The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

If Fetterman Is Brain Dead, Maybe They Should Hook Him Up to Jumper Cables?

Posted on | February 28, 2023 | 1 Comment

Before I get to the context of the headline, first the news:

The office Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., released an update on Monday regarding his health after the Democratic Senator checked himself into a hospital for clinical depression earlier this month.
Fetterman’s communications director Joe Calvello said the Democratic senator was “doing well” and working with doctors as he “remains on the path to recovery.”
“He is visiting with staff and family daily, and his staff are keeping him updated on Senate business and news,” Calvello said in a statement.

So they say, but when was the last time they allowed anyone to actually see Fetterman? He has been unable to perform his Senate duties for weeks, so that Pennsylvanians effectively have half the Senate representation to which they are entitled. Pennsylvanians are starting to notice this, and one county GOP chairman took to Facebook on Monday to demand that Fetterman make a public appearance:

Because of the now confirmed lies that were told during the 2022 general election regarding the health of Senator John Fetterman, as well as the threats made against a journalist who interviewed him, the Washington County Republican Party refuses to take assurances from the Office of the Senator or Democrat operatives that Fetterman is able to carry out his duties as Senator. As such, we call upon Senator Fetterman to appear on camera to show us he is alive and well, and if he is unable to do so, we call upon our elected Representatives in Washington, Senator Casey and Congressman Reschenthaler, to intervene immediately.
Ultimately, if Fetterman is unable or unwilling to carry out his duties as a United States Senator, then we ask for his resignation and call for a special election to be held this year; no more lies or games.

What may have provoked this controversy was a weekend tweet from conservative talk-radio host John Cardillo:

Being told that Fetterman is essentially brain dead and it’s being hidden because keeping him in office until August 18th avoids a special election which Republicans would most certainly win.
This must be investigated.

A U.S. Senator is “essentially brain dead“?

Certainly this would be newsworthy, if true, and given that the public hasn’t actually seen Fetterman in weeks, how do we know if it’s true or not? Therefore, the burden is on Democrats to disprove this claim, and a mere statement claiming that Fetterman “remains on the path to recovery” won’t suffice. If, as his spokesman claims, Fetterman “is visiting with staff and family daily,” staying “updated on Senate business,” etc., then shouldn’t he able to make a brief public appearance, say a few words in front of the cameras, just to reassure Pennsylvanians that he is healthy? What are Democrats trying to hide?

The brilliance of Cardillo’s tweet about Fetterman being “brain dead” is that its very outrageousness requires a response. The wilder the rumor, the easier it should be to disprove, right? And so if Democrats fail to disprove it, people will naturally start to suspect maybe it is true.

This reminded me of one of the late Republican operative Lee Atwater’s most legendary moves. In 1980, Democratic state Sen. Tom Turnipseed ran for a South Carolina congressional seat, challenging incumbent Republican Rep. Floyd Spence. In media interviews, Turnipseed had previously disclosed getting electroshock treatments for depression when he was teenager. Working for the Spence campaign, Atwater was accused of “planting” questions with reporters about this, and when confronted with the accusation, Atwater’s reply was that he would not respond to allegations made by someone who had been “hooked up to jumper cables.” Some people were outraged by this comment, but it was a memorable sound bite — the phrase stuck in people’s minds — and Atwater kept repeating it until, on Election Day, Spence beat Turnipseed by a double-digit margin, 56%-44%. This is how you win elections.

Calling Fetterman “brain dead” may be an exaggeration, but the phrase is memorable, and if, as Fetterman’s spokesman claims, the Senator is “on the path to recovery,” why shouldn’t they be willing to demonstrate this by having Fetterman appear at a press conference? Also, while we’re asking questions, perhaps Fetterman’s spokesman can explain why the Senator’s wife took their kids and left the country.



WOW: Left-Wing Narrative on Train Wreck Debunked by … Washington Post?

Posted on | February 28, 2023 | 1 Comment

A broken clock is right twice a day, and even one of the most reliable liberal propaganda organs can’t deny Pete Buttigieg is a liar:

The Washington Post reviewed “every possible regulatory change” that was made under the Trump administration and found that none of them contributed to the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.
“We decided to examine every possible regulatory change made under Trump that could be related to the accident and assess whether it could have made an impact,” read a review published Monday by Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post.
“From our analysis, none of the regulatory changes made during the Trump administration at this point can be cited as contributing to the accident,” Kessler added.
The review of “every possible regulatory change” made under Trump was conducted after U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was called out for falsely claiming that a proposed rule withdrawn in 2018 (under the Trump administration) had contributed to the train disaster in Ohio.
Even a member of Biden’s own administration (National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chair Jennifer Homendy) called Buttigieg’s claims about the East Palestine train derailment “misinformation.”
On Thursday, the New York Times also acknowledged in a report that the claims that former President Donald Trump’s administration was responsible for the train derailment in East Palestine due to it rolling back a rail safety rule is inaccurate.
But by that point, it was already too late as the false claim initially made by Buttigieg on February 14 had already circulated on social media where people regurgitated the transportation secretary’s remarks, spreading confusion and falsehoods across the internet.

If even the Washington Post is compelled to side with Trump against Buttigieg, that’s really bad news for the Buttigieg 2024 campaign.



Rule 5 Monday: Lana Turner

Posted on | February 28, 2023 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

You can thank RazØrfist for this week’s babe, since he pointed out on Twitter something I hadn’t known about this sultry star: besides being a fine actress who did amazing things with sweaters, she was a fierce anticommunist and wound up on the blacklist of the commie union front group, which tried to stage a boycott of her films. Here she is in Imitation of Life
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.
ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Newsom Nuisance News, also, the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: MAGA – East Palestine, Crystal Gayle, Anna, Weirdo: Georgia Grand Jury ForemanHoliday Inn, Sugar Boy Crawford & The Dixie Cups, “Go To Mardi Gras”, Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin, Waterloo’s Warriors, and Physical 100.

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: Nicola Peltz – Good Enough for Hunter BidenMaryland Tightens Recreational Limits on He-CrabsFish Pic Friday – Heather Born to FishSome Thursday TanlinesLighten Up, GirlsWednesday WetnessPirates With a 501(c)(3)Tattoo TuesdayFlotsam and Jetsam for Monday MorningThe Monday Morning StimulusRIP: Stella StevensPalm SundayOregon, My Oregon and The Sins of the Mother

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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Good News From California

Posted on | February 27, 2023 | 1 Comment

Kristopher Julian Baca Jr.

Say hello to 17-year-old Kristopher Baca and, while you’re at it, go ahead and say good-bye, because this juvenile dirtbag is no longer depleting the earth’s supply of oxygen. You’ve never heard his name before, but you may remember a case that made national headlines last year:

A Los Angeles mom mowed down with her baby by a hit-and-run teen driver who was given just five months in a youth camp has lashed out at soft-on-crime District Attorney George Gascón during an early-release hearing — as she also revealed she is hightailing it out of the state due to fear.
“Nobody in the room actually believes that (the suspect) is a good kid,” the furious woman, identified as Rachel, said in a call into an LA County courtroom in Lancaster, Fox News reported.
“Look at what he did. Nobody changes who they are to the core in four months,” she complained.
The 16-year-old driver was ordered in June to participate in a diversionary program at a juvenile probation camp over the August 2021 incident involving a stolen car.
Shocking surveillance video showed the teen plowing directly into Rachel as she pushed her 8-month-old son in his stroller down a Venice street the morning of Aug. 6.

That juvenile car thief was Kristopher Baca. He was already on probation at the time for trying to drug a girl’s drink, “roofie,” as they call it. And yet, after an offense that was clearly attempted murder, Gascon’s office treated Baca as if he were guilty of nothing more than a traffic offense, and he walked out free after just a few months in what was basically summer camp. Oh, but karma is always the proverbial bitch:

A Los Angeles-area teenager who ran over a mother walking her child in a stroller in Venice in 2021 and received just a few months of diversionary camp as punishment was gunned down in Palmdale [Jan. 19], according to FOX News.
Kristopher Baca, 17, of Palmdale was found fatally shot on Wednesday on a driveway in the 38600 block of 11th Street East, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
FOX 11 had not previously identified Baca in connection with the Venice hit-and-run due to his age. He pleaded guilty in the hit-and-run case last year.
The Los Angeles County Coroner-Medical Examiner’s office confirmed Baca’s death Friday but said the examination was still pending. At this time, there is no indication that his death is connected to the hit-and-run case, and no suspect description was available.
Sources close to the investigation told FOX News that he had been at a fast food restaurant earlier trying to “get with a girl.”
“As he walked home alone, a car pulled up next to him and an argument broke out. Someone in the vehicle opened fire, then sped off,”
FOX News reported.

This is a sort of moral lesson that should be taught to children, the Parable of the Teenage Dirtbag, so that they learn what happens to young people who go astray. Even if they happen to be living in a car-thief’s paradise like L.A. where the District Attorney is objectively pro-crime, sooner of later that Big Wheel o’ Karma in the Sky is gonna turn, and the worthless punk will find himself bleeding out in somebody’s driveway.

Not since Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald has a murder victim’s death been less lamentable. Everybody in America is happy that Kristopher Baca got gunned down, a nearly ideal outcome. (I say “nearly ideal” because, without naming names, there are some people in California who deserve to die more than Baca did, IYKWIMAITYD.)



In Defense of Scott Adams

Posted on | February 27, 2023 | 2 Comments

As everybody knows now, “Dilbert” cartoonist Scott Adams has been #canceled because of what is being called a “racist rant” he posted on his daily video stream last week. An acquaintance who knows Adams passed along the word that Adams is wealthy enough that this is basically his way of taking early retirement. What’s most interesting in this controversy is that none of the people rushing to condemn Adams has even bothered to explain why what he said was wrong.

As a matter of fact, good luck finding any media outlet that has actually quoted Adams — at length, in context, so that readers can judge for themselves whether he said anything “racist.” When I went searching for a transcript, I couldn’t find one, nor did any media sources quote more than a few phrases from his “rant,” and this ought to be your first clue that maybe you’re being misled by the shrieking maniacs in this cancel-culture lynch mob. Click here to see for yourself the full “rant,” and perhaps many people would say Adams “went too far,” or suspect that maybe he was engaging in hyperbole, exaggerating for effect — which, if you think about it, is what his cartoons often do, exaggerating the behavior of people in office environments for comic effect.

Is it possible that Scott’s humor is too subtle for some people? During his “rant” (which wasn’t actually a rant), Adams says, “As you know, I’ve been identifying as black for a while — years now — because I like to be on the winning team.” Satire much? The claim of “identifying as black” is obviously a joke, intended to mock the likes of Rachel Dolezal or the whole “identity” thing, as such. With that humorous preamble, then, why are we supposed to treat what comes after it as entirely serious?

But that’s just how it is with cancel culture. The target of the shrieking mob is presumed guilty, and people are afraid to defend the target, lest they become tainted with guilt-by-association. Too many people buy into this mentality, believing that the accusation of “racism” (or “transphobia” or whatever) must always be treated seriously, as if the cancel culture lynch mob can be presumed to be acting in good faith. There must be something wrong with Adams, many people will assume, because why else would people be saying these things about him? Here, for example, is Lincoln Brown “defending” (?) Adams at PJMedia:

In an already polarized nation, Adams’ comments are the red meat over which the blue media salivates. The Daily Kos began its piece with the 1963 quote from former Alabama governor George Wallace, “I say, segregation today… segregation tomorrow… segregation forever.” The comparison was obvious. The Daily Beast’s headline called Adams “unhinged” and kicked off the article by calling him a Trump supporter. Because you can’t write a news piece today without mentioning Trump at least once.*
Adams did make some inflammatory comments. Calling 47% of blacks a hate group certainly qualifies. Urging white people to get away from black people has raised some eyebrows, as has his talking about his own decision to move. But he also quoted CNN’s Don Lemon as saying that there are problems in black neighborhoods that are not present in white neighborhoods. The Left can be as outraged as it wants, but Lemon said it. Start with him.
Was Adams’ video a racist rant, or the sound of a man giving up?

How about, neither? Consider the possibility that what Adams was doing was trying to call attention to a serious social problem and choosing, as his weapon, his accustomed hyperbole. Or as an alternative theory– if you think his remarks about white people needing to “get the hell away from black people” were meant literally — how about the possibility that Adams was merely guilty of saying out loud what a lot of white people (including liberal white people) actually do in their day-to-day lives. Like, when was the last time any of you crackers visited West Baltimore? Or do any of the people denouncing Scott Adams as racist have any intention to relocate to Philadelphia’s Tioga-Nicetown neighborhood?

Because I’m not a mind-reader, I won’t pretend to know what Scott Adams had in mind when he said what he said, but I know him to be an intelligent person who probably doesn’t plan to start painting swastikas on synagogues or fire-bombing black churches to express his “racism.” Nor do I think he intends to incite anyone else to “hate crimes.” The risk of oppressed minorities being attacked by “Dilbert” fans is probably close to zero. The idea of Scott Adams as a 21st-century Hitler is ludicrous and yet, because the shrieking mob of lunatics is yelling “RAAAAACISM!” at the top of their lungs, every newspaper in the country has to cancel the only comic strip that is still funny. Perhaps the best thing you can do is to order some Dilbert books like Eagerly Awaiting Your Irrational Response, or maybe some Dilbert T-shirts, and then go spray-paint swastikas all over the place. No, wait — that was a joke!

You can never be too careful about this stuff nowadays.



NFL Star: ‘Hey, New York Taxes Suck!’

Posted on | February 27, 2023 | Comments Off on NFL Star: ‘Hey, New York Taxes Suck!’

Buffalo Bills strong safety Jordan Poyer is one of the best defensive backs in the NFL. If you’re a quarterback going up against the Bills, your first read is to figure out where Poyer is, and then throw the ball somewhere else. (Just ask Lamar Jackson what happens if you throw it near Poyer.) When he signed a contract extension with the Bills three years ago, it was worth $9.7 million a year, but this year, Poyer’s a free agent, and it doesn’t seem likely he’ll be sticking around Buffalo:

When discussing where he would like to play, money was a major factor for Poyer. Last year, he made $5.6 million, but was open about how he felt on the taxes that were taken from that number.
“A lot of people ask me, ‘Oh, if it wasn’t Buffalo, where would you go?’ I kind of ponder the question every once in a while,” Poyer said . . . “I would love to go to a state that doesn’t take half my money. It’s crazy to me how taxes work. Some people will say, ‘You’re already making X amount of money.’ Taxes play a big part in all of our lives.”
In 2022, New York had the highest tax burden in the country at 12.75 percent, according to CNBC. Poyer made more in 2022 than he did with his 2019, 2020 and 2021 salaries combined, and the impact of the taxes was clearly felt by the safety.
If he wants a place without state income tax, there are multiple locations with no income tax and an NFL team that could be options.

Tennessee (Titans), Nevada (Las Vegas Raiders), Texas (Dallas Cowboys, Houston Texans), and most of all Florida (Jacksonville Jaguars, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Miami Dolphins) would seem the most promising relocation spots for Poyer, if avoiding state income taxes is his top priority in free agency. Because I’m a Patriots fan, I’d prefer Poyer to exit the AFC East, so scratch Miami off the list, and frankly it would be better if he left the AFC altogether, which eliminates the Titans, the Raiders, the Texans and the Jags. Looking at the 2023 Patriots schedule, I see they’ve got an away game at Dallas, so therefore the ideal location for Poyer is Tampa Bay. Best wishes, Bucs fans! Certainly, there’s no hope that Poyer would consider an offer from New England, because the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts is scarcely better than New York.



FMJRA 2.0: Home Is Nevada

Posted on | February 26, 2023 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Home Is Nevada

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I had a good weekend at Confinement; didn’t sleep as much as I should have, but I managed to control my nibbling and my jeans feel a tad looser, so I have that going for me. Also talked to a bunch of folks about all kinds of stuff, and got some useful advice about setting up Son of Silvercon later this year. So that was good. Still, I’m glad to be hanging out in the Nashville airport, waiting for my flight and listening to a gal who has a voice reminiscent of Dolly Parton’s singing what the bar crowd wants to hear, because I’m going home via Vegas.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

We’re not kidding.

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News From Gwinnett County, Georgia

Posted on | February 25, 2023 | Comments Off on News From Gwinnett County, Georgia

Before proceeding to the latest news, this seems like a convenient opportunity for me to remind you that that you can purchase a 7-horsepower wood chipper from Amazon for $659 through our associates program, which pays me a modest commission on all products purchased through our affiliated links, at no cost to you. And you might say to yourself, “What would I do with a 7-horsepower wood chipper?” Trust me, it could come in handy, and you might soon decide you need one.

Missing teen rescued from suspected
sex traffickers at Gwinnett Walmart

Three men are in jail and a 14-year-old is back home after police say they arrested human traffickers at a Gwinnett County Walmart.
Police say the men trafficked the teen for nearly two weeks.
Not everyone can spot a human trafficking victim out in public.
Lawrenceville police say one of their officers did just that when he rescued the 14-year-old from three men accused of trafficking her.
“They don’t cry out for help,” said Camila Zolfaghari, executive director at Street Grace, which helps victims of human trafficking in the metro. “It’s a great sign that this officer clearly had been trained to look for signs, look for signs of trafficking.”
Zolfaghari said it’s common for traffickers to manipulate their victims.
“Usually, they try to protect their trafficker because their traffickers told them, ‘Hey, if you tell them what’s going on, you’re going to get in trouble,’” Zolfaghari said.
On Wednesday night, Lawrenceville police responded to a call at the Walmart on Collins Hill Road about a child in distress.
Police said the officers figured out that the 14-year-old is a victim and was reported as a missing person out of Cobb County.
Investigators arrested three men and say they forced the girl into prostitution for 13 days inside of an apartment on Maddox Street. . . .
Police say the girl has been returned to Cobb County where she can get physical and emotional help.
The three men remain in jail with no bond.

Why are they being held on no bond? Perhaps because if they get turned loose, they might have a tragic accident involving a wood chipper.

(Hat-tip: Derek Hunter on Twitter.)



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