The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘All White People Are Racists … Y’all Are Born into a Life to Not Be Human’

Posted on | September 10, 2020 | Comments Off on ‘All White People Are Racists … Y’all Are Born into a Life to Not Be Human’


James Lindsay said, “This is Critical Race Theory in a single image.” The past few days, there has been renewed attention to Ashleigh Shackelford’s presentation at 2017 Netroots Nation, in which she said:

“All white people are racists. So, I put this up because I really want any white person in the room to know up front that this is what we’re dealing with. That it’s not going to be this coddling of white tears. And we’re not going to discuss, “oh, maybe some of us are going to work it out.” No, you’re always going to be racist, actually. So even when you’re on your path to trying to figure out how to be a better human being, I believe that white people are born into not being human [laughs]. Like people of color and black folks being dehumanized, that actually everyone is dehumanized [unintelligible] off white supremacy, that y’all are born into a life to not be human. And that’s what y’all are taught to do, be demons [laughs]. So in this particular way, white people are all racists, so I just want y’all to know that up front.”

What inspired so much attention to Ms. Shackelford’s 2017 remarks was President Trump’s executive order banning Critical Race Theory (CRT) from federal agencies, after a report last week about CRT being used in mandatory “diversity” training programs at the FBI and other agencies. However, Ashleigh Shackelford (who now identifies as “nonbinary” and wants to be called “Hunter”) is someone who has been on my radar a while. She was the subject of my post last September (“Fat, Black, Queer and ANGRY!”) in which I quoted her Teen Vogue article:

For me, fat is a way of saying “f*ck you.” . . .
How fat is weaponized, and the reclamation of the word, goes beyond size. Fat stigma is also tied to anti-blackness, in that being black is the abundance that white supremacy seeks to shrink. . . .
My definition of fat is Black AF, multidimensional, and futuristic. Fat means I exist. Fat means taking up space and demanding more. Fat means black. Fat means f*ck you. Fat means human. Fat means creating a world full of possibility without shame. Fat means saying f*ck you.

To put it quite bluntly, Ashleigh Shackelford is crazy.

Her “argument” is actually an incoherent assemblage of word salad, and the fact that Teen Vogue (a property of Condé Nast) would see fit to publish this lunatic gibberish tells you all you need to know about the kind of people in charge of “prestige” publications these days.


Ms. Shackelford has also written for “Wear Your Voice” (“an intersectional feminist publication”), with such headlines as “Lee Daniels’ Star is the Niggafication of the White American Dream” and “Angry Black Bitch: The Punishment for Being Too Real.” She has also written articles for Everyday Feminism: “Dating While Fat: 5 Questions I Ask Before Committing to a Partner,” “Why I’m Non-Binary, But Don’t Use ‘They/Them’ Pronouns,” and “6 ‘Anti-Racist’ Buzzwords That Don’t Actually Change White Supremacy.” As might be expected, Ms. Shackelford was active on Tumblr from 2013-2017 (Tumblr is now more or less a zombie platform). Similarly, Ms. Shackelford once had a personal site called BlackFatFemme, but apparently let the domain registration lapse, so that the URL is now just generic dating advice. She is now most active on Instagram. Her occasional writing (e.g., “Nice Guys Kill to Stay Nice: On the Weaponizing of Kindness and Why ‘Perfect Abusers’ Don’t Exist”) now appears mainly at Medium.

Well, what shall we say about this person? We can observe that Ms. Shackelford’s “nonbinary” status is just an identity politics delusion. She is unmistakably female and, other than renaming herself “Hunter,” has done nothing at all in terms of “transition.” But don’t misgender her:

The danger in maintaining the gender binary is that it’s not just misgendering that happens to folks who identify outside of the binary, it’s the repetitive death of your existence. Every time I experience erasure, I die a little. And when you’re already seen as dead, as nonexistent, as make-believe, it’s an overkill that keeps you passively numb while you’re aggressively bleeding out. The world constantly requires me to over-explain what I am to make them feel comfortable and/or to maintain the daily routine of anti-Black violence. Being non-binary not only means inviting people into a narrative of trans humanity, but also requesting that they recalibrate the violence that they’ve been indoctrinated by. Non-binary people are birthing new language, shifting grammars, transcending anti-Black normativity, creating plurality from binaries, and cultivating life beyond the carcerality of the gender binary.

Do you see the word-salad aspect of this? Fancy words borrowed from feminist scholarship are jammed together to create the appearance of academic discourse, so that if you complain that this makes no sense at all — we have been “indoctrinated” by violence? being “non-binary” is “transcending anti-Black normativity”? — you’re supposed to feel ashamed of your intelectual inferiority. If you were smart, like Ashleigh Shackelford, you would understanding what she’s saying.


What is most remarkable about Ms. Shackleford’s career, such as it is, is that white people tolerate her ranting madness. As someone on Twitter remarked about her Netroots Nation presentation: “Theres a room full of white people and nobody stood up and walked out. Nobody protested.”

White people are so intimidated by fear of being accused of racism that they will indulge deranged lunatics screaming hate in their faces.


In The Mailbox: 09.08.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | September 8, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.08.20 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Maoist Tactics From The Cultural Revolution Come To America
Red Pilled Jew: Who Ended Slavery?  Geopolitics – How Maps Help Us Understand History
EBL: Away – A Review
Twitchy: Jemele Hill Wants Revenge On Travis Tritt After He Blocked Her. 
Louder With Crowder: Watch #BLM’s New Tactic – Using White People As Human Shields
Vox Popoli: Analysis Of An Assassination, also, Fake Reviews Infesting Amazon

Adam Piggott: Just Cartoon Idiots
American Conservative: The Atlantic Hit Piece Makes No Sense
American Greatness: The Biden Slime Operation, also, Wounded Vet Demands His Face Be Taken Off Anti-Trump Propaganda
American Power: Democrats Are Laying The Groundwork For Revolution Right In Front Of Our Eyes
American Thinker: Is Biden Really Up By 10 Points Over Trump? also, A Criminal Enterprise, a.k.a. The Democratic Party
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Nutbaggery Continues News
Babalu Blog: New Poll In Miami-Dade County Has Trump Crushing Biden Among Cuban-Americans
BattleSwarm: The Hotfoot Serenades, also, The Five On Trump’s Critical Race Theory Ban
Cafe Hayek: Oh, What I Wouldn’t Give To Have Mencken Live Again
CDR Salamander: From Aircraft To Dikes – Pick Your Election Analogy
Da Tech Guy: Five Thoughts Under Other Peoples’ Fedoras, also, Report From Louisiana – Book Review
Don Surber: Kurt Schlichter Is Right On The Election, also, Bail Out Citizens Not Cities
First Street Journal: The Enablers
The Geller Report: 18 Of 20 Facebook Fact-Checking Board Members Have Ties To Soros, also, BLM Riot Turns Into MAGA YMCA Dance Party
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Dumped Mail In California
Hollywood In Toto: Why Cobra Kai Is The Next Stranger Things, also, Miller’s Crossing At 30
JustOneMinute: Where It’s Happening
The Lid: Kamala Harris Is Proud Of Rapist Jacob Blake
Legal Insurrection: Andrew Cuomo Blames Trump For COVID-19 Outbreak In New York, also, Democrats Laying Foundation For Action With Their Apocalyptic Post-Election Warnings
Power Line: Joe Biden – “Move It Up Here”, also, Will ESPN Spoil College Football Too?
Shark Tank: Trump Extends Offshore Drilling Moratorium
Shot In The Dark: Privileged Couple’s Gentrified Night Out Interrupted By Austere Social Scholars’ Mostly Peaceful Protest
STUMP: Calpers Governance Watch
The Political Hat: When Things Are Allowed To Get Out Of Hand, People Die
This Ain’t Hell: Norks May Be Prepping SLBM Test, also, Red China’s Xi Facing Widespread Opposition?
Victory Girls: #PROAct Gets Biden Support – Disastrous AB5 Going Nationwide?
Volokh Conspiracy: Letter From USC Marshall School Of Business Alumni About The “Neige” Controversy
Weasel Zippers: Seattle Police Troll Rioters With Country Music, also, Most Biden Policies Already In Place In California, And It’s A Hellhole
The Federalist: America’s Reign Of Judges Has Left Us With An Unrecognizable Constitution, also, Vindman, Not A Whistleblower, Was The Driving Force Behind Impeachment
Mark Steyn: Of Sheep & Slough, also, The Girl From Ipanema

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Georgia Women: ‘We Can Have Wakanda! We Just Have to Build It for Ourselves!’

Posted on | September 8, 2020 | 1 Comment


Wilkinson County, Georgia, is rural and sparsely populated, with fewer than 10,000 residents. East of Macon and south of Milledgeville, Wilkinson County is the last place on the planet you’d expect to become the site of a radical experiment in racial utopianism:

Two women hope to create an all-black community in central Georgia as a way to deal with “400 years of racial oppression.”
Microsoft News used a “good news” tag for the report, which said that as the United States “continues to confront the toxic legacy of slavery and Jim Crow,” the women want to create “a tight-knit community for our people to just come and breathe”:

They are calling it Freedom, Georgia, and draw their inspiration from Wakanda, the fictional comic-book country that was the setting for the movie “Black Panther.”
Ashley Scott, a realtor from Stonecrest, Georgia, who was driven to seek therapy by her reaction to the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, a young Black man jogging in a white neighborhood, said that after several sessions she realized that her problem was 400 years of racial oppression and trauma dating back to the establishment of slavery in North America.
With her friend Renee Walters, an entrepreneur and investor, she founded the Freedom Georgia Initiative, a group of 19 Black families who collectively purchased 96.71 acres of rural land in Toomsboro, a town of a few hundred people in central Georgia, with the intention of developing a self-contained Black community. The space will have small homes for vacation use and will host weddings, retreats and recreational functions, and may eventually evolve into an incorporated, self-sustaining community.

“We are dealing with systemic racism,” Scott wrote in an op-ed for Blavity last month. “We are dealing with deep-rooted issues that will require more than protesting in the streets.” . . .
Scott said in the report that black Americans need to own land and create their own social, political, and economic institutions.
“Amass land, develop affordable housing for yourself, build your own food systems, build manufacturing and supply chains, build your own home school communities, build your own banks and credit unions, build your own cities, build your own police departments, tax yourselves and vote in a mayor and a city council you can trust,” Scott wrote. “Build it from scratch. Then go get all the money the United States of America has available for government entities and get them bonds. This is how we build our new Black Wall Streets. We can do this. We can have Wakanda! We just have to build it for ourselves!”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) Imagine residents of rustic Wilkinson County — a place of pickup trucks and pecan groves, where most folks care more about Georgia Bulldogs football than they do about the presidential election — learning they will soon be home to Wakanda, USA.

By the way, have they forgotten about the Nuwaubian Nation?


In the early 1990s, cult leader Dwight York convinced his followers to relocate from upstate New York to rural Putnam County, Georgia, where they built “Tama-Re,” an Egyptian-themed compound of nearly 500 acres. York’s cult, the “United Nation of Nuwaubian Moors,” at one point had hundreds of members. It did not end well:

On May 8, 2002, 300 local and federal law enforcement officers in rural Georgia raided the Egyptian-themed compound of the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors. The cult’s founder, Dwight “Malachi” York, had been arrested hours earlier — accused of molesting dozens of his follower’s children.
The police operation marked the beginning of the end for York, a pseudo-religious leader who eluded justice for decades while amassing a nationwide following for his bizarre blend of religion, mysticism and claims about alien life.
He was finally exposed by former followers, including his estranged son, and was later convicted in 2004 of transporting minors across state lines for sexual purposes and sentenced to 135 years in federal prison.


Read the whole thing. If the project of building Wakanda in rural Georgia ends with someone going to federal prison, don’t say you weren’t warned.


BOOM: Rochester Police Chief Resigns After ‘Attempt to Destroy My Character’

Posted on | September 8, 2020 | 1 Comment


The chief is black, OK? He’s got 20 years on the police force, and for a bunch of outside agitators to come in accusing him of “systemic racism”? Nah, the chief don’t have to listen to that noise:

The chief and entire command staff of the police department in Rochester, New York, resigned Tuesday — among other department changes — as outrage continued over the death of Daniel Prude, a Black man with mental health issues who died after having been put in a “spit hood” and restrained by officers in March.
Chief La’Ron Singletary announced that he would be retiring after 20 years on the force, according to a media release from the department. Singletary said the events of the past week “are an attempt to destroy my character and integrity.”
“The members of the Rochester Police Department and the Greater Rochester Community know my reputation and know what I stand for,” Singletary, 40, said in his resignation letter. “The mischaracterization and the politicization of the actions that I took after being informed of Mr. Prude’s death is not based on facts, and is not what I stand for.”
Deputy Chief Joseph Morabito and Commander Fabian Rivera also announced their retirements Tuesday. Two other high ranking officials, Deputy Chief Mark Simmons and Commander Henry Favor, returned to a lower ranking of lieutenant.
Mayor Lovely Warren said during a City Council briefing Tuesday that the “entire Rochester police command staff” has retired and that “there may be a number of others that will decide to leave, as well.”

Try to imagine how Chief Singletary feels. Daniel Prude died after a PCP freakout — he was quite literally running naked in the street — and this had nothing whatsoever to do with racism. Then #BlackLivesMatter comes to town, with all their anti-cop rhetoric, trying to incite a riot, and the black police chief is the racist villain in this narrative?

Nope. Got in enough time to retire. Gonna go fishing. Have a nice day.


States Joe Biden Won’t Win

Posted on | September 8, 2020 | 1 Comment

One of the ways the media mislead America is with polls. The old phrase, “Lies, damned lies, and statistics” should be amended to include public opinion polls, especially national polls in presidential campaigns. To state the fact as simply as possible, national polls are irrevelant in terms of projecting the final result, because what actually matters is the Electoral College. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in 2016, but her national margin (about 2.9 million votes) was less than her margin in California alone (about 4.3 million votes). In other words, the massive pro-Clinton advantage in California created a lopsided margin nationwide. Hillary got 8.8 million votes in California, 4.6 million in New York, and 3.1 million votes in Illinois. These three states thus accounted for nearly 25% of Clinton’s total vote (65.9 million). Her combined margin over Trump in these states was 7 million. Her margin of victory in California was about 30 percentage points, 22.5 points in New York, and 17 points in Illinois. If you’re looking at national polls, you see, the horse-race number doesn’t reflect how the Electoral College turns out. It doesn’t matter if a presidential candidate wins Florida by a 1-point margin or a 30-point margin, the winner still gets all the Electoral College votes in Florida.

So the alleged “fact” that Joe Biden leads President Trump by 7.1 points in the Real Clear Politics average of national polls is not only absurd (no serious political observer believes Biden will win by such a landslide margin), but it is also irrelevant. The election will be decided in a comparative handful of “swing” states, and what it is important is to identify the states that actually are up for grabs this year.

Of course, it’s still eight weeks to go until Election Day, we don’t actually know which way the momentum might shift. One campaign or the other could collapse between now and Nov. 3, or events outside the campaigns could shift the race, so it is impossible to predict outcomes. As things stand today, however, you can scratch Iowa from the list of so-called “battleground” states. Iowa went for Obama twice, but it’s Trump Country now, and the Biden campaign isn’t wasting any energy there.

What about Georgia? Because Stacey Abrams came so close two years ago — a “high tide” year for Democrats — some have tried to claim that Georgia is a battleground. Bullshit. The latest poll has Trump leading by 7 points in Georgia, and it probably won’t be that close.

North Carolina? In late July, the RCP average of North Carolina polls had Biden up by nearly 5 points, but it’s now virtually tied and trending toward Trump. I never believed Biden had much chance in North Carolina, and am dubious of those who call it a “battleground.” The Antifa riots have probably hurt Biden badly there, and I’d be surprised if it’s even close. On the other hand, I am worried about Ohio. Biden has led 8 of the last 10 polls there, and although the RCP average for Ohio has Biden leading by less than 3 points (margin of error territory), clearly Trump has a fight on his hands there. This is the one I’ll be watching most closely. Whoever wins Ohio will be president.

What about Florida? I’ve got family there — in a heavily Republican area, full of rich retirees — and Trump was leading Florida in the spring before his numbers took a dip because of COVID-19, but he’s recovered his momentum now. The latest Florida poll has it tied, and the most recent Quinnipiac poll showed Biden had lost 10 points in the span of barely a month. The reasons for that sudden meltdown are almost certainly due to (a) the lousy Democratic convention performance, and (b) the ongoing “mostly peaceful protests.” You know who doesn’t want to hear a lot of angry lectures about “systemic racism” in America? Cubans.

Cubans have a low tolerance for that crap, and they sure as heck don’t want to hear any of your Marxist revolutionary nonsense:

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has seemingly lost his advantage over President Trump in the crucial swing state of Florida, an NBC News/Marist poll released Tuesday found. A lot of that shift seemingly stems from Florida’s Latino voters, who have gone from resoundingly supporting Hillary Clinton in 2016 to actually tipping in Trump’s favor this time around, the poll showed.
Less than two months before election day, Biden and Trump are tied in Florida with 48 percent support among likely Florida voters. Biden had previously pulled as much as a 13-point lead over Trump in Florida. That dip comes as a majority of Latino respondents say they’re voting for Trump over Biden, 50-46 percent; Latino voters went for Clinton 62-35 in 2016.
A poll from the Miami Herald and Bendixen & Amandi International backed up NBC News’ findings, at least in Miami-Dade County. Biden still has a strong advantage, 55-38 percent, in the heavily Democratic part of the state, the Tuesday poll found. But it’s not the best news considering Clinton won that county by 30 points in 2016 and still lost the state by 1.2 points. In addition, the Miami Herald poll found Trump and Biden are splitting Hispanic voters, 47-46 . . .

Look, I don’t want to call this too early. When you see a sudden shift in polls, as we are witnessing in Florida, it’s best not to trust it automatically. If the shift is real, it will be reflected in more polls during the coming week or two, so the smart thing to do is watch and wait. This time next week, we should have a better idea of where things stand in Florida, but if Trump has truly gained a decisive advantage there — if Florida is now reliably Trump Country — it’s going to be very difficult for Biden to get to 270 Electoral College votes.


In The Mailbox: 09.08.20 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | September 8, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Mandatory catch-up post on account of how I was lazy yesterday.

357 Magnum: Because Nothing Is More Important Than The Rules
Bacon Time: I’ll Take “Staying With The Hoax” For $400, Alex
Red Pilled Jew: The War On Children
EBL: Orange Moon Bad!
Twitchy: Greg Gutfeld Roasts Kamala Harris’ Handlers After Her Appearance Cut Short With No Questions From Media
Louder With Crowder: Peaceful #BLM Protesters Attack & Terrorize Restaurant Patrons In Upstate NY
Vox Popoli: An Ambush In Portland, also, Reality Check

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Unbelievable Edition
American Conservative: If Trump Pardons Snowden, He’ll Have My Vote
American Greatness: Desperately Derailing Donald, also, Conservative Clergy Of Color Coalition Preaches Against “Anti-American” Black Lives Matter
American Power: Perry Anderson, Lineages of The Absolutist State
American Thinker: Anatomy Of Another Fake Scandal, also, The Democrats Plan To Steal The Presidency
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: How Cuban-Americans Self-Identify, also, Happy Capitalism Day
BattleSwarm: Trump Orders Purge Of Critical Race Theory, also, BidenWatch For September 7
Cafe Hayek: “I’d Like TWO Yachts!”
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, Navy Tone Deaf On Religion, Again
Da Tech Guy: Normalizing Deviance On Abortion & MAGA, also, OK, Who Had “The Return Of Polio” On Their 2020 Bingo Cards?
Don Surber: Liberals Shouldn’t Want a Direct Vote, also, America Needs Freedom From The Press
First Street Journal: I Know, I Know…, also, Is Andy Beshear Really This Dumb?
Fred On Everything: Race – A Very, Very Dismal Reality
The Geller Report: Raging “Foreign Man” With Knife Attempts To Enter Jewish School Bus, also, President Trump Says Schools Teaching “1619 Project” Will Not Be Funded
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Mandy Nagy, Six Years Later
Hollywood In Toto: Gone With The Wind Gets ANOTHER Warning Label, also, The Unfamiliar Proves Unforgivable For Horror Fans And Hawaiians
JustOneMinute: COVID & The Common Cold
The Lid: EXCLUSIVE – Anonymous Sources Report The Atlantic’s Sources Are Lying Pedophiles
Legal Insurrection: White GWU Prof Admits She Lied About Being Black, also, Biden-Harris ClusterFrack
Michelle Malkin: Plight Of Laid-Off American Workers Nothing To Celebrate
The PanAm Post: Diego Arria Complains Elliott Abrams’ Comments “Rude & Untimely”
Power Line: Ric Grenell Rips The White House Press, also, Joe Biden’s America
Shark Tank: Leo Valentin Hits Rep. Murphy For Failure To Denounce Rioting, Support Police
Shot In The Dark: Labor Day
STUMP: Happy Labor Day! Pension Retrospective
The Political Hat: The Woke Revolution Torches Its Own
This Ain’t Hell: Phase III Coronavirus Trials Scheduled For Five Military Bases, also, Chinese Group Attempting To Raise WW2 “Flying Tiger” P-40 From Lakebed
Victory Girls: Rich Kids Love A Good Rampage
Volokh Conspiracy: If Employers Believe Hearing The Mandarin Word “Neige” Affects Black Students Mental Health…
Weasel Zippers: Black Bloc Antifa March Through Chinatown Chanting “Death To America”, also, Growing Numbers Of District Attorneys Are Out To Undermine The Law
The Federalist: Atlantic Editor Concedes Central Claim Of Trump Hit Piece Could Be Wrong, also, The Media Are Lying About The Election Again
Mark Steyn: Tal Bachman – Christians, Come Back, also, Summer Of Sam

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Why White Lives Don’t Matter

Posted on | September 8, 2020 | 3 Comments


No, I’m not talking about this — not yet, maybe later today — but rather about an interesting fact you probably haven’t noticed: Nobody cares how many white suspects get shot by cops. And I mean absolutely nobody cares. Certainly no black person has ever bothered to investigate how often the police shoot white suspects, but white people don’t care, either. Like, if I got pulled over by cops tomorrow and became belligerent when they tried to arrest me, nobody would care if this resulted in me being shot to death. My own family wouldn’t really care. My friends would be like, “He probably had it coming. He was always an idiot.”

There would be no protest marches. Benjamin Crump wouldn’t be all over CNN complaining about the “excessive force” if I got shot by cops. And this is not just true for me, but of any other white person.

Why is this? It’s because the Left has convinced a sizable percentage of Americans — especially the kind of fools who vote for Democrats — that the law is fundamentally unjust. To the Left, law is always an expression of political power and, because “people of color” are alleged to be oppressed, therefore the law is an expression of injustice. So when the cop attempts to enforce the law, according to this leftist worldview, the correct thing to do is to resist this oppressive power.

You were driving 20 miles over the speed limit with an expired tag and no insurance? You’re a victim of injustice! That cop is an oppressor! 

This idea that police, merely by enforcement of well-known laws, are acting as agents of “systemic racism,” explains why there must be riots every time a black person gets shot by cops, whereas CNN can’t even be bothered to notice when the cops kill white people:

Freddrick Hadden was shot to death by a sheriff’s deputy in Burke County, Georgia. A habitual felon who had only recently been released from prison, Hadden had kidnapped his ex-wife at gunpoint. When Deputy Eric Madison pursued Hadden to a home near Hephzibah, the woman escaped Hadden’s vehicle. She was shot twice by Hadden before Deputy Madison returned fire, killing the kidnapper and saving the woman’s life.
That incident in August 2019 attracted no national media interest. CNN didn’t cover it, there were no protests, and Joe Biden has never mentioned it. Perhaps that’s because Freddrick Hadden was white and Deputy Madison is black.
For months, Biden and his media allies have abetted #BlackLivesMatter activists in inciting racial fear and hatred, claiming that “systemic racism” by police accounts for the deaths of black suspects at the hands of police. Even though research clearly disproves such claims, the facts haven’t stopped Democrats from trying to exploit this slanderous narrative in their effort to defeat President Trump. . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


Antifa Inferno: ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Rioter Torched by Molotov Cocktail in Portland

Posted on | September 7, 2020 | 1 Comment


Just another fun Saturday night in Antifatown:

A firebomb thrown by rioters at police in Portland, Oregon, on Saturday night set a “protester” on fire, according to the Portland Police Bureau.
Video taken at the scene and retweeted by the police showed fire erupting in the middle of a street, as a man caught in the flames attempted to run out of the way. He emerged with his legs ablaze, as rioters attempted to help him. . . .
Reporter Andy Ngô of the Post Millenial tweeted that Antifa and Black Lives Matter staged the riot to mark more than 100 days of violent protest in Portland since the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota. . . .
Earlier Saturday, the Oregonian remarked on the 100-day anniversary of violent demonstrations: “In Portland, the whitest major city in the U.S., demonstrations against systemic racism and police brutality have stretched for 100 straight days, sparking unprecedented cuts to the city police bureau, night after night of violence by law enforcement officers and protesters, presidential condemnation and national attention.”
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has refused support from President Donald Trump, blaming him for the violence.

Everybody on Twitter had fun by creating videos of the flaming Antifa set to music, e.g., “Cotton Eye Joe”:

Yes, even President Trump got in on the fun. More seriously, research shows how widespread the mob violence has been this year:

New data from Princeton University show that riots associated with the Black Lives Matter movement took place in 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the United States.
The study found:

In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations, meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations ?— under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. . . .

The Princeton data set shows that nearly every major city in the United States experienced riots from late May to the end of August — even under the narrow definition that the study used to classify riots (as separate from events described as police violence against protesters).
The only exceptions within the top 50 cities by population were Fresno, California, and Mesa, Arizona.

Four confidential sources tell me they blame Joe Biden.


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