The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Several Disturbing Accusations’ vs. The Flash

Posted on | June 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Several Disturbing Accusations’ vs. The Flash

If you want to be a super-hero, don’t be a creepazoid:

Warner Bros. is reportedly prepared to drop Ezra Miller, the once-promising star of 2017’s Justice League and the upcoming movie The Flash, from future D.C. Comics movies amid mounting legal trouble.
According to multiple outlets including Deadline and Rolling Stone, Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav is said to be considering a replacement for Miller after releasing The Flash, which was completed before Miller’s latest round of legal woes and delayed due to the pandemic.
The splashy comic book movie, in which Warner Bros. reportedly invested $200 million, wrapped production last fall and is currently due to hit theaters on June 23, 2023.
The news of Miller’s career trouble follows several disturbing accusations.

“Mounting legal trouble” and “disturbing accusations” are a polite journalistic way of saying, “This guy’s a dangerous pervert.” And not just the ordinary kind of Hollywood sleaze for which Harvey Weinstein was notorious, but really sick stuff involving vulnerable adolescents. Before going into details about what Miller is alleged to have done — and as far as I can learn from news reports, “they/them” is currently a fugitive from justice — let’s first examine some important questions: Who is Ezra Miller and how did this creepazoid become the star of a comic book movie into which Warner Bros. has reportedly sunk $200 million?

As a teenager, Miller played a murderous psychopath in We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011), and then got what might be considered his big break when “they/them” was cast in The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) which also starred Emma Watson. “they/them” first appeared briefly as The Flash in 2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and reprised the role in Suicide Squad (also 2016) and Justice League (2017). Simultaenously, Miller was cast as Aurelius Dumbledore in the Harry Potter spinoff series, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016), Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) and Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022). These last three films are all big-budget projects, so Miller was evidently considered very “bankable” in the movie business, which would explain why the folks running the DC Universe franchise owned by Warner Bros. didn’t see any problem with making The Flash a $200 million project. Ah, but were there omens of a trouble in Miller’s personal life? Indeed, there were:

Miller came out as queer in 2012, but avoids the use of the label “queer”. They had also said in 2018, “Queer just means no, I don’t do that. I don’t identify as a man. I don’t identify as a woman. I barely identify as a human.” Miller uses they/them pronouns, which GQ wrote in 2020 was “a pointed refusal to be gendered”. They previously used all pronouns interchangeably, but as of 2022 uses they/them, it, or zir pronouns. Having expressed an interest in “kissing boys” at a young age, Miller said, “The way I would choose to identify myself wouldn’t be gay. I’ve been attracted mostly to ‘shes’ but I’ve been with many people and I’m open to love whatever it can be.” Miller also commented on having “a lot of really wonderful friends who are of very different sexes and genders. I am very much in love with no one in particular.”
In 2018, Miller showed support for the #MeToo movement and revealed a personal experience of that kind with a Hollywood producer and a director, both of whom were left unnamed: “They gave me wine and I was underaged. They were like, ‘Hey, want to be in our movie about gay revolution?’ And I was like, ‘No, you guys are monsters.'” Later that year, they announced that they were in a polyamorous relationship with multiple people, including their bandmates in the rock band Sons of an Illustrious Father.
On January 27, 2022, Miller posted a video on Instagram that seemed to threaten members of the Ku Klux Klan operating in Beulaville, North Carolina. In response, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported no knowledge of recent Klan activity in Beulaville.

Just in case you were wondering, the population of Beulaville, N.C., is 1,116. Why a Hollywood actor would think this tiny town was a hotbed of Klan activity, nobody has ever figured out. As if all this stuff about his “pointed refusal to be gendered” wasn’t enough to raise red flags about Miller, there were other signs of trouble:

On June 28, 2011, in the midst of filming The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Miller was a passenger in a vehicle that was pulled over in Pittsburgh for a broken brake light; police discovered twenty grams of marijuana in Miller’s possession. The actor was initially charged with drug possession, but the charge was later dropped by a judge. They instead faced a penalty of $600 for two citations of disorderly conduct. Miller later remarked, “I don’t feel like there’s any need to hide the fact that I smoke pot. It’s a harmless herbal substance that increases sensory appreciation.”
On April 6, 2020, a video surfaced in a since-deleted tweet that appeared to show Miller choking a woman and throwing her to the ground. The video was confirmed by Variety to have taken place at Prikio Kaffihus, a bar in Reykjavik that Miller frequents when in the city. A bar employee identified the person in the video as Miller, who was escorted off the premises by staff after the incident.
On March 28, 2022, Miller was arrested in Hawaii following an alleged physical altercation with patrons after having hurled obscenities at clients at a karaoke bar and was charged with disorderly conduct and harassment.
On April 19, 2022, Miller was again taken into custody for second-degree assault by Leilani State Subdivision police authorities in Pahoa for allegedly throwing a chair which hit a 26-year-old woman and left a half-inch cut on her forehead after being told to leave during a private get-together. Miller had been arrested twenty minutes after the attack during a traffic stop at the intersection of Highway 130 and Kukula Street in Kea’au. Just hours after this second arrest within weeks, Miller pleaded no contest to the karaoke incident and was fined $500 for disorderly conduct by Judge Kanani Laubach.

Permit me to suggest that the “harmless herbal substance” isn’t quite so harmless as Ezra Miller claims. Correlation is not causation, of course, but the fact that Miller (a) is an admitted dopehead might be related to the fact that (b) he seems to be confused about his gender and (c) keeps causing disturbances in public. But the producers of The Flash apparently didn’t mind having a queer non-binary dopehead as the star of their comic-book movie, and then the real trouble happened:

In June 2022, the Standing Rock Sioux tribal court issued a temporary order of protection against Miller on behalf of 18-year-old activist Tokata Iron Eyes. Chase Iron Eyes and Sara Jumping Eagle, Tokata’s parents, requested the court order due to Miller allegedly using “violence, intimidation, threat of violence, fear, paranoia, delusions, and drugs” to hold sway over their child. The relationship between Miller and Tokata Iron Eyes, which began in 2016 when Miller was 23 and Iron Eyes was 12, also included Iron Eyes flying to London in 2017 to visit Miller on the set of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Iron Eyes also dropped out of school in 2021, allegedly to follow Miller. Iron Eyes’ parents also alleged in their documents that Miller had caused bruises on their child’s body and that Miller had manipulated their child to believe they are transgender. Tokata later responded by denying their parents’ allegations. As of June 10, 2022, law enforcement has been unable to locate Miller to serve them with the order. . . .
On June 16, 2022, a mother and her twelve-year-old child were granted a temporary harassment prevention order against Miller in Massachusetts, after the latter allegedly threatened the woman’s family and showed inappropriate behavior towards the child. According to the mother and child, Miller, who was originally visiting a neighbor, showed up to the family’s house unexpectedly while wearing a bulletproof vest and brandishing a gun before “pestering” the child by “uncomfortably” touching their hips.

Yeah, you start messin’ around with 12-year-olds, and even the greedy sleazebags in Hollywood might see this as a problem. You can picture the scene in the corporate offices at Warner Bros., with executives asking, “Wait a minute — we spent $200 million on a movie starring a guy with ‘they/them’ pronouns? And now he’s on the lam, accused of diddling 12-year-olds, two weeks before the movie’s supposed to hit theaters?”

The red carpet for The Flash premiere is gonna be a perp walk.

Bonus drama: Remember how Emma Watson denounced J.K. Rowling for “transphobia”? Now some people are wondering why Emma is silent about her former co-star:


The Cul-de-Sac of Feminist Stupidity

Posted on | June 20, 2022 | Comments Off on The Cul-de-Sac of Feminist Stupidity

What is a feminist? A woman who can’t get along with men. Feminism is an anti-male ideology, a political expression of the collective resentment of such women, none of whom has ever stopped to think that perhaps men are not the problem. This thought never occurs to a feminist for the same reason that a Nazi would never doubt that Jews are the problem.

This person sets up a Kafka trap, where a particularly obnoxious woman is made a barometer of “vile misogyny,” which is sort of like asserting that you’re a racist if you dislike, say, Louis Farrakhan.

To suggest that women use Taylor Lorenz as a “screening question” for potential is not helpful because (a) most men will likely react “Taylor who?” but (b) there is no such thing as a heterosexual man who knows who Taylor Lorenz is and doesn’t despise her. There are also plenty of women who hate Taylor Lorenz, I’m sure, but the idea of maklng her an idol deserving reverence, and excommunicating all men who don’t genuflect before her — well, it’s not helpful, as I say.

And that’s just it — feminists, who can’t get along with men, don’t want to help other women get along with them either. Because feminism is an anti-male movement, it is also an anti-heterosexual movement.

Do you see the point here? The bisexual feminist divorced her husband and now it’s important for her to be openly QUEER so she can be a role model for her daughter in hopes that she, too, will never have a successful heterosexual relationship. By the way, it’s easy to discover that (a) this woman’s ex-husband is Russian, (b) he suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after which (c) he became abusive toward her.

There is no such thing as “bad luck,” according to the leftist worldview, there is only systemic oppression, so if you’re a woman who married a foreigner who suffered a brain injury that changed his personality, this isn’t just your personal misfortune — no, you’re a victim of social injustice! And your experience qualifies you to offer advice to other women who didn’t have the same bad luck (or didn’t make the same mistakes) that you did. Why is it that the experiences of happy, successful women — the ones who don’t marry brain-damaged foreigners — cannot be generalized as a universal ideology? Why is it only the bitter women — the bisexual divorcees with abusive ex-husbands — who are allowed to lecture us so authoritatively? Only a “vile misogynist” would ask such questions, I suppose, but at least I’m not a brain-damaged Russian.


‘Cryptic Messages’

Posted on | June 20, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘Cryptic Messages’


The “debate” over gun control is never actually a debate. Democrats keep trying to take our guns away, and we keep saying, “Hell, no!”

Enter Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf:

Two important points to make about this:

A. He’s lying,
B. He’s a Democrat, so what else do we expect?

Hannah Cox goes into more detail:

The graphic explains the process of red flag laws like this: Jane sees a Facebook friend, Randy, post “photos of guns and cryptic messages.” She then reports him to the police. (Holy escalation!)
The police then petition a judge to “temporarily” remove Randy’s Second Amendment rights. Police provide “evidence” (seemingly a cryptic Facebook post in this scenario) that Randy is a threat to himself or others. The court agrees to temporarily take away Randy’s rights.
Kumbaya. The justice system is perfect. Nothing to see here.
Come on . . .
Can you imagine how overrun our courts would be if every left-wing Karen could report people for merely owning guns and not liking their government? We have an environment where people are being told speech is violence and where a not insignificant part of the population believes they are justified in “canceling” someone for simply holding differing political views.
We already knew that the red flag law system is ripe for abuse. But Tom Wolf just proved our point all over again.

Tom Wolf is term-limited and can’t seek re-election, and the Democrats have nominated attorney general Josh Shapiro for governor. But the latest Pennsylvania poll shows Shapiro with just a 4-point lead (44%-40%) over Republican Doug Mastriano, and Biden’s favorability is now 10 points underwater in a state he allegedly won by 80,000 votes. Pushing “red flag” laws is unlikely to improve matters for the Democrats in Pennsylvania, where everybody has watched as George Soros-funded DA Larry Krasner turns loose criminals in Philadelphia. And would you care to guess who has given money to Josh Shapiro’s campaign?

Got your “cryptic message” right here: Molon labe.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Paige Spiranac

Posted on | June 20, 2022 | Comments Off on Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: Paige Spiranac

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ok. She might be beautiful 🙂

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) June 16, 2022

I’d have to agree.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1750, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Tone Policing Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA – The Show Trial Must Go On, Muriel’s Wedding, Paige Spiranac, Sasha Says Goodbye To Tater, Molly Bloom, Happy Flag Day, Mayra Flores, The Staircase, Roadrunner, Charlotte Corday, The Card Counter, and Licorice Pizza

A VIEW FROM THE BEACHJamie Chung Fears MotherhoodBiden Worse than CarterFish Pic Friday – Stephanie MarieOld Man Yells at CloudsLife is BeautifulBiden DivingThe Wednesday WetnessInside the Biden BubbleTuesday TanlinesThe Monday Morning StimulusAwe, Phuket and Palm Sunday

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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FMJRA 2.0: Girls With Guns

Posted on | June 20, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Girls With Guns

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The really cool thing about today’s SOTD was that Tommy Shaw & the crew did the official video in one take. Never cared for Styx, but this was a great song.
Senators played five games this week, and the hitters didn’t hit, so it didn’t matter that the starting rotation turned in five quality starts; we finished the week 1-4, but we’re only one game behind the Red Sox.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

No light, happy music this week either.

Rule 5 Sunday: Atago-sama’s Wedding
Animal Magnetism
A View From The Beach
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive

The J6 Smear Machine
The DaleyGator
First Street Journal
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

He Was Yelling About His ‘Rights’
The DaleyGator

FMJRA 2.0: Rubycon
A View From The Beach

Inside the Biden Bubble
357 Magnum

‘Far-Right Extremists’ Alert!
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 06.13.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Max Boot and Allahpundit Are Very Worried About Our Friends in Ukraine
First Street Journal

‘The NPR Tote Bag Set’: Liberal White Guys and Their Target Audience
357 Magnum

‘Orange Man Bad!’ Trump Still Living Rent-Free in the Left’s Collective Head
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 06.15.22 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 06.15.22 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive


Report: CNN Planning to Cut Back on Carbohydrates, IYKWIMAITYD
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 06.16.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 06.17.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Top linkers for the week ending June 17: 

  1.  EBL (16)
  2.  (tied) A View From The Beach & 357 Magnum (10)
  3.  Proof Positive (5)


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Important Truths About ‘Mass Shootings’

Posted on | June 19, 2022 | Comments Off on Important Truths About ‘Mass Shootings’

Six people shot at graduation party in Anniston
WBMA-TV, May 27

One teen dead, two others injured
after graduation party shooting
in Thomaston, police say

WXIA-TV, May 28

Man killed, 7 injured after shooting
at Chesterfield graduation party

WTVR-TV, June 4

A South Carolina graduation party shooting left
1 dead and 7 others, including minors, wounded

CNN, June 5

5 teens shot, 2 critical in ‘targeted’
graduation party shooting in West Texas

My San Antonio, June 5

4 arrested in shooting that left woman, 80,
dead after high school graduation

NBC News, June 16

Ah, high school graduation — a time to celebrate with random gunfire! While I have not fully investigated each of these shootings, and police have not yet made arrests in some of them, I will wager that none of the gunmen who opened fire at these graduation parties was a Trump voter.

The atrocities that make national headlines tend to be different, statistically speaking, from the vast majority of “mass shooting” incidents, and this difference is actually important. In the aftermath of massacres like Uvalde, the demand for new gun-control laws becomes a media-drive political drumbeat without any platform being provided to those who would point out that (a) the measures proposed would not have prevented the atrocity and (b) the best way to reduce gun violence is to enforce existing gun laws by putting criminals in prison.

We think of “mass shooting” in terms of the deranged psycho on a rampage, but 96% of such incidents aren’t like that at all:

The country’s eyes are trained on high-profile massacres in Texas and Buffalo, but most mass shootings bear little resemblance to those.
Of 267 incidents this year classified as mass shootings by the Gun Violence Archive, nearly all can be tied to gang beefs, neighborhood arguments, robberies or domestic incidents that spiraled out of control.
Indiscriminate slaughter by a lone gunman blasting away at a store, school or some other public place is rare, according to a Washington Times analysis of the archive’s data, accounting for less than 4% of the total.

Ninety-six percent of mass shootings don’t fit the “lone gunman” scenario, and yet you don’t hear about “gang beefs” in this context. Trump adviser Stephen Miller has an idea why this is so:


Metaphor Alert!

Posted on | June 18, 2022 | Comments Off on Metaphor Alert!

So, apparently the idea for this escapade was to showcase how fit and healthy the 79-year-old alleged president is. There has been a lot of talk that Biden is too old to run for re-election in 2024, and so his handlers put him on a bicycle and sent him out to show that the septuagenarian is a fine, vigorous specimen. Great idea, right? WRONG!

Biden’s approval ratings are at a historic low, and the economy? Well, that’s going just about as good as his bike ride.

We’ll talk about this on The Other Podcast tonight.


Crazy People Are Dangerous (and the Problem With ‘Red Flag’ Laws)

Posted on | June 18, 2022 | 2 Comments

You haven’t forgotten Deb Frisch, have you? In October 2018, Frisch — whose harassment of Protein Wisdom blogger Jeff Goldstein lasted a dozen years — was finally sentenced to four years in a Colorado prison. When last we heard about her, in August 2021, she had been denied parole after ranting insanely at her parole board hearing.

This morning, I noticed I’d gotten some extra traffic to one of my posts about Frisch, and investigation led to Not The Bee:

If you need a reason to oppose
“red flag” gun laws, this writer’s
harrowing 12-year tale of terrifying
stalking and harassment
might just do the trick

That features a Twitter thread by Jeff Goldstein:

Jeff makes some important points here. The way our legal system operates — the built-in prejudices of courts, based on decades of precedents intended to “protect” the rights of the mentally ill — it is very difficult to get a dangerously deranged person locked up. Whenever a mentally ill person commits an atrocity (or gets shot by the cops), you’ll see commentators saying that this shows problems with our nation’s mental health system, when in fact it was liberal judges in the 1970s and ’80s who decided it should be nearly impossible to keep crazy people locked up in lunatic asylums, where they belong. These same judges, however, will probably be willing to sign “red flag” orders based on unproven claims, without due process for those targeted by such orders.


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