The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Thousand Mile Stare

Posted on | December 10, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: All You Need Is Kill
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘Effectively Worthless’: Social Justice and the Infinite Stupidity of Tumblr
The Pirate’s Cove

How Joy Reid’s Homophobic History Illustrates Vox Day’s Third Law of SJWs
Dark Brightness
A View From The Beach
Adam Piggott

FMJRA 2.0: To Run Where The Brave Dare Not Go
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Yes, $100 a Month Is ‘Real Money’
Adam Piggott

In The Mailbox: 12.04.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

2017: Everybody’s a Rapist Now

In The Mailbox: 12.05.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 12.06.17
Proof Positive

$400 in 24 Hours (UPDATE: Thanks!)

‘The Lizard People Are Real!’
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 12.07.17
Proof Positive

The Hollywood Rape Machine

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (10)
  2. A View From The Beach (6)
  3. Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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In The Mailbox: 12.08.17

Posted on | December 9, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.08.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Credibility Implosion
Twitchy: #FAKENEWS FAIL! Another CNN Trump “Bombshell” Explodes In Their Faces
Louder With Crowder: Chelsea Handler Blames President Trump For California Wildfires
According To Hoyt: At War With Reality
Vox Popoli: Covering For The Monsters, also, Beyond Alt*Hero

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Autumn Edition
American Power: Economic Freedom Fighters, also, Lewandoski & Bossie, Let Trump Be Trump
American Thinker: A Time For War – The Gathering Storm
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Bitcoin Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For December 8
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: By The Numbers – Two On Mueller, Three On The Economy, also, Layoff Update – What A Difference 48 Hours Makes
Don Surber: Today’s Winner Of The Foolitzer Prize
Dustbury: Oh, A Wise Guy
The Geller Report: Muslim Students At Catholic U Complain Christmas Gets Too Much Attention
Hogewash: Blognet, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Gloria Allred Caught! Roy Moore Accuser Admits She Forged Yearbook!
JustOneMinute: Last Gasp On Bitcoin
Legal Insurrection: Top Mueller Attorney Attended Hillary’s Election Night Party, also, CNN’s Big Scoop On Don Jr./Wikileaks E-Mail Collapses In Real Time
Power Line: What About Bob? also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shot In The Dark: Since We’re Talking About Harassment
The Jawa Report: Fatwas Fatwas Everywhere!
The Political Hat: Public Lands, Not Elitists’ Trophies
This Ain’t Hell: Thank Goodness There’s Direct Deposit, also, IRS Special Agent Arrested
Weasel Zippers: Mueller’s “Right Hand Man” On Russia Probe Represented Clinton Aide Who Set Up Unsecure Server, also, Justice Department Moves To Investigate #PPact’s Fetal Tissue Practices
Mark Steyn: A Guide To Pants-Dropping For The New Man, also, Steyn Goes Full Humbug

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The Hollywood Rape Machine

Posted on | December 9, 2017 | 2 Comments


The anonymous blogger describes himself on his Twitter profile as a “300 pound entertainment lawyer who has been married six times, lives in his parent’s basement and has an obsession with digging up celebrity dirt.” While it is doubtful he’s that fat or “lives in his parent’s basement,” he is legitimately a lawyer in show business, and the dirt he’s been digging up has made him “King of the Hollywood Blind Item.”

A “blind item,” in journalistic parlance, is a gossip-column story that doesn’t include the names of its subjects. At his blog “Crazy Days and Nights” (CDAN), the entertainment lawyer puts out blind items and his commenters play a guessing game to figure out who it’s about. He has gained a reputation for impeccable accuracy, as his earlier items on Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and Matt Lauer have all been confirmed in recent weeks and, if he maintains his 100% accuracy record, we haven’t seen the end of it, by a long shot. The wildfires currently raging through Southern California may be omens of a forthcoming inferno in Hollywood with billionaires among the casualties.

David Geffen, for example. Commenters easily guessed that a CDAN blind item about the rape of two teenage girls by a rock star was about former Eagles drummer Don Henley. According to the CDAN item, money from the music mogul Geffen was crucial to keeping Henley out of prison in that 1979 incident, and the rocker likewise benefitted from his friendship — through ex-girlfriend Linda Ronstadt — with California Gov. Jerry Brown. Also, coincidentally, Henley was a big supporter of the Clintons, for whom Geffen went “all-in” during the 1990s, so the story has political ramifications. There are connections here, and when you realize that Geffen was one of three Hollywood tycoons, along with Jeffrey Katzenberg and Steven Spielberg, who united to form Dreamworks in 1994, the possible fallout could be catastrophic.

What about Star Wars creator George Lucas? Most commenters on this CDAN blind item about a “permanent A+ list director” seem to agree that Lucas best fits the description of the pedophile with the “huge ranch,” who was friends with a “permanent A+ list singer.” If it’s not Lucas . . .

Michael Jackson, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas at Skywalker Ranch, 1982.

Go read the story and the comments and decide for yourself. There’s some pretty sick stuff there, but that’s not the worst story at CDAN. Commenters almost unanimously agree that this blind item about an actor who “molested and sexually assaulted multiple” teenage boys refers to John Travolta, and that it was his friend Kirstie Alley who, along with Scientologists, pressured him into a “beard” marriage to Kelly Preston.

And yet even that is not the worst item at CDAN. Have you ever heard of an actress named Heather O’Rourke? Commenters at CDAN guessed her as the child star who “was first molested when she was 5 or 6 and had continued to be molested throughout her hit movies and also on a previous show.” The story of what caused her death is gruesome, yet it was allegedly covered up by producers of the TV show where it happened (Rocky Road, which ran for 71 episodes on TBS, 1985-87). Now, the two men in charge of that show, executive producer Arthur Annecharico and producer Gene Abravaya, are still living, and they might have cause to file a defamation suit, if this CDAN story were false. However (a) it’s a blind item, (b) the guesswork by the CDAN commenters is mere speculation, and (c) the blogger at CDAN is a lawyer, who surely knows that truth is the ultimate defense against a libel claim. Even if the CDAN item were exaggerated or partly false, would the people associated with Rocky Road want to file a lawsuit then go through all the discovery, depositions, etc? Not if the CDAN story contains any element of truth, they don’t. Imagine a former child actress — one of whom CDAN cites as his source — on the witness stand, testifying about what she saw on the set. No, the potential damage to the plaintiff in such a lawsuit would be too great.

Also, nobody cares about a crappy old cable sitcom from the ’80s. What makes the (alleged) Heather O’Rourke item at CDAN really interesting is the assertion that she was “first molested when she was 5 or 6 and had continued to be molested throughout her hit movies.”

What movie was she working on when she was 5 or 6? Poltergeist.

And who was the producer of Poltergeist?

Well, it wasn’t George Lucas. Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.

What’s that you say? These dots seem to form a pattern?

Years ago, when I’d complain to Andrew Breitbart about the corruption in Washington, he’d always say, “No, Stacy — Hollywood is worse.” The people who produce America’s entertainment, Andrew would assure me, are very bad people. Obviously, Andrew was right.



In The Mailbox: 12.07.17

Posted on | December 8, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.07.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Pearl Harbor – Never Forget
Twitchy: So THIS Is Why Trent Franks Is Resigning From Congress?
Louder With Crowder: Adult Star August Ames Found Dead, After Being Cyberbullied For Refusing To Perform With Gay Porn Star
ZDNet: Feds Say They Don’t Need Court’s Permission To Approve Encryption Backdoors (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: My Proposal For A Musical Theme For The Alt-West
American Thinker: Utah “Monument” Was A Reward To A Clinton Donor
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Pistol Carbine News
BattleSwarm: Al Franken Decade Finally Ends
CDR Salamander: Eleanor Roosevelt Reflects On December 7, 1941
Da Tech Guy: Al Franken’s Resignation Just Helped The Democrats For The Midterm Elections, also, Thank Iran And Frackers For Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration
Don Surber: Manufacturing Adds Most Jobs In 15 Years
Dustbury: How Dare You Document
Fred On Everything: Average Night In DC – The Cop Diaries
The Geller Report: McMaster Reportedly Approved NSA Snooping On Trump Family – Data Turned Over To Soros? also, Chief Of Swedish Anti-Crime Unit Says Stockholm Suburb Is Like A War Zone
Hogewash: The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Week 13 – NFL Attendance Crisis Continues
JustOneMinute: More Smoke, And Fire
Legal Insurrection: Young People Claim Being Called A “Snowflake” Damages Their Mental Health, also, Senior Party Leader Urges PM Modi “Move Indian Embassy To Jerusalem”
Michelle Malkin: A Conservative Mom Breaks The Pot Taboo
Power Line: Jim Jordan Makes The Case Against The FBI And Peter Strzok, also, The Franken Hedge?
Shark Tank: Democrats Desperate To Protect Mueller Over Ties To Hillary
Shot In The Dark: Everything You Need To Know About Today’s Left
STUMP: Rumors Of Pension Bailouts – MEPs And Public Pensions
The Jawa Report: Caption Contest – Signs Edition, also, Sheikh Abdullah Ibrahim al-Faisal aka Trevor William Forrest Added to Specially Designated Terrorist List
The Political Hat: Genderless Education, Genderless Research, Genderless Bathrooms, Genderless Students
This Ain’t Hell: 76th Anniversary Of Pearl Harbor Attack, also, Commander Neuhart And The Meaning Of “No”
Weasel Zippers: Facebook “White Nonsense” Police Are Rounding Up All Your “Racially Insensitive” Comments, also, California’s Dem AG Says Illegal Immigrants Are “Badass”
Megan McArdle: Don’t Tune Out “What About?”
Mark Steyn: The Toxic Cutie, also, Stabbers & Trouser-Droppers

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‘The Lizard People Are Real!’

Posted on | December 7, 2017 | 1 Comment

He was high on morphine and methamphetamine, and he had a .357 pistol and an AK-47 with four extra magazines, with a total of 172 rounds of ammunition. When police showed up, he told them: “The meth doesn’t make me crazy, man . . . The lizard people are real!” He said his family was being held hostage by the “alpha dragon,” and that President Trump had called to warn him about the lizard people. He was sent to a mental institution for evaluation. (Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Meanwhile, an editor at Feministing says they’ll be forced to shut down if readers don’t help. By contributing $5 a month, Julianna Britto Schwartz promised, readers will get “that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with knowing that your dollars are supporting young women who are sticking it to the capitalist, white supremacist heteropatriarchy.”

Is the “heteropatriarchy” more real than the lizard people? Probably not, but maybe the editors of Feministing should stockpile AK-47 ammunition just in case. “It’s not the meth, man.”


$400 in 24 Hours (UPDATE: Thanks!)

Posted on | December 7, 2017 | 1 Comment

Not much time to explain this, but I’m rattling the tip jar today because I need $400 by Friday morning. My youngest daughter has a school trip coming up and I promised my wife I’d raise the $200 needed by Friday. Then the cable company — our Internet service provider — demanded more than $200 for that bill, and of course that’s also due Friday. As a pioneer of online crowdfunding, who managed to cover the entire 2012 presidential campaign thanks to tip-jar hitters, I had no problem assuring my wife: “Don’t worry. We got this.”

So if 50 readers gave $8 each, or if 25 readers gave $16 each, this would do the trick, but if 10 readers gave $40 each, that would be cool, too. Whatever you can spare would be appreciated, because it’s still true that the Five Most Important Words in the English Language are:


Thanks in advance, and Merry Christmas!


UPDATE: Wow! You guys surprised me! It didn’t take even 12 hours to exceed the goal. Today I went and worked with my son Jim on a roofing job, and when I checked the PayPal on my phone, I was shocked by the generosity of readers. And seeing that my friend Pete Da Tech Guy got laid off from his job, I hit his tip jar. Hope you guys will, too.


In The Mailbox: 12.06.17

Posted on | December 7, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.06.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #95
EBL: Senator Al Franken Expected To Resign Tomorrow
Twitchy: Anti-Gunners’ Hilarious Reactions To Passage Of Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Louder With Crowder: Chris Pratt Fills In For Jimmy Kimmel, Classes Up The Joint, also, Queen Bey Tries & Fails To Make Kaepermick Cool Again
Fast Company: Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg Warns Against “#MeToo” Backlash Against Women At Work (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Podcast #66 – The Tonic Masculinity Episode
American Power: The Tax Reform Bill Is Killing And Raping Americans, also, SoCal Wildfires
American Thinker: The Gay Marriage Ruling Supports The Baker
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Democratic Dirtbag Update
Bring The HEAT: World Of Warships – Alabama Kraken Loss
CDR Salamander: How Do You Feed Your Rage And Shame?
Da Tech Guy: Waking To A Christmas Layoff, also, A Gutsy Person Takes On “Gender Identity” Politics
Don Surber: Trump Is Bringing Mueller Down
Dustbury: Live At The 38th
The Geller Report: Australian Muslim Who Mutilated & Murdered Wife In Front Of Kids Tells Cops That’s “Normal Behavior” In The Middle East, also, Hamas Says Trump Has “Opened The Gates Of Hell”, Calls For “Day of Rage”
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Yet Another Alleged Franken Victim Comes Forward
Joe For America: Democrat Just Tried To Impeach President Trump; It Went Even Worse Than You Can Imagine
JustOneMinute: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Legal Insurrection: Trump – “Today We Finally Recognize The Obvious, Jerusalem Is Israel’s Capitol”, also, Gillibrand Finally Calls For Franken’s Resignation
Michelle Malkin: Pyongyang On The Prairie, Part I
Power Line: The Government Shutdown Fraud, also, What Should Be Done About Mueller’s Biased Staff?
Shark Tank: DACA Activists Storm Marco Rubio’s Office
Shot In The Dark: They Tried To Make Him Go To Reputation Rehab, He Said “Yes, Yes, Yes”
STUMP: More Divestment Follies
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Play Stupid Games, also, Zionist R Zionist
The Political Hat: The Sinicization Of Neocolonialism
This Ain’t Hell: Sharior Rahman, Air Force Chaplain & Shoplifter, also, Navajo Code Talker George B. Willie Sr. Passes
Weasel Zippers: NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Signs Five-Year Contract Extension, also, CFPB Employees Form Harry Potter Style Resistance To Trump
Megan McArdle: Brexit Or No Brexit, The Irish Border Won’t Disappear
Mark Steyn: Problematic Positionality

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In The Mailbox: 12.05.17

Posted on | December 5, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.05.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Begotten, Not Made?
Twitchy: New Info From Judicial Watch Suggests Mueller Probe Could Be Compromised
Louder With Crowder: Tom Hanks Claims “Fake News” Is A Right-Wing Conspiracy

Adam Piggott: The Australian Property Bubble – You Don’t Save Money By Spending It
American Power: End Of Apartheid In South Africa?
American Thinker: Mueller’s FBI Will Never Recover Its Good Name
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Marginal Literacy News
BattleSwarm: Texas Republicans Behaving Badly
BLACKFIVE: Book Review & Q/A – Mindhunter
Bring The HEAT: World Of Warships – Grump The Carrier Killer
CDR Salamander: A Year In, Everyone Sobers Up
Da Tech Guy: A Different Kind Of Coming Out And Why Many Won’t Do It, also, The Neverending Tantrum
Don Surber: 92% Of The Deported Are Criminals
Dustbury: Now Playing
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Migrants Riot At Paris Train Station, also, African States Say They’ll Follow Trump, Move Embassies To Jerusalem
Hogewash: LOLSuit VIII News, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: New Accuser Says Conyers Groped Her In Church
Joe For America: Jane Fonda Praises Kaepernick At ACLU Gala
JustOneMinute: Cake-Baking Overload
Legal Insurrection: Pelosi – Republican Tax Reform Is “The End Of The World”, “Armageddon”, also, Conyers “Retiring Today”, Endorses Son To Replace Him
Power Line: An Encouraging Oral Argument In The Colorado Cake Case, also, Trump’s Views On Jerusalem Horrify The Press
Shot In The Dark: This Is What $1.4 Billion Of Government Work Gets You
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA: STFU, also, Abundance of Caution Abundant
The Political Hat: The New Feudalism of The Enlightened Technocratic Overlords
This Ain’t Hell: MSGT Hector Trujillo Saving The World, also, SAS May Alter Peformance Standard To Accommodate Women
Weasel Zippers: Pelosi Tells California Republicans Who Supported Tax Bill “You Don’t Belong Here”, also, Top Clinton Aides Faced No Charges After Lying To FBI
Megan McArdle: Our Broken Politics Only Encourages Deficit Busting
Mark Steyn: Repealing The Executive Branch, also, The Girl In The Swimming Pool

Mark Steyn’s Passing Parade
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