The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Progressive Perversion: Poet’s Daughters Describe ‘Brothel Without Payment’

Posted on | June 11, 2018 | 2 Comments

Australian poet Dorothy Hewett in 1982.

Shocking news from Australia:

Stunning revelations of an Australian paedophile ring involving celebrity arts figures have been laid bare by the daughters of a prominent playwright.
Rozanna and Kate Lilley, the daughters of playwright and poet Dorothy Hewett, say they were forced into sex aged 15 by men including the late Bob Ellis and Martin Sharp, The Australian reports.
Sharp, Australia’s foremost pop artist, designed record covers and posters for Bob Dylan, Donovan and Eric Clapton and wrote songs for Clapton’s band, Cream.
Ellis was a political commentator, writer and film maker who penned 22 television and screenplays.
The Lilley sisters, who each have written new books, say their mother encouraged underage sex between her daughters and famous men she entertained at her Sydney house.
The sisters say the men enjoyed having young girls around and their mother, considered a left wing radical and admired feminist, encouraged their joining in the libertine sex scene of the times.
“We were these nubile girls … jailbait,” Kate Lilley said, describing her mother’s house as “a brothel without payment”.
Other men included a local film producer who is still alive and a poet who raped Kate Lilley when she was underage, plus renowned British erotic photographer, David Hamilton.
Known for his soft-lit images of prepubescent young girls, 83-year-old Hamilton took his own life in 2016 after a former model accused him of raping her in 1987 when she was 13 years old.
In the Woollahra terrace Hewett shared with her husband, writer Merv Lilley, a queue of famous men attended parties in the salon-like atmosphere where the sisters spent their early teens.
Sex was facilitated by Hewett who also slept with some of the men, while her husband had sex with other women.
When she turned 16 years old, Kate Lilley had already slept with six men and her younger sister Rozanna had slept with a dozen men by the time she reached the age of consent. . . .
At the age of 13, Rozanna Lilley was cast in the lesbian-themed film Journey Among Women about female convicts living in the bush.
Her mother, Dorothy Hewett, wrote the script.

You can read the whole thing. The “liberated” attitude of Dorothy Hewett — an “admired feminist” — sounds very much like what Moira Greyland has described growing up in the home of a famous novelist:

The daughter of famed science fiction author Marion Zimmer Bradley has written an autobiographical account revealing the horrors of growing up in a home raised by LGBT parents who repeatedly sexually abused her and her brothers.
“I have heard all the customary protestations. ‘Your parents were evil because they were evil, not because they were gay,’ but I disagree,” writes Moira Greyland in her new book, The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon.
“The underlying problem is a philosophical one that is based on beliefs that are not only common to gay culture but to popular culture. And this is the central belief: All Sex is Always Right No Matter What, she wrote. . . .
The book recounts Greyland’s life with her mother, who was the author of The Mists of Avalon and many other famous works of science fiction and fantasy, and her father, Walter Breen, who was a world-renowned authority on numismatics. Both identified as “gay,” both abused drugs and were involved in occult practices, and both were pedophiles, Greyland says, a claim that has been confirmed by her only surviving brother.
The couple’s LGBT ideology was constantly imposed on the children by both parents. . . .

You can read the rest of that, too. It is wrong to suppose that the “liberated” beliefs of the cultural elite will affect only “consenting adults.” Two years ago, I wrote about the worldview Bradley represented:

[E]vidence of Bradley’s bizarre perversion had been hidden in plain sight. Not only was she married to a bisexual pedophile, Walter Breen, who was rather notorious for his interest in young boys, but Bradley wrote lesbian pulp fiction under pseudonyms, including I Am a Lesbian (as Lee Chapman, 1962) and The Strange Women (as Miriam Gardner, 1967). Furthermore, Bradley quite pointedly rejected Judeo-Christian morality:

Bradley . . . professed a lifelong interest in the occult and in the early 1980s described herself as “neopagan,” explaining her faith as one that “rejects the Christian belief in man’s dominion over the earth.”
She said she also believed in clairvoyance, extrasensory perception and reincarnation. . . .

Marian Zimmer Bradley was a monster whose occult beliefs and deviant sexuality were widely viewed as “progressive” among leftist bohemian avant-garde intellectuals. . . .
Nudists, feminists, “swingers,” pedophiles, lesbians, witches — every kind of madness was unleashed from Pandora’s Box in the 1960s, and justified as a rejection of Christianity and sexual “repression.”

If there is no God, there is no moral law, and it is certain that many people who reject God’s law will act upon their godless beliefs.



“I Said: ‘Cut Back On The Tariffs. Your Economies May Do Better Than Keith Richards Trying To Sell Face Cream.'”

Posted on | June 10, 2018 | Comments Off on “I Said: ‘Cut Back On The Tariffs. Your Economies May Do Better Than Keith Richards Trying To Sell Face Cream.'”

by Smitty

Another Reason to Avoid Massachusetts

Posted on | June 10, 2018 | 2 Comments


Nobody wants to live in Massachusetts. which has the lowest total fertility rates (1.54 average lifetime births per woman) in the United States. The total fertility rate in Tennessee is 1.82, almost 20% higher than Massachusetts. This has political consequences, as Massachusetts has watched its number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives decline significantly in the past several decades. When John Kennedy was elected President in 1960, Massachusetts was the 10th most populous U.S. state, and had 14 seats in the House. Today, Massachusetts is the 14th most populous state and has only nine seats in the House, the same as Tennessee, which ranks 17th in population. Because the Massachusetts delegation is all-Democrat, the feeble birth rate in the state is a factor in the declining fortunes of the Democrat Party. Massachusetts is aborting itself into political irrelevance, but doesn’t seem to understand this.

They have superior institutions of higher learning in Massachusetts, such as Northeastern University, a private school where the annual cost of attendance is $65,737 including room and board. What are parents paying so much for their children to learn at Northeeastern? Well, they have a department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, which offers such courses as “Gender, Social Justice, and Transnational Activism” (WMNS 3100) and “Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Practice and Policy” (WMNS 2800). Among the top-notch feminist scholars at Northeastern is Professor Suzanna Danuta Walters.


Dr. Suzanna Danuta Walters’ work centers on questions of gender, feminist theory and politics, sexuality, and popular culture and she is a frequent commentator on these issues for the media. Her most recent book, The Tolerance Trap: How God, Genes, and Good Intentions are Sabotaging Gay Equality (NYU Press), explores how notions of tolerance limit the possibilities for real liberation and deep social belonging. This book has been the subject of numerous radio and press interviews and discussions . . . Walters’ previous book, All the Rage: The Story of Gay Visibility in America (University of Chicago Press, 2001), examined the explosion of gay visibility in culture and politics over the past 15 years and raised pressing questions concerning the politics of visibility around sexual identity. The book was a finalist for several literary awards (including the Lambda Literary Award). Her other works include books on feminist cultural theory (Material Girls: Making Sense of Feminist Cultural Theory), mothers and daughters in popular culture (Lives Together/Worlds Apart: Mothers and Daughters in Popular Culture) and numerous articles and book chapters on feminist theory, queer theory and LGBT studies, and popular culture. She is currently working on a book examining the state of both feminist theory and politics in an era of “call-out feminism” and intense social media attention.

Professor Walters will teach your kids about “gender, feminist theory and politics, sexuality, and popular culture,” for $65,737 a year. However, you can read the work of Professor Walters for free:

Why can’t we hate men?

That’s the headline on a column that Professor Walters wrote for the Washington Post. Permit me to quote her concluding paragraph:

So men, if you really are #WithUs and would like us to not hate you for all the millennia of woe you have produced and benefited from, start with this: Lean out so we can actually just stand up without being beaten down. Pledge to vote for feminist women only. Don’t run for office. Don’t be in charge of anything. Step away from the power. We got this. And please know that your crocodile tears won’t be wiped away by us anymore. We have every right to hate you. You have done us wrong. #BecausePatriarchy. It is long past time to play hard for Team Feminism. And win.

This inspired me to look around my home office here in the basement and ask: Where are the benefits of “all the millennia of woe” I’ve produced? Where is this power I should “step away from”? Certainly, I can’t afford $65,737 a year to send my kid to Northeastern University, and it’s unlikely that the Washington Post would ever publish anything I wrote about “gender, feminist theory and politics, sexuality, and popular culture.” On the other hand, I would never want my byline to appear in that thoroughly dishonest newspaper, nor would I want my children to go anywhere near Northeastern University.

Professor Walters is a liar. Northeastern University, like the Washington Post, is an institution devoted to satanic wickedness. No honest person would be associated with such manifestations of evil, and Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It.

There are many reasons to avoid Massachusetts. Now you have one more.



FMJRA 2.0: Lost In America

Posted on | June 10, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Overall Beauty
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘Dickie Rebellion’ Gets Fired

FMJRA 2.0: Letters From Home
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

NY Times: ‘Motherhood Is Hitler’
A View From The Beach

Florida Child Pornography Suspect Resists Arrest, Which Proves to Be a Bad Decision

A Narrow Victory for Liberty

Not Exactly News: Democrats Are Lying

‘Gender,’ Nature and Sexual Economics

In The Mailbox: 06.04.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Democrat Football League

‘Doxxing’ and Secondary Boycotts
Rotten Chestnuts
Proof Positive

On Courtesy and ‘Gender Equality’
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 06.05.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Melinda Gates, SJW

In The Mailbox: 06.06.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 06.07.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

TV Shows I Never Watched

NY Times Reporter and Senate Staffer Caught in Sex-for-Leaks Scandal
357 Magnum
American Digest
A View From The Beach

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Another Dead Cishet White Male

In The Mailbox: 06.08.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (20)
  2. A View From The Beach (10)
  3. Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals
Father’s Day Gifts
Shop Amazon Devices – Introducing Amazon Fire TV Cube

In The Mailbox: 06.08.18

Posted on | June 8, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.08.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Deadline to submit links for the FMJRA is Saturday at noon; links for Rule 5 Friday are due by midnight on Saturday. All times Pacific. Remember that links to posts before last Saturday and after today don’t count, though I’ll probably hold over the June 9 links until next week’s FMJRA.

EBL: Anthony Bourdain, RIP
Twitchy: Daily Caller Scoop On Ali Watkins & James Wolfe Could Spell Big Trouble For Buzzfeed
Louder With Crowder: Transwomen Win Girls’ Track Meet – The Looks On The Girls’ Faces Say It All
According To Hoyt: Awards, Money, And Writing, Oh My
Monster Hunter Nation: Sign David Weber’s Petition In Support Of Free Speech At Cons
Vox Popoli: DC To Marvel – “Hold My Beer”

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Links & Chicks – The Douchebag Planet Edition
American Power: Charles Krauthammer, Things That Matter
American Thinker: Tommy Robinson “Disappears” – Free Speech In England Is Dead
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Government Theft Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For June 8
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The Obvious Question On The Philly Teacher Case
Don Surber: Suddenly The Media Cares About Privacy
Dustbury: Close-In Orbit
First Street Journal: The Silliness Of The Libertarian Party
The Geller Report: Austria Plans To Shut Down Mosques, Expel Foreign-Funded Imams, also, France To Set Free 50 Convicted Terrorists, 450 Radicalized Prisoners Next Year
Hogewash: Blognet, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Legal Insurrection: Charles Krauthammer Shares Dire Prognosis, also, Former Co-Workers Allege Joy Reid Threatened Violence, Was Homophobic
Power Line: Charles Krauthammer – My Fight Is Over, also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: Marco Rubio, The Amigo’s Amigo
Shot In The Dark: Toxic Feminization
STUMP: Social Security & Medicare Trust Funds – What’s Real?
The Jawa Report: Iran Confesses Its Facilitation Of Al-Qaeda
The Political Hat: UK Labour Party Suspends Member For Pointing Out Party’s Insane Transgender Policy
This Ain’t Hell: Guard Lieutenant Claims He Was Ordered To Drive M577 Through Richmond, also, Former Sailor Pardoned By Trump Says He’s Suing Comey & Obama
Victory Girls: The Death of Anthony Bourdain, And Thoughts On Mental Health
Volokh Conspiracy: DOJ Rejects Salvadoran Woman’s Asylum Application For Providing “Material Support” To Terrorists – As A Slave Laborer
Weasel Zippers: Country Time To Pay Fines When Bureaucrats Target Kids’ Lemonade Stands, also, Gay Democrat Aims To “Piss Off” President Who Supports Gay Marriage By Kissing Husband In Campaign Ad
Mark Steyn: Trailer Trash Sexbots

Featured Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals
Father’s Day Gifts

Another Dead Cishet White Male

Posted on | June 8, 2018 | 1 Comment


If you are a heterosexual white man, feminists want you to die. So you can be sure that Jessica Valenti, Amanda Marcotte, Jaclyn Friedman and all their man-hating supporters are cheerfully celebrating the suicide of CNN’s celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain:

Chef Anthony Bourdain was found dead in his hotel room in Paris, by a close friend. CNN has reported that the cause of death was suicide. He was 61 years old. . . .
The announcement of Bourdain’s death, so soon after the suicide of Kate Spade, follows a report from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) that the U.S. Suicide Rate has increased over the past twenty years. According to the study, not only have the rates of suicide “increased in nearly every state over the past two decades” but in half of those states, the rates have gone up “more than 30 percent.”
Suicide has accounted for 45,000 deaths in 2016, according to the CDC, which is what prompted the CDC division in Atlanta to investigate the rates of suicide from 1999 to 2016. . . .

Consider this: From 1992 to 2012, Democrats won four of six presidential elections, controlling the White House for 16 out of 24 years, interrupted only by the eight-year tenure of G.W. Bush. If many people now feel that life in America is not worth living, maybe there’s a reason why. It’s not just a matter of who wins or loses elections, or which party possesses the governing majority. What has happened is that the remorseless expansion of the bureaucratic Welfare State slowly drains meaning and purpose from the private lives of individuals. An idolatry of power takes hold in the public mind, so that government replaces God as the source of moral value, and the individual is diminished to insignificance.

Does any of this explain the suicide of any particular person? Probably not, but there is a social trend, you see, that can be traced by many different metrics — more divorces and fewer babies, increasing numbers of fatherless households, drug addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. — indicating a downward slide into decadence and depravity.

We do not know why Anthony Bourdain hanged himself at the luxurious Le Chambard hotel, while so many other people without fame and fortune choose every day to keep living amid poverty and obscurity, struggling to survive against the odds. What inspired Bourdain’s despair?

While accepting the Peabody award in 2013, Bourdain described how he approached his work.
“We ask very simple questions: What makes you happy? What do you eat? What do you like to cook? And everywhere in the world we go and ask these very simple questions,” he said, “we tend to get some really astonishing answers.”
Bourdain was twice divorced. He was married to Ottavia Busia from 2007 to 2016 and Nancy Putkoski from 1985 to 2005.
He leaves behind one daughter, Ariane, whom he had with Busia.
The celebrity chef was dating Italian actress Asia Argento — who has accused movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault and has since become one of his most vocal victims.
Bourdain recently gushed over Argento’s explosive speech about Weinstein and sexual harassment in the film industry at Cannes Film Festival, according to Vulture.
“It was absolutely fearless to walk right into the lion’s den and say what she said, the way she said it. It was an incredibly powerful moment, I thought,” he said. “I am honored to know someone who has the strength and fearlessness to do something like that.”

“What makes you happy?” Bourdain asked, but apparently nothing ever truly made him happy. He had everything, but it was not enough.

He was a heterosexual white man — a possessor of “privilege” — and his death will no doubt bring happiness to the wicked hearts of feminists.

There is something about being hated by bad people that should give us hope, and inspire our determination to survive just one more day. When evil people quite literally want you dead (and that’s what feminism’s anti-male agenda is about) every day you keep living is a victory.

Y’know, if you can just hang on until Nov. 6, it’s possible Donald Trump and the Republicans can turn back the “red wave” in the mid-terms. This would break the hearts of every feminist who wants Nancy Pelosi to take back the Speaker’s gavel so Democrats can impeach the President.

Consider that in late December, Democrats held a 13-point edge (49.1% to 36.1%) in the so-called “generic” congressional ballot. By June 1, that advantage had faded to barely 3 points (43.0% to 39.8%), and the economic news lately is so good as to defy all expectations. There is every reason to hope that the evening of Nov. 6 will be a crushing disappointment to Jessica Valenti and her hateful allies, and don’t you want to live to see them crying the tears of unfathomable sadness?

Your satanic enemies want you dead. Therefore defy the Devil, and live.


Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | June 8, 2018 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

He looked at the youthful photo his sister had taken.
He recalled staring into the lamp at dusk, prayerfully pondering Providence.

* * *
The recruiter had come swiftly, taking him off to join the military.
War; carnage; promotion followed.
Decades later, nominally the same but radically altered, he stood in that field, peering back at his youthful self.
“You’ve acquitted yourself well,” the rock did not say.
Striving for the good,
mercy where you should,
peace where you could,
strength where evil stood.

Now you know that rarest thing for a warrior: rest.”
Long after his memory passed, that rock would remain.

via Darleen

NY Times Reporter and Senate Staffer Caught in Sex-for-Leaks Scandal

Posted on | June 8, 2018 | 3 Comments

Ali Watkins worked for Politico before joining the New York Times.

The former security director for the Senate Intelligence Committee has been arrested after lying to the FBI about illegally leaking classified information to a young reporter he dated for three years. The arrest exposed James A. Wolfe as the source of multiple leaks of sensitive national security information — including details of the investigation of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page — to New York Times reporter Ali Watkins. Wolfe, 57, had been in a sexual relationship with Watkins, a 2014 Temple University graduate who previously worked for BuzzFeed and Politico before joining the Times late last year.

And after writing that lead paragraph in the Official Neutral Objective Journalism Style, now permit me to add: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Don’t ever lecture me about “journalism ethics,” you bastards.

All that “full disclosure” business about “conflicts of interest”? Trying to guilt-trip an honest man about a few free beers with Republican operatives who just happened to be useful sources? Not me, baby. I was never ashamed of smoking cigarettes with Herman Cain’s campaign director Mark Block or having beers and pizza with Rick Santorum and his finance director the weekend before the Iowa caucuses. You do whatever it takes to get the story, and there’s no shame in that. The whole point of Gonzo is to be more or less blatant about your biases, as if any reader of Hunter S. Thompson could be mistaken about his opinion of Hubert Humphrey, “a treacherous, gutless old ward-heeler who should be put in a goddamn bottle and sent out with the Japanese current.”

So, no “ethics” lectures from you thieving bastards at the New York Times, or Politico, or BuzzFeed, or whoever is currently employing Dave Weigel and his various friends in Neutral Objective Journalism. Look, Dave’s a friend of mine, and I would never burn a friend. Good relationships are based on reciprocity and trust, and I owe Dave a few favors, so I would certainly never do anything to hurt my friend Dave.

Never mind all that. Veiled threats were never my style, but I know a thing or two about the behavioral patterns of herd animals, and the universal contempt for Our President among the left-wing hacks of the D.C. press corps is hardly a secret, unlike the classified information that James Wolfe was handing over to Ali Watkins in exchange for sucking his middle-aged penis. Heckuva job there, Miss Watkins.

You do whatever it takes to get the story, but none of my sources ever expected that from me, at least not in a literal sense. Yeah, I’ve written a few paragraphs of journalistic fellatio in my time, providing favorable coverage in an effort to butter up a source, but that’s the minor currency of informational commerce in Washington, D.C.

All I ever wanted out of this miserable racket was an appointment as the first U.S. ambassador to Vanuatu, an honorable ambition. A six-figure salary from the American taxpayers as a reward for my long years toiling in the field of Neutral Objective Journalism, and why should this diplomatic post in the South Pacific go to some deep-pocket GOP campaign donor, huh? Why not give it to the man with the keen political insight that enabled him to see that, once Herman Cain got taken out by his enemies, the man to beat as the “Anyone But Mitt” candidate was a former Pennsylvania Senator then languishing at sixth place in the polls? The Santorum Surge in late 2011 didn’t just happen by coincidence, my friends. No, there was a telephone conversation, where Santorum was in the Fort Worth airport between flights, and he promised me that gig in Vanuatu. If he tells you he didn’t, he’s lying, and my close personal friend Rick is a pious Catholic, so he would never lie. Whether he actually would have delivered me that coveted ambassadorship, had he won the White House in 2012, is another question altogether. But I digress . . .

My old friend Hogan Gidley‘s working at the White House now, and he’s not the only one of my buddies who’s moved up the political food chain since I left the campaign trail after the 2012 catastrophe. Now that I’ve finally got my driver’s license back, I could conceivably return to that miserable swamp in D.C. to do some shoe-leather work, maybe reporting on how this Wolfe-Watkins connection exposes the collusion, you might say, between the “fake news” media and the corrupt “Deep State.”

All I need now is a vehicle. Just a couple thousand dollars in the tip jar ought to be enough to get my hands on an old secondhand car.

Let me make a few phone calls, and we’ll see what happens. Just crowdfund me — $5 or $10, whatever you can afford — and in a week or two, I might take my old fedora off the rack and hit the road. Selah.



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