The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Action and the Reaction

Posted on | April 15, 2022 | Comments Off on The Action and the Reaction

What have we learned here? A self-declared “free speech absolutist” makes an offer to purchase Twitter, and many liberals instantly get nightmare visions of Hitler. Glenn Reynolds observes:

“Democracy Dies in Darkness” is the motto of the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post. It may sound like a warning, but more and more it seems like a summary of the left’s aspirations to control debate and shut down any opposition.
A recent example of those aspirations appeared in a column by former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich on Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s big buy of Twitter stock. The original headline — changed after widespread mockery — was this: “Elon Musk’s vision for the Internet is dangerous nonsense: Musk has long advocated a libertarian vision of an ‘uncontrolled’ internet. That’s also the dream of every dictator, strongman and demagogue.”
The mockery was understandable. “Libertarian visions” of “uncontrolled” speech haven’t actually been the stock-in-trade of dictators, strongmen and demagogues. Typically, those authoritarian figures want to silence their opponents and ensure that their own voices, and those of their satraps and sycophants, are the only ones heard. . . .
In George Orwell’s “1984,” war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. To these Orwellian inversions, Reich would add another: Censorship is free speech. But it’s not, and claiming otherwise won’t make it so.

Liberals consider censorship necessary to “Our Democracy” for the simple reason that their ideas can’t compete in a free market of uncensored communication. CNN once had a monopoly on cable news; when Fox News offered an alternative, they almost immediately became Number One and nowadays CNN has lower ratings than reruns of Spongebob Squarepants. In the early years of Twitter, conservatives used the platform so effectively that liberals demanded censorship — this was at the heart of the online battle that became known as #Gamergate.

Silencing dissent and criticism, effectively declaring that their opinions are the only valid opinions and that all disagreement is “hate,” liberals seek to obtain through censorship what they cannot achieve through public debate. It doesn’t matter what the issue is, their approach is always the same. Prior to August 2014, few people had paid any attention to efforts by so-called “social justice warriors” (SJWs) to intrude their particular political preferences into the videogame industry. As soon as a handful of critics began calling attention to this “progressive” crusade, however, suddenly cries of “harassment” were used in an effort to shut down criticism of the SJW agenda. Everything that has happened since then — including Twitter’s banishment of myself, Milo Yiannopoulos and others, including Donald Trump — has followed the same pattern.

Liberals think of themselves as Neoplatonic archons, authorized to act not only as arbiters of truth, but also deciding who is and is not qualified to participate in public discourse. They seek power to exclude and silence anyone who challenges their authority to define the limits of debate, because this authority — effectively deciding issues by determining who is allowed to engage in the discussion of issues — is necessary to their own preeminence within the echo chamber of conformity they construct.

These self-appointed archons seem to be motivated by irrational fears. Does anyone seriously believe that, without stringent content moderation on Twitter, the site would be taken over by neo-Nazi extremists? And yet this is the bogeyman they claim to fear, and make that fear the basis of their demand for censorship not only on Twitter, but on all other online platforms. Jesse Singal points out how demands for censorship on Substack were sympathetically portrayed in the New York Times. There are now so many topics — from transgenderism to climate change to basic economics — where liberals seek to impose ideological conformity that one can fall afoul of censorship for expressing opinions that were not even controversial a few years ago, about issues that most people don’t even care about. To this day, most people still have no clue what #Gamergate was about, and yet it was an all-consuming war on Twitter for many months. What the SJWs were doing in the videogame industry was the same thing they have done at university campuses, i.e., exploiting “culture war” issues to seize power, with the claim that censorship is necessary to protect against the forces of “hate.”

It is not enough for liberals to have a majority; they cannot be satisfied until they have a total monopoly on power. Yet we are the Nazis?


‘A Pretty Face Can Hide an Evil Mind’

Posted on | April 14, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘A Pretty Face Can Hide an Evil Mind’

Say hello to 25-year old Courtney Clenney, aka “Courtney Tailor,” who reportedly has more than a million followers on her OnlyFans account. “Gosh, Stacy,” the reader asks, “what was she putting on her OnlyFans account that made her so popular?” Uh, adult entertainment, he said euphemistically, summarizing the results of his cursory investigation.

Last we heard from Miss Clenney, she had been committed to psychiatric care under Florida’s Baker Act, after Miami police say she stabbed her ex-boyfriend to death in a luxury apartment. Miss Clenney’s lawyer insists that the stabbing was an act of self-defense, and authorities say that at different times, both she and her ex-boyfriend had been charged with domestic violence. The family of the deceased man, Christian Tobechukwu “Toby” Obumseli, 27, claim that Miss Clenney is getting favorable treatment “because of her privilege as a wealthy white woman.”

Some readers may be tempted to jump to conclusions about this case, but I think it’s important to keep an open mind, to wait for the completion of the police investigation before we decide that this bitch is crazy.

Looney Tunes, Froot Loops, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

Permit me to say that a woman who peddles her assets on OnlyFans is a woman that any wise man would be careful to avoid. What sort of status does a man expect to attain from associating with such a woman?

“Oh, yeah, I saw your girlfriend naked on the Internet.”

Way to go, Captain Save-a-Hoe.

Do we even want to delve into the racial angle here? Trust me, this story is being widely discussed in the black community, including thousands of comments on Toby’s Instagram account and — oh, my goodness! — what they’re saying about this interview with Miss Clenney:

There are so many things that could be said about this case, which might be unwise to say, but let me offer this: O.J. Simpson in reverse.

Remember how that case divided America? Now try to imagine if Nicole Brown Simpson had gotten hold of a knife and killed O.J., instead of the other way around. Because it seems this may be what we’re looking at here — a toxic relationship reaches its predictable bloody conclusion.

It was perhaps inevitable that Courtney Clenney would lead some deluded man to destruction, even if stabbing him to death wasn’t foreordained. I’m not saying that every hoe on OnlyFans is a would-be murderer, but I am saying there’s an elevated risk of death for any man that gets involved with such a hoe. You spend enough time playing with fire, sooner or later you’re likely to get burned. And I can’t help thinking of a famous old song by Johnny Rivers:

Beware of pretty faces that you find.
A pretty face can hide an evil mind.
Ah, be careful what you say
Or you’ll give yourself away.
Odds are you won’t live to see tomorrow.

Maybe somebody should have warned Toby. R.I.P.


Brooklyn Shooting: Suspect in Custody

Posted on | April 14, 2022 | Comments Off on Brooklyn Shooting: Suspect in Custody

Right after I posted Wednesday about the Brooklyn subway shooting suspect (“Racial Paranoia in Post-Obama America”), Frank James was captured by NYPD in Lower Manhattan.

The smirking madman who turned a rush-hour commute into a bloody terror when he allegedly opened fire in a crowded New York subway car called Crime Stoppers on himself Wednesday morning — then calmly went for an afternoon stroll through the East Village while he waited for police to come get him.
“A call came in to Crime Stoppers … The guy says, ‘You know, I think you’re looking for me. I’m seeing my picture all over the news and I’ll be around this McDonald’s … I want to clear things up,’” law enforcement sources told The Post of the bizarre moment Frank James called cops on himself.
“So the unit responds and he’s not at the McDonald’s, so they start driving around and see a man who fits the description. When they take him into custody, they find his Wisconsin driver’s license.”
A couple of eagle-eyed New Yorkers also flagged down a pair of cops after they spotted James sauntering through the East Village, where he briefly sat down at an outdoor dining shed and charged his phone at a Link NYC hub.
The NYPD swooped in shortly after and put him in handcuffs. . . .

As might be expected, Frank James had a criminal record:

His troubles date back decades with a string of arrests according to authorities.
Court records obtained by the Action News Investigative team reveal a terroristic threat charge in New Jersey in the mid-1990s. He was sentenced to probation and ordered to undergo behavioral health treatment.
In 2008, it appeared the 62-year-old moved to the 3500 block of N. 18th St. in Tioga-Nicetown where he lived for several years.
He has nine prior arrests in New York City dating from 1992 to 1998 for offenses including possession of burglary tools, a criminal sex act and theft of service, NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig said in Wednesday news conference.
However, James had no previous felony convictions so was able to purchase a gun, according to Essig.

For all the “social justice” complaints about police brutality and mass incarceration, it seems to take an awful lot for a criminal to actually get sent to prison. One judge says, “Hey, this guy looks like a good candidate for probation,” and multiple arrests later, all his charges either got dismissed or pleaded down to misdemeanors. Despite this leniency, Frank James nevertheless believed himself to be the victim of racism, because that’s the go-to excuse now. Some white people may be envious of this “black victimhood privilege,” but it’s a loser mentality, the same as all those “incel” losers who idolize Elliot Rodger as a hero.


Aspiring Rapper Update: ‘Slowkey Fred’ Busted for Philly Gun Trafficking Ring

Posted on | April 13, 2022 | Comments Off on Aspiring Rapper Update: ‘Slowkey Fred’ Busted for Philly Gun Trafficking Ring

More federal felony charges than he’s got hit records:

An Atlanta rapper is one of 11 people facing federal charges in connection with an alleged straw-purchasing scheme that trafficked hundreds of guns from Georgia to Philadelphia.
Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives traced nearly 300 firearms purchased in Georgia from dozens of gun retailers to Fredrick Norman — aka “Slowkey Fred” — and three other suspects, after some were found at crime scenes and in the possession of convicted felons in Philadelphia, according to records and interviews with federal law enforcement.
In an interview with ATF agents in 2020, one of the suspects, Brianna Walker, admitted to buying 50 to 60 guns in order to sell them without a dealer’s license, according to a search warrant affidavit — a violation of federal law. Norman allegedly admitted to buying more than 100, according to federal records.
The federal investigation expanded to include 11 suspects in Georgia and Pennsylvania, all of whom face a conspiracy charge. Kenneth Burgos, 23, and Edwin Burgos, 29 — brothers accused of brokering sales in Pennsylvania — are also charged with dealing firearms without a license, officials said.

In addition to “Slowkey Fred” and the Burgos brothers, the suspects in this interstate gun-trafficking operations also included:

  • Brianna Walker a/k/a “Mars,” 23, of Atlanta, GA;
  • Charles O’Bannon a/k/a “Chizzy,” 24, of Villa Rica, GA;
  • Stephen Norman, 23, of Villa Rica, GA;
  • Devin Church a/k/a “Lant,” 24, of Villa Rica, GA;
  • Roger Millington, 25, of Philadelphia, PA;
  • Ernest Payton, 30, of Philadelphia, PA;
  • Roselmy Rodriguez, 22, of Philadelphia, PA; and
  • Brianna Reed, 21, of Shippensburg, PA.

When I was a kid, Villa Rica was a rural crossroads on Bankhead Highway. The idea of this once-tranquil town being home to an interstate criminal conspiracy is just mind-boggling, but I guess that’s how “progress” works. Meanwhile, another gang was running guns to Philly:

In the second case, captioned United States v. Ware, et al, the following three people have been charged by Indictment with conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and to make a false statement to a federally licensed firearms dealer:

  • Muhammad Ware a/k/a “Moo,” 26, of Myrtle Beach, SC;
  • Haneef Vaughn a/k/a “Neef,” 25, of Philadelphia, PA; and
  • Jabreel Vaughn a/k/a “Breely,” 20, of Elkins Park, PA.

Additionally, defendant Muhammad Ware is charged with dealing firearms without a license.

United States v. Norman, et al:
Beginning in October 2020, ATF Special Agents identified multiple firearms which were recovered in the Philadelphia area as having been originally purchased in Georgia. The short time frame between the firearms’ purchase in Georgia and subsequent recovery in Philadelphia (known as a short “time to crime” period) indicated that the weapons may have been trafficked into the city.
According to the Indictment, subsequent investigation showed that over the course of six months, the conspiracy led by defendant Norman allegedly purchased nearly 300 firearms from dealers in and around Atlanta, and transported the firearms to Philadelphia for distribution and sale on the black market in exchange for approximately $116,000.

United States v. Ware, et al:
Beginning in March 2020, ATF Special Agents identified multiple firearms which were recovered in Philadelphia as having been originally purchased in South Carolina. Agents subsequently learned about a number of additional firearms recovered in Philadelphia with short “time to crime” periods that indicated they may have been trafficked into the city, just as in Norman, et al.
According to the Indictment, the recovered firearms were concentrated in a particular area of Philadelphia and were originally purchased near Myrtle Beach, SC. Subsequent investigation showed that defendant Ware had allegedly purchased several of the recovered firearms, and conspired and communicated with defendants Haneef Vaughn and Jabreel Vaughn, and others about the purchase, transportation and sale on the black market of over 100 illegal firearms.

Over the course of a few months, these two separate operations supplied nearly 400 guns to Philadelphia’s criminals, who have been busy setting new homicide records for the city. Our friend Dana Pico at First Street Journal is usually on top of Philly-related crime stories, but somehow he missed this one. Guess he’s not a hiphop fan.



Racial Paranoia in Post-Obama America

Posted on | April 13, 2022 | Comments Off on Racial Paranoia in Post-Obama America

As everyone knows by now, Frank R. James is the suspect in Tuesday’s mass shooting in a Brooklyn subway station. Remarkably, even the liberal media are covering this story — Andrea Mitchell led the top of the noon hour on MSNBC with a report on the manhunt for the suspected gunman.

J.J. Sefton at AOSHQ links to a couple of stories that outline the mass shooting suspect’s deranged anti-white belief system:

Heavy[dot]com, a fact-finding website, identified a Facebook page allegedly belonging to the person of interest which contained numerous posts that talked about shooting people and expressed other extreme views, including “black nationalism.”
Andy Ngo, Editor-at-large for The Post Millennial, tweeted out screenshots from the Facebook account that showed posts that promoted the Black Liberation Army, Black Lives Matter, a photo of the man who murdered five police officers in Dallas in 2016, a photo calling to “kill all the whiteys,” posts quoting communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, posts expressing support for shooting people, and posts demonizing former President Donald Trump.
YouTube videos allegedly uploaded by the person of interest also showed extreme views, including one where he allegedly called 9/11 “the most beautiful day, probably in the history of this f–king world.”
The person of interest also allegedly ranted in the videos about white people, saying “the vast majority of people, white mother******* are racist.”

More from the New York Post:

The person of interest ranted about race issues and claimed that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was proof that black people were treated with disdain in society.
“These white motherfu–ers, this is what they do,” he said. “Ultimately at the end of the day they kill and commit genocide against each other. What do you think they gonna do to your black ass?”
In his rambling conspiracy theory, James claimed that a race war would follow the ongoing conflict in Europe.
“It’s just a matter of time before these white motherfu–ers decide, ‘Hey listen. Enough is enough. These ni–ers got to go,’” he said.
“And what’re you going to do? You gonna fight. And guess what? You gonna die. Cause unlike President [Zelensky] over in Ukraine, nobody has your back. The whole world is against you. And you’re against your fu–ing self. So why should you be alive again is the fu–ing question. Why should a ni–er be alive on this planet? Besides to pick cotton or chop sugar cane or tobacco.”
The only options James could find, he claimed, was to commit more violence or become a criminal.
“And so the message to me is: I should have gotten a gun, and just started shooting motherfu–ers,” he said.

He was saying all this stuff not while living in 1952 Mississippi, but rather in 2022 Wisconsin, a state that twice voted to elect Barack Obama president. This points to an odd contradiction in the social justice calculus, namely that as there is more progress toward racial equality, dissatisfaction with the status quo actually increases for many people.

Genuinely oppressed people are so busy struggling to survive that they have no time to devote to political activity. Living in abject poverty does not allow the kind of leisure required for contemplating alternatives to the existing social order or organizing reform efforts. Yet as oppressive conditions are ameliorated, and economic opportunity is increased for those previously excluded, the situation changes. New opportunities are meaningful only to those with the ability to take advantage of these opportunities, and not everyone has the aptitude to become an office manager, a college professor, a software engineer, etc.

So while a certain number of black people are now enjoying success — some of them extraordinarily so — those who are less successful are tempted to seek excuses for their lack of achievement. Thus, the election of America’s first black president — which some interpreted as the conclusive proof that America is not a racist country — eventually gave rise to a resurgence of racial paranoia, with many prominent black voices proclaiming that America is an unjust regime of “systemic racism.” Simultaneously, of course, many white people are tempted toward a pessimistic assessment of race relations, as they witness violent anarchy in major cities fomented by Black Lives Matters activists (who cynically swindle millions in the name of “social justice”).

Viewed objectively, most people in America — black, white, whatever — have it pretty good, and ought to be optimistic about the future. But those who are disappointed in their own lives are apt to project their resentments outward, seeking scapegoats to blame for their failures, and so for every white Dylann Roof type out there turning to neo-Nazism as solace for their failures, there is the mirror-reverse case like Frank James, ranting about fantasies of a race war against whitey.

We can see the irrationality of Frank James in his choice of targets. Of all the places in the country where he could have attacked, why Brooklyn? Why the Sunset Park subway station? Sunset Park is 46% Latino, 35% Asian, 15% white. If his goal was to strike a blow against “systemic racism,” Frank James seems to have been way off-target.

Racial paranoia is a motive that straddles the line between mental illness and political terrorism. Frank James doesn’t seem to have been part of any organized movement, but we shouldn’t underestimate disorganized kooks as a terrorist threat, because there’s so many of them nowadays and, as you know, Crazy People Are Dangerous.


Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Posted on | April 11, 2022 | Comments Off on Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Team 41 crosses the finish line.

OK, Team 41 did not win the 38th annual Best Ranger Competition. They finished 14th place, but if you know what’s involved in this three-day ordeal, you understand why merely finishing the event counts as a win. On Saturday night, they completed a land navigation exercise, then started Sunday morning at the Warrior Training Center obstacle course.

It is safe to say that more than 90% of the U.S. population Bob’s age could not complete even that one event, let alone do it near the end of a three-day competition during which the participants maybe got a total of three hours sleep. Sheer exhaustion takes its toll, and in one of the final events — at Red Cloud Range, where they shoot the big stuff — Bob had a brain-freeze and suddenly couldn’t remember how to clear a jam on the .50-caliber machine gun. However, he did score a direct hit with the anti-tank weapon, so there’s that much to brag about. And the video of the epic “don’t break the box” episode now has 300,000+ views on Twitter.

At last night’s awards dinner — the chicken was excellent — we found ourselves in line behind one of the teams from the 101st Airborne Division and struck up a conversation. One of the team members remembered Bob being his instructor at the Mountain Phase of Ranger School. So then I checked on my phone and realized this guy was a first lieutenant, a West Point graduate. Our boy is training future generals.

Very proud of him. Rangers Lead the Way!

Rule 5 Sunday: Sydney Melman

Posted on | April 11, 2022 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Sydney Melman

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Continuing AustraliaSydney month at Rule 5 Sunday…no, just kidding. Sydney Melman is a Jersey girl, born in 2001, who had a brief movie career in Babysitters and Out Of The Darkness before modeling on Instagram, TikTok, and her own subreddit. Reminds me of Karen Black.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1680, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Line Of Succession Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA – Trump Beats DeBlasio, Una O’Keefe, Catherine The Great, Doris Day, Les Paul & Mary Ford, Death On The Nile, CongressCritters, Aleksandr Nevskii, Amber Athey, The Outlaws, and Red Dawn

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: Alysson HoltFish Pic Friday – Nina RogersTattoo ThursdayKate Upton’s Uncle Is Out, Ivanka Trump Is UpThe Wednesday WetnessKBJ Makes it to the FloorThe Witch of the NorthGo Get ‘Em!The Monday Morning Stimulus and Palm Sunday.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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FMJRA 2.0: My Name Is Ruin

Posted on | April 11, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: My Name Is Ruin

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Haven’t had time to do much this week except sleep, eat, do taxes, shave, rinse & repeat. Ten more days until I’m home in Tonopah and mongling links again.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Rule 5 Monday: The Best Rack In Hollywood?
Animal Magnetism
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

Crazy People Are Dangerous
357 Magnum

Russian Invaders Retreat From Kyiv
The Pirate’s Cove

Taylor Lorenz Is a Dangerous Sociopath
Vulture Of Critique
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Shifting Through the Lens
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 04.04.22
Proof Positive

Probably Not a Trump Voter
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 04.05.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Unspeakable Atrocities in Ukraine
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‘Gun Violence’ Update
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In The Mailbox: 04.07.22
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

357 Magnum


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