The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 10.06.21

Posted on | October 7, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.06.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

From JimBob on Gab.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1497
357 Magnum: This Happens When You Put Bean Counters In Charge Of Tech
EBL: Why Victor Davis Hanson Left National Review
Twitchy: Gov. DeSantis’ Press Secretary Calls the AP “Activist Progressives”, also, “Amazing Words Of Wisdom”
Louder With Crowder: Joe Biden Responds To #FJB Chants, Proves Ignorance Of How One-Term Presidencies Work
Vox Popoli: Red China Beats The War Drums, Calling For The Green Light, and This Policy Should Age Well

Adam Piggott: Can You Prove That You’re Unvaxxed?
American Conservative: Building A Family-Friendly Country
American Greatness: The Left Can Finally Admit What It Wants, also, Judge Rules That Kansas City Can’t Defund Their Police Department
American Thinker: Biden Is Brewing A National Crisis, also, The Good News About The Federal Deficit
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Cuban National Baseball Team Stealing Home, also, Communist Indoctrination In Cuba Lauded As “Hispanic Heritage” By Axios
BattleSwarm: Austin Police/Jose Garza Roundup For October 6
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Millions Have Contracted COVID, Almost None Have Died
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Ships Should Fail To Sail More Often
Da Tech Guy: The Supremes Are Back, If You Lost A Job Or A Loved One Due To The Mandates Remember This, and Arson, Climate Change, & Wildfires
Don Surber: Bring Back Andrew Cuomo, Biden Official Wrote “How To Kill A Country”, and Amazon Leaves Seattle
First Street Journal: Many States have Decriminalized Marijuana. Now Trevor Burrus Wants To Legalize Smack. 
The Geller Report: Fraudulent Biden Responds To #FJB Signs – “81 Million People Voted For Me”, also, Pfizer Scientist Admits “Antibodies Are Probably Better” Than COVID Vaccine
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Nothing To See Here – Move Along, and I’ll Just Leave This Right Here
Hollywood In Toto: Oscar Season Beware – Adult-Minded Movies Are Dying At The Box Office, also, Why Vindication Is The Most Original Cop Show In Ages
The Lid: States Spent Almost NONE Of The $350 Billion “Emergency” COVID Funds Biden Sent
Legal Insurrection: Democrats & Media Deploy Same Eliminationist Rhetoric Against Parents As They Did Against The TEA Party, Emerson College Investigating Conservative Student Group Over Stickers Criticizing Red China, and Garland Memo Fallout In Rhode Island
Michelle Malkin: Comply Or Die – Vaxxpartheid In The Operating Room
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosis Chapter 9
Outkick: NBA Union Director Says Players Shouldn’t Lose Pay Because Of Jab Mandates, Urban Meyer’s Family Breaks Its Silence, and Wild Card Loss Could Be Boone’s Last Game As Yankees’ Skipper
Power Line: Andrew Yang, Former Democrat, Derek Chauvin Needs A Lawyer, and Clueless Joe Biden & The “Taiwan Agreement”
Protein Wisdom: Winning The War Against Therapeutic Nihilism – Trusted Treatments Vs. Untested Novel Therapies
Shark Tank: AG Moody Claps Back At Eskamani, Defends Lawsuit
Shot In The Dark: Offsetting, also, Already Gone
STUMP: U.S. COVID Mortality – Winter Is Coming 
The Political Hat: Shoelaces Of Wokeness
This Ain’t Hell: John Kerry Says Biden “Literally Had Not Been Aware” Of What Led To France/U.S. Dustup, also, Fixing The Federal Debt Problem – Just Mint a Trillion-Dollar Coin?
Transterrestrial Musings: And Jews Will Still Vote Democrat, Walmart But For Space, and Polarization
Victory Girls: Terry McAuliffe – School Choice For Me, Not For Thee
Volokh Conspiracy: Emerson College Suspends Student Group For Distributing “China Kinda Sus” Stickers
Weasel Zippers: FBI Creates Critical Race Theory-Based Training, also, Report – Biden Paying $5 Million A Day Not To Build A Border Wall
The Federalist: Financial Records Show Facebook “Whistleblower” Is Less Concerned Employee And More Radical Democrat Activist, also, Across America, Parents Refuse To Be Intimidated By Biden’s AG Calling Them Domestic Terrorists
Mark Steyn: The Shadow Of Your Stall

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FBI Now Targeting Parents as Terrorists

Posted on | October 6, 2021 | Comments Off on FBI Now Targeting Parents as Terrorists

The Justice Department has now decided that the real terrorists in America are parents upset about local public school policies:

Attorney General Merrick Garland called on the FBI to “use its authority” against parents who threaten or use violence against public school officials in a Monday memorandum.
Garland said there has been a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.” He said he is directing the FBI to work with each U.S. attorney and leaders “in each federal judicial district” to discuss strategy to address threats within 30 days of his statement.
The Department of Justice’s memorandum did not specify what it classifies as a crime and did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for clarification on the matter.
Garland’s statement follows a letter from the National School Board Association (NSBA) that asked the federal government to get involved in the “immediate threat” of violence from parents faced by American public schools and its education officials. The NSBA said the incidents could be “the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”
“It is shameful that activists are weaponizing the US Department of Justice against parents,” Nicole Neily, president of Parents Defending Education told the Daily Caller News Foundation in response to the memorandum. “This is a coordinated attempt to intimidate dissenting voices in the debates surrounding America’s underperforming K-12 education – and it will not succeed. We will not be silenced.”

Right — Antifa and BLM can engage in weeklong sprees of vandalism and looting, burn down police precincts and take over entire city blocks, and that’s just “mostly peaceful protests,” but let a few parents show up at the local school board meeting to complain about COVID-19 policy, transgenderism or Critical Race Theory, and the Justice Department will sic the FBI on them. The DOJ’s priorities are clear: Never mind the tens of thousands of illegal aliens streaming across the unprotected border, we’ve got to crack down on rowdiness at the PTA meeting.

(Hat-tip to Gina Carano on Twitter for the artwork.)


In The Mailbox: 10.05.21

Posted on | October 5, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.05.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

What we should all be saying to this quack.

357 Magnum: Cybersecurity Awareness Month
EBL: The Return Of Protein Wisdom
Twitchy: “A Deliberate Attempt To [Intimidate] Parents From Showing Up At School Board Meetings”, also, Thousands Of Fired NYC Teachers Have Something To Say About Joe Biden
Louder With Crowder: About Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen…
Vox Popoli: Globohomo Fears The Tradwife, Red China’s New Nevsky Film, and Too Late To Shout “Stop!”

Adam Piggott: State Of The Zoomers
American Conservative: The Political Economy Of Dystopia
American Greatness: Canadian Doctor – “Something Malicious Is Going On”, also, Hundreds Protest Against Joe Biden In Michigan
American Power: Kyle Seager’s Last Game With The Mariners, also, Illegals Terrorize Sen. Sinema
American Thinker: Politics In The Case of LTC Scheller, also, Sopranos Sequel Goes Squishy On The Sixties
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Climate Change News
Babalu Blog: The Abundance & Prosperity That Oppressed Cuba Before Socialism, also, Cuban Baseball Team Returns From Mexico With Half Its Players & No Medal
BattleSwarm: The System Is Down…The System Is Down…, also, Is Red China Getting Ready To Invade Taiwan?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, Russia Imposes New Restrictions On Roscosmos Reporting, and 2018 Blue Origin Review Suggested Changes That Weren’t Adopted
Cafe Hayek: Behind & Beyond Even Accurate Statistics
CDR Salamander: Japan Back In The Carrier Game
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Bare Shelves, Cui Bono, Black America? and One Sentence On The Social Media Crash 
Don Surber: Red China Takes Over Bagram, Democrats Succeed In Making $3 Trillion Spending Bill Look Small, and “I Am Not An Oppressor”
First Street Journal: The Blood Keeps Flowing In The City Of Brotherly Love, also, They Can’t Handle The Truth!
The Geller Report: NIH Director Frances Collins Resigns After Gain Of Function Lies Exposed, also, George Soros Is Behind Harassment & Intimidation Of Senator Sinema
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, I’m So Old, and Buchanan’s Second Term?
Hollywood In Toto: Could David Chase Crush That Perfect Sopranos Legacy? also, Pitbull & Tom McDonald Shred Rising Anti-American Voices
The Lid: Biden’s Nominee For U.S. Attorney Rachel Rollins Lets Criminals Walk & Wants To Override The Law
Legal Insurrection: Bad Orange Woman Lies Again That Massive Spending Bill’s Cost Is Zero, Red China Hit By Worst Power Crisis In A Decade, also, Facebook & Leftist “Whistleblower” Want Congress To Censor & Regulate Online Speech
Nebraska Energy Observer: COVID, SCOTUS, & Nebraska Neighborliness, also, A Murderous B***h Gets Confirmed
Outkick: Video Shows WNBA Players Involved In Wild Parking Lot Fight, Sage Steele Won’t Listen & The Media Doesn’t Scare Her, also, MSNBC In More Trouble Than CNN
Power Line: Merrick Garland Threatens America’s Parents, also, Stalking Sinema – The Biden Variations
Protein Wisdom: On COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines & Shedding
Shark Tank: DeSantis Condemns Administration For Targeting Parents
Shot In The Dark: This Oughta Be Good, also, Damn You, Ron DeSantis!
The Political Hat: Mind Your Own Business Act – Government Wades Into The Woke Work Wars
This Ain’t Hell: Thief Steals American, German Flags, Hoists Confederate Battle Flag Over 2nd ACR, Negligent Discharge Navy Style, and LTC Scheller Freed
Transterrestrial Musings: MIT Abandons Its Mission, also, The Aging ISS
Victory Girls: FB Whistleblower Is Not Your Friend – You Know That, Right? also, Sonic Employee Berated By Trans Activist
Volokh Conspiracy: The Trillion Dollar Platinum Coin Can Be Minted “Within Hours”, also, A Disinvitation At MIT
Weasel Zippers: Minnesota Middle School Stops Handing Out F Grades To Fight Systemic Racism, also, FBI Conducts Early Morning Raid On NYPD Union HQ
The Federalist: Private Employers’ Jab Mandates Are Destroying American Lives, also, “We Will Remember What They Try To Cancel”
Mark Steyn: A Hero & A Hoot, also, Haram Beard Trimming

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In The Mailbox: 10.04.21

Posted on | October 4, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.04.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

I grow weary of posting memes. Have some Komi for your Monday.

Red Pilled Jew: Monday Memes
357 Magnum: A Flaw Microsoft Wouldn’t Fix
EBL: LTC Scheller Rejects Trump’s Help
Twitchy: AG Merrick Garland Mobilizes FBI Against Parents, also, Kirsten Powers Doubles Down On Defending Jerks Who Harassed Senator Sinema In The Ladies’ Room
Louder With Crowder: F*** Joe Biden Week 5 In College Football, And Dave Portnoy Enters The Chat
Vox Popoli: About Time, Sajid Should Get Another Job, and Hiding The Body Count
Stoic Observations: Deep Blues

Adam Piggott: Off The Grid Communities, also, Detailed Information On The Poison Jab
American Conservative: Shots & Being Fired
American Greatness: Heroes Of The Pandemic, also, Our Woke National Icons
American Power: Democrat Clashes Hold Up Biden’s Agenda After Rocky Month, also, Mob Justice is Trampling Democracy
American Thinker: Life In Centrifugal USA, also, LTC Scheller is The 21st Century Billy Mitchell
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: More Than 300 Protests For Freedom In Cuba During September, 12th Player Defects From Cuban National Baseball Team In Mexico, and  Fidel’s Buddy Diego Maradona Enjoyed Life In Cuba As A Coke-Addled Pedophile
BattleSwarm: George Soros Just Dropped Half A Million Dollars To Oppose Hiring More Austin Police, also, Profane Meditations On Current Vexations 
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, William Shatner To Fly On Next Blue Origin Suborbital Launch, and Italy Switches From Arianespace To SpaceX For Launch Contract 
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Fat Leonard II – Electric Boogaloo?
Da Tech Guy: The Left’s Dirty Little Secret, The Military Still Doesn’t Understand Social Media, and Five Sports Thoughts Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Afghanistan, Not Manchin, Blocks Biden, The $4 Trillion Infrastructure We Need, and Media Must Back Trump’s Lawsuit Against Twitter
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, also, The Internet Is Forever…And So Is Stupidity
The Geller Report: Majority Of Trump Voters Want Red States To Secede, also, Biden’s Democrats Preparing For Another 350-400,000 Illegals At The Mexico Border In October
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Cosmic Leftovers, and Nothing To See Here, Move Along
Hollywood In Toto: How A Serial Killer’s Capture Unfairly Stained Body Parts, also, Cancel Culture Isn’t Done With Morgan Wallen
The Lid: No, Bad Orange Woman, Trump NEVER Told People To Inject Bleach
Legal Insurrection: Fauxcahontas Praises Afghan Withdrawal – “An Amazing Undertaking”, Penn State To Work With Schools To “Reimagine” K-12 Education With Social Justice & Climate Change, and NASA Shoots Down Petition To Rename “Homophobic” Space Telescope
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Movie Music
Outkick: Tennessee Wins First SEC Game, Womens’ Pro Soccer League A Mess, and Urban Meyer Seems To Be Taking The Jags’ 0-4 Start Just Fine
Power Line: That Was The Week That Was, The Week In Pictures – Biden’s Terrible No Good Weak Edition, and Our Under-Incarceration Problem (Northern Virginia Edition)
Protein Wisdom: The Return Of Protein Wisdom
Shark Tank: Nikki Fried Vows To Veto All Abortion Bills As Governor
Shot In The Dark: Urban Progressive Privilege – Boundaries, also, Peak Minnesota
The Political Hat: Genderfae Or Genderfloret
This Ain’t Hell: Stupid People Of The Week, Another Seven Are Known, and RedState Reports MG Donahue Kicked Up To 100 People Off The Last Flight From Kabul To Make Room For War Trophy 
Transterrestrial Musings: The New Secession Movement, The Insurrection Hoax, and A Bad Day For Facebook
Victory Girls: Sotomayor Denies NY Teachers’ Appeal Of Jab Mandate, also, Alyssa Milano’s Off Her Meds Again
Volokh Conspiracy: “White Racial Consciousness” As A Dangerous Progressive Product
Weasel Zippers: Harris In Frantic Damage Control Mode After Applauding Student Who Accused Israel Of “Ethnic Genocide”, also, TikTok “Celebrity” Dies In High-Speed Crash While Transporting Illegals
The Federalist: If Occasional Cortex Wants To “Tax The Rich”, Why Not Start With Joe Biden? also, As The Christian Cold War Heats Up, The Faithful Prepare For Battle
Mark Steyn: Truth & Consequences, The Triumph Of The Feel, and Alexander’s Ragtime Band

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$3.5 Trillion = Zero-Point-Zero Dollars?

Posted on | October 4, 2021 | Comments Off on $3.5 Trillion = Zero-Point-Zero Dollars?

Look, I’m no expert in math, but you’re never going to convince me that the cost of a $3.5 trillion legislative package is zero:

In recent weeks, the Biden administration has been slammed for claiming the $3.5 budget reconciliation packages “costs zero dollars.”
On Monday, the president said once again that the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill as well as reconciliation are both somehow paid for.
Hours later, during her daily press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made a similar point when pressed on whether the president admitted the bill didn’t cost zero when he said it would be less than he initially proposed.
“What we’re talking about is how much the top line investments are — which are all paid for,” Psaki said, referencing the $3.5 price tag. “So therefore, it costs zero, no matter what the cost or size of the top line investments are, we have ways to pay for it.”
Psaki added that the plan will be paid for by asking corporations and people of the highest incomes to “cover the cost of these necessary investments” through higher tax rates.
When asked one more time if the reconciliation budget costs zero dollars, Psaki admitted “the plan costs nothing for the American people who make less than $400,000.”

“Necessary investments” = a flaming dumpster full of socialist crap.

The speech that Biden read from his TelePrompter today was a gigantic stack of lies, which could not deceive anyone with the most rudimentary understanding of congressional procedure and the federal budget. Biden (or rather, his speechwriters) insisted that Republicans are to blame for Congress failing to raise the debt ceiling. In fact, Democrats could do this without a single GOP vote, using the same “reconciliation process” they’re trying to use to ram their $3.5 trillion — excuse me, I actually meant to say, zero dollar — spending package through Congress.

Mitch McConnell has made this clear, and he’s got the Republican Senate caucus lined up in solidarity, so that even the weakest RINOs aren’t flinching in the face of criticism from Biden, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and all their media henchpeople. Cocaine Mitch to Sleepy Joe:

“Dear President Biden:
“For many years, our working relationship has been defined not only by our strong disagreements, but also by mutual transparency and respectful candor. I write in that spirit to express concern that our nation is sleepwalking toward significant and avoidable danger because of confusion and inaction from the Speaker of the House and the Senate Democratic Leader concerning basic governing duties.
“Since mid-July, Republicans have clearly stated that Democrats will need to raise the debt limit on their own. All year, your party has chosen to pursue staggering, “transformational” spending through unprecedented use of the party-line reconciliation process. Democrats inherited bipartisan trends from COVID relief to appropriations but have chosen to govern alone. Even now, with Americans already facing painful inflation, Democrats are preparing another staggering taxing and spending spree without any Republican input or support.
Bipartisanship is not a light switch that Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer may flip on to borrow money and flip off to spend it. Republicans’ position is simple. We have no list of demands. For two and a half months, we have simply warned that since your party wishes to govern alone, it must handle the debt limit alone as well.
“As you and I know from shared Senate experience, this is not unusual. The debt limit is often a partisan vote during times of unified government. In 2003, 2004, and 2006, Mr. President, you joined Senate Democrats in opposing debt limit increases and made Republicans do it ourselves. You explained on the Senate floor that your ‘no’ votes did not mean you wanted the majority to let the country default, but rather that the President’s party had to take responsibility for a policy agenda which you opposed. Your view then is our view now.
“There is one difference between then and now: Leader Schumer requested and won new powers to repeatedly reuse the fast-track, party-line reconciliation process. As a result, Senate Democrats do not need Republican cooperation in any shape or form to do their job. Democrats do not need our consent to set a vote at 51 instead of 60. Nonpartisan experts confirm that Senate Democrats have every necessary tool to pass a standalone debt limit increase through reconciliation and enough time to do it before late October. As I have warned for months, this is the path they will need to take.
“Congressional Democrats have wasted weeks complaining that this relatively brief process would inconvenience their floor schedules. Mr. President, as you know as a Senate veteran, that is not an excuse; it is just a complaint. Republicans will not build Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer a shortcut around procedural hurdles they can clear on their own so they have a more convenient path to jam us with a partisan taxing and spending spree.
“Mr. President, I have relayed this reality to your Democratic lieutenants for two and a half months. My concern for our country is that Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi have done nothing. Either the Democratic leaders simply cannot govern or they would rather play chicken with the U.S. economy than accept reality.
“Your Democratic majorities have no plan of their own to avoid default. On Thursday, we narrowly avoided a shutdown by a few hours because Senate Democrats wasted weeks on theatrics before accepting reality. The American people cannot afford the same rudderless drift toward danger with respect to the full faith and credit of our nation.
“Mr. President, I respectfully submit that it is time for you to engage directly with congressional Democrats on this matter. Your lieutenants in Congress must understand that you do not want your unified Democratic government to sleepwalk toward an avoidable catastrophe when they have had nearly three months’ notice to do their job.”

Translation: “You’re on your own, pal.”


Rule 5 Sunday: Gwen Stefani & The Harajuku Girls

Posted on | October 3, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Gwen Stefani & The Harajuku Girls

— compiled by Wombat-socho


One of the kerfluffles I missed because I don’t pay much attention to celebrity gossip and even less to has-beens like Margaret Cho was the accusation that Ms. Stefani and her backup singers/dancers/entourage were committing the hideous sin of “cultural appropriation”. Given the awkward history of Japanese/Korean relations, a Korean-American ex-comedienne complaining about the appropriation of Japanese culture strikes me as a real stretch, but when nobody thinks you’re funny any more I guess you have to grab your fifteen minutes of attention where you can. Some KorAm writer for Salon also whined about it, and nobody else cared. Here’s a pic of Gwen and the girls.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1491, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Soft Secession Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: MAGA Schadenfreude Coupled With Concern, Amy Winehouse, The Many Saints Of Newark, Green Day, Melissa Etheridge, Eydie Gorme & Trio Los Panchos, Julie Andrews, Whip It, Heels, Fiona Apple, and Ellie Taylor

A View From The Beach: Rule 5 Saturday – Courtney HansenFish Pic Friday, Tattoo ThursdayDiving in Wednesday WetnessLight Blogging Ahead – Going to California with an Aching in My HeartTuesday TanlinesThe Monday Morning Stimulus, and Palm Sunday

Brian J. Noggle: Tawny Kitaen in Bachelor Party

Welcome to Sticks, Stories, & Scotch, who brings us Rule 5 Warship Sunday with HMS Illustrious!

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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Tide Rolls, Dawgs Dominate, Ducks Lose, Cincinnati Defeats Notre Dame

Posted on | October 3, 2021 | Comments Off on Tide Rolls, Dawgs Dominate, Ducks Lose, Cincinnati Defeats Notre Dame

Bryce Young led Alabama over Ole Miss.

There will be a shake-up in the college football rankings after Saturday’s games, although the top two teams will remain unchanged.

Alabama faced its first big test of the season at home against previously unbeaten Ole Miss, and won 42-21 in a game that wasn’t really that close. Ole Miss coach Lane Kiffin had his team going for it on fourth down, and paid the price for his gambles. The Rebels could have gotten on the scoreboard first, but turned down the chance for an easy field goal, instead choosing to go for it on fourth-and-one at the ‘Bama 6-yard line. When they failed, the Crimson Tide took over and drove 94 yards on 13 plays for a touchdown, with Bryce Young hitting a 16-yard TD pass to John Metchie III. On their next possession, Ole Miss again found itself in a fourth-down situation at its own 47, went for it and didn’t make it. Alabama took over and drove for another touchdown, with Brian Robinson scoring on a 7-yard run. By halftime, it was really over, with the Crimson Tide leading 28-0. Robinson finished with 171 yards rushing and four TDs. Young was 21-for-27 passing for 241 yards.

No. 2 Georgia continued to look impressive, with a 37-0 victory over previously unbeaten Arkansas. The Bulldogs won despite the fact that starting quarterback J.T. Daniels was out with an injury. Backup QB Stetson Bennett did nothing spectacular, throwing for just 72 yards, but between their rugged defense and powerful running game, Georgia’s quarterback situation didn’t really matter. The Dawgs racked up 273 rushing yards, while their defense allowed Arkansas only 162 yards total offense. Georgia will almost certainly play in the SEC championship game, and the real suspense of this season is whether both the Bulldogs and Alabama will be undefeated when that game rolls around.

No. 3 Oregon lost to unranked Stanford 31-24 in overtime, continuing a jinx for the Ducks, who have a history of losing to Stanford even in years when they beat everyone else. For example, in 2012, Oregon was undefeated and ranked No. 1 when they got beat 17-14 by Stanford. The question now is whether any PAC-12 team will make it to the NCAA championship playoffs. Meanwhile, in South Bend . . .

Even though No. 9 Notre Dame was undefeated going into Saturday’s home game against No. 7 Cincinnati, everybody could see the Irish were struggling. They barely beat FSU and Toledo, and were ranked No. 9, but they had a 26-game home winning streak, and who are the Cincinnati Bearcats, compared to the storied football legends of Notre Dame? Last year, the Bearcats were undefeated but were snubbed for the playoffs, and then lost to Georgia in the Peach Bowl. Saturday, they beat Notre Dame 24-13 and it wasn’t really that close, as Cincinnati led 17-0 at halftime, as Bearcats quarterback Desmond Ridder finished the game with nearly 300 yards passing. So even though the rest of Cincinnati’s schedule isn’t much — they do face a late November game against SMU, currently undefeated — their victory over Notre Dame goes a long way toward establishing the Bearcats as legitimate playoff contenders.

No. 6 Oklahoma struggled to beat Kansas State 37-31, while No. 5 Iowa rolled over Maryland 51-14. Going into next week, I expect Oregon to drop down to No. 8 or lower, while Cincinnati should move up to No. 6, Oklahoma at No. 5 and Iowa at No. 4. That sets up next Saturday’s big showdown between Iowa and undefeated Penn State, which beat Indiana 24-0, and should move up to No. 3 this week. With all contingencies considered, there’s a solid chance Cincinnati is a week away from being ranked in the Top 5. Oh, and look out for Kentucky. The Wildcats are now 5-0 after upsetting No. 10 Florida 20-13 Saturday. Expect the Wildcats to show up in the Top 25 for the next poll, but Kentucky faces a major test next Saturday when they travel to Baton Rouge to face LSU, which is coming off a bitter 24-19 loss to Auburn.


FMJRA 2.0: Positive Bleeding

Posted on | October 2, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Positive Bleeding

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

“I’m Ted F***ing Williams. *crack* I’m the greatest f***ing hitter in baseball. *crack*” – Manager Ted Williams showing these young punks how it’s done.

Rule 5 Sunday: Gwen Verdon
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Aspiring Rapper Update
357 Magnum

The Biden Administration’s Blame Game and the Sad Fate of #NeverTrump
The Pirate’s Cove
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Draft Weekend
A View From The Beach

Manhunt for Florida Cop-Killer
357 Magnum

The Power of Political Tribalism

In The Mailbox: 09.27.21
Proof Positive
357 Magnum

Crazy People Are Dangerous
The Pirate’s Cove
357 Magnum

‘The Negro Problem,’ Then and Now

In The Mailbox: 09.29.21 (Afternoon Edition)
Proof Positive
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.29.21 (Evening Edition)
Proof Positive
357 Magnum

The Fall Harvest of Books
Brian J. Noggle
357 Magnum

Identity, Opposition and Hate
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.30.21
Proof Positive
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.01.21
Proof Positive
357 Magnum

Top linkers for the week ending October 1:

  1.  EBL (15)
  2.  357 Magnum (11)
  3.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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