The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | August 3, 2018 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

The volcano erupted and slew the loudly weeping forest with fire. Moot was the point that the victim was a rainforest, and featured a lake. The water’s indifference to the inferno on the hill could not have been more placid.

That was, until the earthquake. The ravaged trees had their revenge against the volcano as the ground, hearing the lament of the pine forest, separated. The land bade the placid lake sacrifice itself to quench the angry heart of the volcano.

It was a three-way murder scene as volcano killed forest and lake killed volcano.

But the earth abideth forever.

via Darleen

Why Does @SarahJeong Hate Jesus?

Posted on | August 3, 2018 | 1 Comment

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.”
Romans 1:18-19 (KJV)

After posting about this controversy Thursday afternoon (“Fringe Extremist Hate-Monger @SarahJeong Hired by New York Times”), I had lunch with my brother, then took a nap and, when I woke up, decided to dig a bit more into Ms. Jeong’s Twitter timeline. What I found was rather remarkable, and I worked until dawn to write a column about it:

In the uproar over Sarah Jeong’s hiring by the New York Times, the focus on her history of hateful rhetoric against white people overlooked her many other expressions of hatred — toward males, Christians, and police officers, among others. While her new employers have apparently accepted Ms. Jeong’s disingenuous excuse that she was “engaged in what I thought of at the time as counter-trolling… intended as satire,” this cannot explain away her demonstrable habit of deliberately insulting entire groups of people. It is not true, as she claimed, that she merely “mimicked the language of my harassers.”
Consider, for example, Ms. Jeong’s oft-expressed contempt for Christians, including her own parents. She “grew up in a conservative evangelical Christian bubble,” but “became an annoying atheist” as a teenager, when she was “trapped in a fundamentalist Christian school.” After attending the University of California-Berkeley and graduating from Harvard Law, Ms. Jeong pronounced herself a member of the “educated left wing elite.” She says she has now “mostly cut myself off from the conservative evangelical community,”and condemns Christians who “indoctrinate children” with “reality-denying belief systems.” Ms. Jeong’s spiteful denunciation of her parents’ faith was not “counter-trolling,” nor was it “intended as satire.” These anti-Christian remarks appear to express her sincere beliefs, no different from her many similar expressions of contempt for other groups. . . .

You can read the whole thing at The American Spectator. It’s been linked at Instapundit and by Daniel Greenfield at FrontPageMagazine, and there’s a Memeorandum thread, too. One well-aimed shot can have remarkable effects, and the Daily Caller has followed up with some anti-police tweets from Ms. Jeong (e.g., “f–k the police”) that even I overlooked.

Bad things tend to happen to people who invite the wrath of God. Selah.


McCain’s Law of Feminism and the Memoir of Phyllis Chesler

Posted on | August 3, 2018 | Comments Off on McCain’s Law of Feminism and the Memoir of Phyllis Chesler

One thing I’ve said is that are three kinds of feminism:

  1. Feminism that is wrong;
  2. Feminism that is crazy;
  3. Feminism that is both wrong and crazy.

This is McCain’s Law of Feminism. Unlike some other conservatives, e.g., Christina Hoff Sommers, I cede nothing to feminism in terms of its claims to have made “progress” possible for women. All claims of “progress” — beyond the greater freedom and leisure made possible by the accumulation of wealth — remind me of the words of Edmund Burke:

We know that we have made no discoveries, and we think that no discoveries are to be made in morality, nor many in the great principles of government, nor in the ideas of liberty, which were understood long before we were born, altogether as well as they will be after the grave has heaped its mold upon our presumption and the silent tomb shall have imposed its law on our pert loquacity.

The myth of moral “progress,” which Burke perceived as the motivating sentiment of the French Revolution, is dangerous and destructive. While we cannot deny that technological progress and the accompanying explosion of wealth in industrial societies has made life easier for the vast majority of people, it is a mistake to believe that being richer than our ancestors means that we are morally superior to our ancestors. Nor do I believe that having more education, in terms of mere numbers of years in school, makes people better. The terrorist Ted Kaczynski was a Harvard alumnus, and it is not true that academics are morally superior:

Walter Lee Williams, whose works include Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia, was “an eminent professor of gender and sexuality studies” at the University of Southern California before he pleaded guilty in federal court to traveling the world to pursue sex with boys as young as 9. Columbia University political science Professor David Epstein copped a plea bargain for having incest with his daughter. Rutgers University Professor Anna Stubblefield was convicted of sexually molesting a mentally disabled man. Lehigh University Professor Yujie Ding was convicted of federal fraud charges, and Florida State University Professor James Doran was convicted of embezzlement. One could make a long list of university faculty — Professor Alyssa Azotea (psychology, Simmons College), Professor Michael Dean Stroup (economics, Stephen F. Austin State University), Professor James Francis Quinn (criminology, University of North Texas), Professor Douglas Paul Dohrman (health science, Texas A&M University), Professor Christopher DeZutter(chemistry, University of Minnesota-Rochester), Professor Noel Campbell (business, University of Central Arkansas), Professor Kevin Sullivan (public health, Emory University), Professor Amol Kharabe(business, Ohio University), Professor J. Martin Favor (African American studies, Dartmouth College), to name just a few recent cases — arrested on child pornography charges. The FBI says self-described “boy lover” Professor James Cavalcoli used the Internet in his attempt to meet a minor for sex. And, of course, there was University of Georgia Professor Max Reinhart, who was charged with prostitution for peddling himself online as a transvestite named “Sasha.”

More money and more education are not proof of “progress,” in a moral sense, nor should we believe that “democracy” (however one conceives that vague term) guarantees “progress.” A belief in the myth of “progress” tends to blind us to the possibility of decadence. We have made remarkable technological progress — I’m typing this on a laptop computer and you’re reading it on the Internet, something that did not even exist when I graduated college in 1983 — but what are most people actually doing with all these gadgets? Binge-watching sitcoms? Posting selfies on Instagram? Trying to get laid on Tinder? But I digress . . .

Phyllis Chesler is an author I’ve known for many years. A notable Second Wave feminist, she became alarmed after 9/11 about the pro-Muslim/anti-Israel sentiments expressed by many of her movement comrades. When I was at The Washington Times, I interviewed her about her 2005 book, The Death of Feminism: What’s Next in the Struggle for Women’s Freedom, which explored these themes.

Ms. Chesler has produced a new memoir of her decades as a feminist, A Politically Incorrect Feminist: Creating a Movement with Bitches, Lunatics, Dykes, Prodigies, Warriors, and Wonder Women, and has published her first excerpt of this book at Tablet:

It’s impossible to convey how excited I was — how excited we all were. While at work at the Brain Research Labs, I somehow heard about a women’s meeting. I rushed out, still wearing my white lab coat. I was on the streets searching for “the women,” as if a group of aliens had suddenly landed on Earth.
We were all lost in a dream — but we had never been so awake. Women who were once invisible to each other were now the only visible creatures. Women — who used to see one another as wicked stepsisters — had magically transformed into fairy godmothers.
Some of us smoked and drank, wore motorcycle boots, tough leather jackets, and no makeup; we were rather butch, whether we were straight or not. Suddenly we were the ones who made things happen, not those to whom things happened.
Some of us wore feathers, jewelry, soft suede vests, bell bottoms, and lots of makeup. We looked like gypsies or glamorous pirates, and we too made stuff happen. You didn’t mess with us anymore. . . .

The heady excitement of modern feminism in its 1960s infancy was destined to disappointment. Quite frankly, the movement was a magnet for kooks and weirdos and ego-tripping megalomaniacs. It was largely a New York-based movement, and was allied with the radical New Left, which would soon devolve into the Weather Underground terrorist cult. The late 1960s were a time of psychedelic drug freak-outs, “free love” and every other species of dangerous craziness, so it is unfair to say that feminists had a monopoly on lunatic ideas, but theirs was a special kind of crazy, as Ms. Chesler laments:

For example, we proclaimed that “sisterhood is powerful” — it’s such a lovely idea — but such a sisterhood did not normally exist; it had to be created day by day. Women did not always treat each other kindly. Somehow we expected feminists, who are also women, to behave in radically different ways. We were shocked as we learned, one by one, that feminists didn’t even always treat each other with respect or compassion.
I know this now. I did not know it in 1967. . . .
Like most women, feminists engaged in smear and ostracism campaigns against any woman with whom they disagreed, whom they envied, or who was different in some way. Unlike men, most women were not psychologically prepared for such intense and overt battles and experienced them personally, not politically — and sometimes as near-death experiences. . . .
If only we had understood more about the dark side of female psychology, we might have been able to find ways to resist our own mean-girl treachery.
If only.
Only now, a half century later, do I understand that women in groups tend to demand uniformity, conformity, shoulder-to-shoulder nonhierarchical sisterhood — one in which no one is more rewarded than anyone else. Marxism and female psychology are a natural fit psychologically, but not for me. . . .

You can and should read the whole thing. As much as I’d like to share my opinions about why the feminist “sisterhood” proved to be so toxic, I don’t want to be accused of mansplaining, so I’ll remain silent.


In The Mailbox: 08.02.18

Posted on | August 2, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.02.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Rush Limbaugh’s 30th Anniversary
Twitchy: Looks Like Sarah Jeong Doesn’t Just Hate White People
Louder With Crowder: Jim Acosta Demands Sarah Sanders Denounce “The Press Are the Enemy” Comments, Gets Blasted

American Power: Sarah Jeong, also, Heather MacDonald, The Diversity Delusion
American Thinker: 3D Plastic Gun Hype Misfires
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Iran Currency Plunge News
BattleSwarm: Harrowing Story Of Policewoman Vs. “Gooned-up” Perp
Da Tech Guy: Why Did Obama Ignore The Black Community While Trump Doesn’t? also, Judge Kavanaugh & The Fourth Amendment
Don Surber: Trump Killed Funky Winkerbean
Dustbury: Some Of Them Want To Use You
First Street Journal: Pope Francis Declares Capital Punishment Always Inadmissible In Modern Society
The Geller Report: Jewish Girl’s Murder Fuels Political Turmoil In Germany, also, 74-Year-Old British Tourist Raped, Robbed By Muslim Migrant In Spain
Hogewash: Progressives Clutching their 3D Printed Pearls, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Find The Deep-Pocketed Defendant
Legal Insurrection: Jordan Peterson – Increasingly, People Being Taught By Ideologues Not Educators, also, Senate Caves To Big Dairy, Will Continue FDA’s Study Of Milk’s Definition
The PanAm Post: Cuban Authorities Play A Dangerous Game By Allowing A Little Bit Of Freedom
Power Line: National Archives Says Can’t Produce All Kavanaugh Docs Until End Of October, also, Open Bigotry At The New York Times [Update]
Shot In The Dark: One Reason I Love St. Paul
The Political Hat: Whiteness – Mythology, Geometry, & White Hispanics
This Ain’t Hell: People On The Rise To Counter Mikey Weinstein, also, Knock Yourselves Out
Victory Girls: It’s The Jim Acosta Show!
Volokh Conspiracy: A “Liberal Feminist” Endorses Kavanaugh
Weasel Zippers: Surprise! Ontario Forced To Pull Plug On Universal Basic Income Scheme, also, Trump Approval Surges, Blows Past Obama
Megan McArdle: Three Theories On Why MoviePass Failed

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Fringe Extremist Hate-Monger @SarahJeong Hired by New York Times

Posted on | August 2, 2018 | 3 Comments


Sarah Jeong is a Harvard Law School graduate who hates men, heterosexuality and white people, not necessarily in that order:

The New York Times’ newest editorial hire has a history of racist tweets against white people.
NYT announced on Wednesday that they hired Sarah Jeong to join their editorial board. Jeong previously wrote for the Verge and authored “The Internet of Garbage,” a book about online harassment and free speech.
Shortly after Jeong’s hire, Twitter users unearthed old tweets in which she expressed an extreme distaste for white people.
“Dumbass f–king white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs p–sing on fire hydrants,” she tweeted in 2016. . . .
The New York Times has yet to comment on Jeong’s racist past, however some Twitter users pointed out that they previously fired Quinn Norton after learning that she had tweeted derogatory terms about black and gay people. . . .

The New York Times now has a strict policy against hiring heterosexuals, white people, or anyone who disagrees with Sarah Jeong.


Notice @AceOfSpadesHQ Has Gone Full Populist? (And More Trump-Era News)

Posted on | August 2, 2018 | 1 Comment

Few things have pleased me more than watching my old buddy Ace of Spades go all-in on Trump, stopping just shy of a Pat Buchanan-type deal where it’s a nod-and-a-wink to the Jew-haters. Which is exactly the right place to stop, I hasten to add. It’s that scene in Falling Down where Michael Douglas encounters the Nazi surplus-store dealer:

Nazi: We’re the same, you and me. We’re the same, don’t you see?
Douglas: We are not the same. I’m an American, you’re a sick asshole.

Any right-populist movement will, inevitably, have to draw that line, not that this will stop the liberal media from calling you Nazis, but rather because Jew-hating is an omen of doom (cf., Genesis 12:3). On the other hand, I hate the sort of defensive flinch reaction of mainstream Republicans where they are ashamed of their grassroots voting base, some of whom might not be quite so solid in their understanding of Genesis 12:3, IYKWIMAITYD. For too long — and the hopeless 1996 Dole presidential campaign made this clear — the GOP has failed to maximize its potential vote among blue-collar whites. Reagan did that, and Bush 41 won a landslide against Dukakis in 1988, but since then, the GOP has lost its blue-collar mojo. Donald Trump was able to recapture that, to the horror of the #NeverTrump crowd whose commitment to Bush-style internationalism (including open borders) was their undoing. Quite simply, the GOP elite has not adjusted well to the post-Cold War reality, and Trump’s tough-talking nationalist stance proved surprisingly effective in the Heartland. Trump has essentially vindicated the view that Pat Buchanan and other paleoconservatives (e.g., the late Sam Francis) had promoted for years. While I don’t know if Trump ever heard of Sam Francis, clearly some of his advisers are familiar with the paleocon oeuvre and the good news is, it’s working pretty damned good so far, both as policy and politics. There was never any reason why the world’s Number One economic and military superpower should be obligated to defer to “the international community” (i.e., a bunch of European bankers and bureaucrats) rather than asserting our own interests and making our so-called “allies” fall in line. Tough-talking populism works, and if the GOP can manage to hang on to its congressional majority in the November midterms, it will be because of Trump’s success, not because of the timid advice of the dwindling band of Republican elitists still clinging to the #NeverTrump banner. But I digress . . .

Ace of Spades scalded Allahpundit:

Why do you agree with the left’s claims that that they are simply entitled to more rights and more privileges than the right? . . .
If you’re an alternate media source that does nothing but parrot, except more hysterically, the exact claims made by the dominant media — what is the point of you? What is your actual contribution?

What that was about was CNN’s Jim Acosta playing the victim at Trump’s big Tuesday rally in Tampa, but notice where Allah says this:

In fact, hooting at Acosta wasn’t even the worst “this is who we are” moment from last night’s rally. All over the arena, people where wearing shirts or carrying signs about QAnon, for cripes sake.

What? Is Allah saying there are no pedophiles in the “Deep State”?

QAnon refers to a conspiracy theory centered on Q, an online handle used on several image boards by a presumably American pseudonymous individual or group of individuals claiming to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States, and detailing a supposed secret counter-coup against the alleged “deep state”.

Look, I don’t want to go wading into that particular swamp, but it’s important for conservatives to understand that the right-wing “fringe” is not worse than the Democrat fringe and, furthermore, we must pay attention to the fringe, because sometimes you’ll find nuggets of important truth among the paranoid rhetoric of kooks. Twenty years ago, for example, The Camp of the Saints was considered “fringe,” but nowadays we see Jean Raspail’s prophecies fulfilled every day.

What are the nuggets of truth here?

Believers in “QAnon,” as the conspiracy theory is known, were front and center at the Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall, where Trump came to stump for Republican candidates. As the president spoke, a sign rose from the audience. “We are Q,” it read. Another poster displayed text arranged in a “Q” pattern: “Where we go one we go all.”
The symbol appeared on clothing, too. A man and a woman wore matching white T-shirts with the YouTube logo encircled in a blue “Q.” The video-sharing website came under criticism this week for unwittingly becoming a platform for baseless claims, first promoted on Twitter and Reddit by QAnon believers, that certain Hollywood celebrities are pedophiles.

Any readers who’ve followed my occasional posts about Crazy Days and Nights, the go-to source for advance warning of Hollywood sex scandals, should know that rumors about pedophiles in show-business cannot be easily dismissed as “baseless claims.” Hollywood is full of wealthy degenerates, and there are enough known cases — e.g., the gay pedophile network exposed in An Open Secret — to create a reasonable suspicion that there’s more lurking in the shadows. Furthermore, just because #Pizzagate didn’t pan out doesn’t mean that big-name Democrats aren’t on the verge of being destroyed by the revelation of sordid sex scandals:

A number of people at Trump’s rally in Florida held signs or wore shirts referring to “QAnon,” a hopelessly complex and obviously unhinged conspiracy theory that centers on the idea of an insider in the Trump administration, “Q,” leaking information about the president’s secret work on uprooting child sex rings and building a case against prominent Democrats and celebrities for complicity.

Just yesterday, I wrote about a CIA leaker busted for child pornography. It is very easy to write a phrase like “obviously unhinged” to dismiss suspicions about “child sex rings” as a way to imply that (a) such things don’t exist, (b) no Democrats or celebrities could be involved, and (c) Trump couldn’t actually be working to bust “child sex rings.” Isn’t it a curious coincidence, however, that celebrities were involved the NXIVM sex cult, which didn’t get busted until Trump became president? And let me remind you of a few headlines:

President of NYC Young Democrats Arrested
on Child Pornography Charges

May 27, 2017

Child Pornography Arrest Exposes
Australian TV Reporter’s Sordid Gay Life

April 18, 2017

Canadian Gay Child Pornography Merchant
Reportedly Made $4 Million

Aug. 9, 2016

Australian Gay-Marriage Crusader Was
Fugitive Wanted on Kiddie Porn Charge

May 14, 2016

Gay Pedophiles Used ‘Multiple Fake
Female Personas’ in Child Porn Ring

March 18, 2014

Famous Gay Rights Activist Now Also
Famous for Child Pornography Habits

Jan. 25, 2014

University of Toronto Education Professor
Arrested on Child Pornography Charges

July 8, 2013

Two Gay Men Used Russian Surrogate Mother
to Create Boy for Sex Abuse Ring

July 1, 2013

That’s just a small sample of creeps who’ve been busted the past few years, and don’t forget about this story from 2014:

A new lawsuit has revealed the extent of former President Clinton’s friendship with a fundraiser who was later jailed for having sex with an underage prostitute.
Bill Clinton’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who served time in 2008 for his illegal sexual partners, included up multiple trips to the onetime billionaire’s private island in the Caribbean where underage girls were allegedly kept as sex slaves. . . .
Tales of orgies and young girls being shipped to the island, called Little St. James, have been revealed as part of an ongoing lawsuit between Epstein and his former lawyers Scott Rothstein and Bradley Edwards.

A billionaire friend of Bill Clinton had a private island with teenage sex slaves, but it’s “obviously unhinged” to suspect that other Democrats and celebrities may eventually be exposed as pedophiles? Is it far-fetched to think President Trump may be getting Justice Department briefings about ongoing investigations of child sex rings? Is it a crazy conspiracy theory to believe that some administration “insiders” might know who’s under investigation, and that they might anonymously post tips on Internet forums? OK, maybe that’s all tinfoil-hat stuff, but you can’t just call it “baseless claims” and pretend you’ve proven that everything about #QAnon is false. Because for all you know, next week’s headlines will be a new scandal you never imagined in your wildest dreams, and the #QAnon guys will point to a previous tip and say, “See? We told you so!”

Oh, if only it could be Chuck Schumer . . .


In The Mailbox: 08.01.18

Posted on | August 1, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.01.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #334
EBL: Bigfoot Erotica Is A Thing?
Twitchy: Clip Of Sarah Sanders Defending Free Speech Makes Nicolle Wallace Sweat
Louder With Crowder: “REAL MEN TAKE OWNERSHIP!” (Jocko Willink Uncut)

Adam Piggott: Men Are Attracted To Youth & Beauty, Not Careers & Power
American Power: Oksana Shachko, RIP, also, Bob Woodward, Fear
American Thinker: The Wicked Witches Of Silicon Valley
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Syrian Army Crushes Islamic State Pocket In Yarmouk Basin
CDR Salamander: Hey, At Least We’re Being Honest WRT LCS Mission Modules…Right?
Da Tech Guy: Lord Monckton Speaks In Worcester, also, Still Some Hope For The UK – Tommy Robinson To Be Released On Appeal
Don Surber: 3D Printer Guns Were Banned 30 Years Ago
Dustbury: You Down With G.O.P.?
The Geller Report: A Dozen Nigerian Christian Villages Wiped Out In Four-Day Muslim Rampage, also, Minnesota Muslim Teen Savagely Beats 74-Year Old Man, Pulls Out Eyes & Teeth
Hogewash: A Big Sibling For The Milky Way, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: The Russians Are Coming! Maybe. Probably.
Legal Insurrection: Social Justice Warriors Have Finally Come For Animal House, also, Trump Demands Sessions Shut Down Russia Probe “Right Now”
Michelle Malkin: Free Valentino Dixon
The PanAm Post: Ecuador Court Denies Appeal Of Former VP Glas, Further Weakening Correa
Power Line: Rush Celebrates 30 Years, Takes A Phone Call, also, The AP’s War On Donald Trump, Voter ID Edition
Shark Tank: San Juan Mayor Yulin Cruz Endorses Senator Nelson
Shot In The Dark: If You Think Movies Are Expensive Now, Wait Until They’re Free
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – Taxing Our Own Rich Folks Ain’t Enough! Bail Us Out!
The Political Hat: What Does Citizenship Mean When Non-Citizens Can Outvote You?
This Ain’t Hell:  OPLAN34A, also, Remains Returned By Norks Could Take Up To A Decade To Identify
Victory Girls: bRomance  – A Little Tale of Joe & Barack
Volokh Conspiracy: Is There A Legal Duty To Report Your Co-Workers’ Off-The-Job Crimes?
Weasel Zippers: Maxine Waters Hit With FEC Complaint Over Mailer Money, also, Ranking Dem On Senate Intel Committee Says It’s Clear Russians Weren’t Favoring One Party Over Another
Megan McArdle: Medicare For All Comes With a Price Tag  – And Some Hard Choices

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Rule 5 Tuesday Weld

Posted on | August 1, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I got nuthin’, except for this pic of actress Tuesday Weld on the beach.

Tuesday Weld in a bikini.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #328, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism has Rule Five Fundamental Misunderstandings Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL graces us with Jessica Davies, Man In The High Castle Season 3, Occasional Cortex Supercut, National Tequila Day, Yvonne Goolagong, Straw Arguments & Girls, Kaitlan Collins, and Marina Butina.

A View From The Beach brings us Pam Anderson Warns About Modern Sex, #NotHerToo, Apparently, A Sad Loss for Femen, Trevor Noah Caught Dissing Blacks, More R-Rated Russiagate, Giselle’s Husband Bombed in Boston for Dad Bod, It’s Shark Week Again!, Those Who Dwell in Glass Mansions…, I Believe It and Rejoicing in Russiagate.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Aly Raisman, his Vintage Babe is Melissa Stribling, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Calvin Klein. At Dustbury, it’s Mari Blanchard and Milana Vayntrub.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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