The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is This White Privilege? Florida Lunatic Stabs Cop in the Neck, Doesn’t Get Shot

Posted on | October 21, 2020 | Comments Off on Is This White Privilege? Florida Lunatic Stabs Cop in the Neck, Doesn’t Get Shot


When I watched the video of this incident, it bothered me:

A 21-year-old man stabbed a Hillsborough County Sheriff’s deputy in the neck [Oct. 11], according to police.
Deputy Charles Williams was hospitalized with a cut on his neck and released [Oct. 12] morning, the Sheriff’s Office said in a news release.
The man accused of stabbing him, Nicholas Furgason, faces charges of attempted felony murder of a law enforcement officer, resisting an officer with violence and resisting an officer without violence
Deputies responded about 12:40 p.m. [Oct. 11] to a home in Fishhawk Ranch in Lithia, according to the news release. They were called there to help workers at Gracepoint, a Tampa behavioral healthcare provider, with an involuntary mental health evaluation on Furgason.
Furgason at first cooperated with deputies and Gracepoint staff, according to the Sheriff’s Office. After about an hour of discussion, medical officials decided they would admit Furgason to Gracepoint under the Baker Act, a Florida law that allows for the involuntary commitment of someone believed to be a harm to themselves or others.
Upon learning he would be going to Gracepoint, deputies said Furgason ran away into a wooded area. Williams ran after him while another deputy, Nicholas Cruz, followed behind in a marked patrol cruiser.
Williams caught up to Furgason and, according to the Sheriff’s Office, “used deescalation techniques” to calm Furgason down. The Sheriff’s Office released body camera footage that begins with the deputy facing Furgason on a paved trail in the woods.
“Why are you running, dude?” the deputy asks him. Furgason doesn’t answer.
“Are you scared?” the deputy asks.
“Yeah,” Furgason says.
Williams then explains that Furgason isn’t in trouble, but he has to put him in handcuffs to keep him from running away again. He approaches Furgason and grabs his left arm. Then, the video shows Furgason jerking toward the deputy and the deputy can be heard screaming.
According to the Sheriff’s Office, Furgason stabbed Williams in the neck with a knife. Furgason ran away, and the deputy followed, yelling at him to stop. The body camera video shows him pointing his gun toward Furgason and yelling into his radio that he was stabbed in the neck.
Williams then pulled out his Taser and got close enough to Furgason to use it. Williams and Cruz detained Furgason, and Williams applied gauze to his wound. Later in the body camera video, deputies picked up what appeared to be a small hunting knife from the ground beside Furgason.
Furgason was booked into the Falkenburg Road Jail on Sunday evening. He remained there Monday evening in lieu of $27,500 bail, according to jail records.

Watch the video:


Honestly, if I was the sheriff, I’d call this a failure. At a time when law enforcement is under intense scrutiny for shooting black suspects, cops need to shoot more white suspects, just to even the score.

White lunatic stabs a cop? Bang, bang. Dead lunatic.

“Stacy, you should have more compassion for crazy people. After all, you’re pretty crazy yourself.” True, but I never stabbed a cop.

The more I think about this kind of “social justice” policy, the more I like it. If cops just start routinely shooting white criminals, it creates a built-in defense against your Ben Crump types whenever a black suspect gets shot. They can’t claim your officers used “racial profiling” or “excessive force” against a black suspect if your department shot six or seven white perps last week. If “excessive force” becomes your standard policy, who’s to say what “excessive” means? You’re moving the Overton Window, see?

Forget about “de-escalation techniques.” Instead, train your officers to escalate every arrest into a guns-drawn standoff, if possible. Like, you pull somebody over for a traffic violation and they give you some attitude, whip out the pistol: “Hands up! Step out of the car!” And if they make one wrong move, blast ’em full of holes. They gotta respect the badge.

What gets me about this lunatic in Florida is, he didn’t show gratitude toward the deputy. The Baker Act is your friend. A three-day holiday in the nuthouse, that’s just what these kooks need, and they should be grateful for it. But you’re gonna stab a cop? That’s the difference between the Baker Act and getting yourself a permanent dirt nap.

Crazy People Are Dangerous.


In The Mailbox: 10.20.20

Posted on | October 20, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.20.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Bleach Cocktail: Tumescent Toad beats Bishop On Live Zoom Call Red Chinese Influence & Investing
357 Magnum: A #Walkaway Video That Is Worth Your Time
EBL: #WalkAway – 50 Cent Endorses Trump
Twitchy: Watch British MP Push Back against Critical Race Theory & Black Lives Matter
Louder With Crowder: Biden Ad Features “Bar Owner” Struggling Under Trump – Turns Out He’s A Wealthy Biden Donor
Vox Popoli: Whatever Could It Be? also, The DOJ Comes For Google
Stoic Observations: How To Believe In God

Adam Piggott: COVID Hysteria Is Female Hysteria, also, Diversity Has Built Modern Britain
American Conservative: How The Polls Hide Trump’s Lead
American Greatness: Houston Police Sergeant Killed By Repeat Offender After Soros-Backed DA Refused To Press Charges, also, Suspect In San Francisco Assault On Black Trump Supporter Charged With Hate Crime
American Power: Geoffrey Parker, The Military Revolution 1500-1800
American Thinker: Did The U.S. Government Hide Bin Laden In Iran?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Polling News
Babalu Blog: State Security Evicts Independent Cuban Journalist From Her Home For Fifth Time This Year
BattleSwarm: Joe Rogan Interviews Wesley Hunt, also, Will George Soros Determine Austin’s Next DA?
Cafe Hayek:  A Stake Through The Heart Of The Market System
CDR Salamander: A Beheading In France
Da Tech Guy: A 500-Ship Navy Is A Bit Of A Pipe Dream, also, All The News That Fits We Print
Don Surber: Trump Is At 278 & Climbing, also, Why Did They Nominate Hunter Biden’s Dad?
First Street Journal: None Of The Lexington Herald-Leader’s Endorsed Candidates Will Win In Kentucky, also, Philly Teachers Want More Money For Less Work
The Geller Report: French Minister Demands Mosque Shutdown After It Incites Murder, also, NYC POGROM – De Blasio’s Inspectors Flood Jewish Neighborhoods, Every Jewish School Visited
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Just When You Thought 2020 Couldn’t Get Any Weirder
Hollywood In Toto: Unsolved Mystery – Why Young Sherlock Holmes Never Became A Classic, also, Will Pop Music Be Canceled Next?
The Lid: Senior Google Manager Confirms Search Engine Interfering In Biden’s Favor, also, DOJ Moves To Break Up Google
Legal Insurrection: If Biden Wins, Left Wants “Truth & Reconciliation Commission” To Target Trump Supporters, also, DOJ & 11 State AGs File Civil Suit Against “Monopolist Google”
Michelle Malkin: The Disunited States Of Oppression – Critical Race Theory Infiltrates K-12
Power Line: Liberals Confirm They Hate The Constitution, also, Et Tu, USA Today?
Shark Tank: Mucarsel-Powell Makes Final Early Voting Re-election Dance Push
Shot In The Dark: RIP Sid Hartman, also, Straight Outta Wonderland
STUMP: A Contrast In COLAs – Social Security Vs. Illinois
The Political Hat: Would Anime Traps Be Targeted Under A Biden Presidency?
This Ain’t Hell: Deployed Soldiers Face Punishment For “Message To Liberals” Video, also, Followup On Massachusetts VA
Victory Girls: 50 Cent Raps Biden’s Tax Plan
Volokh Conspiracy: Property Owners’ Lawsuit Against Seattle For Toleration Of CHOP Takeover Goes Forward
Weasel Zippers: Study Finds 353 Counties In 29 States With Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%, also, Troy Aikman & Joe Buck Mock U.S. Military On Hot Mic
The Federalist: Why Big Media Will Never Report On Hunter Biden’s Emails, also, Janice Dean Leads An Army Of New Yorkers Who Want Cuomo Held Responsible For Deadly COVID Decisions
Mark Steyn: Goodness Gracious She, also, Putting A Lid On It

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A Democrat and a Liar

Posted on | October 20, 2020 | 1 Comment

But I repeat myself:

A Michigan bar owner featured in a Joe Biden campaign ad saying his business may fail because of President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 response is a wealthy tech investor who made it big after receiving a large family inheritance.
Joe Malcoun, the co-owner of The Blind Pig, said in the ad his bar was nothing more than an empty room because of Trump’s inaction against the virus. “This is the reality of Trump’s COVID response,” Malcoun said.
“We don’t know how much longer we can survive not having any revenue. A lot of restaurants and bars that have been mainstays for many years will not make it through this,” the bar owner said. “My only hope for my family, this business and my community is that Joe Biden win this election.”
However, the Washington Free Beacon reported Monday that the odds that Malcoun falls under financial hardship are slim.
Malcoun told a Michigan-based NBC affiliate in 2018 that he received a lottery-like inheritance from his wife’s grandfather about a decade ago and used those funds to become an angel investor in tech companies in the state. . . .
Malcoun leveraged his inheritance to become the “go-to guy” for people seeking investments in the Ann Arbor area, according to Click On Detroit.
And despite pinning his bar’s hardships on Trump in Biden’s ad, Malcoun told Michigan Live in June that he decided it was “not worth it” to host any live shows at the bar despite having authorization from the state to hold events at limited capacity.
“Now that we tried it and saw it’s really hard to communicate what it means to have a really socially distanced and live music show, we decided it’s not really worth trying,” Malcoun explained. “The very last thing we want is to be the epicenter of a new outbreak.”

So, he’s sitting on a pile of money because his wife inherited a fortune from her grandfather, and lying on behalf of Joe Biden’s campaign, falsely claiming that Trump is driving him out of business when, in fact, the problem is Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stupid policies.

Did I mention he’s a board member of the Michigan ACLU? Yeah, a rich lying Democrat, pretending to be just a struggling small businessmen.



The Democrat Myth of ‘Voter Suppression’

Posted on | October 20, 2020 | 2 Comments


Because black people in Atlanta had to stand in long lines on the first day of “early voting” in Georgia, NBC News would have us believe, some sinister force of racism must be at work:

In 2019, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Chicago used smartphone data to quantify the racial disparity in waiting times at polls across the country. Residents of entirely-black neighborhoods waited 29 percent longer to vote and were 74 percent more likely to spend more than 30 minutes voting.
Similarly, nonwhite voters are seven times more likely than white voters to wait in line for more than an hour to vote, according to a 2017 study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Stephen Pettigrew, who is a senior analyst for the NBC News Decision Desk. The reason, the study concluded, is because election officials send more resources to white polling precincts.
That can affect the electorate for years to come.
“Waiting in a line makes you less likely to turn out in subsequent elections,” Pettigrew said earlier this year, citing his research on that issue.

Here’s some cold facts for you: Most black people live in communities (of which Atlanta is certainly one) where Democrats control local government. So the Democrat officials in charge of their local precincts are the ones responsible for the long voting lines. This is not a right-wing conspiracy, it’s just Democrat incompetence in operation.

Where and when did this “voter suppression” myth arise? It was in the wake of the 2000 Florida recount, when MoveOn-dot-org discovered that they could raise money on the basis of the claim that Bush “stole” the election by “suppressing” the African-American vote. This myth was recycled in 2004 after John Kerry lost to Bush, but then the myth subsided for eight years when Barack Obama was twice elected president. Suddenly, however, when Hillary Clinton lost to Trump in 2016, Democrats rediscovered the “vote suppression” myth and promulgated this conspiracy theory so widely that when Stacey Abrams lost the Georgia governorship by 55,000 votes in 2018, somehow ‘suppression” was the explanation (never mind that Georgia hasn’t elected a Democrat to statewide office since Roy Barnes was elected governor in 1998).

Going into the 2020 election, Democrats are preparing their excuse in advance, so that if Trump somehow scores a poll-defying victory, Biden’s voters will be ready to believe Republicans “stole” the election.


In The Mailbox: 10.19.20

Posted on | October 19, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Bleach Cocktail: Peter Strzok Fails Upward
357 Magnum: The Working Hypothesis Is Terrorism
Red Pilled Jew: New Bill To Allow Foreign Forces & Troops To Be Used On Australian Soil
EBL: How Does The Guy From NWA Become MAGA? also, Jeffrey Toobin, This One’s For You!
Twitchy: Reporter Asks Why President Trump Keeps Calling Joe Biden A Criminal, Gets Called A Criminal
Louder With Crowder: Congressional Candidate Warns Joe Rogan – Keep Your California Politics Out Of Texas
Vox Popoli: Division & QAnon, also, “A Thundering Defeat”
Stoic Observations: bSpace – A Journey Through Black Cyberspace, Part I: The 80s

Adam Piggott: Big Mommy, also, Passing The Test
American Conservative: The Voting Rights Mirage
American Greatness: Hungarian FM Says Biden Should Explain Why He Pushed Ukraine To Fire Its Chief Prosecutor
American Power: NZ PM Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Party Wins Landslide Victory
American Thinker: The Red Chinese Virus – Why We Panicked And Why We’ve Got To End The Panic Now, also, Are The fake News Polls A Setup For Post-Election Chaos?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Mexico City Topples Columbus Monument But Erects Statues To Mass-Murdering Communists Castro & Guevara
BattleSwarm: Hunter Biden has An Armory Of Smoking Guns, also, BidenWatch For October 19
Cafe Hayek: What Joakim Book Says, also, The Great Matt Ridley
Camp of the Saints: Fear Is Unsightly
CDR Salamander: The Middle East’s Future Imperfect
Da Tech Guy: Futureworld, also, The Single Biggest Issue Bar None In Election 2020
Don Surber: Biden’s Bad Vote By Mail Bet, also, Campaign 2020’s Missing Issue – The Wall
First Street Journal: Citing “Gender Studies” Experts, The Media Try To Redefine Masculinity To Support Progressive Politics…And Joe Biden, also, Who Is Unqualified?
The Geller Report: Biden Calls Off Campaigning Until Final Debate, also, Joe Biden Says Muslims Would Serve “At Every Level” In His Administration
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, A Bribe Too Far
Hollywood In Toto: New Documentaries Reveal Media’s Phony Commitment To Diversity, also, America’s Forgotten Shares True Toll Of Weak Immigration Enforcement
The Lid: Schiff’s Latest Lie – Hunter Biden E-Mails Came From The Kremlin!
Legal Insurrection: New Yorker Suspends Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin For Jerking It During Zoom Call, also, Obama Rides In At 11th Hour To Campaign For Joe Biden
Power Line: The Brown Shirts Are Back, also, Speaking Of Disinformation
Shark Tank: House Democrats Still Silent On Hunter Biden’s Burisma Emails
Shot In The Dark: Denormalizing
The Political Hat: If You Think 2020 Is Bad For You, Remember That At Least You Aren’t In Venezuela
This Ain’t Hell: Alek Skarlatos Narrows The Gap In OR-4, also, West Point Getting Woke
Victory Girls: Journalist Asks Biden Question, Media Flip Out
Volokh Conspiracy: Do Originalists Ignore The Reconstruction Amendments?
Weasel Zippers: Casket Outside Brooklyn Nursing Home Filled With Cuomo’s Book Covers, also, Anti-Trump Protesters In Boston Burn American Flag, Eat Fake Human Heart
The Federalist: The Biden Corruption Scandal Isn’t About Hunter – It’s About Joe, also, Biden Plan Raises Taxes On 80% Of Americans, Lowers Household Income By $6500
Mark Steyn: Carnival Of Souls, also, Tomorrow’s Civilizational Cringe Today

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COVID-19 Update

Posted on | October 19, 2020 | 1 Comment

For the past few months, I’ve been ignoring the news about COVID-19 because who cares? Once we got over the original lockdown hysteria — first two weeks to “slow the spread,” then another month to “flatten the curve” — the pandemic ceased to be newsworthy. Medical science developed effective therapeutic regimes that substantially lowered the death rate, and death rates are the only statistic that really counts.

The number of COVID-19 deaths reported daily in the U.S. peaked six months ago, on April 21, at 2,742 daily. There was a belated summer uptick, which peaked at 1,851 deaths on July 30, and since then the toll has gradually but steadily declined. During the week of Sept. 14-20, the average daily death total was 782; during the most recent week, Oct. 12-18, the average was 725 deaths daily, a 7.3% decline in about a month, and about 30% lower than in the first week of August.

This is unmistakably good news, but the media keeps fear-mongering about “surges” and “outbreaks” based on the number of reported new cases. But they’re counting every positive test as a “case,” without regard for whether the person testing positive has any symptoms at all, much less whether they require hospitalization. If someone tests positive for the coronavirus, yet has only mild symptoms that don’t even require a doctor’s visit, why are such “cases” presented as evidence of an impending crisis? Yet that’s what the media is doing.

‘Hunker down’: The fall Covid-19 surge is here
CNN, Oct. 13

The Third Coronavirus Surge Has Arrived
The Atlantic, Oct. 15

Rural Midwest hospitals struggling
to handle coronavirus surge: “It just exploded”

CBS News, Oct. 19

You see the theme here. Just in time for the home stretch of the presidential election campaign, the dreaded surge has arrived. And while there has, indeed, been a remarkable increase in the number of new cases reported, this has not been reflected in an upward trend in the number of coronavirus deaths — as I say, the past week’s death numbers were 7.3. percent down from a month ago, and nearly a third lower than in August. What is likely being reported as a “surge” is a pattern of outbreaks among school-age children, but since anyone under 60 has a 99.9% survival rate from COVID-19, this “surge” likely won’t result in any substantial increase in deaths. A nationwide crisis, it ain’t.

You know who is having a COVID-19 crisis? Belgium:

Belgium could soon be overwhelmed by new coronavirus infections, the health minister has warned, amid soaring case numbers across the country.
Frank Vandenbroucke said new cases were close to a “tsunami” where authorities “no longer control what is happening”.
New measures to try to halt the spread came into force on Monday. All bars and restaurants are closed for four weeks.
Infection numbers are climbing throughout Europe, prompting new restrictions across the continent. . . .
Belgium was one of the worst-hit countries during Europe’s first wave of coronavirus earlier this year.
Overall it has the third-highest number of Covid-related deaths per 100,000 people globally, behind only Peru and San Marino, according to Johns Hopkins University data. . . .
According to the Belgian health institute Sciensano, Belgium has recorded an average of 7,876 new daily infections over the last seven days, a 79% rise on the previous week. Last Tuesday the country reported 12,051 cases in 24 hours, its highest daily figure since the pandemic began.
Hospitalisations have also risen, with 2,485 people in hospital with Covid-19 on Monday. Officials warn that if cases continue to rise at the same rate, Belgium will fill its capacity of 2,000 intensive care beds by mid-November.
“The situation is serious,” Prime Minister Alexander De Croo told RTL. “It is worse than on March 18 when the lockdown was decided.”

Compare Belgium to Florida. Remember when Gov. Ron DeSantis ended the lockdowns and everybody thought Florida was headed for disaster?

Nope. Didn’t happen. Still not happening.

While Belgium (population 11.5 million) was reporting nearly 8,000 new cases daily last week, Florida (population 21.5 million) was reporting a little over 2,900 cases daily for the week of Oct. 12-18. With a population nearly twice as large as Belgium’s, in other words, Florida’s average daily new case number was about 63% lower. The state’s daily death totals have decreased more than 50% during the past two months.


CNN Chief Legal Analyst Masturbates During Video Chat With Colleagues

Posted on | October 19, 2020 | 1 Comment


Harvard Law alumnus Jeffrey Toobin:

The New Yorker has suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin for masturbating on a Zoom video chat between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio last week. Toobin says he did not realize his video was on.
“I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera. I apologize to my wife, family, friends and co-workers,” Toobin told Motherboard.
“I believed I was not visible on Zoom. I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video,” he added. . . .
[Two witnesses who were in the Zoom session] both said that they saw Toobin jerking off. The two sources described a juncture in the election simulation when there was a strategy session, and the Democrats and Republicans went into their respective break out rooms for about 10 minutes. At this point, they said, it seemed like Toobin was on a second video call. The sources said that when the groups returned from their break out rooms, Toobin lowered the camera. The people on the call said they could see Toobin touching his penis. Toobin then left the call. Moments later, he called back in, seemingly unaware of what his colleagues had been able to see, and the simulation continued.

Notice that Toobin does not apologize for masturbating during what was supposed to be a work session; rather, he apologizes that he accidentally forgot that his video camera was still connected. Everybody knows that Toobin is a disgusting pervert. He impregnated his “friend” Jeff Greenfield’s daughter, tried to force her into an abortion, and then denied paternity until a court-ordered DNA test proved it. Now get this:

A spokesperson for CNN said “Jeff Toobin has asked for some time off while he deals with a personal issue, which we have granted.”

Oh, he “asked for some time off.” Seems like he’s had too much time on his hands lately. And that ain’t all he’s got on his hands . . .


Can Joe Biden Really Win This Way?

Posted on | October 19, 2020 | 3 Comments

As campaign strategy, does this even make sense?

Joe Biden is still refusing to discuss an exposé by the New York Post alleging the former vice president’s youngest son, Hunter, leveraged his ties to the Obama administration for the benefit of a Ukrainian natural gas conglomerate.
The Democrat nominee, who has long struggled to explain his son’s overseas business deals, was asked about the story during a campaign swing through North Carolina on Sunday. Biden, in particular, was asked by a reporter if he had any comment about revelations that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had seized Hunter’s laptop last year via subpoena.
Video of Biden’s encounter, which was shared on social media by President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, shows that the Democrat nominee refused to even listen to the reporter’s question, opting to walk away as soon as the reporter mentions the word “FBI.”

Never in my life have I witnessed anything quite like this. The Biden campaign announced that Biden would be in seclusion until Thursday, when he is scheduled for the next debate with President Trump. So they’re taking the candidate off the campaign trail for four full days. Meanwhile, Trump is doing multiple rallies every day — with massive crowds of thousands — and yet, we’re told, Biden is ahead in every poll:

If you believe the media, Joe Biden is heading toward a landslide of such historic proportions that even Texas may tip into the Democrat’s column. Of course, no intelligent person actually believes this, but the propaganda organs of our national media are so devoted to Team Joe that the possibility of turning Texas “blue” continues to be the subject of allegedly serious reporting.
A well-informed source in Texas tells me GOP internal polls show a tighter-than-usual contest there, and Democrats are bombarding young Texans with get-out-the-vote text messages, but this is a state Trump won with a comfortable margin of more than 800,000 votes in 2016. Nevertheless, the media are dreaming the impossible dream. The Washington Post’s Dan Balz, for example, expended some 1,500 words exploring the scenario of a “Biden upset” in Texas driven by “a huge Democratic surge” in a state that no Democrat has won since 1976. . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


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