The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Kinky Feminist’ Author and Her Son Charged With Running Prostitution Ring

Posted on | March 2, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘Kinky Feminist’ Author and Her Son Charged With Running Prostitution Ring

Fay Romesburg (left) author of ‘The Kinky Feminist,’ was arrested with her son (right).

Under the pseudonym “F.R.R. Mallory,” Fay Ruth Romesburg wrote a series of self-published books, including Extreme Space: The Domination and Submission Handbook (1998) and The Kinky Feminist (2013).

In real life, police say, Romesburg and her son were human traffickers, running a prostitution ring in the suburbs of San Francisco:

A Rohnert Park woman who is accused of running a 150-woman prostitution ring with her son is also a prolific author of feminist erotica, a crime reporter at the Santa Rosa Press Democrat discovered Tuesday during a jailhouse interview.
The woman, 59-year-old Fay Ruth Romesburg, is accused of working with her son David Scott Romesburg, 38, to lure women into sex work and then arranging appointments for them at three properties, one in Rohnert Park and two in Santa Rosa, taking a cut of their earnings in the process, police said in January.
David Romesberg is also accused of forcing one woman to continue working until she paid a debt to him, and withholding money from others to meet their basic needs unless they engaged in sex with him or sex work.
In the interview, the elder Romesburg said she is “deeply concerned with female sexual empowerment” and referred to laws against sex work as a “continued assault on women’s rights.”
She denied that any prostitution took place in the home on Alvarado Avenue, which Santa Rosa police alleged was a brothel. . . .
Her titles include “The Kinky Feminist,” “Extreme Space: The Domination and Submission Handbook” and “Never Trust an Angel.” According to her author bio, she has degrees in English and psychology from UC Berkeley and her work has also appeared in an anthology of vampire erotica called “Bites of Passion.”
“Every American carries the residues of Puritanical sexual mores into any act of contact with other humans including basic touch,” she wrote in the introduction to “The Kinky Feminist. “Still, our history isn’t enough of a burden upon our sexual expression, we are constantly told we need more laws to criminalize and legislate our sexual activities.”

Well, of course, she’s a Berkeley graduate! And also a Bernie Sanders supporter, writing at her LiveJournal blog that “Bernie was cheated out of the presidency.” Here’s another of her blog musings:

The American political system has been utterly corrupt at least since the mid 1970s and becoming increasingly worse. As I see it trump is simply the hand flushing the toilet. What we have and have had for decades are the greedy 1% stealing more and more from regular Americans. This won’t end until we understand the power of the many. In a best case scenario we limit wealth of individuals, break up all huge corporations and monopolies and revise cultural perspective away from the veneration of money.
The next few generations will be forced into environmental repair, everywhere. If we don’t stop world wide over population voluntarily then that will become a huge issue. The solutions are all hard but at some point it will become clear that we can’t expand beyond sustainability. Famine, starvation, disease will step in if we do nothing. Our only real solution is for the peoples of all lands to work together through something like a reward system for people choosing not to reproduce and limiting those who do to replacement reproduction 1 child per one adult.

That this self-described “kinky feminist” and her son were running a major prostitution ring is . . . perhaps “ironic” is the right word.


Feminists Lie: Clemson Girl Arrested After Making False Rape Claim at Delta Chi

Posted on | March 1, 2018 | Comments Off on Feminists Lie: Clemson Girl Arrested After Making False Rape Claim at Delta Chi

Sarah Katherine Campbell was arrested Wednesday.

In January, the Delta Chi fraternity at Clemson University was suspended after a freshman girl claimed she was sexually assaulted during an event at the frat house. It turned out she was lying:

The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office said a teenager was arrested on Wednesday for filing a false police report.
Deputies said 18-year-old Sarah Katherine Campbell was charged with filing a false police report of a felony.
According to deputies, the charges stemmed from a false report of a sexual assault. Clemson University Police responded to a report of a sexual assault at the Delta Chi Fraternity house on January 27, deputies said.
The sheriff’s office said an investigation into the incident was launched and as evidence was gathered in the case, it was determined that the sexual encounter between Campbell and the male at the fraternity house was consensual.
Campbell gave false information to the investigator in the case
, deputies said.

Let this be a warning: Never invite a feminist to your frat party.

(Hat-tip: @VAWAISEXPIRING on Twitter.)

CORRECTION: On Jan. 28, Clemson announced it was suspending social events at all fraternities, not just Delta Chi.



In The Mailbox: 03.01.18

Posted on | March 1, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Stop Treating The SPLC Like A Respectable, Responsible (Let Alone Honest) Organization
Twitchy: Don Lemon Busted For Flat-Out Lying About Fox News Coverage
Louder With Crowder: Kevin Smith Survives Heart Attack, Defends Chris Pratt’s Prayers For Him
Texas Monthly: The Girl Who Told The Truth (h/t NeoWayland)

American Thinker: Half A Century Of Blaming White Racism For Black America’s Problems
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Good Old Iowa News
BattleSwarm: Amazon BUYcott Today
CDR Salamander: Of Course They Were Designed As Aircraft Carriers
Da Tech Guy: Quick Thoughts – A Landmine For The President
Don Surber: Court Ends Bail For Illegal Aliens
Dustbury: Should I Not Have Done That?
Fausta: Chile – A Fantastic Woman
The Geller Report: Muslim Migrant To Germany Thanks “Mama Merkel” For Being Able To Practice Polygamy On Welfare, also, YouTube Moderators “Mistakenly” Pull Right-Wing Channels
Hogewash: Chasing A Stellar Flash
Joe For America: Trump & Feinstein – We’ll Protect You By Taking Your Rights Away
JustOneMinute: Send Lawyers Guns And Money
Legal Insurrection: More German Cities Ban Migrants From Arriving, also, Chappaquiddick To Open Film Festival – On Martha’s Vineyard
Michelle Malkin: Release The Parkland Shooting Surveillance Video
Power Line: Mueller’s Investigation Takes A Bizarre Turn, also, Farrakhan’s Ellison
Shark Tank: Florida Legislators Split On Gun Control Bill
Shot In The Dark: Democrats! Ignore Ed Morrissey!
STUMP: Public Employees Unions And Pensions – Are There Connections?
The Jawa Report: Muslima Pleads Guilty, also, Powder Terrorist Daniel Frisello Arrested
The Political Hat: Gender-bending The Children – In Psychology, With Child-Sized Fake Penises, Against Christian Parents
This Ain’t Hell: On “Take The Guns First”, also, Pentagon Gets Marching Orders
Victory Girls: Hope Hicks Bolts White House, And You Should Care
Weasel Zippers: DOJ Looking Into Possible Obstruction Charges Against Oakland Mayor, also, Study Says California Has Worst Quality of Life In U.S.

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Late Night With In The Mailbox: 02.28.18

Posted on | March 1, 2018 | Comments Off on Late Night With In The Mailbox: 02.28.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box – Episode #180
EBL: Sabo Strikes In Advance Of The Oscars
Twitchy: Stephen Gutowski Drops Truth Bomb About Trump Supporting Gun Control Measures
Louder With Crowder: Parkland Teens being Organized By EVERY Liberal Interest Group
Washington Times: Lawsuit Claims 100,000 Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Pennsylvania

Adam Piggott: Thoughts On Men
American Power: Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Tipped Off Illegals To ICE Raid, also, Kim Holmes, The Closing Of The Liberal Mind
American Thinker: Dispatches From Deep Inside Progressiville
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Quick Impressions – TX-21
CDR Salamander: The Unaffordable Empire Or The Sustainable Republic?
Da Tech Guy: We’re Not Disarming Fast Enough For The Left, also, The Democrat/Media/Hollywood Harvey Weinstein Left Can’t Allow Sheriff Israel To Resign
Don Surber: How Trump Got The Media To Talk About Obama’s Abuse Of FISA
Dustbury: No Great Loss
The Geller Report: Two Indonesian Christians Flogged For Violating Sharia Law – By Playing Childrens’ Game, also, Was Texas Muslim Teen Honor-Killed?
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Breaking! People Like Larger Paychecks!
Joe For America: At Chicago Bakery, Labor Issues Pit Blacks Against (Illegal) Latinos
JustOneMinute: Wednesday Outrage
Legal Insurrection: EPA Chief Pruitt Says Weaponization of Agency Is Over, also, Portland State U. Students Walk Out When Biologist Says Men & Women Are Different
Michelle Malkin: Broward County School District’s Corruption Runs Deep
Power Line: “Jailed Instagram Model Wants To Trade Secrets For Freedom”, also, “Samantha Power Lied To My Face”
Shark Tank: Governor Scott Offers Sweeping New Gun Proposal
Shot In The Dark: Time To Turn Out
STUMP: Public Employee Unions – SCOTUS And Reality – Political Power Will Remain No Matter What
The Jawa Report: Utopia! also, Where’s Dr. Rusty? Devil Will Do MeetBalls From UR Body Edition
The Political Hat: The Unqueering Of Marriage
This Ain’t Hell: Suspicious Letter Sickens Marines At Henderson Hall, also, Oath Keeper On Guard At Fort Wayne School
Victory Girls: Want Alyssa’s Charming Anti-NRA Boycott To Fail? #BUYcott Thursday Is For You!
Weasel Zippers: Billings, MT Students Opposed To Walkout, also, South Africa Votes To Seize White-Owned Property Without Compensation
Mark Steyn: The Bollywood Princess

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Atheist Creep Lawrence Krauss Becomes a Pariah in the Scientific Community

Posted on | February 28, 2018 | Comments Off on Atheist Creep Lawrence Krauss Becomes a Pariah in the Scientific Community

“When women come to me to warn me about what speakers to avoid at conferences or confide in me sexual harassment they’ve experienced, Lawrence Krauss is by far the most common name I hear.”
Jen McCreight

Almost every prominent man in the atheist movement is a lecherous creep, according to women in the movement, who began publicly complaining about five years ago how they were constantly harassed and groped by the vile perverts who attend atheist conferences.

In 2013, I wrote about the notorious Lawrence Krauss, and figured that anyone who Googled his name would know what a creep he is, but it took years — and the #MeToo movement — before other journalists decided to investigate the accusations against Professor Krauss. Peter Aldhous, Azeen Ghorayshi and Virginia Hughes of BuzzFeed spent months working on their very detailed article about Professor Krauss, who teaches physics at Arizona State University. It turns out he may have left his previous job under duress:

Case Western Reserve University restricted star physicist Lawrence Krauss’s access to campus in 2009 because of a sexual harassment complaint, according to a report in BuzzFeed News.
But by the time the sanctions were put in place, Krauss had left for Arizona State University, BuzzFeed said. He was permitted to return to CWRU in 2009 for a colloquium.
The allegation at CWRU was among several reported by BuzzFeed News against Krauss in the last decade. . . .
Krauss came to CWRU in 1993 as chair of the Physics Department and hired some of the current physics faculty before stepping down as the chair in 2005.

In other words, Professor Krauss’s departure from Case Western may not have been entirely voluntary, but the accusations against him there were kept hush-hush and he made the move to Arizona State without any public scandal. Yet his reputation was very bad, even by the disreputable standards of the atheist community, and Rebecca Watson calls Professor Krauss “someone I’ve always known was extremely shady.”


Watson recommends the BuzzFeed article as “painstakingly researched,” including multiple women “reporting the same kind of sexual harassment from Lawrence Krauss over and over, all over the world.” Yet she says even this has not convinced the, uh, “denialists”:

Despite how well-researched it is, of course there are people falling over themselves to defend Krauss. These people have taken Occam’s Razor and thrown it in the garbage, because they think it’s more likely that all of these separate women decided independently to lie about Lawrence Krauss sexually harassing and assaulting them, than that Krauss did it.

Nevertheless, Professor Krauss is beginning to suffer consequences:

Several talks by Lawrence Krauss, a professor of physics at Arizona State University and a well-known skeptic, were canceled after BuzzFeed reported on allegations of sexual harassment against him. Krauss, who denies the claims, will not speak at the American Physical Society’s meeting in April, it announced Friday. The society “deplores harassment in all its forms and remains committed to ensuring a respectful and safe environment at its meetings,” it said in a statement. Among other appearances, Krauss’s book talk at Massachusetts Institute of Technology next month has been canceled.


Professor Krauss had been scheduled to appear last Friday with fellow atheists Sam Harris and Matt Dillahunty at a “Celebration of Science and Reason” in Phoenix, but after the BuzzFeed article was published, Professor Krauss was scratched from the agenda. How many more events will be cancelled before Professor Krauss becomes persona non grata? Hasn’t this exposure already irreparably damaged his reputation? He was once what passed for a “celebrity” in the atheist community — his books were popular and he got a good bit of media publicity — but those days are clearly over, and what does Professor Krauss have left now, except a teaching job in Arizona? He’s a washed-up has-been, and he probably won’t be invited to many conferences in the future.

Live by the “science,” die by the “science.”


‘You Sent Me to Whore School!’

Posted on | February 28, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘You Sent Me to Whore School!’


That’s a line from Red Sparrow, the latest “strong woman” tale from Hollywood, a genuinely wretched movie starring Jennifer Lawrence. After watching the trailer for that and other recent films, Professor Ann Althouse has seen enough of this toxic cultural sludge:

Notice how they all have strong female characters at the center but everything is paranoid, violent, and sexual. . . . Hollywood is sick. Evil. Corrupting our soul.

Well, it’s not corrupting my soul, because I ignore 99% of it. Except for news and documentaries, I seldom watch TV at all. Movies? My tastes run to classics, like old film noir. Basically, something from the 1940s where guys wear fedoras, smoke cigarettes and talk about “dames.”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Google Uses SPLC to Censor YouTube

Posted on | February 28, 2018 | 1 Comment


Peter Hasson of the Daily Caller reports:

The Southern Poverty Law Center is assisting YouTube in policing content on their platform, The Daily Caller has learned.
The left-wing nonprofit — which has more recently come under fire for labeling legitimate conservative organizations as “hate groups” — is one of the more than 100 nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and government agencies in YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers” program . . .
The SPLC’s close involvement in policing content on YouTube is likely to cause consternation among conservatives who worry that they may not be treated fairly. The left-wing group has consistently labeled pedestrian conservative organizations as “hate groups” and has been directly tied to violence against conservatives in the past. Floyd Lee Corkins, who opened fire at the Family Research Center in 2012, said he chose the FRC for his act of violence because the SPLC listed them as a “hate group.” . . .
The SPLC has faced criticism for its cavalier definitions of “hate group” and “extremist.” The organization stoked controversy in 2015 by labeling Dr. Ben Carson, now the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an anti-gay “extremist.” After a backlash, the SPLC reversed its ruling and apologized to Carson.
The organization faced a similarly intense backlash in 2016 for labeling Maajid Nawaz, a respected counter-extremism activist, an “anti-Muslim extremist.” . . .
The Washington Examiner’s Emily Jashinsky noted last year that “the SPLC’s claim to objectivity is nothing less than fraudulent, a reality that informed observers of its practices from both the Left and Right accept.”

YouTube and its parent company Google, like Twitter and Facebook, are now controlled by left-wing political operatives who use their authority to suppress conservative dissent. This was a point I made last weekend in a CPAC interview with Debra Heine of PJMedia:

“YouTube accounts are being demonetized, people are being denied Google Adsense revenue,” McCain explained. “In many different ways, the left is now using its power within social media to deprive conservatives of what we think of as free speech.” . . .
[S]tudents indoctrinated with left-wing biases in the nation’s colleges and universities are being imported into for-profit companies.
“They bring these biases with them into the company and this is how you end up with James Damore being fired at Google, sites being shadowbanned on Twitter, my own account R.S. McCain being banned from Twitter, people’s Facebook losing the opportunity to promote their content on Facebook,” McCain told PJ Media. “It’s happening every day, and like they said at the panel, people need to wake up.”

You can read the whole thing at PJMedia.

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Get Woke, Go Broke: ‘Social Justice’ Agenda Leads Oberlin College Into Crisis

Posted on | February 27, 2018 | 4 Comments


Meredith Raimondo is vice president and dean of students at Oberlin College, an elite liberal arts school in Ohio where the annual cost of attendance (tuition, room and board) is $68,672. Dean Raimondo is also named as a defendant in two lawsuits against Oberlin:

Oberlin College faces two serious lawsuits arising out of social justice activism on campus.
One suit, by a local bakery boycotted by Oberlin students and administration based on apparently false claims the bakery racially profiled students, has been permitted to move forward. . . .
[T]hree Oberlin students were arrested for shoplifting at Gibson’s bakery. Oberlin students claimed racial profiling, and mounted protests and a boycott supported by college student groups, administrators and faculty. The boycott continued even after police released data showing there was no racial profiling in shoplifting arrests at the bakery, and the three students pled guilty. . . . Gibson’s sued the college and its Dean of Students, Meredith Raimondo, for defamation and multiple other claims.
The Gibson’s lawsuit has caused a town-gown split that pits the privileged college and students against ordinary community members. . . .
In another lawsuit, an expelled Oberlin College male student sued claiming the hearing process was biased and stacked against men. . . .
A male student who was expelled from campus in October 2016 for alleged sexual assault has filed a federal lawsuit against Oberlin. . . . [T]he lawsuit contains allegations which, if proven, reflect that Oberlin’s system for adjudicating sexual assault accusations was fundamentally biased against males, at least during the 2015-2016 academic year.
As in the Gibson’s lawsuit, the alleged conduct of Dean of Students Raimondo was at issue.
[T]he student sought to file an Amended Complaint, after discovering a YouTube video in which Raimondo allegedly made statement evidencing bias against males.

Dean Raimondo is allegedly complicit both in the false accusation of racism against Gibson’s Bakery and an anti-male policy under which 100% of students accused of sexual misconduct were found guilty.

Meanwhile, declining enrollment has provoked a budget crisis at Oberlin:

President Carmen Ambar and other senior administrators have launched an 11-day presentation campaign in which all College and Conservatory faculty, administrative and professional staff, Student Senate, student media, and other constituencies will see the largest overview of Oberlin’s financial situation to date, along with Ambar’s proposed plan to rectify Oberlin’s ever-worsening deficit

Because the only thing taught at Oberlin is radical ideology (see “The Cult of Social Justice,” The American Spectator, Dec. 15, 2015), the students are constantly protesting against “imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, ableism, and a cissexist heteropatriarchy.” Oberlin’s enrollment is declining because no intelligent parent would pay $68,672 a year for this kind of left-wing indoctrination. And yet the only reason Dean Raimondo has her job is because she is a feminist who has dedicated her career to promoting “progressive” ideology.

Everybody knows that academics seeking faculty tenure must pursue the “publish or perish” principle. What kind of research Meredith Raimondo has published? The only thing I could find was an article (“Intensifications: Representing Gender and Sexuality at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS”) included in a 2005 anthology, Just Advocacy: Women’s Human Rights, Transnational Feminisms, and the Politics of Representation. Feminist advocacy was the sole rationale of Dean Raimondo’s teaching career, as she explained in 2014 when Oberlin bestowed an “Excellence in Teaching Award” on her. She declared that “social justice principles . . . are a key intellectual component of our work,” and described her “research interests” as “gender and sexuality, health inequalities, and social movements.”

Because feminism is the raison d’être of Dean Raimondo’s career, it was therefore a clear indication of Oberlin’s agenda in July 2014 when she was appointed special assistant to the president for diversity, equity, and inclusion and Title IX coordinator:

Raimondo’s position was developed as a result of conversations that happened on campus over the past 18 months about how best to meet the college’s obligation to respond to allegations of gender? and sex-based discrimination and harassment in compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Clery Act, and the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act of 2013 (SaVE). . . .
“The current national conversation about addressing sexual misconduct on college campuses is one example of the ways in which equity issues are deeply connected to educational opportunity,” says Raimondo. “I’m proud to be at a campus taking responsible and proactive steps on these issues.”

What this means, in practice, is that Oberlin is committed to abolishing heterosexuality on campus. If you are a male student at Oberlin, you can be expelled for engaging in any heterosexuality activity, because Meredith Raimondo’s policy is that the only thing necessary to prove a male student guilty of rape is to accuse him. All students at Oberlin are indoctrinated with hatred of “heteropatriarchy,” but there are probably no girls on campus that a boy would find sexually attractive, even if it weren’t for the administration’s anti-male/anti-heterosexual agenda. The typical Oberlin girl is a “queer feminist” like Kaela Elias, whose entire worldview is based on fear and loathing of “cishet white males.”

“I recently learned that the guy who lives next to me and literally never even makes eye contact with me is a REPUBLICAN. I am scared.”
Kaela Elias, Dec. 14, 2015

A Republican at Oberlin? Why would any Republican go to such a school? Would any Republican expect his parents to pay $68,672 a year for him to attend Oberlin, where everybody on campus hates Republicans, and all the girls are “queer feminists” who would probably accuse him of rape if he ever made eye contact with them? The appointment of Meredith Raimondo as dean of students in November 2016 signified that hostility to “cishet white males” is now the official ideology at Oberlin.

“Get woke, go broke.” Social justice is bad for business, and the financial woes at Oberlin — which is now facing multimillion-dollar deficits, in addition to two lawsuits — demonstrate that promoting an ideology hostile to capitalism has harmful consequences even in the taxpayer-subsidized cocoon of elite academia. “Falling enrollment at Oberlin is a key driver of the financial problems,” William Jacobson writes. “At some point Oberlin will have to confront whether the over-the-top social activism on campus, which dominates national media coverage of Oberlin, has reached the tipping point.”


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