The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 01.30.23

Posted on | January 31, 2023 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: They Couldn’t Be Bothered To Stop A School Shooting
EBL: Narvik, Gerard Van der Leun, RIP, and Bobby Hull, RIP
Twitchy: Liberal Hoopster Stephen Curry Takes NIMBY To A Whole New Level, also, Vegan Activists Try To Stop 18-Wheeler – Hilarity Ensues
Louder With Crowder: Finland debuts world’s first beautiful and brave trans figure skater – except they can’t skate, Drag queen toasts ‘those who lick us where we pee’ as little kids pick money up off the floor, and Bill Gates Defends Ties to Jeffrey Epstein, Claims He Just ‘Had Dinner’ With Him
Vox Popoli: Mailvox: Read Your Own Book, Pfizer’s Non-Denial, NATO Calls the Shots, and When the Plan Fails
Stoic Observations: Rethinking Race
Gab News: The Conservative Case For The Great Replacement?

Adam Piggott: Gary Voris wants you to know that his is the only trustworthy Catholic news outlet
American Conservative: Against Cricket Cakes, also, The Dangers of Ukrainian Revanchism
American Greatness: MIT Professor Calls For an Immediate Halt to ‘Failing’ mRNA Vaccination Programs, Pennsylvania Jury Finds Pro-Life Activist NOT GUILTY on Biden Regime’s FACE Act Charges, The West Is Prosecuting Its Crusade Against Russia with Stunning Naïveté, and Anarchy, American-Style
American Power: Christopher Rufo at New College, Sarasota, Florida
American Thinker: Tracking a Fraudulent Ballot in Real Time, also, Straight Talk on the Latest Riots
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuban-American entrepreneur who profited from cooperating with dictatorship found dead in Cuban lagoon, Cuba sets its sights on Peru, Shocking! Cuban billboard tries very hard to justify apartheid tourism, and Cuban State Security prevents mothers of political prisoners from attending church services
BattleSwarm: The Latest, Greatest Russian Vaporware Coming To Ukraine, also, California Hates Your Freedom So Much They Want To Tax You For Leaving
Behind The Black: Curiosity looking back, A cloud on Mars, and Today’s blacklisted American: Professor quits because of the leftist takeover of his college
Cafe Hayek: Trust the ‘Experts’?, Broken Compass, and Choosing to Be Part of the Global Market Economy
CDR Salamander: The People’s Liberation Army Navy in 2023, with Toshi Yoshihara – on Midrats, also, Denial May Bring War – Punishment May Keep it at Bay
Chicago Boyz: A Serious Temptation, also, Two Views on Red China
Da Tech Guy: Under the Fedora, If you’re rusting at the pier when nobody is shooting at you, and More Thoughts Under the Fedora
Dana Loesch: Trump Attacks DeSantis For Following His Advice
Don Surber: Enough With Black History Month, With All Due Respect, I Am Against Dumb, Highlights of the News January 28, and Highlights of the News Ends
First Street Journal: Philly’s Mother of the Year, Did treating Edwin Vargas leniently do him any favors?, and Layoffs at the Inky
Gates Of Vienna: Machete Jihad in Algeciras (Update), Viktor Orbán on the Escalation of War, Lock the Barn Door!, and Marcel de Graaff: “The EU is Becoming a Dwarf in a Multi-Polar World”
The Geller Report: Meta-Facebook Welcomes Ukraine’s Nazi Azov Regiment Back on Platform, ‘Young, Healthy’: Famed Olympic Bobsledder and Rugby Player Suddenly Dies at 35, and MASSIVE CORRUPTION SCANDAL: Top Ukrainian Officials Resign After Blowing Billions of US Dollars on Cars, Mansions, and Vacations
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Mimas Plays Peekaboo, Happy 90th Birthday, John Reid!, and I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: You People Traffics In Progressive Guilt, Lack of Laughter, The Masculinity Crisis and the Death of the Hollywood Hero, and Why Horror Movies Are Having a Moment
The Lid: Hanoi Jane Fonda Blames Climate Change on ‘Racism’, also, Schiff Still Lying About Russia Hoax–CNN Calls Out His Lie
Legal Insurrection: Prostitution and Human Trafficking Are Exploding in Los Angeles, Judge Temporarily Blocks California’s Covid ‘Misinformation’ Law That Punishes Physicians For ‘Wrongthink’, #TwitterFiles – Twitter Execs Knew The Russian Misinformation Hysteria Was Based On A Dubious Source, Left-wing Activists Pressure American Bar Association Not To Adopt Widely-Accepted IHRA Definition of Antisemitism, and Jury Acquits Pro-Life Activist Mark Houck of Federal Assault Charges at Abortion Clinic
Nebraska Energy Observer: Change is…, The Transfiguration of Our Lord, and Churchill’s Wisdom
Outkick: Media Reminds Everyone Of Bobby Hull’s Troubled Past The Day He Dies, But No One Dared Do That To Kobe Bryant, The NFL Has A Referee Problem And It Reared Its Ugly Head During Both Games On Championship Sunday, Greg Olsen’s Detailed Breakdown Of Eagles RPOs Leaves Viewers Wanting More Of Fox’s Top Color Commentator, Bengals Youth And Confidence Backfired When ‘Burrowhead’ Jabs Reached Chiefs, and NBA Refs Call LeBron James’ Non-Foul A ‘Gut-Wrenching’ Moment After Full Day of Whining From Lakers Fans
Power Line: The Pelosi attack tapes, Loose Ends (204), and Mathematx
Shark Tank: Buchanan, Wassermann-Schultz Introduce Bipartisan Human Trafficking Bill
Shot In The Dark: Urban Progressive Privilege – “The Word Means What I Say It Means, Also, It Doesn’t Exist”, also,  Evidence
The Political Hat: Pesky Real Life and the Dearth of Recent Posts, also, Communist Chinese Co-Parent or Mao’s Children
This Ain’t Hell: USAF 4-star predicts war with Red China in 2025, Drone strike inside Iran, Short take Monday – Mikey, Lindh, NIH, Americans helping Ukrainians in the combat theater via the Internet, and No Spares for Ukraine
Transterrestrial Musings: The Anniversary, Starship Performance Update, The Coming “Symbolic Analyst” Meltdown, Russian Oligarchs In Ukraine, and Mark Steyn
Victory Girls: Hunter Biden E-mail Raises More Suspicion, Teacher Solicits Donations To Pay ‘Coyote’ For Human Trafficking, and Woke Salon at Stage II over “Grooming”
Volokh Conspiracy: Suddenly, everyone is gunning for Google
Watts Up With That: Intersectional Climate Scientist Goes on Rant Against ‘White Men’, The Climate Alarmist’s Greatest Fear, and Green Energy – Don’t Stick Granny with the Bill
Weasel Zippers: WH Brags “We’re Seeing Almost 11 Jobs Created Under This President”, Law Enforcement Official Blasts Race Claims Over Tyre Nichols’ Arrest In Memphis, Antisemite Rep Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Claims “I Wasn’t Aware ‘There Are Tropes About Jews And Money’ ”, and After Mass Shooting, Israel Moves To EXPAND Civilian Access To Guns
The Federalist: You People Is So Aggressively Stupid It’s Difficult To Be Offended, New Emails Suggest Twitter Misled Public On ‘Hamilton 68’ Data Pushing Russia Hoax, Without Black Lives Matter, Tyre Nichols Might Not Have Died In Memphis Last Week, Supreme Court’s Cowardice Allows Colorado To Keep Persecuting Christians, and The Left Wants To Take Your Truck Because It’s Big And Scary
Mark Steyn: Love in a Time of Plenty: Judy Holliday and The Solid Gold Cadillac, The Lady Is a Tramp, and Back from the Dead

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Rule 5 Sunday: 2B or not 2B

Posted on | January 30, 2023 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I haven’t gotten around to playing my copy yet, but Nier:Automata has a reputation for being an outstanding game, and one of the major reasons -aside from the intricate plot, switches in gameplay between hack & slash action and roleplaying, and switches between video game genres- is the heroine, combat android 2B. For obvious reasons, 2B has become a favorite character for cosplayers; here she’s depicted by cosplayer Alice Bong.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1974, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Davos Friday and the return of the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EVIL BLOGGERLADY: MAGA – Mike & Hunter & Joe, The Jolly Rogers – Captain Morgan, Pandorum, Burns Night Rule 5, Ladies In Black, Year of the Rabbit, Wisconsin Exceptionalism, and MAGA – Democrat Knives Out For Biden

A VIEW FROM THE BEACHJen SelterFish Pic Friday – Cheyenne DaSilvaYou May No Longer Say Someone is Outstanding in their FieldTattoo ThursdayScience is Dead, Long Live Science!Wednesday WetnessIs Wind Power Killing Whales?Breaking ClocksThe Monday Morning StimulusMore Biden Secret Files Wash Up, Klain Files for Divorce, and Sunday Sunrise

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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FMJRA 2.0: Farewell To A Master

Posted on | January 29, 2023 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

As most of you probably know by now, Gerard Vanderleun has left this vale of tears for a better place. For those of you who don’t, I suggest a long stroll through the pages of American Digest, his blog. It will be well worth your time. Like many others, I didn’t know him except through his writing; for reasons I have now forgotten, I made the decision early in not to link his blog in the weekday linkfests because I figured that he was sufficiently well known in the right half of the blogosphere that he didn’t need the eyeballs I could send him. I have few regrets regarding how I’ve handled In The Mailbox, but that is definitely one of them. His will be done, sir; hopefully I’ll meet you at last, on the other side.

On a less grim note, this is the week Mike at Proof Positive has decided to hang up the keyboard. We’ll miss you, dude. 
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Gerard Vanderleun, 12/26/1945-1/27/2023. RIP

In The Mailbox: 01.24.23
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.25.23
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

The Penn Scandal: Ivy League University Was Funnel for Biden’s Chinese Cash
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Well, This Is Scary: Idaho Killer’s Motive May Be Unanswered Instagram DMs
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Dinosaur Tales
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach

THE ATLANTA RIOT: Out-of-State Anarchists Torch Police Vehicle
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Rule 5 Sunday: Gina Lollobrigida, RIP
Animal Magnetism
A View From The Beach
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

In The Mailbox: 01.23.22
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

The World’s Best Coffee?
357 Magnum

Documents Here! Documents There! Classified Documents Everywhere!
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

SMOKING GUN: Did Hunter Biden Use Classified Documents for Foreign $$$$? 
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.26.23
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

State of Emergency: Gov. Kemp Issues Order to Deal With Atlanta Rioters
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 01.27.23
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Top linkers for the week ending January 27:

  1.  EBL (14)
  2.  (tied) A View From The Beach & 357 Magnum (10)
  3.  Okrahead (6)
  4.  Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for the links!

Amazon Warehouse Deals

The Diversity of ‘White Supremacy’

Posted on | January 28, 2023 | 2 Comments

When I first heard that there was a controversy about a black man being beaten to death by police in Memphis, I certainly did not expect to discover all the cops were black:

Five Memphis police officers have been charged with second-degree murder, among other charges, in connection with the death of Tyre Nichols, who died three days after being stopped by the officers.
Nichols, a 29-year-old black man, died on January 10, three days after Memphis police officers stopped him for “reckless driving.”
A “confrontation occurred” between Nichols and the police officers when he was stopped around 8:30 p.m. on January 7, according to an initial statement released by authorities.
However, “another confrontation occurred,” while officers attempted to take Nichols into custody.
“While attempting to take the suspect into custody, another confrontation occurred; however, the suspect was ultimately apprehended,” the Memphis Police Department said. “Afterward the suspect complained of having shortness of breath, at which point an ambulance was called to the scene.”
Nichols was transported to St. Francis Hospital, where he was reportedly in critical condition before dying days later.
Notably, Memphis Police Department officers Demetrius Haley, Tadarrius Bean, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills, and Justin Smith are all black.

Everybody was waiting for the police bodycam video to be released, and what it shows is . . . Don’t resist arrest in Memphis.

Also, while we’re dishing out advice here, let me suggest that if you’re driving a stolen KIA in Arkansas, don’t run from police in a high-speed pursuit that ends in a fiery fatal crash. (Video here.) By the way, I don’t even know what race the car thief in that case was except, well, after someone gets roasted in a gasoline fire, what’s left of them is black, no matter what race they were before they got roasted.

Excuse me for being sarcastic about matters of life and death, but if sarcasm was a crime, I’d be a habitual offender. Sarcasm is my response to everything, especially tragic circumstances over which I have no control. Do I want people to die because they resisted arrest or fled at 130 mph in a KIA? No, this is not what I want, but these people don’t seek my advice before they do the things that get them killed, so what happens to them is not my responsibility. That was my basic reaction to the whole George Floyd thing. All the white liberals were running around shouting mea culpa and I was like, “OK, culpa tua non est mea.”

How can I be to blame for what cops do in Minneapolis? The only time I was ever in Minneapolis was three days in a hotel for a conference more than 10 years ago. Yet you had white liberals all over the country declaring themselves guilty of racism — complicit in systemic oppression — because of what happened to this guy in Minneapolis, who magically obtained civil rights sainthood merely because he died in police custody.

If everybody is to blame, nobody is to blame — what this progressive rhetoric about “systemic racism” does is to absolve people of responsibility for what they actually do in their own lives, by extending the blame to the vast abstraction of “society,” so that innocent people who are simply minding their own business can be guilt-tripped for unfortunate events in which they are not involved. And if you refuse to play along with this game, if you don’t cooperate with the demand that you blame yourself for other people’s problems, the Left will interpret this as conclusive proof that you’re guilty of “white supremacy.”

There is no court to which you can appeal this conviction, because the mere accusation is sufficient to destroy anyone’s career and reputation, which is why so many people tiptoe around uncomfortable topics so as to avoid expressing any opinion that might offend a liberal. There’s a lot of white silence on the subject of race whenever we are compelled to listen to angry lectures on the subject, because nearly all white people are afraid to criticize the Al Sharptons and Ben Crumps of the world.

Maybe the families of these five black police officers in Memphis will have a “road to Damascus” experience as a result of having Ben Crump show up for his usual media circus before scoring another big payday for 50% of whatever multimilllion-dollar settlement the city of Memphis pays out in the subsequent civil-rights lawsuit. Maybe some of them will realize what a crooked hustle Crump is operating, and this realization might cause them to reconsider the propriety of the White Guilt Industrial Complex, within which Crump has made his fortune.

Is it too much to hope that black people might finally figure out that they’re being played for chumps in this three-card monte game? Perhaps, but the alternative to optimism is despair and, as a great man once advised, “It is history that teaches us to hope.” So I’ll keep hoping despite every discouraging incident, and will keep offering helpful advice, e.g., “Don’t resist arrest in Memphis.”



In The Mailbox: 01.27.23

Posted on | January 28, 2023 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Coming to you from The Northern Resource Area Field HQ for at least the next two weeks…
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

EBL: Pandorum, also, Crickets – It’s What’s For Dinner
Twitchy: Van Jones – Cops Charged With Tyre Nichols Are Black But “Might Have Been Driven By Racism”, also, French Embassy Makes Hilarious Mockery Of AP Stylebook’s Now-Deleted Style Guide Update
Louder With Crowder: “I’m Literally a Liar”, also, Tim Allen’s TV wife defends actor and sets record straight on what really happened when he showed off under his kilt
Vox Popoli: Secret Stalker Society, Clown World Conservatives, and No Part of It
According To Hoyt: Ask, Heaven And Hell, Jokes and Conspiracies, and Cleanup Crew
Monster Hunter Nation: In Defense of the Second Amendment, release week!, I wrote an article about the ATF’s new brace rule for Townhall, WriterDojo S4 E3 – Westerns, and Anti-Gunners explain why you should buy In Defense of the Second Amendment
Gab News: Christians Must Enter The AI Arms Race

Adam Piggott: Our Glorious Leaders
American Conservative: Shhh! Nobody Talk About World War III, also, Biden’s Proposed Federal Takeover of Rental Markets
American Greatness: January 6 Was the Worst Incident of Police Brutality Since Civil Rights Era, Inside the Nazi Whitewash of Ukraine, Capturing the Presidency Without a Vote, and Pfizer Research and Development Director Has Meltdown When Confronted About Project Veritas Video
American Thinker: Electric Vehicles Are an Ideologically Driven Economic Misadventure, How the Deep State Destroyers Threaten Your Way of Life, and I, Fentanyl
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Davos Friday
Babalu Blog: Over 22,000 head of cattle died of starvation in communist Cuba in 2022, More than 50 Cuban opposition groups call on Biden to not negotiate with the Castro dictatorship, Rodolfo Dávalos Fernández, éminence grise of Cuba’s totalitarian dictatorship, and Power blackouts in Cuba increase as food shortages worsen
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For January 27
Behind The Black: The twin asteroid Janus probes, stranded by Psyche delay, might go to Apophis, Glaciers or taffy on Mars?, and Today’s blacklisted American: Jesus painting at U.S. Merchant Marine Academy covered to avoid offending others
Cafe Hayek: Antitrust Confusion, I Say Again – Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, and The Cost of Shipping Is Accounted for In the Retail Price
Chicago Boyz: “How Twitter Pushed Stakeholders under the (Musk) Bus”
Da Tech Guy: Mike Pence Lifeline is Biden not the Dems
Dana Loesch: The Paul Pelosi Hammer Attack Videos Are Out
Don Surber: Influencer-enza, also, Highlights of the News
First Street Journal: As the activists try to force everyone into electric heat, have they considered what this will do to electricity bills?, also, Would you believe that reading the ‘wrong’ book can get you in trouble at Stanford?
Gates Of Vienna: Let Them Eat Chicken Feet, “A Measure That Legitimizes Law-Breaking”, and Hungarians in Trans-Carpathia: “Everyone is Afraid”
The Geller Report: Top George Soros Director has Frequent Biden White House Access, Records Show, also, Died Suddenly – Ex-Detroit Lions Linebacker Jessie Lemonier Dies at Age 25
Hogewash: Congratulations, Ali, Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, and V 372 Orionis
Hollywood In Toto: Landau’s Normal World Challenges Comedic Status Quo, also, Liberal Media Wake Up to Horrors of Woke (But Is It Too Late?)
The Lid: Special K – Press Secretary And Rain Man
Legal Insurrection: Math “White Cisheteropatriarchy” Word Salad By Vanderbilt Prof Is What Gets Rewarded In Academia, PA Gov. Josh Shapiro Removes Four-Year Degree Requirement ‘From 92% of Government Jobs’, Ronna McDaniel Wins Fourth Term as RNC Chairwoman, Palestinian Gunman Kills 7 Jewish Worshipers, Injures 10 in Terror Attack at East Jerusalem Synagogue, and Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips Loses Appeal Over Transgender Transition Celebration Cake
Nebraska Energy Observer: Something a bit Different
Outkick: Skip Bayless – Carolina Panthers Players Should Boycott Playing Over Steve Wilks Not Being Hired, Richard Jefferson Shares Powerful Personal Story While Criticizing The NBA’s Load Management Problem, Deion Sanders Shares Heartwarming Moment With Elderly Colorado Superfan, Women’s College Basketball Coach Is Out Of A Job Over This Rant, and Announcer Billy Packer, Who Worked Over 30 Straight Final Fours, Dead At 82
Power Line: Thoughts from the ammo line, Pat Buchanan testifies, and Where You Gonna Put Those Wind Turbines?
Shark Tank: DeSantis Spokesman Goes Nuclear On Loaded CNN Inquiry
Shot In The Dark: The “Party Of Science” In Action, also, Four Or Five Times Bitten
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, Suspected prowler was decades-long Navy deserter, and Woman scams 2.8 million from Holocaust survivor
Transterrestrial Musings: De-Aging, Los Angeles, Free The Meat, and After Ten Years
Victory Girls: Andrew Cuomo Goes To Bat For Alec Baldwin, also, Ronna McDaniel Is RNC Chair…AGAIN
Volokh Conspiracy: Lawsuit Over Blocking of Portland State Prof. Bruce Gilley from @UOEquity Twitter Feed Can Go Forward
Watts Up With That: L A Times Hype That California Natural Gas Price Hikes Are Due To “Instability of Fossil Fuels” Grossly Distorted, also, Could Growing Hemp Earn Carbon Credits?
Weasel Zippers: Biden Stares Blankly At Reporter Who Asks If FBI Will Search His Rehoboth Beach Home For Documents, Schumer On Debt Limit: “One Party” Shouldn’t “Jamming Its Choices Down The Throats Of The Other”, and Biden Is Very Surprised By Dragon At His Own Lunar New Year Celebration
The Federalist: Every Dollar The U.S. Throws At Ukraine Zaps Resources From Our Own Depleted Military, What Did Election Integrity Laws Achieve In 2022?, Leftist Lawyers Try To Protect Killing The Unborn By Calling It A Religion, and Climate Extremists’ Hideous Wind Farms Are Coming To Your Backyard
Mark Steyn: “Controlled Evolution”

Amazon Warehouse Deals

State of Emergency: Gov. Kemp Issues Order to Deal With Atlanta Rioters

Posted on | January 27, 2023 | 2 Comments

He’s ready to call up 1,000 National Guard troops:

In the wake of a shooting between Antifa terrorists and law enforcement at the site of a future public safety training facility and domestic terrorist activity in downtown Atlanta, Gov. Brian Kemp (R-Ga.) declared a 15-day state of emergency that allows him to call up the National Guard to deal with these out-of-town insurgents if need be.
Kemp wrote in his five-page executive order:

WHEREAS: In consultation with public safety officials and emergency preparedness officials, I have determined that the following actions are necessary and appropriate to protect public peace and provide for the safety and welfare of Georgia’s citizens, visitors, and property.
ORDERED: That because of unlawful assemblage, violence, overt threats of violence, disruption of the peace and tranquility of this state and danger existing to persons and property, a State of Emergency is declared in the State of Georgia.

The order comes as tensions could ratchet back up this weekend after five Memphis police officers face murder charges in the beating death of a suspect.
“The continued anti-police movement in Atlanta could also be further enflamed by the charging of five former Memphis police officers with second-degree murder and other crimes in the arrest and death of Tyre Nichols, a Black motorist who died three days after a traffic stop confrontation,” reports Fox 5. “Body camera video of the incident is expected to be released on Friday evening.”

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) The connection to the Memphis situation makes no sense. The five cops charged with killing Tyre Nichols? All of them are black. Where’s the “systemic racism” angle in that story? What are they protesting against? But some people just hate cops so much they’ll start a riot over a parking ticket, which is what the “activist” mob in Atlanta is all about — hating cops, period. As I explained previously (“THE ATLANTA RIOT: Out-of-State Anarchists Torch Police Vehicle”), the riot Saturday night was clearly pre-planned by the same left-wing scumbags who organized the so–called “peaceful protest.”

John Sexton at Hot Air examines how media reporting on the so-called “forest defenders” repeats the activists’ propaganda narrative, without even acknowledging the underlying myth of this “forest.” Google the term “Weelaunee Forest” and you’ll get about 20,000 results, none of which date prior to 2021; that’s because this term was invented by the activists to create the impression of a pristine indigenous wilderness, e.g.:

“Forests are the lungs of planet Earth,” Defend the Forest stated. “The destruction of forests affects all of us. So do the gentrification and police violence that the bulldozing of Weelaunee Forest would facilitate.” . . .
As explained by Defend the Forest, thousands of years ago, the Weelaunee Forest was stewarded by the Muscogee (Creek) people, but it was stolen from them over the course of centuries “through genocide and dispossession.”

As previously explained (“Dear Antifa Terrorists: Please Go to Georgia, So Cops Can Kill All of You”), the proposed 85-acre site of the Atlanta police training facility is part of a larger 300-plus-acre property that, beginning in the 1920s, was the site of the Atlanta Prison Farm. The “forest” is just a lot of second-growth timber that sprung up in recent decades after the old Prison Farm was abandoned. And there’s so much more to be said about this activist/media propaganda mythology:

If there is another riot in Atlanta, much of the responsibility will belong to the media, because of their idiotic repetition of the activist propaganda narrative. The belief that these “forest defenders” are protecting some kind of sacred indigenous territory is false and ultimately dangerous.



In The Mailbox: 01.26.23

Posted on | January 26, 2023 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Heading up to the Northern Resource Area Field HQ tomorrow so I can pull a shift in the tax mines Saturday, so tomorrow’s post may be very late.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Enabling Addiction Is NOT Compassion
EBL: Rep. Katherine Clark’s (D-MA) Violent Cop Hating Child: I am thinking some jail time might help, also, Paul Pelosi Hammer Attack Cop Cam Video To Be Released
Twitchy: Pfizer Director Loses It When Confronted by James O’Keefe – Tells Cop He Feels Very Unsafe, also, NYT Butthurt Over Sentencing Of Lawyers Who Torched Police Car
Louder With Crowder: Guy blasts gym-shamer who thinks she’s all that and makes fun of dude who dares speak to her
Vox Popoli: Thriving on Ambiguity, The Wicked Generation, The Sacrifice of the Slavs, War Plan Zero, and We Explained. You Didn’t Listen

American Conservative: This Time It’s Different, also, Adam Graham’s Brilliant Transgender Prison Scam
American Greatness: Pfizer Exec Caught on Video Discussing Company’s Interest in Mutating COVID Virus For Future Vaccines, also, House GOP Demands Information on Hunter Biden Art Sales
American Thinker: America’s Future is Bleak When Only 27% of the Younger Generations are Proud to be American, also, Given That Illegal Immigration Damages America, Why Does No One Stop It?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily School Choice News
Babalu Blog: Castro dictatorship’s religious persecution targeting Cuban Muslims, 69 Cuban refugees died at sea in 2022 while trying to escape communism, Avana de la Torre – Fearless Cuban crusader accosts dictatorship’s lawyers in London, and Cuban students at Harvard demand certificate issued to dictatorship’s lawyer Lourdes Dávalos be revoked
BattleSwarm: Texas Sues Biden Administration Over Border
Behind The Black: SpaceX successfully launches a record 56 Starlink satellites, German rocket startup Isar Aerospace gets first American customer, NASA and Russian engineers meeting to discuss status of leaks on ISS’s Zvezda module, and Pushback: Two reporters sue ESPN for terminating them for not getting jabbed
Cafe Hayek: What Accounts for All This Stuff?
CDR Salamander: Riverine: our Stupidity is Ukraine’s Gift
Da Tech Guy: I’d Like to Expand on Ed’s Excellent Piece at Hotair Concerning Francis, Homosexuality and Sin in the Catholic Church, also, Did Kamala Harris declare that life is not an Unalienable Right?
Don Surber: Ron Or Don? also, Highlights of the News
First Street Journal: Hold them accountable!
The Geller Report: Massive Spike in Excess Deaths Sparks Calls for ‘Urgent Investigation’
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, You Are Here, and Enforcing California’s Proposed Wealth/Exit Tax
Hollywood In Toto: What Does Robert Redford Have to Say About Sundance’s ‘Loyalty Oath?’, also, Joe Rogan Skewers CNN’s ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Propaganda’
The Lid: CNN Ratings Fall Even More – Entire Lineup Did Not Equal Ratings Of One Fox Show
Legal Insurrection: Activists at UT-Austin Have Driven the DEI Agenda Into Every Corner of the School, Former Teachers Union President Arrested for Allegedly Embezzling Over $400K, Nonbinary California Teacher Brags About Helping Students Socially Transition Without Parents Knowing, NYU Prof Favors Censoring ‘Harmful’ Speech, Inappropriate Behavior on Social Media, and Tables Turned – Prof. Amy Wax, Charged With Wrongthink, Files Counter-Grievance Against U Penn Law Dean
Nebraska Energy Observer: Protect the children
Outkick: NBA Needs To Put Emphasis On Valuing Fans To Combat The Maddening Load Management Trend Among Players, Chiefs Linebacker Disrespects Joe Burrow, Bengals Offense With Ironic Statement About AFC Championship, 49ers Plan On Playing Charles Omenihu After Arrest For Alleged Domestic Violence, Former NFL Player Jessie Lemonier Dead At 25, and Ed Reed Calls Out Shannon Sharpe With Screenshots Over Bethune-Cookman Fallout, Tells Him ‘Put The Hennessy Down’
Power Line: Camp of the ain’ts, The Chauvin appeal – A second look, and Loose Ends (203)
Shark Tank: Salazar Reintroduces Resolution Denouncing Socialism
Shot In The Dark: The Tytler Spiral, also, Worse Waitress
This Ain’t Hell: More dancing in victim’s blood, also, California reparations proposal as a blueprint for the whole country?
Transterrestrial Musings: Gene Editing, American Nomenklatura, The Assault Of Environmentalism, and Predicting The War In The Pacific
Victory Girls: Meta Will Reinstate Donald Trump on Facebook and Instagram
Volokh Conspiracy: Bar Associations Threaten Pro-Se Litigant, Aided by AI, with UPL Suits
Watts Up With That: Gas-Fired Power Is Now Cheaper Than Offshore Wind Again, California Still in Drought?  Yes, No and Maybe — Part 1, and Billionaires and your natural gas stove
Weasel Zippers: Disney Closes Iconic Ride Splash Mountian For Being Racist, also, The View Says Gun Owners Have a “Mental Illness” That Must “Be Stopped”
The Federalist: After Violent Attacks Go Ignored By Law Enforcement, Pro-Lifers Take Investigations Into Their Own Hands, Interior Department Blocks Minnesota Twin Metals Mining Project In Big Win For Beijing, Corporate Media Shamefully Silent Over Atlanta Child Abuse And ‘Pedophile Ring’ Case, Colorado Condemns Jack Phillips For Being A Devout Christian – Again, and Why DeSantis Should Be Skeptical Of Promised Revisions To The White House-Backed Racist AP Class
Mark Steyn: The Afghanistanization of the West

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SMOKING GUN: Did Hunter Biden Use Classified Documents for Foreign $$$$?

Posted on | January 26, 2023 | Comments Off on SMOKING GUN: Did Hunter Biden Use Classified Documents for Foreign $$$$?

Glenn Reynolds calls this a “Culture of Corruption” surrounding the Biden family, but it may be even more serious than that: Hunter Biden may have compromised U.S. national security in his pursuit of “business” with shady foreign clients. Daniel Chaitin at Daily Wire:

A lengthy email found in Hunter Biden‘s abandoned laptop is raising questions about whether the first son had improper access to classified information.
The new line of inquiry comes as President Joe Biden faces a special counsel investigation into his handling of documents after classified materials were found at a former office of his in Washington, D.C., and his home in Wilmington, Delaware, dating back to his time as a U.S. senator and vice president. And as noted in an analysis by the Washington Examiner, Hunter Biden likely had access to the garage in which records with classified contents have been discovered.
Stoking concerns about the potential misuse of classified information, the New York Post’s Miranda Devine wrote a column this week about an email dated April 12, 2014, sent to Hunter Biden’s then-business partner with 22 detailed points with “research” about the situation in Ukraine. The business partner, Devon Archer, was sentenced in 2022 to more than a year in prison after being convicted in a fraud scheme in which Hunter Biden was not implicated.
There are a number of reasons why this particular email drew attention. One is how it is written and the attention to detail. The email discusses such matters as Russia’s “destabilization campaign,” United States sanctions, and United Kingdom energy policy. A source told CNN the classified documents found at Biden’s private academic office, among other unclassified papers, contained U.S. intelligence memos and briefing materials on Iran, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.
Another factor is the timing. One week after the email was sent, Joe Biden, who was vice president at the time, met with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Also around that time, Hunter Biden and Archer were hired to sit on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, which is repeatedly named in the email.

You can read the whole thing. How did Hunter Biden (who had no previous experience in Ukraine or Eurasian geopolitics) get all this information? Isn’t it strange how U.S. intelligence officials were so eager to dismiss Hunter Biden’s laptop as “Russian disinformation,” given how the contents of that laptop are exposing the entire Biden family as bought-and-paid-for by foreign cash? It’s almost as if these “intelligence officials” aren’t actually motivated by a concern for national security. Almost as if they, too, have been bought and paid for with foreign cash. But I guess I’m just a crazy right-wing conspiracy theorist . . .




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