The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Winged Hussars

Posted on | September 19, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Winged Hussars

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Liberals Outraged by Million-Dollar Bail for Lancaster #BlackLivesMatter Rioters
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum
First Street Journal
Proof Positive

Trump Is Right: No, It’s Not Crazy to Suspect Biden Is Being Medicated
Bacon Time
Proof Positive

Biden Voter Update
357 Magnum

Armed and Dangerous
357 Magnum

The Death of ‘Quono’

Cop Shoots Knife-Wielding Maniac, Lancaster Riots After BLM Lies
Dark Brightness

Biden Voter Enacts Democrat Agenda
The Pirate’s Cove
357 Magnum

Sorority Sister Turned BLM Radical? Kappa Delta Arrested in Lancaster Riot
Bacon Time
Globalist News
PBF News

In The Mailbox 09.15.20 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 09.15.20 (Evening Edition)
Proof Positive

Mandatory ‘Struggle Sessions’ in Arizona
Dark Brightness

In The Mailbox: 09.16.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Trump Getting 50% of the Catholic Vote
Dark Brightness

No Lower Form of Human Scum Exists: @TheRickWilson Engaged in Blackmail?

When Do Black Lives Matter, and Why?
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.17.20
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Boston Serial Rapist Faces Life in Prison; His Sister Endorsed Kamala Harris

‘Sundown Joe’ Babbles Incoherently About Fracking in CNN Pennsylvania Town Hall

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead at 87
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 09.18.20
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending September 18:

  1.  EBL (20)
  2.  (tied) 357 Magnum & Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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The Other Podcast: RBG Edition

Posted on | September 19, 2020 | 1 Comment

My podcast partner John Hoge and I will, uh, mourn the passing of the late Supreme Court justice tonight at 7 p.m. ET on the latest weekly edition of The Other Podcast.

If you miss the live show, the Podbean archive is here.



Andrew Cuomo’s Lynching Law

Posted on | September 19, 2020 | 2 Comments

Before he became infamous for killing Grandma, the Democratic governor of New York signed into law an “affirmative consent” policy (a/k/a “Yes Means Yes”) that applies only to university campuses. Anyone familiar with human nature could predict that this law would produce disastrous consequences, because (a) college girls get drunk, (b) drunk girls do embarrassing things, and (b) the next morning they regret the stuff they did when they were drunk. This scenario accounts for perhaps 90% of all campus “sexual assault” accusations and, even if we can’t hold guys blameless in such incidents, the difficulty is determining guilt in a “he-said/she-said” situation where both participants are usually drunker than the proverbial skunk. And then there’s this:

University suspended black student
for a year because drunk white girl
kissed him: lawsuit

Do we really need to discuss the details of this case at New York’s Long Island University or should we just blame Gov. Cuomo?

LIU’s bias is institutionalized in its Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy’s Students’ Bill of Rights, which “shockingly” limits protections to only “reporting individuals” — those who allege violations, according to the suit.
This is despite the policy’s explicit promise of several rights for “all” students, including the presumption of innocence for accused students, “right to make an impact statement” on the cusp of sanctions and “equal opportunity” to present witnesses and evidence. John [Doe, the lawsuit plaintiff] claims he was afforded none of these.
The policy does, however, reflect New York’s affirmative consent law: “both evince a surface-level refusal to recognize uniform rights for the accuser and the accused.” Signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the statute has an “inherent bias” because it requires colleges to predetermine that any accuser “is at fault … or should have acted in a different manner to avoid” violations that have not been proven, John says.

As I understand the complaint in the lawsuit, the drunk white girl, “Jane Roe,” wanted John Doe, a member of the LIU football team, to fulfill her Mandingo fantasies, and he rejected her advances. No sexual activity between them actually took place, according to the lawsuit. However, Jane’s drunken would-be snowbunny act was witnessed by several of their fellow students and Jane, who had a boyfriend, was worried that reports of her behavior would jeopardize her “committed relationship.” So she invented the “sexual assault” accusation to make herself look like a victim, when in fact she was the aggressor. Or at least this is what the lawsuit says happened, and who am I to say otherwise?

This is the problem with the “affirmative consent” standard, as a practical matter involving college girls, most of them teenagers, who get themselves into bad situations and then claim victimhood. The Democrats who enacted this foolish New York law are now probably shocked to discover the potential for racial discrimination in such cases. Of course, this was entirely predictable, if you knew anything at all about human nature, and the kind of girls who attend Long Island University.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Keep Calm and Vote Trump

Posted on | September 19, 2020 | 1 Comment

Everybody’s gearing up to DefCon 1 for the Senate fight over filling the Supreme Court seat formerly held by Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Remain calm. All is well.

You need the stoic temperament of Marcus Aurelius in such a crisis.

Keep telling yourself: “I don’t care. It doesn’t matter.”

This is your mantra. Strive to achieve complete indifference.

Don’t watch cable TV news. It will only disturb your tranquility.

Have you got a hobby? Gardening? Bird watching? Concentrate your attention on your hobby. Ignore the daily drumbeat of “news,” which is manufactured by people who profit from needless excitement.

Vote for Trump. If ever you needed an incentive to vote early, this is it. Just go cast your vote for Trump, which is really all you can do, and then be at peace with the world. Shalom.



In The Mailbox: 09.18.20

Posted on | September 18, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Everything’s back to normal this weekend (kayn aynhoreh); deadline for the FMJRA is tomorrow at noon and for Rule 5 Double-Scoop Sunday, it’s midnight. Thanks in advance for your links.

357 Magnum: Jihad In Germany
EBL: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, RIP
Twitchy: Mitch McConnell Promises Senate Vote On Trump’s Nominee To Replace RBG
Louder With Crowder: #BLM Marches In Support Of Black Criminals
Vox Popoli: Pedophists In The Evangelical Church, also, Don’t Talk To The Media, Part CXIV
According To Hoyt: Absolute Truth & The Death of Turpitude
Stoic Observations: After The Bomb

American Conservative: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dies, Shaking 2020 Race
American Greatness: Trump HIts 53% Job Approval In Rasmussen Poll, also, Silicon Valley & Biden Colluding To Rig 2020 Election
American Power: We Are All Algorithms Now
American Thinker: Who Killed George Floyd? also, No Rational Person Can Vote D In 2020
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Bullshitting Friday
Babalu Blog: Socialist Spain Outlaws All Praise Of Franco Regime, But Lauding Cuba’s Commies Is A-OK
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For September 17
Cafe Hayek: Adam Smith & His National Defense Exception To Unlimited Free Trade
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Five Quick Thoughts Under The Fedora, also, DaTechGuy Off Da Radio Podcast
Don Surber: Wages Stagnated For 45 Years Until Trump Came Along, also, Libs Abandon Illegal Aliens
The Geller Report: AG Barr Takes Aim At Deep State Prosecutors In Justice Department, also, Antifa Tells Followers To “Spread Fire”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Bad Science & Even Worse Theology
Hollywood In Toto: Wall Of Mexico Offers Sumptuous Visuals & Vapid Arguments, also, The Oscar’s Cynical Affirmative Action Won’t Satisfy Anyone
JustOneMinute: Kind Of A BFD
The Lid: Occasional Cortex Says Radical Left Will Push Biden In A “More Progressive Direction”
Legal Insurrection: Biden Lies Again About Being First In His Family To Attend College, also, #BLM Protesters Target Georgetown CVS Because Employees Called Police On Shoplifters
The PanAm Post: Iran Recruits “Sympathizers” To Reinforce Presence In Venezuela
Power Line: Conventional Wisdom Distilled, also, On “Dog Whistles” & Democrat Pea-Brains
Shark Tank: Byron Donalds Says He’ll Join House Freedom Caucus, Black Congressional Caucus
Shot In The Dark: Go Figure
The Political Hat: The Eight Commandments Of The Critical Race Theory Faith
This Ain’t Hell: Let’s Laugh At Some Commies, also, Happy Birthday, U.S. Air Force!
Victory Girls: Klacik Vs. Mean Girls On The View
Volokh Conspiracy: RBG RIP
Weasel Zippers: Law Enforcement Says There’s Evidence Of “Criminal Human Activity” Causing Wildfires, also, Biden Cybersecurity Expert Is Former Member Of Racist Internet Trolling Group “Gay N****r Association Of America”
The Federalist: Tucker Carlson Blames George Soros & Democrats For Enabling Rising Urban Violence, also, PBS Reporter Defends Riot-Cheerleading 1619 Project Writer As “National Treasure”
Mark Steyn: Singing Out

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead at 87

Posted on | September 18, 2020 | Comments Off on Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead at 87


Breaking news:

Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died this evening surrounded by her family at her home in Washington, D.C., due to complications of metastatic pancreas cancer. She was 87 years old. Justice Ginsburg was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Clinton in 1993.
She was the second woman appointed to the Court and served more than 27 years. She is survived by her two children: Jane Carol Ginsburg (George Spera) and James Steven Ginsburg (Patrice Michaels), four grandchildren: Paul Spera (Francesca Toich), Clara Spera (Rory Boyd), Miranda Ginsburg, Abigail Ginsburg, two step-grandchildren: Harjinder Bedi, Satinder Bedi, and one great- grandchild: Lucrezia Spera. Her husband, Martin David Ginsburg, died in 2010.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. said of Justice Ginsburg: “Our Nation has lost a jurist of historic stature. We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague. Today we mourn, but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her — a tireless and resolute champion of justice.”

Well, this certainly raises the stakes for Nov. 3.

UPDATE: Ace has some thoughts here.

You know what I hate? Confrontation.

Like, I would never agree to be part of a “counter-protest.” If somebody is having a rally, let ’em have their rally, and if you disagree, go organize your own rally. Don’t show up at somebody else’s event to do an “in your face” protest against them having an event. The reason I mention this is because the whole protest/counter-protest dynamic has been so normalized during the past 15 or 20 years that we just take it for granted and now — now — we’re going to have the Mother of All Battles over the nomination to replace Ginsburg. I get a headache thinking about it.


‘Sundown Joe’ Babbles Incoherently About Fracking in CNN Pennsylvania Town Hall

Posted on | September 18, 2020 | 1 Comment


The first thing you have to understand about this is, the question Joe got here was scripted in advance — from a union official, pitching an underhand softball question to the candidate he supports — and that Biden’s response was also scripted. But as Ed Morrissey points out, Biden was tripping all over himself trying to answer:

TOM CALPIN, BUSINESS AGENT FOR IRONWORKS UNION: Good evening Mr. Vice President, Mr. Cooper. With the abundance of natural gas in northeast Pennsylvania. Do you support the continuation of fracking safely and with proper guidelines, of course, and growing the industry (INAUDIBLE) additional jobs to our region?
BIDEN: Yes, I do. I do. In addition to that, we can provide for right now as you know, for thousands of uncapped wells because a lot of companies gone out of business, whether they’re gas or oil facilities, we can put to work right away 250,000 people from iron workers and other disciplines, making union wages. Capping those wells that are leaking methane and their danger to the community.
And so, not only do I continue to support it. Jobs, it’s an important for this community. It’s important for Pennsylvania, and Ohio and other states. It’s an important, it’s an important business. And it’s a lot of wages are involved in that. But beyond that, beyond that, we can also get people working now, capping the wells that are left uncapped right now across this region and all the way there’s hundreds of thousands of them all across the nation. And that put a lot of people to work.

[CNN’s ANDERSON] COOPER: Let me just follow up on that. You said you won’t ban fracking but did you wanted to gradually move away from it ultimately. It sounds like to some of you’re trying to have it both ways that that I mean, politically, it’s understandable why you might say that but it — if fracking contributes to climate change, and climate change is an existential threat. Why should it fracking continue at all?
BIDEN: Well, fracking has to continue because we have transition, we’re going to get to net zero emissions by 2050. And we’ll get to net zero power admissions by 2035. But there’s no rationale to eliminate right now fracking, number one. Number two, those jobs that are out there, whether it’s a IBW (ph) worker, or whether it’s an iron worker, or a steel worker. What I’m proposing is that, you know, when Trump thinks about global warming, he thinks hoax. When I hear global warming, I think jobs. What I’m going to make sure we do is we could transition in a way for example. We’re going to build 500 — the reason why all these unions have endorsed me is that they know my position, that I’m going to make sure that we have 500,000 charging stations in our highways so we can all the electric car market, creating a million jobs and we can lead the world. And in Detroit, we can lead the world and making sure we move to electric vehicles
As president of United States, I’ll have one of the largest fleets — we spent $600 billion a year federal money for federal contracts, I got to make sure they’re all those contracts are all products made in America, including the chain that provides for every one of those products. I’m going to do away with the tax break that the President gave people who send jobs abroad, to make sure that if you in fact, have a contract, if you with taxpayers my money, you must use American products, you must buy American products, and you must not be in a position where you’re exporting. We have 25 — we have over 50% more people moving jobs overseas as a consequence of these contracts, so it’s all backwards. And this is going to provide a lot of good paying jobs for people in the trades.


God have pity on whoever’s job it was to transcribe Biden’s words here, but beyond the problem of his mangled syntax, the position that Biden was trying to describe makes no sense at all. He is claiming that he can “create” jobs by destroying the energy industry. If you believe what Biden says (and I don’t think you should but never mind), there are lots of union-wage jobs to be had by capping old wells that leak methane gas.

Question: Is President Trump against capping old wells?

Whatever the answer to that question might be, you see that Biden is only making this claim as a defense against the obvious implication of the Democrats policy against fossil-fuel production. Democrats want to eliminate all U.S. petroleum, coal and natural gas production, which would obviously be bad for miners in Pennsylvania, so in order to pretend that their “green energy” utopia won’t kill jobs, Biden makes this claim about jobs to be “created” by capping old wells.

“Net zero emissions by 2050” — by which time Biden will almost certainlty have been dead for more than 20 years. See how this works? You set a goal for some distant future point, so that it is basically impossible to measure your “progress” toward that goal in any meaningful way. The economic damage inflicted by your job-killing policies is immediate, whereas the alleged benefit of these policies is over the horizon somewhere. You are quite deliberately destroying a very valuable sector of the U.S. economy — real dollars paying for real people to produce real products — in order to pander to an autistic Swedish teenager and the rest of the climate-change panic brigade.

Only a fool could support such a policy, and Democrats nominated a fool.


Boston Serial Rapist Faces Life in Prison; His Sister Endorsed Kamala Harris

Posted on | September 18, 2020 | 2 Comments


His sister is a local Democrat politician:

A 39-year-old Cumberland, Rhode Island, man who has been accused of posing as a rideshare driver in order to target women at Boston bars has been indicted on charges including rape and kidnapping, officials said Wednesday.
Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins has called the suspect, Alvin Campbell, a serial rapist. Campbell was indicted Tuesday on two counts of kidnapping, two counts of aggravated rape, five counts of rape, two counts of indecent assault and battery, one count of assault with intent to rape and eight counts of filming an unsuspecting person in the nude. The indictment moves Campbell’s case to Suffolk Superior Court.
The charges reflect assaults against seven women between 2017 and 2019. Campbell was previously indicted in March for an attack on an eighth woman that occurred in 2019, Rollins’ office said in a statement.
Campbell will be arraigned on the indictments at a later date. Additionally, Campbell is charged as a habitual offender based on prior convictions for violent acts and firearm offenses, the statement said. The habitual offender indictment opens Campbell to the potential of life in prison if found guilty.
Campbell posed as a rideshare driver in connection with six of the indicted offenses, the district attorney’s office said, trying to target women near bars. In two incidents, the victims believed Campbell was a bouncer.
Most of the assaults happened in Campbell’s vehicle, Rollins’ office said. Campbell is accused of assaulting two women at their apartment after driving them to the residence.
“He is charged with filming each of the victims, who were unconscious, in a state of undress,” the statement said. “In five of the assaults, he allegedly filmed the victims as he raped them.”
Campbell is the brother of Boston City Councilor Andrea Campbell.
Rollins’ office previously said that Campbell last worked for Uber in 2016. When his vehicle was seized in the first case, “it was festooned with Uber stickers and logos.”

Andrea Campbell’s father went to prison, her twin brother died in jail, and now her other brother is facing a life sentence for serial rape. Andrea Campbell, who has “long been a champion of law enforcement reform and accountability,” last year endorsed Kamala Harris for president.


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