The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminists Hate All Men, So Why Expect Them to Love ‘Male Feminists’?

Posted on | January 15, 2018 | 2 Comments

“Women are an oppressed class. Our oppression is total, affecting every facet of our lives. . . .
“We identify the agents of our oppression as men. . . . All men receive economic, sexual, and psychological benefits from male supremacy. All men have oppressed women.”

Redstockings Manifesto, 1969

“The first condition for escaping from forced motherhood and sexual slavery is escape from the patriarchal institution of marriage.”
Alison M. Jaggar, 1988

“I believe it can be shown that, historically, lesbianism and feminism have been coterminous if not identical social phenomena.”
Bonnie Zimmerman, 1997

“Every time I see a dirty cup on the kitchen counter, my face gets red. The level of disrespect feels . . . as if Andrew has hopped on the counter, pulled down his pants, and taken a shit there for me to clean up. My husband is lovely. He is a feminist. . . .
“Our default mood is low-level annoyance toward each other with a propensity to turn into full-blown rage at the smallest thing. . . .
“I feel like I might hate him and I suspect he feels the same.”

Jessica Valenti, 2016

Glenn Reynolds calls attention to an article by Debra Soh, who seeks to explain the “male feminist” phenomenon by invoking evolutionary psychology. She sees this as a type of mating strategy “in which subordinate males manage to accomplish mating with females — which they otherwise might not get to do — by taking advantage of instances in which dominant (and more appealing) males are preoccupied, fighting off intruders. This has been observed across multiple species in the animal kingdom and in humans, it takes the form of feminist men.”

This is wrong. Doh does not factor into her assessment the actual impact of feminism on women, which is to make them undesirable as mates, especially in the only context where an evolutionary explanation is applicable, i.e., in terms of reproduction. Feminist ideology is not merely anti-male, but also anti-marriage and, especially, anti-motherhood. Feminists advocate abortion, contraception and homosexuality as means of preventing women from becoming mothers. This is why, insofar as a young man is interested in having a wife and children, he should avoid associating with any woman who identifies herself as a feminist.

Suppose, as a hypothetical scenario, that a young man meets a woman who is both attractive and heterosexual. Such women seldom become feminists, and there is no incentive for a man to play the “male feminist” game in that scenario. If, however, in the course of their introductory conversation, the woman makes a point of expressing feminist beliefs, what should the young man do? My advice is, walk away.

Because she hates you, and The First Rule of Feminism is SHUT UP.


“I want to address all the men in this audience. . . .
I want to talk to all the men today, who made
placards and banners of pro-choice. . . .
I am saying to all those men:
Know your place! This is a women’s movement!”

Feminists hate men almost as much as feminists hate babies. The only reason a feminist would want to marry a man is to enjoy the sadistic pleasure of making him miserable the rest of his life. Go read my review of Jessica Valenti’s book Sex Object and ask yourself if her husband Andrew Golis wouldn’t have been wiser to have thrown himself off the Empire State Building, rather than marrying that hate-filled monster.

The “male feminist” has made an erroneous calculation, rooted in a misguided understanding of female psychology and feminist ideology. In describing feminism as “coterminous” with lesbianism, Professor Bonnie Zimmerman — a pioneer in the field of Women’s Studies — was stating what every student of modern feminism must acknowledge. Feminists are psychologically abnormal women. They can never actually love men, and derive no emotional satisfaction from male companionship. This is true even of feminists like Jessica Valenti who call themselves “heterosexual.” In her memoir Sex Object, she makes clear that her “lovely feminist” husband is not exempt from her hatred of males. Because feminist ideology categorically condemns males as oppressors of women, it’s scarcely surprising that she interprets “a dirty cup on the kitchen counter” as a gesture of “disrespect” from her husband.

This is why the “male feminist” strategy is a failure, in terms of enabling men to “accomplish mating with females.” No man, not even the “subordinate males” described by the evolutionary theory Debra Soh invokes, would rationally prefer as his mate a psychologically disturbed woman like Jessica Valenti. Even if he were able to endure her implacable hostility, what about his children? Would any wise person trust a helpless child to the care of a pro-abortion fanatic like Jessica Valenti, a blasphemous atheist consumed by a demonic spirit of cruelty?


Feminist ideology only appeals to women so devoid of normal human sympathy, so warped by resentment and rage, that they prefer to kill babies rather than to care for them. Feminism is a death cult whose devotees derive pleasure from hatred, and are incapable of love.

Love requires respect. The basic claim of feminism is that men are oppressors of women, and thus deserve no respect. A bully does not respect a coward, and a feminist does not respect a “male feminist.” By trying to appease her, the “male feminist” inspires her contempt. The feminist understands, at a subconscious level at least, that her implacable hatred of males is irrational, and that her anti-male rhetoric is a slanderous insult to any honest and decent man. The feminist is therefore correct if she concludes that any man who seeks to convince her that he shares her ideology is either a fool or a liar, or perhaps both.

Even worse from a Darwinian perspective, the “male feminist” communicates his weakness, desperation and low status. After all, there are plenty of guys doing just fine with women without having to grovel in obeisance to the idolatrous cult of gender equality.

If a guy can get laid without playing the “male feminist” game, what does this say about guys who do play that game? In many cases, we discover, the “male feminist” is actually a sexual predator (e.g., “Male Feminist Comedian Aziz Ansari Accused Of Sexual Assault”). There is a reason why I advise young men, never talk to a feminist:

Guys: Learn to take a hint. Learn to walk away.
If a woman tells you she is a feminist, say nothing and walk away.
No feminist wants to hear what a man has to say, and life is too short to waste your time taking to feminists. Just walk away.
Leave feminists alone, and then they can complain about that.
God knows, they’ve always got to have something to complain about.

Guys who ignore that advice are at risk being accused of sexual harassment or assault. A feminist is apt to interpret anything a man says to her as “harassment,” and any overt sexual gesture — a kiss, a hug, whatever — may later result in an accusation of sexual assault.

Trust me, boys: If you meet a woman who actually likes you, she won’t say one damned word about feminism. She understands that genuinely attractive men don’t have to put up with that crap to get laid. So if she does mention feminism, it’s a signal she’s not interested in you. Besides, feminists usually have herpes, so even if she was interested in you, that wouldn’t be a good thing. It’s a lose-lose situation, really, and the worst outcome would be for you to lose all self-respect and became that loathsome and useless creature, the “male feminist.”


Violence Against Women: Video Shows Confession in MS-13 Gang Murder

Posted on | January 14, 2018 | 1 Comment

Venus Romero Iraheta pleaded guilty to murdering a 15-year-old girl.

MS-13, Mara Salvatrucha, is a notoriously violent criminal gang formed in Los Angeles in the 1980s by “millions of immigrants from El Salvador [who] came to the United States after a violent civil war” in that country (which President Trump recently called a “sh–hole”).

Last week, a Maryland teenager pleaded guilty to murdering a 15-year-old girl she blamed for the death of her boyfriend:

“I grabbed her by the throat and I couldn’t help but hit her.”
That is what 18-year-old Venus Romero Iraheta said during an interrogation with police as she confessed to the brutal gang-related murder of a 15-year-old girl in Fairfax County.
Iraheta pleaded guilty to first-degree murder, abduction and criminal street gang participation in the stabbing death of Damaris Reyes Rivas on Monday.
The interrogation video was recorded on Feb. 14, a month after the murder. Officials released it Wednesday just days after Iraheta’s guilty plea. . . .
Iraheta, who was 17 years old at the time of the murder, told interrogators that she sought to avenge the death of her boyfriend, Christian Sosa Rivas, a known member of MS-13. She believed Reyes Rivas was responsible for his death and arranged to have her taken into the woods at Lake Accotink Park, where Iraheta tortured and interrogated Reyes Rivas before stabbing her to death.
In the interrogation video, Iraheta describes what she said to the victim.
Through a translator, Iraheta told police: “You’re going to remember me until the day we see each other in hell. Don’t forget my name. And I told her my full name and I told her my nickname. And I told it to her and I told her to never forget who I was. I told her someday we were going to see each other again.”
Officer: “And then what did you do?”
Iraheta in English: “I killed her.”
Officer: “How did you kill her?”
Iraheta in English: “With a knife.” . . .
Investigators say Iraheta did not act alone. Nine others were arrested in connection to Reyes Rivas’ death.
According to court documents, Reyes Rivas, who was a student at Watkins Mill High School in Gaithersburg, Maryland, was taken from Montgomery County to Lake Accotink Park in Fairfax County [Virginia] where several MS-13 gang members were waiting. . . .
As Reyes Rivas lay dying, authorities said two others stabbed her in the neck with a sharpened stake. In all, officials said Reyes Rivas was stabbed 19 times. Authorities said the group then used a rope to drag her body to an area under the I-495 overpass and put her face down in a shallow puddle and covered her with railroad ties. . . .
According to officials, much of the brutal crime was recorded on video with the intent to send it to the MS-13 leadership in El Salvador for promotions within the ranks of the gang. Officials said the video was recovered from Apple’s Cloud and was a key part of their investigation.

Watch the video:


Feminists keep ignoring such violence against women, for some reason.





Illegal Alien Causes Mayhem by Threatening to Shoot Bus Passengers

Posted on | January 14, 2018 | Comments Off on Illegal Alien Causes Mayhem by Threatening to Shoot Bus Passengers

Margarito Vargas-Rosas was arrested Friday.

Bizarre news from Wisconsin:

The man arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot and kill people on a Greyhound bus Friday night was a previously deported illegal immigrant living in Chicago, Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling said Saturday.
During a news conference Saturday afternoon at the Racine County Sheriff’s Office substation, Schmaling said Margarito Vargas-Rosas, 33, was being held in the Lake County (Ill.) Jail in Waukegan on pending charges of making terroristic threats, a Class I felony, and misdemeanor disorderly conduct.
The sequence of events leading to Vargas-Rosas’ arrest began on board a Greyhound bus bound for Chicago from Milwaukee on Interstate 94, Schmaling said. At 9:45 p.m., while the bus was in Milwaukee County, at least two passengers aboard the bus called 911 to report a man was threatening to shoot and kill passengers.
Milwaukee County deputies were unable to stop the bus and turned the call over to Racine County Sheriff’s Office deputies to make the stop, Schmaling said. . . .
In Kenosha County, the Sheriff’s Department there and Wisconsin State Patrol joined in trying to pull the Greyhound over, Schmaling said. Their assistance included spiking the bus tires. . . .
“The suspect was ordered out at gunpoint,” the sheriff said. “He did comply — rather reluctantly — but he was ultimately taken into custody without incident.”
There were 37 people on the bus, including Vargas-Rosas and the driver, Schmaling said. . . .
Schmaling said Vargas-Rosas, 33, works at a restaurant in Milwaukee and was taking the bus home to Chicago, where he resides illegally.
“I use the ‘illegally’ because we were notified by immigration authorities that Mr. Vargas-Rosas, the 33-year-old, has been in our country illegally and was deported some time ago back to Mexico, and by virtue of his actions (Friday) night, we see he’s back and threatening to kill Americans.”

Officials will send him back to his “sh–hole country,” again.


Anarchy in the @UKLabour: Party Will Put Trannies on ‘All Women Shortlist’

Posted on | January 14, 2018 | 2 Comments


As radical as the transgender agenda has become in the United States, it’s gone even further in Great Britain, where the taxpayer-funded healthcare system now encourages “transition” for children as young as 12. The number of minors being referred to NHS gender clinics has quadrupled since 2012, raising widespread concern about “social contagion” as a factor in so-called “rapid onset gender dysphoria” among British youth.

Many feminists have criticized these policies, only to be met with “no-platforming” — denying them opportunities to speak at universities or publish in mainstream journalist. In some cases, transgender activists have threatened or physically attacked their feminists critics. Now the British Labour Party has decided to appease transgender activists:

Labour should consider allowing transgender women to be included on all-women shortlists, the party’s shadow equalities minister, Dawn Butler, has said.
In an interview with the House magazine, Butler said: “I think if a trans woman wanted to be included in an all-women shortlist then that should be considered.
“I just don’t think people really need to make a big fuss about it. I mean if one of my team members came into the office and decided that James wanted to be called Jane and was now a woman I would not say ‘prove it, what do you mean?’” . . .
Her remarks follow the heated debate over the role of trans teenager Lily Madigan, who was elected women’s officer at her constituency Labour party in Kent.

A teenage boy is now a Labour “women’s officer,” and Butler wants to include transgender candidates in Labour’s “all women shortlist,” a discriminatory quota system the party instituted in the 1990s:

The use of all-women shortlists (AWS) is an positive discrimination practice intended to increase the proportion of female Members of Parliament (MPs) in the United Kingdom, allowing only women to stand in particular constituencies for a particular political party. . . .
The strategy has been criticised as undemocratic, as “bypassing competitive principles and hence as ignoring the merit principle,” and as “a form of discrimination against men.” For the 1992 General Election the Labour Party had a policy of ensuring there was at least one statutory female candidate on each of its shortlists, however few of these women were successful in being selected in winnable seats (seats within a 6% swing). Following polling that suggested women were less likely to vote Labour than men, the party introduced All-women shortlists at its 1993 annual conference.
Labour used all-women shortlists to select candidates in half of all winnable seats for the 1997 general election, with the aim of reaching 100 women MPs post-election, a goal that was reached.

In other words, Labour has spent more than two decades actively discriminating against male candidates as a matter of party policy, yet now the party’s leadership has declared that men can evade this political discrimination by “identifying” as women. The controversy last year over Liam “Lily” Madigan highlighted this insanity:

Madigan hit the headlines after arguing that Anne Ruzylo, a Labour Party women’s officer in a different constituency, should be sacked for being ‘transphobic’. Ruzylo, a lesbian, feminist and trade unionist, had criticised the sanctification of the trans movement. For this, she was labelled a ‘terf’ (trans exclusionary radical feminist) and was harassed by transgender activists online. Eventually, the executive committee of Ruzylo’s local Labour branch resigned in protest at her mistreatment.
So, here we have a trans teen who has previously been part of an effort to undermine a women’s officer’s career now being elected as a women’s officer. Understandably, some are angry about this. How can a teenager who has only recently declared himself to be a woman be eligible as a women’s officer? . . .
[I]dentity politics and the cult of diversity have now gone so far that women in politics are being pressured to accept a man as their ‘female representative’.

Incidentally, Madigan has declared his/“her” intention to run for a seat in Parliament and if Americans imagine this sort of trans-feminism can be kept on the other side of the pond, they should be aware that Bradley “Chelsea” Manning is running for Senate in Maryland.

People need to wake the hell up.


FMJRA 2.0: Let The Good Times Roll

Posted on | January 14, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ladies and gentlemen, The Cars.

Rule 5 Sunday: Jenna Jameson
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: Stop The Rock
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 01.08.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Alabama Wins National Title 26-23

Oregon Judge Releases Deborah Frisch

Violence Against Women Update: Louisiana Murder Suspect Arrested

In The Mailbox: 01.10.18
Proof Positive

Google Lawsuit Exposes Stalinist Climate Protecting Anti-White, Anti-Male Bias
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A View From The Beach

Violence Against Women: Convict Kills His Mother’s Girlfriend and Her Daughter

In The Mailbox: 01.11.18
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Democrats Love ‘S***hole’ Countries, and They Want America to Become One

In The Mailbox: 01.12.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (12)
  2. (tied) A View From The Beach & Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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The Corrosive Evil Of Political Correctness

Posted on | January 13, 2018 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

We all profess hatred of this evil, and then proceed to support it, passively or actively. We’re silent in the face of PC, because going active against it is also unattractive behavior.

But *why* is it so evil? People are fallible, and in need of correction. Nothing new there. Let me put forth the proposition that PC’s evil is found in the spirit in which it’s offered.

Someone trying to learn a skill will have a teacher. That teacher will criticize the student’s activity in a constructive way. The teacher wants the student to grow, possibly becoming a teacher one day.

Political Correctness is not teaching. It does not care about the subject at hand, or the student. PC is destructive. It is intended to silence that student. The subject is peripheral at best. The student has got to be silenced as quickly as possible.

Your disinterest in PC is not reciprocated. PC is bullying. PC is asymmetric. It is not a classically liberal consideration of the subject, running through stages of synthesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Quietly refusing to engage the bully will not preserve your liberty, Mr. Niemöller.

Recognizing the destructive spirit of PC, what do we do? My favorite approaches are to laugh at it and question it. The roots of PC bullying seem to be the rejection of truth and the lust for power. You may or may not be able to edify your Lefty. And you may lack the time/interest for a lengthy engagement with the foolishness. But let’s endeavor to leave everyone smarter for the encounter.

“your toga is showing” for whatever degenerate Lefty reason, was trending on Twitter as I was drafting this, so let’s have some fun:

Via the Curmudgeon, Klavan has a must-read-all essay on this topic:

The bullying is highly effective and very dangerous. In England, in the city of Rotherham, at least 1,400 non-Muslim girls, some as young as 11, were brutally raped by Muslim immigrants over a period of years in the 2000s. Police and other officials worked to keep the facts hidden because, according to multiple reports, they were afraid of being called racist. Think about that: police officers did not want to seem racist, so they stood by and let their city’s children be raped. The same thing goes on in other cities in England and throughout Europe. And in fact, some who have spoken out have had their careers curtailed by manufactured scandal. The message is clear: it’s just not nice to tell the truth. It’s just not done. Don’t do it.

In The Mailbox: 01.12.18

Posted on | January 12, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.12.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Unfortunately, today’s links include quite a few references to human feces, or the origin thereof. Readers are advised to remember and practice appropriate fecal decontamination procedures at all times, in order to preserve your purity of essence.

EBL: Was Trump Wrong?
Twitchy: #FakeNews – Porn Star Stormy Daniels Denies Having Affair With Trump
Louder With Crowder: Hillary Tweet-Shames Trump For “Shithole” Remark. Remember How The Clintons Screwed Haiti?
According To Hoyt: The Inmates Are Running The Asylum
Monster Hunter Nation: New Swag For The Swag Page!
Vox Popoli: The Most Hostile Working Environment On The Planet
The Federalist: Leave Ginuwine Alone! Nobody Should Be Intimidated Into Dating Trans People (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Google Is A Shithole Edition
American Power: Darkest Hour, also, CNN Talking Heads Totally Lose Their Shit Over Trump’s Alleged “Shithole” Comment
American Thinker: Was Seth Rich Killed Over The Steele Dossier?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Sapiosexual Friday
BattleSwarm: Was Fusion GPS Allowed To Run Unsupervised FISA 702 Queries?
CDR Salamander: Rep. Wittman (R-VA) Goes Salamander, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Speaking Of Sh**holes, Where Were You? also, Speaking An Uncomfortable Truth About Haiti
Don Surber: Tax Reform Means A Mexican Truck Plant Is Moving To Michigan
Dustbury: Over And Done With
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Hungarian PM Orban – “Refugees” Actually Muslim Invaders, also, Policy Manager For Twitter’s Trust And Safety – “We’re Working On Getting The Shitty People Not To Show Up” (VIDEO)
Hogewash: Blognet, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Two Democrat NYC Councilmen Arrested Protesting Deportation Of Criminal Illegal, also, The Trump Dossier’s Credibility Is Collapsing
Joe For America: Sarah Sanders Just Crushed CNN’s Jim Acosta
JustOneMinute: We All Knew Cy Young Had An Arm, But Still…
Legal Insurrection: Media Falsely Reports Haiti & Panama Ambassadors Resigned Over Trump’s Alleged “Shithole” Comment, also, WaPo Suspends Reporter Who Advised Democrats At Secret Event
Power Line: Everyone Hates Trump, Right? also, Crudity In The Oval Office (featuring LBJ)
Shark Tank: Trump Pressures US, World Leaders To Fix Iran Nuke Deal – Or Else
Shot In The Dark: Being Evil
STUMP: Setting The Stage 2018 – Connecticut Says Bye Bye Billionaires
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – I’m Going To Regret This Episode XCVII
The Political Hat: Whitewashing The Bloodline
This Ain’t Hell: Friday Morning Feelgood Stories, also, “Shitholes” And Stuff
Weasel Zippers: Gitmo Terrorists Blame Their Imprisonment On Trump’s “Hostility Toward Muslims”, also, Dem AG Candidate Mugged During Campaign Photoshoot In Chicago
Megan McArdle: Warning – Trump’s Babysitters Are About To Go Home
Mark Steyn: Saying “That’s Not Who We Are” Is Who We Are

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Democrats Love ‘S***hole’ Countries, and They Want America to Become One

Posted on | January 12, 2018 | 3 Comments

“This remark by the president of the United States smacks of blatant racism, the most odious and insidious racism masquerading poorly as immigration policy. And I’ll be very blunt, the president doesn’t speak for me as an American. He demeans America. He demeans and betrays American values by these kinds of remarks.”
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut Democrat

Our president has provoked “controversy” by speaking the brutal truth:

President Trump grew frustrated with lawmakers Thursday in the Oval Office when they discussed protecting immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries as part of a bipartisan immigration deal, according to several people briefed on the meeting.
“Why are we having all these people from sh–hole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to countries mentioned by the lawmakers.
Trump then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries such as Norway, whose prime minister he met with Wednesday. The president, according to a White House official, also suggested he would be open to more immigrants from Asian countries because he felt that they help the United States economically.
In addition, the president singled out Haiti, telling lawmakers that immigrants from that country must be left out of any deal, these people said.
“Why do we need more Haitians?” Trump said, according to people familiar with the meeting. “Take them out.”
In November, the Trump administration rescinded deportation protection granted to nearly 60,000 Haitians after the 2010 earthquake and told them to return home by July 2019.

Reuters provides more information and reaction:

Trump’s remarks, made in the White House, came as Democratic Senator Dick Durbin and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham briefed the president on a newly drafted immigration bill being touted by a bipartisan group of senators, according to the sources, who asked not to be identified.
Other government officials were present during the conversation, the sources said.
The lawmakers were describing how certain immigration programs operate, including one to give safe haven in the United States to people from countries suffering from natural disasters or civil strife. . . .
Many Democrats and some Republican lawmakers slammed the president for his remarks.
Republican U.S. Representative Mia Love, a daughter of Haitian immigrants, said the comments were “unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values” and called on Trump to apologize to the American people and to the countries he denigrated.
Another Republican Representative, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who was born in Cuba and whose south Florida district includes many Haitian immigrants, said: “Language like that shouldn’t be heard in locker rooms and it shouldn’t be heard in the White House.”
Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal, a frequent Trump critic, said the president’s comment “smacks of blatant racism, the most odious and insidious racism masquerading poorly as immigration policy.”

What was being discussed, of course, was a matter of government policy. The president’s characterization of which countries are favored by current policy was crude, but essentially accurate.

If Haiti is not the all-time winner of the Worst Country in the World title, it’s certainly in contention for that prize on an annual basis, and it is not an insult to Mia Love to tell the unfortunate truth about Haiti. Her father was an enemy of the Duvalier regime in Haiti, and her parents were part of an exodus of the country’s middle class during the 1970s and ’80s. Once the most intelligent and ambitious members of Haiti’s population fled the island nation, however, who remained behind? Haiti is plagued by endemic violence and poverty. Perhaps some of President Trump’s feminist critics would find this information relevant:

Sexual violence in Haiti is a common phenomenon. . . . Reporting a rape to police in Haiti is a difficult and convoluted process, a factor that contributes to underreporting and difficulty in obtaining accurate statistics about sexual violence. Few rapists face any punishment.

Do the celebrity feminists who used the Golden Globe ceremony to decry the “rape culture” in Hollywood really want to import thousands of such people to the United States? While the president’s vulgar language is unfortunate, the underlying reality is exactly as he described it, which is highly relevant to the matter of immigration policy.

America will be coping with the consequences of decades of misguided policy (see “Ted Kennedy’s Real Legacy: 50 Years of Mass Immigration”) for a long, long time. Even if we could suddenly reduce immigration to zero — or perhaps, as President Trump implied, if we were henceforth to admit only Norwegians — we ought not to underestimate the difficulties of assimilating the millions of immigrants from “sh–hole” countries we have already admitted. Vox Day has described open-borders ideology as based upon the “Magic Dirt” theory, i.e., the belief that “all immigrants will magically become Real Americans . . . by virtue of geographical relocation, thereby instantly negating of all of their racial, ethnic, religious, political, and cultural traditions.” Any assertion that immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti or Somalia will automatically discard the culture of their homelands, merely because they have immigrated to the United States, is self-evidently false. It is foolish to ignore the risk that immigrants from “sh–hole” countries may bring with them the same problems that afflicted them in the failed nations they fled. Why would Democrats therefore insist that their deal with President Trump must include permanent legal residency for such immigrants, who were originally admitted on a temporary basis as “refugees”?

Because Democrats hate America, that’s why.

Democrats hate freedom. Democrats hate capitalism and Christianity and everything else that is good about America. Democrats want to turn our country into a “sh–hole” no different than the nightmare regimes of corruption, poverty and violence these “refugees” have fled. If telling this truth offends Democrats, good. They deserve to be offended.

By the way, are you aware that nearly 40 percent of sex offenders in Oregon prisons are illegal aliens? Probably from “sh–hole countries.”

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.

Also, as I keep saying, Hit the Freaking Tip Jar!


UPDATE: The Norwegians don’t get it, either:

Twitter users, some of them from Norway, quickly lashed out asking Trump: Why would Norwegians want to come to America?
‘I’m confused — why the f*** would anyone migrate to the US from Norway? Why would you give up healthcare free at the point of access, living wages and reliable public services?,’ one tweet read.
‘I live in Norway and would never move to USA. We have free health care, free higher education, 5 weeks vacation 8 hours work a day. No thanks Trump,’ another user tweeted.

Vox Day provides the clarifying facts:

There are more than 4.5 million Norwegian Americans according to the most recent U.S. census, and most live in the Upper Midwest. Norwegian Americans currently comprise the 10th largest European ancestry group in the United States.
And here is why:
The introduction of the Danish grain monopoly caused severe shortages of grain in Norway that led to famine and conflict. Crop failures led to a terrible period of famine in Norway which was followed by disease and dire poverty causing thousands of deaths. Norwegians began to look to America as an escape from the devastation, political strife and hunger.
So, devastation, political strife, and hunger is the answer.

You’re welcome, Norwegian-Americans. Now please do the rest of us a favor: Stop complaining and support our President.



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