The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Pennsylvania Jihad

Posted on | December 23, 2017 | 1 Comment


Call it a hunch, but I don’t think he’s Amish:

Hours after three shootings resulted in a trooper shot and the suspect killed, police have released additional details about the shooter.
Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico identified the shooter as 51-year-old Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty at a news conference late Friday night.
Though details about El-Mofty are being unraveled by investigators, Marsico said it “certainly appears that there’s no doubt” he was targeting police officers.
Marsico said El-Mofty initially fired “several shots” at a police car belonging to a Capitol Police officer at 4:10 p.m. in the area of 3rd and Walnut streets. One shot came “very close” to hitting the officer, but the officer was able to escape uninjured.
El-Mofty then fired several shots at a Pennsylvania State Police trooper about 30 minutes after the initial shooting.
“She was struck by one of those shots, but is doing well,” Marsico said, adding the trooper is expected to make a full recovery.
Marsico added the trooper was chased by El-Mofty to the Allison Hill section of the city to the area of 17th and Mulberry Streets, where he opened fire at officers with two handguns.
Officers returned fire, shooting and killing El-Mofty. . . .
El-Mofty also has ties to the Middle East, and traveled there recently, according to Marsico.
Marsico declined to comment on if Friday’s shootings were an act of terrorism, saying the motive was still under investigation.
“Obviously, we don’t want people to run wild in speculation,” he said.

Yeah, just a guy from the Middle East trying to kill cops in Pennsylvania. We wouldn’t want to “run wild in speculation,” right?


In The Mailbox: 12.22.17

Posted on | December 22, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.22.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: A Tale Of Two Jihadis
Twitchy: This Amazing Thread On Being Pro-Life Is Just What You Need Heading Into Christmas
Louder With Crowder: President Trump Signs Tax Reform Into Law
City Journal: Orwell Is Alive And Well At HHS (h/t NeoWayland)
According To Hoyt: The Horror Of Cultural Stereotypes
Vox Popoli: Magic – The Convergence

Adam Piggott: Friday Hot Links & Chicks – The Man-Flu Edition
American Power: President Trump Has Better Poll Numbers Than Meryl Streep
American Thinker: Stopping The Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan To Infiltrate America
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Loony Brits Friday
BattleSwarm: Linkswarm For December 22
Bring The HEAT: Merry Christmas (Slightly NSFW)
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Don’t Lose Heart (An Open Letter To Sister Toldjah), also, This Morning In Blogging – Bigger Than Iran-Contra
Don Surber: US Tax Cut Worries Germany, also, Jorge Ramos – Trump Broke Me
Dustbury: Status Thimbles
The Geller Report: Acid Attacks Make Parts Of London No-Go Zones, also, UK Muslim Taxi Driver Found With Huge Stash Of Weapons, $2 Million In Drugs
Hogewash: Blognet, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: US Preparing “Bloody Nose” Attack On Norks?
Joe For America: FBI Attorney, Comey Ally & Suspected Leaker James Baker Fired
JustOneMinute: The Christmas CR, also, Trouble In Their Blue Heaven
Legal Insurrection: What Will The 2018 DACA Bill Look Like? (Reader Poll), also, Anti-American UN Vote Gives Trump A Chance To Turn A Loss Into A Win
Power Line: The Deep Racism Of The Left, also, The Deep Malice Of Team Obama
Shark Tank: Rep. DeSantis Launches Investigation Into Obama Administration’s Hezbollah Deals
Shot In The Dark: So Very Very Weird
The Jawa Report: Jawa PSA – Closed For Baby Jesus Birthday
The Political Hat: Non-Transing The Child, also, Twelve Posts Of Christmas, Day 10
This Ain’t Hell: Guy Biggs, The Murderous Valor Thief, also, PFC Albert Atkins Comes Home
Weasel Zippers: A Deafening Media Silence On The Obama/Hezbollah Scandal, also, 92% Of Foreign Nationals In Federal Prisons Are Illegal Immigrants
Megan McArdle: What is Bitcoin Good For?
Mark Steyn: The Statistics We Weren’t Allowed To Know

Last-Minute Deals
Holiday Deals – Save $10 on Fire 7 – was $49.99 – now $39.99. Limited-time offer
Shop Amazon Devices – Introducing All-New Kindle Travel Bundles, starting at $199

Hollywood’s Homo-Hypocrisy

Posted on | December 22, 2017 | Comments Off on Hollywood’s Homo-Hypocrisy

Headline at Mediaite:

After Months of Attacking Roy Moore,
Hollywood Releases Film
Romanticizing Child Molestation

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? When I saw that headline, I immediately had a hunch and — surprise! surprise! — my hunch was correct:

As the year comes to a close, Hollywood releases its final batch of films, many of which will go on to earn plenty of Oscar nominations. One of them is Call Me By Your Name, a coming-of-age drama about a 17-year-old boy who develops a romantic relationship with a 24-year-old man. . . .

(Permit me to interrupt and ask what sort of “romantic relationship” is involved? Do they exchange meaningful glances, write poems for each other, take long walks in the moonlight? Or, as I rather suspect, is the “relationship” actually sexual? Because it’s not a crime to exchange meaningful glances or write poetry, you know. But never mind . . .)

The awards season is just beginning and already this film is receiving a ton of praise. It has an incredible score of 96% on Rotten Tomatoes, has been named by the LA Film Critics Association as the Best Picture of the Year and has already received three Golden Globe nominations including Best Drama.
The accolades are justified. Call Me By Your Name is actually one of the best films of the year. It’s emotional and thought-provoking and its stars Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer give outstanding performances. Despite how good the film is, however, it leaves you with an unsettling feeling because after all, it’s about child molestation.
It’s worth noting that the film does take place in Italy, where the age of consent is 14.

OK, enough. There are some U.S. states — including Utah and Maine, last time I checked — where the age of consent is 14, but we’re not going to see any Oscar-bait movies about “romantic relationships” with teenagers in those states, are we? No, not unless they’re gay.

Notice the absence of the word “gay” from this story? Yep, just did CTRL+F and the word “gay” doesn’t appear once in the article because, evidently, it’s not “gay” until you’re 18, and there is no such thing as a “gay pedophile,” according to the professional journalism community.

Anyway, gay or straight, 17 and 24 is not “child molestation,” and it’s insane to apply such a term to such a story. What seems to have happened, amid the current Sexual Harassment Apocalypse, is that everybody’s trying to outdo each other in their denunciations of misconduct, for fear that they’ll be condemned as a “rape apologist” if they don’t. We have entered a climate of hysteria that has made it impossible for people to make meaningful distinctions between various types of sexual misbehavior. The actor Matt Damon was castigated last week for trying to make a common-sense point about this issue:

“I do believe there’s a spectrum of behavior … You know, there’s a difference between, you know, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right? Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they shouldn’t be conflated.” . . .
“On this end of the continuum where you have rape and child molestation or whatever, you know, that’s prison. Right? And that’s what needs to happen. . . . That’s criminal behavior, and it needs to be dealt with that way. The other stuff is just kind of shameful and gross.”

While I’m not a big fan of Matt Damon, his point is correct. The current climate is such that people are being treated as if they were guilty of crimes the moment any allegation of “misconduct” is made, in many cases involving incidents that happened years ago, or even decades ago, without any complaint being made at the time.

Damon made particular reference to Al Franken in his controversial interview and certainly Franken has not been accused of rape, yet his behavior is being “conflated” with more grievous sexual offenses, as Damon said. And it’s this same tendency that leads the Mediate writer to use the loaded phrase “child molestation” to characterize a (gay) “coming-of-age drama” about a (gay) 17-year-old boy who has a (gay) “romantic relationship” with a (gay) 24-year-old man.

Can someone please appoint an official committee to determine, once and for all, exactly what moral and legal standards we should apply to sexual relationships — of every kind, in every time and place — so that we don’t have any confusion in the future? Because it seems that there was an extraordinarily lenient standard applied in 1998, when Bill Clinton was caught boinking a young intern, but that new and more stringent standards have since been developed. Which is not necessarily bad, but then we got into this #MeToo moment where people are having their careers destroyed for things they did in the 1990s that were certainly no worse than what Bill Clinton did in the 1990s. And if this new draconian standard is to be applied retroactively, the Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame is going to be damned near empty, because how many famous rockers were boinking teenage groupies back in the day? (Answer: All of them.)

We get it, OK? The Sexual Revolution is over. “No more fun of any kind,” to quote Dean Vernon Wormer. We’re going back to the Eisenhower era, it seems, or maybe the Coolidge era, with a latter-day version of the Comstock Law to prevent anyone from even talking about sex. This is apparently what feminists require, and the only sex Americans will be allowed to have in the future is (a) gay sex or (b) robot sex. No more of that oppressive “heterosexuality” that flourished for a few decades in the late 20th-century, when some people actually believed that women wanted to have ses with men. Someday, we’ll tell our grandchildren about those dark decades of phallic tyranny, and they’ll be astonished by stories of college boys and girls hooking up at frat parties. (“Grandma, what’s a ‘fraternity’?” “Institutions of heteropatriarchal misogyny that were outlawed after Kamala Harris was elected president.”)

Hollywood will continue making celebratory “coming-of-age” stories about homosexuals, however, and these will be the only “romantic relationships” that are deemed award-worthy in the post-Weinstein era. The women in Hollywood are now so full of rage toward the men in Hollywood that no self-respecting actress would ever consent to appear in a heterosexual love scene. “The Pig Monster,” as Rose McGowan calls Weinstein, has more or less ruined the genre of cinematic romance.


Friday Fiction: 100+ Word Challenge Christmas Edition

Posted on | December 22, 2017 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

Six points gird the star glowing, supernatural above, as the dusk bathes now the field.
A mystic symbol of love, and to Three Wise Men showing, the power of God to yield
a means as mild as a dove; that the world be reconciled to His justice from falling
to sin when serpent beguiled the mother of humans, Eve. This moment was their calling,
Destiny standing revealed, blessed with the joy of knowing. That the virgin could conceive,
a King be born in a humbling place, and not be richly raised, losing the need to believe.
Let us follow their doing, seeking the one who can save, and do that which can be praised.

via Darleen

Elite Consensus: How Transgenderism Became the New ‘Climate Change’

Posted on | December 22, 2017 | 1 Comment

One of the books that really changed my life is Thomas Sowell’s The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy. If you’ve read it, you understand why I call it the best single-volume analysis of liberalism ever written. If you haven’t read it, why not?

Sowell makes the point that liberals think of themselves as “anointed,” endowed with superior wisdom and virtue, and thus authorized to impose their policy preferences on the rest of us. Ordinary common-sense people are deemed the “benighted,” whom liberals dismiss as ignorant, prejudiced, and irrationally attached to obsolete beliefs.

Once you’ve read The Vision of the Anointed, you will cease to feel guilty about disagreeing with liberals. One of the problems in American politics is that, because liberals control the commanding heights of culture — in academia, journalism, the entertainment industry, etc. — conservatives often suffer a sort of inferiority complex, awed by the enormous institutional prestige exercised by liberals. What we often encounter in the discussion of public-policy issues is that there is an elite consensus in favor of the liberal position. To disagree with this consensus puts you in the ranks of those dismissed as dimwit rubes — the “basket of deplorables,” as Hillary Clinton notoriously described Donald Trump’s supporters. The effect of the elite consensus is to make us feel that there is something disreputable about disagreeing with liberals.

Consider the case of “climate change.” Having spent vast sums to orchestrate an effort to put all the prestige of Science with a capital “S” behind the theory of anthropogenic global warming (AGW), the Anointed then set out to silence all criticism of this theory. One of the results was a lawsuit filed by Penn State professor Michael Mann against columnist Mark Steyn. Mann was principal author of the so-called “hockey stick” graph which purported to show that global temperatures had dramatically increased, and which was used to promote a Chicken Little sky-is-falling “emergency” attitude about carbon emissions.


Steyn wrote a column in National Review that debunked the “hockey stick” graph with such devastating effect that the intelligent reader had to conclude either (a) Mann was laughably incompetent as a scientist, or (b) Mann was engaged in a deliberate fraud. Mann responded with a lawsuit against Steyn which has been clogging up the federal courts for six years. Steyn has published a book ‘A Disgrace to the Profession’: The World’s Scientists — in Their Own Words — on Michael E Mann, His Hockey Stick and Their Damage to Science. What the book reveals is that, contrary to what some people would have us believe, the alleged “consensus” about global warming is subject to scientific criticism, and that even scientists who believe the AGW theory don’t believe that skeptics and dissenters should be silenced. The very fact that some AGW theory proponents do wish to silence dissent, however, should cause us to be skeptical of the climate-change “consensus.”

After all, the climate-change gang would have no fear of open debate with their critics, if the evidence in support of AGW theory was so clear. Yet because they have been able to recruit the elites in academia, journalism and politics to support them, Mann and his comrades seem to believe that their critics are guilty of immorality. If you disagree with Mann, he considers you not just wrong or mistaken, but evil.

Having “won” the climate-change argument (at least in their own minds), the Anointed have grown bored with it and have moved on to new ideological crusades, including the cause of transgenderism. Let the reader think back five years or so, to the time of the 2012 presidential campaign, and ask: Did anyone in either party signify that transgender rights were at stake in the re-election of President Obama? Of course not. If Obama ever mentioned the word “transgender” in 2012, I overlooked it, and I covered that campaign from start to finish. Nor did Mitt Romney (or any of his rivals for the GOP nomination) argue that Obama’s re-election would be interpreted as a mandate for the imposition of a transgender rights regime in American public life. Yet here we are, in 2017, and transgenderism is making headlines every day, with an especial push to promote this to school children, and the loudest opposition to this agenda is from radical feminists. What happened?

Well, in 2013, the Supreme Court issued its Windsor decision, striking down the federal Defense of Marriage Act, and in 2015, the court issued its Obergefell decision, mandating same-sex marriage in all 50 states. Having thus obtained “marriage equality” through judicial activism, the proponents of Sexual Anarchy needed a new crusade to rally their supporters (and raise money), and transgenderism was the ticket.


The emergence of the transgender issue caught many people by surprise, and no sooner had the issue become apparent than opponents of this agenda discovered that they were already facing an elite consensus. Little noticed, activists had been working for years to recruit support in academia and journalism for the transgender agenda, especially including “transition” for young children. The rhetoric of civil rights was deployed in favor of this agenda, so that if you disagreed or disapproved, you were a hateful bigot, analogous to Bull Connor siccing police dogs on unarmed protesters in Birmingham. Conservatives have long since become accustomed to such smear tactics from the Left — as Peter Brimelow remarked, the modern definition of racist is “someone who is winning an argument with a liberal” — but feminists have been shocked to find themselves accused of “hate” for opposing the transgender cult.

This week, Twitter imposed new rules targeting “hate” and, predictably, feminists critical of transgenderism are among the targets. One feminist, who describes herself as both a Ph.D. and a witch — ??? — pointed out that “gender identity” rhetoric is chiefly deployed by males who want to “identity” as women, and that actual women who oppose this are smeared as “bigots” and told to “shut up.” This, she says, is “Sexism 101.”

Excuse me, but no, ma’am. Sexism 101 would involve you making me a sandwich. That is to say, we traditionalists are not your enemies in the current controversy and your accusation of “sexism” is misguided. After all, a “sexist” believes that male-female differences are real, significant, and based in biology, not “socially constructed.” It is feminist theory which claims that such differences are an illusion, a product of the social construction of the gender binary within the heterosexual matrix, to summarize the argument of Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. You can accuse transgender activists of hijacking and misinterpreting feminist theory, if you wish, but you can’t blame us old-fashioned sexists for this. We tried to warn you. Even if we never imagined the current transgender insanity — “Rocky Horror Elementary School” — conservatives warned that the feminist attack on the traditional family would have dangerous consequences, and there is a certain ironic logic in how this has worked out in the post-Obergefell era.

Pardon me for mansplaining all this, but conservatives have been doing battle against this sort of elite consensus for many decades now, and if radical feminists are serious about fighting the transgender agenda, they would be wise to take our advice into consideration. Merry Christmas.



In The Mailbox: 12.21.17

Posted on | December 21, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.21.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Winter Solstice 2017
Twitchy: Democrats Who Blocked CHIP Reauthorization Hold Up Lumps Of Coal In Protest
Louder With Crowder: SLAY, QUEEN! Nikki Haley Spanks Spoiled UN For Dissing America
City Journal: “Suspension Reform” Is Tormenting Schools (h/t NeoWayland)

American Power: Dore Gold, Tower Of Babble, also, Wildfires Aren’t The Only Threat To The “California Dream”
American Thinker: Marie Harf Defends Obama’s Aid To Hezbollah
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Well-Armed News
BattleSwarm: Tax Cut Passes, Millions Not Dead, also, BattleSwarm Blog – Now With Added HTTPS
Bring The HEAT: World Of Warships – In Clan Battles, Cooperation Is Key
CDR Salamander: So, You Want To Grow A Navy In A Strong Economy?
Da Tech Guy: GOP’s 2018 Agenda – Get More Stuff Done, also, The GOP Should Pass A Stand-Alone Mitt Romney Optional Corporate Tax
Don Surber: Is North Korea Collapsing?
Dustbury: The Machines Will Do Us In
The Geller Report: Muslim Plows Car Into Melbourne Pedestrians, 19 Injured – Police Deny It’s Terrorism, also, Muslim Migrant Stabs Minneapolis Woman 14 Times, Local Newspapers Silent
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Quote Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: DiBlasio Wants City-Owned Media Outlet That Would “Create More Balance” In Media, also, Sessions Wants Explanation From FBI On Clinton/Uranium One Evidence
Joe For America: “Worse Than Watergate” – Rand Paul Calls For Investigation Into Obama Officials’ Collusion Against Trump
JustOneMinute: Save On Taxes!
Legal Insurrection: Court Throws Out Emoluments Clause Lawsuit Against Trump, also, HuffPo Contributor Apologizes To Senator Scott For “Prop” Tweet
Power Line: Facebook Announces Suspicious New System For Combating “Fake News”, also, Next Biopic On Deck – Chappaquiddick
Shark Tank: Broward County Elections Officials Broke Federal Law
Shot In The Dark: When Liberals Ask “What’s The Matter With Kansas?”
STUMP: Federal Entitlements – Ghosts Of Promises Past And Benefits Yet To Be Paid
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Drug Use And Mental Issues Do Not Preclude Jihad
The Political Hat: Twelve Posts Of Christmas, Day Nine
This Ain’t Hell: William Jones Gets Jail Time For Stolen Valor, also, Guidance Issued For Recruiting Transgender Troops
Weasel Zippers: Rosie O’Donnell Could Be Facing Jail, $12 Million Fine For Bribery, also, Memphis City Council Contravenes State Law, Sells Parks To Remove Confederate Statues
Mark Steyn: We Are The Bollards, also, Steyn On Restoration And Revival

Last Minute Deals
Holiday Deals – Save $30 on Fire HD 8 – was $79.99 – now $49.99. Limited-time offer
Shop Amazon Basics – HDMI Cables

The Gorilla Is Correct

Posted on | December 21, 2017 | Comments Off on The Gorilla Is Correct

Oregon Muse’s “Morning Rant” at AoSHQ:

“It’s pretty funny when feminists stamp their feet and demand their safe spaces from guys whistling and catcalling them, because they’re not telling you what they really want. What they really want is not to be whistled at and catcalled by unattractive guys. In other words, they want a world where they can flirt and sexually banter with alpha male sports stars and multi-millionaires, but the lowly office geek who dares ask any of them out on a date will feel the full force of the law landing on them.”

If you want to understand human behavior, you must pay less attention to what people say and pay more attention to what they do.

A common complaint women make is that men are “superficial” in their judgment of women, placing a premium on beauty above all else. This is generally true, and I’ve tried to warn guys about the “pretty poison” problem, where they’ll put up with anything a woman does, as long as she’s good-looking. However, women are also quite generally superficial, but they don’t like to admit it. Women are seldom confronted about their own biases, because men have nothing to gain from such confrontations. A man can only damage his reputation — “What’s his problem?” — if he openly complains to women about their behavior, so most men wisely bite their tongues. The whole point of the feminist movement is to mobilize women’s complaints as a political ideology, and any man who objects to this is condemned as a “sexist,” but guys that stupid. We understand that feminism is basically a hustle, a scam, a fraudulent attempt to disguise petty grievances in “social justice” rhetoric.

Consider the case of Matt Lauer. His public image was as one of the “good guys,” a liberal in good standing, beloved by millions of adoring female viewers — and yet he was a serial harasser, a guy who had a “rape button” installed in his desk so he could lock his office door by remote control whenever he wanted to get jiggy with a female colleague. How many years did this go on, and why did no one at NBC complain? Because he was high status, that’s why. Whatever women might say about Lauer now that he’s been exposed, at the time all these shenanigans were going on, women at NBC were quite flattered to have Lauer make a move on them. A handsome multimillionaire TV star? You know the interns who fetched his coffee were bragging to their friends if Lauer ever flirted with them.

Women are very status-conscious and eager to be associated with whoever or whatever is considered “popular” among their peers. So when it was popular to flirt with Matt Lauer, he probably could have slept with any woman at 30 Rock who caught his eye. But then Hillary lost the election to Trump, and suddenly the wheel turned. It was now popular to destroy powerful men’s careers, and Lauer became one of the dozens sacrificed in the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse.

Look, I don’t have any particular sympathy for Matt Lauer, but you know he’s got to be mystified by how suddenly the wheel turned. It wasn’t as if he was Harvey Weinstein, a repulsive fat swine inviting actresses to his hotel room and molesting them. Lauer probably didn’t even have to try to get laid at NBC — the women were chasing him. But once the #MeToo hashtag went viral, and reporters started sniffing around for high-profile guys with a history of “inappropriate” sexual behavior, it was like a slow fuse burning toward an inevitable explosion, and Matt Lauer was a powder keg. All shades of gray within the spectrum of “inappropriate” behavior ceased to matter in the witch-hunt climate of hysteria, and Lauer was branded a loathsome predator, cast into outer darkness.

Pay attention to what people do and stop being misled by what they say. You can learn some valuable lessons, if you’ll pay attention.


Let Trinity College F***ing Die?

Posted on | December 21, 2017 | Comments Off on Let Trinity College F***ing Die?

Trinity College is the second-oldest institution of higher education in Connecticut. (Yale University is the oldest.) Ranked in the top 50 private liberal arts colleges in the country, Trinity is an elite school, where the annual cost of attendance (tuition, fees, room and board) is $68,970. Founded by Episcopalians, Trinity’s motto is Pro Ecclesia Et Patria — “For Church and Country.” Despite its religious origins and conservative heritage, however, Trinity evidently has been taken over by left-wing atheist anti-America “social justice warriors” (SJWs). How else to explain why Trinity would employ Professor Johnny Eric Williams?

“It is past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘white’ will not do, put end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of whiteness and their white supremacy system. #LetThemFuckingDie,” Williams wrote in a June 18 Facebook post.
Two days earlier on the same page, he had shared an article titled “Let Them F***ing Die” in which the anonymous author suggests that “bigots,” such as the victims of the congressional baseball practice shooting, should be left for dead.
A few minutes after the first post, Williams elaborated that he is “fed the f**k up with self-identified ‘white’s’ daily violence directed at immigrants, Muslims, and sexual and racially oppressed people,” saying, “the time is now to confront these inhuman a**holes and end this now.”
As Campus Reform previously reported, Williams’ statements cost the college 16 students, “roughly $200,000” in donations, and led lawmakers to call for his firing. Trinity has decided not to fire Williams, however, arguing that his statements are protected by academic freedom. . . .
Williams later turned his attention to popular Fox News Channel host and former Trinity student Tucker Carlson, whom Williams mocked as an “idiot” and “moron.”
“That damn Tucker Carlson, man. Why did we give him a damn degree?” Williams asked. “He had the nerve to ask me to come on his damn show. I was like, ‘Are you out of your mind?’”

A Trinity alumnus, John Leisenring (Class of ’81) sent a letter to the college president, Joanne Berger-Sweeney, expressing his concern that “political tolerance and intellectual respect are no longer values that Trinity College accepts or instills in its professors.” However, Leisenring seems to understate the problem — Trinity has quite obviously abandoned any pretense to providing an education to its students. Rather, Trinity is now in the business of SJW indoctrination.

The question is why anyone would allow their children to attend such an institution, which has been captured by the radical Left and subverted to purposes contrary to the interests of its alumni. Trinity has become a place where the faculty teach students to hate their parents, and yet parents are supposed to pay the bills for this “education”?

#LetThemF***ingDie, indeed!


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