The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Symbolism of Philadelphia

Posted on | September 4, 2022 | 6 Comments

Joe Biden gave a speech last week in which he gave lip service to things that Democrats don’t actually believe in, e.g., the Constitution and the rule of law, as a pretext to accuse Republicans — all 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump — of being a “threat to our democracy.”

Biden spoke in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, a gesture by which he attempted to identify himself as defending the founding principles of America when, in fact, he and his party are against those principles and are doing everything in their power to destroy America.

Biden does not deceive us. It is Democrats, not Republicans, who spent the summer of 2020 tearing down statues of our nation’s Founding Fathers. It is Democrats, not Republicans, who have denounced the Electoral College as undemocratic, just as it is Democrats, not Republicans, who endanger Supreme Court justices whose rulings they don’t like. Everything good about America, Democrats seek to destroy, and everything bad in America (e.g., drug dealers, cop killers, perverts in public libraries and junkies defecating on city streets) Democrats defend.

The symbolism of choosing Philadelphia as the site of last week’s speech was perhaps more fitting than Biden realized, because Philadelphia is a city that Democrats have absolutely ruined. The per-capita murder rate in Philadelphia is higher than Chicago’s. Now notorious as “Killadelphia,” the city’s population has declined by about 400,000 people since 1960. In 1980, Philadelphia was still the fourth-largest city in the United States, behind only New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles; now it’s sixth, having fallen behind Houston and Phoenix. It’s no secret who is leaving: Whereas the population of Philadelphia was 57% white in 1980, the city is now just 34% white. Quality of life has plummeted.

Perhaps nothing is more demonstrative of Philadelphia’s decline, and the role Democrats have played in that decline, than the tenure of Larry Krasner as the city’s district attorney. In 2017, left-wing billionaire George Soros wrote a $1.45 million check to Krasner’s campaign. That helped Krasner beat six other candidates in the Democratic primary and, in a city where Hillary Clinton got 83% of the vote in 2016, winning the Democratic primary is tantamount to election. Krasner got 75% of the vote in November 2017, and he was reelected in 2021 with 69% of the vote. So you can’t say that the people of Philadelphia are innocent in what Krasner has done; they voted to destroy their city by turning criminals loose:

Krasner ran as the anti-police candidate, and has made it his official policy to turn dangerous criminals loose on the streets of Philadelphia. One of the beneficiaries of Krasner’s policies, Maurice Hill, had an extensive criminal record — drug charges, aggravated assault, perjury, fleeing and eluding, escape and weapons offenses — before he engaged in a shootout [in August 2019] in North Philadelphia that wounded six cops


Maurice Hill was certainly not the only dangerous criminal who benefited from Krasner’s turn-’em-loose policy. In one of the most infamous cases, Krasner turned loose a career criminal, Hassan Elliott, who then committed a murder and, when a SWAT team came to arrest him, shot to death a veteran policeman in March 2019. Joe Biden says Republican voters are a threat to democracy, but what about Hassan Elliott?

During his speech last week, Joe Biden didn’t say a word about the perpetrators of criminal violence in “Killadelphia,” nor did he mention how Democrats like Larry Krasner have enabled this bloodshed.

According to the Philadelphia Police Department, there have been 364 homicides in the city so far this year, as of Saturday, which is on pace to break the record 562 homicides the city recorded in 2021.

You didn’t hear a word about this in Joe Biden’s speech last week at Independence Hall for the simple reason that Joe Biden doesn’t care. All he cares about is electing more Democrats, and if the result of electing more Democrats is that hundreds of people get murdered because Democrats are turning loose dangerous criminals, so what?

Labor Day weekend shootings:
12 shot, 5 killed as gun violence
continues across Philadelphia

It’s been less than three days since Joe’s speech, and in that short span, five more corpses have been added to the pile in “Killadelphia.” This is a direct consequence of the policies of the Democratic Party, but according to Joe Biden, it is Republicans who are a “clear and present danger.”

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Memphis Police Charge Suspect With Kidnapping Billionaire Heiress

Posted on | September 4, 2022 | 2 Comments

In 2001, when Cleotha “Pookie” Abston was just a teenager, he already had “a long juvenile record of theft and aggravated assault” before he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for kidnapping a man at gunpoint. Now, he’s been charged in what seems to be an even more serious crime:

A 38-year-old man who spent much of his life in prison has been charged with kidnapping teacher Eliza Fletcher, who has still not been found, Memphis Police announced Sunday morning.
The news of Cleotha “Pookie” Abston’s arrest comes a day after investigators revealed they had located a “vehicle of interest” in the abduction of Fletcher, 34, a married mom of two boys whose grandfather was a wealthy philanthropist.
Fletcher was out jogging near the University of Memphis on Friday morning when assailants in an SUV bundled her into the vehicle and drove off.
Abston, 38, was charged with especially aggravated kidnapping and tampering with evidence
. He is being held at the Shelby County Jail. . . .
Police said they arrested a second person, apparently a relative of Abston, but do not believe he is connected to Fletcher’s abduction. Instead, Mario Abston, 36, was hit with gun and drug charges.
“Eliza Fletcher has not been located at this time. MPD Investigators and officers, along with our local and federal partners, continue searching for Mrs. Fletcher,” Memphis cops said.
Fletcher graduated from the Hutchinson School in Memphis in 2006 and got a teaching degree from Belmont University. She has been married for eight years.
Her family has offered a $50,000 reward for her safe return. Fletcher’s grandfather ran Orgill, the hardware supply giant started by his family that is now worth over $3.2 billion.

Information from the police affidavit is ominous:

When officers stopped Cleotha Abston, he attempted to flee but was taken into custody.
Investigators then interviewed a person who stated that after the abduction at approximately 7:50 a.m., they saw Cleotha Abston at the home of Mario Abston, in the 1700 block of S. Orleans Street, a report said. . . .
The person stated they saw the suspect cleaning the interior of the GMC Terrain with floor cleaner and stated that he was behaving oddly, an affidavit stated.
The same information was later given by Mario Abston, the suspects brother, who stated that he too saw the suspect cleaning the interior of the car with floor cleaner, records show.
Both the witness and the brother saw the suspect washing his clothes in the sink of the house.
Mario Abston said that it appeared that the suspect was acting very strange.
Cleotha Abston declined to provide investigators with the location of the victim, police said.
The other man who was arrested, Mario Abston, 36, was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Manufacture and Sell Fentanyl, Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Manufacture and Sell Heroin, and Convicted Felon in Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Dangerous Felony, police said.
Police said he is currently not believed to be connected to Fletcher’s abduction.

So it appears that the suspect’s brother Mario is also a convicted felon, but the really scary thing is the report that “Pookie” was apparently trying to conceal evidence related to the crime — blood?

Obviously, the police believe they have enough evidence to convict Cleotha Abston of kidnapping Fletcher, and if she turns up dead — which now seems the likely outcome — there is little doubt they’ll be able to convict Abston of her murder. It will be a death penalty case.


FMJRA 2.0: Blessed Silence

Posted on | September 3, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Blessed Silence

— compiled by Wombat-socho

No SOTD today. Just settling for the ambient noise in the apartment today.

This is one of those weeks that makes me think I ought to quit Pete’s continual draft league and just stick with wargames. Senators went 2-4 this week against the Yankees and Red Sox, with both wins being in extra innings, two of the losses being hideous blowouts, and the other two being painfully close losses. We’re halfway through the season, and I am not optimistic about the rest of it – the disparity in talent between my 25-56 Senators and the division-leading teams is not something that’s going to be improved much by next season’s draft, unless we resort to an auction or Pete assigns dollar values to the players and imposes a salary cap. Well, I have the rest of the season to think about it.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Still can’t believe Brabender pitched a scoreless six innings – and didn’t get the win.

Why Do Democrats Hate Women?
A View From The Beach
The DaleyGator
The Mad Irishman
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Rule 5 Sunday: Raquel Welch
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Ninety Miles From Tyranny
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In The Mailbox: 08.31.22
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Affidavit, Laugh-idavit
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FMJRA 2.0: Countdown To Looking Glass
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Our Divider-in-Chief Has Done It Again
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‘Deep State’ Cracking Up? Top FBI Agent Resigns Amid Political Bias Charges 
A View From The Beach

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In The Mailbox: 09.01.22
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Joe Biden’s Blood-Red War Speech
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Sarah Palin’s Setback Can Be Not A Bug, But A Feature

‘A Coven of Sexual Predators’
Vulture Of Critique

In The Mailbox: 09.02.22
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending September 2:

  1.  EBL (18)
  2.  A View From The Beach (12)
  3.  357 Magnum (8)
  4.  (tied) The DaleyGator & Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Grifters Gonna Grift: Lawsuit Accuses BLM Leader of Swindling $10 Million

Posted on | September 3, 2022 | Comments Off on Grifters Gonna Grift: Lawsuit Accuses BLM Leader of Swindling $10 Million

BLM was always a criminal enterprise:

The leader of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation has been accused by former colleagues of stealing more than $10 million in donations from the organization for personal use, according to a lawsuit filed in court this week.
Shalomyah Bowers was called in the court filing as a “rogue administrator, a middle man turned usurper” who siphoned contributions to the nonprofit activist group to use as a “personal piggy bank,” according to the lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Thursday.
Bowers’ actions led the foundation into investigations by the Internal Revenue Service and various state attorneys general, “blazing a path of irreparable harm to BLM in less than eighteen months,” the suit claims. “While BLM leaders and movement workers were on the street risking their lives, Mr. Bowers remained in his cushy offices devising a scheme of fraud and misrepresentation to break the implied-in-fact contract between donors and BLM.”

(Oh, the courageous rioters, “risking their lives”!)

The suit, filed by Black Lives Matter Grassroots, was light on details of the alleged theft of funds, but delved into the fissures within the network of Black Lives Matter groups, charting changes in leadership and power that left Bowers with tight control of the organization.
Bowers and his group denied all claims of financial misconduct and chastised those suing him for “falling victim to the carceral logic and social violence that fuels the legal system” in taking legal action against him.
“They would rather take the same steps of our white oppressors and utilize the criminal legal system which is propped up by white supremacy (the same system they say they want to dismantle) to solve movement disputes,” the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s board of directors said in a joint statement.
Bowers is one of three members of the board.

(If a black man swindles $10 million, it’s “white supremacy” to take him to court, because “social justice,” y’all!)

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation is an administrative organization that raises funds to distribute to Black Lives Matter Grassroots, the umbrella organization for local chapters of the group.
Bowers was hired by Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors in 2020 to help raise and distribute money to groups within the foundation.
Attorney Walter Mosley, representing the plaintiffs in the case, alleges that Bowers instead engaged in self-dealing, giving grants to his own consultant firm and charging exorbitant fees reaching eight figures.
“The lawsuit demands that they return the people’s funds and stop impersonating Black Lives Matter,” Mosley said in a statement.
The lawsuit was announced at a news conference Thursday hosted by Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles co-founder Melina Abdullah, who said that Bowers shut her and other leaders out of the BLM social media accounts in March by changing the passwords. . . .

(Melina Abdullah was born Melina Rachel Reimann. She is half-white. Her grandfather was a Marxist from Germany. Just sayin’ . . .)

Black Lives Matter has come under fiscal scrutiny since 2020, when the group received $90 million in donations amid protests following the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police.
The organization filed its first public IRS 990 tax form in 2022 and was criticized by some for buying a $6-million Studio City compound.

You have to admire the vagueness of that phrase “criticized by some,” couched in the passive voice. And the “compound” BLM bought in Studio City might more properly be called a mansion, but the Objective Journalists at the L.A. Times are trying to avoid the plain truth, i.e., when these alleged victims of oppression hit that $90 million jackpot, they went on a spending binge that would make a Saudi prince blush.

There were three kinds of people involved in BLM:

1. Cynical hustlers;
2. Dangerous criminals;
3. Gullible fools.

The hustlers got rich, the criminals engaged in a spree of vandalism, arson and looting that wreaked billions of dollars in damage, and the gullible fools sent money to BLM to encourage these riots. Excuse me for not sympathizing with the plaintiffs suing Shalomyah Bowers, but where is the evidence that they are better people than he is? Does anyone really think that Melina Abdullah would have been more scrupulous in her financial dealings if she had been in charge of that $90 million?

By the way, the alleged $10 million ripoff by Bowers is just the tip of the massive corrupt iceberg at BLM:

Patrisse Cullors, the former executive director and co-founder of Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, paid a company owned by Damon Turner $969,459 for “live production, design and media,” according to the group’s latest filings with the IRS. Turner’s for-profit company, which sells $145 sweatshirts on its website and solicits donations for “the movement,” received the second-highest payout the group made in fiscal year 2020, which covers July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021.
A rapper and artist, Turner is the father of Cullors’ young son, and runs a Los Angeles-based entertainment and clothing company called Trap Heals LLC. Turner has been on the receiving end of Cullors’ largesse in the past. In 2019, his company took in $63,500 from Reform LA Jails, a state political action committee controlled by Cullors, to work for criminal justice reform. . . .
The organization also doled out $840,993 to Cullors Protection LLC, a company owned by Patrisse Cullors’ eldest brother, Paul, and set up in July 2020, according to California state records. The cash was doled out for “professional security services,” according to the filings. The Post was unable to establish how much security experience, if any, Paul had before setting up his company. Paul is listed as head of security for Cullors’ personal property and BLMGNF’s $6 million LA headquarters, according to reports.

So, between her baby daddy and her brother, Cullors handed out at least $1.8 million to her family members, and who knows what other corrupt dealings would be unearthed by a thorough investigation of BLM’s finances? But the IRS and the Justice Department are run by Democrats, who certainly are not going to “utilize the criminal legal system which is propped up by white supremacy” to hold these grifters accountable.

The whole thing was a scam from the very beginning.

UPDATE: Oh, I missed this delicious irony:

The lead organizer of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles, Dr. Melina Abdullah, accused Joe Biden of capitalizing of the movement’s efforts to defund law enforcement.
Abdullah said Biden “capitalized on our efforts to defund the police, and then tried to condemn the words at the same time,” in an Instagram video from [November 2020]. . . .
“We want to be very clear that as we happily usher out the Trump regime, we will not accept liberal white supremacy in the White House in the form of Joe Biden,” Abdullah said.

Yeah, good luck with your lawsuit, ma’am.


In The Mailbox: 09.02.22

Posted on | September 3, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.02.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts. Probably going to take Monday off, as one does on Federal holidays. We’ll see.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

The best of the memes from last night’s speech. Fight me.

357 Magnum: Feminist Hollywood & Unlikable Female Characters
EBL: Ahoy, Allahpundit! Fascist Joe Biden, also, The Rings of Power
Twitchy: “You Should Be Embarrassed”, Yale TDS Victim Sues To Get Job Back, Loses, and Best Of Memes From Last Night
Louder With Crowder: ‘He pretended to be a man for 30 years’, ‘I Am Cornholio’, and Kari Lake Wrecks Reporter Who Claims She’s “Dividing The Country”
Vox Popoli: Five-Month Peak, Thank You For Your Service, and It’s a Mystery
According To Hoyt: Victory!, Radio Free Colorado (In Exile), and The Problems of Bureaucracy
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S3 E8: Beta Readers and Writer Groups, also, Word Counts
Gab News: Gab Community Update For September [Has interesting traffic numbers.]

Adam Piggott: It’s all fake and gay, all of it
American Conservative: Biden, Forerunner Of Soft Totalitarianism, also, German Foreign Minister: ‘Let My People Freeze’
American Greatness: Biden Walks Back Attack on MAGA Republicans, also, Senator Chuck Grassley Warns DOJ Against Interfering with FBI Whistleblowers
American Power: Allahpundit Out at ‘Hot Air’
American Thinker: America: In the Midst of a Communist Color Revolution, Biden’s Semi-Fascist America, and Ten Ways to Change a Liberal’s Mind
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Chump Effect Friday
Babalu Blog:  An absolutely perfect Fidel Castro analogy to Biden’s Orwellian hate-filled prime-time speech, Cuban dictatorship’s refusal to relinquish power will lead to its violent downfall, and ‘Assassination attempt’ on rabid Argentinian supporter of Cuban dictatorship fails due to jammed weapon
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for September 2
Behind The Black: NASA is paying Boeing twice as much as SpaceX for its manned flights, SLS countdown resumes, and Pushback: Maine parent wins lawsuit against school board for attempting to ban him
Cafe Hayek: Tech Central Station: “Dobbs’s Disciples (Why America is Growing Richer, Not Poorer, From Free Trade)”
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Chicago Boyz: The Imperial Japanese Surrender in Tokyo Bay, Sept. 2, 1945…Plus 77 Years
Da Tech Guy: The Biden Speech: It’s not Persuasion, it’s Justification
Don Surber: Libs boycott CNN. Ratings may rise, also, Mr. Ed is smarter than Colbert
First Street Journal: Killington, also, (Allegedly) murdering a 97-year-old man because you are frustrated is the epitome of stupidity
Gates Of Vienna: Greenhouse Gas Pollution by Wind Turbines, Rent-a-Sheeple for a Phone, The Burning of the Bills, and Electric Shock
The Geller Report: Despotic Joe Biden Rages, also, Experts blame green energy policies for Europe’s full-scale energy crisis: ‘A warning to the US’
Hogewash: This Guy Called Me a Half-Fascist, The First-Ever Direct Image of an Exoplanet, How Did the Greens Heat Their Houses Before Wood Stoves?, and Team Kimberlin Post of the Day
Hollywood In Toto: My Son Hunter Shows Flashes of What Hollywood Missed, In the Company of Men Still Shocks, but That’s Not the Whole Story, and Glorious Gets Lost at the Worst Possible Time
The Lid: 5 Reasons Joe’s Psycho Rant Was GOOD News For A November Red Wave
Legal Insurrection: Why is the Gibson Family Still Waiting to be Paid by Oberlin?, Study Finds Only 9% of Law Professors Identify as Conservative, The ‘Antiracist’ Movement Has Roots in Soviet Communism, and Biden Walks Back “MAGA Republicans Are a Threat” Claim, Beclowning Sycophantic Media And Never-Trumpers
Nebraska Energy Observer: Truth to Power
Outkick: Pittsburgh Coach Rips ESPN On Live TV After Beating West Virginia, Hooters Under Fire For Sponsoring Kids Soccer Team, Tennessee Football Looks Hypocritical After Offensive Lineman Delivers Oscar-Worthy Flop, and Aaron Rodgers Offers Wise Advice On How To Heal America
Power Line: Triumph of the shill, The Great Dictator: The Common Man’s View, and Biden’s Repulsive Speech
Protein Wisdom: When Turnips Attack
Shark Tank: Smith vs. Plasencia – HD37 Starts To Heat Up
Shot In The Dark: Semi, also, Hamilton
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday: Dump Nixon?
This Ain’t Hell: Army JAGOff claims trying to give stuff to the Rooskies, Valor Friday, and Darkest Before the Dawn
Transterrestrial Musings: Frank Drake
Victory Girls: Biden Speech Goes For Full Dystopian Optics, also, Trump Floats Pardoning J6 Rioters; Left Explodes
Volokh Conspiracy: “The Pleading Needs More Hemingway, Less Faulkner”
Watts Up With That: CNBC: Amazon Rooftop Fires Prompted Solar Panel Shutdown, also, California to Cover Canals With Toxic Solar Panels
Weasel Zippers: WH Implies Pro-Life Americans Are “Semi-Fascists” According To Biden Administration, Education Sec. Cardona Thanks Same Union Bosses Who Kept Schools Closed, Forced Masks On 3-Year-Olds, and European Union: Civil Unrest And Riots This Winter Over Oil And Food Prices
The Federalist: Michiganders Blast Secretary Of State Who Claims Her Hands Are Clean In 2020 Election-Funding Scheme, Biden’s Declaration Of War On Half The Country Is A Cynical Election Ploy, As America Self-Destructs With Green Energy, China Preps For War With Coal, and Let’s Talk About Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Looming Gas Pains 
Mark Steyn: Live Around the Planet: Friday September 2nd, also, Dropping the Pretense

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‘A Coven of Sexual Predators’

Posted on | September 2, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘A Coven of Sexual Predators’

Well, at least they weren’t Catholic priests:

Multiple cheerleading coaches in South Carolina — including a coach who recently killed himself — sexually abused at least six boys and girls and provided them with drugs and alcohol, a federal lawsuit alleges.
A “coven of sexual predators” surrounded Rockstar Cheer of Greenville for more than a decade, according to one of the lawyers for the alleged victims.
Attorney Bakari Sellers contends that what happened is a result of the same kind of institutional failure seen in the case of Larry Nassar, the former USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University doctor who is serving a minimum of 40 years in prison after admitting that he molested some of the nation’s top gymnasts for years.
The lawsuit was filed Thursday by four girls and two boys who said they were abused by Scott Foster and others affiliated with Rockstar gyms. It suggests there could be up to 100 more survivors of the abuse.
“Scott Foster and his allies did their best to intimidate and isolate their targets, making these young people feel alone and somehow responsible. Well, they’re not alone anymore,” attorney Jessica Fickling said in a statement announcing the suit.
Foster, 49, was found dead in his car at a state park on Aug. 22. He shot himself in the head, the Greenville County Coroner’s Office ruled.
“He knew this was going to be a moment when the light was going to be shined on what I think will turn out to be a coven of sexual predators surrounding Rockstar,” said attorney James Bannister.
A number of people either knew Foster was abusing his cheer students and ignored it or did not have rules and procedures in place to stop the abuse, the lawsuit says.
Foster and other coaches not named in the lawsuit had sex with cheer students, sent and asked for explicit photos over social media, gave them alcohol and marijuana at their homes and in hotel rooms at cheer competitions and warned them to not tell anyone about it, according to the lawsuit.
“We have video of Scott Foster on Snapchat with beer bongs drinking with his underage cheerleaders,” Sellers said at a news conference this week.
The suit also names Varsity Brands, which runs cheerleading competitions; the U.S. All Star Federation, which is an organizing and governing body for competitive cheerleading across the country; Bain Capital, which bought Varsity in 2018, and others.
State and federal police are investigating Foster’s Rockstar Cheer and other cheerleading outlets, seizing computers, cellphones and other evidence, Bannister said.

Jeffrey Epstein could not be reached for comment.


Sarah Palin’s Setback Can Be Not A Bug, But A Feature

Posted on | September 2, 2022 | Comments Off on Sarah Palin’s Setback Can Be Not A Bug, But A Feature

by Smitty

There’s been little for me to add to the blog the last couple of years, but Ranked Choice Voting is the Devil’s ballot. I hope that Sarah Palin both:

  • recovers in November, and
  • we nip this evil in the bud.

“The Devil’s ballot” sounds pejorative. It is meant in the diabolical sense of something that seems a positive thing, but ends up proving a Faustian bargain. Read more

Joe Biden’s Blood-Red War Speech

Posted on | September 2, 2022 | 1 Comment

Everybody noticed the optics of the speech Thursday night in Philadelphia: The “blood red” lighting, the Marines standing at attention:

It didn’t take long after Biden finished his rancid, combative remarks in Philadelphia for the reviews of the latest divisive screed from “Mr. Unity” to come in, and they predictably were not favorable from those among the 70 million Americans he declared were hatefully working to bring about the end of democracy . . .
Meanwhile, even CNN talent was unnerved by the display. Chief National Affairs Correspondent Jeff Zeleny took issue with the staging of the Marines behind Biden for such a political speech, calling it a “break with White House traditions.”

As many observers remarked, Biden essentially declared war on the 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump in 2020, declaring them a “clear and present danger” and a “threat to the country.” Thirteen times he used “MAGA” to define these enemies:

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.
Now, I want to be very clear . . . very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. . . .
But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country. . . .
And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. . . .
MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards — backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.
And they see their MAGA failure to stop a peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 election as preparation for the 2022 and 2024 elections. . . .
That’s why respected conservatives, like Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Luttig, has called Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans, quote, a “clear and present danger” to our democracy. . . .
There are far more Americans — far more Americans from every — from every background and belief who reject the extreme MAGA ideology than those that accept it. . . .
MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. . . .
We must be stronger, more determined, and more committed to saving American democracy than MAGA Republicans are to — to destroying American democracy. . . .
Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated. And that’s where MAGA Republicans are today. . . .
MAGA Republicans look at America and see carnage and darkness and despair. They spread fear and lies –- lies told for profit and power.

“Kulaks! Wreckers! Saboteurs! Trotskyists!” It’s not an exaggeration to compare Biden’s rhetoric demonizing opponents to the way totalitarians like Stalin demonized their enemies, and this was clearly more than an attempt to excite his party’s “base” for the November midterms.

Bonchie at Red State gets very close to it: “It sure feels like Biden wants to provoke some kind of violent response.” William Jacobson sees the same thing: “Understand that Joe Biden is trying to provoke conflict, he wants it, his handlers want it. They launched this campaign about a month ago. It’s calculated.” Biden’s motive can best be understood by reference to Sun Tzu in The Art of War: “When the enemy is close at hand and remains quiet, he is relying on the natural strength of his position. When he keeps aloof and tries to provoke a battle, he is anxious for the other side to advance.” (Emphasis added.) Biden’s insulting language was part of an effort (along with the raid on Mar-a-Lago) to provoke “extremists,” to cause some right-winger to engage in a violent act that then can be used to say, “See? We told you they were dangerous!”

We are now less than 10 weeks away from Election Day, and what Biden wants is for some fringe kook to go off on a rampage that will serve to dramatize the “clear and present danger” theme he rolled out.


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