The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Guess Who Noticed a Certain Autistic Swedish Teenager Is Getting Kind of Fat?

Posted on | May 22, 2021 | Comments Off on Guess Who Noticed a Certain Autistic Swedish Teenager Is Getting Kind of Fat?

Normally, I don’t quote Chinese Communist Party propaganda here — that’s what CNN is for — but it seems that some comrades in Beijing noticed that Greta Thunberg has put on a few pounds lately:

Greta Thunberg has called out Chinese state media for “fat-shaming” her in a scathing article that questioned her vegetarianism, the Independent reported.
The article published last week by the China Daily, a newspaper owned by the propaganda department of the ruling Chinese Communist Party, implied that the 18-year-old climate activist was lying about her meat-free diet.
“Although she claims to be vegetarian, judging from the results of her growth, her carbon emissions are actually not low,” wrote the China Daily journalist Tang Ge.
Thunberg, who is a vegan, responded to the article on Twitter on Friday. She described how being “fat-shamed” by a wing of the Chinese government was a “pretty weird” experience.
“Being fat-shamed by Chinese state-owned media is a pretty weird experience even by my standards,” Thunberg wrote. “But it’s definitely going on my resume.”
The climate activist has been heavily critiqued by the China Daily since posting a tweet on May 7 calling on China to do more to help address the climate crisis, Vice News reported.

CCP propagandists might not understand that Greta’s incipient obesity is a feminist protest against white supremacist heteropatriarchal beauty standards. No self-respecting young SJW wants to be considered attractive by men, because feminism is opposed to heterosexuality as a matter of principle. Therefore, deliberate ugliness is progressive.

Andrea Dworkin is the ultimate feminist role model in this regard — eat all the food, so there’s no food left for men to eat.

Will feminist obesity influence “climate change”? Probably not, primarily because “climate change” is fiction, but even if manmade carbon omissions did affect global temperatures, the excess food intake of feminists would be offset by (a) the decline in birth rates caused by the fact that obese lesbians seldom have children, and (b) the decreased life expectancy due to diabetes, cardio-pulmonary disease, etc.

CCP propagandists aren’t actually worried about “climate change,” of course, because the whole “climate change” scare is actually a CCP propaganda campaign to persuade Western democracies that they should destroy their industrial capacity for the sake of “saving the planet.” China’s still building coal-powered electricity plants, while encouraging America to shut down our own coal plants and build wind farms instead.

Greta Thunberg doesn’t understand this. She’s just an autistic teenager parroting whatever slogans she finds on the Internet. The good news is that the chances of her reproducing are near-zero, mainly because like most autistic teenagers, she lacks the emotional capacity to form successful romantic relationships, but also because she’s a feminist protesting against heteropatriarchal “beauty standards,” which means no man is ever likely to have sex with her. Unless she’s willing to buy donor sperm from a fertility clinic, she’s on her way to a Darwinian extinction event, and being fat will only get her there sooner. Bon voyage!


Leif Halvorsen: The Only Kind of Mugshot the SJW Media Will Let You See

Posted on | May 22, 2021 | Comments Off on Leif Halvorsen: The Only Kind of Mugshot the SJW Media Will Let You See

Say hello to Leif Halvorsen, who was convicted for killing of three people in Kentucky “in a drug-fueled shooting rampage” in 1983. In order to fight “systemic racism,” the Social Justice Warriors who run the McClatchy newspaper cartel have developed a policy against publishing mugshots of criminals, because of the negative impact the publication of such mugshots allegedly has on “marginalized communities.”

Our blog buddy Dana Pico of First Street Journal notes that the McClatchy-owned Lexington Herald-Leader is apparently not adhering to company protocols, because they published Halvorsen’s mugshot in a story about convicted murderers in Kentucky who may be eligible for parole under a new state policy. To illustrate that story, the Herald-Leader published the mugshots of Halvorsen and four other convicted murderers who, perhaps not coincidentally, shared a certain trait with him. Can you guess what that trait was? I think you can.

In their company guidelines about publishing mugshots, McClatchy says that under some circumstances, its policy would permit editors to publish mugshots in cases that met certain exceptions:

Is there an urgent threat to the community?
Is this person a public official or the suspect in a hate crime?
Is this a serial killer suspect or a high-profile crime?

None of those seem to apply to Leif Halvorsen, who is currently 66 years old and serving a life sentence, his original death sentence having been commuted by former Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin.

Even while the Herald-Leader had no problem publishing the mugshot of Halvorsen — a geriatric prison inmate who is certainly not now “an urgent threat to the community” — they declined to publish mugshots in such cases as Juanyah Clay, who was reportedly at large and wanted on a murder charge for the shooting of a Lexington man. Certainly, this murder suspect was “an urgent threat to the community” because, as Dana notes, here’s what cops found when they finally caught Clay:

Juanyah Jamar Clay, 19, was arrested and booked at the Lexington-Fayette County Detention Center Tuesday evening after police said he was wanted for the alleged murder of 26-year-old Bryan D. Greene. Greene was found shot to death in January inside his residence at Eastridge Apartments, police said.
Clay was concealing three handguns on him at the time of his arrest, according to an arrest citation. He also had nearly 3.7 ounces of marijuana, more than 10 Percocet pills, cash and a digital scale with him. The officer who filled out Clay’s arrest citation said all the items were indicative of drug trafficking.
According to jail records, Clay faces eight charges: murder, carrying a concealed weapon, giving an officer false identifying information, receiving a stolen gun, tampering with a prison monitoring device, trafficking in less than 8 ounces of marijuana, trafficking in opiates, and violating conditions of release.

A drug dealer with three handguns wanted on a murder warrant, but Juanyah Clay wasn’t deemed “an urgent threat to the community” by the editors of the Herald-Leader? Can you guess why? I think you can.

Obviously, not every local media outlet has surrendered to the kind of SJW mentality that now controls the Lexington Herald-Leader, but as someone who spent more than 20 years in the newspaper business, I must ask this: What happened to “the public’s right to know”?

This was the phrase used by journalists for many decades to defend such controversial decisions as publication of the “Pentagon Papers,” and many other practices. Journalists demanded access to public records (so-called “sunshine laws”) because what government did, in the name of the people, and with taxpayer dollars, ought to be publicly known.

Certainly in matters of law enforcement, the identities of people arrested by police are a matter of public record, as are the mug shots of suspects. No ethical journalist would willingly become complicit in a deliberate effort to conceal such information from the public.

But of course, the unethical SJWs of the McClatchy cartel do not consistently apply their policy of suppressing facts about crime. When Dana emailed me a link to his post, my reply was:

“Leif Halvorsen” might be the whitest name imaginable.
Ah, how low the Nordic ubermenschen have fallen!

That’s the kind of joke Lewis Grizzard might have made back in the day when newspapers hired people who knew how to write, which were also, coincidentally or not, the days when people actually bothered to read newspapers. But those days are gone, and if you want to know who’s committing murder in your community, don’t bother looking at any newspaper owned by the McClatchy cartel, because they won’t tell you.

Unless, of course, the suspect has a name like “Leif Halvorsen.”

Nordic ubermenschen are not yet a “marginalized community.”


In The Mailbox: 05.21.21

Posted on | May 22, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.21.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The usual deadlines for the usual weekend linkfests, plus I may have a book post for the masses, for which you can give partial credit to Loyal Reader B. McCants, who gave me a bunch of Heinlein books I didn’t have (or can’t find) while I was out East.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

From Granite Grok (h/t Red Pilled Jew In Exile)

357 Magnum: Lack Of Outrage Over Children Shot In Minneapolis
EBL: Hamas Declares Victory In Gaza
Twitchy: Second Amendment Expert Stephen Gutowski Explains What’s Going On With The Ammo Shortage
Louder With Crowder: DeSantis Fires Up Pennsylvania Audience
Vox Popoli: The Political Answer, also, Discrimination In STEM
According To Hoyt: Style Sheet, Peeps, Style Sheet
Monster Hunter Nation: ILOH Is Guest Of Honor At FantaSci This Weekend, also, Why Are There So Many Mormon Writers?
Stoic Observations: A Tribal Declaration
Gab News: Exclusive Interview With Pastor Artur Pawlowski

American Conservative: Biden’s New Normalcy
American Greatness: Regime Vs. Regime, also, The January 6 Commission Is All About Revenge
American Power: The War On Jews At Home
American Thinker: Sex (And Sobs) On The Set
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Seventh Annual Commencement Speech Friday
Babalu Blog: Not Much Of A Cuban Independence Day In Communist Cuba
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For May 21
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Chicoms Scrub Launch Of Station Cargo Freighter Again
Cafe Hayek: Some COVID Links
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Governor Charlie Baker Frees The Serfs, also, Some Simple Facts Of Life – Vaccine Edition
Don Surber: Defund The Police Is A Trap
First Street Journal: Is There Any Reason Not To Wall Up Philadelphia Like Manhattan In Escape From New York?
Fred On Everything: The View From Abroad
The Geller Report: Islamic Scholar Says “Humanity Will Not Thrive Until The Jewish Nation Is Annihilated”, also, Bernie Sanders Authors Resolution To Block Arms Sales To Israel 
Hogewash: Rebekah Jones & The False Criminal Complaint, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Amazon Taps Conspiracy Theorist Hillary Clinton To Mock Conspiracy Theorists, also, Fauci Impressionist Fights Back Against Big Tech Censorship
The Lid: GOP Lawmakers Furious As Thousands Of Illegals Bussed Into Tennessee In The Dead Of Night
Legal Insurrection: Teen Vogue Writer  – “The Modern American University Is A Right-Wing Institution”, also, Lawsuit Alleging Anti-Asian Discrimination At Virginia’s Thomas Jefferson HS Can Go Forward
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Antonym Of Snowflake
Outkick: Patrick Mahomes Pushes For Microchipping Footballs To Help Officiating, also, Tim Tebow Already Holds Top 5 Spots In NFL Merchandise Sales
Power Line: Democrats Support Hamas, also, Critical Race Theory Comes To My Backyard
Shark Tank:  Salazar Votes Against Capitol Security Bill
Shot In The Dark: NY Bookstores & Suburban Gas Stations, also, Cause -> Effect?
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – A Scrutiny Of The Reagan Economic Policy
This Ain’t Hell: Biden Insults The Troops. Again. also, GOP Looking At Legislation To Push Back Against Woke & Cancel Culture In The Military
Transterrestrial Musings: Woke Nonsense, also, Top Fifty In Space Tech
Victory Girls: Ted Cruz Mocks Wokeness In The Army, Media Triggered
Volokh Conspiracy: John Marshall Law School Cancels John Marshall
Weasel Zippers: “Black Lives Matter, Crackers Don’t Matter”, also, Jewish Man Beaten In Broad Daylight In Times Square
The Federalist: Netflix CEO Shells Out $3 Million To Stop Newsom Recall, also, GA Judge Unseals More Than 145,000 Ballots For 2020 Election Fraud Investigation
Mark Steyn: Tal Bachman – We Have Met The Enemy, Part IV

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Joe Scarborough Completely Loses His Mind in Bizarre Televised Breakdown

Posted on | May 21, 2021 | Comments Off on Joe Scarborough Completely Loses His Mind in Bizarre Televised Breakdown

Before we get into the unfortunate news of a former Republican congressman’s descent into stark screaming madness, I just want to say to our readers: Are you feeling OK? Have you had any unusual stress on your job or problems in your relationships? Because our caring staff here at the McCain Institute for Abnormal Psychology have a lot of experience in dealing with people who have these kinds problems, and we know the telltale warning signs when someone becomes deranged, demented, daffy, wacko and perhaps even cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

The important thing to do is to learn how to chill out, to stop chasing those imaginary “enemies” with whom you’re obsessed. Above all, if you feel you might be losing your grip on reality — and we’ll get to Joe Scarborough in just a minute, I promise — the important thing to do is to stay the hell off the Internet. Log off of Twitter. Delete your Tumblr blog or your PornHub account or whatever the heck kind of online poison is leading you down the dark path to insanity and self-destruction.

The Internet is causing at least half the mental-health problems in this country. One day your teenage daughter is a happy and normal girl, and six weeks later she’s “non-binary” and calling you a bigot because you won’t use her (oh, I mean, their) preferred pronouns — all because of crazy crap she got from watching too many YouTube videos.

Something like that must be happening with Joe Scarborough, I’m sure. And I don’t mean that he’s undergoing a gender identity crisis or anything, but that he seems to be under some kind of stress, maybe something with his kids, like the mentally defective son he had with his first wife before he divorced her and married his second wife. When your kid with Asperger’s Syndrome becomes a young adult, and you’ve been an absentee father for so long, maybe you feel some kind of guilt about the problems your brain-addled son is going through. Feelings like that often have a way of causing some people to lash out in anger, to become irritable and suspicious — maybe even paranoid, and possibly violent — and while I have no way of knowing what specific personal problems Joe Scarborough is dealing with, it’s obvious that something has been undermining his mental health. Because like I said, telltale signs.

The subject was the current audit of the election results in Maricopa County, Arizona. The GOP-controlled state senate in Arizona insisted on this audit because of perceptions of irregularities in the results. Regardless of what anyone — including the thoroughly unhinged Joe Scarborough — tries to tell you, there is nothing wrong with investigating this election or any other election, if there is any widespread perception that the results were somehow tainted or inaccurate. Such a perception definitely does exist in regard to what happened in Maricopa County, and those who have been following this audit (which I haven’t) say they have already found problems that confirm their suspicions. Whether this is true or not, I am not qualified to say, but the point is that if you think it’s a crazy “conspiracy theory” for anyone to suggest there was vote fraud in Arizona (or anywhere else), what’s wrong with having a complete audit of the results? If the election was on the up-and-up, won’t a complete audit prove that conclusively? So why was Joe ranting like a madman?

Telltale signs — is this the face of a mentally healthy person? Obviously not, and what he was saying was remarkable mainly because it had absolutely nothing to do with what’s happening in Arizona. Instead, Scarborough was spewing out some demented gibberish about “Madisonian democracy” and “desecrating the flag,” quoting Bible verses and working himself up into a hate-frenzy where he basically demanded that millions of Republican voters be exiled, banished from the country as traitors to “our democracy.” This kind of disconnected, irrational babble is what psychiatrists recognize as word salad (“a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases . . . a form of speech indicative of advanced schizophrenia”), and it’s enough to get you a straitjacket and a big shot of Thorazine, unless you’re a Democrat in Congress or the host of a morning show on MSNBC.


After that kind of televised breakdown, you wouldn’t be surprised if the next news about Joe Scarborough was that he’d been shot by police after charging at them with a knife — “suicide by cop.”

Something else to notice about that rant is how Joe’s reaction was completely out of proportion to what provoked it. They were talking about the Arizona audit — a process that does not actually pose any threat to democracy, “Madisonian” or otherwise — and which certainly is not a “desecration” of everything the American flag stands for, yet all this vehement anger comes pouring out of Joe’s mouth. Why?

Because he’s bonkers, berserk, non compos mentis, looney, zany, wackadoodle, off his rocker, and a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

The diagnosis is clear, but we can only speculate about the underlying cause of Scarborough’s sudden deterioration into insanity. Maybe it’s something as simple as this: Like most other liberals in the media, Scaroborough spent the past five years trying to destroy Trump. Liberals clearly hoped and expected that, once Orange Man Bad was removed from the White House, it would end their anguish of existential dread and the band would start playing “Happy Days Are Here Again.”

And that hasn’t happened. Joe Biden hasn’t returned America to their cherished glorious Golden Age of Obama-era progressivism. In fact, the liberal media are obviously growing weary of trying to maintain the pretense that Biden is competent to be president.

Also, their ratings are crap. Now that Trump’s gone, most people don’t care about politics anymore, and Morning Joe now has fewer viewers than some random guys ranting on YouTube.

So it’s probably inevitable that soon the cops in suburban Connecticut will get a 911 call about a “domestic disturbance” at the Scarborough residence, and we’ll see the bodycam video where the officers confront Joe, standing in his driveway in his bathrobe, babbling incoherently about Trump and “our democracy,” waving a kitchen knife around.

“Shots fired.” And that’ll be the end of it.

Crazy People Are Dangerous.


Democrats: The Party of Hate

Posted on | May 21, 2021 | Comments Off on Democrats: The Party of Hate

The national poster child for Racial Derangement Syndrome:

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s spokesperson has reportedly announced that she will only give interviews to “Black or Brown” journalists on the occasion of reaching the halfway point in her term as mayor. . . .
Lightfoot, the city’s first black female mayor, and also the first lesbian mayor, has been a target of public criticism for her harsh policies during the coronavirus pandemic, her failure to manage the Black Lives Matter riots, and a sharp rise in crime throughout the already-violent city.

More on Mayor Lightfoot’s journalistic segregation:

“I’m thinking in this one day when we are looking at the two-year anniversary of my inauguration, as a woman of color, as a lesbian, it’s important to me that diversity is put front in center,” Lightfoot said. . . .
“If I as the black woman mayor, the first ever, don’t challenge us, the collective us, to do better, to really make sure that in every institution it reflects the diversity, nuance and texture, the shame on me,” Lightfoot said. . . .
Political analyst Charles Thomas knows the City Hall beat well, as a former television political reporter. He says although newsroom diversity is an important topic, he questions the mayor’s timing.
“This is a distraction,” he said. “Instead of talking about crime, talking about disarray in her administration, talking about education, talking about city finances, we’re talking about this.”

Exactly right. Identity politics is a distraction from government failure. And certainly Mayor Frogface has failed to keep Chicago safe:

Forty-six individuals were shot, five fatally, during another violent weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.
Breitbart News reported 29 people were shot Friday into Saturday night alone in the Windy City, with five of those shooting victims succumbing to their wounds.
On Sunday morning, two Chicago police officers were shot by an individual who opened fire on them in an alley. The officers were both hospitalized but “stable and recovering,” according to the Chicago Sun-Times.
By Monday morning at 5:08 a.m., ABC 7 / Chicago Sun-Times noted the total number of overall shooting victims for the weekend had risen to 46. So it was a bloody Sunday.
Among the weekend’s wounded were a two-year-old girl who “was shot in Little Village on the Southwest side” while riding in the backseat of a vehicle.

Little children are being shot in Chicago, and all Mayor Frogface wants to talk about is “diversity,” because Amphibian Lives Matter.


In The Mailbox: 05.20.21

Posted on | May 20, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.20.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Kama doesn’t like Carnival Phantasm.

Red Pilled Jew In Exile: Reading The Tells & Survival, Part 2 Of 2
357 Magnum: Math Is Racist – California Edition Totalitarianism Throughout History
EBL: Fungus Among Us – Cicada Genitals Falling Off
Twitchy: Ted Lieu’s Slobbering All Over Biden’s “Competence” Backfires Hilariously
Louder With Crowder: David Hogg – People Who Are Mean to Me Shouldn’t Have Weapons
Vox Popoli: A Portrait In Multiple Failures, also, Stasi In The USA

Adam Piggott: Tearing Off The COVID Mask From The Globohomo Elite
American Conservative: The Deep State Thwarted Trump’s Afghanistan Withdrawal
American Greatness: Why Does The Left Hate Israel? also, Never Again – Standing Up To The Oligarchy
American Power: Structural Antisemitism
American Thinker: The Biden Honeymoon Is Definitely Over, also, What Trump Meant To Millions
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily For The Birds News
Babalu Blog: Teddy Roosevelt Presents The Cuban Flag To T. Estrada Palma, 1902, also, Happy Cuban Independence Day
BattleSwarm: TX Senate Passes Ban On Teaching Critical Race Theory
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Chicoms Scrub Launch Of Tianzhou Freighter To Tianhe Module
Cafe Hayek: Bonus Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Worst Leadership Idea Since TQL
Da Tech Guy: So Much For Employers Requiring Vaccines, also, Gov. Noem Meets Screwtape 30
Don Surber: The Mother Of All Witch Hunts
First Street Journal: Krasner Wins Democratic Nomination For Philly DA, also, Apparently It’s Racist Not To Hire A “Professor” To Teach Racism
The Geller Report:  Oregon Counties Vote To Secede & Join Idaho, also, “We Will Kill Every Jew On Planet Earth” – Rashida TlaibHamas
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, The Usual Suspects
Hollywood In Toto:  John Carpenter & Kurt Russell’s Great Escapes
The Lid: Biden Botches Joke Reagan Told In 1988, Calls USCGA Grads “Dull” For Not Laughing
Legal Insurrection: Conservative Activists Target Woke Corporations With Ad Campaign, also,  1619 Project Author Denied Tenure At UNC
Michelle Malkin: Beware Elise Stefanik’s Moneyman
Nebraska Energy Observer: Drugs
Outkick: ESPN’s Smith Race-Baits, Misleads Audience On Tebow Signing & White Privilege, also, Stanford’s Reversal On Cutting 11 Sports Shows What BS It Was In The First Place
Power Line: An Epic Presidential Mismatch, also, Woke Capitalism – Hit Back Twice As Hard
Shark Tank: Fried Says Run For Governor “Makes Sense”
Shot In The Dark: Of Dictators & Religions, also, Counterintuitive
The Political Hat: Anti-Racist Academia – Critical Race Theory Professorship, Faculty of Color Endowed Chair, & Antiracism Librarian
This Ain’t Hell: 3rd SFG PA Captain Under Fire For Commenting On Woman’s Bra Size – On Personal Twitter Account, also, Pvt, Greg Barnett – Phony Fumbles Football & Fakes Purple Hearts
Victory Girls: Intel Report – Yes, COVID Came From Wuhan Lab
Volokh Conspiracy: My Thoughts On Dogecoin
Weasel Zippers: Harris Calls COVID An “Opportunity” To “Transform” Almost Every Part Of America, also, Pentagon Sent Servicemembers Video Claiming White People Are “Inherently Evil”
The Federalist: Chicago’s Mayor Groot Refuses To Be Interviewed By White Reporters, also, Iowa Governor Signs Bill Banning School Mask Mandates
Mark Steyn: Toeing The Line, also, Take Me To Your Non-Binary Leader

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God Bless Officer Tatum

Posted on | May 20, 2021 | Comments Off on God Bless Officer Tatum

If you are a God-fearing American, you need to be praying for this man. Brandon Tatum is doing the Lord’s work, and he needs all your prayer circles calling down God’s angels to protect him from evil.

Because I watch a lot of crime videos on YouTube, the algorithm somehow started pushing videos from the Officer Tatum channel into my recommendations, and the first one I watched was like, “Oh, wow, this guy gets it.” He’s saying the same things I’ve been saying about this violent crime wave and BLM and Ben Crump and so forth.

Anyway, he uploaded a video about the shooting of Andrew Brown Jr. in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. For weeks, Crump and the usual suspects have been in the “Family Demand Answers” mode, accusing police (county sheriff’s deputies, actually) of “executing” Brown. “Release the video!” was the main demand, and it was implied, if not stated directly, that there was some kind of cover-up involved. What these “activist” types and their friends in the liberal media didn’t want you to know is, first of all, the laws in North Carolina don’t allow for this kind of stuff to be released publicly without a judge’s authorization, and the judge in this case wanted to wait until the state police and the district attorney had completed their investigation. But if you’re stupid enough to believe the way this story was presented on CNN and MSNBC, you might actually believe that the sheriff’s deputies in Pasquotank County are just a bunch of racist goons who murdered an innocent black man.

My second point: Andrew Brown Jr. was definitely not innocent.

He was never really innocent in his entire adult life. When he got shot dead by deputies serving an arrest warrant, Brown was 42. He had a criminal record dating back as far as 1996. Do the math, and you realize Brown has been a criminal since before he even turned 18.

So far as anyone can tell, Andrew Brown Jr. never had a real job, never earned an honest dollar in his whole life. He was a lifelong drug dealer who was convicted no fewer than 12 times — TWELVE TIMES — of felony drug charges. He was most recently released from prison in 2018. The reason deputies were serving a warrant on him was because an informant got undercover video of Brown dealing drugs. What kind of drugs was he dealing? Meth, cocaine, and heroin laced with fentanyl.

It wasn’t like Brown was just turning over a few nickel bags of weed or something. He was dealing serious amounts of very bad drugs, the kind of stuff that puts people in an early grave, and you can make all the libertarian arguments you want for ending the “War on Drugs,” but do you want this deadly poison being sold in your community?

America answers: “Hell to the no.” We want to put these people in prison, and the sheriff’s department in Pascotank County had an airtight case against Anthony Brown Jr. They had warrants to arrest him and search his property, but they also knew that Brown had previously shown a disposition to resist arrest or attempt to flee, so when they went to serve the warrant, they brought their tactical squad with them.

Now I’m going to insert Officer Tatum’s video, in which he reviews and comments on the body-camera footage of this incident:


Let me here say a few words about prejudice.

Because I’m a Southerner, I’ve been dealing with prejudice my whole life. One of the reasons I prefer written communication is because, with the written word, you can’t hear my accent. Like Jeff Foxworthy says, the minute a Southerner opens his mouth, people deduct 15 points from his IQ score — no matter how smart a Southerner may be, the slow-motion drawl makes him sound stupid. And because I’ve got a particularly sharp Appalachian twang, I know I seem more intelligent when I write than when I speak. Having dealt with this problem for decades — a professional journalist who talks like Jed Clampett — I am aware that black people suffer similar problems if they “talk black.”

What do you think Joe Biden meant, really, when he praised Barack Obama as being “clean” and “articulate,” as if possessing such qualities had been hitherto unknown among black Americans? You can say it was racist of Biden to say that, and the last thing I want to do is to defend Joe against accusations of racism, but what he obviously meant was that Obama didn’t “talk black” like, e.g., Jesse Jackson.

Or Maxine Waters or Sheila Jackson Lee or any of the other black Democrats who, by word and deed, reinforce the worst racial stereotypes. I mean, every time “Kerosene Maxine” opens her mouth, it’s like a recruiting ad for the KKK. If you’re looking for the Number One cause of racism in America, look no farther than the 43rd District of California.

All of this I say because Brandon Tatum talks the way you’d expect a black man from Tarrant County, Texas, to talk, and many viewers of his videos — particularly the intellectuals of the journalistic elite — might therefore underestimate his intelligence. Certainly, he’s been dealing with this his whole life, but let me tell you something I know from direct experience: Just because a black person doesn’t speak with the elocution and grammatic accuracy of a Cambridge University professor, don’t assume they’re stupid. Because the joke may be on you.

See, as a professional journalist, I learned to anticipate how my redneck accent caused people to underestimate me, and use that to my advantage — like Detective Columbo playing dumb with a murder suspect, and then waving his cigar: “Ah, I just got one more question . . .”

Call up somebody and give ’em that aw-shucks, yes-ma-am, no-ma’am stuff like you’re just a down-home good ol’ boy — let ’em underestimate you — and you’d be surprised at what folks will tell you. If I can figure out how prejudice can be used as ju-jitsu leverage, I’m sure plenty of black people have figured it out, too, so if you’re underestimating Brandon Tatum because he “talks black,” you need to rethink your assumptions. And speaking of assumptions . . .

Why do so many people — including a lot of liberals — act as if the word black is a synonym for poor? Some white folks encounter a successful black man and will automatically assume he grew up in the ghetto and miraculously escaped a life of poverty. Hate to disillusion anyone, but despite the so-called “income gap” between whites (as a group) and blacks (as a group), there are lots of middle-class black people in America, and not every black child grows up in the ghetto.

Brandon Tatum’s father was a captain in the Fort Worth fire department, and his grandfather’s brother, Jack Tatum, was an All-Pro defensive back for the Oakland Raiders in their Super Bowl glory days. Brandon Tatum went to the University of Arizona on a football scholarship, didn’t get picked in the NFL draft and became a police officer in Tucson. Seven years later, after he went viral speaking out on behalf of Donald Trump, Tatum left the police force and became a full-time commentator.

He’s got 1.6 million YouTube subscribers — an audience about twice the size of CNN’s average daytime viewership. And he’s the real deal.

Everything he says about this Andrew Brown Jr. shooting is what I’d say myself, except I’m a white guy and nobody cares what a white guy says about BLM because it’s racist when we say the common-sense truth about these criminal scumbags who get themselves shot by cops.

Every Christian knows that “the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour,” and you know Satan would like nothing better than to devour a righteous man like Brandon Tatum, so I’m asking y’all to get that intercessory prayer going for him.

Lift him up. We need this guy’s voice amplified so loud it makes liberals shut their mouths with all this “systemic racism” nonsense.

Can I get an “amen,” dear brothers?


In The Mailbox: 05.19.21

Posted on | May 19, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.19.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Look who’s being recalled to duty! (Probably)

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1357
357 Magnum: Your Smart TV Is Spying On You
Red Pilled Jew In Exile: Quick Hits
Proof Positive: Israel’s Protector
EBL: Rebekah Jones Doubles Down On Crazy
Twitchy: PBS’ Yamiche Alcindor Can’t Understand Why UNC Didn’t Give Tenure To Nikole Hannah-Jones
Louder With Crowder: Chicago’s Mayor Groot Will Only Agree To 1-on-1 Interviews With Black Or Brown Reporters
Vox Popoli: An Empire Expands, also, When Caesar Fails To Cross The Rubicon

American Greatness: Biden Scolds Coast Guard Academy Grads for Not Laughing At His Lame Joke, also, A Small Group Of GOP Reps Defy Pelosi On Masks, Risking Fines
American Power: Elizabeth Hinton, America On Fire
American Thinker: An Election Heist Too Big To Fail
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Cuban State Security Arrests Dissident Rappers “El Osorbo” y “El Funky”
BattleSwarm: This Is Your Skyscraper On Chinesium
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Senate Revises NASA Authorization To Confirm Lunar Lander Award To SpaceX
Cafe Hayek: Deficit Financing Fuels Excessive Government Growth
Da Tech Guy: The #Unexpectedly Chronicles, also, The COVID Coup
Don Surber: The Cry Of The RINOsaurs As The Tar Pit Consumes Them, also, An Admission That COVID Was Biological Warfare
First Street Journal: Journolism Strikes Again At The Herald-Leader! also, Killadelphia
The Geller Report: Former Democrat Mayoral Candidate Indicted On 109 Counts Of Felony Voter Fraud, also, Terrorist #BLM Declares “Solidarity” With Hamas In War Against Jews
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, M42
Hollywood In Toto: Vincent Gallo’s Store Shreds AOC, Cuomo, Comey, & Kaepernick, also, Too Many Celebrities Actively Condone Or Support Violence
The Lid: Democrats’ Attitude Toward Israel & Hamas – F*** The Jews, They’ll Vote For Us Anyway
Legal Insurrection: In Memory Of Marquette Professor John McAdams, Who Won Free Speech Suit Against School, also, Community College Allegedly Paying $150,000 To Professor Accused Of Anti-Muslim Sentiments
Nebraska Energy Observer: When Is A Protest Not A Protest? When The BBC Says So
Outkick: Don Lemon Very Mad About Joe Rogan’s Take On “Straight White Men”, also, Pressure Increasing On IOC, Beijing Olympics As Uighur Slavery Continues
Power Line: Minneapolis Spirals Downward, also, Is The French Upheaval Coming Here?
Shark Tank: Rubio Implies Demings Is A “Radical Liberal Ally” Of Biden & Pelosi
Shot In The Dark: There Just Has To Be Some Polling
The Political Hat: Legislative Update – Texas Vs. Critical Race Theory
This Ain’t Hell: National Guard News, also, Pentagon To Monitor Military Social Media For “Extremist & Concerning Behavior”
Transterrestrial Musings: Crazy Business Practice
Victory Girls: SCOTUS Protects 4th Amendment In Unanimous Decision
Volokh Conspiracy: Let’s Talk About Stare Decisis On The Warren Court
Weasel Zippers: Police Officers Fired, Demoted for Criticizing #BLM, also, Oregon Counties Vote To Secede From State, Join Idaho
The Federalist: Biden Tells Unamused USCGA Graduates They’re “Really Dull”, also, Pelosi Fines Republicans $500 For Following CDC Mask Guidance
Mark Steyn: If I Knew You Were Coming…, also,  License To Hug

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