The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feds Say Hanukkah Attacker’s Journals Referenced Black Hebrew Israelite Cult

Posted on | December 30, 2019 | Comments Off on Feds Say Hanukkah Attacker’s Journals Referenced Black Hebrew Israelite Cult


This seems so predictable:

The New York man accused of stabbing five people at a rabbi’s home during a Hanukkah celebration this past weekend was charged Monday with federal hate crimes as details are emerging about a series of handwritten journals found at his home that the FBI says appear to “express anti-Semitic sentiments.”
Grafton Thomas is now facing five counts of obstructing the free exercise of religious beliefs by attempting to kill with a dangerous weapon and causing injuries. The 37-year-old already was charged with five counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary following the incident that unfolded Saturday night in Monsey, N.Y., which officials have described as an anti-Semitic act of “domestic terrorism.” Thomas’ bail has been set at $5 million and he is scheduled to appear at a federal court Monday afternoon.
Law enforcement officials who searched Thomas’ home in Greenwood Lake found handwritten journals that appear to “express anti-Semitic sentiments,” an FBI agent wrote in a federal complaint filed Monday.
The journals question “why [people] mourned for anti-Semitism when there is Semitic genocide” and claim the “Hebrew Israelites” took from the “powerful [people] (ebinoid Israelites).” They also contained references to “Adolf Hitler” and “Nazi Culture” on the same page as drawings of symbols such as the Star of David and a swastika, the complaint says.
“The term ‘ebinoid Israelites’ appears to be a reference to the ‘Black Hebrew Israelite’ movement, in which groups of African-Americans assert that they are the descendants of the ancient Israelites,” the FBI agent wrote in the complaint. The male suspect in a recent mass shooting at a kosher supermarket in Jersey City, N.J., was a follower of the Black Hebrew Israelite group, NBC New York previously has reported.
A phone recovered from Thomas’ car also contained Internet searches for “Why did Hitler hate the Jews” and “German Jewish Temples near me,” the agent wrote. . . .
Thomas’ family, through a statement issued by his attorney, said he has “a long history of mental illness and hospitalizations” yet has “no history of like violent acts and no convictions for any crime.
“He has no known history of anti-Semitism and was raised in a home which embraced and respected all religions and races,” the statement added. “He is not a member of any hate groups.”

OK, let’s be clear about mental illness and motives: If some white psychotic with “a long history of mental illness and hospitalizations” had attacked a rabbi’s home during Hanukkah, nobody would hesitate to blame the “alt-right,” and everybody on CNN would be talking about the “climate of hate” for which Trump is allegedly to blame. But let a black psychotic commit such a crime and — hang on while I change the TV channel to CNN — no, there’s no connect-the-dots political blame-game, no “national conversation” attempting to shift responsibility onto Jew-hating Democrats like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

Any radical ideology that inspires violent acts of “lone wolf” terrorism will predictably appeal to crazy people. It doesn’t matter whether the ideology is Marxism or environmentalism or some kind of racial extremism, violent psychotics are always attracted to belief systems that furnish a pretext to justify their homicidal rage. Because we live in a society where the media elite are overwhelmingly partisan Democrats, however, the connection between crazy people and radical ideology is only considered newsworthy if the terrorist can be linked (however tenuously) to the “far right,” so that the accusing finger of blame can be pointed toward the Republican Party. The media will forget Grafton Thomas as quickly as they have forgotten Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson.




UPDATE: Texas Church Shooter Identified as Homeless Criminal Keith Kinnunen

Posted on | December 30, 2019 | 1 Comment

More than 24 hours since he was shot dead:

At a news conference Sunday night, White Settlement Police Department Chief J.P. Bevering told reporters the gunman — who has yet to be identified — had sat down in a pew before getting up, taking out a shotgun and firing at a parishioner, who was killed.
FBI special agent in charge, Matthew DeSarno, said the gunman had been arrested multiple times in the past. He said he was “relatively transient” but had roots in the area.

So they know who he is, but they don’t want us to know. Very curious.

UPDATE: Crazy people are dangerous:

The man who fatally shot two people at a White Settlement Church on Sunday before he was killed by church security has been identified as a 43-year-old River Oaks man with a criminal record, according to two law enforcement sources.
Keith Thomas Kinnunen had a criminal record in Tarrant County including charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in 2009 and theft of property in 2013. . . .
Kinnunen also was arrested in September 2016 for possession of an illegal weapon in Linden, New Jersey after he was found taking pictures outside an oil refinery, according to news reports at the time. . . .
At the time of his New Jersey arrest, Kinnunen also had a warrant for his arrest in Oklahoma for aggravated assault, reported.

Another criminal psycho allowed to wander free.


Report: Suspect in Anti-Semitic Terrorism May Be Linked to Earlier Attack

Posted on | December 29, 2019 | 1 Comment


The New York Post:

Authorities are investigating whether Grafton Thomas, the man charged in a machete attack on Hanukkah celebrants in Monsey, is tied to a recent stabbing near a village synagogue, a law-enforcement official told The Post on Sunday.
Details of the incident under investigation were unclear, but a 30-year man was beaten and repeatedly knifed while walking to the Mosdos Meharam Brisk Tashnad religious center in Monsey around 5:30 a.m. on Nov. 20, the Journal News reported at the time.
The victim, a father of four, was so badly brutalized that cops were initially told he’d apparently been hit by a car, officials said.
Ramapo Police Chief Brad Weidel told reporters that the man was “approached from behind by one or more individuals” and stabbed with an unidentified weapon that wasn’t immediately recovered.
The FBI joined that investigation and authorities were working to enhance low-quality surveillance video shot from afar, the Journal News reported earlier this month.

By the way, the targeting of this community in Rockland County was almost certainly not a coincidence. More than 30% of Rockland County’s population is Jewish, making it one of the largest Jewish communities in the United States. Grafton Thomas lived about 20 miles north of there, in Orange County, and obviously was aware of where these synagogues were located. People in Greenwood Lake, where Thomas grew up, said he was quiet and had played basketball as teenager. There are reports that Thomas played college football in 2005-2006, and that he later lived in Brooklyn before moving back home with his parents, but so far nothing to explain when or why he became a dangerous Jew-hater.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, liberals want to blame “right wing kooks.”



Armed Christian Stops Church Attack

Posted on | December 29, 2019 | 1 Comment

Don’t mess with Texas:

Multiple people were reportedly shot at a church in Texas on Sunday and a reporter who claimed to have viewed video footage of the attack suggested that armed churchgoers stopped the attacker.
The attack happened in White Settlement, which is on the western edge of Fort Worth, Texas, at the West Freeway Church of Christ.
“MedStar spokeswoman Macara Trusty confirmed that one person died at the scene of the shooting, one person died en route to a hospital, and another person was transported to a hospital in critical condition,” The Dallas Morning News reported. “The shooter is believed to be one of those three people, said Fort Worth Fire Department spokesman Mike Drivdahl.”
Bobby Ross Jr., Editor-in-Chief of The Christian Chronicle, tweeted out a link to a live stream video from the church that showed the shooting take place. The video has since been set to private on YouTube.
“It appears that a gunman shot two church members at back of auditorium with a footlong weapon, then a member shot the gunman with a pistol,” Ross wrote. “This is just based on me watching the video again. Screaming afterward in the church. So tragic. Two quick shots at back, then another shot. Then at least three members (I believe) with pistols [walking] toward where the gunman appeared to fall.”
CBS News Dallas reported that a witness confirmed to them that another church member shot the suspect.

We don’t know the attacker’s identity or motive yet, but thank God for the Texas law that allows people to keep their guns in church.


‘Domestic Terrorism’: Anti-Jewish Attack Suspect Identified as Grafton Thomas

Posted on | December 29, 2019 | Comments Off on ‘Domestic Terrorism’: Anti-Jewish Attack Suspect Identified as Grafton Thomas


Few specifics on the attacker’s background are known yet:

The accused attacker of a group of Orthodox Jews during the Hannukah celebration in Rockland County is Grafton Thomas, 38, it was revealed in court.
Thomas, of Greenwood Lake, NY, was arrested in Harlem less than two hours after storming into the basement of a rabbi’s house in Monsey, a hamlet about 30 minutes north of the city, and stabbing five people.
CNN, which first named the suspect, reports that Thomas’s license plate was captured while coming over the George Washington Bridge in his Nissan Sentra around 11:45 p.m.
The accused attacker was taken up to Ramapo Police headquarters around 4 a.m.
He faces five counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary, according to Police Chief Brad Weidel.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo called the attack “act of domestic terrorism” Sunday morning and has vowed to make changes to state law to strengthen prosecution against such acts.

More news:

The suspect in a machete attack on Jewish worshipers celebrating Hanukkah was ordered held on $5 million bail, a local official said.
Grafton Thomas was arraigned on five counts of attempted murder in the Saturday night incident, Ramapo Town Supervisor Michael Specht tweeted Sunday.
Thomas is due back in court on Jan. 3, Specht said.

We can expect more information on the suspect to develop.



Report: Black Man With Machete Attacks Rabbi’s Home During Hanukkah Party

Posted on | December 29, 2019 | 1 Comment


The attack happened Saturday night in Monsey, N.Y., in the Rockland County suburbs, about 30 miles from New York City:

A frightening attack at a Hanukkah celebration in the home of a rabbi in a suburb north of New York City on Saturday night placed the entire New York region on edge and had public officials vowing to stop the violence.
The assault in Monsey, N.Y. — by a machete-wielding suspect who drove away but whom authorities believe was the man they apprehended later — continued a string of incidents in recent weeks that have included beatings of Jewish people on the streets of New York City and a massacre at a kosher grocery store in nearby Jersey City, N.J.
Five people were wounded at what public records say was the home of Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg, who leads a nearby synagogue. Soon after the attack, video posted on social media showed emergency responders frantically transporting victims on gurneys to waiting ambulances.
“I was praying for my life,” Aron Kohn, 65, who was inside the house at the time, told The New York Times. “He started attacking people right away as soon as he came in the door. We didn’t have time to react at all.”
Those wounded were taken to local hospitals for treatment, Ramapo police Chief Brad Weidel told The Associated Press. There was no immediate information on the severity of their injuries.

A suspect was reportedly arrested later in Harlem:

Shortly after the stabbings, authorities arrested a black male in a car with licenses plate that had been identified by witnesses at the scene.
“Our suspect is a tall, black male, about 6-foot-3 who was involved in this incident.” [Ramapo police chief Brad] Weidel confirmed that New York State police and NYPD intelligence are aiding in the investigation.

Just yesterday, leftists were freaking out because New York City’s mayor had announced police protection for the Jewish community there.

UPDATE: ‘Domestic Terrorism’: Anti-Jewish Attack Suspect Identified as Grafton Thomas


Blue-Check SJWs Freak Out After NY Mayor Announces Protection for Jews

Posted on | December 28, 2019 | 2 Comments


Finally, Bill de Blasio has done the right thing:

New York City is increasing its police presence in some Brooklyn neighborhoods with large Jewish populations after an uptick in possible anti-Semitic incidents, Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Friday.
As many as 8 anti-Semitic incidents were being investigated.
“Since December 13 we’ve noticed eight hate crimes that are alarming to us. We are investigating them thoroughly with our hate crimes task force,” Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison said. “We treat them very seriously and we make sure that our investigators do their best to do what we can to bring the individuals to justice.”
In the most recent incidents, a man wearing a hoodie apparently walked into Lubavitch World Headquarters on Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights at 7 a.m. Friday and stated he was going to shoot up the place. The man then walked away, in the direction of the Utica Avenue subway station. . . .
Besides making officers more visible in Borough Park, Crown Heights and Williamsburg, police will boost visits to houses of worship and some other places, the mayor tweeted.
“Anti-Semitism is an attack on the values of our city – and we will confront it head-on,” he wrote.
Mayor de Blasio met with leadership at Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters on Friday afternoon.
“Anyone who commits a hate crime, we will find them and we will prosecute them – no exceptions,” de Blasio said after the meeting.
Anti-Semitic crimes have been on the increase since mid-December, officials said.

Remember the deadly Dec. 10 attack just across the river in Jersey City, which was connected to the Black Hebrew Israelites cult. This followed months of reports of anti-Semitic harassment in New York perpetrated by black teenagers. Because the suspects were “people of color” (POC), these hate crimes were an embarrassment to the Left, which wants to blame Trump for increasing anti-Semitism. This is why the national news media, which goes into 24/7 coverage mode over any “hate crime” that can be blamed on right-wingers, politely ignored the increasing reports of black hoodlums harassing Jews in New York City. The progressive SJW backlash against De Blasio’s announcement was predictable.


David Klion is worried that “tens of thousands of people” are going to suffer “real costs” as a result of an increased law-enforcement presence to prevent hate crimes in New York’s Jewish neighborhoods. Klion seems to imply that arresting perpetrators of hate crimes is a bad thing, if the perpetrators are “POC.” Who thinks this way? Commies, that’s who — no joke. Klion is news editor of Jewish Currents, which began in 1946 as a propaganda organ of the Communist Party USA. Oh, sure, they “officially” ended their Communist affiliation after Khrushchev admitted the brutal reality of Stalin’s dictatorship, but Jewish Currents has never abandoned its Marxist/anti-American worldview. This explains Klion’s implacable hatred of cops, even when the cops are protecting Jews!


NYPD are going to “terrorize Black and Brown people,” according to Sophie Ellman-Golan, who was deputy director of communications for the anti-Trump Women’s March (led by Jew-hater Linda Sarsour). Ellman-Golan describes herself as a “social justice activist with a background in racial and gender justice, queer liberation, and anti-police violence organizing.” Apparently “social justice” means hating cops and defending the perpetrators of anti-Semitic hate crimes.


Michael Moore Humbly Declares Himself the Only Good Kind of White Guy

Posted on | December 27, 2019 | 1 Comment


His ego is nearly as bloated as his belly:

Michael Moore declared that white people “are not good people” and that you should “be afraid” of them in an interview on “The Rolling Stone” podcast “Useful Idiot.” Moore warned people that if they see a group of 3 white men approaching them that they should cross the street because at least 2 of them voted for Trump.
“I refuse to participate in post-racial America,” Moore said. “I refuse to say because we elected Obama that suddenly that means everything is okay, white people have changed. White people have not changed.”
“Two-thirds of all white guys voted for Trump. That means anytime you see three white guys walking at you, down the street toward you, two of them voted for Trump. You need to move over to the other sidewalk because these are not good people that are walking toward you. You should be afraid of them,” Moore warned.
Moore joked that the “other guy” with the group of three whites are people “like him” that didn’t vote for Trump.
“We’re traitors to our race, that’s how they see us,” Moore said of pro-Trump white people.

Republican voters — all 62.9 million of us — are so dangerous you should cross the street to avoid us, but Michael Moore? Oh, he’s a saint!

Remember when Michael Moore’s ex-wife sued him claiming he swindled her out of millions of dollars? Yeah, he’s such a class act.


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