The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Offending the Easily Offended

Posted on | July 24, 2018 | Comments Off on Offending the Easily Offended


Do I want to defend Trevor Noah? No, he’s not funny and I hate his politics. On the other hand, who is offended by this 2013 joke?

South African comedian Trevor Noah is facing heavy criticism after a video of a stand-up routine from 2013 where he made a joke about Australia’s Aboriginal women resurfaced online.
Australians on social media are now calling for a boycott of his tour scheduled to begin with a performance at Melbourne’s Hisense Arena on August 23. . . .
“All women of every race can be beautiful,” the host of the Daily Show said.
“And I know some of you are sitting there now going, ‘Oh Trevor … I’ve never seen a beautiful Aborigine’ But you know what you say? You say, ‘Yet.’ Because you haven’t seen all of them, right?”

Is that offensive? To whom? Aborigines, perhaps.

According to the most recent Australian census, there are fewer than 700,000 Aborigines, about 3% of Australia’s 24 million population.

Because I’ve never been to Australia, and have no plans to go there, my opinion about Aborigine women’s beauty (or lack thereof) is moot. If you’re a world-traveler who greatly admires Aborigine women, OK, but opinions may vary. What’s so outrageous about Trevor Noah’s joke?

Isn’t it the suggestion that beauty is not distributed equally among women? That some women are more fortunate in this regard than others? And that beauty is a generally desirable quality?

Trevor Noah could have made Peruvian women or Mongolian women the punch-line of his joke, to the same effect, and the perpetually offended would still scream in outrage. The very idea that women vary in beauty, and that men notice this, is sexist objectification, according to feminists.

Pandering to the social-justice mobs is Trevor Noah’s stock-in-trade — he’s made The Daily Show about as funny as a Rachel Maddow monologue — and so of course, he rushed to apologize:

Henceforth, Trevor Noah will ask the SJW overlords for prior permission to joke about anyone who is not a white heterosexual male Republican.


In The Mailbox: 07.23.18

Posted on | July 23, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

“They don’t respect Asimov, Clarke, and Heinlein anymore. They’re certainly not going to take long to forget about a mediocre, middle-aged white male.” – Vox Day, A Belated Discovery

EBL: So What “Severe Mental Problems” Did The Toronto Shooter Have?
Twitchy: “Don’t Use That Term,” MSNBC’s Katy Tur Whines About Fox News & The Daily Caller
Louder With Crowder: Radical Feminist Becomes A “Man”, Gets Accused Of Male Privilege

Adam Piggott: Apparently The Way To Fix Immigration Is With More Immigration
American Power: Apply The Same Rules To James Gunn, also, Raising A Black Daughter In A Red State
American Thinker: Losing America
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Twitter Suspends Jim Treacher, also, Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez Overspends $200K To Avoid Obeying The Law
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, July Maritime Natsec Melee
Da Tech Guy: Washington Post Is Racist Against Mexicans, also, The History Of Democratic Party Failures On Russia
Don Surber: Welcome To The Trump Schadenfreude List, New York Daily News
Dustbury: Paying The Deergeld, also, Strange Search Engine Queries
Fausta: Sunday Palate Cleanser – Russia Russia Russia
First Street Journal: Good News! Bernie Sanders And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Want To Turn Kansas “Red”
The Geller Report: Toronto Police Finally Name Former Muslim Boyfriend In Brutal Murder of Alyssa Lightstone, also, Tunisia Muslims Hold BBQ In Jewish Cemetery
Hogewash: Trump Derangement And Losing, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: A Tale Of Two FISA Applications
Legal Insurrection: NY Daily News Goes Full TDS – Now It’s Laying Off Half Their Staff, also, #OccupyLafayettePark Protest – Another Clintonworld Subterfuge
The PanAm Post: The Sao Paulo Forum And The Threat Of Left-Wing Totalitarianism
Power Line: Devin Nunes Vindicated, also, The Associated Press Lies About The FISA Application
Shark Tank: Trump Stands Up To Iranian Threats, Threatens “Yuge” Consequences
Shot In The Dark: Is This The MPLA, I Thought It Was The USA
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Mummy Mojos Don’t Drink Them
The Political Hat: “So, Just So You All Know: Trans. Girls. Get. Periods.”
This Ain’t Hell: FTC Cracks Down On Phony Veteran Charities, also, Iran Threatens US With “Mother Of All Wars”
Victory Girls: Dear Feminuts – You Asked For This!
Volokh Conspiracy: Abortion, Clarence Thomas, And The Commerce Clause
Weasel Zippers: Obama – “I’m The First Sitting American President To Come From Kenya”, also, Gowdy Says If Collusion Existed, Schiff Would Have Leaked It
Mark Steyn: Summertime, also, What’s Left To Say About Psycho?

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Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | July 23, 2018 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Especially in Canada:

Canadian authorities identified the gunman who killed two people and injured 13 others in a lively Toronto neighborhood Sunday night as 29-year-old Faisal Hussain, whose family claimed had suffered from “severe mental health challenges.”
The Special Investigations Unit of the Ontario Provincial Police said a member of Hussain’s immediate family and a “family representative” confirmed the gunman’s identity.
Moments after Hussain’s identity was released, his family issued a statement to multiple media outlets saying he had been “struggling with psychosis and depression his entire life.”
“The interventions of professionals were unsuccessful,” the statement read in part. “Medications and therapy were unable to treat him. While we did our best to seek help for him throughout his life of struggle and pain, we could never imagine that this would be his devastating and destructive end.”
Authorities say Hussain fired a handgun into restaurants and cafes in Toronto’s Greektown neighborhood before dying amid an exchange of gunfire with police. A 10-year-old girl and an 18-year-old woman were killed.

If the deranged gunman wasn’t named “Faisal Hussain,” feminists probably would have blamed toxic masculinity.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)

UPDATE: Christine Estima, a Canadian who has written for Vice (e.g., “The Friend Zone Isn’t a Thing and Women Don’t Owe You S–t” and “Men, Here’s What You Can Do to Stop Street Harassment”), didn’t wait for the Toronto gunman to be ID’d to hashtag #ToxicMasculinity:


Twitchy: “So by white men she means Muslim men, and by toxic masculinity she means psychosis and depression. But otherwise, dead on.”


Four Illegal Aliens Kidnapped and Raped Ohio Sisters, 13 and 14, Police Say

Posted on | July 23, 2018 | Comments Off on Four Illegal Aliens Kidnapped and Raped Ohio Sisters, 13 and 14, Police Say

Three of the four suspects accused in the Ohio rape case.

There is still a nationwide manhunt for two of the suspects:

Four men accused of kidnapping and raping a 13-year-old girl and her 14-year-old sister at a local hotel were indicted [July 12] by a Wood County grand jury.
Juan Adiel Garcias Rios, 19, was indicted on three counts of kidnapping, four counts of rape, and four counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor for the incidents at an East Wooster Street hotel, which occurred between June 25 and 28, according to the indictment.
Arnulfo Ramos, whose age is unknown, and David Ramos Contreras, 28, both were indicted on two counts each of kidnapping, rape, and unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, while Simon Thomas Simon Juan, 24, was indicted on one count each of kidnapping and gross sexual imposition.
Bowling Green police said they were called to Wood County Hospital just before 11 p.m. June 28 on a report of two sisters who said they had been sexually assaulted. The teens told police they were staying at a hotel with their mother when they were held against their will and raped.
The incident occurred at the Days Inn where the men were staying for work, Wood County Prosecutor Paul Dobson said.
U.S. Marshals later arrested Mr. Ramos Contreras in Lubbock, Texas. Mr. Simon Juan was arrested shortly after the incident and is scheduled to be arraigned July 20 before Wood County Common Pleas Judge Matthew Reger. The other two men are still at-large.

Two of the suspects “had fraudulent immigration paperwork or identifications,” police said, and all were believed to be in the country illegally. Ramos Contreras had previously been deported in October 2017.

Do you think this story will encourage Ohio voters to support Democrats calling for the abolition of ICE? Because I kind of doubt it.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)



Get Woke, Go Broke: NY Daily News Cuts Staff by 50%, Fires Editor-in-Chief

Posted on | July 23, 2018 | 1 Comment

Ashe Schow delivers the schadenfreude:

For weeks now, staffers at the New York Daily News have braced for cuts. On Monday, those cuts were announced in an impersonal email. It doesn’t appear as though everyone who is being laid off even knows yet.
Tronc, which owns NYDN, sent an email to staff Monday morning announcing it would be “fundamentally restructuring the Daily News,” according to a copy of the memo obtained by the Daily Beast’s Max Tani.
“We are reducing today the size of the editorial team by approximately 50 percent and re-focusing much of our talent on breaking news — especially in areas of crime, civil justice and public responsibility,” the email said. . . .
Those who are laid off, per the email, will “be paid for the next 90 days and be eligible for transitional benefits after that.”
The biggest cut was editor-in-chief Jim Rich, who foreshadowed the layoffs in an ominous tweet Monday morning. . . .

(“If you hate democracy and think local governments should operate unchecked and in the dark, then today is a good day for you,” Rich wrote.)

He also changed his Twitter bio to read: “Just a guy sitting at home watching journalism being choked into extinction.”

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll, who somehow has not yet been “choked into extinction.”) If you don’t know why I’m happy about the slashing of staff at the Daily News, they went “all-in” on anti-Trump propaganda since 2016, and especially demonized the National Rifle Association.

They’ve been losing $30 million a year since 2014.

The ex-journalists “are now free to pursue their dream of submitting listicles for Buzzfeed,” as Ace of Spades quips.


‘I’m Literally a Communist’

Posted on | July 23, 2018 | 1 Comment


Ash Sarkar is a 26-year-old “senior editor” for a left-wing blog who was a guest July 11 on the Good Morning Britain program as part of a panel discussing the protests against President Trump’s visit to England. She and the show’s co-host, Piers Morgan, got into a shouting match when Morgan kept pushing the point of why there had not been massive protests against Obama, when he visited England, considering the similarities between Obama’s and Trump’s policies:

Morgan repeatedly asked Sarkar where her Obama protests had taken place, speaking over Sarkar’s efforts to answer. After Morgan’s cohost, Susanna Reid, pointed out that you don’t have to take to the streets over every issue, Morgan again refused to let Sarkar explain the work she had done to protest Obama’s policies, calling Obama her “hero.”
“He’s not my hero,” Sarkar replied. “I’m a communist, you idiot.”
“Have you ever considered chairing a debate without straw-manning your guests, Piers, to make up for your own incompetence?” . . . When Morgan again labeled her “pro-Obama,” Sarkar responded, “I’m not pro-Obama. I’ve been critic of Obama. I’m a critic of the Democratic Party because I’m literally a communist.”

This outburst earned Ms. Sarkar an interview in Teen Bolshevik, the journal of the fashion-conscious Marxist-Leninist proletariat:

If anyone wanted an encapsulation of the screwiness of our times just consider the following straight question being asked of an interview subject.
‘How does being a communist impact your view of the US presidency, whether it’s Obama or Trump?’
And then consider that this pleasant question was being asked by Teen Vogue.
It was posed to a young woman called Ash Sarkar who writes for an obscure blog named Novara Media. . . .
Teen Vogue decided that she was a suitable subject for puffery, and presumably young female emulation. . . .
Sarkar and her colleagues are now (and I refuse to link to this) even trying to monetise their communism.  They have already made t-shirts available for purchase with the hilarious slogan ‘I am literally a communist’ on them.  I suppose capitalism must have its uses after all. . . .
For alarming though it is, many people when they hear ‘communism’ do not think of the NKVD and the knock on the door.  They do not think of the graves of tens of millions of people all across the globe.  The millions of wasted lives, from the wastelands of Siberia to the blackened piles of human skulls in Cambodia.  They do not think of the witness of Alexander Solzhenitsyn.  Nor of Anna Akhmatova, whose husband was executed in a mass shooting and whose son was later sent off to the Gulag.

Communism being celebrated in teen fashion magazines? If that’s not enough to make you want to vote Republican, I don’t know what is.

(Hat-tip: Donald Douglas on Twitter.)


‘Equality’ and the Loss of Decency

Posted on | July 23, 2018 | 1 Comment


Maria Hernandez at Victory Girls notices that feminists are now complaining that men are being ostentatiously rude, i.e., failing to yield their seats to pregnant women on public transportation.

In the years when I routinely rode the Metro to work in D.C., I was rather astonished by the lack of courtesy. The way I was raised, no man should be seated, as long as any woman was standing. Customary deference to the fair sex — holding the door open for ladies, etc. — was habitual, something every Southern boy used to be taught from childhood, a matter of personal honor, so that I felt a sense of regret and shame when I occasionally forgot my manners and offended a woman. Of course, feminists are so easily offended that merely to exist as a male is a sin in their sight, and Rule Five turned this into a sport.

Feminism is a menace to everything good and wholesome in human life, and I make no apologies for treating feminists as earthly agents of Satan, but good and decent women should not suffer on their account.

The problem is that “equality” destroys the basis of social order. Edmund Burke prophetically warned of this in the French Revolution:

“It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the queen of France, then the dauphiness, at Versailles, and surely never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delightful vision. . . . I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. But the age of chivalry is gone. . . .
“The unbought grace of life, the cheap defense of nations, the nurse of manly sentiment and heroic enterprise, is gone!”

To whom is deference owed? What can be the basis of courtesy, if there is no recognized social hierarchy? What honor can there be in behaving like a gentleman, if women refuse to behave like ladies? Under the regime of “equality,” life becomes a scramble for advantage, a relentless power struggle — as Hobbes said, “the war of all against all” (bellum omnium contra omnes) — and this competition makes cooperation impossible.

Antifa thugs riot to prevent campus speeches by anyone they disagree with, Maxine Waters calls for mobs to harass Republicans in public, and then feminists wonder why men are behaving so rudely?

It is our duty to future generations to resist these latter-day Jacobins and their destructive schemes of “equality.” If anything of grace and courtesy is to survive in our society, we must raise our children to be polite, but we must also teach them to oppose the forces of the Cultural Left, which are implacably hostile to the gracious and courteous life.

(Hat-tip: Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit.)


Rule 5 Sunday: Alexa Davalos

Posted on | July 22, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I don’t waste a lot of time paying attention to the San Diego Comic Con, but the fact is that a lot of news about upcoming movies & TV series gets released there, and this week Amazon announced that The Man In The High Castle, the alternate-history drama based on Philip K. Dick’s novel by the same name, had been renewed for a fourth season. One of the stars of the series is Alexa Davalos, who plays Julianna Crain, one of the central characters in the series, and it seems appropriate to have her be this week’s appetizer.

Alexa Davalos as Julianna Crain in promotional art for The Man In The High Castle

We start off with Ninety Miles From Tyranny and Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #321, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism adds Rule Five Space Force Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL has the World Cup Finals (Don’t look in the stands! Don’t look at the femmefans! – FIFA), National Ice Cream Day, Kelly Reilly, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, National Tattoo Day, Kelly Asbille Chow, National Hot Dog Day, Occupy Airports!, Secret Tapes, and Proscuitto Barbie.

A View From The Beach brings us Rule 5 Saturday is All About Amy Childs, Gone Fishin’, “Sweet Child O’Mine”, Wet T-Shirt ThursdayRetrograde Russiagate, Russian Student Arrested for Colluding with NRA, Model Makes a Milk Run, The Last Straw At Starbucks and  ScarJo Submits to Transsexual Pressure.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Perdita Weeks, his Vintage Babe is Eunice Gayson, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Calvin Klein. At Dustbury, it’s Nicolette Larson and Tamron Hall.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious links!

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