The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Cop Shoots White Guy Named ‘Kevin’

Posted on | November 4, 2020 | 1 Comment

Kevin Alan Smallman, 32, was a career criminal. Notice my use of the past tense verb “was.” Kevin assumed room temperature in January, with the assistance of a police officer in Chandler, Arizona.

Smallman had served time in prison for burglary and DUI, and after being released in 2017, he did not “go legit.” On Jan. 26, a police officer spotted a white Toyota Prius reported as stolen. The vehicle fled and escaped. The next day, the officer saw the stolen Toyota again in front of a Hampton Inn hotel; two people exited the vehicle and went into the hotel. The officer followed and confronted Smallman and his wife, Krystal Denean Ehrlich, 27, in the hotel lobby. Smallman “failed to comply,” as police say, refusing to provide identification and, when told he was being detained, took off running.

The officer gave chase, and Smallman ran — where else? — to the stolen Toyota, climbing in the driver’s seat. The officer opened the door and was trying to wrestle Smallman out of the car, and meanwhile Ehrlich had gotten into the backseat of the Toyota. Smallman started the car to make his getaway, with the cop wedged between him and the seat. In a bodycam video released by the police department, you see the struggle that ensued. Smallman took off with the cop hanging out the side of the stolen car, and the officer had no choice but to shoot the car thief in self-defense. The car rammed into a wall, the officer miraculously survived, and Smallman was pronounced dead at the scene.


Watching police bodycam footage has become a hobby for me — a strange choice of entertainment, perhaps, but a way to distract myself from the constant noise of politics. And the case of Kevin Smallman is rather typical of what are called “officer-involved shootings” (OIS).

Bad guys don’t cooperate with law enforcement, res ipsa loquitur. If you’re a convicted felon driving a stolen car, what are you going to do when a cop shows up and starts asking questions?

The smart thing to do would be to accept the reality — you got caught, and you’re going back to jail. Criminals aren’t really good decision-makers, however, and so the police encounter tends to escalate. First, the criminal lies — “Dindu nuffin” — and then he becomes non-compliant. He resists arrest, attacks the cop or tries to run away. If you’ve watched enough of these videos, the behavioral patterns become familiar.

Notice that Kevin had tattoos on his neck? Always a bad sign. Tattoos are a prerequisite for membership in the White Trash Criminals Club.

Not all people with tattoos are felons, but all felons have tattoos, and getting tattoos on your neck or face? Yep — might as well get the words “violating probation” tattooed on your forehead. It’s part of a behavioral pattern, as I say, and you will probably not be surprised to learn that after the cops carted Kevin Smallman’s corpse off to the morgue, they found meth and drug paraphernalia in the stolen car. The criminal’s widow, Krystal Ehrlich was charged with possession: “Court records show Ehrlich is homeless, and is currently on probation. She also has prior convictions for DUI, burglary, trafficking, narcotics possession, and drug paraphernalia possession.” Real classy people.

There were no protests over the police shooting of Kevin Smallman. No celebrities paid attention to this incident. Smallman got no coverage on CNN. Nobody cares when cops shoot a white criminal. There is no “social justice” angle, no political advantage to be gained, and so the death of Kevin Smallman was just a local news story.

Oh, and if Joe Biden is elected president? “Black Lives Matter” will disappear from the headlines. The only purpose of calling national attention to the deaths of George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, Jacob Blake, etc., was to “energize” black voters for Democrats in an election year, to dramatize the “systemic racism” issue to help Joe Biden. And once he takes office, everything will go back to business as usual for the media.


Make Birthdays Great Again

Posted on | November 4, 2020 | Comments Off on Make Birthdays Great Again

Say hello to Jason, an Ohio boy who turned 12 years old yesterday. Because it was Election Day, and because Jason’s a big Trump supporter — it’s Ohio, which went for Trump by an 8-point margin — his family gave him a MAGA-themed birthday party. Instead of singing “Happy Birthday,” his family serenaded him with “Proud to Be an American.”

That video ought to go viral.



Posted on | November 3, 2020 | Comments Off on TRUMP WINS! TRUMP WINS!

UPDATE 11:10 p.m. ET: I’m calling it for Trump. He’s won Florida and Georgia. North Carolina is looking like a win. He’s leading in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Michigan — MICHIGAN! — Trump now leads by double-digits. We are in Red Wave territory, folks.

* * * * *

My partner John Hoge and I will be podcasting tonight and you can click here to listen (you’ll need to download the Podbeam app).

What’s going to happen? Well, here’s a clue: I went to vote about 5 p.m. I live in a county that went for Trump in 2016 by a 30-point margin (62%-32%), and the polling place is in the reddest, most rural part of the county. The line stretched around the parking lot and the wait was an hour and 45 minutes. This lady was one of those standing in line:

So if it’s going to take a stampede of rural voters for Trump to win, maybe the “Red Wave” will actually happen. We shall see.

UPDATE 6:55 p.m. ET: Ace notes that exit polls look good for Trump.

On the side of pessimism, however, if Democrats voted early by mail, then they would be underrepresented in exit polls.

UPDATE 8:00 p.m. ET: Miami is killing liberal dreams:

UPDATE 10 p.m. ET: We’ve finished three hours of podcasting and now you can click here for ANOTHER three hours. Oh, my God, it looks like Trump is pulling off another miracle upset.



In The Mailbox: 11.02.20 (Election Eve Doomed Beyond All Hope Of Redemption Edition)

Posted on | November 3, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.02.20 (Election Eve Doomed Beyond All Hope Of Redemption Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Pagan Vigil: Memo To All Future Political Telemarketers
357 Magnum: I’m Old Enough To Remember When Elections Were Peaceful
Bleach Cocktail: Suicide Bombing Of Peace In Vienna
EBL: Clay Travis On Why He Supports Donald Trump
Twitchy: San Marcos Police Say Biden Staffer’s Car May Have Been At Fault In Trump Caravan Incident
Louder With Crowder: Crazy Maxine Waters Promises To Never Forgive Blacks Who Vote For Trump
Vox Popoli: Endgame Approaches, also, Walk It Back, Walk It Back
Surak Blog: We The People Are Not Stupid Or Evil (h/t Red Pilled Jew)
Stoic Observations: The Stoic Vote

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Fate Of The World Edition, also, Election Predictions
American Conservative: Trump At Last Targets The Google Whale
American Greatness: Donald Trump, Counterrevolutionary, also, PA Democrat AG Declares “Trump Is Going To Lose”
American Power: Expect Election Day To Be A Repeat Of 2016
American Thinker: Trump, The American Lion, & The Republican Cowards, also, October Surprise – This Race Is Over
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Another Massive Anti-Communism/Trump Rally In Miami On Sunday
BattleSwarm: Glenn Greenwald & The Democratic Media Complex, also, BidenWatch For November 2
Cafe Hayek: More Ivor Cummins On COVID
CDR Salamander: Intentionally Choosing To Be Deaf & Blind In Africa
Da Tech Guy: Raise Taxes, Kill Businesses – Must Be California, also, Biden & Harris Never Gave Voters An Answer On Court Packing
Don Surber: How Trump Threw Obama Off His Game, also, It Feels Like A Revolution
First Street Journal: Korean Businesses Matter Too, also, Authoritarians Gotta Authoritarian!
The Geller Report: George Soros’ Plan B If Biden Loses, also, Maxine Waters – “Black Trump Voters Are Shameful”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Coming Attractions
Hollywood In Toto: Woke IndieWire Shredded By Its Own Liberal Readers (Again), also, Here’s What Makes Faith-Based Miracle On Christmas Different
JustOneMinute: One Day More
The Lid: Florida Busts Attempt To Register Over Fifty Dead Democrats
Legal Insurrection: Antifa Rioter Tells NYPD “I Hope All Your Children Get Raped & Killed”, also, Can Trump Pull Off An Historic Win In Blue Minnesota?
Power Line: Biden’s Destructive Education Program, also, Red Mirage?
Shark Tank: Guillermo Smith Stokes More Racial Division In Florida
Shot In The Dark: 101 Reasons
STUMP: Reading The News With Meep
The Political Hat: Happy Halloween! (2020)
This Ain’t Hell: American Hostage Rescued In Nigeria By SEAL Team Six In Daring Raid, also, ShutDown DC Advises Federal Employees On Aiding Their Movement
Victory Girls: Karl Marx Lives Loudly Through Kamala Harris
Volokh Conspiracy: Why This Religious Freedom Case Is Different From The Others
Weasel Zippers: Documentary About Antifa & The Coming Elections, also, Harris – “Joe Biden & I Are About To Get Rid Of The Trump Tax Cuts”
The Federalist: Psychiatrist & CNN Guest Praises Hitler In Attempted Dunk On Trump, also, Under Trump, Americans Have Seen Their Best Wage Growth In 40 Years
Mark Steyn: The Thing From Another World, also, Election Day Minus One

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Election Eve Prediction Time

Posted on | November 2, 2020 | Comments Off on Election Eve Prediction Time


Don’t know who created that meme, I just saw it on Twitter. Election Day is tomorrow, and the time for making predictions is running out. Also, I’m running past deadline on a 2,500-word piece for the print edition of The American Spectator, in which I evaluate the prospects of a post-election civil war. (Spoiler: I’m against it.)

The RCP average of national polls today has Biden by nearly 7 points, with The Hill (Biden +4) and Rasmussen (Biden +3) on the low end and NBC (Biden +10) and The Economist (Biden +11) on the high end. Obviously these are not encouraging numbers for Trump supporters.

Strangely enough, Trump supporters are undaunted by the poll numbers. Yesterday, the President held five — count ’em, five — gigantic rallies, including one in my old stomping grounds of Rome, Georgia. Actually, while the address of Richard B. Russell Airport is technically in Rome, it’s much closer to Armuchee, but that’s a detail I don’t expect journalists to notice. And never mind how you pronounce “Armuchee.”

Trump campaigned last night in my old stomping grounds of Rome, Georgia. What I can't figure out is how they landed Air Force One at that airport. It's a 747. Did they expand the runway?

Posted by Robert Stacy McCain on Monday, November 2, 2020


Here’s the question: Does it really matter? No, I’m not talking about how you pronounce “Armuchee,” I’m talking about the campaign rallies. We are told that Joe Biden, who scarcely leaves his basement and can’t draw any kind of crowd, is nonetheless leading by a landslide margin. If that is true, then all the ordinary business of on-the-ground campaigning — from yard signs to rallies to door-to-door canvassing — is obsolete. All that matters in politics now is media and the Internet.

Or so we are supposed to believe. There is a wide gap of cognitive dissonance surrounding this campaign, and I don’t profess to know what explains this gap. Nor do I consider myself qualified to make any predictions about how it’s going to turn out. Have at it yourself.

UPDATE: One of the the shabby hustles that the media engage in is what can be called Contingent Prediction, which is not an actual prediction, but rather involves an “if . . . then” sort of rhetoric. Here is a classic example of the phenomenon:

These counties “could” prove decisive in the election, the New York Times informs us, before proceeding on that basis to engage in a lot of blather enhanced by authoritative-looking graphics. This is an illusion of expertise, because if Biden is really heading to a landslide — as all the polls tell us — then these allegedly crucial counties won’t really mean much in the grand scheme of things. Go back to 2016 and watch all the TV pundits pointing at their “interactive” maps in the first couple of hours of coverage, before it became evident that something was drastically wrong with all the pre-election poll numbers.

It is only in hindsight that anyone can understand what happens in elections, and most people still don’t really understand even then.


Rule 5 Sunday: Honor Blackman

Posted on | November 2, 2020 | 4 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

It was very tempting to do a reprise of Diana Rigg, since she’s clearly the best Bond Girl, but unfortunately her James Bond was the soft & floppy George Lazenby instead of Sean Connery (RIP) so there went that connection. Instead, I went with another actress who like Dame Rigg starred in both The Avengers and the Bond movies, Honor Blackman, who also looked pretty sweet in leather.

Ms. Blackman playing Pussy Galore in Goldfinger.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1154, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Understanding The Left Friday, also, the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL, Don Carlo, Agrippina, Simon Boccanegra, Nixon In China, Vintage Halloween, Boris Godunov, Scary Halloween, Cimorelli, Halloween, Ghosts Of Versailles, and Vintage Pumpkins

A View From The Beach: Li BingbingFish Pic Friday – Lacey LooNew Maryland Oyster Regulations ControversialTanlines ThursdayYour Wednesday WetnessSeeing the Forest Through the TreesTattoo TuesdayYour Monday Morning Stimulant and Palm Sunday.

Bleach Cocktail: Monday Motivator, Tuesday Titillation, Wednesday Whoopee, Thursday Thunder, and Friday Fire.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe this week is Theda Bara.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Albedo 0.39

Posted on | November 1, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Albedo 0.39

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links in October!
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Media Promotes BLM Lies in Philadelphia, as Rioting Continues for the Second Night
The Pirate’s Cove
First Street Journal
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Rule 5 Sunday: Jessica Alba
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Jake Tapper: Still Not Over Macho Grande
Bacon Time
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Spiral
A View From The Beach

Joe Biden Is Not Barack Obama (and Other Truths the Media Elite Can’t See)
357 Magnum

Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

Whatever Your Problem Is, Electing Democrats Will Never Be the Solution

In The Mailbox: 10.27.20 (Morning Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Store Security Guard Stabbed by Sisters After Asking Them to Wear Masks
Bacon Time

In The Mailbox: 10.27.20 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Keep Calm and Vote Trump
Dark Brightness

In The Mailbox: 10.28.20
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

‘Anonymous’ Miles Taylor Represents Everything Americans Hate About the GOP
Dark Brightness
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Good News: Democrats Are Worried
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.30.20 (Morning Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

After 16 Days of Censorship, Twitter Unlocks the New York Post’s Account
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.30.20 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending October 30:

  1.  EBL (18)
  2.  357 Magnum (12)
  3.  A View From The Beach (11)
  4.  Proof Positive (6)

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Damn It, Iowa — No Hope Allowed!

Posted on | November 1, 2020 | Comments Off on Damn It, Iowa — No Hope Allowed!

As I have explained, maintaining my mental health during the final weeks of the campaign requires me to avoid anything that might give me hope that Donald Trump could be elected. This is actually easy, given how most polls show Joe Biden cruising to a landslide victory. The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has Biden winning by 10 pointsTEN FREAKING POINTS! — which would have to be catastrophically wrong for Trump to have a chance. In terms of my Zen of hopelessness, this is just what I need, but some of y’all refuse to cooperate:

Republican President Donald Trump has taken over the lead in Iowa as Democratic former Vice President Joe Biden has faded, a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows just days before Election Day.
The president now leads by 7 percentage points over Biden, 48% to 41%. Three percent say they will vote for someone else, 2% aren’t sure and 5% don’t want to say for whom they will vote.
In September’s Iowa Poll, the candidates were tied at 47% to 47%.

In the span of one month, according to this poll, Biden has lost 6 points, while Trump has gained one. Recall that in February, Biden placed third in the Iowa caucus, so we can’t expect Democrats there to be too enthusiastic about “Landslide Joe.” Furthermore, in 2016, Trump won Iowa by more than 9 points, so if he wins by 7 points this time, it would actually show an erosion of his support. And when you recall how slender Trump’s margins were in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, the loss of 2 points would spell defeat. So may hopelessness remains intact, but then there’s this little data point from the Iowa poll:

Both candidates largely hold onto voters within their own parties. Ninety-three percent of Democrats support Biden, along with 4% of self-described Republicans. And 89% of Republicans support Trump, along with 2% of Democrats.
But Trump has regained an edge with those who identify as independents — a bloc key to his 2016 win in Iowa. According to National Election Pool exit polling published by CNN, independent voters favored Trump 51% to 38% over Democrat Hillary Clinton that year.
In the Register’s September Iowa Poll, Biden led with independents 50% to 38%. But today, Trump wins them back and leads 49% to 35%.

Whoa! Biden has lost 15 points with independents? This cannot be true. Nate Silver tells me there is an 89% chance Biden is winning, and yet independents have turned against Biden? How can I protect my precious sense of hopelessness against this contradictory evidence?

Well, I’ve been watching CNN all day. That should do the trick.


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