The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Left Is Attacking Free Speech — and Helping ISIS Target Its Enemies

Posted on | March 5, 2018 | Comments Off on The Left Is Attacking Free Speech — and Helping ISIS Target Its Enemies


Last week brought further attacks on free speech from the Left. Daily Beast reporter Taylor Lorenz doxxed the daughters of Pamela Geller. If you know Geller — and I’ve been her friend since 2007 — you know that it is a dishonest smear to call her “Muslim-hating.” She is a ferocious opponent of radical Islam, but she is also a defender of those innocent Muslims who are victims of radical Islam. This distinction doesn’t matter to leftist idiots like Taylor Lorenz, of course. Anyone who is identified as “right-wing” is considered fair game by the radical Left. Facts don’t matter, and neither does simple human decency:

The children of conservative commentator Pamela Geller have been harassed and their social media talk show has been canceled after the Daily Beast revealed Geller was their mother.
In her article titled, “The Instagram Stars Hiding Their Famous, Muslim-Hating Mom, Pamela Geller,” the Daily Beast’s Taylor Lorenz doxed the women as Pamela Geller’s daughters. They had not disclosed the family link, perhaps due to the recurring death threats from Muslim extremists that Geller receives.
Following the release of Lorenz’s article, which was heavily criticized on social media, Geller’s four children immediately began to receive harassment and violent messages.
Comments included: “Racist piece of shit!,” “Fuck you, racist,” “Racist bitch,” and “Swine,” the majority of which was sent to Geller’s most famous daughter, Claudia, who runs the popular Instagram account “girlwithnojob” which has 2.8 million followers.

Think about this for a minute: Claudia Oshry spent years building a massive online audience with a non-political message, entirely separate from and unrelated to her mother’s popular conservative blog. Yet the tie of kinship was used as an excuse to attack Claudia and her siblings, because of their mother’s alleged “Islamophobia.” My own children, incidentally, have at times been harassed by my various left-wing enemies. My general attitude toward evil trolls is “never let them see you sweat” — these monsters take sadistic pleasure in thinking they’ve inflicted suffering on their targets — but a few years ago, the FBI arrested one of my harassers who was sent to federal prison as a result.

Pamela Geller’s enemies are even more vicious:

A Massachusetts man was convicted [in October 2017] of plotting to behead conservative blogger Pamela Geller and kill other Americans on behalf of the Islamic State group.
Jurors found David Wright guilty of all charges, including conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization and conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries. . . .
Prosecutors said Wright, his uncle and a third man conspired to kill Geller because they were upset she organized Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas in 2015. During the contest, two other men opened fire outside and wounded a security guard before they were killed in a shootout with law enforcement assigned to guard the event.
Wright’s uncle, Ussamah Rahim, told Wright on a recorded phone call later that month that he couldn’t wait to attack Geller and decided instead to go after “those boys in blue,” referring to police. Wright told his uncle that was “beautiful” and encouraged him to delete all the data from his computer before carrying out his attack.
Hours later, Rahim was shot and killed by authorities after he lunged at them with a knife when they approached him in Boston. The attack on Geller, who has spearheaded scores of events across the nation to decry Islamic extremism, was never carried out.

If you know that ISIS wants Geller dead, is it so difficult to understand why Geller’s daughters deserve to have their privacy respected? The only purpose served by Taylor Lorenz’s disgusting “journalism” was harassment — to punish and attempt to silence Geller by attacking her daughters. Caroline Glick explains this succinctly:

The mainstream media are either stupid or evil — or both.
That is the only reasonable conclusion you can reach from the Daily Beast’s article [Feb. 28] that exposed the identities of Pamela Geller’s four daughters and the subsequent decision of major and minor newspapers and magazines throughout the Western world to re-run the story. . . .
It is possible that the Daily Beast, the Washington Post, the New York Post, Cosmopolitan magazine, and all the rest have no idea that there is a direct link between the fatwa — or Islamic ruling — published by the Islamic State on May 5, 2015 calling for Geller to be “slaughtered,” and ISIS’s attempt the next month to behead her. . . .
For more than a decade, the media and leftist shock troops, operating in lock step with Islamist groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), have tried to destroy Geller. . . .

You should read the whole thing, which recounts the history of the media’s complicity in the whitewashing of radical Islam. It is astonishing that Geller — a Jew targeted for death by an Islamic fatwa! — is being smeared as a proponent of “hate” by liberal journalists.

What bothers me about incidents like this is how liberals, because of their mindless loyalty to the Democrat Party, are willing to attack anyone who disrupts the propaganda narrative dictated by the Democrats’ narrow partisan interests. There was a time — and I’m old enough to remember it — when Democrats defended Israel against her enemies, but that has changed in the past 30 years. Democrats have increasingly pandered to constituencies (including our decadent academic elite) who are perversely sympathetic to the radical Muslims who are determine to see Israel wiped off the map. Liberals have turned against Israel because, in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, Republicans were identified as pro-Israel “neocons” and therefore anti-Muslim. Because the Bush administration was seen as the enemy of Muslims (despite the idiotic “religion of peace” rhetoric of some Republicans), Democrats apparently decided they must be pro-Islam, and began smearing the GOP as “Islamophobic.” This kind of simple-minded partisanship is the only possible explanation for such useful idiots as Taylor Lorenz.


Well, I am not always a Neutral Objective Journalist, because I have personal principles that sometimes obligate me to choose sides. One of these is Genesis 12:3 — an eternal promise of the eternal God, which no Christian should take lightly. More than once in my career, I’ve watched helplessly as right-wing acquaintances have let themselves be pulled into the gravitational orbit of anti-Semitism, which predictably resulted in their destruction. Even while I am willing to stipulate that so-called “neocons” have been responsible for foolish policies (e.g., the invasion and occupation of Mesopotamia, which almost every intelligent conservative now recognizes as a strategic blunder), it is a grievous error to blame such blunders on a “Zionist” conspiracy. However, just as some simple-minded liberals like Taylor Lorenz let themselves be fooled into attacking Pamela Geller as an “Islamophobe,” so also have some people on the Right gone drifting off into toxic Jew-hatred.

Cui bono? Who benefits if the Right allies itself with anti-Semitism, even if what is offered as “evidence” of such an alliance is a thin tissue of guilt-by-association smears fabricated by the Left? The direct beneficiary of this should be obvious — the Democrat Party. Meanwhile, however, we find that conservative Jews like Pamela Geller are libeled as “Islamophobes” by the same dishonest liberal media which would otherwise have us believe that all Republicans are Jew-haters!

No one should be deceived by the Left’s propaganda. Any conservative who is hesitant to defend Pamela Geller (they think she is “extremist” or whatever) is a fool. The reason Geller is under attack is because she is effective and influential, especially in exposing the Left’s sordid de facto alliance with radical Islam. Geller is a ferocious fighter, and we cannot afford to lose her. If we let the Left silence our most powerful voices, what shall become of the rest of us? Who will defend our right to free speech?

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.



Rule 5 Sunday: Larger Than Life

Posted on | March 5, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Many years ago, when CPAC was still at the Hotel Formerly Known As The Sheraton Park in DC, Stacy introduced me to Dana Loesch, who was well-known in conservative circles as a talk show hostess but had not yet exploded onto the national scene as the spokeswoman for the NRA. We didn’t have time (or reason) to talk for long, but she left a definite impression. This was a woman who was not going to back down from a fight for any reason, but even in the thick of the fight, she’d be polite and gracious – which then and now drove her enemies batshit crazy. Now, of course, in the wake of the Parkland shootings, she’s found herself on point as the Blue Checkmark Media and other slimes call her and the NRA out for not toeing the Liberal Gun-Grabbing Line. There’s still no give in her, and her graciousness continues, even to those that don’t deserve it.

All this, brains, and graciousness too.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #181, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Checking in from Japan, Animal Magnetism sends us Rule Five “Gun Culture” Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd this week includes Heather Locklear, Jennifer Lawrence, RIP Carl Grimes, Now That’s Hip, Hope Hicks, Sandra Escacena, Loving Vincent, and South African Wine.

A View From The Beach has Patriot Cheerleader – Camille KostekIf She’s Really This Stupid, I Don’t Want Her Voting AnywayAn Important QuestionAn Emotional Support Casserole?#HerToo! Drunk and Stupid is One Way to Go Through LifeThis is CNNHow to Lose a Billion Bucks . . .Portman’s ComplaintWomen in Red Dresses, Hot Cars, Apples and Crack and Olympic Babe from Russia Fails Dope Test.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Alyssa Sutherland, his Vintage Babe is Vera Ralston, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Agent Provocateur. At Dustbury, it’s the late Indian megastar Sridevi and Virginia Mayo.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious links!

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The Transgender Victimhood Narrative Continues to Sustain Damage

Posted on | March 4, 2018 | 3 Comments


On Feb. 6, the Buffalo News reported:

A 35-year-old man was fatally shot on Tuesday in the 100 block of Shepard Street, near Pullman Place, Buffalo police said.
The killing is Buffalo’s first confirmed homicide of the year. In 2017, three people were killed on New Year’s Day.
The Shepard Street victim had no permanent address, according to police. He was struck by gunfire just before 5:30 p.m. and declared dead at the scene, Buffalo Police spokesman Michael J. DeGeorge said.
Police have not released the man’s name.

The dead man was later identified as transgender — Tonya “Kita” Harvey — and the district attorney said the murder was being investigated as a possible “hate crime,” although police have arrested no suspects in the shooting and the motive is still unknown. Shepard Street is in a low-income neighborhood on the city’s East Side, where most of Buffalo’s murders happen. There were 41 criminal homicides in Buffalo last year. Less than two weeks after Harvey was murdered on Shepard Street, a 19-year-old man was critically wounded near the same location, and no motive was reported. In other words, it seems likely that “Kita” Harvey just happened to be in a crime-ridden location where it isn’t very unusual for people to get shot. Stories like this contradict the preferred media narrative, as I explained last year:

According to “social justice” advocates, there is an epidemic of anti-transgender violence for which Donald Trump and Republicans are to blame. The only thing wrong with that claim is the complete lack of evidence to support it. LGBT activists and liberal journalists keep calling attention to the murders of “Transgender Women of Color,” and the facts continue contradicting the social-justice narrative.

The East Side of Buffalo voted for Hillary Clinton by a 4-to-1 margin in 2016, and there probably weren’t any Trump voters in the vicinity of Shepard Street when “Kita” Harvey got shot. The same could be said of Cleveland’s West 112th Street:

The victim of a deadly shooting Friday evening [Feb. 23] in the Edgewater neighborhood has been identified.
The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner said the victim is Phylicia Mitchell, 46, of Cleveland. Mitchell was transgender and police spokeswoman Sgt. Jennifer Ciaccia said Mitchell identified as a female.
Mitchell was shot about 6 p.m. Friday on West 112th Street near Detroit Avenue, Ciaccia said.
Mitchell was pronounced dead MetroHealth Medical Center.
No arrests have been made in the shooting, which remains under investigation.

There were 130 murders in Cleveland last year, including the December murder of Jared Plesec, who was shot dead on East 156th Street while wearing his Salvation Army uniform and carrying a Bible. Police say Plesec’s murder was part of a crime spree by William T. Jones, 27, who was charged with aggravated murder, seven counts of attempted murder, multiple counts of aggravated robbery, felonious assault, burglary, grand theft and vandalism. Getting murdered in Cleveland isn’t really difficult, even for Bible-toting Christians, but longtime boyfriend Shane Mitchell admitted Phylicia’s lifestyle was unusually risky:

Mitchell said he helped Phylicia stop being a prostitute and she’d help him whenever he needed some money for bus fare. They were homeless at times and bounced around from place to place . . .
Phylicia and Shane Mitchell struggled to find work because of their addiction to drugs, he said. Shane Mitchell has several drug-related convictions dating back to 1997. He said they often used drugs together and split up for a time when he was in prison.
Shane Mitchell said he tried to talk Phylicia out of using drugs, and the two argued about it two weeks ago. He told her he could no longer live in an environment with someone using drugs, and the two separated.
“We should have never started doing drugs together,” Mitchell said. “We’d have both had an even better life than we already did.”

A drug-addicted ex-prostitute whose boyfriend served time in prison? That’s a dangerous way to live, and an easy way to die, but the media wants to tell us a tale of transgender victimhood that requires us to ignore such obvious risk factors. It’s hate — transphobia! — which must explain these deaths, because any other explanation wouldn’t fit the narrative.

Here’s a story from WJXT in Jacksonville, Fla.:

An individual from Brandon, Florida, was found dead from a gunshot wound in Jacksonville hotel Sunday evening [Feb. 4].
According to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Cedric DeVonne Walker, 36, was found in a room at the Extended Stay America on Skinner Lake Drive, near the St. Johns Town Center, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.
Homicide detectives were called to investigate after the body was found about 8 p.m. Sunday. . . .
In the last six months, there had been six assaults, seven vehicle thefts, 11 vehicle burglaries and 29 thefts within one half mile of the Extended Stay America, according to JSO’s online crime-mapping data.

Cedric Walker was transgender and preferred to be known as “Celine,” so while police were trying to figure out who killed him/“her,” activists were upset about the “misgendering” of the victim:

After authorities in Jacksonville Florida identify transgender murder victim Celine Walker by her deadname earlier this month, the transgender advocacy group T.A.P. (Transgender Awareness Project) is calling for policy change in the way transgender people are identified by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Department. . . .
To not identify murder victims as transgender hampers the authorities ability to solve these murders and properly notify the family of their loved one’s death
T.A.P and the Jacksonville community gathered at Friendship Fountain Saturday, February 10th to remember her life and to bring awareness to what they call misgendering of transgender people. . . .
Transactivist Paige Mahogany Parks says “I’m here to be the voice for her and all of the rest of the transgender women who don’t have a voice that have been murdered.”

Police must now ignore biology, or else be accused of “hate”? And why do “transactivists” think they’re qualified to declare what does or does not hamper the ability of authorities to solve murder cases?

Meanwhile, in California:

Authorities have charged a Los Angeles man with the stabbing death and attempted robbery of a transgender woman whose body was found after a house fire in the Pico-Union district.
Kevyn Ramirez is facing charges of murder during the commission of an attempted first-degree robbery, as well as two counts of arson.
He is accused of killing Victoria “Viccky” Ramos Gutierrez. Investigators say he met the transgender woman online, then early on Jan. 10 he allegedly stabbed her and set her home on fire in the 1700 block of South New Hampshire Avenue.
Ramirez, 29, was arrested within two days of the fire and then charged on [Jan. 16]. . . .
Members of the transgender community stood with law enforcement at the press conference announcing the latest details on the case.
“Every time a lot of community members are murdered senselessly, it’s always something else — it’s always a robbery, it’s always domestic violence,” said Maria Roman, an advocate for the transgender community. “For somebody to stab you and do the things detectives said happened to her, you know it’s fueled by hate.

Ramirez kills Gutierrez, and “you know it’s fueled by hate,” because that’s the narrative. Everything must have a political explanation that conforms to the “social justice” ideology where Gutierrez is a victim of oppression and Ramirez must be part of a right-wing genocidal plot. It can’t be that people who go trolling for companionship on the Internet are dangerous fools, because where’s the “social justice” angle in that explanation?

“Kita” Harvey, Phylicia Mitchell, Celine Walker, “Viccky” Gutierrez — so far, none of these murders fit the victimhood narrative in which “transphobia” is a Trump-era epidemic. None of these crimes could plausibly be blamed on Republicans, but meanwhile in Albuquerque:

A New Mexico man has been arrested in the death of a prominent former Albuquerque lawyer and his roommate, PEOPLE confirms.
James Knight, 32, also known as Charles Spiess, was charged with two counts of murder Wednesday in the slayings of Eugene Carrell Ray, 70, and 28-year-old Zakaria Fry.
The bodies of Ray, a former assistant attorney general who later opened up a family law practice, and Fry, the transgender woman who rented a room from him, were discovered Feb. 19 in Stanley, a small community about 45 miles east of Albuquerque. . . .
The working theory is that they were all living together, [Albuquerque police officer Simon] Drobnik says. “[Knight] may have been renting a room from Eugene,” says Drobik. “[Eugene] was known to have people stay at his house off the street.”
The motive remains unclear, he says. . . .
Drobik says investigators allege that after Knight killed the two roommates, he stole Ray’s 2000 silver Ford Mustang and used his credit card to buy McDonald’s fast food, dog food as well as duct tape, rope, garbage bags, gloves, Coleman fuel and cleaning supplies, which were “basically used to clean up the bodies and blood.” . . .
Also found in the house were several hypodermic needles and a pile of a white powdery substance on the living room floor.
Ray’s daughter told police that Ray was “involved in a high risk sexual lifestyle in which he befriends unknown persons involved in similar activities,” and that he “routinely allowed persons to stay in his spare bedroom and has been a victim of several property type crimes mostly fraud,” the complaint states.
Police set their sights on Knight after several tipsters identified him as the man seen on video footage purchasing items using Ray’s credit card at Walmart.
One tipster told police that Knight had worked as a male dancer at one of the strip clubs in the Albuquerque area.

So, the freaky 70-year-old retired lawyer with “a high risk sexual lifestyle” has a 28-year-old transgender houseguest, and a 32-year-old male stripper is charged with killing both of them. How does this fit into the transgender victimhood narrative? Not very well, I think.

Nevertheless, “Fry is the sixth known case of deadly anti-transgender violence in the U.S. this year,” according to an LGBT activist group, which doesn’t seem interested in any further analysis. They’re just doing the body count, because “you know it’s fueled by hate,” right?




FMJRA 2.0: Modern Love

Posted on | March 4, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday
Sailor Moon Goes To The Olympics

Animal Magnetism
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

Google Uses SPLC to Censor YouTube

Broward Rhymes With Something

#CPAC2018: Fighting for Freedom

FMJRA 2.0: Somewhere Within
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Russia! Russia! Russia!
A View From The Beach

Democrats Announce 2018 Platform: ‘Elect Us, So We Can Ban All Your Guns’

Politics 101: Can Democrats Win?

In The Mailbox: 02.26.18
Proof Positive

Man With AR-15 Stops Man With Knife
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 02.27.18
Proof Positive

Get Woke, Go Broke: ‘Social Justice’ Agenda Leads Oberlin College Into Crisis
Welcome To My Playpen
Living In Anglo-America

‘You Sent Me to Whore School!’
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Atheist Creep Lawrence Krauss Becomes a Pariah in the Scientific Community

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 02.28.18
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 03.01.18
A View From the Beach
Proof Positive

Feminists Lie: Clemson Girl Arrested After Making False Rape Claim at Delta Chi

‘Kinky Feminist’ Author and Her Son Charged With Running Prostitution Ring

Warning College Boys: ‘You Could Be Expelled Even If She Consented’

More Samizdat From the Google Gulag: Company Imposed Illegal Hiring Quotas
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 03.02.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (21)
  2. Proof Positive (6)
  3. A View From the Beach (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

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The Other Podcast Returns

Posted on | March 3, 2018 | Comments Off on The Other Podcast Returns

For the second consecutive week, John Hoge and I are doing The Other Podcast. Last week’s show was from CPAC, and this week’s show is being broadcast from my dining room table an undisclosed location.


The show begins at 7 p.m. ET. You should tune in live — or download it for listening later. Either way, please hit the freaking tip jar!

: Ack! We experienced the fabled “technical difficulties” which prevented the airing of the podcast. We’re going to fix this problem and do it again — do it right — next week.


In The Mailbox: 03.02.18

Posted on | March 3, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: The Cowards Of Broward County
Twitchy: Meghan McCain Confronts CPAC Chair Over People Booing Her Father…Because Of His Politics?
Louder With Crowder: Satire Website Babylon Bee Marked As #FakeNews By Facebook
American Military News: Google Censoring Shopping Search Results For AR-15 And Other Guns (h/t NeoWayland)
According To Hoyt: When Facts Fail And Knees Jerk
Monster Hunter Nation: Geeky Hobbies – Basic Mini Painting Tutorial #2
Vox Popoli: Come See The Violence

Adam Piggott: Hawt Chicks & Links – The Beast From The East Edition
American Power: Trade War
American Thinker: Is It Time For NATO To Expel Turkey?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five “Gun Culture” Friday
BattleSwarm: NetCraft Confirms It – Slashdot Is Dying
CDR Salamander: The US-Russian Interaction That You Should Really Care About
Da Tech Guy: Venezuela’s Upcoming Travesty Has Been Rescheduled, also, Mad At The World Brings Some Very Good Hope
Don Surber: The Refugee Industry
Dustbury: Spring Having Sprung
The Geller Report: Louis Farrakhan – “Jews Are My Enemy”, “White Folks Are Going Down”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Blogsmoke
Joe For America: Country Music Has Been Taken Over By The Godless
JustOneMinute: Be Still My Heart
Legal Insurrection: Condoleeza Rice – My Father Used Guns To Repel The KKK, also, BCSO Deputies Told To Form Perimeter Around School Instead Of Confronting Shooter
Power Line: Thoughts From the Ammo Line, also, Schumer Votes No On Judicial Nominee Because Nominee Is White
Shark Tank: Rubio Warns Congress Not To “Hold Hostage” Bipartisan Gun Legislation
Shot In The Dark: It’s Those &^%$# “High Capacity Magazines”
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere – KY, NJ, MT, and Higher Wages Make For Cheaper Pensions?
The Jawa Report: Message A Terrorist – Keyes Edition
The Political Hat: Google Vs. Witches
This Ain’t Hell: Are You A Liberal Zombie? Liberal Zombie Q&A, also, Navy Deserter Arrested For Murder In Georgia
Victory Girls: The March For Our Lives Is Sheer Astroturfing
Weasel Zippers: The Heavily Decorated Soldier Escorting Trump At Billy Graham’s Funeral Is Graham’s Ranger Grandson, also, High School Teacher Suspended For Supporting Armed Teachers
Mark Steyn: Diversity, Useless In Adversity, also, Decadence and Neo-Apartheid

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More Samizdat From the Google Gulag: Company Imposed Illegal Hiring Quotas

Posted on | March 2, 2018 | Comments Off on More Samizdat From the Google Gulag: Company Imposed Illegal Hiring Quotas


A lawsuit filed in California (Wilberg v. Google) describes how the company “consistently implemented” a policy of systematic “discrimination in favor of job applicants who are Hispanic, African American, or female, and against Caucasian and Asian men”:

These policies were reflected in multiple bulletins, memorandum, charts, and other documents prepared by Google’s highest-level managers, and approved by Google’s [executive] officers and directors. The stated purpose of these policies was to achieve “Diversity” in the Google workforce, and to manage public relations problems arising from the underrepresentation of women and certain minority groups in the Google workforce, particularly in engineering positions.

(Hat-tip: James Damore on Twitter.) As the San Jose Mercury News reports, Google illegally mandated quotas as part of its hiring policies:

In April 2017, Google’s “technology staffing management team” was told to cancel job interviews for software engineers with five or fewer years of experience who were not female, black or Latino, and to “purge entirely any applications by non-diverse employees from the hiring pipeline,” according to the suit. . . .
[Wilberg] claims he “repeatedly opposed these illegal and discriminatory hiring practices by complaining to his managers and HR,” telling them “it was illegal to have such hiring quotas favoring certain groups based on race and gender.”
In response to Wilberg’s complaints and warnings Google would occasionally circulate e-mails instructing its employees (to) purge any and all references to the race/gender quotas from its e-mail database … to wipe out any paper trail of Google’s illegal practices,” according to his lawsuit.

The pursuit of “diversity” always leads to discriminatory quotas, although it is usually difficult to prove this in a court of law. Yet discrimination against white and Asian males was a matter of policy at Google. James Damore was fired for writing a memo critical of the company’s “diversity” policies. Damore was the subject of defamatory accusations of racism and sexism, falsehoods that can now be understood as part of Google’s effort to suppress the truth about its policies.





Warning College Boys: ‘You Could Be Expelled Even If She Consented’

Posted on | March 2, 2018 | Comments Off on Warning College Boys: ‘You Could Be Expelled Even If She Consented’


In 2015, flyers began appearing on university campuses warning male students about the dangers of false accusations of sexual misconduct. Created by S.A.F.E. (Stop Abuse For Everyone), the flyer included a screencap of text messages cited as evidence in a lawsuit against Occidental College, which had expelled a male student despite texts clearly indicating that his accuser had consented to intercourse. (An Esquire article vividly described that 2013 incident.)

The S.A.F.E. flyer included this advice to male students:

What can you do to protect yourself?

• If she has touched alcohol, do not touch her.
• Document and save her consent; never delete conversations.

What you need to know if you are accused of sexual misconduct:

• Your college will treat you as guilty under current interpretations of Federal Title IX.
• Consult a lawyer before you say anything — your school will not help you prove your innocence.
• Call your parents. You should not be ashamed of being falsely accused. We can help explain to
your parents why this is happening to hundreds of college men.
• Prepare to fight for your future.


Who is responsible for this state of affairs? Feminists, whose influence in the Obama administration led to the notorious “Dear Colleague” letter in 2011 that in effect ordered university officials to deny due-process rights to students accused of sexual misconduct. The Trump administration has since rescinded that federal directive, but such policies remain in effect at most universities. No male student can safely engage in sexual activity on an American university campus, because so many female students have been indoctrinated with radical feminist ideology that condemns males as perpetrators of sexual violence, and views heterosexuality as inherently oppressive to women. This anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideology is the basis of university policies that mandate “consent” training sessions in which female students are taught they are at risk of becoming victims of sexual assault, and advised on procedures for making rape accusations against male students. This has produced what Professor Laura Kipnis calls “sexual paranoia” among college students, resulting in what authors K.C. Johnson and Stuart Taylor Jr. call The Campus Rape Frenzy.



The goal of this feminist crusade is to prevent young men from obtaining college degrees. Males are already a minority of college students (43% of undergraduates and women outnumber men 2-to-1 on some campuses) in the United States, but feminists seek to reduce that even further. Inciting a campus climate of anti-male hatred is one way to discourage males from enrolling, and encouraging false rape accusations that automatically result in expulsion is another weapon in the feminist campaign to deny educational opportunities to males.

Feminists are determined to advance this agenda by any means necessary. At elite Oberlin College, for example, a radical ideologue was appointed dean of students, resulting in two lawsuits against the college and a decline in enrollment that led to a budget crisis. Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It, and our institutions of higher education are part of this destructive plan.





Parents: Warn your sons about the anti-male hostility that now controls college campuses in America. Sending your son to college will make him a target of feminists who seek to destroy him, and he should be cautioned to avoid any sexual interaction with female students. Tell your son to read the filings in John Doe v. Occidental College:

Jane Doe initiated the sexual contact, then asked the male student for a condom in writing, then texted a friend that she was going to have sex, then asked for a condom again when she got to John Doe’s dorm room, then she willingly performed consensual oral sex on John Doe, then she told friends through John Doe’s dorm room door that she was “fine” when she was having sex, and then continued sexual intercourse when another student walked in on the couple in the midst of sexual intercourse, and then she texted smiley faces to friends right after having sexual intercourse, as soon as she left John Doe’s dorm room.
Jane Doe was encouraged to file a sexual misconduct complaint against John Doe by Occidental College Asst. Prof. Danielle Dirks, who told Jane Doe she was raped, said Jane Doe was suffering from PTSD, and told her that “[John Doe] fits the profile of other rapists on campus in that he had a high GPA in high school, was his class valedictorian, was on [a sports] team, and was ‘from a good family.’”

John Doe was expelled as a result of this bogus accusation, and this is just one of more than 120 lawsuits in which male students say they were falsely accused and denied due process by universities.

Now that you know what feminism means for your sons, ask yourself: What does feminism mean for your daughters? What it means is that she is unlikely to have a boyfriend at college, because boys will be afraid even to talk to her, lest they be accused of “sexual harassment.”

Keep in mind, of course, that male students are a minority on nearly all campuses, so that the odds are against your daughter finding a boyfriend at college anyway, and then factor into those calculations the influence of radical feminism on campus. Unless you as a parent want your daughter to become a crazy cat lady — a lonely spinster, or perhaps a lesbian — you must warn her against the feminist agenda that is not only anti-male, but also anti-marriage, anti-motherhood and anti-heterosexual.


America’s children are growing up in a world that most adults never imagined could exist, a world shaped by the “progressive” ideology of a decadent elite that now controls not only our universities, but also the entertainment industry and most major news media organizations. These ideologues are determined to deprive us of our constitutional liberty and to control every institution of our culture. Warn your sons, America.


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