The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.23.22

Posted on | May 24, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.23.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Due to my flight schedule, there will probably be no link dump tomorrow, so I’ll probably double up on Wednesday.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: What Happens When Government Mandates Organic Agriculture?
EBL: Biden Solves The Baby Formula Problem! also, Schools Closed In Wisconsin Over Wrong Pronoun Bomb Threat
Twitchy: Whoopi Instructs Archbishop Of San Francisco On His Pastoral Duties, also, Nikole Hannah-Jones Thread “Indistinguishable From Confederate Talking Points”
Louder With Crowder: Monkeypox Was Spread By People Doing What At European Raves?
Vox Popoli: Apex Predators Unleashed, A Failure Of Deterrence, and Truth Social – A Review
Gab News: Your Duty To Wake Up Those Around You


American Conservative: Biden’s Hare-Brained Diplomacy, also, Lost In Dr. Ozland
American Greatness: America Should Bring Back Public Executions, also, Joe Biden & Racial Demagoguery
American Power: The Market Is Melting Down & People Are Feeling It, also, “Stop The Steal” Republicans Now Dominating State Legislatures
American Thinker:  CNN’s Eye Is On The Sparrow, also, A New Kind Of Child Abuse
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Placeholder Totty
Babalu Blog: Miami’s Archbishop Applauds Biden’s Betrayal Of The Cuban People, and Dissident Rapper “El Osorbo” Marks One Year In Prison
BattleSwarm: Red China’s Last Year? also, Houston Exceeds Its Credit Limit
Behind The Black: Pushback – Prof Fired For Having Opinions Wins Legal Victory, also, Boeing Uninterested In Finding Starliner Customers Besides NASA? 
Cafe Hayek: Unprofitable Analysis
CDR Salamander: Larter, Returning – You Never Get The Sea Out Of Your Blood
Chicago Boyz: Just A Question, also, An Interesting Startup
Da Tech Guy: Walmart v. The Navy, also, Two Happy Endings In One Day
Don Surber: The War Putin Is Winning, also, SJW Proves To Be Cannibalistic Again
First Street Journal: Mitt’s Madness, also, San Francisco Examiner’s Editorial Board Appalled That Archbishop Of San Francisco Is Actually Catholic
Gates Of Vienna: Viktor Orban’s Speech At CPAC Budapest, also, Rigged
The Geller Report: Court Orders FBI To Disclose Agents Who Ordered Anti-Trump Spy Op, also, Former Hillary Donor Elon Musk Is “Pissed” His Donations Used For “Lying” 
Hogewash: Messier 57, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, and Mmmm, Barbecue
Hollywood In Toto: Woke Reporters Struggling To Keep Cancel Culture Alive, also, Is Mission: Impossible The Last Movie Franchise?
The Lid: We Know For Sure That The Media, Democrats & Joe Biden All Lied About Hunter
Legal Insurrection: Princeton University Fires Professor Joshua Katz, also, UW-Madison Sees No Improvement In Campus Climate After Spending Millions On Diversity Programs
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Geopolitics, or, What Hath Putin Wrought?
Outkick: Bud Grant Says The NFL Needs To Toughen Up, Sage Steele Grateful For Support After Getting Hit By Ball At PGA Championship, and ESPN Lost 8 Million Subscribers Last Year – 10% Of Its Base
Power Line: Can Adults No Longer Consent, Bill Maher Crosses The Line? and Climate Risk & Wall Street Meet Cancel Culture
Shark Tank: Team Rubio – Demings Causing “Pain At The Pump”
Shot In The Dark: Fingerprints, Ravenous, and Sick & Broken
The Political Hat: School Smut Hypocrisy, Las Vegas Edition
This Ain’t Hell: Future Destroyer To Be Named For Telesforo Trinidad, Merrill’s Marauder Receives Congressional Gold Medal, Dies That Night, and Three More Accounted For
Transterrestrial Musings: The Babylon Bee, The Woke CEOs, and Commercial Crew
Victory Girls: State Farm – Creepy Grooming Neighbor Is There, also, Occasional Cortex Really Hates Christians
Volokh Conspiracy: Federal Court Sanctions Mike Lindell For “Frivolous” Legal Claims
Watts Up With That: HSBC Senior Banker Spanked After Dissing The Climate Crisis, also, Australia Has Finally Caught The Net Zero Bus
Weasel Zippers: Biden’s Energy Secretary Snaps When Asked About High Gas Prices, also, Woke Mob Wants To Cancel The Word “Obesity” Because It’s “Racist”
The Federalist: It’s Long Past Time For Congress To Break Up The FBI, also, CNN’s Dana Bash Has a Solution To Child Poverty – Kill The Babies
Mark Steyn: Facebook & Revolution, An Inspector Calls, and Toreador Down

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‘Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!’

Posted on | May 23, 2022 | 2 Comments

John Durham has already won. Regardless of how the Michael Sussman trial ends, the Special Counsel has proven through evidence and testimony that the person responsible for the “Russian collusion” smear against Donald Trump was none other than Hillary Clinton.

The federal jury hearing the case against Sussmann, a lawyer who represented Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, may eventually acquit him. He is charged with lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by saying he was not acting on behalf of Clinton when he tried to get the Bureau interested in bogus claims that Trump had a secret connection to Russia’s Alfa Bank. This is a very narrow and specific accusation, and the jury could find Sussmann’s defense against that charge credible.

Whatever the trial’s outcome in regard to Sussmann’s guilt or innocence, however, Durham’s prosecution has already shown in court that the claims about Alfa Bank were part of an effort to establish a “narrative” (a word Sussmann himself used) of secret connections between Trump and Russia, and that Hillary herself approved the campaign’s plan to leak this to the media. Of course, the role of the media in promoting the Trump-Russia “narrative” has been exhaustively demonstrated, but now that the damning truth about the whole sordid affair is a matter of sworn testimony in court, suddenly the media have lost interest. Tim Graham of the Media Research Center notes that the Washington Post (which breathlessly hyped the “collusion” fraud) buried its coverage of the Sussmann trial on Page A8, and didn’t mention the most important part — former campaign chairman Robby Mook’s confirmation of Hillary’s direct involvement — until the 25th paragraph of the story. And, as the MRC’s Curtis Houck observes, the evening news programs at ABC, NBC and CBS have completely ignored the Sussmann trial.

Sic semper hoc — when Democrats are involved in scandals, the media seeks to convey the message that it’s not really a scandal at all. If they can’t completely ignore a Democratic scandal, instead they spin the story about how “far right” Republican enemies have “seized” and “pounced” on accusations of Democratic wrongdoing. So here you have a scandal perhaps unique in American history — Democrats manufacturing a phony scandal in an attempt to discredit their opponent, then employing the Justice Department to pursue an “investigation” of this bogus scandal, in order to give it a semblance of reality — and yet the media keep trying pretend that this is not genuinely newsworthy.

When details of this were revealed in a court motion that Durham filed in February, Trump said: “This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution.”

Indeed. Michael Sussmann’s role in this scandal was arguably minor. He was one of many foot soldiers in the army of Democratic Party operatives pushing this concocted narrative about secret Russia-Trump connections. Whether or not Sussmann is convicted, there is no longer any doubt about who was really responsible. Her name is Hillary Clinton.

She’s guilty — GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Rule 5 Sunday: Shouko’s Mom Has Got It Going On

Posted on | May 22, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Got a lot of packing to do before I head out tomorrow for Las Vegas, and from there to Washington DC on Tuesday, so tonight, a pic of Shouko Komi’s* mom Shuuko, who is every bit as cute as her tongue-tied teenaged daughter. What do you suppose she’s making in pottery class, aside from a cute mess? Art by Filipino artist Khyle.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1722, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Eighth Annual Commencement Day Speech Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA – Crooked Clinton Russian Collusion, Willie Nelson “Whiskey River”, The Boys, Grace Slick, With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm, Nina Jankowicz – You’re Fired!, Black Grift Matters, Westworld Season 4, The Time Traveler’s Wife, Operation Mincemeat, Old, Super Pumped, Miss Whiplash Has To Pay Taxes, and Ukrainian Secret Weapon Rule 5

A VIEW FROM THE BEACHLily-Rose DeppFish Pic Friday – GigiAnother Bad Year for Maryland Crabs AheadTattoo ThursdayThe Wednesday WetnessNothing Else MattersGone Fishin’The Monday Morning StimulusHollywood Groomers Convicted and Palms Sunday

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

*From the manga and anime Komi Can’t Communicate.
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The Fresh Prince of Foxborough?

Posted on | May 22, 2022 | 1 Comment

It’s a comparison Jonnu Smith has heard over and over — the kid who made it off the mean streets of Philly, like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. There was a lot of tragedy in Smith’s life. His father was killed in a work accident when Jonnu was just 4 years old, the youngest of six kids. His older brother went to prison, and the violence in his neighborhood was so bad that his mother decided the best thing for 14-year-old Jonnu was to send him to Ocala, Florida, to live with his aunt and uncle.

That decision almost certainly saved Jonnu Smith’s life. By his own admission, he was hanging around a “rough” crowd in Philly, and his childhood best friend was later murdered in the city. By then, however, Smith’s hard work and talent had made him a star tight end for Florida International University, the only school that recruited him out of West Port High School in Osceola. He was drafted in the third round by the Tennessee Titans in 2017 and, as a free agent in 2021, signed a four-year $50 million deal with the New England Patriots. What a story!

So imagine when I saw this on Smith’s Twitter feed:

Wow. Imagine if that was your hometown. What is going on in Philadelphia, to turn it into such a wretched hive of scum and villainy? The homicide total so far this year is 180 in “Killadelphia,” meaning that the city’s averaging about one homicide a day, but nobody seems to consider this an emergency, and Congress is sending billions to Ukraine.

The only advice I can offer residents of Philadelphia is to emulate the example of Jonnu Smith: Get out, before you get killed.


FMJRA 2.0: The Greeks Don’t Want No Freaks

Posted on | May 22, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: The Greeks Don’t Want No Freaks

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I hadn’t thought of this song in ages…when it hit the airwaves, I was coming to the end of my time at the Defense Language Institute. I didn’t know jack about how fraternities & sororities worked except for what I’d seen in Animal House, but as it happened, I was dating a German linguist from Lubbock who had been a Little Sister to some frat at Texas Tech, and she was kind enough to explain these things to me. Anyway, I happened to hear it when I was down in Vegas this week, so here it is.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Democrats are blaming everything on GamerGate again.

Rule 5 Sunday: Anya Forger
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Ukraine’s Victory in the Battle of Kharkiv


FMJRA 2.0: Mirage
A View From The Beach

Ukraine: Donbas Battles Intensify

Personally I Blame Ruy Teixeira
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 05.16.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

A Deadly Hate Crime That Liberals Probably Can’t Blame on Tucker Carlson
The DaleyGator
First Street Journal
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.17.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Why Don’t We Trust the ‘Experts’?
357 Magnum

Bedlam in Bellingham
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Not His Lucky Day
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 05.19.22 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.20.22 (Morning Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Good-Bye, Disinformation Commissar!
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 05.20.22 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending May 20:

  1.  EBL (16)
  2.  357 Magnum (10)
  3.  A View From The Beach (8)
  4.  Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Liberals Want Ukraine to Negotiate?

Posted on | May 21, 2022 | 1 Comment

There hasn’t been much alteration of the tactical situation in Ukraine since our Monday update (“Ukraine: Donbas Battles Intensify”). The Russians have made some advances from Popasna and west of Lyman, but the battlefronts haven’t really shifted. While there were reports earlier this week that Ukraine was mounting a counteroffensive near Izyum, we haven’t seen evidence of that in terms of moving the lines on the map. However, there was this bit of interesting news:

David Axe of Forbes points out the significance of this location. The Ukrainian forces must be closing in on Izyum if their artillery can hit just a few miles northwest of the city. Meanwhile, about 15 miles west of Lysychansk, the Russians tried for the third time in two weeks to make a pontoon crossing of the Siversky Donets River, with the same disastrous results as their first two attempts. Ukraine claims to have wiped out an entire Russian battalion again in this operation, and while this has not yet been independently confirmed, it’s not beyond belief, given what we’ve seen in the past. The Ukrainians hold two key bridgeheads on the northern (or eastern) bank of the Siversky Donets, at Lyman and Severodonetsk. The Russians want to cross the river in order to outflank these positions and force a Ukrainian retreat. The failure of the Russians so far to accomplish these river crossings is good news for Ukraine, but not the smashing counteroffensive we had expected to see after the Russians were pushed back from Kharkiv. Meanwhile, however, the liberal Surrender Caucus has made its presence known:

A growing chorus in Washington and Europe is urging President Zelensky to lay down and play dead. If only Russia were permitted to eat up the Donbas region of Ukraine, they say, there would be peace in our time — just as there was supposed to be after Hitler was allowed to seize the Sudetenland.
This call is intensifying as the financial cost of America’s involvement in the European war is passing $56 billion and rising. As Republican fiscal hawks and Democrat doves are beginning to push back, Ukraine could become politically hazardous for President Biden as America hurtles toward the midterms.
The latest voice in this chorus is the New York Times editorial board, which often voices un-uttered White House sentiments and policy prescriptions. Now it is advocating a war-ending path. In an editorial Friday, the paper declared, “It is still not in America’s best interest to plunge into an all-out war with Russia, even if a negotiated peace may require Ukraine to make some hard decisions.”
The recipe seems simple: End the Ukraine war in a way that would allow the invader, Vladimir Putin, to save face.

Why? Or rather, why now? Ukraine has fought Russia to a stalemate in the Donbas, they’ve managed to hold Odessa in the south, while vanquishing the Russian invaders in Kyiv and Kharkiv. The Ukrainians claim to be inflicting 100-200 casualties a day on the invaders, so that Putin’s army could be losing men at the rate of about 5,000 a month. So long as Ukraine can continue to fight and win, time is on their side. The Left has been claiming that any negative comment about Ukraine is “Russian disinformation” (at least, if Republicans are saying it) but now the New York Times is saying Zelensky should negotiate with Putin? What do you suppose is their motive?

Politics, that’s what. The war in Ukraine has driven up gas prices, contributing to an inflation problem that’s making the Biden administration look bad, and we’re now less than six months away from the midterm elections, which are looking grim for the Democrats. So the New York Times wants a ceasefire in Ukraine to bail out the Democrats.

I’m thinking of a two-word phrase. The second word is “you.” And this should be Ukraine’s reply to those urging compromise with Putin.

Glenn Reynolds says, “To discourage future invasions, make this one extremely painful.” Exactly right — make ’em bleed for every inch.


Democrats in Midterm Meltdown as DCCC Chairman Makes ‘Racist’ District Move

Posted on | May 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Democrats in Midterm Meltdown as DCCC Chairman Makes ‘Racist’ District Move

Let’s face it, this was never going to be a good year to be in charge of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. The D-Triple-C has its occasional good years (e.g., 2006 and 2018), but this year is not going to be one of those years. When Democrats captured control of the House in 2018, they had a net gain of 41 seats to take a 235-seat majority versus 199 for the GOP. This was a fairly narrow majority — a net loss of 18 Democratic seats would put Republicans back in charge. And then in 2020, with “Landslide Joe” Biden at the top of the ticket, Nancy Pelosi’s majority suffered a net loss of 13 seats (down to 222) so that Kevin McCarthy’s GOP is now just five seats away from recapturing the Speaker’s gavel. The Biden disaster (his approval rating just hit a record low) means that Democrats are almost certainly doomed in November, so DCCC Chairman Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney was already piloting a kamikaze flight when he got hit with even more bad news closer to home.

Because New York’s population is stagnating, the state is losing representation after the 2020 Census, going from 27 House seats to 26. (Since the 1990 Census, New York has lost eight House seats.) There was a battle over the redistricting map, and a judge threw out a map drawn by the Democrat-controlled state legislature that likely would have given Democrats 22 seats. This map was an atrocious gerrymander (what the legislature did for Jerry Nadler’s district could be considered a human rights violation) and so the judge appointed a special master to create a new map that will probably result in current Democratic members of the House fighting each other in an election game of musical chairs.

But then the DCCC boss stepped on a “racist” land mine:

Democrat Campaign Chair Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) has received calls to resign his position and accusations of racism over “egregious political malpractice” for announcing a run against a fellow Democrat incumbent in the Empire State after a draft map of new congressional lines was revealed.
Maloney, on Monday, without giving Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) notice of any announcement, said he would run in his colleague’s New York Seventeenth Congressional District instead of his own Eighteenth Congressional District.
“While the process to draw these maps without the legislature is against the will of voters, if the newly-announced maps are finalized, I will run in New York’s 17th Congressional District,” Maloney said via Twitter. “NY-17 includes my home and many of the Hudson Valley communities I currently represent.”
Shortly thereafter, Jones told Punchbowl News that “Maloney did not even give me a heads up before he went on Twitter to make that announcement. And I think that tells you everything you need know about Sean Patrick Maloney.”
However, the redistricting debacle process in New York worsened for Maloney after prominent self-proclaimed socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called for him to resign from his post as Democrat Campaign Chair if he ends up officially running against his fellow New York Democrat in the primary.
“He’s the chair of the DCCC. It’s his responsibility to make sure Democrats stay in the majority,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), another far-left lawmaker from the Empire State in the neighboring Sixteenth Congressional District. “To not run in 18th is to directly impact our ability to maintain the majority… “You’ve got one job to do and you’re literally not doing that job.”
Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) said it is “Outrageous” for Maloney to run in the district currently represented by Jones and accused the Democrat Campaign Chair of racism after his announcement to run in a different district.
“The thinly veiled racism here is profoundly disappointing,” Torres tweeted. “A black man is ideologically ill suited to represent a Westchester County District that he represents presently and won decisively in 2020? Outrageous.”
MSNBC host Chris Hayes hammered the Democrat congressman, accusing him of “egregious political malpractice.”
“We have seen action from one member of Congress that I have to say is among the most egregious political malpractice I think I’ve ever seen in my life,” Hayes said. He noted that Maloney is supposed to be in charge of keeping the Democrat majority in the House and is already a member of Congress.
“Rather than putting his money where his mouth is and running in the slightly harder district, Sean Patrick Maloney is abandoning it,” Hayes continued. “Maybe Sean Patrick Maloney will be embarrassed by the fact he looks like he doesn’t have the courage of his own convictions. He could decide to remain in the 18th district and hold the seat for the Democrats.”

Fortunately for Maloney, after a four-day brouhaha, the judge released a final version of New York’s district map with a few adjustments:

A state court formally approved New York’s new congressional map late Friday, ratifying a slate of House districts drawn by a neutral expert that could pave the way for Democratic losses this fall and force some of the party’s most prominent incumbents to face off in primary matches.
The map, approved just before a midnight deadline set by Justice Patrick F. McAllister of State Supreme Court in Steuben County, effectively unwinds an attempted Democratic gerrymander, creates a raft of new swing seats across the state, and scrambles some carefully laid lines that have long determined centers of power in New York City.
Jonathan R. Cervas, the court-appointed mapmaker, made relatively minor changes to a draft proposal released earlier this week whose sweeping changes briefly united both Republicans and Democrats in exasperation and turned Democrats against each other.
In Manhattan, the final map would still merge the seats of Representatives Carolyn Maloney and Jerrold Nadler, setting the two Democratic committee leaders, who have served alongside each other for 30 years, onto an increasingly inevitable collision course.
Another awkward Democratic primary loomed up the Hudson in Westchester County, where two Black Democratic House members were drawn into a single district.
But the worst outcome for Democrats appeared to be averted early Saturday morning when one of the incumbents, Representative Mondaire Jones, said he would forego re-election in his Westchester seat. He said he would run instead in a newly reconfigured 10th Congressional District in Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn, a race that has already drawn the candidacy of Bill de Blasio, the former New York City mayor, but which no other sitting House member is expected to enter. . . .
Mr. Nadler and Ms. Maloney have both declared their intentions to run in the newly created 12th Congressional District, which comprises central Manhattan. . . .
Just to the south, a growing number of candidates have declared their interest in running for a newly reconfigured 10th District, which encompasses all of Lower Manhattan and a large swath of Brooklyn, including Park Slope and Borough Park.
Mr. de Blasio declared his candidacy on Friday before the lines were finalized. Hours later, Mr. Jones surprised Democrats by announcing that he would follow suit, despite having minimal ties to the district. . . .
Representative Nydia Velazquez lives within the new district lines, but she has previously said she intends to run this year in the nearby Seventh District.
Mr. Jones’s decision will help avert another tense intraparty showdown in the Lower Hudson Valley.
The potential conflict emerged earlier this week, when Representative Sean Patrick Maloney, the D.C.C.C. chairman tasked with protecting the House majority, announced that he would seek to represent territory currently included in Mr. Jones’s seat. The decision would have forced Mr. Jones to compete in a primary with either Mr. Maloney or a fellow progressive congressman, Jamaal Bowman, in the neighboring 16th District.

So the potentially divisive white/black battle among Democrats for the suburban 17th District has been averted, but the primaries in the 10th and 12th will be intramural urban slugfests. And the beauty of it is that, while liberals are fighting over solidly Democrat districts in New York, Republicans will be free to spend their time and money focusing on competitive swing districts across America. Life is good!


Texas Armed Robber Killed by Delicious Fried Chicken and Well-Aimed Gunfire

Posted on | May 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Texas Armed Robber Killed by Delicious Fried Chicken and Well-Aimed Gunfire

Mainly, though, it was the gunfire:

Port Arthur Police have arrested a robbery suspect who was shot and wounded by an armed citizen who intervened shot and killed another suspect outside the Church’s chicken October 1 in Port Arthur.
Police say Desmond Ingram Jr., 33, was taken into custody by deputies with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office Warrant Division on Friday, October 8. He’s a suspect in the Aggravated Robbery October 1 at Church’s Chicken, 1849 Jefferson Drive in Port Arthur.
During the robbery, Ingram was shot multiple times and was hospitalized for the injuries he received during the crime. After he was released from a hospital, Ingram was transported to the Jefferson County Correctional Facility, where he was booked for Aggravated Robbery. Ingram is held on a $500,000 bond.
Another suspect, Richardo Guient, 33, was shot and killed during the robbery by the armed citizen who intervened.
Investigators say Guient was also a suspect in the robbery of a Jack-in-the-Box on Twin City Highway September 29, two days before the Church’s chicken robbery. The gunman got away with $200 from Jack-in-the-Box.

Earlier this month, Ingram was sentenced to 30 years in prison. You will probably not be surprised to learn he had “several prior felony convictions, and was out on supervised release at the time of the offense for a federal firearms violation.” The getaway driver, Justin Cunningham, was already wanted on a felony warrant from nearby Hardin County.

The Active Self Protection channel has the video:


Dude was at the drive-through window when the robbery went down, had a concealed carry permit, and went to work on these two robbers. You can understand, like, you’re waiting on your three-piece meal and a large sweet tea, and these robbers cause your order to be delayed.

BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! “OK, now where’s my chicken?”

Folks don’t mess around in Texas. They’ll kill for their fried chicken.


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