The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feds: Russian Agent Funded Radical Fringe Groups, Including Black Hammer

Posted on | July 29, 2022 | 1 Comment

Remember our friend Augustus Romain Jr. a/k/a “Gazi Kodzo”? Well, his Black Hammer group is one of three organizations identified by federal prosecutors as under Russian influence:

An indictment was unsealed today in Tampa, Florida, charging a Russian national, working on behalf of the Russian government and in conjunction with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), with allegedly orchestrating a years-long foreign malign influence campaign that used various U.S. political groups to sow discord, spread pro-Russian propaganda, and interfere in elections within the United States.
As alleged in the indictment, from at least December 2014 until March 2022, Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov, a resident of Moscow, together with at least three Russian officials, engaged in a years-long foreign malign influence campaign targeting the United States. Ionov is the founder and president of the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia (AGMR), an organization headquartered in Moscow and funded by the Russian government. Ionov utilized AGMR to carry out Russia’s influence campaign.
“Ionov allegedly orchestrated a brazen influence campaign, turning U.S. political groups and U.S. citizens into instruments of the Russian government,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “The Department of Justice will not allow Russia to unlawfully sow division and spread misinformation inside the United States.”
According to the indictment, Ionov — working under the supervision of the FSB and with the Russian government’s support — recruited political groups within the United States, including U.S. Political Group 1 in Florida, U.S. Political Group 2 in Georgia, and U.S. Political Group 3 in California, and exercised direction or control over them on behalf of the FSB. Specifically, Ionov provided financial support to these groups, directed them to publish pro-Russian propaganda, coordinated and funded direct action by these groups within the United States intended to further Russian interests, and coordinated coverage of this activity in Russian media outlets. Ionov also relayed detailed information about this influence campaign to three FSB officials.
“Secret foreign government efforts to influence American elections and political groups threaten our democracy by spreading misinformation, distrust and mayhem,” said Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “The department is committed to ensuring U.S. laws protecting transparency in the electoral process and the political system are not undermined through foreign malign influence.”

Although none of the groups are named in the DOJ announcement, reporters in Tampa identified the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP, known as the “Uhuru Movement”) as Group 1, while Black Hammer was identified by Atlanta reporters as Group 2, and others have identified the secessionist “Yes California” movement as Group 3. My guess is that after Gazi Kodzo got busted for serious crimes in Atlanta, he rolled over and became a federal informant. Recall that he spent years with the APSP, so Kodzo would have known their secrets, and probably sang like a canary when faced with the prospect of a life sentence in a Georgia prison.


Magical Thinking as Economic Policy

Posted on | July 29, 2022 | 2 Comments

“In psychiatry, magical thinking is a disorder of thought content; here it denotes the false belief that one’s thoughts, actions, or words will cause or prevent a specific consequence in some way that defies or circumvents commonly understood laws of causality.”

Joe Biden evidently believes that recession can be avoided by pretending there is no recession, and that inflationary spending proposals can be enacted by dubbing them “The Inflation Reduction Act.”

Of course, it is somewhat sarcastic to speak of what Biden “believes,” let alone what he “thinks,” given that his mental condition has deteriorated to such a dysfunctional state that his cognitive processes cannot really be described as “belief” or “thought,” in the literal definition of those words.

In 2022, of course, many words have lost their meanings. Newsweek ran the headline “Joe Biden’s Eyes in Video Spark Wild Conspiracy Theories,” but is it really a conspiracy theory to say that the appearance of Our Alleged President in that 17-second video clip looked like some kind of CGI green-screen deepfake? Considering how we were assured by the same media outlets that it was a “conspiracy theory” to believe Biden’s dopehead son Hunter left a laptop full of incriminating evidence in a computer repair shop — which everyone now admits actually happened — hasn’t “conspiracy theory” become just a pejorative epithet meaning facts the media don’t want you to know about? But I digress . . .

The shameless effrontery of the people running the White House keeps surprising even hardened cynics like me. Just when you think their capacity for bald-faced lying has reached its absolute rock-bottom, they somehow manage to go even lower. Remember the “Build Back Better” act that died in the Senate last year? The mendacious bastards just repackaged it and called it “The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022”:

The latest compromise includes the previously agreed-upon health care provisions as well as a 15 percent corporate minimum tax, a proposal to close the carried interest tax loophole, and a provision for IRS enforcement. Additionally, it contains historic spending for climate, though it’s on a smaller scale than what the House envisioned last year.
All told, Democrats estimate the bill will bring in $739 billion in revenue and will invest $433 billion in spending. It also addresses Manchin’s goal of reducing the deficit and would do so by $300 billion or more. The bill’s investment in areas like clean energy, tax credits, and reducing health care costs is notable, though it’s much less ambitious than the provisions in the $1.75 trillion bill that the House passed last year.

That’s according to the liberal site Vox, which repeats the Democratic Party’s claims about projected revenue and deficit reduction as though this stuff will actually happen. News flash: It won’t.

When you employ magical thinking as the basis of economic policy, it’s possible to imagine almost anything, including $735 billion in tax revenue by imposing punitive taxes on corporations, as though the smart guys who run international business conglomerates are just going to leave that money sitting around and wait for Uncle Sam to come get his 15 percent share. But when the tax man shows up, those CEOs will point to the accounting numbers which prove that, in fact, they haven’t got two nickels to spare. The IRS guy will shrug and say, “Oh, well,” then walk away empty-handed. And then the CEOs will make gigantic donations to the Democratic Party, and the fact that all these hundreds of billions of dollars in projected tax revenue never made it to the Treasury Department will be forgotten, quite conveniently for all concerned.

You can’t tax your way out of a deficit.

Call that McCain’s Law of Fiscal Policy, if you wish, but every time Democrats get control of the White House, they keep trying the same thing. Democrats never met a wasteful billion-dollar boondoggle or welfare giveaway they wouldn’t support, and they throw away taxpayer money on all sorts of useless or harmful projects, and don’t you dare suggest that a single penny be taken away from the Department of Health and Human Services budget, you damned racist Republicans who want to shove Grandma off a cliff. Democrats want federal taxpayers to fund programs to hand out free needles to junkies sleeping on the sidewalk, send drag queens to entertain kindergartners in every school in America, and subsidize economically dubious “green energy” projects, while still claiming that they’re in favor of reducing the deficit.

Magical thinking: “Corporate minimum tax!” This will miraculously solve all the budget problems, Democrats expect us to believe and, considering that 38.2% of voters actually approve of the job Biden’s doing as president, there are tens of millions of Americans stupid enough to believe anything. Yet the fact remains: You can’t tax your way out of a deficit because, as the First Corollary to McCain’s Law of Fiscal Policy, the federal government will automatically grow to consume whatever additional revenue new taxes might actually produce.

The revenue dog is never fast enough to catch the spending rabbit, you might say, but even if you believe that this latest “compromise reconciliation” bill will somehow reduce the deficit — which no intelligent person honestly believes — please tell me, how the hell is it supposed to reduce inflation? Because that is the official name of this preposterous legislation: “The Inflation Reduction Act.” Apparently, we are expected to believe that ramming this thing through Congress to “invest $433 billion in spending” will reduce inflation, as if out-of-control federal spending weren’t the principal cause of our inflationary spiral. Instead, Democrats want us to believe, the real cause of inflation is — brace yourself for genius-level insight — corporations aren’t paying enough taxes!

There are no adjectives strong enough to describe my disgust with the gross cynicism behind the “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.” No honest person could possibly endorse this fraudulent legislation. Yet the magical thinking of Biden’s economic policy keeps producing insults like this:

President Joe Biden on Thursday reminded Americans suffering from inflation and high gas prices that he sent them a check for $8,000 in 2021.
“There’s reason to be down but I started thinking about it … the first year, we were able with the rescue plan, we were able to send them a check for eight grand,” he said. “I mean a check. Beyond that by the way, there was more than that.”
The president spoke about the trillions he spent in the Democrat-passed American Rescue Plan during a conversation he had with his economic advisers on the state of the economy. His mention of the “$8,000 check” was likely a reference to the temporary expansion of the child tax credit provided to some families in 2021 until it expired this year.
Biden complained that Americans forgot what he did for them in 2021, even as he admitted it was “totally understandable.”
He pointed out that even for Americans making $120,00 a year, $8,000 dollars should have meant a lot to them.
“That’s a lot of money, and so it helped save a lot of people in terms of getting thrown out of their home and rental housing and a whole range of things,” he said. . . .
“Does that make any sense to everybody or is it just me?” he asked his advisers.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen agreed, noting the trillions in government spending boosted the economy, despite the high inflation rates that followed.
“We need to bring down inflation, but we need to preserve the success that that plan achieved in the labor market,” she said.

This makes me so angry, it’s impossible for me to write any sentence that doesn’t include the phrase “fucking bullshit.” Think back, if you will, to what actually happened with the so-called “American Rescue Plan. The first COVID “stimulus” bill passed in March 2020, at a time when were were being told that a lockdown of “two weeks to slow the spread” was necessary, which was immediately followed by “30 days to flatten the curve.” So by May 1, all the lockdowns would be over, right? No, the pandemic panic brigade insisted on lockdowns ad aeternum — we must “follow the science!” — and so millions of people were forced out of work. Months went by and, with so much of the economy locked down, the need for more “stimulus” was obvious, but the Democrats who controlled Congress wouldn’t pass another stimulus bill before the election.

Meanwhile, thanks to the Trump administration’s “Operation Warp Speed” project, COVID vaccines were developed in record time — but not in time for the election. So then the election happened and, while the first vaccinations were being administered, Congress belatedly passed another $900 billion “stimulus” package in December 2020, a month before Biden took office. The vaccine promised a swift return to normal (even though Florida had been back to normal for months, without causing any great crisis), and therefore, the need for additional “stimulus” wasn’t obvious. And it was at this crucial moment that Democrats rammed through “The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021,” a $1.9 trillion — yes, trillion, with a “t” — stimulus package, which took effect in March 2021, just three months after the previous $900 billion stimulus bill, so that the federal government injected $2.8 trillion in new spending into the economy in a span of 90 days.

“Gosh, I wonder why we have all this inflation now?” said nobody.

Oh, and of course I didn’t get any “eight grand,” and neither did you, because we were still working and paying our bills, same as always. The question of who did get “eight grand,” I’ll leave you to figure out for yourselves, but here Joe is telling Americans they shouldn’t complain about inflation because “we” — notice the first-person plural pronoun, by which he means Democrats — “we were able to send them a check for eight grand.” WHAT DO YOU THINK CAUSED THE INFLATION, JOE? DO YOU THINK MAYBE IT WAS $1.9 TRILLION IN ‘STIMULUS’ TO PAY PEOPLE TO STAY HOME INSTEAD OF WORKING?

Excuse my all-caps rant there. I’ve been trying to ignore this kind of stuff — concentrate on pleasant things, like the Patriots opening training camp — but today I made the mistake of reading actual news and saw they were calling this legislative monstrosity “The Inflation Reduction Act of 2021,” and suddenly found myself thinking, “You know, those guys who stormed the Capitol may have had the right idea all along.”

Everybody should have known the Biden administration would be a disaster, but even I never imagined how bad it would be.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 07.28.22

Posted on | July 29, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: They Suffered A Failure Of The Victim Selection Process
EBL: Tony Dow, RIP, also, Democrat Nicholas Roske Was Hunting For Conservative Justices
Twitchy: Peter Doocy Triggers KJP Over Small Towns Being Expected To Take Care Of Illegals
Louder With Crowder: Crowder Returns August 1 – “Get Ready For Something You’ve Never Seen Before” 
Vox Popoli: So THAT Didn’t Work, Incompetent or Irrelevant?, and Revenge For 500 Years

American Conservative: ‘Race’, ‘Nation,’ And Modern Times
American Greatness: DeSantis Announces Plan to Fight Globalist ‘ESG’ Influence in Florida, also, Trump Threatens Lawsuit Over CNN’s ‘Defamatory Statements’ About 2020
American Power: White House Braces for Grim News on Economy
American Thinker: Are the Woke Morally Superior?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Own Nothing News
Babalu Blog: Cubans are calling for a national strike to bring down the Castro dictatorship, also, Dengue epidemic in Cuba worsens as more deaths are reported on social media
BattleSwarm: Ill-Advised Semiconductor Subsidies Pass
Behind The Black: Update on Long March 5B core stage crash prediction, NASA is apparently withdrawing its permit for Starship launches in Florida, and Today’s blacklisted American: January 6th rally attendee commits suicide
CDR Salamander: The CNO Has a Plan
Chicago Boyz: Supply Chain in Ukraine
Da Tech Guy: Do You Feel a Draft in the Air?, Answer:  The Results were always “Unexpected” by the Media/Elites, and Why are we sitting on our hands while the United States is dismantled?
Don Surber: The Biden depression, also, Republicans ignoring an increasingly irrelevant press
First Street Journal: And here you have all of the information that you need to understand the violence in Philadelphia!, also, Recession! The Biden Administration won’t admit it, but people know it
Gates Of Vienna: Murdering Somali Gets a Shrink Instead of the Clink, “Yes to Peoples’ Sovereignty – No to Brussels’ Bureaucrats”, and Manure for Tyrants
The Geller Report: MEDIA BLACKS OUT WORLDWIDE PROTESTS, also, Big Tech’s Plot to Stop a Red Wave in 2022
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, Eta Carinae
Hollywood In Toto: B.J. Novak’s Vengeance Finds Humor, Wisdom in Cultural Cliches, Reporters Hope Hollywood, Springsteen Boycott for Abortion Rights, and It’s Official – Late Night TV Turned on Recession-Era Biden
The Lid: Is Biden Really Okay? Why Can’t He Blink?
Legal Insurrection: Military Recruitment Crisis Underway as Biden Admin Continues Emphasis on Wokeness & The Jab , Justice Clarence Thomas Not Teaching at George Washington Law This Fall After All, D.C. Mayor Bowser Wants National Guard to Help With Illegal Immigrants Bused to Capital, and Association of American Medical Colleges Criticized for Pushing Critical Race Theory
Nebraska Energy Observer: You know
Outkick: Nebraska HVAC Company Signs Husker WR Decoldest Crawford To Genius NIL Deal, Marcus Mariota Named Falcons Starting QB On First Day Of Camp, and Miami Marlins Pitcher Daniel Castano Takes 104 MPH Liner Off The Head
Power Line: “What base ingratitude”, also, The Trans Fiasco: Will There Be an Accounting?
Shark Tank: Sexualizing Kids At Florida Drag Queen Clubs Is Widespread
Shot In The Dark: Au Revoir, Not Goodbye, also, Open Letter To Rep. Phillips
STUMP: On recessions: definitions, Humpty Dumpty, and out-sourcing decision-making
The Political Hat: Things That Are Now Racist & Evil: Thanksgiving; Google; “colonial and neoliberal coercion around time and productivity”
This Ain’t Hell: Army Veteran Fakes Blindness and Defrauds VA – Now Gets Prison, MN National Guard pays $77k to LGBTQ mag for recruiting efforts, Summer uniform shortages for AF, Army, and Yet Another Stolen Valor Scam
Transterrestrial Musings: An Interesting Precedent, also, James Lovelock
Volokh Conspiracy: Nicholas Roske Used Reddit and Discord To Plan Assassination of Kavanaugh And Potentially Two Other Justices, also, John Roberts’ Wicked Good Year
Watts Up With That: Climatologists Embarrassed: Increase in Global CO2 Levels Accompanied by Arctic Sea Ice Growth!, also, End Carbon Imperialists’ Impoverishment of Africa
Weasel Zippers: Dems Introduce Bill To Fund Abortions Around The World With Foreign Aid, Joe Biden Reportedly Met With 14 Of Hunter’s Business Associates While He Was VP, and Mayor Bowser Requests Activation Of DC National Guard Over Illegal Alien Buses
The Federalist: Monkeypox Is The Left’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’, Democrats Are Dangerously Close To Changing Laws So Our President Is Elected By Popular Vote, and The Dems’ New Proposal Does Nothing To Lower Inflation
Mark Steyn: Schwab the Deck, also, The Paedos’ Protectors

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Still More Aspiring Rapper Updates

Posted on | July 28, 2022 | 1 Comment

Javorius Scott, a/k/a “JayDaYoungan”

It’s been a busy week in the hip hop community, as young performers are being gunned down with astonishing frequency:

Louisiana rapper JayDaYoungan was fatally shot in his hometown of Bogalusa, north of New Orleans, police said.
The musician, whose real name is Javorius Scott, was killed Wednesday just after 6 p.m. He was 24.
Police said they received a call about a shooting just before 6 p.m. Wednesday. One of the injured people was brought to Our Lady of the Angels emergency room. Another victim, still on scene, was critically wounded and was transported there by ambulance.
Police were then notified of another shooting shortly after 7 p.m., about 4 miles from the first shooting. Authorities said a car was hit by bullets, but the occupants were not injured, police said.
In a Facebook post, Bogalusa Police confirmed Scott’s death “as a result of his injuries.” The other victim, identified by multiple news outlets as Kenyatta Scott Sr., the rapper’s father, was said to be in stable condition. . . .
Bogalusa Police investigators said they believe the two shootings are linked.
Investigators have connected Scott to crimes involving gang rivalries in parts of rural Louisiana in recent months. They said they believe the violence is retaliatory. An investigation is continuing.
In June 2021, Scott was released from prison after serving seven months on charges of possession of a firearm while under indictment for a crime. In September that year, he was arrested on charges of obstruction of justice and accessory to a second-degree murder that occurred in Louisiana. The next month, he was arrested for multiple felonies, including the illegal use of a controlled dangerous substance in the presence of minors. . . .
Scott has more than 2.5 million followers on Instagram. His most recent video, “First Day Out Pt2” had amassed 1.9 million views on YouTube.

Do not weep for JayDaYoungan, but instead shed a tear for America’s youth, who have lost an inspiring role model. Meanwhile, in Tampa:

Ari Williams, a/k/a “Rollie Bands”

Five days after up-and-coming rapper Rollie Bands was fatally shot in Tampa, Florida, following a social media post daring critics to confront him, his killer has not yet been arrested.
The 27-year-old performer, real name Ari Williams, was the father of a six-year-old girl. In response to his killing, Williams’ family and friends are calling for justice.
“His daughter deserves that. His mom deserves that. Our family deserves that,” his aunt, Towanda Covington, told local news station WFLA-TV.
Williams was gunned down Friday in the parking lot of his apartment complex, minutes after posting a message on Instagram telling his enemies he was on his way home. “If a ni–a want smoke, I’m at my crib in 5 mins,” he wrote in an Instagram Story.
The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office released a press release saying Williams likely knew his killer. “At this time, the shooting does not appear random,” the sheriff’s office said.
Williams’ family told WFLA he had a disagreement with someone earlier Friday, before he expressed his frustration on Instagram.
“It doesn’t matter what kind of statement, he didn’t deserve for his life to be taken,” Covington said.
Williams’ friend, Tim Simmons, added that a social media post should not get someone killed.
“He shouldn’t have did that, but he also shouldn’t have died because of that either,” Simmons said.

Let this be a lesson for young aspiring rappers: If you taunt your enemies on Instagram, you’ll be making headlines. Not in a good way.


In The Mailbox: 07.27.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | July 28, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.27.22 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

For the benefit of M. Blanc, from r/NewVegasMemes

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1791
357 Magnum: Relatives Of Dead People Don’t Like Self-Defense
EBL: Bob Newhart – Introducing Tobacco To Civilization, also, Wisconsin Minority Leader Janet Bewley (D-Mason) Kills A Mother And Five Year Old Daughter
Twitchy: “Absolute Science-Denying Clowns”, also, Democrats Propose Raising Taxes & Spending One Day Before Country Officially Enters Recession
Louder With Crowder: “Stick Your Progress Where The Sun Don’t Shine”, also, Joe Rogan Reads TikTok’s Insane Terms of Service Out Loud
Vox Popoli: Nemesis Arrives, The Washington Post Defends Grooming, and The Unvaxxed Will Inherit the Earth

American Conservative: Last Word On Orban & ‘Mixed Race’, also, Public Health ‘Authority’? Please
American Greatness: A Nation of Fools
American Power: Frontpage Editorial: Defund UCLA, also, Entering Sixth Month of War, Ukraine Faces Thorny Dilemmas
American Thinker: I was wrong about Trump
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Pope Francis condemns oppression endured by indigenous Canadians, ignores oppression of Cuban people, also, Surprise! Socialist Cuba spends four times more on imports than it earns for exports
BattleSwarm: Scenes From China’s Slow-Motion Collapse, also, The Chieftain Reviews Movie Tank Scenes
Behind The Black: China launches new rocket, Hyundai signs deal with South Korean government research agencies to develop lunar rovers, and The growing revolt against the bigoted left across the entire education community
Cafe Hayek: Save Us from Such “Bipartisan Progress”, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “Sequesterphobia”, and Not to Mention the Grotesque Immorality of Such a Ban
CDR Salamander: The Failure of the Institutions
Da Tech Guy: Report from Louisiana: Book your reservation for Fête-Dieu du Teche Now, Some righteous blows against the left, and DaTechGuy Livestream redefine it, Redefine It, REDEFINE IT!
Don Surber: Dred Scott was popular, Justice Kagan, Desperate Dems making deals, and Burn, baby, burn
First Street Journal: Biden Administration propaganda on the “R” word, Cardinal Wilton Gregory gains a very nice church and grounds to sell, and The myth of “banning books”
Gates Of Vienna: The Psyop of the Great Collapse and the New Social Contract, Storming the Border at Melilla, and All Your Farm Are Belong to Us
The Geller Report: Facebook’s FIRST EVER Decline in Revenue and Biggest Drop in Daily Users
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Galactic Spectroscopy in Wholesale Lots, and As Newspeak Evolves
Hollywood In Toto: Media Purposely Ignore Samantha Bee’s Basement-Low Ratings, Alex’s War – Mash Note to Culture’s No. 1 Conspiracy Theorist, and Patton Oswalt: Bring on Comedy Restrictions (Even Prison?)
The Lid: CPD Caught 1,600 Convicted Criminal Illegals Trying to Get into USA In Just ONE Sector This Year, also, Biden Wants A New Recession Definition- Here Are Some Suggestions To Help Him Out
Legal Insurrection: #Bidenflation: 58% of Americans Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck, #Bidenflation: 58% of Americans Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Gibson’s Bakery “May Only Survive for the Next Couple of Months,” Pleads With Court To Collect Against Oberlin College, and Democrat Activists of Media Shocked That Republicans No Longer Want to Talk to Them
Michelle Malkin: The Commie Colonization of America
Nebraska Energy Observer: Clarion call, also, Time Marches On
Outkick: Morgan Wallen Pays for Youth Team’s Trip to World Series, Brittney Griner Says Translation Issues Complicated Her Arrest In Russia, Doesn’t Know How Cannabis Got In Her Bag, Notre Dame Spoofs ‘The Hangover’ In Incredible Uniform Release Video, and Mike Trout Diagnosed With Rare Back Condition That Could Impact the Rest of His Career, Trout Responds
Power Line: These People Are Crazy, also, Biden unblinking
Shark Tank: Castor Pushes Hard In Support Of Abortions
Shot In The Dark: Asking Lightning To Strike Twice, also, This Is The Entire Anti-Gun Movement
The Political Hat: Banned: The “G” Word, also, Predator’s Paradise
This Ain’t Hell: David Hogg – Trying to be Relevant Once Again, Trump military/MOH news, Antifa picks fight with bikers, and Allegations at San Antonio Medical Center
Transterrestrial Musings: “College Is A Scam”, Restaurant QR Codes, and The Battle For Kherson
Victory Girls: Democrats Hate Losing, Want SCOTUS Term Limits, also, Roundup Time: No More Quiet Parts, It’s All Out Loud
Volokh Conspiracy: Kelley v. Becerra, the Preventive Care Mandate and the Major Questions Doctrine
Watts Up With That: GE Renewable Energy Posts $419 Million Loss, also, Connecticut Steps Up to Save The Planet
Weasel Zippers: Biden’s New Cybersecurity Chief Says ‘Systemic Racism’ Greatest Threat To American Security, Police Officer Strangled Nearly To Death By Crook Who Was Later Released From Jail Hours After, and Antifa Protester Falls Down Stairs Outside Boston Courthouse Multiple Times
The Federalist: As Dems Go All In On Climate Change, Literally 1 Percent Of Americans Call It Top Concern, Biden’s Illegal Election Hail Mary Might Still Be Intercepted, and 22 States Sue Biden Admin For Leveraging Federal Lunch Money To Force K-12 Schools To Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms
Mark Steyn: Energy and the Executive, also, And Then There Were None

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‘I Think She Was Delusional’

Posted on | July 27, 2022 | 1 Comment

Competition for the 2022 Understatement of the Year Award got a little tougher this week, thanks to Colby James, who was in Dallas Love Field Airport when a crazy woman with a gun got shot by cops:

Dallas police released video Tuesday of the incident involving a woman who fired a gun at Dallas Love Field before an officer shot her.
The woman, wearing a black hoodie, looked to be aiming the weapon in the air late Monday morning before she bought it down and pointed it straight, prompting 15-year Dallas police veteran Ronald Cronin to shoot immediately. . . .
“I’m very proud of him,” Police Chief Eddie Garcia told reporters, referring to the officer. “If it was appropriate, I would have given that officer a medal right here in front of all of you today.”
Before the woman pulled a gun, she told bystanders she had an announcement to make, police said.
The suspect “started to ramble, talking about a marriage, incarceration and that she was going to blow up the airport and then pulls a handgun from her sweatshirt,” Garcia said.
She fired “multiple rounds” into the ceiling at 11:06 a.m. CT before Cronin ordered her to drop her weapon, Garcia said.
That’s when the woman lowered the weapon and pointed it toward Cronin and a bystander, Garcia said. . . .
Garcia praised his officer’s fast work in bringing down the armed woman before anyone else could be harmed.
“The goal is to neutralize a threat. You have to shoot to stop the threat,” Garcia said of the officer, who fired eight or nine rounds, striking the woman multiple times.
The suspect, Portia Odufuwa, 37, underwent surgery and will face charges that include aggravated assault on a public servant, Garcia said.
The suspect claimed that she is married to R&B singer Chris Brown, according to a police affidavit and witness Colby James, 33, a machinist from St. Martinville, Louisiana.
“Her husband was cheating, and her husband was Chris Brown,” James told NBC News. “The singer Chris Brown. I think she was delusional.”

(Really? You think so? What was your first clue?)

Odufuwa has a long criminal record, Garcia said.

(Shocked! Shocked!)

She tried to buy a gun twice at the same pawn shop in August 2016 but was denied each time because of an outstanding traffic warrant out of New Mexico.
The gun used in Monday’s incident is not registered to Odufuwa, and investigators are still trying to determine how she got it.
She was also arrested on April 5, 2019, in connection with an alleged bank robbery in Wylie, and she was taken into custody again on Oct. 4 of that year in connection with an allegation of arson in Mesquite, police said.
Police have not disclosed a possible motive for Monday’s shooting; mental health played a role in her long arrest record. The suspect was detained on Sept. 28, 2020, at Love Field for a mental health evaluation, Garcia said.
Court records showed that a judge last year found her incompetent to stand trial after she was charged with making a false report. However, she wasn’t found to be a danger to others, and she was sent to outpatient mental health services.
And in the 2019 bank robbery case, she was found incompetent to stand trial. The case was dismissed after she underwent treatment, court records showed.

So twice in two years, she was found to be non compos mentis — so crazy she couldn’t be put on trial — and yet was turned loose on the streets:

As recently as last summer a Dallas County judge found the woman accused of opening fire inside a terminal at Dallas’ Love Field airport was not a danger to others, Dallas County records show. . . .
Dallas County Judge Kristin Wade found Odufuwa incompetent to stand trial in misdemeanor case in June 2021 and referred her to outpatient mental health services. . . .
Court records show she has previously faced charges including arson, robbery, criminal trespass and false reporting — all filed in cities across North Texas over the past several years. The outcomes of some cases were unclear Monday though several were dismissed. Court records show she has previously told police she is married to celebrity Chris Brown and that she is “God’s prophet.” . . .
In the case where Odufuwa is accused of pulling the fire alarm, Mesquite police said Monday she was arrested April 25, 2021.
Police said Odufuwa was staying at a hotel in the 4000 block of Towne Crossing, and was refused an extension to her stay. Odufuwa became upset and pulled the fire alarm in front of the clerk, police said.
In that case, Odufuwa gave the address for Brown’s mansion as her home.
That filing a false report case was dismissed by Wade, the judge, in November 2021 even though Odufuwa “did not did not successfully complete the program” when she was found incompetent to stand trial, according to Dallas County court records. She was expected to continue mental health services elsewhere. . . .
On Oct. 4, 2019, about 7:50 p.m., officers were sent to the 900 block of Bridgewater Lane, near Valleycreek Road because a house was on fire.
Odufuwa was standing outside, watching it burn, and requested to speak with a police officer. She told the officer she was “responsible for the fire,” according to an arrest-warrant affidavit.
The officer asked her if she started the fire intentionally, and she said “yes,” the affidavit said. When the officer asked why, the affidavit said she responded “I am God’s prophet, and I need an attorney, but I’m basically letting you all know that I am the cause of this fire.” . . .
Odufuwa was also accused of robbing a bank in Wylie on April 5, 2019.
Wylie police said Odufuwa entered the Bank of America in the 1300 block of West FM544 and displayed a note demanding an undisclosed amount of money. Customers were moved to a safe location, and responding officers found Odufuwa nearby as she tried to flee, police said at the time.
She was found incompetent to stand trial and underwent both in-patient and out-patient treatment. The case was eventually dismissed, court records show. It was not clear Monday why she was found incompetent.

“It was not clear”? Could it possibly be any clearer? This woman is deranged, demented, daffy, wacky, cracked, zany, berserk, off her rocker, a few fries short of a Happy Meal and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

Is there any money in the federal budget for building more lunatic asylums? Because it seems to me that we’ve got way too many of these kooks running around causing mayhem, when they obviously need to be locked up somewhere they can do the Haldol shuffle without disturbing the public with their madcap delusions and occasional violent outbursts. We’re shipping billions of dollars to Ukraine when we could be using that money to build mental institutions to protect our society from roaming psychotics: Crazy People Are Dangerous.


In The Mailbox: 07.27.22 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | July 27, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.27.22 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

EBL: Paul Sorvino, RIP
Twitchy: Gov. DeSantis Drops The Hammer On ESG Funds, also, WaPo Bummed By New Poll On Gov. Youngkin
Louder With Crowder: Rapper Shot Dead After Post on Instagram Telling Anyone Who Wants to Smoke Him, ‘I’m at My Crib’, also, Kid Gets Excited for First Paycheck…Until His First Lesson on Taxes
Vox Popoli: The Abyss Stalks Back, Monkeypox Joe Defends Homogamy, and The Perfect Convergence
Gab News: Gab On The Rachel Maddow Show
Stoic Observations: Nope – A New American Gothic?

Adam Piggott: The real smoking ceremony that Australia needs to see
American Conservative: Three Cheers for the Patriarchy, also. Viktor Orbán’s Ukraine Realism
American Greatness: Major Military Academies Have Been Teaching Critical Race Theory for Some Time
American Power: January 6th Hearings Succeeded Not Just through Good Intentions but With Teasers, Previews, Recaps, and Diagrams to Turn Congressional Inquest Into Great Television
American Thinker: The Final Months of a Bad Employee
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Grifter News
Babalu Blog: What ‘economic growth’ looks like in communist Cuba, also, Cuban exile baseball players say MLB commissioner is complicit with the Castro dictatorship
BattleSwarm: Russia Signs Grain Export Corridor Agreement With Ukraine, Then Promptly Attacks Export Port, also, Dispatches From The Burning Land
Behind The Black: OneWeb and Eutelsat sign merger deal, New boss of Roscosmos confirms decision to leave ISS in 2024, and Today’s blacklisted Americans: Pro-abortion terrorists vandalize 77 churches and pregnancy centers in last ten weeks
Cafe Hayek: In Defense of Consumer Sovereignty, also, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “Minimum questions about minimum wage”
CDR Salamander: Making a Great Maritime Partnership Better, with Emma Salisbury, also, A Ship Adrift is Never an Accident
Chicago Boyz: Out Of All Patience
Da Tech Guy: Pritzker meddled in GOP gubernatorial primaries, 5 Quick Thoughts Under the Fedora, and Answer:  $425,308,966 and $180,734,472
Don Surber: Thugs vandalize 77 churches and centers over abortion, DeSantis rewrites media rules for Republicans, and AOC ’24
First Street Journal: Have Pope Francis and Cardinal Wilton Gregory forgotten the duty of pastoral care?
Gates Of Vienna: Migrants Storm the Trains at Peschiera del Garda, Nice Work If You Can Get It, And You Can Get It If You’re Ukrainian, and They Know the Pitchforks and Torches are Coming
The Geller Report: Doctor Punished For Questioning COVID Vaccine and Using Therapeutics Sues Hospital for $25 Million, also, Why Democrats Have Waged War On Pregnancy Centers
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know, Sauces, Geese, and Ganders, and Team Kimberlin Post of the Day
Hollywood In Toto: Chappelle Joins Rock, Hart to Tell Cancel Culture to Pound Sand, Russell Brand: Mainstream Media Think That You Are Stupid, and Joyce Carol Oates: Yes, White Authors Face Discrimination
The Lid: Two Huge Republican Senate Primaries Set For Next Week
Legal Insurrection: NYC Mayor Adams Still Trying to Blame Other States for the Influx of Illegal Immigrants, Harvard and Other Ivy League Schools Push Congress for Special Tax Cut on Endowments, and ‘Full Frontal’ With Samantha Bee Gets Canceled by TBS
Nebraska Energy Observer: Facing the Beast, also, Lupus Tenebrosus: Chapter 22
Outkick: Brittney Griner Speaks To The Media, Defense Makes New Argument About Her Cannabis Use, The Best Reactions To Aaron Rodgers’ Con Air Look, and Michigan’s Jim Harbaugh Doubles Down On Abortion Stance, Offers To ‘Raise That Baby’
Power Line: Grassley’s FBI whistleblowers, “Far Right” Favored to Win Italian Election, and Recessional
Shark Tank: Angie Nixon Doubles Down On Vote-Buying Allegations
Shot In The Dark: Your Lying Eyes
This Ain’t Hell: Which one do you chose, Army, readiness or wokeness?, Army Chief Warrant Admits Stealing Millions, ‘Jarheads’ killer’s trial finally starting, and Chechens reportedly want to step up
Transterrestrial Musings: Academia Is Neglecting Its Most Basic Function, Weird Fedora Problem, and The 1619 Project
Victory Girls: Alaska Senate Race-Murkowski, RINO V. Tshibaka, Trumper, also, DOJ, FBI Accused Of Burying Hunter Biden Laptop Info
Volokh Conspiracy: Breaking Down Joan Biskupic’s Latest Reporting On The Dobbs Leak
Watts Up With That: Get Ready for the 100 Year Long Climate “Emergency”
Weasel Zippers: Fauci: I Never Said To Lock Anything Down, also, Multiple Intelligence Sources Indicate FBI Helping To Bury Hunter Biden Stories
The Federalist: FBI Agent Who Failed To Vet Steele Dossier Is Named As One Who Helped Paint Hunter Biden Exploits As ‘Disinformation’, The Left’s Response To Failure Is To Redefine It As Success, and Make Baseball Great Again
Mark Steyn: At Last/Serenade In Blue, also, Known Unknowns

Amazon Warehouse Deals

‘We Were Somewhere Around Barstow on the Edge of the Desert When the Trump Derangement Syndrome Began to Take Hold …’

Posted on | July 26, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘We Were Somewhere Around Barstow on the Edge of the Desert When the Trump Derangement Syndrome Began to Take Hold …’

Look, if Ed Driscoll wants to play the literary allusion sweepstakes, I’ll see his Allen Ginsberg and raise him a Hunter S. Thompson. But the important point, really, is not about trying to win a silly game of Internet one-upsmanship, but rather that Bill Kristol has become a pathetic joke — a caricature of a parody of a satire of a stereotype. Remember how the anti-Trumpers were supposed to be “the adults in the room,” who resisted the allegedly immature appeal of the celebrity candidate? Trump supporters were just not serious people, you see, whereas Bill Kristol & Co. were devoted to principles of responsible statesmanship.

Fast-forward seven short years, and Bill’s gushing about some pop star like a silly teenager fangirling for Harry Styles. And we learn that not only is Bill on the Democratic Party’s fundraising email list, but he actually reads whatever dreck they spam out to their liberal donor base. He has not only abandoned whatever Conservative Principles™ led him into the anti-Trump camp, but Kristol has lost all sense of personal dignity.

My attorney had taken his shirt off and was pouring beer on his chest, to facilitate the tanning process. “What the hell are you yelling about?” he muttered, staring up at the sun with his eyes closed and covered with wraparound Spanish sunglasses. “Never mind,” I said. “It’s your turn to drive.” I hit the brakes and aimed the Great Red Shark toward the shoulder of the highway. No point mentioning those bats, I thought. The poor bastard will see them soon enough. . . .

“There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.”


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