The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 09.26.18

Posted on | September 26, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #390
357 Magnum: Lawyers Behaving Badly
EBL: Andrew Breitbart – On Clarence Thomas And Political Correctness
Twitchy: Did Kavanaugh Accuser Julie Swetnick Accidentally Implicate Herself In A Crime?
Louder With Crowder: Rebuttal – John Oliver’s Dangerous “Hate Speech” Lies

Adam Piggott: Podcast #92 – The Nordic Walking Episode
American Power: Senate Majority Leader McConnell Promises Vote On Kavanaugh Confirmation
American Thinker: Trump’s Real Job Approval Could Be As High As 60%
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Pat Condell On “Brexit Morons”, also, A Smear Too Far
CDR Salamander: Buy Italian, All The Cool Kids Are
Da Tech Guy: Kavanaugh As Will Cane In Washington Town, also, Will Ford Cut & Run?
Don Surber: Only 21% Believe The Media
Dustbury: Somehow It Missed Me
First Street Journal: Hold Them Accountable!
The Geller Report: Somali Muslim Migrants Riot At Minnesota Amusement Park On Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, Force Evacuation, also, Bolton Warns Iran of “Hell To Pay” If Aggression Continues
Hogewash: Don’t Know Much About The Constitution, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Legal Insurrection: 60 Kavanaugh Classmates To Sign Letter Scotching Swetnick Allegations, also, Kavanaugh Dismisses New Allegations – “Ridiculous And From The Twilight Zone”
Michelle Malkin: Stop Google’s Kiddie Predators
The PanAm Post: At The UN, Discussion of How To Remove Maduro From Office
Power Line: Third Time’s A Charm, also, Dear Senator Feinstein
Shark Tank: Gillum’s Tallahassee Crime Claims Skewered By His Former Chief Of Staff
Shot In The Dark: Advice For Modern Life
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA
The Political Hat: Transing Academia
This Ain’t Hell: President Trump Visits The UN, also, Navy Says Assault Rifles Seized From Persian Gulf Boats
Victory Girls: The Blasey Ford roller Coaster Ride Continues
Volokh Conspiracy: Why It’ll Be Difficult To Assess Ford’s Credibility
Weasel Zippers: Illegal Alien Accused Of Murdering Fishing Boat Crewmate Makes Bail, also, Avenatti Bombshell Witness Claim Actually The Fruit Of A 4chan Prank?
Mark Steyn: Hearing The Women, Then & Now

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Your Tax Dollars at Work

Posted on | September 26, 2018 | 1 Comment


Recent news from Dayton, Ohio:

The Ohio Liquor Control Commission revoked the liquor permit of Sharkey’s bar, an adult entertainment establishment, effective at the close of business Thursday, after investigators used food stamps to buy lap dances.
Agent-in-Charge Michelle Thourot said agents began investigating the Twenty Two Fifty Inc., also known as Sharkey’s, in May 2017. During the investigation, agents were able to purchase drugs and lap dances using food stamp benefits.
Throughout the five-month investigation, agents reportedly exchanged $2,404.87 in food stamps to purchase heroin, fentanyl, carfentanil, cocaine, methamphetamines and lap dances.
Criminal charges were filed against employees and patrons for drug trafficking, food stamp trafficking, aggravated shipment and distribution of heroin, engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity and illegal sexual activity.
Agents also filed 44 charges that were heard by the Liquor Control Commission that included drug possession, drug sales, engaging in sexual activity, food stamp trafficking and solicitation.
This is the second adult entertainment establishment liquor permit that has been revoked by the Liquor Control Commission as a result of an Ohio Investigative Unit investigation into food stamp and drug trafficking this year in the Dayton area. The other location, The Harem, lost its liquor license in May 2018.

Food stamps for lap dances? Federal benefits exchanged for heroin?

This demonstrates how the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We do not want the poor to suffer from hunger, and so our tax dollars are used to feed them. However, poverty is not a random occurrence. It has been demonstrated (Herrnstein and Murray, 1994) that there is a strong correlation between poverty and low IQ. Now, a person may be both stupid and poor without being immoral. We are sympathetic to the dimwit who barely made it past eighth grade, who works low-wage jobs to support himself, and who is an honest, decent, law-abiding citizen despite all his disadvantages. However, the liberal welfare state acts to promote moral corruption among the poor. Considering the poor to be victims of society, the liberal wishes to substitute welfare benefits for wages, to relieve the poor of the burden of earning their own living.

With food stamps, Medicaid and Section 8 housing vouchers, the poor are given a higher standard of living than they could honestly earn and, rather than understanding this as a species of charity — something they are provided because of the sympathy of their well-meaning fellow citizens — the poor are encouraged to believe they have a “right” to all these taxpayer-funded benefits. This rights-based view of welfare as an entitlement is destructive of every moral principle. We are justifying theft when we tell people that they have a “right” to other people’s money, and permit able-bodied people to be exempt from labor because they have a “right” to live at the expense of hard-working taxpayers.

Years ago, I was asked to speak at a Christian home-schooling conference. I presented a libertarian critique of the public education system. During the Q-and-A after my speech, I got a question I hadn’t expected: “How does your Christianity affect your political beliefs?”

“Well,” I answered, “it has something to do with ‘Thou shalt not steal.'”

From there, I launched into a critique of the immorality of the liberal welfare state, and how we are corrupted by our complicity in a system that tells us we are entitled to be given things “free.” More than half a century ago, Democrats vastly expanded the welfare system and called this a “War on Poverty.” In his final State of the Union address in 1988, Ronald Reagan delivered the epitaph for this folly:

My friends, some years ago, the Federal Government declared war on poverty, and poverty won.
Today the Federal Government has 59 major welfare programs and spends more than $100 billion a year on them. What has all this money done? Well, too often it has only made poverty harder to escape. Federal welfare programs have created a massive social problem. With the best of intentions, government created a poverty trap that wreaks havoc on the very support system the poor need most to lift themselves out of poverty: the family. Dependency has become the one enduring heirloom, passed from one generation to the next, of too many fragmented families.

Here we are, three decades later, and Democrats still haven’t accepted the truth that President Reagan told them. Food stamps are being exchanged for lap dances and heroin in Ohio, and if you point to this as evidence of the corrupting influence of welfare, they’ll call you a racist! Yet I don’t care whether the perpetrators of welfare fraud are white, black or Chinese, the point is that the wages of honest citizens are being taxed to pay for this, and that the morality of poor people is being destroyed by the entitlement mentality these programs encourage.

Unlike Democrats, I still believe in the American Dream. I still believe that there is dignity in honest labor, and that the poor man who earns his own living by the sweat of his brow deserves respect. I still believe that, through a life of hard work, sobriety and thrift, a poor man has reason to hope that his labor is not in vain, and that if his children will follow his example, they have a decent chance for a better life. It is wrong — it is immoral — for Democrats to say otherwise, to promote policies that encourage the poor to think of themselves as helpless victims.

By the way, while I appreciate the diligence of these agents in Ohio in exposing the food-stamps-for-lap-dances scheme at Sharkey’s Lounge, I’m hurt that they didn’t call me in to help with their investigation. This is the kind of work that I’d be happy to do on a freelance basis.

“Where were you last night?” my wife will ask.

“Investigating welfare fraud.”

Just doing my duty as a citizen. God bless America.



The Democrats as Underpants Gnomes

Posted on | September 26, 2018 | Comments Off on The Democrats as Underpants Gnomes

In a comment on last night’s post, Daniel Freeman described the Democrats’ strategy in the Kavanaugh confirmation process:

Step 1: Present a non-disprovable claim.
Step 2: Demand that it be disproven.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!

It’s the “Underpants Gnomes” plan, you see.

The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote on the Kavanaugh nomination Friday morning. My brother Kirby suggests that Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser will find an excuse to skip Thursday’s hearing.

This does seem like the most likely scenario. Christine Blasey Ford never expected to be compelled to prove her accusation. As Oregon Muse said, she wanted to smear Judge Kavanaugh anonymously, like Eric Clanton wearing a mask and smashing Trump supporters in the head.

Democrats promote a worldview in which no one ever has to consider consequences of their actions or take responsibility for their own behavior, because there’s always a scapegoat to take the blame. Crime and poverty are attributed to racism, which means that white people who’ve never set foot in Baltimore or Chicago are somehow to blame for the misery that prevails in those Democrat-run cities. Women are never responsible for their own actions, because they’re victims of sexism, so we’re not allowed to question Professor Ford’s unsubstantiated claims.

Buying into that Democrat worldview creates a sort of paranoia, a persecution complex where people think of themselves as victims and are constantly looking for scapegoats to blame for their problems, and the political process breaks down into a series of witch hunts. The mob that stormed into a D.C. restaurant to harass Sen. Ted Cruz was a typical exercise of this mentality. Last night on Sean Hannity’s show, Newt Gingrich had some interesting comments about that:


“I mean, what has happened to America, when random left-wing totalitarians think they can violate private property, trespass in a restaurant, go in and intimidate a citizen who is simply trying to have dinner, and they think they’re heroes? . . . We’re watching a period where what we have to understand is this is about raw power, and if the left can stop Kavanaugh we will not get another conservative Justice in our lifetime on the Supreme Court.”

These “random left-wing totalitarians” are typical Democrat voters. They don’t care about facts. They couldn’t possibly defend their worldview in debate, and so they seek the kind of “raw power” that will enable them to silence anyone who disagrees with them. This is why your liberal cousin has “unfriended” you on Facebook. Their devotion to the Democrat Party is emotional and irrational, and the only reason they can think of to explain why someone might disagree with them is “hate.” Therefore, if you voted for Trump, you must be a racist sexist homophobe — a bad person, morally and intellectually inferior — and Democrats don’t want to hear any argument that might require them to consider alternative explanations. You can never hope to persuade such people that they’re wrong; the liberal is a type of religious fanatic, whose prejudices are a core element of their identity. It’s a cult, like Scientology.

Republicans have no choice but to beat the Democrats at this “raw power” game. Ram the Kavanaugh nomination through the Senate — damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead, to quote Admiral Farragut — and then make Democrats pay for their circus in the midterm elections.

November 6 is coming. People need to wake the hell up.


Late Night With In The Mailbox: 09.25.18

Posted on | September 26, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Did Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti Have A Bad Day Fishing!
Twitchy: Final Chapter of “Ted Cruz & Wife Chased From Restaurant” Story Proves Lefty Harassment A Big Time Fail
Louder With Crowder: All Your Hot Takes Comparing Bill Cosby To Brett Kavanaugh Suck. Stop It.

Adam Piggott: Going Down Without A Fight
American Power: Brutal Binaries Of American Politics, also, Playboy Club New York Opens
American Thinker: Trumponomics Triumphant
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Friend Zone News
BattleSwarm: James Woods Refuses To Delete Tweet
CDR Salamander: How Long Do We Want Our Ships In Service Again?
Da Tech Guy: The Ivory Tower & Truth, also, Tripped
Don Surber: Chaos & Incompetence In The White House Press Corps
Dustbury: Pick On Someone Your Own Caliber
First Street Journal: The Success Of Socialism – Around 7% Of Venezuelans Have Fled The Workers’ Paradise
The Geller Report: Facebook Bans Rainbow Hijab Photo For “Islamic Blasphemy”, also, Maldives Marine Artwork Destroyed As “Threat To Islamic Unity”
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Brett Goes To College
Legal Insurrection: NYT Removes Language Helpful To Kavanaugh From Article On Yale Accuser Ramirez, also, #MeToo PAC Launches, Only Targets Republicans
The PanAm Post: Venezuelan Oil Industry In Crisis As Rig Count Plummets
Power Line: Are The Democrats Throwing Ellison Under The Bus? also, Jane Mayer Revisited
Shark Tank: Florida GOP Slams Gillum As Soft On Crime
Shot In The Dark: The Cold Civil War
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday
The Political Hat: Kernal Of Social Justice
This Ain’t Hell: The Virtue Of Military Service Is A Myth & It’s Destroying This Country, also, Ridiculous
Victory Girls: President Trump Speaks To The UN
Volokh Conspiracy: Minneapolis Star Tribune Seeking To Unseal Rep. Ellison’s Divorce Records
Weasel Zippers: Jimmy Kimmel Wants To Amputate Brett Kavanaugh’s Penis, also, Sen. Hirono (D-HI) Says No Presumption Of Innocence For Kavanaugh
Megan McArdle: #MeToo Credibility Depends On The Journalists Reporting On It
Mark Steyn: Fever, also, Wilderness Of Mirrors

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Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It

Posted on | September 25, 2018 | 1 Comment


How many times have I repeated that sentence in the past three years? And how many times has this simple statement been dismissed as a joke? Well, I guess you’re not laughing now, as the Kavanaugh confirmation process has been degraded into a circus by . . . what? Feminism.

Many people have become alarmed at the accusation-equals-guilt ethos adopted by Democrats and their media allies in the 12 days since Dianne Feinstein went public with Professor Christine Braley Ford’s accusation. Although the partisan political motive was obvious, and despite the fact that Professor Ford’s accusation was denied by all four of the people she named as attending the 1982 house party in suburban Maryland where she claimed she was assaulted, the media insisted this was a “credible” accusation, and Democrats declared it was sufficient to bring the confirmation process to a halt. The normal standards of justice were reversed, the presumption of innocence discarded, and the burden of proof shifted from the accuser to the accused. Practitioners of journalism degraded their craft, publishing unsubstantiated accusations which they themselves admitted lacked any corroboration, justifying their shoddy work with the suggestion that, because Senate Democrats were interested in this baseless claim, it was therefore newsworthy.

Rod Dreher recoils from the horror of it all:

The left will stop at nothing to destroy this man. Three years ago, a friend who defected in the 1960s from Hungary told me that he and his wife, also a defector, are observing that our public culture reminds them more and more of Hungary at the advent of communism. I asked him to explain what he meant. He told me that the ideologically-driven eagerness to destroy people that the Left identifies as its enemies is the essence of it. He said that they will say anything they need to say, even if it’s untrue, to professionally and personally destroy people.
I wondered in 2015, when he told me that, if he was exaggerating. I don’t doubt it at all now. Not after this.
Tonight I had a business call with someone who lives in one of the bluest parts of America. She mentioned that this Kavanaugh business terrifies her for her sons. The idea that a man could be destroyed because of these accusations infuriates her and makes her afraid. I think that many on the Left are not thinking about the fact that women have daughters, yes, but they also have sons, brothers, and husbands.

Indeed, there is a whiff of Stalin-era “show trials” about this, with the media publishing propaganda to demonize the targets of the purge. The New York Times has decided that jocular entries in the Georgetown Prep 1984 school yearbook are “evidence” of . . . wrongthink?


Do you see how Judge Kavanaugh’s accusers are playing the part of Pavlik Morozov in this Soviet-style liquidation of the kulaks? And what is the ideological justification behind it all? Feminism.

We are nearing a destination toward which our culture has been traveling for more than 50 years, when women aligned with the 1960s New Left (many of them so-called “Red Diaper” babies, children of Communist Party members) became dissatisfied with their treatment by the male leaders of the radical anti-Vietnam War movement. Feminism was (and still is) directly influenced by Marxism, and the movement’s totalitarian tendencies were evident from the first formation of feminist “collectives” in the late 1960s. These groups were unstable and short-lived, as the obsession with equality within the collectives produced a hostility toward anyone identified as a leader. It was not until the feminist movement burrowed into academia, via the creation of university Women’s Studies programs, that it developed any real institutional authority. After two decades of building a campus-based movement, feminism burst forth into national headlines with the 1991 “high-tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas. When the next election brought the Clintons to Washington, it also brought about an institutionalization of feminism within the federal government. The Justice Department was led by Janet Reno and the Department of Health and Human Services was led by Donna Shalala. For eight years, these and other Clinton appointees worked to embed feminist ideology into federal policy. During the feminist movement’s “long march through the institutions,” conservatives developed the habit of treating feminism as a joke. Ridicule is a potent weapon in cultural warfare, but even as conservatives made derisive wisecracks about “feminazis,” this ideology was tightening its grip on politics, academia, entertainment and journalism. A pivotal moment came in 2005, when Harvard University President Larry Summers, a former Clinton administration official, made the mistake of suggesting that “innate differences” between men and women might explain the relative shortage of females in the top ranks of scientific researchers. Within a year, Summers had been driven from office and a woman became president of Harvard. That, my friends, is what ideological hegemony looks like.

We can look back over the past dozen years and see how feminist ideology has, with astonishing rapidity, emerged as the most powerful force in American culture, and this power is purely destructive. Feminism never creates anything, but rather its “success” involves destroying individual men, and depriving men generally of social, economic and political influence in a sort of zero-sum-game formula. Consider, for example, how the Democrats delivered their party’s nomination to Hillary Clinton in 2016, rigging the process in her favor, and insisted that anyone who opposed her was guilty of misogyny. When she was rejected by voters in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan, which hadn’t been won by Republican in a presidential election in more than 25 years, suddenly a radical “resistance” movement flared up, and the 63 million Americans who had voted for Donald Trump were branded “fascists.” Major social media companies, intimidated by (or sympathetic to) this “resistance,” rushed to silence or suppress the voices of those identified as enemies of “social justice.” Google fired James Damore for daring to dissent from the official corporate ideology of “diversity.”

Now here we are, in late September 2018, and the character assassination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh demonstrates what should have been apparent all along: No man is safe from the destructive force of feminism.

Certainly, no Republican man is safe in the #MeToo age. Megan McArdle observes that Judge Kavanaugh is being treated as a symbol, “a stand-in for every privileged white man who ever got away with something he shouldn’t have . . . the distilled essence of the patriarchy,” a target in “the ritual scapegoating of members of a despised class.” He is like the Duke lacrosse team, who were smeared in one of those “ritual scapegoating” exercises that feminists routinely organize. The choice of targets for these rituals is often rather random, where the demonized symbols of “privilege” just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Consider, for example, the fate of Jack Montague at Yale University. He was the popular star of the basketball team, but it was 2016 and the feminist fever that accompanied Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign was nearing its boiling point. Yale had previously been accused of being too lenient on males accused of sexual misconduct, so when one of Montague’s ex-girlfriends decided she was a victim, Yale brought the hammer down on him. Montague is one of more than 100 male college students who have sued their schools, claiming they were falsely accused of sexual assault, then denied due process by administrators in the campus kangaroo courts where such claims are adjudicated.

Now we are seeing that the anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideology, which has wrecked the lives of so many college boys, is not limited to university campuses and, indeed, feminism recognizes no limits at all to its destructive power. A highly esteemed federal judge finds his reputation smeared because of uncorroborated claims dating back more than three decades, as Democrats and their media allies seek to deprive him of every protection of due process. What can be done?

The one thing we know about totalitarians is that it is folly to attempt to appease them, yet there is never any shortage of fools who have neglected to learn the lesson of Munich. David Solway has written an insightful examination of “feminism’s male enablers,” that Brotherhood of White Knights, the soi-disant “male feminists.” The three men Solway cites — Michael Kimmel, Steven Galloway and Jian Ghomeshi — were ultimately hoisted by their own petards, their careers blighted by accusations of sexual misconduct. Because feminist “success” is measured by how many men it destroys, there is no safety in being a “male ally” of the movement. On the contrary, such “allies” place themselves in peril by their proximity to feminists. A man is actually safer by declaring himself an enemy of feminists (and keeping his distance from them) than by attempting to befriend them. And it cannot be doubted that this is the lesson many men will learn from witnessing the attack on Brett Kavanaugh.

If nothing else, this confirmation fight has caused Republican leaders to discover their long-lost testicles. Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley sent Dianne Feinstein a blistering letter denouncing her smear tactics against Judge Kavanaugh, and Mitch McConnell told reporters today: “We’re going to be moving forward. I’m confident we’re going to win, confident that he’ll be confirmed in the very near future.”

The refusal of the GOP to retreat before this feminist onslaught may prove to be a turning point in the battle to save the American republic. Does that sound like hyperbole? Yes, I’m sure it does, in the same way it sounded crazy when I repeatedly said Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It.

Who’s crazy now, huh?


FMJRA 2.0: More Than A Feeling

Posted on | September 25, 2018 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: More Than A Feeling

— compiled by Wombat-socho

If you have to be blogging on the road because your home internet is dead, there are worse places than the 21-hour buffet at Palace Station.

Rule 5 Sunday: Happy Birthday, Fan Bingbing, Wherever You Are
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Democrats Pull the Sleaziest Smear in Their Long History of Sleazy Smears

Amazon’s Digital ‘Fahrenheit 451’

Memories Light the Corners of My Mind

Trauma Queen: What Do We Know About Christine Blasey Ford?
Animal Magnetism

FMJRA 2.0: A Day Late & A Dollar Short
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Judge Kavanaugh Doubles Down: ‘This Is a Completely False Allegation’

In The Mailbox: 09.17.18
Proof Positive

Late Night With In The Mailbox, 09.18.18
Proof Positive

Fake Hate, Fake Victim

Riot Police Summoned as Campus Rape ‘Crisis’ Hysteria Reaches Australia
The Political Hat

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 09.19.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Can the GOP Win the Kavanaugh Fight?

Good-Bye, ‘Blue Wave’? Clintonista May Lose Key House Race in Florida

In The Mailbox: 09.20.18
Proof Positive

Analysis: True

What Does ‘Credible’ Mean in 2018?

In The Mailbox: 09.21.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending September 21:

  1.  EBL (14)
  2.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

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Late Night With In The Mailbox: 09.24.18

Posted on | September 25, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

FMJRA will follow this post in an hour or two.

EBL: Kavanaugh, You Magnificent Bastard!
Twitchy: Unhinged Lefty Protesters Harass Sen. Cruz & Wife Into Leaving DC Restaurant
Louder With Crowder: Cocaine Mitch Just Went Postal On Anti-Kavanaugh Democrats

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – On Hiatus
American Power: Believe Him, also, Cal State Long Beach Retires “Prospector Pete”
American Thinker: The Burning Of Brett Kavanaugh
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Twitter Suspends Actor James Woods
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, The Niger Delta Pirates Strike Again
Da Tech Guy: Apartment Living & People, also, Report From Louisiana – What Fiscal Cliff? There Was A Fiscal Cliff?
Don Surber: Grassley & Trump Smoke Out The Democrats
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, The Yungar Hitler
First Street Journal: When The Washington Post Doesn’t Have Facts, It Resorts To Innuendo
Fred On Everything: Darwin’s Vigilantes, Reichard Sternberg, & Conventional Pseudoscience
The Geller Report: California Muslim Found With Two IEDs In Car, also, 34 Senate Democrats Urge Trump To Restore Terrorist Aid
Hogewash: It Ain’t A Case Of He Said/She Said Any More, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: False Memories
Legal Insurrection: Kavanaugh – “I Will Not Be Intimidated Into Withdrawing”, also, New Kavanaugh Accuser “Reluctant To Characterize Kavanaugh’s Alleged Role In Yale Incident With Certainty”
The PanAm Post: Colombia Takes Aim At “Narcotourism”, Closes Pablo Escobar Museum
Power Line: Democrats Dive Into The Mud, also, That’s Zinncredible
Shark Tank: Scott Points To Nelson & Gillum’s “Liberal-Socialist” Agenda
Shot In The Dark: Surge
The Political Hat: What Does A Socialist Dictator Do When People Flee?
This Ain’t Hell: I Am Tired Of The Fraud, also, When Killing The Enemy Is A Crime
Victory Girls: Is Ocasio-Cortez The Dumbest Congressional Candidate?
Volokh Conspiracy: Why We Shouldn’t “Just Enforce The Law”
Weasel Zippers: Yale Law Professors Cancel 31 Classes So Students Can Protest Kavanaugh, also, Administration Moves To Deny Green Cards To Immigrants On Welfare
Megan McArdle: Kavanaugh Has A Doppleganger – No, Not That One
Mark Steyn: Infany & Ongar, also, It’s Here, It’s There, It’s Everywhere

A Steaming Pile of Bad Journalism

Posted on | September 24, 2018 | 6 Comments


The most important fact about the Deborah Ramirez story in the New Yorker is that the same story was rejected by the New York Times, which spent a week chasing the story, interviewing dozens of Brett Kavanaugh’s Yale classmates, but was unable to verify Ramirez’s story. Perhaps more disturbing is that Jane Meyer, who co-wrote the New Yorker story with Ronan Farrow, told CBS that their reporting involved “an email chain of Yale classmates of Kavanaugh” discussing this claim.

Allahpundit is shocked, shocked by the shoddy journalism:

After 35 years of uncertainty, within the span of six days, Ramirez somehow recovered her memories sufficiently to accuse a Supreme Court nominee of having sexually assaulted her. And coincidentally, this memory recovery appeared to happen only after her classmates had begun emailing about Kavanaugh’s time at Yale following his nomination this summer. At some point, by Ronan Farrow’s own admission, Senate Democrats got involved in the process.
Robert VerBruggen raises a very obvious possibility: “These emails would appear to be important evidence regarding how this ball got rolling. They also may bear on the question of whether Ramirez’s memory closely matches the anonymous source’s simply because they’re both the account that was circulating while Ramirez was putting her memories together and contacting her former classmates. Let’s see them.” Yeah, let’s. . . .
I can’t imagine what Ronan Farrow was thinking attaching his name to such a journalistic sh*tpile, lacking not only even one first-hand witness to the incident but saddled with a victim whose memory he has every reason to believe is unreliable. He and Jane Mayer seem fully aware that the story is garbage too, per their careful framing of Ramirez’s accusation. It’s not that it’s true or even probably true, you see, it’s that Democrats are interested in it . . .

Speaking of credible reporting, a source told me today that White House staff are prepared for an all-out fight: “The Boss is not budging” — that is to say, President Trump is backing Judge Kavanaugh 100%.

Guess what? Americans like Republicans more than they like the media:

“Forty-five percent of Americans now have a favorable view of the Republican Party, a nine-point gain from last September’s 36%. It is the party’s most positive image since it registered 47% in January 2011, shortly after taking control of the House in the 2010 midterm elections.”

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


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