The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why the Panic in Bidenland?

Posted on | September 4, 2020 | 2 Comments


Here’s a question: Why did Joe Biden leave his Delaware basement and fly all the way to Pittsburgh to give a speech Monday with no crowd — no supporters in attendance — and not even answer press questions? He could have given the same speech from Delaware, but he flew to Pittsburgh. Why? Paul Kengor’s article today in The American Spectator explains that support for Trump has surged in Pennsylvania over the last month, in large part because of Biden’s “highly ill-advised pick of Kamala Harris, who folk in this area see as a West Coast leftist whose ‘progressive’ bona fides include an unwavering opposition to fracking.”

Kengor explains that, in Pennsylvania, fracking means jobs — lots of good-paying blue-collar jobs — and by choosing Harris as his running mate, Biden is effectively threatening to kill those jobs.

The Real Clear Politics average in top battleground states confirms the momentum shift. During July, Biden’s lead was about 6 points, but since the conventions, Trump has cut that lead in half — and that’s just the public polls. Everybody knows there is a “shy Trump voter” factor, where people are afraid tell pollsters who they support, but are likely to choose Trump on Election Day. That factor may be as large as 5% and Biden’s slippage in Pennsylvania, where the latest Monmouth poll shows him with just a 3-point lead, obviously set the alarm bells ringing at Biden campaign HQ. That’s why Biden flew to Pittsburgh for that speech in which he claimed that he is not against fracking:

“I am not banning fracking. Let me say again: I am not banning fracking. No matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.”

Contrary to what he said Monday, however, during the primary campaign Biden repeatedly promised to completely eliminate fracking, and boasted that the Obama administration ended coal-powered power plants.

Biden has even vowed to eliminate U.S. petroleum production:

“No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. Ends!”

This is an extreme position, and it’s not popular in Pennsylvania, or anywhere else where people drive cars, for that matter.

If the Biden campaign is panicking, now you know why. It’s possible to figure out a way for Democrats to lose Pennsylvania and still get to 270 Electoral College voters, but it’s a long shot. By the way, some states that have been considered key “battlegrounds” in the past — including Ohio and Iowa — are now out of the question for Biden. Trump’s base is solid in those states, so folks in Des Moines and Cleveland are not going to see many campaign ads this fall. Biden’s campaign thinks they may have a chance in North Carolina, but I doubt it, so instead you’ll see the fight this year mainly in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Florida.


‘100% Antifa’ Is Now 100% Dead

Posted on | September 4, 2020 | 4 Comments


Michael Reinoehl has become the only kind of good Antifa:

The suspected gunman who fatally shot a right-wing protester in Portland last weekend was reportedly shot and killed by law enforcement authorities Thursday night as they attempted to arrest him.
Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, died in Lacey, Washington, where federal agents were attempting to take him into custody for the shooting — the same night his interview on the shooting aired on Vice News, the New York Times reported.
Reinoehl in the interview insisted he acted in self-defense and “had no choice” when he shot Aaron “Jay” Danielson, 39, after an evening of clashing protests in Portland on Aug. 29.
“Had I not acted. I’m confident that my friend — and I’m sure I — would have been killed,” Reinoehl told Vice News. “I wasn’t going to stand there and let something happen.”
Details of Reinoehl’s death were not immediately clear. Police sources had told The Oregonian that he was the subject of investigations into the shooting.

BTW, Reinoehl was lying about the self-defense claim. The “right-wing protester” didn’t do anything wrong. In fact, there was no protest happening at the time. Earlier that evening, a caravan of Trump supporters had driven through Portland in a sort of parade, and Danielson was just walking around downtown when he was targeted by Antifa, pointed out and assassinated in cold blood by Reinoehl.

As for the unlamented death of Reinoehl, as Professor Reynolds says, it was a “mostly peaceful arrest.” Perhaps it would have been nice if he had lived to be interrogated, so he could have rolled over on his accomplices (which is what a punk like that would do), but a trial would have cost taxpayers a lot of money, and then there would have been the cost of keeping him incarcerated the rest of his worthless life. So, yeah, it’s not the worst possible outcome for him to die in a hail of gunfire.


In The Mailbox: 09.03.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | September 4, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.03.20 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
Bacon Time: Big Fun With A .500 Magnum
357 Magnum: What’s The Opposite Of A Police State?
EBL: Democratic Party Discourse & Dialogue, also, Fracking Joe Biden
Twitchy: “I Had No Choice” – VICE Interviews Killer Of Trump Supporter In Portland
Louder With Crowder: Black Trump Supporters Go Viral For Awesome Pro-America Message
Vox Popoli: Defund The Cities, also, I Know I’m Excited

Adam Piggott: The Enemy Within
American Conservative: Not Weimar America, But Dark Times All The Same
American Greatness: Small Crowds, Little Enthusiasm For Joe Biden During “Desperation Trip” To Kenosha
American Power: John Yoo, Defender In Chief
American Thinker: The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Easing
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Flaming Hypocrite News
Babalu Blog: Socialists Took Down Venezuela. Now They’re Coming For America.
BattleSwarm: An End To Wokeness At Disney?
Cafe Hayek: I Oppose Private Property Appropriation
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday, also, Accountability Is Still a Thing, Right?
Da Tech Guy: DaTechGuy On Da Radio, also, Five One-Liners Under Other Peoples’ Fedoras
Don Surber: Boycott Backfired – Tucker Carlson Now #1 In Cable News Ads, also, Conservatives Purged The Party In 2016
First Street Journal: Remember When The Democrats Were Supposed To Be The Party Of The Working Man?
The Geller Report: CA Legislature Passes Bill Reducing Penalties For Oral & Anal Sex With “Willing” Children, also, Washington Post Threatens “Catastrophic” Violence If Biden Loses
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Civilization Vs. Anarchy
Hollywood In Toto: Why Flesh & Bone‘s Bold Storytelling Got Ignored, also, ABC’s Comedy Voting Special Dominated BY Never Trumpers & Liberals
JustOneMinute: Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See
The Lid: Lyin’ Joe Biden Lies Again In Kenosha Church
Legal Insurrection: Democrats Are Telling Us They Won’t Accept A Trump Victory. Are You Listening? also, Philly Mayor Scorched After Dining Indoors In Maryland While Keeping Ban In His City
The PanAm Post: What Has Donald Trump Done For Venezuela?
Power Line: Coming Soon To Our Nation’s Capital – A Comprehensive Purge, also, Republicans Closing Fast In Minnesota
Shark Tank: Ag Commissioner Fried Issues Warning About COVID Disinfectants
Shot In The Dark: Cop Out, also, Gleiwitz 2020
STUMP: Taxing Thursday – A Soda Tax Retrospective, The Amazon Tax, SALT CAP ZERO, And More!
The Political Hat: Fictional Spartans – The Enemies of Wokeness
This Ain’t Hell: Air Force Moves Ahead With Study To Make Next Air Force One Supersonic, also, The Communist Roots of “White Privilege”
Victory Girls: Kenosha Joe Gives Women The Finger
Volokh Conspiracy: USC Prof On “Short-Term Break” For Using Chinese Word “Neige”
Weasel Zippers: Leak – One Of The Rioters Killed In Kenosha Was Accused Of Molesting Five Children Under 12, also, City Of Portland Is Housing Antifa Rioters In A Homeless Encampment
The Federalist: Vanderbilt Prof Docks Student For Not Agreeing The Constitution Is White Supremacist
Mark Steyn: Wokeness & Wetness, also, Unabated Power Grabs

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In The Mailbox: 09.03.20 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | September 3, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Shattering Bamboozles Or Shattering America (part 2 of 2)
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1097
357 Magnum:  In Other Words, They Haven’t Got A Clue
EBL: Chop Suey Day
Twitchy: White CBS News Journo Thinks Fellow White Man Ben Shapiro Shouldn’t Question Fellow White Man Joe Biden’s Baseless Assertion About Black Americans
Louder With Crowder: Trump Supporter Gets Kicked In The Head by (Alleged) Biden Supporter In Kenosha
Vox Popoli: The Missing Episodes, also, #FightBack

Adam Piggott: Bottoms Vs. Boobies
American Conservative: Biden Fears His Campaign Could Be Going Up In Smoke
American Greatness: The Lockdown Has Gone From A Mistake To A Crime
American Power: Blue Exodus – California Is A Failed State
American Thinker: The Big COVID Con Exposed
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Castro Regime Continues To Withhold Humanitarian Aid Sent To Cuba From U.S. Donors
Baldilocks: Open Warfare
BattleSwarm: The Totalitarian Epistemological Closure Of Social Justice
Cafe Hayek: Economy Puzzle Solved
CDR Salamander: Long War In Africa Is Tomorrow’s War Too
Da Tech Guy: Trump’s Army Of Davids Vs. Biden’s Army Of Robespierres, also, The Presidents & The Press
Don Surber: Media Enabled The Antifa/BLM Trainwreck, also, Democrats Believe Their Own Lies
First Street Journal: If Racism In America Is So Bad, Why Do They Have To Lie About It?
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Viral Video Shows Leading Democrats Inciting Uprisings, Unrest, & Harassment, also, Self-Proclaimed Antifa Member Could Be Next Mayor Of Portland
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Yes, In One Sense It’s Donald Trump’s America
Hollywood In Toto: Fatima Captures The Pain & Power Of Staying True To One’s Faith, also, A Tale Of Two Political Conventions
JustOneMinute: Con Air?
The Lid: C-SPAN Caller Destroys Stelter, Calls CNN “The Enemy Of The Truth”
Legal Insurrection: Suspect In Killing Of Trump Supporter In Portland Identifies As “100% Antifa”, also, Chris Wallace Finally Gets To Interview Joe Biden – At The First Debate
The PanAm Post: Iranian Oil Ships Carry Gold Away From Venezuela
Power Line:  The NFL Takes A Knee, also, Living Up To Joe Expectations
Shark Tank: Net Metering Faces Conflict In Florida
Shot In The Dark: Urban Progressive Privilege – The Free Market Of Ill-Informed, Class Privilege-Sodden Twaddle They Are Pleased To Call “Ideas”
The Political Hat: The Normalization Of Polyamory
This Ain’t Hell: Let’s Call It Overkill, also, Man Surprised To Discover The Pentagon Is Technologically Backwards
Victory Girls: Lockdowns & The CDC Data
Volokh Conspiracy: The Statutory Authority For The Nationwide Eviction Moratorium
Weasel Zippers: Kenosha’s Democrat Mayor Admits “National Guard Has Been Extremely Helpful”, also, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Reportedly Flees Condo After Attacks By Antifa
The Federalist: Three Pieces Of Recycled Collusion Garbage In The Senate Intelligence Report, also, Kanye West On “Black Genocide”
Mark Steyn: Midnight Sun, also, MacDonald Falls

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Protests in D.C. After Police Shooting

Posted on | September 3, 2020 | 3 Comments


Washington, D.C., has very strict gun-control laws, which Democrats support, at least until cops try to enforce the law:

A video has surfaced of the “innocent teen boy” who was killed in an officer involved shooting in DC on Wednesday.
The video is from 18-year-old Deon Kay’s Instagram page, which is now inactive.
It features two young men, Kay and a masked friend, pointing guns at the camera.
Immediately after the shooting, with almost no details available, Black Lives Matter was protesting and throwing tantrums in the street about the “teenage boy” who had lost his life.
It turns out, at approximately 3:51 p.m., uniformed police officers responded to a call to investigate a man in a vehicle with a gun. When they arrived, they found four people in the vehicle. Two of them fled, including Kay.
During the chase, Kay brandished a firearm.
At this point, an officer fired one single shot, hitting Kay. The suspect was transported to the hospital for treatment, but it was unsuccessful.


“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

Obviously, the only way to avenge this social injustice is to (a) burn stuff, (b) tear down statues, and (c) elect Joe Biden.


Police Chief: ‘When You Point a Gun at Officers, Expect to Get Shot’

Posted on | September 2, 2020 | 2 Comments


OK, folks, I hereby officially pronounce the “Police Activity” YouTube channel to be The Best Thing on the Internet. While I’m trying to maintain my sanity during the current campaign season — the polls are tightening, and Democrats are planning to steal the election by mail fraud — what I need is a distraction, and nothing is more soothing to my nerves than watching bodycam videos of bad guys getting shot by cops.

So there was a reported carjacking in Daytona Beach, Florida, a few months ago, and when cops showed up, the bad guy made a bad decision:


The suspect was lucky to survive:

Two Daytona Beach police officers shot a man who they say tried to carjack a woman at a Popeyes before pointing a rifle on them at a nearby Wawa, according to Police Chief Craig Capri.
The shooting was reported around 8:10 a.m. [May 25] near International Speedway Boulevard and U.S. 1.
Capri said the woman was at Popeyes waiting for the restaurant to open when the man tried to carjack her. She was able to get away and call for help, police said.
The man then walked down Ridgewood Avenue carrying the rifle, and officers confronted him near a Walgreens and Wawa, Carpi said.
The officers asked the man to drop the rifle, but he pointed it at them, according to Capri, who added that his officers opened fire, striking the man.
The Daytona Beach Police Department released several videos of body-worn camera footage of the shooting Monday afternoon.
The video shows the first officer get out of his patrol car and tell the man, “hey, don’t raise it.”
The officer then proceeded to take cover behind the rear passenger side of his patrol car, according to the video, and continued to tell the man to “put it down, put the rifle down.” . . .
“When you point a gun at officers, expect to get shot,” Capri said.

This is common sense, isn’t it? But common sense seems to be rare among criminals — or, as I prefer to call them, armed Democrats.


Say hello to Michael Anthony Harris, who won’t be able to vote for Joe Biden in November, because he made a very bad decision:

The Daytona Beach police officer shot in the chest [Aug. 29] while trying to arrest an attempted murder suspect has risked his own life, and saved those of others several times before.
Daytona Beach Police Chief Craig Capri had no hesitation Tuesday when he described Officer Dominic Besse. Capri calls him “A true hero.”
Besse responded to a Holly Hill apartment on Saturday, and when he found the suspect in a shooting in Daytona Beach two weeks before, Besse became the victim taking a bullet to his chest. Besse’s own body-worn camera recorded the shooter’s muzzle flash and the sounds of agony the officer felt when the projectile struck him.
Besse, a tactical expert, survived likely because his protective vest kept the bullet from piercing his body.
The exchange of gunfire, estimated at 50 rounds, ended with the death of the wanted gunman, 44-year-old Michael Anthony Harris.


More background on the recently deceased criminal:

Daytona Beach and Holly Hill police had gone to the apartment complex to arrest Harris after getting an anonymous tip he was in Unit 104, Capri said.
“We don’t believe it’s his home but we got an anonymous tip that he was there,” Capri said during a press conference Saturday night. “People are scared of him.”
Harris was sought in the shooting of a woman Aug. 18 at Travelers Inn at 850 S. Ridgewood Ave. in Daytona Beach. That woman, who was not identified by police, is recovering at Halifax Health Medical Center, Capri said.
The woman [shot in the Aug. 18 incident] called 9-1-1 around 3:38 a.m. and said she’d been shot. Police found the woman by the stairway near a room and she cried out, “help me I’ve been shot,” investigators said.
Capri said she was shot twice in the back and became unconscious before police could get a statement from her.

So he shot a woman twice in the back. More “violence against women” that feminists will never mention, for some reason . . .


‘For Months, Joe Biden Has Given Moral Aid and Comfort to the Vandals’

Posted on | September 2, 2020 | 2 Comments

Monday, Joe Biden emerged from his basement to travel to Pittsburgh and promote an absurd lie, that President Trump had “fomented” the riots by #BlackLivesMatter and Antifa in Democrat-controlled cities. Trump fired back in an afternoon press briefing:

The rioters and Joe Biden have a side: They’re both on the side of the radical left, and that is so obvious.
And until that neutralizes, you’re never going to have safe areas in those Democrat-run areas. For months, Joe Biden has given moral aid and comfort to the vandals repeating the monstrous lie that these were peaceful protests. They’re not peaceful protests. That’s anarchy. That’s — you look at the agitators, you look at the looters, you look at the rioters — that’s not a peaceful protest.
They keep using the term — it’s so nice — “peaceful protest.” And behind the reporter, the cities are burning.

We will have to endure another two months of this back-and-forth, so my advice to everyone is, remain calm. Do not let yourself get stressed out over the daily drama of the campaign. Whatever happens in November will happen, and you’re not going to change the result by worrying about it. If the news is stressing you out, stop watching the news. If you’ve got a hobby — fishing or whatever — concentrate on that and relax.

Meanwhile, in Wisconsin . . .


A Neenah man had a flamethrower, smoke grenades and fireworks during a demonstration in Green Bay Saturday night, according to police and prosecutors.
Matthew Banta, 23, is charged with obstructing an officer and two counts of felony bail jumping.
The criminal complaint says Banta “is known to be a violent Antifa member who incites violence in otherwise relatively peaceful protests.” Police say he’s known as “Commander Red.”
Green Bay police say they were called for “a whole bunch of white people with sticks, baseball bats and helmets headed… towards the police” on Walnut St. near Webster Ave.
“I don’t know who comes to a protest with a baseball bat for anything other than criminal or illegal activity,” said Green Bay Police Chief Andrew Smith.
A responding officer says he saw four individuals walking towards a protest with baseball bats. One man was wearing a metal helmet with goggles and military-style gear with multiple pouches, and was carrying an Antifa flag. When the officer pulled his squad car in front of the group, they ran away. The officer caught Banta, who was carrying the flag, and says Banta “dropped into the fetal position and began crying.” He accused the officer of lying on him; the officer replied nobody was on him.
Banta acknowledged he was headed to the Green Bay protest but denied he was planning to incite a riot.
A Brown County Court Commissioner set a $2,500 cash bond during his initial appearance on Monday.
Three others were caught trying to get into a house on Walnut Street. The person inside wouldn’t let them in and told officers they didn’t know who the people were. The three dropped what was in their hands. One told an officer they were bringing them to the protest for self-defense.
Banta is accused in Waupaca County of pointing a loaded gun at a police officer and biting and kicking an officer during a protest earlier this month. He’s charged there with second-degree recklessly endangering safety and four other charges (see related story). He posted a $10,000 cash bond. A condition of his bond was that he can’t have a dangerous weapon, according to the Brown County district attorney’s office.
“It’s worrisome when people associated with Antifa come here to Green Bay from out of town for the purpose of protesting here or for the purposes of committing violent acts,” said Chief Smith.

These people — not just “Commander Red,” but the Democrats in general and Joe Biden in particular — are fundamentally absurd. Relax, laugh and try not to get stressed out by all the silly noise.


In The Mailbox: 09.01.20

Posted on | September 1, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.01.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links in September.

357 Magnum: California’s Electric Grid Is On The Brink
EBL: President Trump Goes To Kenosha
Twitchy: If Reporters Can Deny Rioting With A Pretty Photo. What Else Can We Write Off?
Louder With Crowder: This Viral Video Of Democrats Encouraging Riots & Violence Needs To Be A Trump Ad
Vox Popoli: Heroism Isn’t Pragmatic, also, Scalzi Enters A Defense

Adam Piggott: Let Me Give You Some Advice
American Conservative: When Violence Is Justified To Defend Civil Society
American Greatness: DOJ & DHS Confirm Probe Into Criminal Activity, Funding Related To Violent Riots, also, DC Police Won’t Say Why They Didn’t Protect Politicians & Guests Leaving RNC
American Power: Working Class Voters’ Seismic Shift Toward Republicans
American Thinker: The Charges Against Kyle Rittenhouse
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Political Execution News
Babalu Blog: You Can Help Save The Life Of Cuban Prisoner Of Conscience Silvio Portal Contreras
BattleSwarm: The Portland Mystery, also, An End To Wokeness?
Cafe Hayek: Material Benefits Aren’t Necessarily Materialistic
CDR Salamander: The Islamic State Terrorists Expand A New Front In Africa
Da Tech Guy: Last Week’s Riot Toll – Three Dead, also, Five Thoughts Under My Fedora
Don Surber: Democrats Learn The Hard Way About Riots, also, Trump Supporters Stop Portland Riots
First Street Journal: Calling this A Slap On The Wrist Is Unfair To Those Who Actually Got A Slap On The Wrist
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: What If Trump Wins And The Left Rejects The Results (Again)? also, DeBlasio Judge Cold-cocked, Latest Victim Of Senseless NYC Violence
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Sharing With Looters
Hollywood In Toto: Stars & Strife Shreds Our Partisan Divide, Ignores Critical Issue, also, Bill & Ted Face The Music – Not Remotely Close To Excellent
JustOneMinute: Self-Defense In Portland Shooting?
The Lid: Biden On Fracking – Flipflop Or Dementia?
Legal Insurrection: Pelosi Caught On Video Violating San Fran Hair Salon Ban, also, Biden Returns To Campaign Trail With Incoherent Coronavirus Drivel
The PanAm Post: Chavista Frontman Planned His Sister’s Assassination
Power Line: Nancy Pelosi, Queen Of Hypocrisy, also, Oregon Sheriffs Reject Governor’s Feckless Call For Portland Assistance
Shark Tank: House Democrats Demand Investigation Into Allegations Of Muslim Detainees Being Forced To Eat Pork
Shot In The Dark: “Nice Country You Got. Be a Shame If It…Broke”
STUMP: The End Of An Era – Where Are The 80% Funding Myths Of Yesteryear?
The Political Hat: Civil War Over Wokeness At Sandia, also, History Rhymes With Woke Meter
This Ain’t Hell: Tammany Hall, NY State, & The Good Old Days, also, Well, If It’s For The Veterans…
Victory Girls: Why Wisconsin’s Democrat Pols Didn’t Want Trump Visiting Kenosha
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Court Strikes Down State Dept. Rule Denying Citizenship To Foreign-Born Kids Of Same Sex Couples
Weasel Zippers: Only 6% Of COVID Deaths Solely Caused By COVID, also, Harris & Biden Staffers Contributed To & Promoted Bail Fund For Minneapolis Rioters
The Federalist: Biden’s Brazen Philadelphia Fracking Flip-Flop, also, Democrats Tell Supporters To Punch People Then Blame Trump When Riots Start
Mark Steyn: Good God, Good Guinness, also, Pink Shorts & Shimura

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