nguyen/“Dragun” was never actually housed at the county jail:

“Inmate Dragun never made it beyond the booking process prior to release; therefore, she was never placed in a men’s unit,” corrections spokesperson Juan Diasgranados said in a statement. “All inmates undergoing our intake process remain in an open seating (open booking) area, in the presence of correctional staff.”
Diasgranados added Dragun was placed in a holding cell by herself due to her “high-profile status” before being released, and that she was escorted by an LGBTQ officer throughout her time at the facility.
“Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department (MDCR) is committed to protecting the rights of the transgender community and of all LGBTQ people,” the statement read. “MDCR has procedures in place for the appropriate intake, housing, and medical needs of transgender inmates, and we are committed to ensuring that all inmates in our custody, including transgender persons, are treated appropriately throughout our intake, classification and placement process.”

So they’re “treated appropriately” — although I suppose there are different opinions about what the appropriate treatment might be.

Speaking of treatment, TMZ reports Nguyen/“Dragun” is now “receiving professional mental health care in a facility”:

Nikita’s rep, Jack Ketsoyan, tells TMZ … “We want to thank everyone for the overwhelming love and support for Nikita during this time. She is in a safe environment addressing her mental health. We ask for continued respect for her privacy and the sensitivity of this matter as she seeks treatment and healing.”
We’re told Nikita began seeking treatment Wednesday evening.
The transgender influencer has been open about her mental health struggles — in May she shared on her YouTube channel that she had been diagnosed as bipolar.
Nikita said she has a family history of bipolar disorder, though she was initially surprised by her diagnosis, because she didn’t quite understand what it meant to be bipolar. As a result, she says she didn’t relate her own symptoms to the disorder.

And by being “in a safe environment,” of course they mean, strapped in a straitjacket, locked in a padded room and injected with Thorazine.

Can’t wait for Nikita’s next TikTok video, doing the Haldol shuffle.

Y’know, it just now dawned on me that I missed the opportunity to do a really clever “Florida Man” headline on this story. Too bad.

Crazy People Are Dangerous.


In The Mailbox: 11.11.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | November 12, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.11.22 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Happy Veterans’ Day to all my brothers & sisters in arms. Mind you don’t get sick from all the free/cheap goodies.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Shouko Komi wishes you a happy Friday.

EBL: Veterans Day
Twitchy: Chris Cillizza Knows Who’s To Blame If The GOP Doesn’t Take The Senate, also, Hillary Posts A Shameless Veterans’ Day Pic
Louder With Crowder: More conservatives get turned off after Donald Trump’s latest anti-DeSantis rant, also, Kathy Hochul flies to Puerto Rico, satisfies her fetish of being maskless around masked children
Vox Popoli: Twitter Flirts with Bankruptcy, Elon Lied, and The Oathkeepers Glowed
According To Hoyt: We’re Not Going Back, Cancer, and Oh, PLEASE!
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S3 E18: What’s In A Name? (The Importance of Character Names)
Stoic Observations:  Letterkenny
Gab News: The Path Forward – Build & Balkanize

American Conservative: The States Choose Death, Old Notre Dame Man Yells At Hallucination, and Old Mar-A-Lago Man Yells At Cloud
American Greatness: Texas Judge Blocks Biden’s Student Loan Debt Plan, also, McCarthy May Not Have The Votes To Become Speaker
American Power: With House Majority in Play, a New Class Takes Shape, Red States Are Growing, While Blue States Are Mired in Decline, and Trumpism Is Toxic
American Thinker: Why Do You Still Hate Donald Trump?, Why Democrats Accuse Us of What They Do, and Three Primary Factors Stopped That Red Wave
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Shoplifting Friday
Babalu Blog: Mother of Cuban toddler murdered in Bahia Honda Massacre taken into custody by State Security, Forget all the Republican political “experts” and all their blatherings, scribblings and hocus-pocus–It’s as PLAIN AS DAY!–and very simple: all America needs for its salvation: is MORE CUBANS!, and Most repulsive postage stamp of the year
BattleSwarm: Breaking News: Russian Retreat Complete, Kherson City Liberated
Behind The Black: SLS rides out hurricane; engineers now assessing damage, Advanced Space wins lunar orbiter contract with Air Force, Divers for documentary discover large piece of Challenger, and Pushback: VMI alumnus cancels $1 million bequest because of the school’s support of critical race theory and its slandering of those who disagree
Cafe Hayek: On Moving Beyond Covid
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Chicago Boyz: At the Tomb of Couperin – Thoughts on a Centenary
Da Tech Guy: Elections, Perspective and the Triumph of Count Rugen
Don Surber: Woke is just another word for plagiarism, also, MAGA is bigger than one man
First Street Journal: Another Federal Judge Says Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Is Illegal, also, We’re Saved: Actor Changes Name To Spread Awareness Of Climate Apocalypse Or Something
Gates Of Vienna: It’s Hard Being Green, Trolling for the Teeny-Bopper Vote, and Special Class
The Geller Report: Montana Votes to Deny Medical Care for Born-Alive Infants And Let Them Die, also, Biden’s Student Loan Handout Struck Down By Federal Judge
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, JWST Looks at a Nearby Dwarf Galaxy, and I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: Chandler Juliet Wages Hysterical War on All Things Woke, also, Sam & Kate Flashes Upside of Star Power, Nepotism
The Lid: Biden’s New Methane Rules Will Affect Human Lifestyles
Legal Insurrection: Two More Eastern Oregon Counties Vote to Join ‘Greater Idaho’, Legacy Media and Lincoln Project Now Bashing DeSantis, Promoting Trump, Biden Border Official Chris Magnus Told to Resign or be Fired But Won’t Do It, Cornell University “Apologizes” To Ann Coulter, and E-Bikes Catching Fires Four Times a Week in NYC
Nebraska Energy Observer: Veteran’s Day
Outkick: Deion Sanders Makes It Clear That He Is Not Talking To Nebraska About Head Coaching Job, NFL To Honor John Madden’s Legacy With Special New Tradition On Thanksgiving Day, Houston Astros Fire General Manager Week After Winning The World Series, Paige Spiranac Rushes To Olivia Dunne’s Defense, and Al Michaels Trolls Benched Baker Mayfield For Being An Idiot
Power Line: What’s the matter with Arizona?, Thoughts from the ammo line, and Unquiet flows the Don
Protein Wisdom Reborn: “Now Who’s Being Naïve, Kate?”
Shark Tank: Florida Encourages Veterans To Become CRNAs
Shot In The Dark: Dubious Identity, Veterans’ Day, Berg’s Law – On Final Approach, and The Future Is In The Best Of Hands
The Political Hat: When Even Academia Honored The Brave
This Ain’t Hell:  Veteran’s Day, The Wall at 40, Valor Friday, and School board elections became a ‘red undercurrent’
Transterrestrial Musings: Covid Amnesty, Elon Is Right, and Life-Support Milestone
Victory Girls: Trump And Certain Democrats Are Sore Losers, also, Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “PYRRHIC POTATO VICTORY” Edition
Volokh Conspiracy: Biden Administration to Require Federal Contractors to Report and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Watts Up With That: Polar bear habitat update, USA Facing a Dangerous Shortage of Heating Fuel, and THE CURSE OF COP27
Weasel Zippers: Biological Male Wins Miss America Pageant In New Hampshire, White House Refuses To Say Why Biden Has A “List” Of Reporters, and Jemele Hill: MSNBC Racist For Firing [Racist] Black Host
The Federalist: Midterm Voters Rewarded Elected Officials Who Stood Up To Covid Tyrants, Democracy Dies When Americans Stop Scrutinizing Partisan Election Administration, Rubio Suggests Senate Republicans Should Consider Ousting McConnell From Leadership, Delayed Results Are Killing Americans’ Trust In Elections, and Democrats Who Were Counting On Demographics Being Destiny Had It All Wrong
Mark Steyn: Minor League, Live Around the Planet: Friday November 11th, and Out for the Count

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 11.11.22 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | November 11, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.11.22 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Normal Friday post will follow sometime between 7-9 PM Pacific.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: What Should A Woman Do If A Man Climbs In Her Window?
EBL: Happy Birthday USMC Rule 5
Twitchy: Stephen King Dragged For Saying He Liked It Better When The Little People Had No Voice On Twitter, also, Desperate Rick Wilson Thinks He Can Crawl Aboard The DeSantis Train
Louder With Crowder: Kevin Costner reveals the true reason he endorsed Liz Cheney, also, MSNBC: Hey, you know who would make a good president?
Vox Popoli: Mailvox: On Suicide, 1918 Finally Ended, and The Good Immigrants

Adam Piggott: Podcast #156 – Interview with Tony Lowe, also, The Importance of Regular Spiritual Nourishment
American Conservative: The Most Dangerous Post-Election Lie
American Greatness: Why Are We Not Being Told the Truth About Ukraine?, also, Progressives Launch ‘Don’t Run Joe’ Anti-Biden Campaign
American Power: Ron DeSantis: The New Champion of Trumpism
American Thinker: What on Earth Happened with Brazil’s Election?, also, DeSantis in 2024
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s 2022 Election Postmortem
Babalu Blog: Cuban dictatorship forcing survivors of Bahia Honda Massacre to give false statements on video, ‘Inspectors monitor the sale of tomatoes in Cuba as if they were lobster tails’, and Some blockade! Cuba bought over $31 million of chicken from U.S. in September
BattleSwarm: Russia Starts Bugging Out
Behind The Black: Atlas-5 completes last launch at Vandenberg, Rocket Lab sets date for 1st launch from Wallops, November 10, 2022 Quick space links, and Today’s blacklisted American: Student mob shuts down Ann Coulter speech at Cornell
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Why This Week’s Results Are a Shock in Two Stories, also, We have officially become the Peoples Republic of Marxachusetts
Don Surber: After the election, the truth emerges, also, Thank you, Donald Trump
First Street Journal: Is Trump Done After The Red Sprinkle Election?, also, Brandon’s Pushing “Nature Based Solutions” For Hotcoldwetdry Or Something
Gates Of Vienna: The Great American Divide Isn’t What You Think, Finally, Term Limits, We Wants the Digital Euro, Precious, and Fettermania
The Geller Report: ELECTION FRAUD: Nevada Finds 60K Ballots in Drop Boxes, Delays Will Stretch into Next Week, Arizona Announces Election Results Delayed AGAIN ….. Until Next Week, Maricopa Officials Say, and 27 Illinois Counties Have Voted to Split the State
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, Seeing Different Times Simultaneously Through Gravitational Lensing
Hollywood In Toto: Airplane! Director: ‘They’re Destroying Comedy’, also, How Hello, Bookstore Threatens Its Bipartisan Charm
The Lid: Biden Scoffs At Hunter Laptop Investigation While Encouraging One Into Elon Musk
Legal Insurrection: Democrats Backing Trump-Endorsed GOP Candidates in Primaries Worked, Ukraine: Russia Withdraws Troops From Key Southern City, U. Pittsburgh Student Newspaper Whines – Elon Musk Makes Twitter an ‘Unsafe’ Environment, and No, Spanish Language ‘Disinformation’ Didn’t Cause Hispanics to Support DeSantis, GOP
Nebraska Energy Observer: There is no end
Outkick: Lakers’ Hopes Come Crashing Down As LeBron James Suffers ‘Significant’ Injury, Jemele Hill’s New Book Ranks #2,961 On Sales Chart, Buffalo’s 30-Year-Old, Former Navy SEAL Defensive End Damian Jackson Is A Full-Grown Man With An Amazing Story, Olivia Dunne Hits Back At The NYT With Outstanding Photo, Aaron Rodgers’ Teammates Reportedly Growing Tired Of His Behavior, and ESPN Stupidly Let Erin Andrews Leave And Now We Know Why
Power Line: Dementia Don, also, The Daily Chart: DeSantis’s Breadth
Shark Tank: Byron Donalds Officially Announces Run For House GOP Conference Chair
STUMP: Movember 2023: Prostate Cancer Mortality Trend Update
The Political Hat: Post-Election Ballot-Counting Musical Interlude
This Ain’t Hell: Noon Wednesday: Republicans tank, Happy Birthday Marines!, and Post-election soul searching? The Elephant in the room
Transterrestrial Musings: SLS and Nicole, also, Inside The Climate Model Black Box
Victory Girls: Are We Really Ready To Quit Donald Trump?
Volokh Conspiracy: What’s Next For FedSoc?, also, The Secret Breast Connections of the Internet, Here of Mastodon
Watts Up With That: The Warming that Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas
Weasel Zippers: MSNBC Compares Stacey Abrams To Moses, Biden: Elon Musk “Worth Being Looked At” As A Possible Threat To National Security, And Now, An Important Message From Joe Biden, and Tennessee Introduces Legislation To Ban Castration & Mutilation For Minors
The Federalist: The Big Midterm Lesson: Defensive ‘Victories’ On The Right Aren’t Going To Save The Country, Why New York’s GOP Midterm Loss Is More Of A Win Than You Think, The Case Against Mitch McConnell For Leader, Arizona’s Election Administration Is An International Embarrassment, and EXCLUSIVE: McCarthy Demands House Managers Open Up The Capitol
Mark Steyn: Asymmetric Warfare, They’re Lying to You, Warm Front, and The Red Rain Drop

Amazon Warehouse Deals

‘Progressive Rock Star’ Katie Porter Spends $24 Million for Reelection

Posted on | November 11, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘Progressive Rock Star’ Katie Porter Spends $24 Million for Reelection

California Rep. Katie Porter and her mentor, Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Apologies for the lack of blogging Thursday, but because today is Veterans Day, my day job required me to do two days of work in advance, blah blah blah. Anyway, I happened to click on a Hot Air item by John Sexton, toward the end of which, this part caught my attention:

Finally, another race I’ve been watching is the one to decide who will be my representative in California’s 47th district. At the moment, progressive rock star Katie Porter leads GOP challenger Scott Baugh by a slim margin of 1,552 votes with 58% of the total vote counted. That’s a pretty impressive showing for Baugh so far who was massively outspent in this race. Porter ran ads nonstop for weeks spending over $21 million dollars to save herself.

For a “rock star,” she’s kinda fat, isn’t she?

Southern California used to be all about “the beautiful people,” and I can’t help but think that the election of this pudgy dumpling to Congress was somehow symbolic of how the Golden State has fallen into ruins in the 21st century. Porter’s district includes some of the most beautiful (and expensive) beach towns in Orange County, and it was once a Republican stronghold. The congressional districts have been redrawn three times since GOP Rep. Christopher Cox represented the 47th in 1990s. Katie Porter was first elected in 2018 to represent the 45th District, another former Republican stronghold that once sent the likes of Duncan Hunter and Dana Rohrabacher to Congress. After the most recent redistricting, Porter sought reelection in the 47th District.

Although I was vaguely familiar with Porter — I recognized her name — I didn’t know much about her, so I clicked onto her Wikipedia page:

Porter . . . grew up in the small farming community of Fort Dodge, Iowa. . . .
After graduating from Phillips Academy . . .

(Whoa! Stop right there! Phillips Andover is one of the most elite private schools in America, where the cost of attendance is currently $61,950 a year. How does a kid from small-town Iowa end up in this posh East Coast boarding school? But never mind . . .)

Porter attended Yale University, where she majored in American studies, graduating in 1996. . . . Porter also interned for Chuck Grassley during this time.
Porter later attended Harvard Law School . . . She studied under bankruptcy law professor and future U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, and graduated magna cum laude with her Juris Doctor in 2001. . . .

(Again with the expensive elite East Coast schools, you see.)

Porter was a law clerk for Judge Richard S. Arnold of the United States Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit in Little Rock, Arkansas. She practiced with the law firm of Stoel Rives LLP in Portland, Oregon . . .
Porter was Associate Professor of Law at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Law. In 2005, she joined the faculty of the University of Iowa College of Law as an associate professor, becoming a full professor there in 2011. Also in 2011, she became a tenured professor at the University of California, Irvine School of Law. . . .
In March 2012, California Attorney General Kamala Harris appointed Porter to be the state’s independent monitor of banks in a nationwide $25 billion mortgage settlement.

This is why people spend big money to send their kids to elite schools, to put them on the fast track to wealth and power. I don’t know if you kept track there, but Porter was already a law professor at UNLV prior to joining the faculty at Iowa at age 31, and six years later she got tenure at UC-Irvine. Become a tenured law professor before age 40? Man, you got it made in the shade. Porter is fiendishly clever. According to this article, she went to Phillips Andover as some sort of psychology research project about gifted kids after she got a perfect score on the SAT in seventh grade, but I don’t know if that’s actually true, because Porter is so fiendishly clever that I suspect some of her life story has been embellished, or at least dramatized, for the sake of presenting a useful narrative. For example, this article says, “The daughter of an Iowa farmer-turned-banker, Porter grew up during the farm crisis, watching ‘the entire economy around me go to hell.’” Wait a minute here — “farmer-turned-banker”? How common is that career track?

Then I check that against the other story, which says that, in attending Yale, “Porter broke away from a family tradition of going to Iowa State University.” Oh, so there was a “family tradition” of university education? How many generations of college-educated Porters were there before Katie broke the “family tradition” by choosing Yale over Iowa State? Because I’m guessing that her “farmer-turned-banker” father wasn’t just some random rural clodhopper, y’know? Anyway . . .

As an expert in bankruptcy law and a “consumer advocate,” Porter made a point of not accepting PAC money in her 2018 campaign, but I’m looking at her reelection campaign and she’s spent $24 million.

Man, I remember when even $1 million was considered a lot of money for a congressional campaign, but now Democrats — you know, The Party of the Working Man™ — are rolling in so much big money that Porter’s Republican opponent raised $2.7 million and was outspent 9-to-1 by the incumbent Democrat. That’s not counting whatever “dark money” outside groups may have spent to defend Porter’s California seat. And this pattern of Democrats vastly outspending their GOP opponents has been repeated in many races across the country. It has been said, for example, that the race in Michigan’s 7th District is the most expensive congressional campaign in American history. The Democratic incumbent, Elissa Slotkin, raised more than $9 million while her Republican challenger raised about $2.5 million, but that’s just a fraction of the total spending in MI-7. In the second week of October, more than $27 million had been spent on the race, more than half of which was from outside groups. The most recent count shows outside groups spent about $12 million on each side in MI-7, including spending by the party national campaign committees, so that the final tally is going to be more than $35 million for this one House seat. Meanwhile, in the eight most competitive Senate races (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Ohio and New Hampshire), a combined total of $858 million was spent by outside groups, and in none of those states did the Democrats get outspent by the Republicans.

Well, guess what? Money matters: “Of the House races called so far, 96% were won by the biggest spender, a new OpenSecrets analysis found.”

Every conservative blogger and pundit is pointing fingers of blame for the failure of the GOP to produce a “Red Wave” this year. Some are blaming Trump and others are blaming the Republican establishment, but the reality is that the “Red Wave” was stopped by a Democratic “Green Wave” of campaign cash. And, by the way, I noticed something almost immediately after Joe Biden was “elected” (nudge, nudge), namely that the liberal media started talking about the 2022 midterm before Biden was even inaugurated. That is to say, having seen big losses in the 1994 and 2010 midterms, Democrats and their media friends knew very well what they’d be facing this year, and one of the things they did — it is now obvious in hindsight — was get an early start feverishly raising money for this year’s midterms, and organizing “dark money” operations to help support their effort to stem the anticipated midterm backlash.

It now appears that the progressive pudgeball’s $24 million has bought her another term in Congress, and while the Super Genius™ Pundits are busy with all their big-brain “What Does It Mean” post mortem analyses of the midterms, I didn’t ace the SATs in seventh grade, so my dumbass guess is that maybe we should start trying to figure where Democrats are getting all this money? Because it seems strange to me that a political party grimly determined to strangle capitalism and install a Weimar America regime would be so popular with big-money fat cats.

Is this some kind of kinky BDSM thing? Corporate CEOs kneeling before leather-clad Mistress Katie, begging her, “Demonize me in your rhetoric! Destroy my business with regulations! Tax me more, please!”

Meanwhile, please explain to me how somebody in Iowa with a “family tradition” of university education becomes a “farmer-turned-banker,” because that story seems too weird to be true . . .


In The Mailbox: 11.10.22

Posted on | November 11, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.10.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

There would have been a post last night, but as I mentioned on Gab & MeWe, the site was being difficult and I was drunk anyway. Doubt I’ll get caught up, even with two posts tomorrow, but that’s the way it goes sometimes.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Proof that at least half the people you meet are below average.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1896
EBL: What the hell happened last night? , also, Look On The Bright Side
Twitchy: Kari Lake’s War Room Roasts Katie Hobbs For Doing A Shit Job, Julie Kelly Shares a J6 Bombshell That Got Lost In The Election Noise, and Anti-CRT Candidates Dominate Elections For Texas Board Of Education
Louder With Crowder: Say goodbye to 2022’s two biggest losers, Conservatives sound off: It’s time to move on from Trump to Ron DeSantis, and SNL’s ‘comedy’ writers are boycotting over Dave Chappelle hosting 
Vox Popoli: The Least Shocking News Ever, On Suicide, Red on Red, and A Limited Steal
Stoic Observations: The Prawn Story

Adam Piggott: Our Sweet Victory over Science, Pondering Pontius Pilate, and A slight counter argument to those on our side who took the Vaxx and seem to have a small issue with those of us who didn’t
American Conservative: Remember What the Democrats Did, also, The Red Wave That Wasn’t
American Greatness: Florida and Missouri Tell Biden DOJ its Federal Election Monitors Are Not Welcome in Their Polling Places, DeSantis Is the Night’s Big Winner, and Republican John James Wins House Seat in Michigan’s Newly Created 10th Congressional District
American Power: Maybe America Hasn’t Suffered Enough, Slaves to Leftist Authoritarians, and Republican Voters Deserve Answers and Accountability
American Thinker: The Establishment Is Trying to Divide and Conquer MAGA, also, Welcome to Pennsylvania, America’s Capital of Stupid
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Election Day News, also, Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Gay marriage in Cuba will not absolve the Castro dictatorship of its gay concentration camps, Bye-bye Beto, Beto goodbye, and Cuban engineer shows world how little she can purchase with her salary
BattleSwarm: Liveblogging the 2022 Election, also, A Red Trickle
Behind The Black: Bad news for Branson, Virgin Orbit’s first launch from UK delayed by red tape, India about to do first drop test of its home-built version of an X-37B, Time for another Wuhan panic update, and Pushback: Doctors sue to kill California law making it illegal to disagree with government
Cafe Hayek: Protectionists Are Shielded From Embarrassment By Their Formidable Ignorance of Economics, also, It’s All Banditry
CDR Salamander: LaPlant Goes Salamander, also, Welcome to my Post-Fall of Kherson JOPG
Chicago Boyz: No Joke, also, The Midterm Election
Da Tech Guy: Review: Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities, The #Unexpectedly Chronicles One Post Election Prediction that I GUARANTEE Will Come True, Pennsylvania: A bad night for Trump and the GOP, and Very Very Sick
Don Surber: What Republicans got right, ‘Never surrender to the woke mob’, and Life after Trump
First Street Journal: Ho hum! Another mass shooting in Philadelphia, There can be no negotiated peace with the ‘Palestinians’, and Missing the elephant in the room
Gates Of Vienna: The Shock Troops of the Great Replacement, The Dirty Laundry of the Great Reset, Election Fraud in Brazil, It’s Gone Beyond Gaslighting, and Out of Gas
The Geller Report: Covering For Election-Rigging, also,NY’s Lee Zeldin Refuses to Concede As Well Over A Million and a Half Votes Are Still Uncounted [and a lot of election night shenanigans posts]
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, A Sampler of Simulations, The Good, The Bad, and The Interesting, and Further Post Mortem Rumblings
Hollywood In Toto: Jimmy Kimmel’s Problematic Past Completely Ignored by Team Oscar, Tim Dillon: ‘Making Woke Garbage Might Be Over’, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Can’t Recover from Star’s Absence, and The Lost King Recalls a Story Too Good to Be True (But It Was!)
The Lid: BUSTED! Duplicitious Dems Admit Their Hidden Agenda Doesn’t Match Their Talking Points, Six Takeaways From The 2022 Midterms, and The 2022 Harold Stassen Awards For Special Political Losers
Legal Insurrection: U. Illinois Paying Trans Students to Write About Their ‘Toilet Experiences’, U. Delaware Prof Says Asking Questions About a Candidate’s Stroke is ‘Ableist’, Red China Sending Mixed Message on Ending “Zero Covid” Policy, “It’s Time to Say Goodbye to the ADL”, Cato Institute Files Lawsuit to Stop Biden’s Student Loan Bailout, and 2022 Midterms: Not A Tsunami, But Some Real Republican Gains
Nebraska Energy Observer: Thoughts, also, Red Ripple
Outkick: Mitchell Miller Receives Career-Long NHL Death Sentence For Bullying Incident At Age 14 While Deshaun Watson Nears NFL Return, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Curt Schilling Return To Baseball Hall Of Fame Ballot, Lamar Jackson Visits Young Fan With Heart Condition, Brittney Griner Being Moved To Penal Colony Used For Exiling Prisoners, and Woke NYT Columnist Has A Problem With LSU Gymnast Olivia Dunne
Power Line: Goodbye, Donald, Wot Happened?, and Dark night of the coal: The light of KJP
Protein Wisdom Reborn: Election Day Shrapnel 
Shark Tank: Gaetz Blisters GOP Leadership. Dubs Them “McFailures”
Shot In The Dark: He Knows What Matters, The Biggest Losers, and Tuesday’s Gone
The Political Hat: Word To Remember When Voting
This Ain’t Hell: Student dresses as “Nazi”, Principal suspended, Cruz beerbombed, Jackson issues first opinion. NON-election news, Post-Election Day News, and JR Majewski rides phony pony to defeat… Continue on into the sunset?
Transterrestrial Musings: Doing Good Science, also, How The Democrats Lost Their Way
Victory Girls: Voting Machine Snafus Across Multiple States, Florida Has Red Storm, But It Doesn’t Spread, and Four Villains Who Blighted The Elections For Us
Volokh Conspiracy: Conservative Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw Says Republican Leaders’ Election Denialism was “Always a Lie”, also, Data on Mass Murder by Government in the 20th Century 
Watts Up With That: Matt Ridley: Green Zealots are Threatening Real Conservation, Turbine Manufacturer: Don’t Expect Renewable Energy to Always Get Cheaper, and John Kerry Accused of Proposing US Companies Buy Their Way Out of Climate Action
Weasel Zippers: Biden Admin Put Illegal Immigrants In Hotel Suites, Complete With Room Service, Democratic Think Tank Torches Dems Prospects In 2024, “Out Of Touch”, Occasional Cortex Blames The Police For Higher Crime Rates, CNN Exit Poll: 73% Of Americans Are “Angry” Or “Dissatisfied” With The Way Things Are Going Under Biden, and CBS: Florida “Is No Longer A Swing State — Florida Is Red”
The Federalist: 3 Takeaways From Ron DeSantis’s Blowout Win For Every GOP Governor In America, Media Can’t Fathom Why ‘Democracy’ Wasn’t A Top Concern For Voters Who Spent Their Day Doing The Whole Democracy Thing, 3 Years After Covid Started, Why Don’t We Have Answers About The Likely Lab Leak?, Here’s A List Of Major GOP Wins From Last Night That Legacy Media Won’t Tell You About, and Mitt Romney Hardest Hit By Mike Lee’s Win In Utah
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Seeking Light Amid the Gloom: Thoughts on the Brain-Damaged Election Results

Posted on | November 9, 2022 | Comments Off on Seeking Light Amid the Gloom: Thoughts on the Brain-Damaged Election Results

What kind of people would elect John Fetterman? Short answer: The kind of people who live in Philadelphia, a city that has become America’s Mos Eisley, a “wretched hive of scum and villainy.”


Fetterman (D) …. 2,638,537 (50%)
Oz (R) …………….. 2,458,756 (47%)

MARGIN: D+ 179,781


Fetterman (D) …. 364,007 (82%)
Oz (R) ………………. 74,738 (17%)

MARGIN: D+ 289,269

Do you see my point? Philadelphia controls the whole state.

Fetterman’s margin in Philadelphia alone was nearly 110,000 voters more than his statewide margin, so that in the rest of the state, 51% voted Republican and 48% voted Democrat — a margin effectively nullified because Democrats got 82% of the vote in Philadelphia.

Say what you will about Oz’s qualities as a candidate, but the fact is that any Republican running in Pennsylvania begins with a 300,000-vote deficit caused by the Philadelphia Factor. If you want to understand the phenomenon of “election deniers,” this is a good place to start, because it’s not just Pennsylvania. This type of urban political domination is the rule in practically every state where Democrats hold a majority.

Without their disproportionate share of the urban vote, Democrats would seldom win any statewide election, yet they currently hold half the seats in the U.S. Senate because, in state after state, something akin to the Philadelphia Factor is at work. This is why Joe Biden is in the White House, and yet most Republicans are ignorant of these geographic/demographic realities, which nobody can be permitted to mention because “RAAAAACISM!” So never mind . . .

Difficult as it is to resist my urge to expend 3,000 words ranting about the stupidity of people who vote Democrat without considering that they are thereby empowering the worst elements of society — and nothing is worse than the scum of Philadelphia — nevertheless I must resist that urge, or my mood might become even bleaker than it already is.

John Hoge and I were here in the bunker doing The Other Podcast on Election Night, with Dianna Deeley phoning in from Valdosta, Georgia, when I switched the TV over to CNN to see what they were saying on the news channel with lower ratings than Spongebob Squarepants reruns.

Because you never watch CNN — don’t worry, almost nobody else does, either — you probably don’t know who David Chalian is.

He is an obese, bespectacled Armenian homosexual, and I say that without wishing to offend any of my gay friends. Or my fat friends. As for any offended Armenians — well, if David Chalian were typical of them, you could probably more or less forgive the Turks, but I digress . . .

After switching the TV to CNN, I noticed that David Chalian was smiling, which is when I knew we were utterly and hopelessly doomed. Anything that makes David Chalian happy is bad for America, and as the election results piled up on CNN, while that blubbery Armenian poofter kept grinning with sadistic pleasure, I began to feel a profound sympathy toward the authorities of the Ottoman Empire . . .

No, wait — I went off on another damned digression. Blame it on the sleep I lost because of that wretched election, but I should have known better than to let myself hope that the millions of decent people in Pennsylvania might somehow overcome the scum of Philadelphia.

In my Monday column for The American Spectator, I’d warned that Pennsylvania would be “too close to call” for most of Election Night, and had specified the Senate race in New Hampshire as the best early bellwether of whether Republicans would have a true “Red Wave” election. If GOP challenger Dan Bolduc could knock off incumbent Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan in the Granite State, I predicted, we’d know we were surfing the giant crimson tsunami.

About 11 o’clock, CNN called New Hampshire for Hassan, which confirmed the evidence I’d been seeing in other races — no “Red Wave.”

Despite the general disappointment, which produced such happiness for David Chalian and his CNN friends, there were nonetheless many bright spots across the electoral map, especially in Florida, where Ron DeSantis stomped Charlie Crist into tiny brown smithereens. As the liberal Sun-Sentinel newspaper editorialized, the “19-point blowout victory” by DeSantis had turned Florida into a “crimson hellscape”:

He carried 62 of 67 counties, including Miami-Dade and Palm Beach, leaving Broward isolated as a blue island surrounded by red. Besides Broward, the only counties that Democrat Charlie Crist carried were Orange and the medium-sized trio of Alachua, Gadsden and Leon, a sea of red reflecting an epic Democratic collapse.
DeSantis’ solid showing of 41% in Broward was 10 points better than four years ago. Statewide, he got 530,000 more votes than four years ago, and Crist got nearly 1 million fewer votes than Andrew Gillum in 2018.

Charlie Crist: Less popular than a bisexual Negro.

In addition to obliterating whatever political career Charlie Crist had left, Republicans in Florida also flipped three congressional seats — defeating Democrats Al Lawson, Eric Lynn and Karen Green — while winning the newly-created 15th District, turning Florida’s House delegation from 16R/11D to 20R/8D. Oh, and Sen. Marco Rubio was easily reelected, defeating Democrat Val Demings by a 16-point margin.

In Virginia’s 2nd District, Democratic Rep. Elaine Luria, a member of Nancy Pelosi’s J6 witch-hunt committee, got beat by Republican challenger Jen Kiggans. According to Reuters, Republicans also flipped GA-6, MI-10, TN-5, TX-15, WI-3, AZ-2, IA-3, NE-2, NJ -7, NY-3, NY-4 and, perhaps sweetest of all, NY-17. That’s where Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) chairman Sean Patrick Maloney found himself in an unexpectedly competitive race after New York Democrats bungled their redistricting map, and GOP challenger Mike Lawler pounced and seized after Maloney suggested that people should cope with inflation by eating Chef Boyardee.

There were many places where Democrats who should have lost — as all Democrats should — ended up winning instead. However, among the list of winning Democrats, one famous name was missing Tuesday.


In addition to The President of United Earth, there was also the predictable defeat of three-time loser Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke.

So we have cause for cheer amid the general disappointment of a hoped-for “Red Wave” that turned out to be a minor splash. Many races have yet to be decided — e.g., Republican Neil Parrot leads in the 6th District of Maryland, but there are thousands of mail-in ballots that won’t be counted until Thursday — and if I had to guess, the final tally in the House will be somewhere around 226R to 209D, give or take a couple of seats, but that would be a bigger majority than the one Nancy Pelosi had when Democrats voted to impeach Trump, so let’s hope Republicans can get plenty of committee investigations rolling, subpoena a lot of administration officials as witnesses and, if they don’t cooperate, prosecute them for contempt of Congress. Payback time, baby!

Maybe we can’t do anything much to stop the Biden administration from wrecking the country, but we can make their lives miserable. I want to see David Chalian openly weeping on the CNN set, after Republicans vote to impeach Biden for . . . Well, whatever. It doesn’t matter.

Grind ’em into dust and call it “social justice.”

Philadelphia delenda est.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 11.08.22

Posted on | November 9, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.08.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

If you aren’t listening to The Other Podcast’s Election Night Special, why not?
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg & Rising Crime
EBL: Kathy Hochul Doesn’t Get Why Crime Is A Big Deal For New Yorkers, also, Astronomers have detected another ‘planet killer’ asteroid 
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Stoic Observations: Pissy Itches, also, The Struggle Is Real

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American Greatness: Democrats Are Failing the Democracy Test, The Pathetic Democratic Pantheon, and COVID Amnesty? Hell, No!
American Power: The Democrats’ Insurrection Flop, The Collapse of Biden’s Woketopia, and ‘We Are Moving Backwards’
American Thinker: A Voter’s Primer: The Seven Health Policy Habits of Insanely Progressive People, The Constitution Is A Treasure That Is Worth Saving, and ESG Boomerangs on BlackRock
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
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CDR Salamander: NATO’s Next Leader: Serious Times Need Serious Leaders
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Da Tech Guy: Under the Fedora Sports Thoughts, The Navy chose death over life, and A Leftist Trope Finally Challenged After Four Years
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The Geller Report: “Widespread Outage” in Pennsylvania Voter Database As Election Day Nears, Judge allows lawsuit by Pennsylvania moms over first-grade transgender lessons to move forward, and Fetterman Sues to Have Illegal, Undated, Misdated Ballots Counted in PA
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Outkick: NFL Ratings Are Down Thanks To Amazon Prime And Thursday Night Football, NBA Referee Allegedly Referred To Mavs Guard Spencer Dinwiddie As A ‘B*tch *ss Mother F***er’ After Technical Foul, Tennessee Reign As #1 Short-Lived, Gets Humbled By Defending Champion Georgia, Houston Astros Win the 2022 World Series, Celebrate Manager Dusty Baker, and LSU’s Tradition Of ‘Respecting The Tiger’ Creates Extremely Cool Image During Epic Field Storm After Win Over Alabama
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STUMP: SUMOvember: the tournament is coming!
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This Ain’t Hell: Quick updates, USCG Recruitment Woes, Yet Another Politician: Legit Veteran or Photoshop Warrior?, and Clyde Shavers, a veteran that Republicans are attacking
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MIDTERM ELECTION RESULTS HQ: ‘Not a Red Wave, That’s For Darn Sure’

Posted on | November 8, 2022 | 1 Comment

UPDATE 6:30 a.m. ET Wednesday: The headline quote is from South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham, summarizing the results in which it appears that a runoff in Georgia will decide control of the Senate, while GOP gains in the House will probably be enough to take a majority, but by a disappointingly narrow margin.

UPDATE 6:55 a.m. ET: A bright spot in western Maryland:

Neil Parrott (R) ……. 102,669 (51%)
David Trone (D) …….. 98,122 (49%)

Parrott is the state senator from Washington County whom I knew from 2010, when he was first running for the state legislature. His narrow victory over Trone, a billionaire incumbent Democrat, demonstrates the power of a strong grassroots “shoe leather” campaign. There was no way Parrott could compete in television ads, where Trone vastly outspent him, but the Republican challenger had plenty of volunteers on the ground and his green yard signs were everywhere.


For weeks, Democrats have been solemnly warning of impending authoritarianism: “DEMOCRACY IS ON THE BALLOT!” But when I went to vote today, neither democracy nor authoritarianism were actually among the choices, and instead I voted for Republicans, which is what I think they really meant: If Republicans win control of Congress, there will be no more “democracy,” as far as liberals are concerned.

So now, nearing 7 p.m. Eastern, polls are about to close in six states and I’ll be compiling results here, while also bitching about the slowness of the vote-counting on a special six-hour edition of The Other Podcast.

UPDATE 8:10 p.m. ET: Ron DeSantis has been reelected in Florida.

UPDATE 8:05 p.m. ET: Almost everything is still “too close to call.”

UPDATE 7:20 p.m. ET: Sen. Rand Paul is reelected in Kentucky, Sen. Tim Scott reelected in South Carolina and Sen. Marco Rubio reelected in Florida.

UPDATE 7:05 p.m. ET: In the Indiana Senate race, incumbent Republican Sen. Todd Young is trouncing Democratic challenger Thomas McDermott by 20 points. Young has already been declared the winner, with fewer than 4% of precincts reporting.

UPDATE 6:50 p.m. ET: CNN has been going through their own exit poll numbers and — whoa! — democracy is completely dead:


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