The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Demonic Mobs of Antifa

Posted on | July 19, 2020 | 3 Comments

What motivates anti-police riots in such Democrat strongholds as Portland and Chicago? It is illogical to believe that the left-wing lesbian mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, is an agent of white supremacy and that Chicago’s police force represents “systemic racism.” Likewise, the rioters in Portland are living under an all-Democrat government led by Mayor Ted Wheeler, who is entirely supportive of the Antifa mob’s goals. The irrational nature of such “protests” — their lack of any legitimate grievance or any demand more coherent than “defund the police” — indicates the disturbed mentality that inspires them.


Twelve protesters were arrested and 18 police officers injured during an altercation Friday in Chicago’s Grant Park over a statue of Christopher Columbus.
“Hundreds of protesters rallied, crowding around the Columbus statue while trying to tear it down. The statue was still vandalized and tagged with spray paint,” according to Fox 32.
Dozens of police officers were sent to disperse the crowd, and authorities confirmed to the outlet that 18 were hurt and some sent to nearby hospitals for treatment.
“At Friday’s protest, demonstrators at one point threw fireworks, cans and rocks at police officers who used batons. Some people climbed the wall surrounding the statue and some tried for 30 minutes to bring it down,” WGN 9 reported.


Protesters in North Portland lit the Portland Police Association building on fire and police declared a riot while demonstrators in downtown Portland targeted fences on the 52nd straight night of protests in the city Saturday.
In North Portland, the PNW Youth Liberation Front, an organized group that has been leading demonstrations over the course of the past two months, hosted a protest to demand the abolition of the Portland Police Bureau and decry violence against people of color. After an evening gathering at Peninsula Park, marchers headed south on Interstate Avenue, stretching out for about five blocks.
They stopped outside the bureau’s North Precinct, chanting, “Quit your job.” The majority of the crowd dispersed from the precinct around 9:30 p.m., after officers announced demonstrators would be subject to arrest, and headed north on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
Demonstrators traveled to the Portland Police Association, the Portland Police Bureau’s union. They then began flipping dumpsters around the building to form a barricade.
Police arrived at the building around 10:45 p.m., telling demonstrators they were subject to arrest and threatening to use crowd control munitions if people attempted to enter the Portland Police Association building.
“Stop criminal acts now and move to the east,” police said.
Two dumpsters that had been tipped onto their sides in the street were set on fire. Portland police declared the event a riot around 10:50 p.m. and told demonstrators to leave the area or be subject to arrest. They then charged protesters, throwing some demonstrators on the ground.
Several protesters entered the building and set it on fire, according to the police and social media posts.

This is nothing but a frenzy of hatred and violence — “Orange Man Bad!” — and the mayors of these cities are doing nothing to prevent these riots, because the Democratic Party supports Antifa and #BlackLivesMatter. This is a terrorist movement, organized with the goal of helping Democrats win the November election. And there may be something else involved, as Vox Day notes in quoting Roger Stone:

“I really do believe that those who are trying to undo this president, those who are trying to destroy me, trying to destroy Michael Flynn — who’s a very good man and great American patriot war hero — I do believe they’re satanic,” Stone tells Just The News in a podcast interview for The Pod’s Honest Truth. “I don’t believe that any of these people involved in my prosecution are really believers in God.”

These satanic forces control our nation’s cities. The streets of Portland and Chicago are ruled by mobs of demon-possessed monsters.


FMJRA 2.0: Live To Fly, Fly To Live

Posted on | July 19, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Live To Fly, Fly To Live

— compiled by Wombat-socho

‘News’ From Foggy Bottom
357 Magnum

Portland #BlackLivesMatter Rioters Manufacture ‘White Supremacist’ Hoax
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Break Open The Sky
A View From The Beach

Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Has All the Wrong Answers on NYC Crime
Dark Brightness
Bacon Time

Rule 5 Sunday: Kelly Preston, RIP
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.13.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Nick Cannon Goes Full Hotep
UPDATE: CBS ‘Terminating Relationship’
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

Convicted Sex Offender Arrested Again (Want to Guess What He Was Doing?)
Dark Brightness

In The Mailbox: 07.14.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.15.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.16.20
Proof Positive

Churchill on Education
Pushing Rubber Downhill

White Lives Don’t Matter: Democrats Encourage Murderous Racial Hatred
357 Magnum
Pushing Rubber Downhill

‘Drop the Knife! Drop It!’
357 Magnum

Outstanding New Chris Cassone Video: “Heads Will Roll”

In The Mailbox: 07.17.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending July 17:

  1.  EBL (16)
  2.  357 Magnum (9)
  3.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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#BlackLivesMatter and the Political Mythology of ‘Systemic Racism’

Posted on | July 18, 2020 | 2 Comments


You have probably never heard of Jamarcus Glover or Adrian Walker, a couple of dope dealers with criminal records (including possession of firearms as convict felons) who police say were running their operation out of a house on Elliot Avenue in Louisville, Kentucky. Cops had the house and the two dealers under surveillance and, according to an affidavit, detectives observed Glover and Walker making frequent visits to an apartment at 303 Springfield Drive, about 10 miles south of the dope house on Elliott Avenue. According to the affidavit, Glover listed this as his home address and had been seen picking up at least one package there. Detectives believed that Glover might be using the Springfield Drive address to receive or conceal his narcotics supply.

By now, the reader may be wondering, “So what? Why is McCain telling us these details about a couple of dope dealers in Louisville, Kentucky?”


Perhaps you have not followed the #BlackLivesMatter movement closely enough to know the name Breonna Taylor, but she rivals George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks as a cause célèbre of the movement. Protesters always include her name among the alleged victims of racism. She was killed by police, and white people are universally complicit in the systemic oppression that is blamed for Taylor’s death. Or so you must profess to believe, if you don’t want to be attacked by an angry mob.

Activists at Cornell University are trying to get Professor William Jacobson fired from his job because Jacobson refuses to be quiet about the outright lies promoted by #BlackLivesMatter, e.g., the myth that Mike Brown was holding his hands up saying “don’t shoot!” before a police officer shot him in Ferguson, Missouri. No one can be permitted to question the narrative of “systemic racism” as the all-purpose explanation when black people are shot by police. #BlackLivesMatter is a terrorist mob organized for the purpose of looting, arson and vandalism, toppling statues and descrating churches, as a means of intimidating the citizenry, with the goal of helping Democrats win the November election.

Inspiring fear is inherent to the #BlackLivesMatter project, and nearly everyone is afraid to question the “systemic racism” narrative of the movement. Do you want to get fired from your job? Do you want to be accused of racism? Do you want a gang of anarchists to show up at your house and frighten your children? No, of course not, and therefore you must shut up and pretend to believe whatever #BlackLivesMatter says.

Well, what role did racism play in the death of Breonna Taylor?

Zero. Nothing. Nada.

Breonna Taylor Search Warra… by Robert Stacy McCain on Scribd

What happened was this: Police investigating Jamarcus Glover and Adrian Walker’s drug-dealing operation got a warrant for the apartment on Springfield Drive that Glover listed as his address. Glover had been seen at that address, where he picked up a package that detectives believed might have been related to his drug business. The tenant of the apartment — the person whose name was on the lease — was Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT who worked for University of Louisville Health. Police got a so-called “no-knock” warrant, and when they rammed through the door in the wee hours of the morning of March 13, Taylor’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker started shooting. Walker legally owned the pistol and reportedly believed the people busting into the apartment were intruders. Police returned fire, and of the more than 20 shots fired, eight struck Taylor, who was pronounced dead at the scene.

Breonna Taylor was both black and innocent, but she was not a victim of racism. Bad police tactics, yes, but racism, no.

Taylor had previously dated Jamarcus Glover, and apparently they had maintained what an attorney for Taylor’s family called a “passive friendship,” since then, which might explain why Glover was using her apartment as his mailing address. Glover was arrested at the Elliott Avenue address the same night as the police raid on Taylor’s apartment.

At least one police officer involved in the raid has been fired, and the Taylor family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Louisville. Everybody will get their day in court, so why are people marching around shouting Breonna Taylor’s name as if this proves something about “systemic racism”? This was a tragic incident, which I’m sure the Louisville Police Department regrets, but the fact that Breonna Taylor was black does not mean she was shot because she was black.

Do not allow yourself to be deceived by propaganda. Do not be intimidated into embracing a false narrative about “systemic racism.”


In The Mailbox: 07.17.20

Posted on | July 18, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Good Guys 4, Bad Guys 0
Red Pilled Jew: Random Thoughts For July 17
Bacon Time: How To Make The Redneck Rocket Launcher War On The Suburbs – How HUD Housing Policies Became A Weapon For Social Change
EBL: 2020 So Far, Summed Up
Twitchy: Chicago Cops Defend Columbus Statue – “Tons Of Protesters Choking On Pepper Spray”
Louder With Crowder: Florida Man Dies In Motorcycle Crash, Listed As COVID-19 Death
Vox Popoli: It’s A Little Late For That, also, Hea Culpa
According To Hoyt: Turning Things Around, also, Extraordinary Claims
Monster Hunter Nation: I’ve Got A Story In SPOTREPS

American Conservative: Against Modern Jacobinism – A Defense Of Columbus
American Greatness: Democrats Don’t Have The Winning Hand, also, A New Right Grounded In Insurgency Thinking
American Thinker: Can A Whole Country Go Mad?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five What Makes A Nation Friday
Babalu Blog: Two Cubans Defect, Run AWAY From Circus In England
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For July 17
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
Da Tech Guy: A Tribute To Thomas Sowell, also, Game Changer
Don Surber: Barr Takes On Red China  – And Apple
First Street Journal: Why Doesn’t Reichstatthalter Beshear Simply Call The General Assembly Into Special Session?
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Idiot De Blasio Brags About Fewer People In NYC Jails, Ignores 200% Rise In Violent Crime, also, De Blasio Slams NYPD Union Leaders As Shootings Skyrocket
Hogewash: Free Speech v. Cancel Culture, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Mr. Destiny Reveals The Perils Of Nostalgia
The Lid: Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Blasted For Funneling Donations To Its Founders
Legal Insurrection: Man Accused Of Assaulting NYPD Chief, Others, Released Without Bail, also, Media Runs Out-Of-Context McEnany Quote To Suggest Trump Ignoring Science On School Reopening
The PanAm Post: Ideological WWIII Will Destroy U.S., also, AMLO Is A Bad President For Mexico & Entrepreneurs
Power Line: Herd Immunity Already? also, George Will’s Over The Top Attack On Trump
Shark Tank: Byron Donalds Outraises Entire GOP Field In FL-19
Shot In The Dark: Our Orwellian Overlords
STUMP: Public Pensions Primer – The Choice Of Discount Rate & Return Volatility
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – The Revisionist Historians
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Joe Biden Sends Army Vet Sean Worsley To Jail For Five Years
Victory Girls: Whiteness Studies Show Dems Haven’t Changed From 1865 To 2020
Volokh Conspiracy: MI Supremes Rule State Can’t Seize Entire Value Of House Over $8.41 In Delinquent Property Tax
Weasel Zippers: Black Portland Cop Slams Racist White Oregon Protesters, also, Justice Ginsburg Undergoing Chemo For Liver Cancer
Megan McArdle: If We Want Any Vaccine To Work, We Have To Prepare For It Now
Mark Steyn: Sleeping With The Enemy

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Outstanding New Chris Cassone Video: “Heads Will Roll”

Posted on | July 17, 2020 | Comments Off on Outstanding New Chris Cassone Video: “Heads Will Roll”

by Smitty

Long-time friend of this blog Chris Cassone has a new cut out fighting back against the cancel culture, as all good Americans must do:

‘Drop the Knife! Drop It!’

Posted on | July 17, 2020 | 4 Comments


Here’s a simple question: How many times should a cop have to tell you, “Drop the knife”? Like, suppose that you were an idiot who had just caused a six-car traffic pileup in Los Angeles, and when the police showed up on the scene, you were waving around a razor knife.

The cop has a pistol drawn and yells at you, “Drop the knife!”

One time?

Yeah, I think most people would drop the knife the first time.

Two times?

Let’s face it, most criminals aren’t very smart. So maybe the police officer with a pistol would have to yell “drop the knife” twice.

But suppose you are such a complete idiot that you not only cause a massive accident on San Pedro Street, but after the cop — you know, the one with a pistol — tells you the second time to drop the knife, you not only fail to comply, you keep advancing toward the cop.

At this point, you’re what we call “fair game.” And perhaps someone should have warned you — yes, you, the reckless-driving idiot waving around a razor knife in the middle of San Pedro Street — that the LAPD officer you are confronting is one of the best shots in America.


Officer Toni McBride’s marksmanship made her nationally famous. She is literally a poster girl for the “Hot Chicks With Guns” market. Looks like you picked the wrong day to bring a knife to a gunfight:

Over the course of roughly 15 seconds, she tried to deter Hernandez with a series of seven voice commands, first, “Let me see your hands!” then, “Stay right there!” Then, three times: “Drop the knife!”

Excuse me? I don’t care who you are, three times is sufficient warning. It seems, however, that Daniel Hernandez was unusually stupid:

Hernandez kept moving slowly toward her, throwing both arms out from his sides. McBride commanded, “Drop it!” a final time, a split second before firing two shots. Hernandez keeled forward to the asphalt, but quickly pushed himself up and forward. McBride fired two more rounds, then the final two as Hernandez rolled on the ground.


Six shots, six hits. Good shooting, Officer McBride.

Because this is 2020, of course, everybody in L.A. is trying to turn this into an excuse for a protest. “Stupid Lives Matter,” or whatever.

UPDATE: A commenter calls attention to a highly relevant fact:

A coroner’s autopsy would later show that Hernandez had methamphetamine in his system. Witnesses said he rejected any assistance and appeared to be cutting himself in the cab of his truck. (A medical examiner later noted cut marks on Hernandez’s forearms.)

Meth is a bad drug, which can cause paranoid psychosis. We don’t know how much meth Hernandez had been doing, but the fact that he plowed his truck into another vehicle and began cutting himself would lend itself to the supposition that he was deranged, demented, delusional, off his rocker, out of his mind, and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

Proving once again that Crazy People Are Dangerous.


White Lives Don’t Matter: Democrats Encourage Murderous Racial Hatred

Posted on | July 17, 2020 | 4 Comments

#BlackLivesMatter is a racial hate movement promoted by Democrats who believe that it will help them win elections. The essential message of the movement’s propaganda is that all white people are evil racist oppressors. If any white person dares object to this hateful message, his objection will be cited as proof that he is a racist. The wave of criminal violence inspired by #BlackLivesMatter is not an accidental consequence of this propaganda; violent crime is the desired result because Democrats have embraced a radical “worse is better” mentality. The worse conditions become in the black community, the more motivativation there will be for black voters to go to the polls in November, and (because Democrats always get about 95% of the black vote) this increase in turnout will mean that Democrats win more elections.

One obvious consequece of the Democrats’ cynical strategy is that #BlackLivesMatter will actually increase white racism. After all, if black people are full of anti-white rage — which is what Democrats seek to inspire — their hostile attitudes will inspire fear. And if Democrats deliberately demonize police and encourage black people to engage in violent crime — which is what #BlackLivesMatter is about — then white people concerned for their safety will avoid areas where the population is largely black. You see that Democrats are thus pursuing a “divide and conquer” strategy, with the belief that they can win the fall election by promoting racial polarization. The results are frightening:

Police in Texas are searching for a suspect accused of attacking an 83-year-old man, taking his car and running over him with the stolen vehicle.
According to KTRK, the incident occurred about 4 p.m. June 28 at a gas station on Beechnut Street in Houston. In a Thursday news release, police said the victim walked out of the Valero and started his Toyota Camry before getting out again to smoke a cigarette.
Moments later, a 20- to 30-year-old Black man approached the victim, punched his face and stole the car, police said. The suspect then struck the victim with the car before fleeing, according to the news release.
The victim told officers that he didn’t know the attacker, who weighs about 180 to 200 pounds and stands 6 feet to 6 feet, 2 inches tall, KTRK reported. . . .
Three days later, police found the stolen car abandoned on Synott Road, the release said.

Pause for a moment and ask yourself: Why isn’t this national news? If the races were reversed — if a white man had attacked a black man, stolen his car and run over him — wouldn’t this story be covered by the New York Times, CNN and every other major national media outlet?

As it is, this is strictly “local news,” but obviously every white person in East Texas now knows to stay far away from Houston, a city full of angry black Democrat voters who want to kill white people.


Churchill on Education

Posted on | July 17, 2020 | 1 Comment


In 1897, when he was a young officer serving in Bangalore, Winston Churchill recorded his ideas on “universal compulsory education,” a policy that he deemed “a somewhat dangerous experiment.” If the policy could not be reversed, what was the appropriate curriculum for boys?

“Reading and writing, the knowledge of sufficient arithmetic to enable the individual to keep his accounts; the singing of patriotic songs and a gymnastic course is all that he may expect.” [Emphasis added.]

Churchill was exactly correct, of course. It was, and remains, foolish to expect every child to be able to complete a high-school education. Until about 100 years ago, most Americans had no more than eight years of public school. There were no child labor laws; the country boy worked on his family farm, and the city boy found work running errands or whatever. Compulsory public education — the government forcing parents to send their children to school — was a “reform” imported from imperial Prussia by Horace Mann, and this policy went hand-in-hand with regulations to prevent children from pursuing gainful employment. For many years, however, it was not uncommon for boys from working-class families to find actual jobs at age 12 or 13, while in rural America, children quite generally were expected to do their share of work on the family farm. Thus the supposed “need” for making high-school education compulsory was something created by self-declared reformers; most teenagers (and their parents) had no problem with the expectation that young people could begin working for wages at an early age.

If “reformers” insisted on compulsory education, however, this required answering the question of what children should be taught, and Churchill’s prescription was entirely correct, including his suggestion to require “singing of patriotic songs.” If nothing else, schools ought to teach children to love their country, and the project of instilling patriotism in young minds would, at least, tend to ensure a supply of young men willing to volunteer for military service. What better purpose could Lieutenant Churchill of the Fourth Queen’s Own Hussars have in mind for England’s youth? You see that civilian “reformers” — generally a meddlesome bunch of middle-class women, then and now — might imagine all sorts of social benefits from universal education, but the true statesman must ask of any proposed reform, “How does this advance our national interest?” Great Britain had an Empire to govern and to defend, and if this small island was to maintain its place in the world, every resource had to be devoted toward that purpose.

England ought to have heeded young Churchill’s advice, and it would behoove America to pay to attention to that lesson.


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