The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 02.17.22

Posted on | February 18, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.17.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I might get off work in the tax mines early tomorrow night, which would get me home to Tonopah around 10 or 11, but then I might not. Assume this will be the last linkagery of the week until you wake up Saturday morning and see another one. 

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Hold hard, Kekistani!

357 Magnum: People You Know Can Be A Threat
Twitchy: Oilfield Rando Does Work MSM Won’t – Digs Into Org That Bailed Out Quintez Brown, Connects Some Disturbing Dots
Louder With Crowder: Mom Shows Maskless Pix Of Hypocrite School Board Members, They Flip Out & Call Security
Vox Popoli: It’s A Hell World After All, Portrait Of A Promethean, and They Were Always Bluffing
Stoic Observations: Understanding American Gun Culture

Adam Piggott: End Goal – Replacement, also, An Invitation To Join The Illuminati
American Conservative: The Dangerous Dreamworld Of Bret Stephens
American Greatness: Funeral Directors Disturbed By Weird, Freakishly Large Blood Clots In The Corpses Of The Jabbed, also, Federal Judge Rules In Favor Of Air Force Officer Who Defied Jab Mandate
American Power: Justin Trudeau, A Liberal Despot, also, Edward Luttwak – The Rise Of China Vs. The Logic Of Strategy
American Thinker: Can The Democrats Undermine The Midterms? also, The Vanishing American Work Ethic
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Economic Freedom News
Babalu Blog: Fidel’s Plan To Infect Latin America With Cuban Communism, also, The Forced Exile Of Anamely Ramos
BattleSwarm: Trudeau The Thieving Bully, also, Facebook Manager Of Community Development Allegedly Busted In Child Sex Sting
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, Chandra In Safe Mode, and Firefly Savior Max Polyakov Gives Away His Stock
Cafe Hayek: “We Don’t Owe It To Ourselves”, also, Tyranny & Its Resistance In Canada
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Omar Has Learned The Lesson Of Harry Reid, also, Administration Declares Those Who Spread The Truth Are Online Are Domestic Terrorists
Don Surber: DWB & Rising Traffic Deaths, Senate Candidate’s Trans Ad Triggers Libs, and Globalism Is Dying Of COVID
First Street Journal: The Philadelphia Inquirer Wants Us To Know They’ll No Longer Tell The Truth In The News
Gates Of Vienna: The Muslim Brotherhood In The EU, Part Three, Syria Says Exiles Should Return Home, and Was It The Vax? Or Something Else?
The Geller Report: DeSantis Blocks Biden’s International Child-Trafficking Scheme In Florida, also, Quebec Rejects Trudeau’s Martial Law, Drops COVID Mandates
Hogewash: Messier 77’s Black Hole
Hollywood In Toto: Seth Swirsky’s “Sunny Day” Brightens Up Winter, Wallace Shawn Stands Up To Cancel Culture, and Channing Tatum’s Dog Delivers Heartland Humor & Heart
The Lid: Always Wrong Fauci Says It’s Time To Move Toward Normalcy
Legal Insurrection: Biden Surrenders The “War On COVID”, California To Offer Financial Assistance To Would-Be Abortionists, and Strong Support From San Francisco’s Asian Districts Was Key In School Board Recall
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Millennium, also, No Imagination Required
Outkick: Enes Kanter Freedom Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize, Stephen A. Smith Told ESPN He’d Leave First Take If They Kept Max Kellerman On, and NFL Hires Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch To Fight Flores Lawsuit
Power Line: Kevin Roche – Lessons Learned
Shark Tank: Eskamani Calls Parental Rights Bill “100% Homophobic”
Shot In The Dark: Three Steps Forward, One Step Back, also, Dispatches From Planet DFL
STUMP: Political Mortality
The Political Hat: School Transparency In Oregon? also, The California Way – You Should House The Homeless Yourself, Recycling Is Mandatory, and Breaking Into Cars
This Ain’t Hell: Texas Guardsmen On The Border Start Unionizing, also, VP Travels To End Ukraine Crisis
Transterrestrial Musings: Good NASA Vs. Bad NASA, A Promising Life-Extension Drug, and Getting Their Own Ride
Victory Girls: Melissa Lantsman Demands Apology From PM Zoolander
Volokh Conspiracy: WaPo Removes Claim That Justice Thomas’ Opinions “Often Resemble The Thinking Of White Conservatives” 
Weasel Zippers: Occasional Cortex Brags About Helping Illegals Get Taxpayer Relief Money, Tom Hanks’ Son Chet Says He Had No Male Role Model Growing Up, and Trudeau Tells Jewish MP She Stands With Swastika-Waving Nazis
The Federalist: P.J. O’Rourke Had No Sacred Cows, The CIA Got Caught Spying On Americans Again, and Trudeau Wants Violence
Mark Steyn: Durham Reportwatch Update! also, Not With A Bang But With A Honk

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 02.16.22

Posted on | February 17, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.16.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1630
357 Magnum: That Thing The Left Says Never Happens, Happened
McG’s Tally Book: GiveSendGo Fights Back
EBL: God-King Trudeau Imposes Emergency Powers On Canada, also, Zuck’s Squeeze Allison Gollust Gets The Boot From CNN
Twitchy: A New Low For Trudeau, also, Defiant L’s Gets The W, Returns Triumphantly To Twitter
Louder With Crowder: Popular Yellowstone Actor Won’t Be Attending SAG Awards Because Of Jab & Mask Mandates
Vox Popoli: Portrait Of A Promethean, The Tribe Of Gamma, and RIP PJ

Adam Piggott: You Can’t Banish To History The Poison In Your Veins, also,  To Be Deep In History Is To Cease Being Protestant 
American Conservative: Genuine Culture War – Accept No Substitutes
American Greatness: Canadian Hacker Claims Credit For GiveSendGo Hack, also, FDA Exec Admits On Hidden Camera That Jab Will Be Mandatory For All Americans, Including Toddlers
American Power: Three San Francisco School Board Members Recalled
American Thinker: Why Nearly 40% Of Gen Z Identify As LGBTQWTFBBQ
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Surprise! Another Top Member Of Cuba’s Military Junta Dies Suddenly, also, Today In 1959 – Fidel Declares Himself Supreme Leader For Life
BattleSwarm: Satyagraha, Eh, also, A Revolution In San Francisco
Behind The Black: Red China Wants A Hotline To Avoid Space Collisions, Cracking Ice On Mars? and Pushback – Three San Francisco School Board Members Recalled
Cafe Hayek: “And The Answer Is?” also, A Fiery Spech For Freedom
CDR Salamander: Indo-Pac Strategy Quicklook, also, The Soviet Navy’s Last Picture Show
Da Tech Guy: Why Is There No No-Confidence Motion In Canada? also, The Left Didn’t Suddenly Become Totalitarians
Don Surber: Give Republicans Time, Not Money, Trump Must Sue The NYT, and Media Obsession With Trump Kills Democrats
First Street Journal: Could Philly Be Ending Its COVID Mandates Soon?
Gates Of Vienna: Stay Away From Those Swedish Whores!, Murphy Rears His Ugly Head Again, and Liberty Convoy En Route To Paris
The Geller Report: Hebrew U Reports Jabbed Women Suffer Abortion, Miscarriages, & Stillbirths 34% Above Normal, also, Watch Trump’s Peace In Action 
Hogewash: Martian Dust Storms, First Virginia, Now This, and Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Basement-Rated Trevor Noah Can’t Touch Greg Gutfeld, also, How The Temp (Barely) Survived Its Extreme Makeover
The Lid: The Camera Doesn’t Lie – It Reveals Biden’s Lifeless Shell
Legal Insurrection: Judge Ho – “If Ilya Shapiro Deserves Cancellation, You Should Cancel Me Too”, #BLM-Supporting Gun Control Activist Arrested For Attempted Murder Of Mayoral Candidate, and CSU San Marcos Cancelling Senator Who Helped Found School
Michelle Malkin: Who Murdered All The Asian Women, And Who’s Covering It Up?
Nebraska Energy Observer: Two Men, also, Citizen Journalists
Outkick: #16 Tennessee Proves It’s A Team To Be Reckoned With After Beating #4 Kentucky, More COVID Mania For Rams’ Victory Parade, and “Bum” Hub Arkush Voted Cooper Kupp MVP Over Aaron Rodgers
Power Line: Not Funny – P.J. O’Rourke Dies At 74, Hillary’s Defense, and A Public Statement About Our Current Internal Drama
Shark Tank: Progressive Group Furthers “Whitewash” Narrative Against DeSantis’ “Stop The Woke” Bill
Shot In The Dark: “I’m Not A Liberal, So I’m Not An Expert At Stuff I Know Nothing About”, also, Redistricting
STUMP: Positioning For A Potential Interest Rate Hike
The Political Hat: Fish-Eating Mayor Warns Of The Cheese Scourge, also, When Racial Segregation In Schools Becomes Woke
This Ain’t Hell: Retired Col. Owen Ray May Lose His SF Tab & Green Beret, Durham Probe Delivers Details, Media Unenthusiastic, and Guilty Plea For Attempting Sub Secrets Sale
Transterrestrial Musings: P.J. O’Rourke, RIP, Privatize The Moon, and Lileks
Victory Girls: Illinois School Board Gestapo Strikes Again
Volokh Conspiracy: Walter Dellinger, RIP
Weasel Zippers: Administration Begs Court To Bury Dominion Voting Machine Report – But Why?, Hillary Confronted In Public About Being Evil Old Spy Lady, and The Drudge Report Is Officially Dead
The Federalist: The Parents Are Restless & Must Be Crushed, Meet The Sex Shop Founder Who’s Grooming Kids Through School Libraries, and Why Is The Right Betting The Constitution On An Article V Convention? 
Mark Steyn: Canada’s Bad Cop/Bad Cop Routine, The Merger Of The Party & The State, and Holding The Line…And Crossing It

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Corporate PR Coochie-for-Hire Exits Praising CNN’s ‘Journalistic Integrity’

Posted on | February 16, 2022 | Comments Off on Corporate PR Coochie-for-Hire Exits Praising CNN’s ‘Journalistic Integrity’

Totally stolen from Ace, this statement by adulteress Allison Gollust just boggles my mind at so many levels I don’t know where to start. Insofar as “journalistic integrity” is concerned, is Gollust completely unaware of why she and her boyfriend Jeff Zucker got shitcanned at CNN? Like, she somehow missed the fact that they were acting as propaganda operatives for disgraced New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo? Or what about the problem — which Gollust, inside her bubble, apparently doesn’t recognize — that CNN torched its credibility by becoming a televised psych ward for Trump Delusion Syndrome patients? Or the related problem that, in the post-Trump era, CNN has lost 90% of its audience?

One would have to have spent the past few years inside a hermetically sealed vault not to understand how the intertwining of Gullust, Zucker and the Cuomo brothers was a formula for corruption, utterly contradicting the “journalistic integrity” that Gollust attributes to CNN, because everybody — and I do mean everybody — raised eyebrows about this cozy political media arrangement. Even liberals, who totally shared the Trump Derangement Syndrome fever that infected CNN, were astonished by the way the network had Chris Cuomo interviewing his brother the governor. Leaving all that aside, however, exactly what does Allison Gollust know about “integrity,” journalistic or otherwise? She has never been anything but a P.R. flack, and her primary qualification for her position at CNN was her willingness to service the sexual demands of Jeff Zucker. It was, as they say, an “open secret” for years.

Ace points out that Gollust’s claim that Warner Media is trying “to retaliate against me and change the media narrative” should be viewed as a veiled threat of litigation, but considering that her main responsibility at CNN was being Zucker’s girlfriend — a corporate-paid mistress — how does she imagine she can make a wrongful termination claim? Like, if your job was to provide fellatio to Zucker, and Zucker gets fired? We must assume that the new president of CNN doesn’t expect to get the same service from Gollust that she was providing Zucker, so exactly why should CNN keep paying her? Self-awareness doesn’t seem to be Allison Gollust’s strong suit, however, or she would have resigned as soon as Zucker got the boot. Instead she foolishly tried to hang on, and then claims Warner Media is at fault for its “disastrous handling” of a situation for which she herself was largely responsible: “Exit, lying.”

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 02.15.22

Posted on | February 16, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.15.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Too wiped to post after eight hectic hours in the tax mines yesterday. Not sure if I’ll have time to post Friday, either, since it looks like I’m driving home to Tonopah right after work.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Much like Joe Biden

357 Magnum: Everything You Learned Watching Cop Shows Was Wrong, also, The 37th America’s Cup
EBL: Valentines Day With Angie Dickinson, also, P.J. O’Rourke & Ivan Reitman, RIP
Twitchy: Twitter Suspends Defiant Ls, also, “The Definitive Happy Warrior”
Louder With Crowder: Family Of Cinematographer Slain By Adam Baldwin Suing Him For Reckless Conduct, also, Five Most Soviet Things PM Zoolander Said While Declaring Insane “Emergencies Act”
Vox Popoli: Empire’s End, The Benefits Of Imposed Protectionism, and The Hate Is Real

Adam Piggott: Russia! Russia! Russia! also, Pushing Rubber Podcast Update
American Conservative: “Go Home, America”, also, The Nazis Globalist Liberals Prefer To Ignore
American Greatness: The January 6 Pipe Bombs Look Like Another FBI Hoax, also, “I Was Proven Right About The Spying And I Will Be Proven Right About 2020!”
American Power: The World’s Workers Have Arisen! also, Sarah Palin’s Libel Claim Against NYT Rejected By Jury
American Thinker: The Silent Coup, also, We Are All Truckers Now
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye Blue Monday, also, Animal’s Daily Cultural Relativity News
Babalu Blog: A Cuban-American Valentine, also, Why Hispanics Reject Leftist Policies
BattleSwarm: Audiences Know CNN Is Lying To Them And Joe Rogan Isn’t, also, Clinton’s Crimes Are Worse Than We Thought
Behind The Black: The Lie That Was COVID, LockMart Cancels Merger With Aerojet, and FAA Delays Boca Chica Approval Again
Cafe Hayek: Tyranny Isn’t Excused By Good Intentions, also, In Respectful Disagreement With Alex Salter
CDR Salamander: The Untold Story Of The CIA Mission To Avenge 9/11, also, Summary Thoughts On The U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy
Da Tech Guy: Five Things The Left Would Have Gained If They Didn’t Steal The Last Election, She’s A Nun All Right, and Malice Toward Malice
Don Surber: Justin Castreau’s Approval Hits 16%, NYC Locks Up Toothpaste Not Thieves, and Biden Won’t Get A War To Save His Presidency
First Street Journal: The Neo-Cons Beat The Drum For War, also, A Prayer Vigil For Officer John Pawlowski
Gates Of Vienna: The Muslim Brotherhood In Sweden Part 11, The Year Of The Jackpot, and Austria Having Second Thoughts About The Mandatory Jab
The Geller Report: Ottawa Police Chief Resigns, also, “Multiple Indictments”
Hogewash: Breitbart Unmasked, Rust In Pieces, Nothing To See Here, Move Along, and Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Why Marry Me Won’t Bring Back Rom-Coms, Is Russell Brand The New Joe Rogan?, and You Better Buckle Up For The Cursed
The Lid: LBJ Turned U.S./Israel Casual Friendship Into Strong Alliance, also, SD Senate Bill Supporting Gun Industry Up For Hearing
Legal Insurrection: Jon Stewart Defends Joe Rogan, GWU Student Government Demands Firing Of Two Professors, and CBC Ties The Word “Freedom” To “Far-Right” Groups
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Sunday Miscellany
Outkick: ESPN Allows Hosts To Appear On Joy Reid’s Show, CTU Leader Insists On Masking Kids – Attends Super Bowl Maskless, and Alabama Football Completes Its Staff
Power Line: Inside The Bizarre Hellworld Of Minneapolis – Andy Brehm Brings The News, Who’s Wagging Whose Dog?, and The Dirtiest Trick Gets Dirtier
Shark Tank: FL Rep Smith Calls “Putting Parents First” A Political Attack, also, Rubio Leads Effort To Allocate More National Guard Funds
Shot In The Dark: “Captain Obvious? Your Promotion To Admiral Came Through,” also, Putin A La Poutine
STUMP: Homicide Trends 1968-2020
The Political Hat: Flannel Is Now Racist, also, Public Education – Another Day, Another Assault 
This Ain’t Hell: Another Accounted For, You Call That An Insult? and Sub Steel Test Falsifier Sentenced
Transterrestrial Musings: Our Greatest Domestic Threat, News For The Elite, and Rockets Vs. Airplanes
Victory Girls: Super Bowl? More Like Hypocrisy Bowl, also, Palin Libel Case Tossed During Jury Deliberations
Volokh Conspiracy: Why Efforts To Throw Rep. Cawthorn Off The Ballot Are Likely Unconstitutional
Weasel Zippers: Pelosi Claims Nobody Is Better At Strategic Thinking Than Biden, also, 30th Democrat Congressman Says She’s Not Running For Reelection 
The Federalist: Why Abraham Lincoln Still Towers Over His Critics, Biden’s DHS Announces It Will Investigate Thought Crimes, and Press Calls Trump Fascist For Opposing Violent Riots, Meanwhile Trudeau…
Mark Steyn: For The Duration – The More The Merrier, As Time Goes By, and “Freedom” Is Just Another Word For, Er, “White Supremacism”

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Jewish Candidate for Louisville Mayor Survives BLM Assassination Attempt

Posted on | February 15, 2022 | Comments Off on Jewish Candidate for Louisville Mayor Survives BLM Assassination Attempt

Less than a week ago, writing about a fringe black “liberation” group, I warned that “there is no guarantee that the next radical gesture will end so harmlessly,” and an intended target literally dodged a bullet this week:

Police have arrested a suspect they say was responsible for the attempted murder of Louisville Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenburg.
Quintez Brown, 21, was taken into custody Monday. He has been charged with attempted murder and four counts of wanton endangerment. . . .
His arraignment happened Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. where he pleaded not guilty. . . .
Brown is a well-known activist and organized youth protests during the social justice movements of the summer of 2020. He often wrote opinion columns about race relations in the Courier-Journal.
He was also the subject of a missing person investigation last June. Brown had gone missing in late June 2021, leading to a citywide search. He was eventually found, and his family had asked for privacy while they focused on his mental, physical and spiritual health.
Brown recently announced that he was planning to run for Metro Council’s District 5 seat. . . .
Greenberg said he and his staff were at a campaign office for a meeting when he said a man walked into the office. Upon greeting the man, later identified as Brown, that’s when Greenberg said he allegedly pulled out a gun, pointed it at him and fired.
A staff member, he said, was able to close the door on Brown and the team was able to barricade themselves inside until police arrived.
Police said Brown was stopped about a half-mile from the Story Avenue campaign office where they allege he was carrying a drawstring bag, containing a 9mm gun and additional magazines. . . .
Louisville Metro Police Chief Erika Shields didn’t have immediate answers but said the department would investigate any possible motive.
“Mr. Greenberg is Jewish, so there’s that, we don’t know if it’s tied to the candidates or is political or if we are dealing with someone with mental issues or is venomous,” she said. “We are looking at this from all angles.”

“Mr. Greenberg is Jewish, so there’s that” — yeah, if the suspect in the shooting of a Jewish politician had been a white Trump supporter, it would be 24/7 on CNN, but instead it’s just local news in Kentucky, because it was a Black Lives Matter activist.

The Daily Beast actually has a good article about Brown’s descent into murderous madness. As of 8 p.m. ET, Brown’s Twitter account was still online, and you could see him quoting various black radicals, including Kwame Nkrumah, founder of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party. In other words, Brown traveled down a radical path similar to Augustus Romain Jr. (Gazi Kodzo”) of the Black Hammer Organization. There is a profound irony that, four years ago, Brown took part in a gun-control march in Washington, D.C., and was interviewed on MSNBC:

Speaking with Joy Reid’s AM Joy show during the march, Brown, issuing his remarks towards then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, he said “we are here we want, we want common sense gun reform. And if you’re not going to give us that, then we’re going to get everyone out here to vote and we’re going to vote you out of office. So if you want to keep your job, then you know give us what we — not what we want but what we need, what humans need.”
“We need a common sense government reform, get rid of assault rifles,” said Brown at the time.

Trying to murder Jews — is that “common sense gun reform”?

Oh, I almost forgot this bonus: During Tuesday’s court hearing, Brown’s attorney told the judge he believes there are some “serious mental issues at play here.” Repeat after me: Crazy People Are Dangerous.


Rams Win the ‘White Supremacy’ Bowl

Posted on | February 15, 2022 | Comments Off on Rams Win the ‘White Supremacy’ Bowl

Super Bowl LVI will go down in history as one of the great triumphs of systemic racism, in which the Los Angeles Rams — with white head coach Sean McVay and white quarterback Matt Stafford — defeated the Cincinnati Bengals, with white coach Zac Taylor and white quarterback Joe Burrow. This is almost certainly part of the NFL’s white supremacist conspiracy, according to a lawsuit by former Miami Dolphins head coach and (victim of racism) Brian Flores.

Former New England Patriot defensive end Jason Bequette comments:

If we want an NFL that proportionally “looks like America,” as Joe Biden is so fond of saying, then 3 or 4 of the 32 head coaches, general managers, and team owners would be black, but 75 percent of the players would be white or Hispanic. It’s doubtful that Flores is advocating for two-thirds of black players to be fired and replaced with whites. Is there any reason, other than “discrimination,” why NFL rosters are still 100 percent male? Why is neither team in the upcoming Super Bowl starting a transgender female at left tackle?

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) Bequette regards the Flores lawsuit as without merit, and a consequence of the NFL’s so-called “Rooney Rule.” Once the league decided to establish a de facto quota system for hiring coaches and front-office personnel, it was inevitable that someone would eventually claim the system wasn’t working and demand more. This is true in every situation where “diversity” becomes an organizational goal, because no matter how much is done to ensure “equity,” there will always be someone with a grievance, who feels they’ve been cheated somehow, and who blames racism for their misfortunes.

And, just by the way, I hate that it’s Brian Flores doing this. Flores, who spent more than a decade as an assistant with the Patriots, is actually a good coach, who turned around the Dolphins, producing back-to-back winning seasons (10-6 in 2020 and 9-7 this past season), which was the first time in 20 years that Miami had consecutive winning seasons. I hate to see a good coach ruin his reputation by filing a lawsuit like this, and I also hate it because the Flores firing in Miami involves an Alabama alumni, Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa. It has been reported that the Dolphins owners and management are committed to Tagovailoa as the future of their franchise, while Flores wasn’t a big Tua fan, to put it mildly. There were other problems in Miami — Flores, a defensive specialist, kept firing offensive coordinators — but the fact that my guy Tua is at the center of this controversy is personally painful to me as an Alabama fan. I want all Crimson Tide players to succeed in the NFL, because pro success helps recruiting, so the fact that Flores’ doubts about Tua’s ability led directly to this ugly lawsuit is bad for ’Bama.

Beyond that, however, can we talk about The Black Quarterback Issue?

Rush Limbaugh got fired from ESPN for raising this issue, so we all know we’re not supposed to talk about it, but the enforced silence — at least in official sports coverage — is making things worse, because astute football fans can see what’s happening with their own eyes, and yet nobody is allowed to talk about it on TV, which can give rise to racial paranoia.

To boil it down into a nutshell: Three decades ago, there were almost no black quarterbacks in the NFL. Doug Williams of the Washington Redskins was the first black quarterback to win a Super Bowl, in 1988, which was rightly celebrated as repudiating the belief that black players didn’t have the “intangibles” (whatever that means) to play the most demanding position in the game. Since then, however, only six black quarterbacks (Steve McNair, Donovan McNabb, Colin Kaepernick, Russell Wilson, Cam Newton and Patrick Mahomes) have made it to the Super Bowl, and only two of those (Wilson in 2014 and Mahomes in 2020) have won the Super Bowl. So, of the past 34 Super Bowls, white quarterbacks won 30 of them, which is interpreted as proof of either (a) white supremacy or (b) white supremacy. By which I mean, some people think white success (in football or anything else) proves that white people actually are superior (i.e., white supremacy) while other people think such disproportionate outcomes are evidence that the system is rigged against minorities (i.e., white supremacy). The fact that both of these competing and mutually exclusive theories can be called “white supremacy” should tell us something about the complexity of the problem, but the real problem is that it’s hurting football.

If you watched Sunday’s pregame show, you know that the NFL, in an apparent effort to defend itself against absurd accusations of racism, rather bent over backward to appease their accusers, and the halftime show likewise seemed to be a sort of minstrel show of “wokeness,” evidently based on the idea that black people don’t actually like football, but must also have a hiphop halftime program. Am I exaggerating this, or did other people get the same vibe? It’s impossible to say, because nobody in the media is allow to discuss these things at risk of being “cancelled,” which in turn means that the NFL never gets any honest feedback about its ostentatious “diversity” efforts.

But somebody has to tell them: You’re trying too hard.

Every mature and reasonably observant person understands this about race relations, i.e., that the best thing to do is to mind your own business, and avoid turning everything into a racial issue. Whatever your opinions about race may be, in your day-to-day interactions, it is best to carry on as if you don’t even notice such things. Especially if you’re a white person, you’re not really helping matters by engaging in performative wokeness, and that’s the real problem with the NFL’s approach.

Once the sports media became obsessed with The Black Quarterback Issue, it gave rise to a sort of competition among teams: “Oh, the Eagles have a black quarterback, so probably we need to draft one, too.” This had a trickle-down effect because, if NFL teams were making an extra effort to find black quarterbacks, this demand-side imbalance encouraged college coaches to feed the supply side of that market. And this in turn gave rise to implicit suspicions of racism for any team that didn’t have a black quarterback. Suppose, for example, that the University of North Carolina had a black starting quarterback, while their ACC rival Clemson had a white starting quarterback. If having a black quarterback is a proxy for “equity” (as some in the sports media seemed to believe), then wouldn’t Clemson be suspected of racism? And isn’t it likely that, in the recruiting process, this suspicion would work to Clemson’s disadvantage? Of course it would, and therefore college coaches became even more desperate to recruit black quarterbacks, with the result that talented white quarterbacks were often underrated.

Take the case of Joe Burrow, for example. Burrow comes from an exceptional family of athletes, his father having played for Nebraska and the Green Bay Packers before coaching for more than three decades. As a high school quarterback in Athens, Ohio, Burrow led his team to three straight playoff appearances, and was recruited by Ohio State University. You might think Burrow would have been set for an outstanding career at OSU, except for this one fact: The Buckeyes haven’t had a white quarterback since 2011. The starting QBs at OSU over the past decade were Braxton Miller (2011-2013), J.T. Barrett (2014-2017), Dwayne Haskins (2018), Justin Fields (2019-2020) and C.J. Stroud (2021) — 100% black. NO WHITE QUARTERBACKS, PERIOD — that’s the rule at Ohio State, apparently, and after two seasons as backup to Barrett, Joe Burrow figured out the rule, and transferred to LSU, where he immediately became the starting QB. In 2018, Burrow led the Tigers to a 10-3 record. In 2019, Burrow led LSU to an undefeated season and beat Clemson 42-25 for the national championship. Burrow threw for 463 yards and five touchdowns against Clemson, finishing the season with 5,671 yards passing. But he never started at Ohio State.

What about the quarterback the Buckeyes chose ahead of Burrow? Dwayne Haskins had a great year in 2018, setting all kinds of school records as the Buckeyes finished 13-1 and Haskins was named MVP of the Rose Bowl. Drafted in the first round by the Washington Redskins in 2019, Haskins played two seasons there before being released. Justin Fields also had an excellent career as Ohio State’s starting quarterback, compiling a 20-2 record and two Big Ten Championships, before being drafted by the Chicago Bears in 2021. The one thing neither Haskins nor Fields did at Ohio State was win a national championship, like Burrow did at LSU. And as for their NFL careers, neither of them has made it to a Super Bowl yet, as Burrow did with the previously hopeless Bengals.

Look, I’m not saying Joe Burrow’s success is proof of racial superiority, but what I am saying is that discriminating against white quarterbacks — which is what Ohio State is obviously doing — isn’t smart football.

The NFL’s obsession with racial “equity” in coaching positions is similarly stupid. The absurdity of the “Rooney Rule,” says Jason Bequette, “can be illustrated by simply applying it to NFL roster vacancies”:

Imagine if every NFL team were forced to invite a white cornerback into training camp every season. No NFL team has started a white cornerback since Jason Sehorn in 2002. A white cornerback who fulfilled a team’s obligation under a “Sehorn Rule” would feel insecure and teammates would feel resentful, even if the player was qualified for the position and seriously considered for the job.

Far be it from me to say that no white guy will ever again play cornerback in the NFL, but I’m certainly not going to endorse some kind of quota system in order to ensure that white players get their “fair share” of cornerback positions. Currently, about 60% of NFL players are black, 25% are white and 15% are “other.” As long as NFL rosters are determined by ability and performance, I do not care if white players are “underrepresented” in the league, nor do I think anyone else should care. What I suspect, however, is that many coaches may be guilty of stereotypical thinking in such a way that some white players are overlooked. Consider, for example, the case of Cooper Kupp.

He was the Super Bowl MVP, with eight catches for 92 yards and 2 TDs.

In four seasons at Eastern Washington University, Kupp caught 428 passes for 6,464 yards and 73 touchdowns. Those are certainly impressive stats but . . . a white wide receiver?

To quote Joe Biden, “C’mon, man.” Everybody knows only black players can be wide receivers in the NFL. And so Kupp was not drafted until the third round, the 69th player overall in the 2017 NFL draft.

Six other wide receivers were drafted ahead of Kupp that year: Corey Davis (Western Michigan, Tennessee Titans, 1st round, 5th overall), Mike Williams (Clemson, LA Chargers, 1st round, 7th overall), John Ross (Washington, Cincinnati Bengals, 1st round, 9th overall), Zay Jones, East Carolina, 2nd round, 37th overall), Curtis Samuel (Ohio State, Carolina Panthers, 2nd round, 40th overall), and JuJu Smith-Schuster (USC, Pittsburgh Steelers, 2nd round, 62nd overall). A lot of different factors can affect the career of a wide receiver, so it is perhaps unfair to say that receiving statistics alone are the measure of a player’s talent, but here are the numbers (not including playoffs) for these wide receivers, Cooper Kupp and the six others drafted ahead of him in 2017:

John Ross: 62 catches, 957 yards, 11 TDs
Zay Jones, 124 catches, 1,338 yards, 10 TDs
Curtis Samuel, 185 catches, 2,087 yards, 14 TDs
Corey Davis, 241 catches, 3,343 yards, 15 TDs
Mike Williams, 218 catches, 3,543 yards, 25 TDs
JuJu Smith-Schuster, 323 catches, 3,855 yards, 26 TDs
Cooper Kupp, 443 catches, 5,517 yards, 40 TDs

Kupp has nearly 1,700 yards more (and 14 more TDs) than his nearest rival among wide receivers in the 2017 NFL draft class, yet he wasn’t picked until the third round. Is it possible that Kupp was underrated because of the stereotype that wide receiver is a position for black players? And if the Rams got a bargain in the NFL draft because of such perceptions, is it possible that other teams could similarly benefit by taking a chance on white players at wide receiver (or running back, or other positions typically dominated by black players)?

It’s usually a mistake to generalize on the basis of a singular exceptional case, but say, did you ever hear of a guy named Julian Edelman? You remember him, the MVP of Super Bowl LIII? Seventh-round draft pick in 2009, 232nd overall, finished his career with 738 catches for 8,264 yards and 41 TDs, and three Super Bowl rings. Not bad for a white guy who’s only 5-foot-10 and didn’t even play wide receiver in college.

Again, this doesn’t prove anything except that the NFL needs to stop focusing on racial “equity” and instead focus on football.

Otherwise, they’re gonna get woke and go broke.


Late Night With Rule 5 Apologies

Posted on | February 14, 2022 | Comments Off on Late Night With Rule 5 Apologies

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Sorry, but I’m absolutely whipped. I’ll double up on the links next Sunday, I promise. In the meantime, have a death goddess.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Shishou chilling at the office.

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FMJRA 2.0: Whipping Post

Posted on | February 14, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Whipping Post

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Well, the Senators had a .400 week, splitting a two-game series against the San Francisco Seals before dropping two of three games against Da Tech Guy’s Seattle Pilots, who had recently acquired “Limp” Dick Allen partially out of frustration at our pitchers intentionally walking Pete Rose seven times in our first series. Allen was a non-factor in our three games; he didn’t even hit for extra bases, but they didn’t need him; all three games were close, but not close enough. To round off the weekend, we traded the worthless Dave Boswell to Minnesota for Jim Kaat, which will be a definite upgrade to our rotation since Boswell has been a terrible pitcher for us; future Hall of Famer Kaat could hardly be worse and has better stats in 1970 than Boswell anyway.

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A View From The Beach

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The Destructive Cult of Racial ‘Liberation’

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In The Mailbox: 02.11.22
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Top linkers for the week ending February 11:

  1.  EBL (16)
  2.  357 Magnum & Proof Positive (tied) (9)
  3.  A View From The Beach (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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