The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 03.19.18

Posted on | March 19, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.19.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: And Who Was Rod Rosenstein’s Wife Representing?
Twitchy: WHOSE Immigration Policies Have Overwhelmed Canada’s Refugee System?
Louder With Crowder: Connecticut Kindergarten Teachers Make Their Students Walk Out For Gun Control
CATO Institute: Tread Carefully On Mental Health Reform (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: You Don’t Need Game In Marriage
American Power: Democrats Following UK Labour Party Down The Anti-Semitic Rathole, also, Facebook Breach Ignites Uproar
American Thinker: McCabe’s Domino Is Only The First To Fall
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Texas Sanctuary City Ban Upheld
BLACKFIVE: Brad Meltzer, The Escape Artist
Bring The HEAT: Happy St. Patrick’s Day From The U.S. Army
CDR Salamander: Battleflags, Korean Battles, & The Joys Of Unexpected Archaeology On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Review Of Flint Town S1, also, Altared State
Don Surber: Trump Is America’s Red Pill
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, It’s Going To Katmandu
Fausta: Phantom CEO Busted For Encrypting Blackberries For Cartel
The Geller Report: UK Muslim Couple Tortures, Starves , & Murders Naive French Nanny, also, DC Democrat Blames Jews For Bad Weather
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Political Correctness Destroys History And Christianity
JustOneMinute: Blue Eats Blue, California Style
Legal Insurrection: Who Elected John Brennan? also, Officials Wanted Parkland Shooter Committed Under The Baker Act In 2016
Power Line: Democrats’ Obstructionism Is Unprecedented, also, Dumbest Headlines Of The Day
Shark Tank: Democratic Congressman Targeted By Pro-Gun Activists Loses His Cool
Shot In The Dark: Just Remember…
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere – FBI, CA, KY, & NJ, also, Memory Monday – Avian Flu Vaccine, Some Chit-Chat, and Third Week Of March 1918
The Political Hat: The Normalization of Rape Gangs
This Ain’t Hell: NJ Students Suspended For Range Photos On Social Media, also, Mattis Congratulates New “Secretary Of Defense”
Victory Girls: David Hogg Gets Another College Rejection Letter, Still Doesn’t Get It
Weasel Zippers: Jihadi Work Accident – Afghani Imam Killed While Loading Bomb Into Truck, also, Democrat Suggests “Second Amendment” Remedy For Trump
Megan McArdle: The Student Walkout Said More About Adults Than Kids
Mark Steyn: Pension Deathwatch, also, Saturday Film Feature: Michael Collins

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California vs. America

Posted on | March 19, 2018 | 2 Comments

One of the “arguments” (an excuse, actually) employed by Democrats after Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election was, “She won the popular vote!” To which the proper reply is, “Where?” In a handful of large urban states where Republican Donald Trump did not campaign, Clinton won by huge margins, and this proves . . .? Nothing, really.

In California, Clinton won with 62% of the vote, 7.4 million to 3.9 million, a margin of nearly 3.5 million votes (3,446,281 to be exact). Nationwide, Clinton got 65,853,516 votes to Trump’s 62,984,825 — a margin of exactly 2,868,691. In other words, her margin in California alone was more than enough to account for why she “won” the popular vote, which is completely irrelevant in our Electoral College system. Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, but the Democrat Party controls California, and Democrats are against the United States:

Early this month, Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared war on the State of California. At least that’s the way many opponents of the Trump Administration saw it. Speaking to the California Peace Officers’ Association in Sacramento, Sessions announced that the Department of Justice was suing the state for passing three laws to protect undocumented immigrants –– measures, Sessions said, that “intentionally obstruct the work of our sworn immigration-enforcement officers.” California, he continued, was endangering those officers and “advancing an open-borders philosophy shared by only the most radical extremists.”
Jerry Brown, a Democrat, now in his fourth term as governor of California, reacted to Sessions with undisguised irritation. He had signed the most inflammatory of the laws—the so-called sanctuary-state law, which limits local and state coöperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement—only after demanding many changes. He wanted to insure that ice would still be able to do its job. His contempt for the White House was palpable. “Look, we know the Trump Administration is full of liars,” Brown told reporters. “They’ve pled guilty already to the special counsel.” Brown was clearly agitated; his face was flushed, and he gestured with his left arm to emphasize his distress. “I would assume — this is pure speculation — that Jeff thinks that Donald will be happier with him, and I’m sure Donald will be tweeting his joy at this particular performance,” Brown said. “But it’s not about law enforcement, it’s not about justice, and it really demeans the high office to which he’s been appointed.”
Few Democrats in such an influential job have spoken more intemperately about the Administration. And yet Brown steered away from the language of absolutism. To Sessions, Brown said, “I still put my hand out and say, ‘I’ll coöperate, Jeff, if you can get off this current maneuver you’re on, because it’s unbecoming.’ ” Later, Brown told me that the battle launched by Sessions would be complicated and prolonged. “Trump won’t even be President by the time it gets to the Supreme Court,” he said. . . .

Democrats control California because California hates America.


Rule 5 Sunday: Gal Gadot

Posted on | March 18, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

So earlier this week physicist Stephen hawking died, and Israeli actress/model Gal Gadot tweeted a sympathetic tweet which said in part, “Now you’re free of any physical constraints.” This of course triggered a bunch of dimwitted “disability activists” who dragged her for being an “ableist”. To her credit, Ms. Gadot didn’t deign to reply to these thimblewits, and the whole thing was quickly forgotten about. So, today’s appetizer is Ms. Gadot, from a 1991 shoot for FHM magazine.

Not yet Wonder Woman, but still wonderful.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #195, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. From Dai Nippon, Animal Magnetism graces us with Rule Five Age of Majority Friday, as well as the Saturday Gingermageddon.

This week EBL brings us Olivia Cooke, Lauren Southern, Hair, Big Ambition!, Hyeonseo Lee, Pi Day, Beware The Ides Of March (starring William Shatner), St. Patrick’s Day Eve Rule 5, Savannah St. Patrick, Kate Upton Gets A Visitor, and St. Joseph’s Day Eve Rule 5

A View From The Beach has Fanning the Rule 5 Flames with Dakota Fanning, Floron of the Week: Woman Injured by Transvestite’s Boob, #HerToo: She Kissed a Boy, and He Didn’t Like It!RIP: Stephen HawkingFBI Seeks Sex Coach in ThailandUK Denies Entry to Canadian ConservativeSao Paulers Protest Pollution with Naked Bike Ride and Easily Worth the Broken Nose.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Rose Leslie, his Vintage Babe is Danielle Darrieux, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Brooke Shields. At Dustbury, It’s Halle Berry and Sabrina Lentini.

Thanks to everyone for their luscious linkagery!

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‘Europe Is Already Under an Invasion’

Posted on | March 18, 2018 | 2 Comments


On the occasion of the anniversary of the 1848 revolution, Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban gave a powerful speech in Budapest:

The situation, my dear friends, is: They want to take away our country! . . . They want us to hand it over willingly to others. To strangers from another continent, who do not speak our language, who do not respect our culture, our laws and our way of life. Who want to replace our way of life with theirs. From now on they do not want us and our descendants to live here, but someone else. . . .
There is no exaggeration in this! We can see it day by day, as great European peoples and nations, step by step, area by area, from city to city, lose their homeland. The situation is such that those who do not stop the migration at their borders will be lost. Slowly but surely they will be consumed. All of this by external forces, international powers that are trying to force it upon us, with the help of their local allies, and they see the upcoming election as a great opportunity for this.
Europe is already under an invasion. If we let it, in the coming decades, tens of millions will begin to move into Europe from Africa and the Middle East. Western Europe is watching this with their hands in the air. Whoever puts his hands up is disarming himself. He is no longer making decisions about his fate. The history of the losers will be written by others in the years ahead. The young people in Western Europe will see it, when they become a minority in their own country and they lose the only thing in the world they can call home. Such forces as now reveal themselves have not been seen in the world for a long time.
Africa will have ten times more young people than Europe. If Europe does nothing, they will kick down the doors, and Brussels will not protect Europe. They do not want to stop the migration, but rather to support it and organize it. They want to dilute and replace the people of Europe!

You may be wondering, who are “they”?

Media financed by foreign groups, and a domestic oligarchy, professional activists . . . agitators, organizers of riots, chains of NGOs paid by international speculators, which can be summed up with George Soros’ name, since he personifies it. This is the world we must fight against, to defend our own.


Last July, I reported how Orban’s anti-Soros rhetoric was condemned by some (including the Israeli ambassador) as anti-Semitic. Nevertheless, it is a fact that “professional activists” funded by Soros, along with other “external forces,” do support unlimited immigration to Europe, and have sought to undermine Hungary’s government, which opposes this Islamic “invasion.” Hungary faces an election on April 8 — about three weeks from now — and Orban’s speech could be seen as an effort to rally support for his party and to counter the challenge of the Jobbik party, which is even farther to the right than Orban’s nationalist Fidesz party.

Michael Brendan Dougherty is concerned by a passage of Orban’s speech which “reads like a checklist drawn from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” but it must be asked: What is the alternative? That is to say, if the meddling activists funded by Soros have inflamed public opinion in Hungary, so that the nationalist government of Orban is threatened by openly anti-Semitic rivals, do we expect Orban to ignore this threat? And if Orban does a bit of dog-whistling about the “crafty” Soros who “speculates with money,” is that worse than what would happen in Hungary if Orban were to fall, and Jobbik were to gain power?

The Left has sown the wind and is reaping the whirlwind, including an ugly resurgence of anti-Semitism. It is a mistake to blame the reaction in Europe without acknowledging the Left’s role in provoking that reaction. The crisis in Europe is a result of two decades of misguided policies promoted by the elites in Brussels and elsewhere, policies that were supported by many American politicians in both parties. It is reasonable to hope that, if Orban wins a solid victory in next month’s election, this will relieve the pressure against his government, and thereby help suppress the more extremist elements in Hungary.

It is a shame, and also highly ironic, that George Soros has managed to rekindle the toxic politics of European anti-Semitism. It will be recalled that Soros was a Nazi collaborator in World War II, and is it anti-Semitic to despise a self-hating Jew? Yet no one could imagine that the Jews of Europe will benefit from an influx of Muslim immigrants. So it appears that once again, Soros is collaborating with the enemies of the Jewish people, while at the same time causing his own enemies to hate Jews!

What is happening in Europe could be a harbinger of our own future, unless more Americans wake up to the danger of cultural Marxism.



Africans Riot in Madrid

Posted on | March 18, 2018 | Comments Off on Africans Riot in Madrid


If all you know about the world is what you learn from watching CNN or other liberal media, you wouldn’t know that this happened:

Madrid’s “most multicultural neighbourhood” was set aflame in riots against “racist” authorities after a Senegalese street vendor reportedly died of a heart attack.
At least 20 people were injured in the clashes, which lasted from 9pm Thursday evening until after midnight and saw dustbins, trees, and furniture set alight, and patrol cars, buildings, and bus stops smashed in the city’s Lavapiés district. . . .
“We want the neighbourhood to burn and for everyone to know about what happened this morning,” one protester told reporters, referring to the Senegalese man Mame Mbaye who died on Thursday after going into cardiac arrest.
Protesters said the 35-year-old street vendor, who was living in Spain without a residence permit, collapsed while he was being chased by officers on motorcycles — a claim denied by city police and emergency services.

Police say the man simply dropped dead of a heart attack, and that a rumor was spread via social media falsely claiming that he was being pursued by police. Left-wing activists quickly turned the situation into a riot. But how many Senegalese are there in Madrid?

“As of 2014, there were over 5,023,487 foreign-born people in Spain, over 10.7% of the total population,” according to Wikipedia. Immigration to Spain has quite recently surged, as the foreign-born population has more than doubled, from about 2 million in 2002 to more than 5 million now. The three biggest sources of immigration to Spain, as of 2014, wre Romania, Morocco and Great Britain, and there were barely 50,000 Senegalese in the country. It seems difficult to believe that Madrid could erupt in anti-police riots by angry Africans, but nevertheless it happened. And you wouldn’t know it, if you were watching CNN.


What Is ‘Hate Speech’?

Posted on | March 18, 2018 | Comments Off on What Is ‘Hate Speech’?

Left to right: Tamin Rahmani, Shersha Muslimyar and Rafiullah Hamidy.

In September 2016, a 16-year-old girl was gang-raped in Ramsgate, England, by three men and a 17-year-old boy:

Throughout the trial, prosecutor Simon Taylor told grim details of how “every single orifice had been penetrated by the group of men, while others watched, laughed and joined in themselves”.
Mr Taylor added that the girl was pushed onto a mattress whilst men physically restrained her and stood by the door “so she knew there was no escape”.
The victim was then escorted out the premises, where she was found “sobbing”, “hysterical” and “pacing up the road crying” by a woman who found her on the street.

In May 2017, the three men — Tamin Rahmani, Rafiullah Hamidy and Shershah Muslimyar — went on trial and were convicted. This was only the most recent in a series of crimes against English girls perpetrated by Muslims, including the notorious rape gangs of Rotherham, which targeted girls as young as 11. There is a clear pattern to these crimes, including a stifling political correctness that inhibited law enforcement, allowing such exploitation to continue unchecked for years:

What has gone wrong in Rotherham, and what is wrong with its Pakistani community, are questions much asked in recent weeks: How could this small, run-down town in northern England have been the center of sexual abuse of children on such an epic and horrifying scale?
According to the official report published in August [2014], there were an estimated 1,400 victims. And they were, in the main, poor and vulnerable white girls, while the great majority of perpetrators were men, mainly young men, from the town’s Pakistani community. Shaun Wright, the police commissioner who was responsible for children’s services in Rotherham, appeared before Parliament after his refusal to resign over the scandal. The scandal has cost both the chief executive and the leader of the council their jobs, and four Labour Party town councilors have been suspended.
A popular explanation for what Home Secretary Theresa May has described as “a complete dereliction of duty” by Rotherham’s public officials is that the Labour-controlled council was, for reasons of political expediency and ideology, unwilling to confront the fact that the abusers were of Pakistani heritage. Proper investigation, it is said, was obstructed by political correctness — or, in the words of a former local M.P., a culture of “not wanting to rock the multicultural boat.”

People in England were understandably outraged by the revelation of the Rotherham horror, which was not an isolated incident. Part of the problem is that concerns about inciting “racism” and “Islamophobia” not only led to “dereliction of duty” by public officials, but also by the media, which for many years refused to report on such crimes. Anger about this situation gave rise to what might be called vigilante journalism, and when the Ramsgate rapists went on trial in May 2017, Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen showed up in the town to produce videos exposing the perpetrators. “We don’t want these dirty Muslim pedophile bastards touching our kids,” Ms. Fransen said in one of the videos.

Golding and Ms. Fransen are leaders of Britain First, which has been called a “fascist” organization, that came to widespread attention in November 2017 after President Trump retweeted one of their videos. Trump subsequently explained to Piers Morgan that he retweeted the video “because I am a big believer in fighting radical Islamic terror. [The video] was a depiction of radical Islamic terror.”

This publicity came after Golding and Ms. Fransen had been charged with “religiously aggravated harassment” for their Ramsgate videos, and earlier this month, both of them were sentenced to jail terms.

In sentencing them, the presiding judge said they had “demonstrated hostility” towards Muslims: “It was a campaign to draw attention to the race, religion and immigrant background of the defendants.”

This raises disturbing questions. If there is a demonstrable pattern of serious crimes committed by people of a certain “race, religion and immigrant background,” as seems to be the case in England, why should it be illegal to “draw attention” to that pattern? While we may abhor the vigilante tactics and rude language of Golding and Ms. Fransen, would it not have sufficed to charge them with some ordinary crime — disturbing the peace, trespassing, disorderly conduct, whatever — rather than “religiously aggravated harassment”? This kind of Thought Crime prosecution gives credence to those who accuse British government officials of showing favoritism toward Muslims, a suspicion that in turn is likely to inspire still more vigilante reactions.

Americans should take notice of what is happening in England, because our own First Amendment rights are being threatened by those who claim that “right-wing propagandists”should be silenced. Because they blame the “right wing” for Hillary Clinton’s defeat in 2016, liberals are eager to suppress “hate speech,” and they have shown themselves to be unscrupulous in making such accusations. Steven Crowder has been falsely smeared as an “alt-right neo-Nazi,” and Crowder was suspended by Twitter for “hateful conduct” for a video spoofing a “gender-fluid” gathering at the SXSW conference. Where will this lead?

“Truth is great, and will prevail if left to herself,” Thomas Jefferson declared. Truth “is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons free argument and debate, errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them.”

We have laws against libel and slander, so that falsehood can be punished. If “hate speech” is a problem, the solution is speech against hate. What the situation in England suggests, however, is that people can be punished for “hate speech” even when they speak the truth. There actually were “dirty Muslim pedophile bastards” in Ramsgate, after all.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.


The Other Podcast: Episode 4

Posted on | March 18, 2018 | Comments Off on The Other Podcast: Episode 4

John Hoge of Hogewash and I launched a podcast last month during CPAC, but the planned second and third episodes were marred by technical difficulties. Saturday night, however, everything worked and we had a wide-ranging hour-long discussion that included three call-ins from listeners.


We plan to make this podcast a weekly event. Your financial support for this project is most earnestly solicited.


Illegal Immigrant from El Salvador Arrested on Child Exploitation Charge

Posted on | March 18, 2018 | Comments Off on Illegal Immigrant from El Salvador Arrested on Child Exploitation Charge

Juan Alberto Juarez Saravia.

Caught in an eight-state child pornography roundup:

A traveling pastor in Durham [North Carolina] has been arrested by State Bureau of Investigation officers on charges of alleged child sex abuse charges.
Juan Alberto Juarez Saravia, 35, a Salvadoran immigrant who entered the U.S. illegally, worked primarily in the Hispanic community in the Durham area, according to SBI investigators. He was one of 76 people arrested during a mutually coordinated law enforcement operation among eight southeastern states. Operation Southern Impact II also resulted in 13 children being rescued or identified as victims.
The Department of Homeland Security participated in the operation.
Saravia admitted to using a fictitious identity Facebook account to entice a 14-year-old Virginia girl into producing sexually explicit videos of herself which she then sent to Saravia, SBI investigators said. There may be more minor victims, investigators said. . . .
Saravia was charged with first-degree sexual exploitation of a minor, second-degree sexual exploitation of a minor and taking indecent liberties with a child. Saravia was being held in the Durham County jail in lieu of $750,000 bail.

More on the interstate dragnet:

Thirteen children were rescued from an eight-state child pornography ring that led to the arrest of 76 people seeking and distributing the most violent child pornography involving infants and toddlers, authorities said.
Of the 76 arrested, eight men were in North Carolina and ranged in age from 32 to 73, according to N.C. State Bureau of Investigation. Eight of the 13 children rescued in the multi-state sting were in North Carolina.
During the investigation 1,255 digital devices were seized, 235 of which were mobile phones. The arrests stemmed from cybertips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and online undercover investigations.

(Hat-tip: An Open Secret on Twitter.)


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