The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.28.22

Posted on | September 28, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.28.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1854
EBL: The Real Bling Ring, Hurricane Ian: Florida Gulf Coast Being Hit Now, and Hunter Biden has his own potential ChiCom honey trap
Twitchy: Vindman’s Dependa Vows To Harass DeSantis, also, Teen Detransitioner Says She’s Ruined Her Life By Going On Hormones
Louder With Crowder: YouTuber claims Ford’s electric truck can’t do basic truck things, also, Marvel actor dumps over what crap Hollywood has become
Vox Popoli: Trust the Science, The US Shuts Off Europe’s Lights, Release the Memes, and A Non-Coup in Red China
Stoic Observations: The Idiot-Proof City

American Conservative: Did The US Sabotage Nord Stream?, also, Uncle Sam’s Long Trail of Wreckage
American Greatness: Trump Offers to Broker Peace Deal Between Russia and Ukraine to Avoid World War III, also, Donations Flood in for Family of Pro-Life Activist Raided by FBI
American Power: Woke Librarians: A National Scourge, Russia’s Mobilization, Plunging Oil Prices Weaken Putin’s Economic Hand, and Giorgia Meloni’s Election Victory: What the Rightward Shift Means for Italy
American Thinker: Donald Trump and the Future of Western Civilization, also, Running America on Imaginary Technology
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Cuba left in the dark after direct hit from Hurricane Ian, Darkness for you, light for them: Cuba for Cubans vs. Cuba for tourists, and Cubans forced to queue up for stale bread in heavy rain and hurricane-force winds
BattleSwarm: Will Dollar-Pound Parity Unleash Weirdness?
Behind The Black: Is China-Russia partnership to build lunar base dead?, Part 1: The ugly corrupt lie of the experimental COVID jab, and Ingenuity completed 33rd flight this past weekend
Cafe Hayek: Look Who’s A ‘Market Fundamentalist’
CDR Salamander: Nordstream’s Burning Ships
Chicago Boyz: Retrotech Event
Da Tech Guy: A breath of fresh air for higher education, Novena to St. Matthew for the FBI Agents involved in the Mark Houck Arrest Day 2 – Hawley weighs in, The Most Interesting Fact that Americans are Missing in Polling, and Novena to St. Matthew for the FBI Agents involved in the Mark Houck Arrest Day 3 – Whistleblowing in the Wind
Don Surber: Finally, libs fear the Supreme Court, Trump triumphs. Squad loses, and Republicans headed to best showing in 94 years
First Street Journal: The journolism of The Philadelphia Inquirer, also, Killadelphia hits 400!
Gates Of Vienna: A Mother’s Role in an Honor Killing, Bah! Humbug!, Diana West: The Silence of the Institutions, and Biden: “There Will Be No Longer a Nord Stream 2”
The Geller Report: “Where’s Jackie?” Demented Biden Asks, Referring to Rep. Jackie Walorski, Who Died in August, also, Biden Regime Threatened to Sabotage and Destroy Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Months Before Explosions
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, Spiral Galaxy IC 5332, Hubble, and Webb
Hollywood In Toto: Oscar-Winner Alex Gibney Defends Canceled Doc Jihad Rehab, Russell Brand Scorches YouTube for Misinformation Double Standard, and Dead for a Dollar Embraces Western 101 (With a Few Woke Nods)
The Lid: Kudlow Smacked Biden: He Inherited a V-Shaped Resurgence And Tossed It Into Toilet
Legal Insurrection: Special K Melts Down When Media Doesn’t Buy Her Explanation for Why Biden Asked for Dead Congresswoman, Lawsuit Filed to Stop Biden’s Student Loan Bailout, 84-Year-Old Michigan Woman Handing Out Pro-Life Pamphlets Shot in the Back, and EU Says ‘Sabotage’ Behind Damage to Russian Nord Stream Pipelines
Michelle Malkin: Our UN-American ‘Justice’ System
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Conservatism of Modernity
Outkick: Aaron Judge Makes History, Ties Roger Maris With 61st Homer, Russell Wilson Claps Back At Eli Manning: ‘I’m 3-0 Against Chad Powers’, MMA Fighter Wears ‘F*ck Disney’ Tape Over Breasts During Weigh-In, and Eli Manning Refreshingly Refuses To Apologize For His Russell Wilson Joke
Power Line: Who Blew Up the Pipeline?, Senior moment of the day, and Mister, Can You Spare a Dime?
Shark Tank: Democrat Alan Cohn Deletes Radical Views From Congressional Campaign Website
Shot In The Dark: Keith Ellison’s Round Trip Journey, The Case Of The Three Command Sergeants Major, and Institutional Leftist Logic
This Ain’t Hell: “Uncle Rick” Not in SEAL-BUD/S Database, Iran Unrest Turns Violent, Heavy US Gov’t influencers anti-fossil fuel group in Chinese pocket, and NCIS Hawaii: Stolen Valor
Transterrestrial Musings: How Corrupt Is The FBI?, Lyman Is About To Fall, and Hurricane Hunting
Victory Girls: Another School Shooting And Where Are The Democrats?, also, Bonhomme Richard Fire Trial Emblematic Of Larger Issues
Volokh Conspiracy: Some Comments on Biden’s Executive Order re White House Initiative on Hispanics
Watts Up With That: Euro Energy Crisis: A Rare Opportunity to Recalibrate Priorities?
Weasel Zippers: Biden’s Economic Accomplishments Summed Up In One Tweet, Another Senile Biden Moment Happened Today, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen May Finally Get The Boot, and Wisconsin School District Will Teach Sex Ed, Gender Identity Curriculum Beginning In Kindergarten
The Federalist: These Detransitioners Have A Message For Distressed Girls, Actual Police Endorse Ron Johnson After Democrat Opponent Faked Law Enforcement Support, Ohio’s Tim Ryan Only Supports Natural Gas When He’s In A Close Race, and Never Let A Devastating Natural Disaster Go To Waste
Mark Steyn: Immigration and Identity, Tale of the Tucking Tape, and Blowing Up the World

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In The Mailbox: 09.27.22

Posted on | September 27, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.27.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Energy Prices Are Killing German Industry
A Bad American: The Mainstream Media Is At It Again
EBL: Conservative Tiffany Smiley can win a Senate seat in Washington State!, Hurricane Ian Hits Cuba, Florida Next, and Two Nordstream Gaslines Leaking In The North Sea
Twitchy: “Your Money Is Not Safe At Citi”, also, Juan Williams Wants You To Think Of Egg McMuffin As Luke Skywalker
Louder With Crowder: Another surprising 2022 midterm poll shows Democrats might have problems in one of the bluest of blue regions, More proof Dems are getting mollywhopped in November, and  ‘Transracial’ icon Rachel Dolezal has been reduced to doing OnlyFans and Black Twitter has thoughts
Vox Popoli: God, Country, and Family, Improving on Tolkien, Cheating and Chess, and Doug Wilson is a Boomer Fraud

American Conservative: The Final Catholic Generation?
American Greatness: Nikki Haley: Dragon Slayer, DeSantis Calls the White Left’s Diversity Bluff, and No House Arrest or Curfew For ND Man Who Admitted to Killing Teenager Over Politics
American Power: Fighting the Culture War Through Christ, Republicans Intensify Attacks on Crime as Democrats Push Back, and Italy Votes Decisively for Nationalist-Right Coalition
American Thinker: There’s a Reason Conservatives are Becoming Less Tame, also, If Republicans Want to Win, Commit
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Chicken Thief News
Babalu Blog: Cuba at risk of losing 12,000 tons of precious tobacco due to mismanagement, Green organizations ignore the Cuban dictatorship’s crimes against the environment, and Cuban State leaves majority of Camajuani farmers in poverty
BattleSwarm: Did I Get a DDos Attack From Russia?
Behind The Black: Two Red Chinese launches: Long March 2D and Long March 6 put satellites into orbit, More glaciers in Mars’ glacier country, and Today’s blacklisted American: Arrested in 2020 for letting her kids play in park, a mom is still being prosecuted by Idaho Republicans
Cafe Hayek: MAD, also, Southern Economic Journal: Review of Richard Epstein’s ‘Simple Rules for a Complex World’
CDR Salamander: Russia’s Nuclear Option?
Chicago Boyz: Chicagoboyz are fashion trendsetters
Da Tech Guy: In defense of “pink slime” newspapers, Announcing the Novena to St. Matthew for the FBI Agents involved in the Mark Houck Arrest Day 1, “Climate Change” Same old Con New Generation of Marks, and Report from Louisiana: Hurricane Season
Don Surber: Italy elects first woman PM. Misogynist media hates her, Democrats can’t govern. Media blames Republicans, and Is DeSantis next on the SWAT list?
First Street Journal: Has anything the experts have told us about #COVID19 been true?, Just because a public school library does not carry sexually-charged books does not mean that such books are banned, and Killadelphia and Killington
Gates Of Vienna: Nice Work if You Can Get It, Vienna Edition, Convicted of Exposing Islam?, The Sexual Rights of Children, and Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Geller Report: Biden’s Student Loan Handout Could Cost $400 Billion, CBO Reports, also, Explosions Reported On Nord Stream Pipelines As Massive Gas Leaks into Baltic Sea
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, and Those Gas Leaks
Hollywood In Toto: How This is the End Capped the Bro-Comedy Era, Elizabeth Banks Re-Writes History on Charlie’s Angels Flop, and Rob Zombie’s The Munsters Is D.O.A.
The Lid: YO KAMALA: Armed African American Rights Group Marched To Demand A Secure Border
Legal Insurrection: Far-Left Salon Mag Gives Up On Term “Latinx”, YouTube Removes Viral Video Of Incoming Italian PM Giorgia Meloni “For Violating Terms Of Service”, Italy’s Right-Wing Victory: Shock and Rage Across European Political Class, Mainstream Media, and New Video Shows Philadelphia Wawa Plundered by 50 to 100 Juveniles, ‘Some as Young as 10 Years Old’
Nebraska Energy Observer: Is Winnie-the-Pooh on Fire?, also, Italy Turns Right
Outkick: Former Baylor Players Upset At Kim Mulkey Refusing To Comment On Brittney Griner Situation, One Year Later ManningCast Still Isn’t Polished Or Sophisticated, Which Is Great, Women’s Basketball Teammates Throw Punches After World Cup Loss, and Dana White Remains A Donald Trump Supporter, Doesn’t Care What Anyone Thinks
Power Line: An in-your-face fraud, Homicidal Urges on the Left, and Thought for the Day: Affirmative Action Chemotherapy
Shark Tank: POLITICO Accused Of Politicizing Hurricane Ian
Shot In The Dark: Feeding Our Supporters, Non Per Girare, and Sign O’ The Times
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday: Using Taxes as Standing to Sue over the Student Loan Forgiveness
The Political Hat: National Education Association Wants To Teach Kids About Bondage, Fisting, And More
This Ain’t Hell: Memorial service for Army vet Ralph Hubert Barger quiet, respectful, Someone should tell the left that the Nazis were not conservative, Nuclear Saber Rattling, and Doubts over Mays (USS Bonhomme Richard) trial reported
Victory Girls: NASA Plays Armageddon And It’s So Cool, also, Putin Has a Potemkin Army
Volokh Conspiracy: The First Lawsuit Challenging Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan
Watts Up With That: Former Bank of England Governor’s Net Zero Asset Alliance Crumbling, also, Which part of “economic” does the World Economic Forum not understand?
Weasel Zippers: Biden At It Again: “Everybody Under 15, Come Here, Bad Orange Woman Admits: If Midterms Are Referendum On Biden, Democrats Will Lose, More Giorgia Meloni Awesomeness, and WZ QUARTERLY DONATION DRIVE
The Federalist: Here’s Some Required Reading For Gender-Confused Teen Girls Before They Remove Their Breasts, It’s Not Tolkien’s Fault Amazon’s Adaptation Is Terrible, FBI Seized $86 Million In Raid On Innocent Americans’ Safe Boxes After Duping Judge For Warrant, and Jan. 6 Committee Decides To Move Final Show Trial Hearing Even Closer To Election Day
Mark Steyn: Ball’s Bearing, also, Meltdown over Meloni

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‘The Hard-Hitting Social Commentary We’re Trying to Get Across’

Posted on | September 27, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘The Hard-Hitting Social Commentary We’re Trying to Get Across’

Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh in ‘Don’t Worry Darling’

Because my 19-year-old daughter is a Harry Styles fan, I have a built-in bias against Olivia Wilde, the 38-year-old ex-girlfriend of Jason Sudekis, whom Styles is currently dating. Also, it should be pointed out, Wilde’s grandfather was an infamous Commie, which is all the more reason to hate her. Now, as the cherry on top of this hot fudge sundae of hate, we have the revelation that a villainous character in Wilde’s new movie is based on Jordan Peterson — or, to put it more accurately, the character is based on an ignorant stereotype of Peterson:

Katie Silberman: [Heavy sigh, more scrolling] Last major point, I guess, is the Jordan Peterson thing.
Shane Van Dyke: The what?
Olivia Wilde: Frank the cult leader. Chris Pine? Katie and I thought the version you pitched us was a bit one-note, so we put our heads together and figured out a way to really bind all the hard-hitting social commentary we’re trying to get across. WB thought we should let you know, just so there’s no surprises when the movie comes out.
Carey Van Dyke: And what does Frank have to do with Jordan Peterson?
Olivia Wilde: You know…white male pseudo-intellectual. Leader of the incels. Spouts weird shit about chaos and lobsters?
Katie Silberman: That’s Frank all over.
Shane Van Dyke: No disrespect, gang, but have you read Jordan Peterson or listened to any of his lectures?
Olivia Wilde: Um, eww! I’ve never drank bleach before but I know it’s poison!

Perhaps most offensive here is Wilde’s assertion that Peterson — a professor of clinical psychology, who produced important research while on the faculty of Harvard in the 1990s — is a “pseudo-intellectual,” No, ma’am. Whatever your disagreements with the professor may be, he is a genuine intellectual, and there is nothing “pseudo” about it. Apparently, Wilde’s opinion of Peterson is not based on direct knowledge of his work, but rather is based on feminist criticism of his work. And her idea that Peterson is “Leader of the incels” — where did she get that? Isn’t that misbegotten notion also likely traceable to something Wilde got by reading Amanda Marcotte, Jessica Valenti and other feminists?

There is a paranoid pattern of belief on the Left where everything they hate is somehow related to every other thing they hate. For example, liberals hate Trump and they hate racism, therefore Trump is a racist, and anyone who writes something that liberals consider racist must be connected to Trump. The whole thing about “incels” sprang into public consciousness in 2014 when Elliot Rodger went on a murder spree in Santa Barbara, California. Feminist writers like Marcotte and Valenti became rather obsessed with this massacre as some kind of symbol of the fatal menace of “misogyny,” of which “incels” like Elliot Rodger were the violent tip of the hateful iceberg. A few months after the Santa Barbara massacre, “GamerGate” zoomed into prominence and, in the minds of many feminists, was instantly connected to the “incel” phenomenon. It was around the same time that Jordan Peterson began to become popular on YouTube, and I can only conjecture that his temporal proximity to these events caused feminists to associate him with the whole “incel”/“misogyny” phenomenon. Of course, there is the fact that Peterson looks at human differences from the standpoint of evolutionary psychology (dismissed by Wilde as “weird shit about chaos and lobsters”) which feminists insist is inherently sexist. That is to say, any man who suggests there are natural differences between men and women is guilty of “misogyny,” according to feminists and — to follow this everything-is-connected belief pattern to its irrational conclusion — because “incels” are also misogynists, then it is fair to view Jordan Peterson as a “leader of the incels.” In the same way, the Soviet Union imposed Lysenkoism and condemned basic agricultural science as “bourgeois.”

If the only tool you’ve got is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. And if the only ideology you have is feminism, every problem looks like misogyny. Because of the unipolar dynamic of feminist ideology, everything they consider problematic is lumped together as part of an oppressive system, and therefore Professor Peterson gets dumped into the same “basket of deplorables” as Donald Trump and “incels.”

Such is the “hard-hitting social commentary” Olivia Wilde wedged into her new movie, and really, Harry Styles needs to dump that bitch.

By the way, Harry — my daughter loves you. And she’s cute.


She doesn’t like lobsters, though.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 09.26.22

Posted on | September 26, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.26.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

From MeWe

A Bad American: The Insanity Continues
357 Magnum: The Democrats Broke California – And U-Haul
EBL: Father Stu, Hurricane Ian Still Heading North, and Conservative Giorgia Meloni wins in Italy
Twitchy: Tucker Carlson Speaks At Sonny Barger’s Funeral – Leftist Brains Implode, also, Politifact Explains Away Democrat Election Deniers
Louder With Crowder: So, Tucker Carlson showed up to eulogize the founder of the Hells Angels over the weekend. No, really, also, Woman has epic meltdown over a man’s microaggression of telling her she cut in line
Vox Popoli: Color Revolution in China, Smart Thermostats are Very Stupid, and Connections

American Conservative: Meloni & Our Lying Media, also, Should America Go All In on Ukraine?
American Greatness: FBI Whistleblower: ‘Nobody I Know Signed Up’ To Investigate Parents Who Vented at Schoolboard Meetings, also, The Case for Impeachment Gets Stronger
American Power: Where Online Hate Speech Can Bring the Police to Your Door, also, Pot Legalization Fails in California
American Thinker: Democrats Used A Massive Race Hoax To Gain Power, also, Did the FBI Finally Go Too Far?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s only hot dog plant producing solely for tourist resorts and dollars-only stores, Rice and bean production collapses in Cuba while hotel rooms grow by 125%, Venezuela’s socialist dictatorship controls 25% of the world’s drug trafficking, and Why wouldn’t crime and the economy be #1 with voters?
BattleSwarm: A Swimming Ratte?, also, Abbott-O’Rourke Race Update – There Isn’t One
Behind The Black: NASA managers decide finally to roll SLS back to assembly building,  SpaceX successfully launches 52 Starlink satellites, NASA and ESA sign simple lunar exploration agreement, and The rising federal Gestapo
Cafe Hayek: “None of Them”, Access to Amazon’s Site Enhances Third-Party Merchants’ Competitiveness, and LOL!
CDR Salamander: AUKUS at 1-year, with Alessio Patalano, also, Realism in Foreign Policy and its Discontents
Chicago Boyz:
Da Tech Guy: The “Ron DeSantis urges Massachusetts to Vote Yes on Question 1” ad I would make, Transgender safety equipment, and Joe Biden’s FBI Only Following More Orders – Ten Thoughts
Don Surber: RCP vs. 538, also, Oh no. Not an 1864 law
First Street Journal: This morning’s rant, also, Killadelphia: A reason for hope?
Gates Of Vienna: Wintry Outlook, You Will Be Controlled Through Your Phone, Being Klaboosterbach Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry, and Long Live Free, Strong and Sovereign Italy!
The Geller Report: Venezuela Empties Prisons and Sends Criminals To Biden’s Open Southern Border, Wisconsin County Takes Control Away from Dominion – Approves Hand Recount of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and U.S. Senator Race in November Election, and Italy Votes For Their Trump: Anti-Communist Giorgia Meloni Wins HUGE Historic Victory As Europe Moves Right, Media Melts-Down
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Meanwhile, at the Galaxy’s Center, and Are You Pondering What I’m Pondering?
Hollywood In Toto: YouTube Stars Create Content Without Woke Lectures, How Escape from the Future Highlights Our Surreal Present, and Lorne Michaels Won’t Come Clean on ‘SNL’s’ Liberal Bias
The Lid: California Crazy: Banning Gas Water Heaters and Stoves, also, COVID Relief Funding Likely Biggest Fraud In U.S. History
Legal Insurrection: Education Policy Experts: It’s Time to Dismantle ‘Campus DEI Bureaucracies’, Air Force Academy Says Non-Gendered Language Controversy is Overblown, Federal Appeals Court Upholds Texas Law Banning Viewpoint Discrimination On Largest Internet Platforms, and Operation Demoralize Has Failed
Nebraska Energy Observer: Change is good, also, Reflections
Outkick: Instagram Legend Hilde Osland Is Fired Up For College Football, Vols Fans Are Fired Up & Yankees Fans Are Fighting, ESPN Keeps Showing Aaron Judge At-Bats During Clemson-Wake Forest Game And College Football Fans Are Livid, ‘Horns Down’ EVERYWHERE As Pandemonium Unfolds In Lubbock After Texas Tech Beats Longhorns And Fans Storm Field, Buffalo Bills OC Ken Dorsey Has MELTDOWN After Narrow Loss To Dolphins, and Deion Sanders Delivers Brutally Honest Speech To Players About Stealing, Assault, And Unwanted Pregnancies During JSU Bye Week
Power Line: In free lunch fraud, Judge calls out Walz & Star Tribune, Joe Biden Is Toast, and Freaking Out Over Italy
Shark Tank: “If We Don’t Beat These People, If We Don’t Stop Them, They’ll Destroy This Country”, also, Florida Elected Officials Unite In Preparation For Hurricane Ian
Shot In The Dark: Possibilities, More, Faster, Please, and Is There A Worse Governor Anywhere In America?
This Ain’t Hell: Who says Pay-to-Play is dead? New Yorkers bilked for ~$250,000,000, Majewski pulls tired, old defense of his tales not matching his record, Congressman introduces legislation to give MoH recipients a $100k/yr pension, and Gold Star Mom and Family Day
Transterrestrial Musings: Meaningless Polling, The Latest On FBI Corruption, and How To Help The Iranian People
Victory Girls: Xi Jinping: Under House Arrest?, U.S. Media Loses Their Mind Over Giorgia Meloni Win In Italy, and Pro-Life Activist Arrested By FBI While Jane’s Revenge Skates
Volokh Conspiracy: “In Sum, the Problem With [the Same-Sex Marriage Cases] Is That They Recognize Only Two-Person Relationships”, also, “FBI Misled Judge in Obtaining Warrant To Seize Hundreds of Safe Deposit Boxes”
Watts Up With That: PETA Germany Threatens Sex Strike Unless Climate Destroying Meat is Banned, Big Oil, Exxon Not Guilty as Charged (a rebuttal in six parts), and The Atlantic: “What is the Real Goal here – Stopping Climate Change or Abolishing Capitalism?”
Weasel Zippers: Fetterman Says “LGBTQ Education” Should Be “Mandatory In All Schools”, 2 Democrats Now Openly Running On A Platform Of Emptying The Prisons, Italy’s New Prime Minister Is Awesome, and Stock Market Value Reportedly Down $7.6 Trillion Since Biden Took Office
The Federalist: Jake Tapper’s Move To Primetime Proves CNN’s Reputation Is Unsalvageable, Zoomers Have Made Peace With Constant Surveillance, Wisconsin Senator Documents Big Tech Rigging The 2022 Election Against Republicans, and Is Italy’s Next Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, A ‘Fascist’? Hardly
Mark Steyn: Greeks Baring Rifts, After School Special: Lindsay Anderson and If…, and Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

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Rule 5 Sunday: Seltin Sweet

Posted on | September 26, 2022 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Seltin Sweet

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Russian model and Instagram personality Seltin Sweet can often be seen in the r/sexynotporn subreddit.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Wild thing!

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1848, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Silent Majority Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA – Bumbling Biden, Father Stu, Bidenflation Blues, Ukrainians Make Progress, Rachel Redford, and Martha’s Vineyard

A VIEW FROM THE BEACHTayler CaffeeFish Pic Friday – Chantelle GraceFall Is FellBecky’s So HotThe Wednesday WetnessAnother Lusby Alligator?Tattoo TuesdayGone Fishin’The Monday Morning Stimulus and Palm Sunday

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Heartbreaker in Foxborough

Posted on | September 25, 2022 | Comments Off on Heartbreaker in Foxborough

Mac Jones hopped off the field Sunday at Gillette Stadium after suffering an injury to his left ankle in a 37-26 loss to the Baltimore Ravens. X-rays reportedly showed no broken bones, but he’ll undergo MRI on Monday to determine the extent of the injury. Given the apparent seriousness of it, he’ll almost certainly miss at least one game, but if I had to guess, six weeks is more likely, if indeed he is able to return at all this season.

The injury occurred on a play where Jones’ final pass was intercepted, effectively sealing the victory for the Ravens, as the Patriots dropped to 1-2 on the season. What was so painful about the loss was that (a) it was the best game of the season so far for the Patriots’ offense, which had struggled previously, and (b) the defense simply could not stop Lamar Jackson in the second half. New England’s defense stopped the Ravens on three of their first four possessions and, after Jackson was intercepted by Jonathan Jones midway the second quarter, the Patriots quickly drove 32 yards for a touchdown, with Mac Jones running the ball in himself for the score. Leading 10-7, however, New England couldn’t stop Jackson, who led a 75-yard TD drive that put Baltimore up 14-10. The Patriots managed to get a field goal just before halftime to cut it to 14-13. After taking the second-half kickoff, New England put together their most impressive drive of the season, going 75 yards in seven plays — including passes of 36 and 25 yards to DeVante Parker — before Damien Harris punched it in from the 2-yard-line for the touchdown. Leading 20-14, the Patriots then yielded 17 unanswered points to the Ravens.

As disappointing as the loss was, it wasn’t necessarily discouraging, had it not been for the injury to Mac Jones, who threw for over 300 yards, as the offense totaled 466 yards on the day. Three interceptions and one costly fumble proved to be the difference in the game, but the connection between Jones and Parker, who finished with 156 yards on five catches, showed real promise. Now, with the second-year QB likely sidelined until November, it’s looking like maybe this will be a “wait ’til next year” season for New England. Or on the other hand, maybe not.

Ever the optimist, I think backup QB Brian Hoyer could keep the Patriots competitive over their next six games, at least four of which look winnable for New England. After the Nov. 6 home game against Indianapolis, the Patriots have a bye week, and perhaps Mac Jones will be ready to get back on the field for the Nov. 20 matchup with the New York Jets. So, if the Patriots go 4-2 between now and then, they would be 5-4 when Mac comes back, and who knows what could happen in those last eight games? Hope springs eternal, and I honestly think that another run at the playoffs is still possible: Mac Jones, the Comeback Kid.

Start writing the victorious narrative . . .


FMJRA 2.0: Joy In Mudville

Posted on | September 25, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Joy In Mudville

— compiled by Wombat-socho

It was a rare and pleasant week to be a Senators fan, for the Nats went 5-3 against the Orioles. We split a two-game series at home, then went to Baltimore and took two out of three. Jim Kaat got two of the three wins, Moe Drabowsky blew two saves to account for the two losses, and Jim Bouton won the 13-inning first game at Baltimore thanks to our hitters beating the bejesus out of Mickey Lolich in relief to break a 4-4 tie. John Gelnar gave back one of the runs in the bottom of the inning (which was charged to Bouton), but struck out Lolich to end the game. Nice to be on the winning end of some blowouts for a change.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Fly the Curly W flag!

The Myth of ‘Good’ Public Schools
First Street Journal
Animal Magnetism
The Political Hat
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Why Isn’t Marilyn Mosby In Prison Yet?
First Street Journal
The DaleyGator
Headline Of The Day
American Free News Network
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Rule 5 Sunday: No Shipgirl Can Fight The Future
Animal Magnetism
The DaleyGator
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

‘Humanitarian Crisis’ Update
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

A Simple Idea: ‘Four or More’
357 Magnum

The Mayor of CrazyTown, U.S.A.
The Pirate’s Cove
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Call Of The West
A View From The Beach

Crazy Weekend in the NFL

In The Mailbox: 09.19.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Crazy People Are Dangerous
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

Ukraine Forces Cross Oskil River, Advancing Toward Svatove, Kreminna
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.20.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Simple Question: Who Complained?
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.22.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Media Shocked: Stacey Abrams Is Unpopular With Black Men
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 09.23.22 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 09.23.22 (Evening Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending September 23:

  1.  EBL (17)
  2.  357 Magnum (12)
  3.  A View From The Beach (10)
  4.  The DaleyGator (7)
  5.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Born in Odessa, Ukraine, in 1886

Posted on | September 24, 2022 | Comments Off on Born in Odessa, Ukraine, in 1886

Louis Wolfe Gilbert emigrated to the United States as a boy and became “one of the most prolific lyricists of Tin Pan Alley.” He started out as a singer on Coney Island, eventually settled in Hollywood, where he helped popularize Cuban rumba music and “was an innovator in his field, having been one of the first songwriters to begin publishing and promoting a catalog of his own works.” He twice served as director of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. Known to friends as “Wolfie,” Gilbert had his breakthrough success in 1912, when he wrote the lyrics for a tune composed by ragtime pianist Lewis Muir.

Way down on the levee in old Alabamy,
There’s Daddy and Mammy,
There’s Ephraim and Sammy.
On a moonlight night you can find them all.
While they are waiting,
The banjos are syncopating.
What’s that they’re saying?
What’s that they’re saying?
While they keep playing,
A-humming and swaying.
It’s the good ship Robert E. Lee
That’s come to carry the cotton away

When I was a teenage trombonist in the Douglas County (Ga.) High School Marching Tiger Band, “Waiting on the Robert E. Lee” was one of the songs we played, and it never would have occurred to me that this song was co-written by a Jewish immigrant from Ukraine who almost certainly had never been to “old Alabammy,” and yet wrote what became one of the greatest hits of its age, comparable in popularity to “Alexander’s Ragtime Band.” From the 1941 musical film Babes on Broadway, here’s a version by Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney:


Scholars of Critical Race Theory could not be reached for comment, but in defense of Judy and Mickey, I’ll point out that this was the popular culture of the nation that defeated Hitler, Tojo and Mussolini.

This afternoon, “Waiting on the Robert E. Lee” came to mind because I’m in Parkersburg, W.V., where they had a special memorial for my wife’s late cousin, David Scott “Scotty” Wilson. As the obituary said, “Scott held many jobs in his life, but the job that he loved the most was when he worked on the P.A. Denny sternwheeler.” This riverboat plies the Ohio River from Point Park in Parkersburg, frequently visiting historic Blennerhassett Island. Today in memory of Scotty, his whole family took a cruise down the river aboard the P.A. Denny.

It was a splendid outing on a beautiful afternoon, and I’d never been on a riverboat, but I was happy to “join that shuffling throng.”

Go take your best gal, real pal
Go down to the levee, I said to the levee,
And join that shuffling throng,
Hear that music and song!
It’s simply great, mate, waiting on the levee,
Waiting for the Robert E. Lee!

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


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